Whitby Keystone, 3 May 1906, p. 7

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t ou Ie Ibm ut t , d 011r LANEOUSt IfIDIATELY 'IWO OIRA ««aa of ase or t ioultol tvula Ln a privlLtO t&M.lYI eâbeg1ris. Ai aesl G"00. 1.(LUO 4 HAninI* rPost Cards r 500; M0. SI: 2w. P;M.e l1argclt an'i fineatst eoeK tied. $3; albûuii. ail priovL oronto. Ont.v -Soth-yrup ehQuM Ida- 6000obo tbi.gunma. cur« r te ,Wy for DIar- EMAI~PIIL.Sw I bd" 1,111» bave 1l,.'n u.e u Prtu by P Ibo inakeri nrltmo 0=1P .Irta dvtu4 and i U a I ut ROY PILL CO., I3îI. imltf1Cahi tain and the CabbLy. tqry illktrates th% is- Livingfa & icl e icoin- Iafter one's OWM n naL lie 'lan WTxîflto,.h had a tc 1abiman abofut lIOfa.. Who 1 am 1 idaignolty ghadr I a ltho bie- edcabby.; 'l'Il hav y ~R3S ~flECUR> MlgCUSof this Ment 0@. is poim3onGui urte acld tu bAmrerran RbeUMatlO Cure acêld PolaorL Rtellevu taO In l1 te 3 days.-40. I11gb Expendi ture. lng at ý0 fearful r*t* sud >V», proft. The land la x riches wbo, au the slang rhave "monoTy to bura" and w, are bettorlng Lbe instrue- of building and living bas t ta a levei on which it cal% ,y long. As thé aid adage beggar On bortoback and ho tdevil." ' -rolDthe preoent wiibe broken by the *o na lnthe *addle. Atter in of rtipoët, repentance aid DIFFEUENCE 1etne-RaId cures au7f orm sîlI.,are sinplyamern soug e'rerycai6 wtliipue Il br'i, suit or oeilPumad imishes froru bornes, blod îplints, ringbane, aweena", s, ore and swollen t.hroat ave $50 by use of one bot.- eVh moit wonderful Bè& and Nolsy Lettera. l ew Yorki Mail.) spelling. rut out the sulent ut out the ones îlîi-. ut i a e, ve cinnhbainome pba.oe C. ir SCa rpIs d in .wla ]R version Ge m enes. "haue e-OWil, pcil& ema a10 the,. 0f thé easterna hor.,it a 1 miila the. adjaeent mounta.tn, and , tii. Village foumd a ateep plate 6s tingtkLeutory of the swine." the ,with cefls upon their aides for the tion of the dead.' Such tomba Cam betluoed in more tisan onfla the Wnes on. the easetrn side of the ~ak.'Bib. A man-M-%atthsw men- WonetW me'>. Mark and Luake spea.k nlç.one, probab y thse fiercer af thse tin'o t.hou t denFing that two w-ere heo.Ied., UndleaûipirYt-"-ýCailed unclean becaW the t;pirit defike~d both body and 8otiý th1e outward filtb beng a type uf tise'Iu*îrd defiltînent. Thse original îayi,,IW'an uncleiin apirit, in the powr of ýýr the influence and dominion of, 3,>uIld bind him-Attempts had beeus rnalêSEot: binél hlm because lis was ex- cee3fyfierce (Matt. viii. 28). Luke tels that h. wa.s naked. 4. FetLets alnns--'ctters wm er frhVe.fceet; Seh _ .0 Tame im-fit was impossibe Vo bis wild, savage nature under rtiit TIseée feats of îtrength arc oft&,,4Xhi.bted by niad mnen. 5Z.Wîi*ht andi day-H. wat dsprived of Slsqçý _Mountains ...ton*Rs,-M e tbe deiàidoc had bis hlome; , 'U & we4 ý,utemsts Ias sge Jà tbii 46*0lu vil*,for that ag e bail no provision for l,.," l1*thiti1tl1Cl. Pif#tio trtuW re gif Le of crist, anUq4ulty knneW uh'tI of tbemn, or of the spirit that -woîîlul oduce thein." C7n-~~hywl rIzdous yelle. Cutting himbelf-Here la, an inIPrq#8iý pitu'e QI w i11 woul'become uni~r 'té £bÙtr uWim nl ion off S;atan. 11, Thec demonise goes to Christ and lai d@lj.vered (vset6-i3)1-# Ranffld %uuship- pedZ-As a 0a ýt tret* w rd Chlst but ý*h41ider tý4 1 4#ce Of tho domons- ho deuire to ' witCdr'i fres Chiiet. 7. And cried,- etc.-It is impoli sii à to accouni for bis 4traffl conl bipuseans of a wonderful power i 3eaust for the utterAflcý 0« IMMlgi wlikh! camnesauIt ýWèf. *WOM , aeing withirtrnt n rI fel ttC Wi*uagto th4 ,P *t r t 'itn' To'rd eIarir, retMinlig tlid! f et 'cf' pUn.esal4or à or ttlP -Odet Pa4*u eof .the de#ils..out et thse Ini 1 to %e[swàne bvle ocras0r1ii1o Jletua o11 n unôther hypothe ~sthA»upthe eXitece of«blîîga suîperin ucd'Upod me.lî()edon. To do with tisse-iAtelri ally Nhnttberh4s , e id met %,Vhat batvé w I by interferest, tlou wit.h us?--m. 111h. Thé deviii iL once recogaiz theïr great eiiomi with divine owe. IT {lDent Mbl spm8 out which ceoIts ILt a-- sen iiot. to h e - %ed te tanet he M and an iAjurY 1e iltc/ hu Ll 110 usore pertnitted to e 1eI~rçI Other$ 9. What -là thy nàame- îekid -the mag,,(ii$ 1j#e d",io0h) nainein order to geL bis attention an& brW ii iit -0l101ff8Q i w I)eronality. Leglb:The demnon îtiswer' ed, speukig tsruih tise man- Tise RO- man region eonstid of abW 9t s"' bo sai4~ men.Thse Word bas-cintoma Iosugh 4ne don e£t'w' was le astlorlty ovri m. Out ofthéi eoutry-This lis explSlncd ia lats vIii. 31.'lliey did m ot,'wibt' bc. 0" "tl t1îà, ; Vth at ta-tist"e abYU of thin Pori ed.iisç i I l t e n u fth hAroeetea Hm by Iea.vag o .tu megthem Who 1a"4 -W themto repontanoe." 20. eoapoe- Fr tudk , an. id p OU&0a, esqý11 l en citica. "When tuseRomainglu&ereci Co 0 ~~ oedcountjgy wh nexep- tion ,the~y alil iayasI e1 the. jaç4@A and.east aid ontheaut o! theiime6" Galiles. ' The Dame vans.1&Wempleyed Vo denote a large district extending 6i iÃŽdes of the JordanL" PÂACTICAL APPLICÂTiON& - «"I)welling among the tombe" (V.>3). it is an unnatural thing for a humais b.- iug to live among the tombe. ýA48Wub indcates deAUs. IV la eonstrUCýtcdfor lt only as dutr or aisetioti catis in that direction. "ýWhy aeek y. ti* lwirg ati. oxg Vise dead" (Luke 24, 5), ise wretch- cd demoac w as more contented jamogï ths dead tisan among the liing. Tise r as a sympathy, an aftînity, between The w vise&te away f rom God are in 'a ian of- deatai, "de-ad in -trespaseff aid stu#" (Epb. 9: 1). Tisey are dead la' these mnue o bein vithout tise lite of ths ou e wiso dwell among ho ms. l lae o vivie I ,a 6deadl o, ho' eot heg-en, are deait toecomfmunirn (,4)WiIe t!iis mratte do". net fur- "siehi eifI~alu# bfChitiasuat t encjet tbere are tacto state4 tlhat inn i tien. àIJs#egecte -humaai nature is *1 tMjWyopok ",«t au untsuss.Tise 09= nature is aset stibc4 te thse lav 0f a'oul, ,ir it indéeà'êeau hé" (1tom. S; 7.) Af ii.deài oculd hPot lameý 4i m .au u re .10ecould turne timàl ~no mnuluable to subdue h4 owu ijId 'belliou, natwre and rnalke stCrit jkebt'ts Ioy é rj eable ta uub- ue and ransform the vildeat disposi- "4Coen eut of thseman»" (V. 91- Jesun pjroceeded la tisacsec on tiese uppositi.>n biLt--thère was si*iictIsiisg woag «* tt lmn Theicunclean apirit cOuýld costr->Il - 1Oe mai whom lic inhiabîted, huit ble owaddWesed 'by o00e *110 ipeks witb. :thnrity.. It igt Jeduu Who spolie to tis , intl and Lt~lt,i41hin -liute *pke to:tse'deal! sots Ã"!tbc wldew 01 nain "A>se, asd he mn t up; Ad vise sow Say$ to tise demon. ICorne ont <ït "the MDis."1 IL*as noV lit tisernatur ~ta n'viatiow or e die., fex- ort*tigne hbut o = 8ii. lauoul4 bave k'nrc bigoxdial ftet e* iand off Vhe Son etf(Q>4, vii.cme bisr9 N, orLs n1queror. li WR, I not les o ultitlieh. lu 1ed 4ô go.. lie viiiargue and p!esad ý raltvii ute'M floter * P4emi ia goodtiug te inlong to a 4ýurch, h.,hia a master. M ',jesu the si> taConqueror. 4*-e ise lut. tis if e ousmt,r(e -3) - lite w'bna Dtre$lru% osa i V tii. piritet en com0-1<% t a ide Th~ DO. Trouble6 to Ha for The tuis yb"dbel Nds id t elaI- -cldstart-eit my » MT:WAL;0 t uu i ams a coutrsîto&Wai 1biàlçer - and ~~jI~in~bdh 'iase prctty I .eJuba a Vise 1bae fbmmuie1. é ir îi( neloinsi ness a0; k atara "saWoid;iW tii1~ a hick vw dak »diment Tien I knew tise nd.m"wwelte . @ I ,îitoot KIdney Pille ad they soon put ed *hba1ia lêr~~. itiharo-A trouble with myj kidasys gilace."- WITII TURKVý GÂRRSONIll EGyPT STRENG Secretary et State for Ceoles au Anounicemeut la theE .R t .Vomon-4aet7 of pe3f 8.14V. be ZA& lu Vo Se iîcreasd aBd tise detpatchem ta htcanuntry t Ondo mte is aTîilait nov passing direct biveuCQU;Vtî'i umpi idLsiea ..rsqtqaCar .esoude 7i.rltOs svOi Lord Croiner, . A*% s'Ey have formalîr demaasdd Vta rsolîiV s«sbe ImmediatelT'teken. Tise Perte bsas becin ntified that if tise n7tàtWm -axe turtiier iiiiiceuairiW, delyç - týprotrioVed, ?t>ier nta, M viii b. Vakeps. Tnhslàaction iL 1$u.e- lieidtvm, ' a. tht for 'or' a navalj dsiubmltiattiu -ind tbe oCupiîion ' ifý *Oo-, ~ Turkish 1lik gmi Ie.A~en Ses. 'risc .crp,4yineat cf a land l turc-c Ia tb neîihoed et Tabahis lanet 1V les umoreci lu Caira that tulâey là concentrating a eonuidtrable terce etof. i-auhwide of" sSSciiLS c shad bem n p»tree t 16ae peage lee âu te t VIwvry greateat ,ed#Issttty buto!f h aisgreat ve r fctvllixationî - Ue&Ustndt a om peril. Tisee rsx o! - *ý" t lit ti tewtisat *qprkevis- desîtigl *agrsgts y paiyo! s eonmtderuhie pottieî et tise native jtOgsiu ýiatê It je u blieved. tsttibia' psiu'eset et -tr oop te yt viiirai* teavua ftou e , t, ApIl M Ie oue «gOs. idar 'trh# 4bey 000eb, berut, k 4x-4 wt isemeau îms cîtmp0 sI i Ise twssqth.et lte partie« lua .~p.aed visttier it . u t ertant Oinou> tQâI bietat tisere, due. tû f "Sr s tkrm'u1>IE iwnssm le nee"usqfor ins1 w14 litaiy cwue m eiaou outaidé th*ê Prime,) ipist s reildence, whicob oompaitims d1é~oêt at,tbe np- tore'a poli.rqpaute qis. it~ the&y ofered tLir ames -anc& adm iïàs In I their hasty 'dkiartul!. ,tbée.'torgot tboir bair.viei snoapo"' 0e Ltropbîes o 'tbe ariapPary poilc. TI Iplhon%, ie~nos*a~ hsart of William Re-dmond bledttosu them, but )irbraiïdx. rtiu ta It was a beh if c.rey totur, ï& out. di&litiet h ir ts b~m Ep*Uajf thesý. dyh.oeugtt Clash h e police 'n' i tl itxiefl. HiI, takng Ch.strle biçeton 5î* tomai. suffrage ,pamphlets, cnused îuéh crowls 'e~~ml ~ttbpy' bloeked- traffti Th*a polies cêlnpel)e& tise omèa, to mpve Pa'. Albtoeotth.do- stratàrs ibstndaned thoir mliason.,h4 the lait one held out santil the poiIce bad d1%- ludged bhe r itmfiften 'ifri cs WILL KNQW ,EI GUI SO0S NU !> '10 eOTRàUSLTi PRÂYýIe Elteoo.oR -FORS Gu=.. Neetlug o! 0eaerfi'~Debxd et Misslauai$' Sisclet, ot"Ci*t~bot Zng1an<.-.Nzs~ s10îudes Al4torei for Wo:ka*~nu" Euaths' Recaipta..' ,Toronto deapateis:. Au it lasnreited by the *Wht19 b"qiamops t i& a 1 y.." ýWetIloely stel1'hyowsg ýppein the -we*tetis Pawinccrn twill, apealt e,~ lias, tise Geeral B0aoa- thé isi ""Y' sole'ty 'e t te (3sur etEmci ' 0&"eid iyesterrday -not Votrauslate; ttWs ekaier '-ook Îîft, tàs Iaïzuaget UsMe was e'eted taNorthweat 'muW9ouIi tise elfdeia ~1erngtpif-b arastk .o ani the lits .nemhersiiip fniÀt'l O Trmýj.mc Tresm'I- urer, Ut. 0. lA. 0 $18.276, double týis amuît la 'thïune period '1*5Vyu* mIr. Gorge .R Meller and 41sz "Çota' Dowson #,wanpproyod,,by tise '»oaid as thselir em Or ut.h oforui buit.V t ~vv.'~. W. 'I!luit te.- pot.uet a Tt 4utusît Otir rs' va *i lný IliiNQeW«trigr waOban trste es ti*OSe andiuet t'Slrk dltife4e 'sýlua'elidpendeat mauIo# pe.ýI ,niJ 1 ot-ba11Ov ionof two4uenid bboad- gisb te usletqc ue $an-Fwnilteto4.b , e Iias ouiitt rpeVd jon eot~ t rtetitbits le ing ~rê t twe.tîlrd .1tue idiau17 Da*d ilajw241o ecpe 7* to 190 Pt? dogea.1 ýpý4. Uyla more ilbrêt sfpl' 4f;t s&ln it ~1sat Atg415 a on fuor timotb3t cs4 9gotcIW*â t:VI, ' VVt'.. wlle 4_ , - ; mizse4Ud'. ton in. M .'i* lôn CAUIIrowr. Pef diozen .. i ~I 1Poioeâ.,r. rbu; '... .éEI0 O ver bog..........1 <0 i1 11 spo., fo!aqw -,!' XrA Y D..lf lfllt 's'ýýe . 11 t Miton. %04W.4enl Bl*Cattîs markets L*»"U Ceibl-"Ça tt il,-. uiv u i 12a r lb.; rfrleralor beef, 9%ç p er lb.:, 4es *4css. i;~ta 1*0 pv l- b.; t*mbeg. l,,dres:ed wetigbt. Néw York.......7 i4 lteeIt~o> lre stoe eotd~ the. rail &»A 0 sIce,~usawr7cr ahlplgotfe wrs, qfer*d, .*sisuri>,,toa.ý îîsi iseàlt et. u i od ne sei'aad W ne -1a8 -at *6.20, 'but tlîv er,'pkd- t isa. 13411, 4tpl4 at».U end $4 p wt. rVdIly thaui oh Tùesdg', 6wlngfo thé esl *4.00; lbide oX. goodi, at.4,~0 to *4m8; msdium butchers'At , 4* 1ôt $UlO; gond «>W* et'3aý O '".R;îenm- p ou e. r V t. o$; bAhrb 5 pota ý tairl good ' *qulty, Iti» , W0k 6for abort.ku W èsto rs Oet tihe, rIgl* hJd ~ .Mîi* 1~olitabôut . 00boud tVhW -wo)~ 4 te<l1,q 1 1one At 1 <bo-eeps. yý4flOw - ,0 1a but. Bl it0$41b0:e~tftdCr 1,00 $4.790 -b.,-$4.0 4. 0;. les feAM W $000> e t 1.09. if n$410t) tn -814n; 1 1 e~st cDkerýý O te i't ringer. td 4Mrouu$0t m.*i t "The-t Is q0-4 010i 4for eholce. qU$* Y in fre*'in dÏtr$ýd~i nt at3 to $$pretburt ta1h@M 0We h T~II~* ~~pot~r4~ #*5GwU0m, ut yaimI¶B IC1P t$ p f L nfUf111 'o'uwa- something that ~ t n j ;t a P4abew d Ud yqaourishin,poer. Iemoves" thé' cause of t ' system is wftole -strength and vigor .* BMJTAL-T ~3.Terebéliu Zillu chieftain, Baâà"' roqiesowt of 04l titi eirtelowulyr4 fle-lç by' tise detaebhmente oet Bouth Afius Police- pud-, la b&Utslim t lnlfac4rst#y tsi 0f beth,ý sud are- tfg r- it t Pt Viii tais urier. ûiey tissai lut. (N t, ITUTIE- 'S aveu-y lIme. . or hôooy la ss lm uSait>'-- Blockk Lie Ilm ou len Cams tewiU Sp £'U'b' or 1,I~ boid,- v'lotu ." ýý. , ý , « 1

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