Whitby Keystone, 10 May 1906, p. 3

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-i-:-- 1-...- * - . * 'y. o!the xas. 1 a bu aQoa% * -, 'Is. IDENT PAL- twnrd dineti at witi Presitént t toaste t1h. Majeslys fl-e. un piedge oet t. aons bctweea Al are happy te foir civIlisation d the ploasune, affordot birn, ientente cor- îîything cIao le o Haro Causati 'vise-Case. ch: The Interest WOwe -poisenung sdue te satae- been matie b>' die ou* a apt-e ,ntteredtb tIn.is -seti poison for if her hubant, promhîaing film inui&ice. The 'ged statementm mtrs, anim isl re matie, tisat .s et i'etniatlon s reseatiig bils u8band'a deuIls. ~owun a deci'ied any et a Rock- lu custody sI icali>'tith roc- :S. Allen is nov 1h. aItrain, anud ion more keenly> imte tlkative. .AS e 41 PNKIA Compound ' Caused 'ug Stores. forces le mestre y arguedttnt h. )good for their âbors ivas equally Le wmole worid, ne mone>y, andt it laboratory vas M an(i herbs were -adualiiy illing a lame bhc question before Ihcy bat Phey hiteti n job pamnphlets eeting Pmedicine, now :an's Vegetable 'rere distribmted nq - in lomat, i- v'e propertieu et a gm-al crIent, Cever uscd iL ne- and the demnanit Pfforts the family v'y* te commence andl froSn bat cesd of t'le eqter%,. 1 to-day Lydia R. table Compound Id words éery- )f root.9 and herta inanufatureè. 4 ýrtecf did not lire f this ivork. She '(a-e ago, but net cana for continu- eiy as ah. coulti 1 ventful experi- ýthii liinher ,ý,s carefuLto pro- case that camîe te >se of every sick ) ler for advice- i ueande--reoeivd dctails, includlne irnd resulte vir ýrence, andt l-day_ with bundreda e1 are available te over, anti repre- n et information e& wcîmane iii, ati acrm> ct cy librr>Inuth.' sain vonket lber iiènt Mm. Pink- Miy Azssrucle& lu iwletige,, andi tor ahon vmat conu- l>' felilie dîro- en , Ils origisator qati>' -twenty-&ve Lir pen, and'the- tnov _Ihe mother- ,jp OEYLONNR TEA. The tea thqt outc1se salJaas REFU E BUBSTITUTES. Lnad packols only. 40c, 30c end 60o per lb. At ail grocera. "I think I can mend it, dear," snid "Yes, good men of your clîurçh; but Mona., nympathetically. mine says t.hat 1 neyer eau!- tbat a "Now, bMm. Piddiford," insisted Mmne. mental &et of faitb-whîch to maiuy Debrisay, imprcssively, to ber Iandlady, minds is imposible -wiil do more nt the '"I give you your choict-eithcr that sav- last moment than n life-time of tender age brute leaves the bouse, or I will." considemation for others--of self -sacri- "Imsure, Mine. lebrisay, mn'am, it fice-..of purity." would vex me sore to sec you leave. Such "Par exemple! You would rna.e. a a quiet lodger, and sure money. I wili first-rate Catholle, M.Nona. 1 amn no great apieak to Mr. Rigden, ma'am, and sec if things nisel 1, but 1 would bc proud to ho can Peud the dog te t-hoecountry. iet sec you in the true Church. Ah. tiere's la a good lodger, too! but that takýen Up notbing like it, a,% churcbes gel God for- with the doq I don't kDnow bhe yl ever give me, but I haven't been te confqts- part wÎtb it.' sion for a year or inore!" "I neither know nor cari.," said Lime. "Neyer mimd, dear Deb; your gooti- Debrixay, eolemnlv. "I give you tw* ness tu ne wili more than make up for tinys te expel the venomous cur, at the that omission.- But there is amail chance end of vhich time, ehould lie reniain, of my becoruing a -Catbolic; -enu you net con-sider I have given notie." sec that 1" "Dear. dent! why wmil gentlemen fancv- 1 oic1.nt. I tell vou wbat 1 Caln these wild beasts?' 'almost whimpered se, Otintltlaough vou are an ange) te the landlady. 4 m ee,. iq a goed dath et bis ntaluc "Gentlemen!" repeated 'Mme. Debi- hj , piu7o. a>,wtb a fine scorn, as abc regulatcU eraps there i,. Se be it, if it wlI lier cap. bel-me in the battle of lite! As fa r rTo think how nicely settled I arn, as e" sec, the onc unpnrdonable ais et witia two suci first-ralo Iedgers, anti lite in ~verty." tien to .hink of being upiet by à lattY 4"0f life, Mona ? No, of society. Yez, doit. AhitZeL out with you!", lite isworld-wide, societ>' la a corne- Tubs to the udaclous anirmal, vho dat- often a shabbv corner. Faiti, dear,,yeu ed to present himseif on the tbreabold anid 1 are a bmace of philosophera-, oniy witWvan mnquiring look. A violent fick we are too wise to have a theor>'. Hert,ý's ef the duster she had brought, Inu attici- dinner; I hope it will b. more digestible patien et somet.hing to be "wiped up," than your doctrines." &pain ruuted Dandie. The next day was stormy, with hea-ry .]esure you explain inatters to Mr. thunder showers, andi Mre. Debnisay Rlgen thîs niglit!" laid Mme. Debrnlng, would mot bear lof Mena taklng a jour- vlhempinis, "and let me know thej ne>' to towa in search of mater"Iao t rsi. iae o ssaaybsdg reta ir the dnamage donc by the detitqu- arosaway> with bis do r M i*s eu ndnie. Moreoi-er, a council et waxr Oagandi 1 go, this day wee 1 " tragie. had te be beld. sily. Ur. Rigden -kas observed that morulai '1i wili, ma'am-î wi!l !" suitfed th@ liP te draw bis umbrella frorn the stand tic landlady. "I foresce a hcap of t.rou- witi a' degree of violence whïch upset ble. Mr. Riýden-he is that obstinate al the other uvnhrellas and àtîeks, and and touchyl' 4*banged",the front deor witi a rock. "Andi you wiii find I eau be toucby, lessness which vas in itself a casus bei. tee, when I stand on m rights. Nor, %%,on after, Mr&. Putidiford appeared Mrs. Pudditord, I wlsh te hear ne more vith a nueful ceuntenance about this until you brimg me your de- "WelI'rn, I bave speken te Mr. Rig- cien to-morrow."- den. Ho is noways inetinedtite ea.r The landlady retlred, pressing the cor- reagon!" ner of ber duster tu her eyes, while the *'He wouldn't bo a man if ho 4id* ýM- yelps of t-he dog wuere heard freonbc- les;.it wuere on bis ew-n aide!" jaculat- low, vh ere hé was, being lied up. ed madame. "I tbînk, dear Deb, I saw tie ver>' net "Ble spoke most disrespeetful," son- which would 'g o th thlb d o tttuatinued lhe landiady>, beganng te play eh&wl," eaid MeaeamMium-n il care- viti the erner et ber apron. '-Ne s«M fully, "'at Peter 1Rebinsor's; tien 1 could ho- voUlti sImd ne more d-.,d nonsens lay the broken pnttern over it ,and copy tierns as bis vends, ma'arn), antWi ws lwit ,h black fileselle." sm>' h h at juil begun a monti, as lie "Il'in sure, if nnyone eould, lt'. your- vould have te pay for t (ho la a menti- sel. Yeu have the clever Lingera!" 1>' tenant>; liat ho would look eut for "You sec, I titi a gooti deal et lae rooma, ans oon as ever ho tounanosuthen' vork at the couvent, sud otber werk lu plà-ce, free frein canlankerous eut vo. Gormny. I amn real ly fond et my needle. mcn, hc'd haro, if ho forteitoti a tort- 1 dg net evren disdain darning atýockings, ulght's rouI. I amn sorrt o ay lie go 9rovilded thcy are tsken ia Urne; l.here fan fonget himsett, hbut them waa ida aomeîhiag aoothlng la those long, even venvods, ioeaar." Unes of running." "tasure y ni.Mr& uddiford ftIlaI "Wall,'Y I» sin aney-uàrevoooe b ne c .t6eal.ies. cos, uec1vh9- tbal thse ranet ail qusilties La hums nature la enstaacy--yet marniago lufor blu,>'.r 111. 1 Youn ovueiaracter *antuite may am net Maorrn. a)#dm s le oîmé s ange soveral limes belonsY« a» for, tisemo»ylneIle vas fortyfaive or tyt> And hev ea u en t 'Ar, Mid eAs ha-ài love tin' t ahei sbatisncut,î « , I I-'eb@diig brutl e-, "Ahl <etta U a «t t ou sue r boer m o & ltW slways scstise S.ou t iag mit It .loives-unleai, -Inteedttisatthlabi au.uarte %sd*d V=-. Itesy. proves faililesa anti cuel; croisthon, »ttIiV06%, vie s n-P b"sit s, - somme nat" ures case 6euicea sf1." bol*# Usm oe-,for ia b« nomo.m one fltslsues ti iae- ton ite W îbgu a lits Md WC moie of tise oit love; but t.&Iilveauyoae "Ibep e w Uim it, wua înd t t* m I. me ssl. tàr 1 i" gv. pIes t* M"bo. it *ItWc t#ohit, My tear; Lb vm" iiiar nu"~t am, hsd a am$ C Md tregli a gooti tuL iiuti'abers #wuaie .mshm.b..Ii 14 you mev mm*chf et V., o«g«, When" 4 x, s 1dot iat i pth mib muaht it n le. ybmr -P g fdunâ a -kfmaa"it ft - ">i boucs broken," lic satt, oeerful' feeling lbislegsati arma. '46oe'u youn stick anti umbrella. You ote i -onfeetioer% - atone, stloan ummat. You'il houas igil as a tnivet An £ive Se saying, lie proeeded 01onis statoly Matchý, he&viug the autferen sftandig. viti tilt ficuitr 'saxpportlng bistncmbling self on bis et ck, anti lookiâng round hlmi vits a piliful expression et hovilden- ment. «1 s&0 afraiyen are hurtI" salAtiMena 'kintil>. Sic tilt net 11k. te desent him, ton sic felt i. vas net a Londener. 've1~ just ais awfui pain il mi' bnck," lie sait, ati<ly, "anti teld tied like. IfIceuldisit oou a bit. "«Core ne to tbis aiop andi have a glana et vater;V anti she guided i hm Mute a paatny-cook's celose by, <ber. aie fount i a chair, anti, feeling alarmuet at thce ld mant a ita-cm. paller, aiked if he wouldi net lr, a lutie brandy anti valet. "Aye," he aaid; 1"I muaI havé tmre- tiing te Taise mnv heanI!"1 Mis eyea Closeti pantiall>', andi MenaL be-gget an attentant.te bwiug tic nestrea-j tire. Her patient vas a.- amali, spanei man, viti Ibm gre>' hair, amaI viakers, fatied blue cyma a conte mptueusi>' up. turued nose, anti a vde; thinilippet menth. lHc vas neably tresseti in a pep. per-andti-aIcoloneti suit, acdti Iough net, a gentleman, vas by ne means et th. wvorking ciass, non yct ike a cil>' clerkt "T"ry andi take a little o!flitse urget Mons. "Tiauk re, thank ye." He put tlje glass te bis lipe anti drank1 very alowl. "The Lord bW thankit," he sait, pIacink il halt empliet on tie table, "fer ~ving rny lite; but I ami saut ahake . "Again ho drank. "0wl" he uttereti a strange sounditwbeen a grenansd a sigli. "Il vas near a' ower wl' m~e! i am muci bebeiten te you,1 my yeung leddy. I muaI Ir>' an' get1 awa' te mm' bed, but I eau scarc stan'.î I had bet.ter get into a cabs." "You batbeot tTest n few minutes firut," sait Menoa, who teit sineene comn- passion for him. t'l amn atrait yeu are more burt Lban yen thiUnk" *"I sm a puir frai! bette. Eh, but my back la twisted. Wlmt'Iltic>' askBow for- a cab"-be caIled ti Lt"casb- "le Camden Tewns 1" "I arn net sure-egbteeupene or Ivo shillings." uIleunacruem, coul>'place; but," apolo- giaî>, "I canna help il; l'i jusl pa>' fo h pirits andti aeî, anti gang rny 'ams." Ho tiredto ba site peket-he routeti eut bis treusers peets-bis brout pecket-aUuin vain. "Cuit preservo u ! -it's edean ganel My pocet bas been pieti!" » "Oh! Ibat is dreadiful! 1 hoe.yen hati net much in ut ?l" "*Tee ruch te loe. A bit et golti, halt n erowu, ant a sa-.punce. Now I canna psy for rny drap et apeenlls." "lTaian a smoe.nitie-I yl psy il. Goiuig te the counlet ahe-tiit, "Tis poor gentlemn's punie bas beeèn taken. I *mueI psy for %vhat h. bas hat."1 -"I tare &amy ilis au accidentthlaI ea> happeas te hlm agai n. if h. tinds kint Young lades to pa>' tor hlm," Midthle buxornin ai hon beiti tis e ou mMlg -axpece, ploase "Do yen te oqUal tageing isomeot" sa It Mona, vie vms b glx ag el!a litle aimnetiQ .tlir ll *tImufls tl this eldenlwaf. i *M'set you à eab, If yeu lu»" iat a bit.' Where do Yeubidt?1 vant te psy y* viat yOu'velaidw I "~O! neyer ;sun; it moe nt malter." "Ye are a &vAeis lasale?" "NO, I neyer îva s collut&" I "U;tisee15OauE.' t I .Averybstteeeitouisk4e di~w I ber isxty.s <toroNna t~uemnt, ~*ng'a I "tom 4*1v. me t. Mks. O54tI~'s, eau. i Ihoed. C~nt6us 1~sww.'4'e 1mev lb?" "tes.. .k" 'sQmebuy'iînf'erior te' b i'i i' h"P Miçght asi Welb4y a chesÇ90eça t n feo. Te Samne thingb way.o ih t onotnyeither you have. Strenth, lavor, Quality and VaIule_ that's economy. sixpncovl)Provc Lie sprat tisaI caugil «I~ ou havo tee muci imagintion, Dei," sait Mena, laughing. "Thpere vas nett Cn ofthtie millienaire about my elti mans. l. vas tee, humble tor a moeyet mi. If lie>' are 'quetr, tise>' arcn ray con- sequeistial. I fane>' io vili make hi& = wa herl. i-i en>' feeble, iowover, 1j 1 mgiecawbs'-aale auas them -sme tee, cesîl>'fer bis haste. I anm ah- meat serry 1 gave hlm my carti, but hie vas Quit. determinedti tebave il. lHe eemet se tiazot andi helplesa, I telt gnieveti ton hlm; but lh. us net b>' mis meana attractive.» "Well, i.sah) W becurions to e soc vit viii cone oe t Il It is my belieott your meîting didnst happen fer isetig,» anti Mme. Debrîa>' hook her heati sel- cmiii>. '*I believre yen are a lucky gil, Mena."t "Only lucky ianlimving yen te betrient mo! Yeut cap lu vcry crocket, dean--go anti put on your bonnet! 1 am nntsa bit tiret. Lot us indul inla a hansm oint Kenssington Gardons, anti &troll about 1111 il is lime tor a late tes." Frcm some unnevealet cause, tiers, seema to e a n lndene>' in events te accu- mulate at interais, like lhe serenith vave, as-ici scientials tell us la alwaya the langest. Se aftor lie menetoneus nipple et mmmi>'quiet veeka, tic cnop Of incident vhîch ha" betas nipeni buruls ils bounts asti expents itse it n a tev À ava. 'the Saturtiay tellevlng Mona'@ retecue 'et tic oit Seoteiman, she vas surprlsot anti doilgteti b>'thse rocept et a.letton frein Evetymi Everard, nov Lady' Fii- loua. Af ton volumineus apologiles tonltir ai- iene, me expresset hor Warin sympahs wihbr"teest cousin"! Mil in Tobe oonthuud. CRIPPLING SCIATICA A Sur. &W Cewtii Way to cum IiM TerrbleTorture. neursa, ieatiachea - yen must drive teé pilaù f rem, -youblooé, anti norves wIi' >ow illhAamae IPill Na. Liai mente nover, cure nom-i- anti bloot isi-, 580i@. Dr. WilIU=Iel Pâle Pilla stuek atnaigt stic cause because theyi, as- tuiymike mxcv bloot. iThroPtmghéi bothytic>'ceouer theopalaful poison, sothe lie nerves, loosen thé mÙuces, and banishi etsy ache andipan. Mn. T'bo=seJ. Elsehi, Waikerb Oat lt "Wisean Ibegmu nslssg D. W ms Ptwilh adhoms 1 otfvonkor Ist Aloný wllh 1isaidet a. stik.?b e v &- as 'terrible.(Mr>' * wh havé ee o aftfWoti vM acisI""-0"a tî dentant tise sd.sy wy i n ubot A&Y 1 ughIteck aMx bus.0etDr. wl isusink PJIlabefere lie>' belpe ms 'but ebler that à MW~da as*6eW h"duappeanet & e o U lu pruuon l.WRUame PiPl la. lis.bou mui~e a the-vouifor ici. BREAK in ON SPEAKER&, Englisi Polibical Audiences Cienlai l Amenica is tic paradis. Englanit lu the purgatory efthtie political apaker. Re ia ver>' tar' ttembeing allowred lu Englaudt tehave timiu is ovu va>', Il la an nuvritton lm efthIle eai- trY liaI h i Iliable te contratktl<sn. aY- ma= in lie audience iMa>'y l i anti dispute sny mîtement hoe phes, &ad tise orater l net allove. ltlate- gandth tisInterruption,, but lits te elopè andi argue thc mlter ont vit is at- TiheekMer lias a rccegnlzd standing anti &Il Englishmen are iseekiers, anti c- peoilal &I nglish wvonilugmen. In- a e0MpauYtc aix eue bave ou1I ase aiM AmenicàatIsat fine are set hlm te euneiff im >tiAt bh.,il vrong.Tl*t le juîil v in' m iIss*mngu an vewulti b"eneîtna Br me ouVlnie ttisk e vas lie ciii>'mis. porion la tise neom. If yen have nover vatetd an Engllsi verklngman iseekllng Mn. Balfour on lte subjeet et Chinese inhor, ye" have yelte beain ot viat a polilicai meeting I. Cap. able. Tics.e eosbeste are folloWod b>' lie audiene vith suprense seat ait goot humer. If they -tireaten te bicornetee protractet tise interrupte ipuedomn ln it sseat b>'willhng liantisfrein beishnd or aimpi>' tirovai ont et tise hall. ia ls e eeat campalgn, for ttie nt tinsels liste hutitory etfB"l-iteleIoa-! eng, tome vomenba t te hoorclbl remmovet trons a meeting. ,They voe earnest voman's suftrngltsand ti slt spaer ofthle occasIon, wlio vas »e lu las SmHeur>' Csupbel-Bnnmrmu% veut net $top te pmy aMy attention te tiens, tey- 'proceedeti te hoista* banne r' (ude is, aseit appene), mant t attresa lie audience lu- competlton vUl lhe Prime Miniater. AMWen ivéemin»a of uptoanous Contusion tise p 2:eaii tons.eothle officIisetofite meeting genti>'but tirmi>' hait carnetd Imif puiet in n tdb slEro I WHAT WEC UT. ' 1colonn malIens a24 Commercli la the Delineatue' cpmferto ate Foots, MUr mama»Absel) vlte , le. Ma>' awmibw. & aphicI.., Ontuii M *tea tiCmmerý'olmtoe tval Impotin., s 0t#!eL' uudlngI su lIaI are p r*ueit M. puU 1A5 NAIS m 1 LIONS ÇAD ,obtIDtthé,jroèIOSSof iiiUtoe vw» terounloalty'anti Wonder tniore trains ou, the Ugmads hla.TerIW from thelan OcÇ>ean te Victoria 14 fl 884 mile. l'ong,- and-i betwoen ,the te points mrethlrty.nine stations. MmheUn« la mangt on the qaem of the induan rai W&M .andi Most ct tiei mon on the lt5à train a" à tation ser-vice are But aIV Tho ildan sation agent la »kuova a il se- ho "eti a lonseme itte. 8Im"bj fo ==aPle, wbere tbes lions have, been mkim a %poclai study of the rallway- staion, *bis Only a station building, a wator, tank 1wr the engint., and aa slde-track, tuls boing oe ot the places wboro trains Paua oaci otiir on the igle traclçroati.- Tbetroubla ýbogan at Bl1mba olevon monthm ago, wbon th« t-_- ,Imnaer0 Natiobi one morlag- eOelv this atolaig tolegranu frein the. baba t 'A Mien bas beeu bothertng me fer -Ibide Igitu.He Corne up on lie station plattorva anti gos. asleop. Tienho vaîka Up am~ tiowu, scratches on the Wall andi door, 'anti tries to st into the office PIeaeo seul cartritigo-for as-Sulder rifle by the tiraI train for Mr protection. 1 hae. blank omit. ritiges but. they are of ne une gninsttla Thia gioutiobarvatlon bà te'ie armarba et sober truth. W1iUIIIoe ti. lion dujired, te by a ticket or, liether a follow feeling toW tbe toneome habuia ntueM hi. ;;10 t b. cultivato his acqualntance l$ >nMt inova. bbat It le, quit. certain Ibt blaak cartrigels e not appropriate a=nunloa, an'àthalt ba cantltg« s veoICI doaa. It la te b. -sup- Posnd that tioers eprom#ngitiyplieti. but il 40, tbsy iii uqt make a dusp lmprt.alo umo tbe lions, for ln Augua anothor baer- raing=tmagram naht- i vfl as foliovumaag 'Urgent. Te Trait b aago 'A lDon la on *the plattot. Pheluitra guard andi driver (engineer> te breekti cere- tully andti te akm ne, signalas la the -73R& Tonlth lbsuaz' te attise pas"s grs ol te ge« eut hote, andti tebè-ury. o.refitumeif visa ho cores law e i flc. Il la net, 'it6 cejrtain vietiur lie b@b emaaw chotlysUCltoqm for the -sel.t7 et lt» *» Suad o ubthee hb. houat tithmthe ie migil teks a IFantage et thé' ipea deer b t 0 ig4l81o8à ~at"haiiel. reoab" tr tCLng- a Utilsi -Solie1- mi l li tbdirection.oRtu*00h Ibm tanfS ttlmbe. ; ti nda' thé YatoutS- ho, a"the flraimm en rsetet a piatfem abOUu t u t abote. e ground w ursl tialtors. lis pallano. via aIlesi e ed. 'The tit ani emaio1w ileéss lIklyto' ti lapos e X epblng Mës M to te «MM W10alelè thlg mre oe -b.he g. lie aZ 7 hI mis.. Ram.a lt1 taler tvlio miune out i tio blg ies, anu ves ooain aput meu.- desi eis. 'be ugl lrilgMd e~ b »W. #u ehs lm tobldragit apebsvitbthe ide t v aie tiby thesso 4ti hel, aeag, tÙ" lb., b"s.bk' f~t 1a w m a" -hiee atopa e it se12

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