Whitby Keystone, 3 May 1906, p. 8

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b ' - -- 'J' J' *y r'~ - ~ .~ ~J..J,, * "' A S 'I stop 1h.?CugI Cure That CdI 1 WILLI8' C'orpound Syrup o! Whilte Pins and Tor Cures Conghs, Colda, Bronchitis, throat and lung troubleis. ,23c per BottieJ Je E Eu WILUIS Gp i clan whitby. Dru gist Brock St. County Town Happenings Go te U. K. Tboupecuu' ter wali )&IoIwuthe time to bave tilat «ev. 'tr@uglilg done. -Se. Fringl. Cor- mi Hardware. tà mistake:.fi oth &e date 01 lir. )'qy's auction sUlm, Wm -mae l b mmkplrIse.'w. ph. dat. Na tbk, &id Dot the. I2tb as reinirted. t*mn&her came .or ue~ ruls -w.za ired in the. pW ole ourt on Wed.. %eW['y eYODIflg, but aoeoubted ta ,Itblge as the magistrat. could tee "0 in4ceaticwi tbat. muoh bdIly tu- ,tàry bad bSu m staflsiby -'tii.lai Wbo laid the complalat, and auggestod Ubat in future the bol@h' LtWl their OIfficniltire uta ide theecoud monu tk'ioeiCan YeBlow Con, No. 1 quauity, perfect coe6àtioa cheapest feed la the market. a. H. DOW"EY d col Mr. W. 6wiuue4ý Sr.uirlY cton sud proprieturof et Port Kope Ti.es, bas betn ai poiut@d cwk of 'tb. dIMo0f Uuron. Be wili ns. t ide nLoudouj. à Eauday achood bazebail bagme bas %Pwen O&gan.sed In Lent Hope. Ont of the obaject,, of the lcague in to lo- r e the attendanoo at sondey echool, apid 'o îromote elean, pure - baseba1l i15 Port Hope. Botb objecta mir £od.-RwmavIieNews. nbIt. éy -musAt tont*mplate enterntg a tem JJTflI WM1T~T K8TSTOMZ. m B~>AY, ~ 8. iWs = s_____ 10a this IWague, as a, basebuli gains Tht Lindsay ]Post s.X - Twooty. luaful i prgrtË@sa Vanotioed la a ciL, four mis.klnosge, raaglng litveight bun'%.baek yard lait &Juday. Tii tram 6 ta ls Pound&. vere traucferr. *Qmlin hlmpelf vas uctici the part ed -ram tise laver ta the mp va- ,'t umspIre, sud boss of bath teas. tenu at the daimaneur FUassle'muile Roua Mouldingeandmai mlPaper et bp IqxMip w rBr dmba mi-b-ha e- 0. K. '1hoepsouu, Toi. nid stand. îstat. -Tise epeotoeetiauteta XI la oanipdatp aud juatioq ta ilua.tbwlsprouoamot -c"tisas jeavurbge p our home uapeT. e xtend & MMOb andmi a hait of trp, apiuhofld tl l the nourîsinent to whlch It l a quarter -09a Millio f ils f-p ma. emtitied. -Pay pour subacriptlan urtitiS ib ene eih utftcleat fluisla ipro-mptly, aud tend a (ou extra cap. a tkv pea ste tudMei tviisobsî. ]» to pour relativess andI tnenda -à t a dIstance. -Thoy W111ll ppr'eclute tht taS, and 00 wAUl we. Z. J. Breau bdugbt the aLlier day la Uxbricdge wbat ho caL 3ders the bgfft lod of *ool broUigt te Lhct - pmmket lu thîrtv peau..It w-as i-r tb fleck of Ww. Thouapsea, of ESeatt, and broaght $.0 BAN» CONCERT. Pib, b-undjave thieir ttrai opeai- «usinet for theaac on n&3turd-Ip etvegin;, and a large number tro= tht vaurrounding co-untry were ta tovu u *a eSqueuce. '£bc b4nd pimp$d la frqiit ofthse aumor~ies, oua the pre. pcsetste of Lb. nov band stand, andI »mbdred seerat vory atemtable se- botions. Plans for thse band stand ar e ing made oni, and teness ton ,t» bulidiug %% lit bLuiasi fot'. PROTECT ltUiS ERD, WlimDutcht, ebaismam M1lU. iprdoltitom làmmitttem tu l.Au&!. mua Bird Unlqo, soyalise isSjig ltil et 880 robins ebowed on xaumlbomwu bp &a Otftkdaî of tise dipr»tust .gnboutuiéa t tbup oemtaimai 48r mer saI Inset ond 48Pfurts. wwlSfruit, ama bu l,.gS uymai -oaltuvmted truit. iis .ez.atorn *WMORmede,, pt*u Suds Mliei-ulul It in ta b. b-opedtisai ibsès i the epsanlremd pipt blaitPort Peri>, vî tulaàa per or twe &gala Matso edog omofattie but cDbsig grooes ndlatt ovh*e Isa duw utiuctlmoMf b.eS vb u &aMùmts l08a4 oot aml.y ta Part petry tsmoi bat at tht 5â tm u M tvi mîcmt equal eevottp y lavera a ibb rai truUlbrUids, ami vo g sur tisat adt ut» egery WU W.- vand ta egalq bslcg ahi"ttSk la .cren batv Frlmp md t»PAY 0", sb e"I's We wvoMW i ta b-ave me $ »mtfr ams» u sta l Mas. last qut 0U 1W go ru-h 'om ,UtorCam l. Umi-r IVIt~ Of Oà1>0. ,«.o bue, fmi hi4ob brate tblestbet Kcy la "iowmsi.. ITI. bazbers at Broukîile Sbave te- 4wuaOda«bleo et" .itbag ithe Dam of dollaqueni., W éM la lpoi. -ougM et- ' eob mcbrbao, " outil .thq bibis are poli abavmeami huAimunt& ,MuW ont 0f the quedilos. Mr. .J. Ml.tyre bas boegbt the. tk of a Toronto mruhant usst- les et 25 rases of ibe Ikag 4nu%* lst wli guarantre *veryartblsand they ton ea b boiat aiabogt 80a. onthe dolar. Aiea tiau&Mi et.,la csonotlo1 witb tb. aboie stock eau b boegbt nt sme raiuc. feme mai b arised to misol'pubaum re.Pies ad uta',. bave bee-eu, cd'ml10 Per cent. ce last uar'u piee, aid la. teiflut purrhaseru w1il 40 vel to exane tht slotockwtea la0Whltby. J. Me-lotyne, firoch street -soutb. This la Jut the igbt amtowa ta, lettlesdowD lu and ec>or lite. E v. enUthlvug for tbe cornfos.t of lite ea b. bought berm, and $10 wtt!Igo, as fmir aop OU wM lla Toronto. Wlen pou wmnt to leave Lb. tarm, cone to aur. towDansd bud a Wtm e emfortable homeý and lu amoagàt the best pec- phe go, the. wuld. il Wei aftbkta' wttb ildeep diseau mnd gravel i l& la sous evere forx, haviag atn e stoppage *%f water sccohnpanUsd » the asot ireadffol agouy. o b c Dra 1. Chass Kinsy- Lionr Pille tihe diseas waa era"ted trm My o yut&m Inlesuathtagu A" mUýqb.. 1bave dgaine4.lawlgbt, sIsep well. mu déteet bettti thu 1have for twecty yc'ure.".-3Ir. W. Baaltb, port Daibousie, Ont. fl;ing your bu#tcn 4»d egge t tise C=1JCI!Cho eber *on à- rida> au ddtp long the t tatlpm.rket. Mr. Otoa*, of Tbruuto, w U be pa bad adpay the bi<best rine. Iin c""a. 'I'JOCT &EABO QPO 8 Opeekbed - e.utkes by the some pald thi spencity of Mayp My. Thoqs sic oteetç of Isaa.c Wallon wbo have pti ate fleh jonds 4wig the. foot. huis of tt h idus.OlaWbtlzp and Pkkhetng townshipa s %E<è out aDi away by sao-up Tueudav. The trout were plentiful amndg;anep. Biut wmm Coud, too. WIethese portsa got back to, towna î$*7 hid beautitul blo.- »MR n out ein Pieaed ouateeanam.& eQm of theluluoW à* toMgh tisa b-ad idlneadp spont a a~ mumeon» b> tbe uhmof'i ts usa oraWout the miountalas. Amongst utisers who bcd strings af trosat as tbe eot oui f wblp- plng pond and streami were col' 'Fareweîl, MaJou lutiedge, L8beriff This -la eaM ta tbe emrubmip la*vtdual vbo paeeed1 a fouged cheqçte oe Mr. W. 9. Pnloigie a p» eauontWa0 a"'-usie a bt tua etai" t.b ea smata cm nom@ Vi.al tisa la tht barbon. Go ti . .L rS pem, a va papir. OLD SOTS Flou. A fulamgp.aty cs*PO..d of M"Scu. B. D. fluzmpbzçv, Osamaid John Bîpas, etqTonoto, ad os. Brau cor lÇv Trork vuato Whltbp os i - dmp. 'I' traUms cd tise ermhek0 thoir bo*ybood an ~proidud s'pftua maden tht Mmas d <u s tumpe, Ml la tht e Ooswtmuualagbols, aud gs* the aue aid uibi offai- Y* tfr bm»W wov- v qrus$114 Une bow.0f to.è t" f IV a.e~a Mener te the camhe 4qaý q~ et tht cou Egist J urne t<aa àmwrb e lamntmmad barge met, aidabmt Irffubh et tbL . mart of fl»bteg ches mau tbe isismeut cd lb. nuash If. pMihance, a cpy ut tisie ps.psn sbaubd tait bltaotise is.mdco it w is aie la seareb tai a»mv loction .- a piamrviere cisuicis, cbW mci *o. ctal aduentagsc ara glm emiph"ale and wber. pou eau M" eont youi al. boituedaauLerof pua s vlieuulles Cd peetbhSor ontamise,: W*, apli one of cli, M"Col.. bou vus use 4a vs viii do tbce.good." wltiSot am., pbaaleonuthse#*am" ENEBOtnyA.h" TA=r WON. iMr. Jamaitapin rWebegaii, vI bu latewy brenappâoabi a uWubur Cd tht Bourd cf 8mbtuPuai cou. eimoi t iBotos #umad ViIt.. bx braumd %.111 b @ -à . I Max « of ciler reldutse t tbu toue. Tlm* Bout amudat. eoft buwuusamSS 0<tu. ite 7w»omr la eiderai ,t u i ,b0bSw~Pus smnipomtts i mgi 0th off>.lu. bftlM vaut t t" -twestp v ew coi icii- fild t ue.p1!W M i ma nomiau lu M em d b ft b a &m e m es " -o lue haa tzIile hbi tu et ~ ~ ~ t Ib »MolefflaI a~tI4 __ iUt J - J- xbï- -* w _m- CHÂR--jLIE JOB Reel4"b ta Wlvtby fSr tw. esre.l Ait woek *Hvuu* Mdi gUsîM mm .M. ~Fcw , havIes buelh a fuma bi béa. a 'SSot%, Win asmi ait ber houseboU furaite bu. wltb. étth f ltet remit,, at bu' nI-. &lme, G1Jrt stroet towe o« VbJI bpy. on &torday. thu M bof May, lot ,et 1I tbock p.t.M Urbaoko6 4a.mAim b et frutau.bouea "m'kLt twn of wutb. tb ouais et the " E s"u offt, wl tae eo m Atburlai. esIimol4 noth wms part .1 the town of Whltby, o« smb et 1 p. m D. Ormutoe Mn., Atulalstrtog. L. FUlbankiu aoc. tl*mr. au Mlon itou. wldow qD Uuj,, Ma Y , Ma Mta'b.v qft -oMe ot Kintuton are elsrg- wug that botualep ea" aboi ouquirnr' wb*e.y, a puoeçmt mtr umde taa àdIatîgeriasda pdom that b-ladiem e %vâtu' la aa u ,&bd lea'onab tg his hie,,?WO trit «f thia bwA 04snt' wMabsy uW iel. a van, try to cllib a tues. bph*aumtrendmm ux paï l t b bat b.y but Pd*agIV ardva. À axaE «URET lx EI<gLISHJI. Aviril tm et man, Prdamr hv. bory.,of Nimabater, ugh& w g ea volg0 uagt Ot" " Ll Codip>. « 0f (oneedZAO§" tuhoqeoUlbU MWls olUe> bue, b luei»s*i.. IDnl Cou&&, faed ut à)#ic Basin S t. abaulmus, Apuli 19 caiWt Peul.air. MaW"ew»u cmse à fl typete e0fthie ?oemufiV club& a"mi vus athu fet .Rea PERSOKAL MENTION = i.M wp ronm of orcoto, tei Ml.e E.IL B. B" of 'Peto Navo staff, BcnadailaionSt. Mn. L% leben, t oft aiote, ilit ai theitNby D*ea itbis vomis UWmu S. be e mi JoSiBrymaor', Dar fflttuatitWk. vush me palnasbure.ne la MM bali a -wu atdwa cli béc. anidi"Pets tao Mr>i M. Ifflswuteiàudote tht b-ueas. f oo@upl* byw xr.- Mmt eLRls gb Mr. J. K. Drupes, et theW. eC. 3 'ctmft, ve» soosset la hIe remsai 'UMM tLagileis Fmuttn ai 'h ib. Vveilaia*a pv t« dte )&.m111 0f o gIi A~~~1,1od Su Ia sibp5Mtl .Tabl Pnide, The h. bVlfe ofdundm- lm&u*f pu. tIsess Scb«u the Imbu. SMAi siWob aa s. ebgoodbe pb-lem ibu vu*,...... Iih-u I adêto.md, qpli3, #0 Pri o mi 190PU Brok S M ou lat --J j "hup-o. puater toiraIgM idot. voit SALB I F0ftom of huMur at pepr bg or 9 l OU'oIbn.b. or e « i a this veek. JAIIrM LO Yeumog worna us ttado gomai tbrnflob .la ammn hmil. AppLy mi ~om te, IM.C. A ,O~ELW .Wbltbp. Laiga aies WOudtoek make, ei .111, tu titlama"oéi.:guaphite banloge. &pplp tg WMj., EWPORT. aldMSOngeare reponisi pluailtol la ntiain Wates. ~~rbrb. .e.Ui~seuil.. wil- b hf14 la the Dabuasale on Budba smit. Loe fuat il bwdlatai9.45 ln EL &5roe0. Publie. pr«eiag -,,g3080a.m, fol- iowefd by tte saact of th@ Lord's soppei. &MIIAL BEmilON. Thtk«,loaibdge 0: Oddtlbow. ent- tend" eSt. Amiev'e ohure t uaSa. dmp. vise»r te. Dr. kAbmm preuci.- eà a mip Iatustst04 mai atutive iomme. Tht me=bre turumd out .l gc tartSm, a id vie -miusompambi ,by à mumar trou ont" ~palets. Kgmbrclerp use Momdgye Map 7, st R-du Broc. à mOa aaaed Casuphel as arreet- ei la P*1 Hopet'y nbter f ePolie Crawford, of Osh4wa, un a eh"ngeor fc4terp. R.e 8cenfess bypPO. MMe M9aistrt. Morton to six uMotha JKIW w w -w'w 'ww ' w-v w~:'W w,. v'esv'e SpwngWeétboe Itat handandoui'StCkl Dow oompietes with ai nes of or ds s1uitable Dieu Ooodes Nusiu4 lghmPIDEiLi Zephyre, VIctoria aaImia lawns Etc. Drus. GOOila lthe mae at uhaeof (hren ~Brown% Bie.%Etc. at ail piu. Mualia, lotet patterme hm 12lje per y&. up. lAvas from 10Oto 3&. pur yd. Prlnt* 10 aad 1Uje per. y&.. Embroideries rm 6e per y&. Up. Orgazdiee 28530 amd. 35oper yd. Cambriu s ljpur yd. upwards. f Kid G1oves% Colored aud B"ansd andi 1.28 per pair. f Frilliagufrom Oc6er ar pward. Print Wrappers 81 upwaud&.f Just afewof our spuciai mJueTowels2lfor 5c 1.1*. Cali andget a pair befoue they are goue. f AndrewM.Rosse me- M-1 [ #Mbrbmoeuet. vol IIIe. RAILWAY Ti. WHITIT 3M Oolng West 5.06 &.Mn 4 46 8.28 &r. 4 44 2.05 p.rn. d il 8.05 »--. 1%ie 5.29 a. m. train doý UIOtfing. WBITBT m Going North 19.07 a.rn. . 4 4.15 p.rn. 44 4 6.40 p.rný STAG Leavt à Whltby for OsfhaI Houiden, proprietor. Leaves for Broughamn ai prietor. MAILS Âi SFrorn W. and B, 6.45 amn. West, - 9,80 ar. Pro=i Brougha For North 7 45 ar Hast 8.80 &o. West 12.15 p. m. PROFESSIONi Dr. MOl PHYSICIA sr 0Ei.4uate of Univeri.Ity of '1 of Royal (Jollege of Pbysld STan TERR&CE,. ~Phone o. rmlse Sohdettnr for the «Western etc. Mon ey to Loan. 01 Whltbv, Ontz DOW & mci _Earrloters, Solicitors.- i# fiSc. opposite Peet Office. J. B. DOW, B.A.- T.,&. james R. Barrister, Etc. 31o(neY tn toifce immrediatelY South o! nt. -John E. Fael Barriater,OcountY Crk County Solicitor. O1 Of Court House, Whit DENT, W. Ad Dets.Office o-rer13. 1 Bitflcence-No. 4, The Ter? oplen Saturday avenins.9 -.CHURCH' Dl Pabbath Services-il a Il ç3cboo1 and Bible (Jias &t 8 Ulethodiet Ta$ 0B.1. 0CROS$ - Sabbath Servieff-0-W 1a 4ayrSebool at 2.80 P- M. P ayevenlng at 8 O'C1ock. Ati Saints' 'lm

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