8 THE WHITBY KEISTONE, TRUIWIL&Y, MÂT 10, UOO M _____________________________ a _________________________________________________________________________________________ 'Stop, Th !at -Co ugh!l Cure' Thai CoId' WILLIS' Compound Syrup of White Pine. and Tar Cures' Coughis, Colds, Branchitis, tlîroat and lungi troubles.4 2z5c per Bottie Ji E. 'WaILLIS Dru ggist Optician B o k S t. W b îitb y . SCounty Town Happening Go to U~. K. Tbonîpson's for wal p a 1xcr. %VANTER) A capable wvoman for generali liu~oýipv-rk ýr ., ýim.Il farn-liy. trond wages. Arji)ly to mr.s. jaînes RLlt. ledge, Wbîtb.y. No. 1 r'heapis t DOWNEY Ainerican YcHIow Corn, qualty, ljeeetcondtiori feed In thienmarket. J. Il. & Co. Col. 1l*.rtct.,IL t samim Liii - i ty ur - Ing thie weck. Messes mJoncs, ,rlerson clair, c! Os-hi t'.-i, ri-. mwk. *ii<iMin. t ow-n t hi s -8,tNKEV" 1>.IS BEEN 'NK Thie Nta-gar.'à -l'aii.cord reports as follows :-U. F. Campbtell, $pring iBtreet. lm able to bc out igainî afttr a long micege of iIliless. Ruis little s4ou, whio w as l l vth s n-t'îsof! <ppc-ru- CELEBIZA MON. A coniiiîttee froun the. band tut-t the- firenen on Vedtc(.sd:à y evenuriig a nd conipic-ted arrdZigQuienits fr intîi' i-" bratio.ni to lbs'helci on Moîeday, Itly Ir. iIl kirîd> o!f-qaiîta "ýIIJ Wlie l- dulgeil i n, tird ;4100)in pri 7i4,iigi von shouldic s-i-yeihrt >r i 'le C-noi u i bthv -e cIa t e. BAD) IOAtiS. A ctizenî whoieLis t w"ktr .I cuver i he r:iod8 i-sio-iWit hy .111,1 Tironto s-îys th;it the- u tad bite-tî,(t Whitby uaidi iick.'rîiirv telii" tt>rrst of thie whoîe strnm.-,an" îd ai-îtîndiig diïsgra-cc- toithe- tovn..hIý ib tltr THEl-ISE('ONj) Itii \IU UV iEeT bu ry i t h îs s-c ii r u tiirda y Mvenitig. Tiui- cii c-î t h il t t lmî' able Iïiied4. Tht aui "uIc-it4 dn its appîriciatioi(ilitu- fil sterfll w.ay threrecitrie t' . id(1 h j iii, t- ly tmr;vl d ht.~îî'iy timi .- a pam e. T*i(.ijii., K l- , g' u;-()0 i. "Joîîaîmmii' fmr:u-d 'ùi Ie Ilîistory rer-lint t ic f Lr)(j M.'(10-î:11l ouks o! -h nit-. vutii-luing <iecc-. Thei cisîlay the ii-ors NlJiiCart AIn tl<v it-rmtaLo f tRie ly-st lEiglish litera tare. IAZAA 11. True8day a fternoîî andi eveulillrg hp, ladies of Ail M-ilnts, chnti-ll ili Very stitecctssful baz;iar. Thi-- Comti chaîtibpr w-w jir et ily di-cori led for thie occamion. 1Theru-m v l,<a Utlf'al pecces of har.Jilvork distztbyted for sale neariy -til charigA tiatits. A Uclk0lsatÇa was seî-ved at a nemui. Mal Price. -Aitegethen thie proceeds nmduntedte somethiîîg lIthe ie!egiî. ib&bhood of a h.usidictdoll11arx. - A vcmy pretty weddîotg tok* plae at the-thome' utMn. aad Mrs. D. p. Cawer, ut Oebha'va,, when MISa FIor. toce Alberta Cook, wr* nnited lua M.- riage to Mr*' Fr-nk Pn ector, non 01 Ipfr. 11'hti Ittor, of t thl. town. Tii. - - \R , Tuckre ut, edcalf stroet, per. tip-d' th SreonyOP. Tboibride - Was ?rmttily lg'owmela whlte *11k, 10loi a, bogauet, 01Whlte cO8WO& 1Mw. Mo, Cock, Suisin eft tbrIOs, Cocik and1 "E'Frindale." SOIN, maaiag lid.ys ifid " or steamer APPlY lLO.G. JÂ<eX. Ndow la the tiîn>o lo ave -that'eave.- troughing doue. Sce PrIngle. Cor- ner Hardware. Out of seven apçlciitlona for tav- erm Ilcenses In Trentoan, oulY three were grant cd, the otheri belg held ofrer until the ai'plicaiits Compiy with the requirements of the law, siich as provsr.hng bath zrcknma, sKe. The engagent inataîîncuncd of miss Aurella MC.Nall, necovid daughter oif-bl. and Urà s. 11. L.MNalPort Iiope, to 3Mr. irchibiIJi Tait. Mayor of Bowmanville. Theie aarriage will take placre lIY in Ju:îc Mr. W. 0. Black, who was dismisqed tram thie îaosit of Liccnr.e Iispect- or for East Snncec %% lhout an) ex~- î;flanation. h.ýs dcina:'ie'j Âti officiai 1nivectig i tion. Miss Lli;e *,cnlsori 1.9 esltng fr;ends ln )Jowvrim.:vîllc-. Le-oeird r.u:nett. EP~. x-If. P.. irmitigrâtion Age-ni for the Cotinty or Ontarýo, iwjs in Ww' thimwee k. "Elpha t'brand ini:-.ed paint la thie best by test. 1rîg& hardware. 1~ig~ izeWoi~ ~ockmak', geir- :nill, itifr.tL-sordfErgraphite br 1ng b. Alply to XMM. N'EEPOitT. MftS .1 AIS. 1h UTLEIA(L, Whtby. WVhite i. 'ici t( 1orrCd Muls. *s ,t thri ncwest jIt..f ms, 121.c pot yd, i %v ar ds. A. M' i C .If) 'The bni \ ec:etth i flew uiforms any day now. Thie hats are tiniquei :WIIStbndsiiien, lwl-ng thr stiiie of th(, hati% worn bY of!cers Qn the mniîit. TheP band's fir st arppearnficr n public with the ne%-. tniforms willl lik<-ly take place- on Stmûday. May _)7, 1 whün the '-. 0. E. Lodrp i II attend Idi%îne -rvCehe;îdkd b>' the band. cL i i Nr. 1 1 5 -%r- .1. M.'-tyrv lias bought t lie s.,tokk o.- a »Toronto nierchant, consist- Ing of 25 ringes o! thie Ie-adng mûakes. Ivît] gudýrin te evcr-y article,* and onthe dollar. Aise tinware, etc.. ln ýoflhmeCto--i ,.iLii the above stock cari hlibmght ai sanie ratc. 'Termnis ny 1wc aruinireci te stierpurchasers. Prirps <M gtoves have bren adancxed 10 per~ cont. on last year':i trîes. and ln. tending ptrrliaà ers %ill do weIl te- <,N.ainine tis s't)ck ti-li#ri lnIVltby. .1. MeIntyre, Jtock atrcetmi th. i The Onlario S.tunday S 'hooAss- eia:tion annount3ces u Summ)er- School to ho hi.-Id in Nicloria Coliege, Toron- to, Juiy t)th-2ls1 utit. Four courses co! I"etures have bpen -irranged-"Eie.. trirvnts 0of Teae-lilng at.d Child Study»* tPr. Trje. roroato tbnivrs-ty ; -011 Testamenît ('vtliîes," hy lZeïk Rrebert Seliorel Orga n za tioîî a nd Mng ri<-rrti ' hy '.N*. t -. <: C, iie.go I llii., tir 'v "î'r ri-sttnent Otitliners" by ilcv k. C. ('otrti-ce. lDD, Toronto. Tticr<- 'ill bh. -i~îniii..tioni4 lu t »Ie varirnscotrizc.fo-)r whieh eprtifl- -tes wl) ii e ai.-liedid. four of whiCh. % hetlier 'sou .m t t his scilool or O>n holders to the iamîm'rniiî)io-al Teacher. erai -rig IiIliia:, ie Elempn tary (k'.<- The lectiimn and Çimina.. t Vill tuIle peîunlY tib rfgister-ewl -1il-nsNvhtmà i'-ithe tee of 1t (1011. r- 't h iî t'. -ovi'et al ceharg(bs Irldntdiî4oîîîa. There '.viRlllx-a- duIlszy of n mo an ard educaiton. .A ilitel-i U-iro .à nd .<ll&c nu the.ý !<.lnlowl'.iti;%'1.-ïary jeadtertî, ll'-v. 1' K:î. I <i li-1 ~. (.1 tejiwn-1 T_ T . Il ly&., N.W. (ui W( t nu Od ,î ( Crirrnenpe- %'st Mh\r .J A,JaLekw>îî. (GenKerai -c r1,'ilîîntg. Toirouti, for Ont'1IuLa Thzî 'to' nare t. idng tht- pro-, Ireci iîy attn. ij ltrýonpcmore reh-. #'alît Vcry year T .are ii<w ':rking eîaUpî,j rork. artA on Fr.-' &Yî lac-t Tt6rfnto a'.lmIjt' he thIrd tot 1 lie oti -ber jr l<n ntbat City.j ('4.Iiîngwo-r j ba c. <nrct ;îuîointln n 4Ufj ltr thie Ccn.. t-i-iien o! a& emtpklt setr sJ*S lem with brptic t4nk ON TfK G&I. erwo Lusty,. wcaitbor.hatee~ u terned youth% N54*' dtUruib 1î b. ttenn undae for ingut *&ulw'fhyI ,lir. Mceuxie, of St. Cathartnes, Kentie. Mim sArklaod lias returned tdtown aft.er a week's atsenoe ln tac- oity. Lqhe wau ln attendonce- at the Wu- men's Auxillary mectlnga. WANTEtD. 'Pelephone operator for aIght daty. J. E. Willlia, Cnenalit and drugglat, Ladies' pritl wrappers. Prîc.38 ranging (rota 41upwards. Job. McArdell han erectu.d a hue bill board on the site of the old skat- Ing rInk. 1 Mr. Peter Bartbeau and swon ofTo- rontoe, t d £ ew day,. wthfI ends in to-%vn. The mai e i:gc I Mim lMabel Wil- llaisn, ;econd daughter of liev. Dr. Wi'llainson, tu hcy. IL1.- .Binghaum, B.A., hiàs beeu ;dîrdîticd f c take place il the bCtsaOisL cilurcî1, BDurllngton, cm May 23rd. Ohl fOr Engiand, Ireland and Sckot- land, Manitoba, Saake,.ehe-,an. AI- set ta, Bridsh to înîb1î; Anywhere, cverywlîere. Chumce al! best ocet. and laklkxe'ê aid raîil--%y routes. or rite E. ,-;ephe.nson, opposite lîng JIIOUGHIT LIJCYÊLE BACK. A ninnamed W %m. Bradle y, w-ha bas hived for the <ast e gut Hamiir*s Cor ners, took, ai iv> ul-, fr sui %V. J. Luke's repair :.,Io;, on Thursdiy of this %icek, but- thà nkInk. aL.Lter of luis uctin rptu, icdb thi troperly short- ly afterwvards Thîi îîeornîng <Fri- day) Braidlcy w.s . eot, gdung dow-i thie r.aîlNay [.W rom Collego S«>.1 Chief BPÀ nîîudi tîysta: tLod ln pur- Mict aind caugL t hLii.t the base liin. H-e %vas brouCtut helor-c Mdgistr:îLe fir.r when lie p1c.,ded guilty and wam riixitidthd for senttence-. h1ave you sqeen oîîr OCw .ssort-! mient of I(eady Madde 6Suits, latest pat- tern.- and ti tles. 0mily RI0, ut A. M. Tiusmilthînig plumbiag, roofà ng, anîd A work promptîy attenided to and satis-faction guirantee&. Pringle's laird vvare Stmee. Ladies' Blouse IPatterti8, 3ýj yerds in each. No tvo pattcrns alikp, ai. oniy $1.75 .eî N ER %»0 15 Â.sD ORLAED. Mr. Areibaid -uthe-lahid. Principil M.outliBar tShocol, -dt-s, N.S, FI SOMER WE-AR Now is the trne to prepare forP the warrn ' wteatherp. Our' stock of g'oods for Ladies', Gentie- 8- imen's and Chidren's wear ls now completec. Qè- Quality and prices guaranteed irlght. White Organdies and Persian Lawns 25, 30, and 35e per yd-. Victoria Lawns 10, 12j, 15, 20, and 25e per yd. Linen Lawns 15, 25, and 35e per yd. White and Colored Muelins 12J to 25e per yd. Silk and Wool Blouse Patterns (3j yds.) for $1.75 eaeh.w Dress Goode, ail shades and qualities. ' Ladies' and Children's Tan Hose. ' 6%à Men's Working Shirte 50e upwards. ' Mfen's Soft front Shirts 75e and $1 each. Men's Unlincd Gloves, $1 per pair.* Men's Ties all styles and prices.W 4 Men's ready made Suite, Extra value $10. ' Men's ready made Pants, ail sizes and prices. ' Men's Overails, White, Blue, Black, Etc., ail prices.* A fuI] range of Hats, Caps, Collars, Cuffs, Soý, Braces, Etc., always in stock.W Andrew M.eRosso A new sickný-bs h .s îeppe-ared rçeent- ly, anid iis kiiown wi Morbus b8abbat- H R I ic-ie, or- Sunday sicknces, and hii re- Firait clau hband laundry. culiar to church members. 1tCfi5 Rsdnto htyfrt on suddenly ev-ry Sunday; no rynilît- Ail work delivered and gui omu.t re Icît on Sat urday. Tie jni. Dundee Bt., West. 8 I leit si-cp.q well and -Pats a ticarty breakfast; but -.bout chureh time thp atlaek carueu on and continues înziî ie'esare >v-r- for t1SŽ tnorning Then the patient frcls- easy and eats a goond dinnen. lu the afternomi he< 1 fceis bet ter anid i% .lek. to take a iwalk. talk abouit politics and read thé prepers. IBe pats .1 1iîearty supper, and abêtt eiurch tiie h arsanoilw'r wnlîte-**I uas gmtltR- ro-ubled wlth atc ndojsathne ner'.oîu'c dyspieçîsia mauid after meaUs 1 tires carly, mýeeî's î W01, and'-, Ioften toL itlke vout.cutag, .Lnd my Monday mornîng netfreshed stornach tral.4soi-e. 1 ira3 [lerrous te go to mtrk, but'du,-%%nut1 an dwovrrnod, frequctatly. had h.ad- symptonîs of the dlseaice uni acdheq, antd slortnebs i o!breatb. Wben f e1 Swn '$inday. we'eral ducxtors faleti 1 decoed to try Dir. Chm Ç' ervo V"rx, andtiît A uction Sales. has entlrely curpdt me. I shaH b. glaci tuDe thie menus-t ofbringiug titIs- mieducine te the' notice of auiy whu Mrs. M. J. 'Faoy, bavlqg b Ilý sufferIng as 1 titi." -jfurnîsheti house in Toronto, TRO~E TRV~LLNU.ail ber householti furniture hf - out the sllghtest reserve, a ed thie p-tac few days- M- i.Lapralx t to iL Mn.. W. t'C. RkIiiardson to philad&ql- T ItlMses Lick to Battle ('rock. Misas BLîck tu miyî-tl. Mn. W. J. clo-key te Tolabo. Mn. t iaynîotid tijsi.] îîte'wili La ke, KMi»k.-i Mrn. S. PlaIlertt> (r' myrtie, Mac. Mr. J. W. W00i48 to ra4-ry SeuO&. IMn.. C. $mIth and L'gr$. Yosrng te )lre. Bryant (o Winîieilws.a. Mr. J. F. WîsIia te u awa. 3n. 31 Mus. W. e, Fostert-oteIranî icerd. Mrs. J. Meiturw-y tu MOùutreai uIr J. wordr'u te Tîvlg(oekt. Mr. Jowtqth WbAe te movvio Un. Geoea Guarîebt to Pe*tcnborm. Mn Juhn GrýAY to Isruey.,ln. Urn. Walter < U tePtbo. Niss C.uipazm to saaorak. j Mv .<ormkl ' 10 Laomb, Mbc John Fà ilm>4 b Pèrt P"7 Mme. oT. A. e cUbvriy 1»Ot* un"a JackPAuuateo Iugtwood. I 43 atbera'to Totue He ne- «Wakes UR) andi able have afly titm t ho bought n 1wll seou ire with- deaice, Gilbert street, town et Whit- bhy .onl "atuîday, thie l2th et Mty.l 1,906. a-t 1 d-clock p.m. L. Fairbanks, Ladit»,s' a 'd cbUdree'n Tari Hoe, aise' LadW"Blaek Cotton Rose, witt WooI andi L-"Ibrggin feeet, at A. -M men,,a Ci onen Puts andîtiOieraljs, ail aize$, cc'4uct$anîd prIces at I.LM JOE w-o years. Aantee. South Bide. Table Pride The. houeewife of stand- ing and taisto, pool prides herseif upon te et- ig of lier table. If ber criticteni so should ber table glaus ware. Rlch Cut adds tone and quality to any table....... Seo our asaertmont. Pines to sunit every purs. Norman Base , #) s Jewelîer andi Optician. Brook St., $ouýth, -Whitby. cIEouE tell a alnainuhr a(ory o for $1,2W0l a.f a that e ttramé uldtTi*bIN@ ent fromn&ce,#*to e osu<*bdm bakwtp p,- ur eta, though b ts.j ýts4ê Ib tico afl te e eùmk There wam an old mas from Duluthi. Whoe imannes- wîa uilYand uncouth, He boaght Dunlop hock& And now daye ho fola As ciddy na any eps-y youtb. DUNVLOP RUBSER HEEL#- Arc the Aeme.et comfoit, 'rmeoINMIOP Vire 0*.F uto 1 RAILWAy Timie T GongWest 5.06a. Gon d. 8.05 p.M. Sanda 1%0i 5.29 &.m., train dom fBot g *orning. WHI78Y STÂTIOI olgNOrth 9.07 a. Gong 4.165.m *, p.m. STAGES. *Leavti Whftby for Oshawa at 10). Bouiden, proprietor. LOe«e for Brougham st 10 &.M. pdetor. -MAILS AIVEu. Jrom W. and B, 6.15s am. Frot West,- 9.30 a.m. i Prom Brouxgham 5.80 p MAILS -CLosEt. For '.;«th 7 46 &.m. For Osha gant 8.20 a. W. ai West 12.15s.m. West PROFESSIONAL CO ME DUCAL Dr. MeIdrum PH YSICL4 SURGBC A4CCOUCHEUJR, G*4uateoft university of Toronto, j of»Royal College. of Physiciann, E»i "dTEE TEERAcE," Bimo 'Phon@ 42. LEGBAL 0. Ormiston; B.1 Solicitor for the Western Bankr, P e. Money to Loan. -Ofice néet Wbitby, Ont. 0Mrristenu olier, t. ô poM« site Post nOffice. l t1 4 -J. B. DO W, B.A.- T. A. MCG ; James RuUeà gg Barrister, Etce. Money te Iam-on Office immediately sostb cf1 Royal Il Ont John E. Farewei, N Barriater, Connty 0.rown Att4 (Jonnty Solicitor. Offie--& of Court House, Whitb*.,- W. Adams p.tst ffice orer 3-emgonls Beuldane-No. 4, The Terrace,-Byroî Open Saturday'even1nxsb - CURH DIRECTÇ PÂ5OR-EV.JOHN ABRi 1 -,' ý