Whitby Keystone, 10 May 1906, p. 6

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* I- I t '4 Mons outait weme lie rmn lttandi listP-n to lb. lnîeiadY of sang and iigitar.e, andti par, ibis tos andi cet hIe cake. binthe <comrany of IL Cord of the oçqt beatltfllandi b-at ttoWlned man in EnoPlIMAd']tatri.. * blrb et-a n fn Mrch mkes Is col-urtac 0MOtetul hend-c-averInw. and an iad-sc-îhîs Stfllophnreo0f lnmtilltewi f nd oan. ««BeBa nmeencul-fmIn bowe--or of titi'fascinatIons of King Lmearlaholiday MRS. IIINIIR'S STORY B9ayes u îuis arce "Truîy hMai v,-lilîau.1 Mirs. 1. Hunter, of 111 Rala Icfd, Kingon, Ont., says: .I hav'e uffered with kidney sud liver trou- S bic and clironie consti. ' ~ pation for soîne time. I na subject te dizzi- ness, biiious hepadache, nervou8ness, drowsi 1r . Ilucter. 1itess, pains in the back and aide, and a tired, iweary feeling nearly ail the Urne. «i trlett almuet every medicine, was treatcd by doctoma and drugglsts, with ihttie cm no bouefit.- "I trled Dr. Leonhýamdt'a Anti-Pil, and 'the results have hocu truly wondemful. IIsa g much better. Anti-Pilli3isà mtwondemful rerned v." Ail dealers, or thé-Wiliqon-Fylo <it., Limited, Niagara Falla, Ont. Tise Ruse et a Res-olutlonlst. 1Nowhere cutie of the pagea et fie- 4tlon would ave cxpect #;uci an incident us the followiug froni the persoual @tory e! tise Russian rercîntionist, Narc'tnv, in the «Moy Anwieîcn Magazine. *Nar. IDny ba% just juntped front a'wiadoir to emmpe the. poli"e. "WVhen J1 acmarbled $o rny feet 1 dlcovèred myseif in tbe sMand! amoug hait a doene soldiers. miva&,ithout oercoat and hat--a very - picious figure ;and Iain-ug neither. 1 euls! net escape even ceuld I get by the n oidiere avho sarrouuded me. t I j erked a emrd froîn nuy peekft--to bi siy Ido net kncw iliat Il -a.- ans handed It te cneacfet1he soldions. iHere ie îny card,' 1I nid rapldly. 'Iarn a memner ot the Secret PoliE. Que lif these Res-olutionist-i i. trvtng loefesare l amatter hlm. Quickt*i Gl-me you ,r corit and bat l' "lHe autonîatteally obeyed. 1 slipped oen bis coat andbtnsd lta Il appear. suces wuas a soldier of tise Czar. 1 'walked pat the. guarded gate ef the yard, ont lIe tIthe streete Beforeo me were thousans\o( toidlers. I1mw My Mrende beiag bmought. doisn fro thtieé ball andi put lute the black s-mua about W-hleh stoos! guardsetofCeaaacka. 1 Mrchesi through my friends (alilof .that gpolup are lu prison today, ast-s mly mymeit ansitise friens! that eseapes! 7,12t me) w-th tise air cf a soldier on a ,ny hmp9rtant meeage,ad presacl eut brougistise mas*cf ether .oldièru tiiet flj be iestreet." * Where ils Pror.tJ va. 'etauBrtown w-safuil t of il&--y aioadho w-as edosrlng 9t el' lme z»so Ltdon ScotthaisVolunteeruof ee, ho w-as aked IU b. voie e Soté ma", aeordlUq to Anwenis. mit ucis" ho "-Ple*& tit ~othV aked tise stff M. Vui -told. Ail ha om4.rsl fora £ . ".?me got "m.e p ty la SoJall Profit fa Mexican tan&. Vend in Vile ai-id portions a( MMe.timo Is stiili %ery chîeap and cita be bosiglittia tracts of 1,000 te 1,000000 acres. Thse prit-e je risiug but net at lhe rate iV ilil probabiy eacla in thse ucar future. With- 'out any effort nt impros-ement, lus-est- tuent. tmade with rea&sonable enrefulness mwli bring good retumus hy the. enhance- nuent that impmoved methoda cf commeun- icatiou, agriculture, etc., are hringing Iabout. Tiser. is a gousi char tt en- large eonetderabiy thse iaetofirrigable land ini these tracts, aside flomn th gis in value due te improved metà.hot -- ter stock and ailier improvements a progresire ranchîer can make. 1he lad iliv-otnent offert a suret, perbâa even a larger, pmoslpec-t fer.profit t.kan las-est. muenta in nîining enterprises. Compara- 1 tis-eîy few Anterica nu engage iu lhe for- mer, ibile uearly al i ise go te Mexico engage te smre extent lu lhe latter. The American la proue Ce play for thesegi- est etakes, regardla of thsepester risk. Some Needsofo!dtisa Msy. We bave been **building up a mar- on lIe Idea ttais&loae .are aceeeav. But ve have neglected La prarîde asidtbosalsahiors guan", englacera ansi. met et a14il, effee so tiat vs bave alot a tully manneS slipes ssan aarugenumber etof rrossais are laid up fer vant ofet ros. rrTM <U. a new rossI sa lisenehoS acMeeueet thon la çommon lmuet bd s-dureS la omis. le, fumalith a crov. Furb«ore. the taclus at the cmmand ot cur aay fer ieeiag large resuclu are e por as te grmUty bhum- per the epevaIons of oui flot on occasos iSba quick roeira may b. anSeS. Superb SkciS ete NewYork ad Via Lehigh Valley ILR.., IbvoMgis Ve Siritreriand 0cf mneric*.Fut sapinsl truina. Double traci. Blocis aluala. Pullman sleeping carse rou loiae. For ttîrtber partieular, addressIL E.L *la 10 King street eans, Téo-cal, Ont. (Pbiladslpblaa uieug,> Huvo'-s lbhelS14supersttio vilb Il Sautpr bride,.vite torinnsîeY ta èalp uana'leS iu white. a.rtaie for ehatUilai Ma-ISlu grav. TO ivin Pgoaf eivt MarrieS la black. Yen vi tmbynmelf Maniai la bre. vn -l) lime ou w lova. MaricetulapeartF«ye ulre t.e * Id. marnesi ateeu, asbasai i. b. son,» MairieSla >ellev, sslaaaotet yvfter.w MarrieS la hiai. be ffl àfifl viiitI. MarrieSl ht elaare b.soa arialt.oï TMO NANT VEoPLEDALLwm othon imedui» . AeseF Caodwiat l'ovw i.tle U t w. uIt sae a" Osas. aut cu ew batle &le«» SO&mel. Ie Musas reuti*i"-nlsgaipou « islrna. Dsa i"Wmy viii 01%. 4'ef MOU eie a e *&eul~Sa." i Cheap aad Filhlns Foo& Now. thoe. yl b. the virtutel, orthe oS.- tais. tbey arm cbeap. .maliy awaiiowed a»là of moderat, nutritive valve. Tbuie tea a element tu the averag human mimd, haiu puritanie. hait jtincy. whicb l lu InlineS to eSffaiasa viniff, la ln"aitIo a" Sod wbeb Il 00t ecIallY attractive but b.. lianeS to b. autnitioua. Ile tact, te eat t whleb la cheap andi IYlila l «o*eet tho poii vill. NOW D&TVOS 8TA» pu appm TABLET CmGIVISTANT RELIE.- Th.yre baudste carryr.take 0exteuet-t Ina-ev wheueer y7« tee) iemb 4lstao 1 ut on-.uteomusbave preai il <h.osl rsuody kuova thavin cive tamis, a d ele Mad poamassulcure-» mo eg uiostumt- UM U a v a utimable tuuls-et fr &U M setet siMab troubles. si- WarpersWki. T'hé,telqpha» M M yteset Parts sImos oUa- siéerubioe <obé, êaixs«dammu sos , OMa saes uaplat Viii the ubsatbsr.ou et lb. imiter .auuoed je tmt t* "04es le t *6e marlu ss « - uloth Ulb.UF sa momaiu lum l~a tunmvs fou hMM« U ress 5r. ea-as IsIlbe *6eU die Sla or*"p t OL O i beB Aveu«mow ne $Md a4 Lm &s, ans. me» nom Ds » 5 t. M. tauiIm ab usiomg. s sW sis hs ula bVfl Sitmme.a %Wbm 5 " bfor 54%mif" a M.im M pseucube * fbres àbeeoe, vusi u une auai y W41u *wtre. gvmmî 8 oe0"iout rw- -um o-«m-romI ais, ~au ma mm* ~tzzzt~k:. Ž~SAP Clothes washecl by Sunlight Soap Ro ani~~iîtz nfIMPOTANT FAi.JTI5 FOR CA.lk;DLW4 il es.;s:ss .e:sIPOL. "Tyoit mn earch Euroe throuit. su-id the jMore tban oiee 1;wapaper In Oanadi third Napoloon, "and vou nowhere wM il bu as rent1y been ppintinrg ont to read- a place botter dealgned. by nature andi art ers the danger cf tak4ng medicines which for the 'Joy of living' thîni Biarritz" ad contain a -big -pereentage of aleohol. theme are probably thousqnda cf pleasure Theq-e is oee nedicine ln great demanê aeïeors who %vit endorse tâtas bigla oulogiu-al whieli, however, contains no trace ef al- maya the London Tit-Bits. Napoleon. it la true, bas sentimental rot. - co 1hol. This is the Australian herbai sons for hi& love of Biîarritz, for it wi.s tlerse, 1househoii rrnedvy, Bilcans. W7hil-e nu*.cb eu, runes the seory. tliai te ust lis huart ta u attention ha, bsen direceted te t.he dan- future Empru. lUdlng one day. holiesw thLIJO o cohllI, no po.per thlat re kmsw raiautiy beautitul face ef Eugonio de MontDV em ta ijo Iooklng down at hlm trami an upper wl»à- bas yet ealicd the attention of rendors slow,, and ho knew no pence untll-.4e lad t o a étil worss danger-tihmt ce! takang made hem acquaintance andn woli ho coua- niedicinen vhich couVain ueh rminerai sent te sbire hl&asplondid if 1it-fîtesi ýrono.; la memory of this romance h lt for i pomsna as mereUTY, bismuth, calomnel, bis bride a negal ploau.--liouse on a heidl- etc. These substates e wre consm'on iu land looking dewn on Barritz and there. thec iver ani etornach remedies se ide- la ber company lho spent imuny 0ft(the ba~l)-i l uFed before Bileane icre obtainable pleut daym of bis lite. The magniticent holcIi tsucutrad wicareatllus-' whàicb haniepmeacec le îspalace of royal ro - theo tr, 'a aeaiuu mance bas been chosen by 1(ing ICdvard as iu some quarter,; to-dat'. bis place of realdeuce during his weii-cariaed Bileans for Biliousne.ss! cosntain ne holiday la the south of France. ofI eà o-O-. Teaetu e Not even on Lb.e5iedlterrtLncîn could bi* 1of ntheepoionge tey arwe txuree Mîajesty bave faund more ideally beaulita rt hetoget vl hie ed- beidquarteru. From the windows of his gai- a mtiodi'itte inîproper and hArintul for geously cecorated suite of routnaslho lookm 1!anmîlv use. This, no doubt, an great down on oneof etb.flnest, iaoramas thàmeaure i1ccout1 for tihew'idv:1 wbole warld cau show. At bis fetathLb bl*aa waters of the (litofameony breaks agalnst SUC oM k-thaas great vegetable reniedy'. the barriors ot quaiaatly shaped rcd rocks Blea"' are ptirely egtable. he andi pour in theîr sheets of sxow-whalte tesa; proprictors; firrr'ly belies-e that vege- away lu the suutb and mautbwest are tho t-ablec rootî and licrbs, or, what îs the puirple and snows of the Pyrenpes und tho feint, bazy lino ofthLb. Spanlsb coust; miaile i saini% thiîîg, tia-ir essences, irere trom lniamedlately heneatia bita Bilarritz «eproada the dawn of creatiou intendied for the a t.dgiaag ut beauty Lu a eau of pea.ri ana iOcieu naT 4 liUtr deepoat biue.- îtlcn f nakn. Al Utr liazrltz bas heen mcii chrlstemed the-par- tends te tpach tiîis les--on, ami n.d uie'rr adise o iut lsure lover>i.' for inded b. sc le i(nce enq.. -t î t. lni Bileans there- wouid b. dlfftl-ul ta please who couid unit'fore, youn'have a pureiy naturdi renmtdy, full cveîy hour of the day wltb deligiat. If lae froc, fr)ni ait-ohol. free frorni neaieD oi- ts a golfer hoe cao LaI.- a tîy andl ho drîveu a short toile uphilI to one of the tîneet anà.i ns,[mec fromtuhte danger cift e-tta'ag up Mnost picturequ.- golf links ln Europe. thle pil-takilig habit, and a medîcane rheme, u1111089 lie Io an expert be ln as likely which lîa.c uow 4*en tripe1 'aid proved asu net ta send bis ball over thte edg<. of a ipîobyalese fpopenpr- llft or chasm loto ie sea whlcbh thunders «tç~irb I lssso epou rc snd toans a tew butîîdî'ed tiet below. If ho ically evcry civilirmi cotn.try in the woear af o golf, lae can find capital s.riaýt MWor!d. Fot. liver ctnnp!o.iut, Iîe.1dacile, Close Ot baud in buotlng, elaoting ûr trout Iîiiioîis.npq's, indit"estion. conîti.:L1ot flsbinzpls in..ml-d ,odrL Ar f e Wlit-o lie soeks losiq athietîcr recrentiota, ho pi0.wn.ftul iodr.amro e cani ttroîl along tlae Plage by te triag8 of bility, a.nae-nia. anid for alaim-nt. iris- te vas andi watcblte moving panorama ot lng out ot defective btle floirv, assumî;s- lfo ud talon. Alm:o..t every nation ot Eur- tion and dige-ýion. lileas are une jual- ope. frota Ruselan La ipauardn, la reprepent- eLT v are tbanal rom &K SIA g id by his felaw-funt,nema* toandotista màke ld le baubedag Imudl for him; selluc-tlve fiowerglrls, wbite- gist. at ifity cent a box, or direct froie clad vendors af swocts andi briliiantly-iîtîre04j the Bilean Cc., Colborte strrat, TIcronio, 19ogmoc- tempt hhlm with thein respective Upon recel-pt cf price. e rares. Pair bathore. In dslnty cotumeq. Mr. Thoq. Molyneaux, of Aruhe'-4-1 tri.p sera.,, tbe promeonade train the casino be ahnysoa ad dlsport themeelves lan the creînay warel; Rays: '1 Was troube ihm#tu- rhll eta scoreq of tables aits a mca-ny crowd. a-ch for about three s-car-' Evemv tamo smoking tbelr cîgurs and slPPIng their mamny- or tlire day.s biliotas attackc% wo-tad coe tlored Il wildoi.en 1 xe.i«rie thfd ' ko At thec casinos, wlth thetr restaurants and 1OL IejeietdwthYdntko ralng bouses, their thesitrel, torms'em and' hoir many difereut m"rîcnco, but itise lantis. la. cma pendinaîny spend rnsny a biliousnaes went <m n ite same. I Dleatant bour witîaut rlskIng a louis at the saw a report i-bout Bileans sud t.ria seductîve batccarat tables, wlaere enoninous t1. I '- i pectldtemntocr ODm. are mon andi 1at evomy day. lgý,em uea. »r aa fIn thet town. awsy frorn the casino% and ieua. but 1I ana gland tosamy thatuaithough 10tngers, be Willl tîntiabundant eRprtunlîleaii si;aboutt a mouthm&o SinCr, I teck &.11Y for récreation-nd monoy apendlng, Tht<-c ien.Ihaenthda mte ic. Are scorcs etf shops B!wbicb viea wltt ad u h ettak la Ottiur ln tlaelr tr temnff are: t,----. f-- ---iouadau ilar caises '.otiId te queLt- à Creature 91 Habit# uo Milk Ber Regu. T'he 00w la largely a. crqature of habit. A preminent dafryman recontly said, ut a. dafry convention, <'Wben you break in on a coii'& habits, you disturb ber whole IIlk-maklng maeLhxnery." Thisis quite truie. Toc much attention canne ho given to feedlng at stated inter'iai and znling with ckwork regularity. The utmost neatneas ought always to prevail in the stable. ItVshould ho thoroughly eles.ned every morning. Ail soiled hoed- ding should give place te that which lu edean aud fresh. Twice a week it ahould » tboougbiy ec«ied. Every stai ahould b. provIded with morne moins for di.spoing -o! liquid excrcnient _prompt- ly. Let the tidîness foý which Rolla.nd I. fanueus prevall here, and ire may pro. duice butter which will rival the prouc- tion of the Duteh dainies. W. hasve al n ecessary facilities for making as fine butter as Io made anywhere in the world, but we have net y et been edncated up <o th.e proper standard et caring for the dairy. Use the currycomb on the coir. 8h. needs It as inuch i s the horse dues. If 1V la net used, loose hair will ho con- gta.ntly dropping inton the mnilk pil.- Eben E. Rexford lnu "Mikling the Country HEome," in The Outing Magazine for Fol> iLif e Insurance in Great Britain. Acoerding t-o the P-ritL*h Beard Ot Trade's Annna.l Blute Book on Lite la- surance C-ompanieb. thbe buin-.ss is fa-r mure cheaply run in Great Britain thon as the recent revelations have told us, it is ini this country. For instamce, t.he percentage cf a&E ex- pen.sýeq, including age"Itnts ccxnission-% to premiluin, is now only 13.50 per cent. Inla 190 it was 14.01 jer cent., and at ha-s flnctiated between t.het and tée present ratio in thec intervening years. British if e ins.urance a.s a whole did noV increa" mnuch last vear. In 1900, cxcludig inductrialg, the policies num- bered 958.824, in-guring $2.350-000,00. In the six s-eume einee the nurnber ha» in- creaai only abnut fi-ve per ent., to 1le 005,304, w bile thle to>tad amountt insu-resi only increased te $2,43,5,000,000, er s t.han 4 per- cent. "Indu&trial" insurance la very popuara ilb (ireat ritain. The num1bze! of M- cies cutst&andinq is immense, na.meIy 24,668,6312, inguning $1,210,000-000, St &an annuat premium expenae cf155,00,00. Expenses feU tfrom 445 to 43.5 per cent. of preuuurns. AI!, or praetieaJly aIl, these polle.. are British. Aftierailo'wing for Over- ltçpping. more thm alf i!the wuMugx clasea lnGreut. Britaîn, moti wome and obltdren, are lnsured wità hi ndui- trial lifs' office.. i cures! a horse ef the Mange wlth MTNARD'8 LINIMEFNTr. CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS. Du-thousie. I cured a horse, badly toma by apitch fork, with MWARIYS LINIMENT. St. Peter's. C. B. EDW. LIL.J I cured a herse cf a bad swellilng wlth MINARIS LINIMENT.1 Bathurst, N. B. TH1(1. W. PAYNE. Wlut the Dres N.eded. (Tît-Bite.) l.,- Angles-Thtis new gown of mine doeent give tme the graceful figure the tailer claizued Lt moulti. I muet have I Iltesi.L MIse Plumbleigh-Why dent yeu taie It to Pasidetu & Cc. ? UmasAngle»--Aro tbey your tallera? Miss Plumpleighb-Oh. ne-. they are uphel- B[UTER JuAN SPAN KING Spanklng does net cure children o! bed-.wettiag. There le a conetittutiona.l cause for thié trouble. Mrs. S. M. ilum- mers, Box 8, Windsor, Ont., will ud free to any mother her ecesaful homo trestuient, wit.h f ull instructions. Seud no money, but write hem to-day if ycum children troule you la this w-ny. Don't biame the chlld; the chsatles are 1V ean't help kt. This treatment alec cuies adulte aud ages! pople ,trcublesl w-lU urine liflceultis y night or day. Tise FoUles of tise Rfeh. (Lule'& Weskly.), To the tac t t & alUithe ols are not dosA 7et empeclaly the ricb tooi, <ho uswapapm of the dey fumaish abuadant eridenco.Il vas ens t ortuilclasu living ln Pblladslpbla Who avant *30.000the othor coua n nth* "oumlai e ut"..etf his 514.51 daugbtem - a »mu et monoy expendesi la more vain dIs- play largos ltat the total ineeme for a yeur et may bard-werk"an sd wortliy mou. More of a fool by several degrees ws the vesîtby vouas la a New Hamshiobre tleva vho had a pet dog hurleS Ihm other day la s eo*1Iy ca"eiBi tlnes w1ttbw-hite malin mai adoroesi *Ith eut flowers. p3OnISc pabulues u ibis doos anarchisu foodandi gmow. The vorgt ansi moot dungorous *Wo monts ot secisty -to-iaY anrDU oi te etouas! la the.claa nom las the baals e ofries, but la lb. amusions et mon and Voon mho maie ao botter us oftheoepporluulile wblcb largo, vealti bau aftordesi thim u a te bcd iterowa toMesc and* valitlci. bu la bos w-bus unila the. SuUM htw-q. lh avenigt sup es4Aflsv »Outms 8SPLEN>D ISOLATION." 80 muti bas been nidand w-riten about Kuglund'a "aplendid ioati. the phas asgoMu o eria Euglhh oye, a srs, that tisepolltiSe, itftitude 1Vrupeosts la a meures et pr.t. thoumudo!fEnghaisuesw-h ams ntellwenil mo«giste knov whist Imitse. Oet&."It la of tise utmog iusportano" sMrtise Bpstator, *fat va aisould us.n Ad th" . fi. fan per M w" vsulEnghaSdigC"dsthe " i ta#"oset EZue- u4tseto vitisvii thon statos rpdbrA Î."e m 1thse vutter a"ês osau taoe *Mtiseo" ti die,watt*u, il rmy et tse lia ~ ~ ~ h llah pus a n y e sa PmM- sy mm- A~ Li Xlar t Lek tameuoV A&WL nsa 4et9SyiM NiaI pure ose. 'If yen and me wero socialiste and yon laad a thousaud dollars and I bad none, youd gis-o me f ive hundmed." "Itsafine,' smid the other. "Go on.» "'Again, if yen had ton ews, and I had noue, yeu'si gis-e me f ire." "Sure 1 would. Go on; w-bat nont?" "Or, If yen had tire herses and I haît none, you'd gis-e me one-thal w-ould be soClaiax." "That I w-ouid, Dennis, and! lt's a fine doctrine, toc.» "gAnother ex-mple: If ycu had tire ges and! I had /none, theu you'd gis-e me ona.$# "Weil, that I 15ïouid net; Ire gsot tw-e riCEINGPILE.-Dr. Aiuew' Oint- mnt lapro«f spinal thetloi-monte et Iteh- Ing Pilue. Tboutande et t.ctmolkails et oes fetsct"d b? It ose. Neocame tee a£- gra"Ie or toc long Standing for Il le scetho. combori a»à oure. Il cures ta trou à et £ Importing "ced Cattie. (Eotou Trsnscslpt. Tb* govosmoent bau unierlahea te uper- minS ndthe Inircduclie a Ite Ib"connuty t lb. ascresi caIlefle etis, ter bwosdiig par. pesMs.The reame wby Ihos amuie an de- sireS by caillemea lule taI <ber ane Immune tisa pieuve-pueula o4w-Meb bas nueS euncbev b ossi es tbre ltectiesby catile <elai. The <lobail eeta"W"#casmeut work on the macresi catie. tar<OUtnestalgýame beeu marrieS on fer Yun te Ssmeairsie ibi tact. The introductioa et ne-eMtgh emared blocS lua the rdtuavyAmmarSu cétl.l aMi te b. enough te chais IMUMtY. SecrtarY Wilson acr-e" ite etossi facies «for ib" Im- portationte Indim o51118,but oundiUea ta gcvr'mnl voaimehouid examine eery beasl efore It vas bonabi ansi gis- bistemrai te the purchase. The expoués et the velerlaarla n r pais hy the caile- Nisanis Liniment Lmbesman's rIsi. wale, CanooL a PrepoieL- ruer uuwenivOUPMhWrla the mse cap"tal Pualimoat. "S "Thobue pre hltr e u Obteeeteo 11Mbi te « »a-a mg t MM*eu * Mg Ouma tarte "- ISSUIE N'os'. 1>9' 1VO6 FARMS FOR SALE F ARS 'OR SALE. IF'YO WN TO buy a tam In Ontario. gond for Our list of over 3.000 farms for sale. trhe Womt- erm Real Estate Exchange, Limltod, LOndon<e Ont. MISCELLANEOUSQ WANTED Blackumlth for agricutural macblner7 iofl- corn; good poslon for sober Industicus man; utate reterences and experience. I. BELL &. SON."St. George. Ont. 0 AKViLE FRUrT LANDS-10 ACRM O lots,. -oMI&M fotr fruit sodeulutor pcuKry: cloe <oe eleefre cmt; bât MrM aorl fruit. Wnit quk te A. &. roer. Oailhi. W ANT D.!mEDiANELY, woGIRLS mcook and i homàd la a&private tmlly; go"d ima tg raliablee gri Auid.re l wrltlng te mm6. .oy. Giffleo, 14 IJ.au»h stree tout~ 1amita - are cleaner'-and whiker than if washed mn &ny other way. Chemicals in soap na-y rernove the dirt but aIways inur the fabrie. Sunlight Soap "il not injure the most dainty lace or 'the hands ibat use it, because it is absolutely pure ancd contains no injuriaus chemicals. Sunlight Soap should alwàys be used as directed. No boiling or bard rubbing is necessary. Sunlight Soap is better than other soap, but is best when ýIused in the Sunlight way. soft water $5OORfWARDwiU ho p&Id proVes thât in slie.,"PMontair sIy urtoua chemicalu or a"y torm 01b oton. ILer iBratusens blted, Toroato i At MaKnitou, Col., uttse base cf tso Pike's Peak range. thero lm au eleetrie peower station, whlch lu operate! by &' "head" of 2,100 fett. The preasure la greater tissu ilat st ainacît auy ,othor station la the venld. It l ael tedo be Dlq3' pounda to tise square mInchwbero theo iater as utilized to drfrwe turbibls wheels, and eat.the nesule o! Vhs long pipe empioyed ths streara gushea eut at the veioeity 0f 2w0 mies Sa heur. The Nestor o! Orlentaliats,. Jullus Op- ort, w-home 8th bimihdy w-as, oiebrated lt, ments la Paris'Ia a, GWrman byr binth, but aine 154ha bas -beon a nat- uralimes!citizen M Fran«". WAMRIR W E.Tsog ap colS ans eacpccreMaur a brtme»soler W-ho loft hmaie»Ve beart1àau «fIl"ascelbe 10 tigbt tir couty'. benr, boen'l- valideS houe' belse et tho vmlns.9et be batilegrud-Ubstmaiàm. Som b 4msf- can rtheuate Cuavre il) ahmolelp e si-y cmatofSRbelSnatumal laWtolense.Relie taai-bcun.-8-U Nade Productive by Irrigatio. Problahly th. mosituIPeatmsi siP that bas beeoom a tutIIs conu-ty Suriag the lait Secade hu he tu the dtrection et restais- log &M suansi ndnS d bbmisaset lmmtgattoa. Vaautaa achs la file veut &Mi midils vect av& novloblWePprome tbta once w-asooaioreiVostIe.. fr e.Iu crops. Deoortifs Wmenlpireamerwte seýý ci huba" anScactus re UV voudertu ,:etifil ds Md gardons. la itbs Mebep-o men *6 Suur #eth SapuilUU use basoma a MOit* etat tuet«-- t bulsruedm"ui dromo e« plioceers MeV eo oaslsre * imemNirau Linimt L is oia les e4, becime i plSe e por spi' ment, te ltese, * eiwAsusv' "-WUit ilSkm e Mr@asefflber 'tr$oà. ' "om vaseS lse sm b l. 1uia1 aT1N Let,(N MAY 20, 1006. Destb of John the Baptiot.-Marb Commentary.-I. King Hero( câ.onscience (vs. 14. 6-16). 1 wa-Tb Ys Herod Antipas, on, %- socf IHerod the Oreat, and 1 ofaiîeand Perea. 1Jeîtrd, Ùf Jesus (Matt. 1,f 1). Antipai of_ bis capital& at Tiberias, on of GAiilee. - He had, no doubt Jeans before, but the preachin twolve aposties had 'stirred ti country and his '*fame" was ýi go thak t.. attracted anew thie of the king. Risen f romtb tist (vs. 17-2. 17. In prisor place of John s imprisonmentE -wua]Macherus, ln Perea, on tb aide of the Dead Se.a, near the frontier of the tetrarchy. lien h&d a palace and a prison ui TOGf, as was common in the Hferodias' sake-'Tbis woman granddaughter of Herod the C; 1 mstnarried. Herod. Phiiip, 1 Who was the- father of Salon b ad put away his legal wife, tý U E f retus, king- of Arabi Wand had taken llerodias, thou Herodias' husband, was stili Il 18. John-John- was the son o and was born at Juttah,- in th of B. 0., 5. Me was a Nazarite, drink no wine or strong driu jet hie hair and beard grow u agu nof consecration te God Ble Was wîlled with the HoIy 8 his birth. 'lie was a tower o 'Whioh stood four-square to, al thut blow," Bis active minist -ued Jes than two years. Hla The Nreek verb is in the impe: and implies that he repeatedi' him. John wau bold and feai, faced the king personally. ««I !"roed Herod: l.,Mlprod's c brnMg Dg untold evila upon the John couid not effectively dei ami 1of the people if lie lets jgg as go unreproved. 3. e4 e nlhigh places teachli os &nd pro pagates crime amoi pie." .-Peoubet. It la well mnaters dare rebùke the ait tichuns and those in authori Ia.wfuI-HRerod had put aiway hsd4nduced HXerodias te forsal Haerodts conscience accused b Who wouid keep an undistui mjugt keep a clear conscienc shows that Herod did not hol ducean doctrine' that there l rection, but, bad as lie was, 1 la the immoxtality of the gou remurrection of the dead.' The i the resurrectiol WaS COniMOI e d a.mong the Jewa. MightY~ counsequence of havinig risen -.de" d-hg ije tbougkVte obe l mlfale-worCtIg powers. Thua ing. incidentai confrimation ,*C 41; that John wrougèt no mi' living. 15. Others said-To klng'î fears probably some of lers macde these suggeîtions., Greek form for Elijsih. The P uxpectlng that Eiijah wonid.9 tura to the earth -and usher i giaIh (Mal. .4. 5;ý Matt. 16. 14 pt-Some new, wonder-wo phot. 10.' But ..... ,.Herod ..s gUit7 conscience impelled' hi bae onas au enemnbe jY *Uke4hber 8b15.'Oit Me h.desired te kW i h Sie . -odld ltfOtjohn she Mmeau.u an ruie~WQmai m2ý Souvenir Post Cards U. for 10e; ce for 5ne; i0% 1; M0. $a;. UMI 86; &Uai tferect. Langui st nent itboh la Canada; 5NO mixesi. 8; album. a&U insu. W. AL &dama& Toronto. Ont. MM. Wlnrtowa s ooekig iYrupéouM aSI- waya e b. ud for cndm t«dhizW. Tt soothai thé chilsi, oothéà h. gama. enru windoml anid la ta.but z»ày for Dur- DR. LIXOY98 f« 01 lus775,ud maitmd for ib pu.pome deau sugue. sud by 15e rnaken. L uolosstmpto La ROY PILL CO., Box e. iuinluo% a,016 Insomaie Treatmeat. (Denrur Peut.) Firat D"cto-You're treating Jeuks forla. somnia. iront you? Sccoud Docto.-Yes. Pirpt Doctor-Have yen rendered. hlm Yonur bill vat? Second Doctor-No, of courue Dot 1 WSa the man te bs abie toeup. Xinard's Liniment Urned by Phyadana. 1 Teachlng Politicalecouomy. Tire Irishnîen irere discussing1 socialises. "l'Il tell you what socialieru la,"

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