Whitby Keystone, 10 May 1906, p. 7

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M Me 199 FUR SALE kLitE. IF YOU WANT TO lu Ontario. send for Our (irrn, for sale. tWhO WOt- :rcIiuflge. LlmitOd, tAfldOnl LL.ANEOUS* NTED grîcutural macblnci7 con- ax for gober lndustrious muers and xjcrience. l <Worgce, Ont.. LUIT LANDS-10 ACIt! t-for fruit. gardening or "ýtr1c cars; bg mony tu rÎIATELY, TWO GIRLS ans or agi forpoIhn Imad Ln a prtva.te tamilY; lia ale glrlui. -AU1dre ln ao . lêoo. 71 isah Post Cards WCo; 100 $1; 2w. 82; Me0 Largoit amil finest stock id. $33 albums, a&U prk@ tente. Ont. Sootbiing Syrup abould SI- sr chillreil t.thtfl.g.It seotoe t.he gurns, cure» the bout rumlY for Ditr- -DR. LEiROY'S 3MALE PILLS f. sure and rîllable uiontbli uua bou rnis have Lsen used IluFranc. e ilty year.iad !uud Ilyutble Purp04 ýluet. a.Ind udanepure. r ,tbe mnukerî lRnlou slump for irclar. Prire si ou pr box of aucurely ealed. un reiui p t PlUs DY PILL CO., ix e2 IIamilton.. Osaa. la Treatment. river Pot.) t'ro treatlng Jenks for la- ve you rondored hlm 7001' 1o, et course net. I1int l tcrleep. it us ed by Piiyuiclans 'Mj., et the base of the go,, there is an electrie hich iu opcrated by a feet. Tic pressure iu t at almost any other >nld. It is calculated te ithe isqure inchwhere iizcd te drive turbine ýt nozzle of the long i. streain gushes eut at VO0 miles--an heur. Orjentaliste, Jullus Op- birthday was celebrated Paris, às a German by 1S34 i. hai-been a nat- of France. VOE.-Tiirough damp, mnany a brave soldier who arth as "~lt" as could -b. rys bonor, bu bien *'In- sus. of the vulture oi thé sumatt.m. South A-mort- re vwill absolutely cure av- matîim la exlstonce. Rolluft cive by Irrigation. et Important stp that bas l country uurlug th. la-t i thé direction of reclaim- 'lld lande by meani of tracks lu the weut aud DWriehly productive thit .4worthleàs for ralslng Ier given lover to meag- Piî eare liow wonderfulty tç ardeus, In thi. develop- met agriculture ha. beesn tr hLas r.alleed the tha vre constdered vie- Cm> %nu1it Il 0w m ary tim16 J- 4 S.udn~J .. l-thelng , jerfimanS -4of a hast- wi 'to seUt! sioay tleir, b.Itk, b%"e, vfrtue) proapery, pe a"apr lty, but Iaeaveu'aetera wéalth Of pur' liNTMRI1ONL àLZWU ON JnO. . W s tér p).aaw*e-or tue ap& e 4r;maken mai, reve lu h ensuon. de. ».auh or John thie Ut1t.-Magk S: 14%. net :co«4nehie okt he.sdd Comentary--fL Kin Herod's terri.-Ute ascends the *teps of tue throoe, &ej conscience (Vi. 14. 6-16). 14. Herod monata the pIatform, forces bis w» itoL w-nû. was Herod 1,Auatipu,, one of the tb& pa pit.". sd ionso!fHerod the ýGreàt, sad tie rmier 24:MOther-Wa ohs ed cf Gaile. and Perea. ileard of hlm- ing ber owIi dMighter into the vilest 0f Jesus (Màtt. 14. 1). 'Antipas haî one C3iflm5 What.- à.ask-ýflxe vile Hérodias ,of his capital& at Tiberias, on the Sea *as not long iÎn teHlng ber; et, waa cf Gaiilee. He hadl, ne doulbt heard of wU.iLUinfor Lnuisque@tion; ée. rtiaat jesus before, but the preachiù f et the h oiir iiad ore ror ber te aecoaiplisb twoive apostles bad stirred the whole lier fieudialiPUTpOoe. country and bi& "lame" was increasinig,. 25. With -bate8-Sbe bastens to bave so that it attrtcted anew the attention the deed per1petrated ile the. revel te of the king. Risen from the dead.-- 011.preb.bly in the nigbt. 'Herod drunk tilt (Ys. 17-20.) 17. In prison - True wil do what Herod gomber bas rofueed place of John's imprisonment and death te do." Giv. me by and by-'.ýForthwîtui." vas Maeherus , in 1'erea, on the osîtern -IR. V. Give me immneâiately. She took elde of thc Dead Sea, near the seutheru Herod by surprise and ma.de lier denand frontier of the tetrarchy. Bore Antipas --on the in*tfxnt, lest Herod abouild b.d a palace and a prison under on. change hi. mindY" In a cba.ger-Qn ai roof, as was common in the east. For Ia.rge platter. The. head-Sbge in, thirêt- lierodias' sake---"This voman was a * wfo bis blood. granddaughter of Herod the Great. She WV. John tbe Baptiât bebeaded (Ys. 28- f iret niarried Herod Pbilip, ber uncle, 29). who was the father cf Salome. Herod 26. Exeeeding sorry-His conscience Shad put awa ' hie legal vife, the. daugh- va.. not. eutirely déiad d e wa.s woc- ter of Aretus, kIng cf Arabia Petrea, ried and tieubbed. For bis oatfth'a sa ke and had taken Herodias, though Philip, -Hie eared more for bis oatib than hie 1-erodiaa' huabamnd, was aVili living." 18. conscience. or John, or is God. lie Is. John--John was the son of a priest coulu inurder. but*he mugt net brak a and was borii at Juttah, in the sumcr wicked oath that b. .hould never bave of B. c., 5. Me was a Nazarite, pledged to tauken. There are inany today who, for drink no vine or strong drink, and te the make ef an oath whidi bas ne legal let hie hair and board prow uncut as a or moyIa binding upon ttemn, vili vio'.te sigu cf consecration te God (Num. 6.) their consciences and imperil ýheir os ne vas willed with the. Holy Spirit from inteSuts. Wliila st -ith bùu-lie va.' bis birth. "lie vas a tower of strength afraid et of fending the gieat men ef bis which stood four-square to ail tiie vinde kingdosn. A slave te public optimn that blow," His active minisrtry contin- Would -net reject ber-Noe the steps iied luas than two yesns. Had said - tha~t iimi led Henod te this: 1. Rejectang The Greek ver ini in the imperfeet tense tbetintILi 2. Continauing te b-dulge in and imnplies that he repeatedly repnoved hi. ains.. 3. A dninkes toat; tiqu*r h hlm. John was boid -snd feanlesi. Ho neaponmiie for uat'old crinne and miserv. f aced the king persona.ily. "WMy John 4. ý.A.j immoral dance; dancing eau but reýroved Herod: 1. Horod's course vas rewult lu sin. 5. A ricked oath, iin bringing untoid evils u[ben the eeople. 2. never miou]d have been taken, but, once john could net effectively denounce the. takren. éould have been broken imnin- sinsetfthe people if h. lets smn i j&e.ï- .H e u ~ cr ofthe people. bigb places go unrepneved. & Unrdmk"P -hes. l-u h.pioe ed crime in high p laces teaeheS, lndei- vas neady. Jobn inflot the. only oee et sud preugates crime amoflg the P'<> wbo vil! b. beheaded I i t tii 1laUp. pie," -Pe eubet. It le veli vien theueld.28.Buht is e What a minstera dan. rebuke the &ins of poi.l- d. tl reug is besd-aathse ticians and those lu autbority. No ret haaty preenmusbo avnue h. 2. lawtia-Herod Wadput avay las wilf; Bis diaepl.a-Jobn's disciples. Took up b.d induced Henadias te forsàke ber hua- bsS .-thd entrw u, Hiered'sconscience accused hlm. "Ou. bis b uredtautee trown eu who wouid keep anundistunbed prace athey ul.d iwto oneti. lstkiduiso mut epcerod idnseet ltitii. nov then breught them te Jesus (Matt. shows that Nrdddntbl h Sait- xiv. 12.) Ati su d Herodîs e e siaf ducean doctrine that tiere le no nesur- ewrsbn;é -yteRmnepr irection, but, bsd ILs ho vas, he believçid otrva n binsne , here an epe- in the. immetalityetfthe 90eul and thei. te e YOD5, in of ance, beestbin pis- resurrectien of the ded. The doctrine etfcdrtm. rmidro hi i. uda the resurrectleu vas c onku kmet- . S yHenod for wsrning. Mark ed among the. Jevs. Mlgity wrs-nHepkis §xd&,"A man rnay beceme et ne ,onsequence -et having isen frein us un ntbis univers. except for a vain- dead beIg thought to b. peusesied et lu;." let the exemple et Henod vsrn mliracle-woiiCfig poven. Tuls la a strlk- e ing IncidentaI cent namatien et Jobhn x.d .e7<v.20. JIno 41; th4t John wrougbt no mrtacle vile "hberd John" wi ti a relish: h. enjoyed living. 15. Otiieri sald-To quiet the bis instructions; ii. appreciated hie king's, feans probably saine et bis court- hbravery; but lie vould net put away lers made these suggestions. lilas - r Herodiss, non refuse theii. 1.etofbis Greck terni fer EliJahl. The people were teaciier viieu it wa. unnlgiiteously de- expectixi; tiat Elijah vould sctual1y ne. manded.1 tura te the eantii aud uiber in the ]des- .Wiin Hugb Latimer presented Henry siaii (Mal. 4. 5; Matt. 16. 14). A Pro- VITI. wltb a napkin on wbici vas em- phet-Some nov , woiider.workiiig pro. bnoldcred, 1"Wboremongere and adultes phet. -God(1> wiii Judre,» tii. kiu did net 16. But....eod... U l'a- f hsuSt l*npdobt «ad I am guilty conscience impelied hlm te hol4 giad t i in s es in uth diestet te hlm tinst opjluiom._iWhol I bcbead. tus tr;uth.p" But.Heiwy, 1ike. Herodg rébuked hberine. WoU14d & kO W - sasmon aMuti Sie doired te kil im.Bin .BMesw that If fstfu.li acdt ofs ut Hered llsened te Jobn the olae atuded.a-"geeratl0a of riperst, (Luke 8 disgraced sud nuluea vouaIt. Tiie only 17). u e d5rf to rebuike U.red, dared vay te cIose the. peachele'utuouti a s te tell'a kng tiat ho vlm a crîmIn te kiR i hm. oould nt-Ilerod wouI4,(t .18). ILt. eas y'tco repnuad, a ur- net yield t. hor murderous desines but i'Uaut-- It lebard t. neprove &. rien&t!.I eru.ely tbrew Jobu ýlut. prison. 9M. Ur1 1 C57t ati agte r~a terdJbr If ai épe, o m*t 8*Imy torebubake, ep ato ~nd f eared bis vords. T11. tnthttiret nt tehr e u e t h tse Î teook hold of hi& éouaelo. VMtthew i L.ilb p't n b Iltnsl tells us that viiem lferd "vould 'bave Tb*â14 h@Iy B.Ul~*w lBei'd ithesut put hlm te deaha, h. foerd th« nauti. mskfry bina'OP, ;.ui aeb tude.» Kuovîn'tbat, etc. -h.Maklte .4 ites vth oeavty, ve« te»mpe.s lleoda util ia mreunng dd ity suod evidt! good vii; but b«, benlous. Fint tht."0. e tt "bOdllasaS Pkie00twy ntsIIat*ip b. eb and u i Mcoaiant L .rt #e est ltbi m ofetraons bserved h -_n - t hi p- job* vas bl&u.l.eter «« .af."-R V Eerod 44 motne lhtBU- Jobi -betere tii be mbe" 4.4 odias to *accollsh rpipO. enThe £po4l ieferwon .idm- li M tO 5 ho beard hes-ErO ent repa..dll M0. 8tqephs befoft rUMsof et i.eyz*- to Jobn's prelcbug.Ai t theved»rb s *- < 4 lt ).» » «Oé *. are l tlmb.Inpeft i,4n" uhbh* "i e Sd AKVIDS UM 51~ 9 actions gntliiet!or reestoi fronttié Jeseu. M ~beof Joenineso' Job te tins. 1)14 usD7 tbIopr4o vu ' 7.1& 2).'1114ý o.ly a heae-,@t he vord!, but » a & oi» w s uai. u. v.sinu ' à part a &« 01 t a ir.Sm bU%&tuh lut...M py wblh JOýbS dmnoIItS lut V« lv AM êiv muclle poiplnad" (L V) Mt kw vbethe to Ri ve ap b 7tuniie or t> b4-à b.sw et a dq*ed qpbm eontiola tbo1l>ne wua '«thostper-1h v k-èi Vwb g o hLothe gt 0et<= i < e td iiu,1 >Mtuo 6 Md bf.tW a*au$0 be!Jii., M Twenty.five ycar ago it W'-= difficult to wâi sprizig whcat flour for pastry at any price. People didnt vwant it-they were using soft, wintcr wheat flour, and saw no reason for changing. But hard wheat flour was persistently pushcd and prejudice has been overcome. The women tried it, succeeded with it and appreciated it.-To-day hard wheat flour is the favorite for pastry as well as for bread. The flour- that is doing the most for the reputation of hard wheat flour brand known as Oilvie s Royal iousehold [t is hard wheat flour at its best-milled by modernniethods, retaining: al of the. good of the wheat and none of the bad. it is without an equal for every kind of bkintg ini which flour is uscd. Tallc to your grocer about it-if ho imn't enthusiastic it's oniy because ho isnpt -in.forme&. Olilvie Flour MIIIc GCo., m' bIONTREAL. "OgOliele Beoltfer a Cook, -ccntaines. 3o peaof excellent recipes, tmrne over befene PUblsht. Your grocen caa ici! you bow te Pt it FR CAt*ADIAI'4 %ye. Gogeodma eiua dl- ton cf Tue (YalttanGuad n ou&s. count of itli-bcltb. Arthur XM Mnley, empioyed b>' John Macdouald & Co., Teonto, hbu been mis- alg aimes Goed Fnida>'. Rev. W. IL Parkier, a prminent Meth- etiuit minl#trdled nt 9h"8 resîdouce, 41 Albany avenue, Toronto. Th*i. fl«r.'pnl Ystesu et Ideutlflea- tion vws intredueed et the Toronto de- , etive deprtmaut te-day. Ne "ajute vW" flne&jftbaser of Prince Arthur ut Quebec cw(e gte the dnger.-- ou aai 01dtlue tse élft, Searlet foyer sud meutam ae pkdenal mu te udisa reserrontFort Alexandua Ma.. About 150 enesM-bavme eeurd- lue menaitoftlaad vlthe Li.lima»e et Maultoii.su hkatéeoansud Albierta v"Lettvl> o napmqblm lt.a &AM,0 Dr. AW.*-ar Anl»1umesn,-u etf ltew oMut md lest kuw OvauI lb. Otava uue aSelIm ba es ddu" to edeptw "a qtem I ogua. ta -Trsao e1teschlng muadsla the. 11.Grad Tiaje " akW#q a eShi bsi feloomh ..M MItl Es,. I b.e liI As It Ml about midwsy betvsen Pont Hope anti Cobcurg, taking tie place et the olti- tahionetilamip useti then, ton mes> yc.n. The nev llght bas a flsbef ten secnds, with'tour scnds et dark. nees, aud. this makqas it su easy matter, to overconie tihe41f icult>' that belon. BIIStI AN4D ORBIGO 'Thec 20th .cmion of tbe . Nw York state tegIý.Iature adjouue'd due die thia afterioofl. -Mr*. Nanie Shaw and Waldorf Attot were anarrled et London this attev- The Detroit River Tunnel Compa8v has been aýutbonlud to ralefIte flou dofluns to proeftd witb tue work. Owlng to heaV7 withdrawalis of g to New York, tht »amlk of Rnlaad b ftweased the rat..e ofdîscouti to 4 pw The bo4y et A. IL Bu~ter, a ffreMan, va" found awonsr the. debris of thé part- ly burned Bradley & 1tubbard faeY toa Merida;Q0014i t""a. Woerd v* recteeil t (on WbIte man. K. Y., thb. anin UsfRt te Qriwold bWg4bq. a 1&#tpteA4torey brk< strue etr@yed by fine e.s4> to-dsy. > niumbe et tbe cdaeto U-e eIcaAeade'ny, ati )loseuUN. 3X, ver. place4 Under arflt yesteday es a r.p* ( go U 7 a Wb"ch 4>0a4M we IavoIvede4nd la w vivoI.a*a» r e i I t j, H I ÂI ZI-ÂIR I St. Loui.s ....... MACHiIN Md =ly~ Marlkete ot ' b. MOI, à m m Il I ~ I~ j Dodd'esK "hyilI the Very7 Torouato lraeruPMarket. - î . ~ 4cn IS.r st Thon. vers nedelivenies o grain te- - or KIduey Trouble." day. About 25 loads et hay wene én lia. markcet, pnices heing unchauged at $13 nberS heppara, Bi-Mayor t te $15 for tlmotiy, aud $9 to $10 per t«m GunuOt, etfe eti for mixed. Gnnqe nfTWIinI h Dressed boge are unchanged. vith light I. lieheof Dodd's Kidney Pillai. quoted at $10 ad heavy t $9.75. IGanu-oque O Cnt., Apnil 30-(Spect.i> Wheat, white, bush.... $0O80 $ 0 8,1 -"i suftewdou t and on fr oves' fou!' Do., red. buh.. . . . .. 080 O 81ly- f rou kiduey trouble" writes M. Do., spring, bitai.. 0 78 O( (» Shepprd, f this place, "sud - tiiough 1 De., goose, bush........ 5 000<>tnlod miyremnedies and vas tzndei a Ots, bush..........O40 O 41 decto«r lng hle I1Çot ne bOtter. 1 Baley. bush.........(i51 0O5-'l ad Bright1s Dîsease slighitly, Lumbago, Peas, bush.......-- i>5 O 001 pain. lunamy loins and at turnes aIl ovin Rye, bush......... 75 0 00 uy bdy. My kia was dry, hard aud Hay, timothy. ton.....13 (00 l15 00 bunùngn, I could net sleep, the leait ecx- D)o.. nixed. ton.......10(0 10 0>0 eration made mi. pespire feanmully aud Straw, pe~r ton......Il 00 12 (00 my bod vas se bad I irakeut iii bell Dreed hogs.......9 5 100(0 ail over my neck and back. - 1 vas ha Apples. per ba.......3 0 4 00( this .tat. when I started takin DOM%' Éggs, nev laid, dozen 0 O18 ()20 IKd-ny Puisl and lu an tumndiley lionb Butter, dairy .. ......... 24 0 27 spa..etofime the bele disappeared, Xi Do., ceamery .........O 27 O 3 rmedmy heaith and nft 1 amqult* Chickens, per lb---------..O014 O 17 cured." FowI, pet lb........010 O 12 . Turkeys. per lb.......O18 O020 Geese, pet lb.......0 12 0 14 ATLMPTu:, UII Cabbge, er d7e 0 40 0 50 Cauliflowerr. pr dozpn-.. O 75 1 (0 ... Potatees, per bag...... 0 o 8 RS0AGAE JNSMlN Onions. per bag......100 I 10 ('olery. per dezen...... 00 45 HERSELF WITH A XNIPE Beef,*lîindquarter"t.......50 O0(>0 De., forequarter"q.. .. ...5 00 (62-5 Do., choireiCam'".. .. 7 o00 s(>0 Wotrrlng <ver Difformue WltIa Anotie Do.. medium, caresse 6a(00 6 &0 Employec at the Toronto City »atry Mutton, per cvt---------...9 (0 100(0 o.«ap porter Siiot Rilidit etyoz sBtit" hCotle mayt«. mjlha.Bsth May ie. l b . is the 10 3-4e te 11 3-4e per lb; efniszemstor To t opthrAxastdeM beef, A 3-4 Vo De per lb.; dressed, 14 1-SeMargaret Joues, a vomlait pObablY 5w te 15 1-2e pet lb.; lambe, 16.1-2c, dreïs- ySn old, Inflicteti terrible Injuries te .4 veight lbohrseIf 1.4 evening witb & Iutte, &ud Toronto Li"e Stock. t le fearetielle cann eioover. Ils! The qua.ity et fat cattle vu a nî> b-1Iau hen&Bsuliningt ~ h of gondi, eouuidering the large dolivenles. a uiary, u iin li*luOboe *partwenti At 143 Adelaide ýtneet vet Trade was good vison numberé are jhebeam despondeit, B6rrovlng ae eouidered. but pnices took a drop Ofo! uay kitche-n busfet.ramin iotJuei' te 10 Le 20e per ewt, for buteurs ad e-* Mat$ et the pise, M". pont0n, eh. vmn porters, sud many of Vthe drovera ver. to ber room, andi, iouýklngtii. door, abs - comiplalniug of havlng lest moue>. ugai li o ber .14e. Tte blumt pol ", Exportcns-ThSre vere scveral Joidse ofLb.kulfe mi ate atlvouaimt,As" of shippiug cate oftered, one or two littie hope là hekl otitféero eveu louisetof "loh v-ert ffair te ged by the- dotors At teé Mrefl*giT Nos qirality. Prime, range4 (nom *4.75 te .4' 13.15, wlth ee b.d At 0320 Mpe wt' Delîbovate piansove ie &Wlaid ye.her Tue buik et exporter* sold At $5 pet day by Gleorge Potter, a tncttie -vadu* cet. Expert bulle muId at $3-50 to 44.ut the City Dam>', te end hi. extst.e" Butchers-Ovig te heavy- receipta Worded b> a .ll;bt alteneation ho but4 ita1es declined Item 10 te 20e per owt. jwith asuotiier enil>ieyee, ho went ho York Oboe. Iùrked lots moIti frein 84AO te Street At non îantimght a revolver., $4.80; loade t o od et $4.40 tel $4-001, noerng a, street car bo veut direct té n "s iuin at $4 to $4.30; ob m o at -8375 Y ork 'btlgs, and. Ii ditg lu a5 m ,b te $4; cove at $3 te $4 per cwt. fîred sa lbot It lu$bilett hreast.Apwa- Feedena sud 8tockers--T'ie receIpt ofetlui>tue wouud hati00, imnaduate serle, liigU steckeroi wenc net large and -theoui neaults, for hb. WBà ahle te walk thc market I.. pnetty tclean eftbtht.kinti. Mn. #&r bompvheelr. Ilonti#&Wbina. -Muni> tougb-t 275 beast Le ws ec t t he Oounty Comitabie TýoMIlinsoit1 b*eo*li foilovlng quotation%: Bost short ,keepa, hdm lu a street erte te Northt To1UP 1,100 to l.0)%i.. ntut.14L05 tri13.8;b"lt ii- vn*mlng andI frMiitirebe w.ven- etd .VGO Lu 1,0~0i.s t<.0t ~~u.p!M .aobliunce Aetise $4,50; beut teeders, 80M to M 1W.e, ABiptt. li aspsiatp $te $4.23; boutst eokel', 500--Le 700 lusntlesdl-a -very lt$l e mh- lbS.f eL $3.50 te 3.7&-. eflifln ItodiLerse, :frflbu»s l net $m 3o <~r lb. ]Mn.. M«rby shîpped. oett'Il ,<d pott@. hlvet'nt -12~v05i ? lo t lieutlrtiis 2week. -tid mllc'h(ova-About 13 illcâ oa, and US t *2 .r U tepnîng r smoid ti M -1to 0 0 onc . a te rioà.i n goodqm it coureart urmuteti. K W K E E of, tise belb" clos, wvers. beary, ,1Mie*s-> ve eue>' et $3 to $8> per cwt., -1'nliuoCArNMES VML pFAT OnLy-s5 <3P< aaew muilked veals are acarce su& Wort là *bouat $7 per o-wL. sheep sud tiauvb-TIe IWn ýw'ae.çt, be. tonait.<roversof a large -eetio*; su'de etDuns usual Look'tic bulk of the Niagara district, Whso)sad 3eUCàSW at uneaugetiquotatious frein Tue i y1a>' i ht -it " C nM » U ý expert i et 473 to *5.23 p"et .; $uc 3,»850te $4.-*; neoarling tamise Ittid, whieht -owm mi*ia the s usua wm re oret!, but prkce range frointgo. î à Isoee ntheLb.Province, o t tb«& 0rthfront P te 88per et.ew t.&.Ug po.f a.v.raîtdeudn s goe*-Vn. Hunr qiots p$oee%%tm. 147 uig facltg th.e l p r to4 Mt 11-M p or e t., for seteetse sud. 'P0)Dg ie Matloui for IIghs simd fat.. , ~ ~ ~ us. 1evsLt Lest4ngWbft i a" ut A üM*hi #--v tan,.,...-.-.r

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