Whitby Keystone, 10 May 1906, p. 2

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,1. FA i. M * g, WOND[RS Of TII[ SKIN Curlous and Intere'stlng Facts About What ft le and What it Does. Dldy. ever consider thi acutn ro. cOntae nldl Zam.Bok flrat attack and k.il uSa'. cf th*. humsa skin? eNOxtstlnothe &Umli mIobes or gems that are th.ecause of bout the sknia leperhape the mcml vonder. infiammation or disease. The healin in. ~~~~~~~~e l~ flemni rm.wr rdents oontalned ini this uniq us m fb take a ammml i ece rfai'If mn magify th. prooood to build vp newtiaeo many thousad limes you would7m wbat replace tut whlch lasbc»daaed or Sd.pioted la the. accmpsnyiç skewIb* disessdL% New ceilseapper und.rneath e:olittie bol.. -uîarked 41A' are the the. oId ski» 1k. a buiIr replacing an suthe of tubes or pores, and iIo l through old fouadation with a Dow snd more laitang %hms minute cpenlngs that th. body ejeots one until the. whol.of the wounded area, is a greal deal cf 1h. Impure malter lulgmin té all-»yoverlPPed. The old injeîred skin Win ofporplmtIou. fiero are about th.. thon filesof,and iù à ashort iane it la bard Iboumanofthe». minute pores to every to My7 wbere thiDlJur bas been. siquareInchi of the ski» surface, and the Mr. Wentworth Lascelles 8ett. one cf vital Influence of the ski» uipc »Iath uay thi eadlug analyste of nmodemu imes, lias bo tuagtned when iL ii polnted out that frein spsolly inventlgated Zain-B[mi. Froan tisse tIuy tubes about two pouuds of oUd sca 1 bateriologica Let ho discovered matt-or'is .xuded each day. The oes, t ILtthe poWwer hZo *u bsofd moeover, lesd w oglands, ua sow» ln the stroylug hariful germs la eVen greater diagrana, whicb are in contact vfth minute thon that cf polsonous carbolic acid. Not.- blood vesms. 1% A AwithstaudingtLins is oadly eon eesavc power tw therefore, how don- destroy haranful gerous it lu to rmb erms, Zam.Buk [atoLth. skia oit- )l1,no mild i» iLs ment@ containiiig operation that IL minerai coloring nm~y e used, snd matere and poi. la dai4y bel.» g mona, and hcw equ. used , on the a l' y detrimental delicatp skia c f olutanents contain. Toung babies. In ing rancid minerai Z a m -lik power f ats and cils muet and liealing.-pcwer &ioo bo. Nobody to destroy barmful wculd think cf cal- germe which lag such oinwnts cause inflamnmation as tieue, yet to rub fcstjteig, etc., and sncb cintinonts o» soothnç heall»g Lu the skin là Just propertietarefound as hariful, sloc@ in their fulleat ex. they reoc Lt.eteit. Every ouf- bîcod justu surely forer1'roan any cf If taksneither-way. the following dls- Zem-Buk lu a pure usses or injuries bain apecially coin- viii find in Zain. pounded tw meet BDû an- excellent Nature needs. It Cure. Itis without if eomàposatire. doubt the finest ]y of natural voge' household baim of table essenes, snd See*ion Q( fhum"suAl iu u. mgn4sed. modem imes. centaine no minews It cures cuti. malter or auy polésoius olotg mtIe boras, bruites, seuld, 1insect stîngs, pain aud wbstever. Net oui nlaZam* Buk sûperlor infianumation, dimsed anklea. b.d feet, beSomcf Its Purty but because of IL. abeors, bad loes welalg, piles, eLag. spocialrefinsment. M any olntments la con- Lest rebes, plmples1 boa ls, eciema, acre mom use are toc ossue te Pene4mt thie broe, us, ac , b y4ateacres, "scpres, minute orifices referrdte. Zam.Buk, on fstmng sortes, poisoned vouada, ipralus, tii. oantrary, te se speciaUly retlned as to b. sctatioan.uralgia and nerve pansenereliy. &bsrbed compleWey by the said. Its h«]- . AUl druggists a»i Zam -Buk at Fifty Cet lng quelitles an-ethus utalizod Lu the Wlur e box, or it may b. obtained pof res Zan.Buk Las been testeil by medîcal mmsuapon reclpt of prie. by Lbhe Zm. uk Com» bonpital aunmes, sud by the gonral public, pany., Colboene Street, Toronto. Six boxes au6has be.» found uneq»alled for aIl dis. will b. mailed pool free upc» recelpt cf «W d d njered conditions of the ski». twc dollar. sd fifty cents at -te. mpanv's lu cases cf cuti, but»., braises, etc., its headiquartsrs. A fre. @ample- box will le actio» la reslly wonderful. Whcever sent you if you cul cuLt tus article, write watche4 the. ieallng cf a wound, chronie acroas It the naine and date cf this paper, acre or dlseesed aurface cf the ski» b7 aud mail It wth a one cent stsmp <w psy Zam.Enk ims;faS o face wlth one cf Nstur. sa rter» postage> ta the Zain- ?uk Compa ny, greatest wonders The antiseptic substances Toronto. This offer should net b. aassed. CLEANING -UP WR[CK AI SAN FRANCISCO. The City Gradually Assuming Itt Normal Condi- tion and Business Be1nd Resurred. Sean Francisco, 'May 7.-Conditlons cf Me1 are gradually becoming more normal lu this ciL7 and the'work cf clearing up the wreck in preparation fer ae-building in Lhe dcvii town section cf the city, is ;oing on mca-e mpidly. Businces s labeing aesumed by net-ail hnsdesmen c 'f evemy description tbreugh- eut the desta-eyed section cf the city. The commission firme lecatod aiang tho water front are doing a Lhriving business. Mayer Schmltzlbasannouneecal iat ail lhe ima restr-ictions as La Lie ligiting cf alvellinga will b. removed to-day wit-L suggestion that- candles ha nacal until eloctrlcity can ho resuineal. Petroletïn fer l htin, pua-pses is especially pro- iibitodîînti 1 tho <water aupply lu fuily restomed. r ¶io unitcd ra-ilrond ha& alrendy op- *emtced seven linesos ta-et cars ûnd t.- day wil icnver.nearly ahI sections ef the unburned district. Tho werk of inspeetlng ehalmnoys la preceeding rapidiy. The inspectorsamar -aIl arehitecte or builderu and are devot- lug ticir services for tIae benef IL cf bouse <belders. Every cliaiuey in tLse ity %vl!! bc thhroughly insped before amy pet-i inita are îssued te make fia-es indoors. Mony of tue Iageut factori« efbt. un- barmeal are stamting up woa-k with ail tLe sapidty possible under the cîreui- stances. At thc Unie»nla-on Woa-ks, 2,- $00 men are now employed tnd the in- agement expecta irithin a fortnight Ite have thie f ull compleanent cf 4,000 at work. No damage was don. te tic three vov varehipe bclaag buil- ah these vea-ka for lhe Govenument, Lhe cruisers CalifoT- nia, anal Milwaukee.and tho battleship iSoutha Dakota. The steamer Clty of Pue- bi la ielf vas aunk in the bay bas bome rmised andl lu beiag repeireal. %orme» are also enguged fixing tie steamer Col- iambi,wi eli as lurned o» ber aide. The hula lb. heew lIawallan-Amenl- et» steamas!ip cernpany's liai ere r a pltched about four fe.t t. the. south, but wer-e unlnjured anal only, need ho lac te- plaed ln position. 6an Fa-ncisco, May, 7-Locked ln sep- &rate Mcolln »lie eity prison, 100 Pri- soners, idiome crmes range frei ni *drnicenness ta brutal mAnder-, kueit 1 a prayer mien thee erthqueake of ,Apfl g- #book lb. hall of juatiato froint issenm te tower to-P. Si* ordonea lins sud - vomen appeaîed ta Goaltesp(0 1.55 Thoîr prayers fordalrae ieoi> iie * ~riL beeame apparent liaI lhe aI- teadants cous-d do DoIblog for lia. The. earthquakc. béa se la"he-,&sd warp e bscolt ocks thal fol sa dbon oo culdlb. openeal for nuIarla. lur. "I ove watZa( l5hesssue sig14t be opened andl when 1 advisaed my charges of the' lact. they knelt on the. Lard cemenh floor anîd offered up a fer- vent prayer in unison. "In t-h. department cf tie maie prison- ena the eo»dltlons were thé mansd mny cf Lie me» attcmpt-ed t-c desta-oy their lives by batterin ge udr hendh againatthLe steel barswuta etcy reaiUz- cd there urss ne chance for innediate relcase. Tic>' toc ps-y d unt il Lhe alLen. dants in ecaag. manaigai toWget thena câai and viien 1it wusail over ih vas a meek and humible bundred liant we ae- mved to t-lha-ascii oountv jail." Mr%. Ryaai vas the la* perses to leave tho ciLy prison. 'Sh' wa'* detaîined by a fornale prisoner n-ho becoans hys- teaical and just, as Lhe matren walked under tLéie mmenso glass, darne eovering the. prise» office Lth. glaà;%111 ll a bout Loi- andl ber prisoiters with a nalgily crash. IS THIIS TRIJE? Omaha. Nela., May 7.-Aecordhi« hto Lhe story Lold by 0. K. Crr. an Oma. ha man who vas lhrouagii the San Fr-ani. cisco eartiquake andl tire, 3.Z0 voundial and injureal peopIe wem- ehioroforinea to prevent them front bclng buts-ed alive viien theIi. iechaailes'Pavlloen vas vaca W.al. Car iveal lu uisi for years, anal lu weii known. 13é "I vas îi th teRedl-C"*$ ansd satm have !Vy badge. We ver the b)Ws chanles Pavîilon atLef the gis-e. sud- viien lie lire ce e dcose tuaIWv saa the. building must go,,al talus-ad ltat lt vas hbougit could rfover ver.é tinet hake» avay. Those vithi»&nWgea bodies anal brekea or busmdli1mb., laegged to be sioto emeope beln burnoda Uve. Tire. hundrocian sd Mty lI tii. pavillon vere ehlom-f ovneil bj dotrloesand nurses* andl ahbôt>' o. allen. I1h vas don,.s a nsot of but. maulty. 'I vas arnong the. very Ia b lelm" the. building s»d w. alli net leave a single persoe bb. bwrnd aUV.. alli net adminleter Cilowr-o tornuho >- cru uer dialY put, sayon. ho duià. the i.dodtouuanl isrugular ans. banaleal lie ding-sd Il. soldiers 4W the aboohlag. à*lVIioil.ai.lta oS li 4P 4 sae -wilul *epreme f uels. isir Xieo tir-e'unelrt-, isud tit>' heê Meeliaica' aiilu, shas COUNT WIIE BAS ¶tRSGNEDi i. GOREMYKIN NOW APPOINT ED PREMIER 0F RUSSIA.. Igt. Petersburg, Ilay 7.--- The rfe,-igation cf iint M'itte as Premier bas bee» accepted. He will be succeeded hy M. Coremykin, former M.Ninittter cf the Inerlor. 1%0. officiai announeient of the eiianges in the Cabinet will ho made to-mor- rov. NIAGARA fAL[S ANI) 1111!POWER 1N)QU[SIION. The R.esolutions Agreed to by the Joint Inter- national Waterways Commission. Safeguarding Our Waterways While Making Use of the Water Power at the Falls. Buffalo, 'May 7..- (Sllpecial.)-The joint international waterwftvg commission met bore to-day and formaily igaaed the re- ports agreed upc» as te Niaga Falls. The following ore the rebclutionsas dopt- cd : Mloved by George Çlinton, aeconded by Mr. Wismer, and Resolved: That In Lb. opinion cf tb. Commission, it woulal b. a sacrilege te deâtroy Lbe seo»- îe et (et cf 'Niaigara Falla. WLuile Liaeocommission are not fully mga-ced as Le the effeet of diversions of water h-cm Niagara Falls, ail are of Lhc opinion thaI more t-han 30,000 cubie lest per second en» lie Canadian aide cf tie Niagara River sud on the Niagaaa Peu- Ingula, snd -18,500 cubie feet Per seeoad on the AmnWian sida cf tii. Nîagara River, iacluding diversions for power par- pose. on te Erie Catial, cannet b. divert. ed aitiiout injury Lo Niagara Flls msse viiole Your ÇCommission are herefoa-e of lhe opinion th tsueb divts-sono exclusive ef vaher requireal for denmtle use orthe servire.ofl icki lunnavigation caais, shoulal be Ilmlted on lie Canals» aide te 38,00S ouble feet pet seond, andl on the Unitedl States aide te 18.50 uli. leet per second, anal tilt treteay. e- lelatlon ahoulal b. ladtLe hbat endal(anal lu addition therto a diversion for suni- lar>' purpose.nett oe em.d 10,000 ulle feel per second b. auti.or-izd for the. Chimpgodrainag*-,mcaal,uan allt a trealy or leglalatlou b. lid Uintlug lie,.dlvnrus ho lte quantlticu moi- ne ecf fw lof lb. dives-imeof vater b> lhe (bleago draln*ge eMao upea lb. yresea navigation lierm e t 1le <ira sm system iiib. oms14.rdlisa serbue rteort - e ndl b'L ui- ole i aIlt M o li me ememtualun lp e tof lb. resoulosreaatt.b leti .b- tt; isfrum b nt iIinatwt"uwe P. ~Aa diversion, i» cquai quantities. 4. No abqt rueLle» or diversions Shall b. permltted i» streama tributary then.- Le, whieh wsould injurîously affect navi- gaLion iji rither country. 5~. Rach meunrtry ,sha.1l have the right o! div-ersion for irrigation or other extra- ordinary purpoies in equal quantities cf the waters cf non-navigable atresmi cos- sing the-. International boundarT. 6. A permanent joint commission cau deal mueh more watinfacetoril7 viti the sottlement nifSaI disputes uraaing as ho the application cf thes. principles, and isheuld ho appointed. - - Saalt Ste. marie. That lb. Goverments of tLe United States and Canada reserve &Il1 water ne- cessar>' for navigation purposeaset pie- sent or 1 n Lb. future -and lie surplus @aa ! b.divlded equaliy iietween 'the. t» aoctries -for pou-or purposca. FrouaLake ?Mirbuganiber. vl iela draiued 10,000 ubie feet per second 1fr the. Cubalgedrainage oins!, whici give.ý the. Unitedl [States aitogetiier 28.500 culei.fret of vaLer per second.' At Salit] Ste Mss-le he watem poyer ista b divided enlly. Tii-oCanadian ased ion reeomub. t1liti. agmi-ment la. iimitd te hwe- ly-fi. years. The. question of tiie divisions of otite. waters, sncb s.Lbtht. John RIV'r, bam not been mode the aubjeet of Aby sgt... ment, silbeugb lhe Candisa sectin Jaye dowu ourtain prlnelplea. lu regard ho lies.Tite UnI4 statu w«loï a, the eomuisli e arlyt li atatIum bob th SM" 'kat ia t kla bot set- peteal Power to &9 I itis Ibis 1s4 plaie of lb. quesion s,34 fleh la a viry bsaky du»t; 'W01 li.s uVMt b t ttd o lb. *eiutS 01 bell 0uittil. 5» mon pmdsb Ilaa.u0derstood lit bAt the tinêW OMM W0SJ151001viii "k ie C"~. «»Mu t foi. P«««rt* &81 wuvIla 14. -OUTSIDE AID. Our.etIal fZ C~W~N ROO8VELT kAEU et of propr aeruobtion ho IKINGAT PARIS, Implief SuggetfOii-BaD Francisco WouXG Net Retfuse 1GeTUeroazAid- 1DInEl)WITE PRESIDENT FAL- presIdhul Speak a lfIy Teuof hStLUMU t» Inatant -Guerosity of Cadi Paris, May 7.-Ring Edward disacd &h Goveramet. the Palace01 the ElYsee wlth President sage was seut ho Congresa to-day by Pro- aident Roosevelt, in which ho explalned the attitude cf th. Governmet hregard ing the offer of contribuntholthe $an Francisco> lire and earthquake suflerers lfrom foreigu countries. l'ho ProsMdent. says that wvLcre the contribution& acret mnade te the Unîted States Gernmellt h. did not feel warranted lu aocepting i bein, but where thcy were made t the Cit.izeis' Relief Committee of San Fran- cisco ne officiai action was or could be taken in regard te tien, Tfhe »acsage la in part as follows: "lImcdiately after the dsateratSanl Francisco niany effets cf assistance la the sha e of contributions weie tender- ed by feoreign individuals, corporations, Ge'vernmentg and rnunicipalities. The Î Canadia» Gevernanent, with an instant generosity peculiarly pleasant as a proofj of thLe closeand friendly is whieh kut us te aur neighhora cf thc nertiioffered ho pas& a resolutien appropriating $100,- -000 for the relief cf the aufferers by the earthqiuake sud lime. Wit.h a genaro.%Ity eu lly narked and equally apprectat- àdthe Republicof Mexico, our neareîtî neighborm Le the soutb, veted to appro- priat# $30l..and Lbe Republio f Guatemala v-ted te appropriats .010(100 for the purpoae" The. President refera te lie effets cf iclp frein Japan, China and other cou»- tries, and concludes: 1"Appropriate expressions cof gtatlln'ie to aIl tii... Iiends bave bec» rehurned by tLe State Departmeut or by myself, but it seema tc nme Ibat lie real depth of gRatelul feeling awakened in ont people by ml l tese evidences cf genuine sympathY and ftiendmhlp shouid b. ex- prepsed aise by formaI action c f the Failores. The President toaated -ths Rinig, - ang: "Your Majesty's fre. ue tet are a preclous pledg. of tLe Eodityof the. relations between France aud Engiand. Both are happy ho stneerely set together for clviization and peacete RIig Edward expressed the pleasure bis visite 10 France Lad sfforded him, addinga "I am sure the entente cor- diale will do more tha» anything cisc ho safegnard pence." EOUGHT THE POISON. Man's Blabbint Said te Bave Caused Arreuts lu Lansdowne Case. * Irock-vilie, Ont., de.spatch: Tii. Interest in the alleged Lmnsdowne poisoning case la unabateL The arrest oi Mm. Allen and O'onnor was due toest&te- mente alleged te have bec» made by O'Cônnor recemtly. While on a apre. he i. id o have VOlUntOered th* Wu fcrmnation t.hat h. purchased poison for Mr&. Allen t. dispose of ber busband, she, iu relum» for tbi, promlaling hlm a portion of Allen'. hf. insurance. The. truth cf O'Coanor's slleged statemenha la doubte In-lamre quartens, and it la thought, If hhey wcre made, hat IO'Connor tock tlîls means. of retallation because cf Mra. Allen's resentlng hie attentions -allerbe h«busbad'a 4eth. S h. Je sald ho have show» a declded î preference for th& COMPanY Of a Rock- jport Young Man. The. prisoners, wtuile In enshody at Lansdowne, bave prsetleally the. Ire- dom oft he village. Mns.-Allen il, now siirowing the e.fetà Of th@ strain, and mem,@b teelu ber position msore keeuly than O'onnor, wiio ta quit. talliatve. WIIO <0SuE WAS SKEWOF THE lE F LYDI& L IIK And a True Story- of llow the Vegetable Compound lIad Its Birth and llow the "Panic of '7399 Caused (It to be Offered for Public Sale -li Drug Stores. This remarkable vonasu wboee "aden nie vwu Este., vus bain i Lynn, Ma.., February 9Ù4h,1819 cent- ing frMn a good- old orisetmLjy. For Omoeyeerno t at coo4 aud b.eaniekuova as a wv oucf an sI I - theis- mollies, coibiied foiroesl restor-e th. famnliy fortue. They aspied tuat the medicine vhich -vas seogood for t"wr womndrkand nelglibors wusequally gond for lhe vomers of lb. vholo wbrId; The Plnkhau shad sno mon.y, and litti. oedit. Theïrfr M labcralqry wu- the kitchen,- whero rots snd herbi vere Steped on the stve, gadnafly ff i ' grau a! bot... Thon eme lb.hq ou o! seling Il, for alvays heforey bail aie It away freely. TiihW>'ëb PsInter ts-wl off @moepamphbletgo foithheomonta cf thé neicn now callel Lydia IL Pinkbat.'a V"lbeý Compowad ad t i o- dafrbed laylb.i~ikhat won tl oln Nov York;, ud 2brc"yn. -The, oSdeif ni eratve us-ovrt-Ie dl iselimu for who.ver nsalil M.- mbiaed effots-lthe uit> g«h mrony té comence plluing and fronthlia L Md suoce.0o!th.enteri», sud lnv~intIuoe mindsn~ alIuevIe~igeandakve a» o! a voudertuli>' yjs-mpahhehios- la 144$ eh. usais-led luso live Bis net lu w-I NOÀg- Il e J'The tea LiP-ackcts'oi W( "t.nkIcani men-d WMona, syînpatheticaily. '<New, Mria. Piddifî-d, I)cbrisay, impressively, "give you youm choice- age brute leaves- the, bous "l'ni sure, Mine. l>bi wculd vex me sore to sec a quiet kJdger, and sure spéak to Mr. Iligden, mý be- can àgend the dag L t le a good lodger. toc! bu~ with the dog I don't kn part with iL." "I aiither know nom c Dcbmk-ay, soiemnly."J days to expel tlie venan end -of whlch tirne- shc consider 1 have giveax not "Dear. dearl why will the" wild beasta!' 'ali thIe landlady. -- "'Gentlemen!"repcatei ay ith ei fine seorn, a hem caé ,p. "To t.hink how nie1j w1tthwa such fimt-rat thon ta. think cf being ù dog Ah! geL. out witla This tte iaudacicus a edto presentIt -inself c with.-an inquining look- of the duster ehee had br pation cf scmet.Ling Le ePin outd Dandie. 'Be sure you explain Rigden this night!' said w ith phauis, "and le resuIC it."Ehier ho gends or goes away wiLh Lim (Jraig and I go, this dai aIly. ".I wiIl, Mu"am-I will! hie laudlady. "I fereee bic. Mr. Riýden-he-la and touchyl' ,"And yen wilI find 1 oo, when I stand onj - Mr. Puddiford, I wish abolit t-Lis un-tii yau br cision Le-mcrrow." The landlady ret4red, uer cf hen duster t.e hej yelps cf thbe dog weme low, where Le was bein "I tJaink, dear Deb, I j whicI would gtwith lh ebgwj" sad loiena xi fully, "aI Peter Robinsol lay..the broken pattern it wlt.h bla.ck ffloselle'> 11110à sure,; if anyoue self. You have the, ci "IYou see, I did -a gc * work, at the couvent, au eruiany. I amn really fe. 1 do noeeu disdain di pr'oÏlded tho7 are tak-er soaeoing soohblng b- Unes of znnni.>' fWell, 1 ar nitre yon moeud ail-nminé,* for I lta 11k. ho aé. yensitli ehihclaery wîth a pale, as woes coiparlng the p pastil Ah, Îftsaherilble t ##NQthball so bad aàs ' The conafort of belng-vi tb-e consolatioi c hbg oeifl u enorapous, ànd aI b. hwenty in, a Couple 01 sé inuciiof lit ho boa Mnai final an unexpeehe Bot slways t"lning O! @@am iii a brown study- , apculaingon matters. wblcii ar: probably be ebt arUiey, Che «Oh -there are a ga a~ Iing.one, for a lko! marrylng. 't ýl

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