Whitby Keystone, 10 May 1906, p. 1

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we "'%J Vol III. WHIBYONTAR10, THnuESDAYe MAY 109,180a ~ide e! utend- ho abve 1 ier ý.bo lut pe t7 ment. 17 pur«e. 3whitby. be 1Sop ral Ilotel a the leadimg $4 rr BING XATION, but corne bhe msu * mur b. iOur'11mi intb. 'j Q RAILWAY TIME TABLE. WumITTJUCn<TON. 6oa U .00 L.m GOha au .4 U 8.1M8 LU. 4 8.01 p.. 44 84 tesp... 4 4 U19 p. #444.Lob P.M.. Susdar &U 55p.m 1%0 6.» &Lm. liais do..aD"go wotMoma mwmnng.1 W3ITT TATION. GO.lg oub.07 ar. O oing sotb 5.05 Li. NOI 04415p .4 14 4 p. 'o ~ 6 . .n I L40 p.ui' I I T- onur n ote i ransporianun to,- 1That la tlue, Dame of the corpor- ationî whlc.h wUi control lb. steam- er "&lindaot,' ow faut approschlag cosipletlon at the harbor. lu adc%- tlou to waat the .Keystoue lias al- read.y tild of the imrovemen Lu mak- Ing tn this fine paseenger steambout L.vt à Wlitby for O.haws at 10 . am.ad 4 p.in. there han arr1'. ed durlng the week a Hould.a, poprter.loofansm uîtead fIt Louve. for Broughamn at 10 L&.. J. eot . P ot !hnum uaiueat ~t pritor. tInga. The rattansaccted chairs anti MAILS AIRIIE. rockers for the cosy at.rpart of the lrorn W. and 19, 6.46 amn. Prm Weub .485L&.m West, - 9.0 11.M.. Eau 9.30 Lin main deck are adanrable samplea of Fi'omrnBougham 6.80piE. the best Can.îdlan furnIture facturies. MAIUSC10082. Nu stair cliwàbing la necessary tu For North 7 46 &.m. For Oshaws 3.30 i.in. ril b~jla Icaut 8.80 L&.. W. and .W l.80 pin uflet Lplace On t he W«t L 2.p.. Weus 9.00 P.In. bout. You are there the moment of __________________________ telgplng cver the gacgplazîk. Hi nd- PROFESSIONAL CARDS. somie eioetroic lra IDl artltltC rustlesp lran finish are to adorti the red ME M CAL icherry posta at eithi-r sCle of t he Or. Meldrum PHYSICIA SURGEON-AND A CCO UCHE UR. ~~uate of Univerwit y of Torouto. &ni lcientlate of Royal College ot Phyitan.. EtdinWbi~. 'Tua TitRR,cz," BYrROIST. Pli one 41. LESAL D. Ormiston, 9. IL Solicitnr for the Western Rank, Notarv PlnhIIc. et.Monz tb Loan. Offic e met Poâ wOiffice. ow à& MeSiliUvray flarristers Solleltors. etc~. Monoy W LON. egee oPposite pont <>18<. Whit bv. OnL.- J. 3, DOW, BL. T. A. M-roLtLIVRAY, LL W. Jaune.Rutledge Barrister, 1Ete. onry tA Joan on e%" Terme. gfâce lmmredately soutlî of Royal JIotel, Wltby, .Jotm E. FaroeoUIK. C-9 Bamoiter, Ocunty Crowri Attorney, and County Solicitor. OfficeoSouth 'wing o! Court Bouse. Whitbv. DENTAL W. Adams Deutiot. Office .ver . 1Perinnn's. DundaxuS t. Reuîbne'-. n.4. The Termre. Byron Sc, Whithy. Open iaturdfty evenincs. l1' fat Mr. il. Il- Walks, B.A., f111. ed the pAton of EngII8h Maister- ln -the 1Vhitby Coileglate Institute ln a müst satlsfactory oea oer for four yeams 2. M'tat thie efficient assistance hoe gave tn uthèr depa êmonts prov.ed hlm to hbd "a gouti ail round man." 3. That ln the opinion- of this Board Mrt. Walka has thuq a.bllt7, Judgment, 6'roaserro force" and other qualitlcatoins for the Principalshlp ot a Tilgi Schoci or Coliegiate, losti- tute. 4. That any Board of Trizstes e- curing Was îservces wlli gfive the ki- is of their s~1thle greal bene-. fits whjch resit r(um thoe eamplo of and training by a manly man of energy and cxelupiary Character. J. E. FARE.1WELL, Chairman. Attiter scame dhscussion, i t was deeld- cempyanion wxv if.ading tb the cabins eu to purci . auuLcerris rrune, Tiît i thi is.iiini îo .fnîm < ~ in the ÇoliegIate Inzïtltqte and Public Piano. Tiec cqtlfurnt of the dtniug rcyomu and atàterouîî's ig ait that any- onv'could a8k for. and with ticeisi- iiroveinentfi otiie main dek the aC- com-uodatîizî t uî'.tdern passerîger Service on the Intendked routo la about ierfeet. 1'ojular IFriceti wiii lie introduced in. ofLering tes trip tickets gond for measion pas8age betwoen nny two ports for *2.3. Neva s tkL.. Pow inanfvI4it!Oh.w:î, Whtby and Torontou are Uthe .urts ai cali. The 1*-rviet' wtili bc diy with Wednesdiy and ï9aturday two' ocloclaitrips out of Troronto. The ety w~harf om west bideofo!Yonjço atreot lbas been leaseti for 'the $Wseasun. 'ple off icers o! the comi).ny are, Mi. T. G Jackson, Man- agr: Mr. Albert »~ Jacakos. Tr4sffic Manaiger, wtb Cz;pt. T. Sûfllivan In commaid qcf thc stçamLr, assisted by Capt. 1Robrt E. IiCku aau second of. ticer: chiot engincier, Martirn Mrphy ; haoond rnginc-er. J. A. Carrie. Inter- est ing aînounicenîents are expçeeted in 'giJ t.: the handiwnç o!f freig.:it. -î.id r'!Ipreqs business. Wi'th tic arrivai of,. reationabiy w..rm weather. pri- bably toward th~e end of next waek, CHURCH D1RECTORY. Bo&ard ot Education. Preebyterlan Chuw@b. oteB0310 Education met ln the PASTOR.--TtEV. JOFIX ABRAHAM. ,- cl hamber om Wednesday Oren- qahhat.h .'4rviree --- 1 la-.m.ad 7 P. 'm. MSnnay Iiig. To the abûenck o if t ICO. . qehnol and I iblo lams uti S i. n.Pryer.MeeUtFJareweil, COL. O'Lhiuuavaas îjqvoLet ,)n Tbursday evening at 8 o'eiock. ---- to th chai. Mo11thodiet Tabernacle. q e< t o L~dn thte lutV. n. 0. cROSqLEY, PAS"TR. IC@elate Iltiltute ,nt the puîbie ,%hah bScerec---- 1050 a.im. anti 7 p. m.n. 'S. hOOlS NwCre réid Zas faliows- j lay Sehoni ut 2.St>TPnPrayer MeeURcoiiTburs -t jiGaatcîoj.Uîe oalnme ua vnn t 8 ,clôc-k.9 P.Til sur 4ay voaip - -enrolled for te înolt.h Or A prit, 135;, Alil Saint.' Churoh, Anglican ci'erage iLtendaS14c, 113. RItt7TOR--.Fv. A. il. tMIOUT. - Tenry etreet isChwt0o.ttal 14t; av- Hours of serVies. Tna..MrII MMv.11 cmage, liq. o'eoclu F.venbnq Pravr. -7 nelorb. 8nnday Shewdl Mdl&hu otl17 rrg a% 8 p. n. Wednràuiay Evecnng... Pmyerand ser- Xd1C#h)LTtl17 vrz motn. 7.30 84. St. John's Cisurolu. Anglican. I lirf r taet échoot Total 04 3M . . -EA1113. ,IçIi)F.qT1' N.C1lAiLOtIUtTIL . sa*mffa il ide' ha.m. &net 7 p. in. tutdty Thie repj4t t 0 tiec Cun6te ou &eioot %t 3 p. tm. Midweek .tervicee..Weds.Jy ma 7.80 p tm. Finane .S naFfe, â ad the3C ic r ÇOU Lu t» fMrs. ÀDwneW. - J. H. d. nu. T.NI. VOTIIP.RQILT.. PA$TR Ifr.IW . ol shhmtti ttrtei.-ls m.n4 p m. Nntiay and W .11. ;lot p 5. er pasmdeti nti day ovenimmgaiiJ'."tk f Fr~ittc0( 00)Mng. St. John"% Ctharoht R.C. I.Ment rerorted tb. r'.vlgnztion c SI! t FPrInTýq- . &n 1- s. mTIIErma*ymac fat.r,4ne. The report was ndUJM. - Smndsvtltmol t S -W- -t4 Ur-n Hug39a r.. tu» lAte, but étii poj~rt, àïcjittg atroniy the" prclpie of sclcctlrg tezO;c hers had beSn * t~~Iuc ~Ibed j;.) tnîk Irte b. t@i * Po! ID u ais>wa7 asit ieletiaon à the «cmitwe4ý «gr upco - lb. tfaeiorI - N_ _ _t. 3Ur. iH.1mr tâe il odut_ tbast Car nage PaI-ai ng - ~ ~ cher, i aid cet* dktlttitat I baye opened up & $hop It0 01tSUm St# IOîUE I eue dlo'r north of -Pingles, astr«l amaoe4 tw t* ta do all kîndso of caÏiýao s4i Schoiolaagast the jiratest of Dr. MetilIvra>y, who wanted more morufy sîomt cn scld.ntific appliances, asti cf Mfr. Huggard, who h.iC, no (athi n inee-ianical dec--aris aida In Ilmpart- ing knowledge. Meeting of Town Council. The town vaunZil lacld a midîuigiît beaisioe on Monday uîgh!, andi an enôrmous ainotint of taik was Indulg- ed in. Thc vai bus comittes aitarounti the table and wtcrked togot hor tilt aflfer 9) o'ciock;. su en Mayur Lawlrer calicdti tc tembers to orde-r. Tie clcrk reati a communication from U3r. E ftrj. 110560, co mpiataing tint waier wu being backed up In hia celiar, greiti> tu thie Inconven- I bec o! himseii au.) tenants. liéak. cd that tie..on%%n senti mon to il drain. The (mincie cuinîuit tee passe.)the foilowiog acrounts-, Keystonc, î'rintîsî.......... ......(.00 S. M. Nenvton, printing...... 19.2 5 E. R. Blow, coal ..... ........ 9U J. Il Towncy, coal .....3.00 -Tie commit tec on str..*tsa alo pasi- eti thene Items- Ueo. Cormack, Iianbur .. ..353-27 Joca.Pravener, Mie .9.. . .2 Jas. Sawdoo ........... ....... .2 Juo. Connor . .. ..... 1.00 JnO. Murphy....... ... (63 F. R. Blow .... . .... .9.26 R. UosjcrwoOd ............ .. 0i Itobt. Plaskstt..1............ 21.75 Juca. MacL4ii ......... ---... 299501 Chair anan P1' ..,hai.on, of streots.. reecowmuîded tie foticwint g-ratio. lith§o Pavements ho laid tht. sutmmer. On Byron atrcet frontGilibert strtet to presby terion ciurt..5 feet vtde, On Centre street trous Luke'"a cor. tier sosith tbCha.s. itarton's. 4 foot Wi Ide Fro= MoC4ann's curner ucat 10 il> rçu stroot, 4 fect W;<fr. Croê.aing (rosi W.: îerhou»u&às tore arO3 LrCt crosslnc frosi UcCabats corner tu, meet sidewviliy lu front Of bannery. irromu« (rom W.tetrhouues prop-. crty l îk'~ A130 norti to Eg RWec r4elUSAd W- r4for ,idenalk Il il ýpli tu front if hl* pr operty. Tie forod ta pày vas di*nsucd -at aI. A abcWteouc block ini Lova, and Md sot need'rdtalog. col"elcl was simply tliowing away r-3,ty nspending :Sor more, whhen ullier r-alks are badis noeded. Thbe zutter %vat. >tpd on, 2nd re- sultcd as fc4laiýç%- Yeaa- Laier, J.iclksoo, TRichardson. Nayà-Ruia, MitchUIl, Bogart, Aâl. The nîther crobsings reterred to above were yrdceeu behobuilt. The' eomutea. as authotizodte t adretlit for tenders fer 10,000 feot or more granollthic lpavement to be ut tit sulnwcr. Complainte %,îrc imade that the drain (rom Mfr. Starr'u, residence was beonuXa nuiance to reidentis lu Mhat part ot tie town. as It hati r.over beeco proitrri.y tIied tipi and hati destroyed the bouicîvards. &tieps %were takeonIo comspel ;àetlun ln the mat- ter. Mr. Jas. 1huticdige was aipo!cted to represent the couniirl before the Pri. rate Buis Uounttce of the I.À'glsIa- tare ln beh tif o!f te Leag Distance Vflepbone Line proot.d4by Msasrti. Hoover and Fih1h. of Pickering Tnwti- slp. - The. Fîre àudti LIht Cd*mlittce pis- . d th eltera co! $3-30 foi t;ie watering curt thrcaugh the conseil. Mr. Jack- son, m ho was ln thecechair, îtlid that11 the Item shotnld ho ehargeti against the front:oge 'ncommodatioo andinot tc> th egencral funti. that (hoeocam- mittec had no right to purciso the Cerl ceicept upou r--mgusistlon oifthe- ratepmayers Iotereateti, that tii. c-,e i4sd becs $200. too dear, andi hatIt di) nuit work Matt~ort.3r. Ai- lin madie o.ie or two rejoiflerv, ,indi ast titis <dd ot aeito sabla!> 3Mr. -Jackson, rroniptly put an enad to #the discussion hy moving the adoptionti! the Item. 'lwo otitr items of $1.0 toi Wu. Batty andi Jno. Robâon were passe'1. -Tn oimmittebof the, nhole, the fol- ltdwing allotineiit of tetider.4 for gra- vel wverc agree dupc,t-Froui 0. T. R. crSsckng,, north l= yiJrds, S. Van- itone. 45C. per ltud; hrum G. HtwIs' Soeith 65 yairde, J. Sawdon, 50c. dper ,yard; frcrn Vlinexar Works, north 4r yards. Jau. &uwdun, 6e. per yard;- froiBravezieen anorth (60 yard,*ltu> ael tlnserwood, O08,.per yard; o. o mi'lo.s Dapkt , 4!t 100 ydà., I. Un- derw.oad, et3c. pe ryard. WhVltby ('îvteholdm,,y wais fixed for Mcmda. A ugua* f6th:. Arrangemettif arbOlng ma610r 4 1,1 o! Ju)> celebration uuder the suns- pices of the Cïtitenb BaD4d ôid -the Fire Bligadp, part oi thé !ProCeId* of whch W-111 0goelo ayirng for the firemen 's uiiZotmn. Thle Fire and Liglit Commttee wczc appx*nted ro =m.t. th*. mouibera of lthe Fire Brgade Gd Wedat4>ay nfight to dleCU*s the town cruant. Messrs. Jackt- son and Lawler exprenêed themaei.1 -.es as tavoroble to a Ilberal igrant 'Thie 08--~ %u4; wîUhoa*ke*to ment mreîsetatlii' ot he *minci to di%.. eu** ways .ed ut~nnsu o s.cng ti f Prompt Paymeat of txe; aoi IL ha2 btecs wggrtt.d UIaft the> lztorent be a4dod to t he la<e' o! the. tox Il1 Pou wm N b00)t, but no one , t1IU lwcu .palp.j4ot*eto C'ilbix plec*a lit waxs gter i4t&t tWb" ý tI SEIED PEAS Pure Rod Clover, Alsike, Tirnothy, Yellow Arnerican Corn for feed. Corne and seo us beforo buyigo elUig any ebove' Urnes. J. H. ~0WN~Y f.. I A ~ Toi1 To Iowai w-* aUt>k ù!r r acgdeatt, f fia sout)ocar.. tti wl& t NO*.-50- A place where good Groceries are kept, ls a good placé to buy grocerles. That seems reasonable and easy to believe, doesn't it? So it is. We offer you your choice of our pick of the finest goods-the world produces. Ail the ime. Nothing legs. Nothing else. And the beauty of it is that you -are not asked ýto pay more thban you are- used to paying.' Tha.t's the thouglit we woul like to have.remem- bered. A nd thaits the -argument that makes tryers Steady buyers.BEAT Y R A.E. AWLEREÙ- Phone 47 Whiitbyl rw 1 1 m..&j6 ci6.. r ...... a.aimom irm - 1 1 jul- titiffl, cit tiffl ulv-lu %PL %lliu nuatin liq a 1 1 -A 4 ý ".. -Il .- m -de TTnIirk*ý-n Il f-ý ..âýft 1 lot, 'l

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