Whitby Keystone, 17 May 1906, p. 2

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~1~ Folder& descriptive aft-e Tbousand lalandu, Rpids, Manîreai, Quebee, Murray Bai', Ta- 4ousai, t-be fan famied Saguenay' River. etc., ou application t-o spy railroad or steambeat ticket aseent-, FornIlliutrate guide. " NIAGARA TO THE SEA.11 smd six cent-s ln postage staiups to U. Peston Chattes. Western Passenger Ageat, .Zlotou>to, Wauted a laise. Ainong the. oharitis of t-hoebs-t-e ar- sheJIlField,sasys lte Yeutham oempsa- ton, n'as a petîion IliaI of persont tb -wbem a ts-ted suat as sent regslarly e"ahmoulu. With tises. lhovas geuîcr- ous, but ho disilked belng impasod upon. a ne mani, whe hadtin lusoin. vs -l- preaaed lMn. Field vith is uadeserts a, i- a cheque eaci t-brt-y tisyafur tventy- five -dollars. ?R{e had gene fs-r frein Mn. Fiold's- steinry, but rcxnalneon isthee blet. Hie pensionl madie hlm adte an "éllliil poty ln the cicle in 'whlch hoe I ve, sad et lait ho ylolded te the bWandisi- moents of hie landlay, an elderty, pros. perou-as wiaiow, and marrbeti hon. "Nov, lenny,the Raid ho him nout day, <twe'fl jîast ho havlng yeur ps-y rais. *& .Yeu cansa keep tva as esail> -as - 7oU 4e~ u ne. Mn.Field& Is a rîci me-nq àM hob.Niii11undentand that, Yoîî go dowu andahelI hizu ycu need.i flty dollars a month nov." Aws-y sveîst Heury'.and after mach a«. ament and persuasion obtainet aecmu îè the luner office of the great -mer. chant, wlîere b. setàt-et ils case.Mr., FleId laes-me hleretted aut once. "A wldow, -oh?" ho Inquirot, smlltag, *Diti %h.omai To-or JoUu?» OWelI, air,"' ctaimered Heur>', "Z guea ie dld lead up ho lb "*1tow eld le shot" Md- #o tort u o. "Yes, air.. bis br*brdina- houe, be-r 1w, '7e. 40 it Fiel& 13 -~ - A~, ~ .al '. F. j= ô 1 playlng et marbIes Just. mid., s io porcdon bit jrey. «Look 'ere, young eun, éasi e, ta aig hlm by -hie collas anti eiaing hlm, 'juat you t1l11 me vhers youn fathen keeqs ail itamoue,. Andil yeu dou't, 111Il nock eu head off, snd then IIIl cal vou.» "Oh plase don't do tint, ir," sald itAlé Jobae 1YOUluid ;aIl the. mon.> we've get lu au obti valitla tuhi.back kitlie, Sixt-y seconda Iater ,& humau aval- anuche. as bure bet ilyB'ttoq> ts front door. Il algitida l-inte Cutter vhere IL se-I a wbUb a&»4 Ogse-sd 8s shut Its cylo te secIf Il wai .1111 aMin. Partially aaaured cu hbat Iportaut point at lait, tIl-si, '.,Mt iakd's to good te lire. He'a too amtanttho lie man- al. Nover "sala word about the-to14 -m ieing inalde o' liaIt tre .14 voel.t imlnr'sLWameat uiilby PlsysIckms Prodigal as thie RohbselaII4s sse MW ar e- b> neïrly alau)ve- Md led e-n tr-ait inemmc er lsy iii SI». ieu- auds vitical &wa oent% hesI1aUàel th iii DoIt pftcd of a pssuy atler amboars dîsclsslo. flh Io.a te e m.eottoe- viti lis trait reIate Lec"m .4e- Ehebuihl'fs-lies .Tisa O= wAs Is lie-babil of hhkipt tbe- e eve«y Mm4 from PlouIilY te am "lways pv.i ie "xll*a. e aev0.04 i ralëa Use ou *»a &aêthle sire tis UO mp amieMad Ktthls.e Md veàtbt.e reqM lb. driver a. flimeorI a is c"y kx&4 lit - F ~ SCIENCE AND- MAGIC. Prey t'OX + [> ser 's P rmA An indlan fakir took a boy of six- Qe e V tPérilî -nhlmundor a wicker cover, * ~ and ran a çiword throngh he lc co'r. It projected smre tw-telve or fourteen (London frimes.) inches on the other elde of the basfxet. Theseitanboudar comision wbchThe latter ivas lifted ami the boy dibd baTh e telatn ond rine of t whi3disappeaxcd. Anot her fakir cut himee!f bas ow rturud teIndi, wa 0000f tese i a Curved knife, rubbed the- wouri bazardous onterprimes tbat the aurvey of- with «e m~~oiîîtituent, antilo!tte t icers cf the goveanient of ladia ar'e overYpicwahald Thta ngc ihI aow ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~. vnIIincle ~nt alr-it »a~engeance. Now, Zax-lluik, th,- great nemote, unfreqiiented and tahoapitable re- lîeaîb:,deno ef.t .vcij ilions. te Penetrateto ata li, oyen vit-h crs ut-Mfecsan' lne such supplies and ecort as are feasible. lài eurg u tli i wonad2ntulaiscicnt-rfic es. pratlcliyte ary oe'alit l on's an 11 1 nevc.r saiv ênythidn'g heal s'a quickly Fur niany menthe the heati n 'ieistin ta- in rny utc as a d-ap -out on nSy hits- overpowertflg, white a wind knowfl as thebn~ hi ebe hnweape -120 )days' vind*' hbiens froeint-ho nnjrLhyoýit bn'sci iae me eap qvitb the force of a hurricane, lt-s paco vary- ,a.m-Buk," asys rs H. T. Park&, o! Ing up te Bcventy miles an heur. in the 'wIn ua]îg- Ont.. ina a ltter te the Zam- ter tbero are violent gnow!it-rtna snd biii.- l3tîk Co. M5- baby hati a ras]> on t.he tarde, white the Uernowcter faits al1inýMt te zeoa. In n grant blizzard -hlch rin,3d for sikin so'flt'thifl. like eczexnai," writ-csr tire days In Marcb, 1P03X, durinz thé pregri .r;. J. liPPior, of Aurora. ~j ef tihs mitision, the wind nctualiy rose te 120 very troublesoie anîd madie the chid ntou ancOlheiu. icee dvtino to ery iM. I triel aIl sorte ofoirtmnents part. or a native murveyor nanîcai Mobi-Uai- und salvr*, but no good came of téir db esovesment-ion. lie Wfts a n'anaef semo use. Tnen Zarn-Butk ae brouglit to distnction wbo i:d wonl t-ho tti <>of >b> me and the third suppIy blured the litt.Ie llaiîadur hy previ-ous notable surveys on theon o litl. frontier. W'hil e i etiha ie a rticutar- ~cmltl. 1v deoIrous of explairtl3 thae iMag.a IMca. .. Baker, cofAu.aietrt very forbIddtng deîart bet-w<'<fl tle felinutid " thintk Zanm-Bi3k jii-t fine for skin andI Fraih ri-erfi. and lu JuraleO Y. in epit0 eeas s. aving once proed tiit. 1 of tho extremea, trat. letr-ack ot rorua weî thi l tbehu'. pol- inut of llitnl on aaorsO e ori-ny wll i p i tiitIeh dlue north. bis p't-tY rOnjfl. li o tour.sur- IThe ex-<lianipiofl wrenstler o! Amn- vey a,.lt:n-3 fcur Afgban guldi'ra and two< ericat, 'Mr. Iliih Lnnon. "av4 of if: cnt-et l iaŽf. iaicusa.rlbuc-sfl They marchai ail nit.crîa a bîlt ln the nalkhtiaCUSuT bis a Pariy îmrilng rtnd t amit i! th(- nrarcb dur- no t..iit elNe doos tit 1 have ev-er lniit he day. At nilgiht ît 'xalcrç carnet1 miet withI. I ha,1 a piece o. flas-,h badiy by the cirrels h.id glati IlOut and 11113 9111110" lainaon mv arrni. an-d an1t-ipateJ bte- urgeai thait- <thent-batrnctirjourneY ebaut.t ho boguo ant once or a rouif.' îaî..crin de west In','Unat-ble tou e îaîy art-n for a long no as taerîrîkait-hp vnortjl'rnflto t t-he îlet- t in, e. In' twe odat-s ar kcios-et mut-d. talObl-du-difl ,ow wr as deter- fthe wound andi in a few day's it was mincd te pufrh on andi a g hw'm, aent off on covereti %vit-lt-w ck.n. I a.Iu-U alwa'rs a caint-l ta final wnten ic r',tunad uit-h a toer siu in fuil, but It was >o hnackteb t-bat gîve Zaan-Phiak a geod a-ame." tlaaec wbo drank Ittaill1 ird Cnulaiflot elt Tie Rev. NV. C. Leepêr, of Mell Bc- thaalr fond. The part)',tarad t-han t-o marrh onl s-y ufak aay. -Yor 'iîisu. omid t-bey were font-i-naleeanough ta ceacta an- ferati lrotm ai iee, but. Zo.n-Buk cured utbaîr well,.Frh(ie a Miali sutPiy cof drinking ustol' was abtaioeai. nie-. I hrave great confidence in recoxn- SAt aidnlght- on t-be 14t-h t-bey starteai again, rnendinag il." rqt-i ,t-eecing aîort-hward. and at- day-break And so, wliereyveir uniay bo, or iu t-bey hait-ad an ca iiladesart Plain. Tbera wiiLt etr station-of life, you inýquire, was ne aiguoaf water anodt-be pasit-in ein; enlïtlcti, ht-bolitud-dii l nuctaflhtY rr.ognized Zaa.-a-Buk in praised by ail. Ik Le made t-he tuttility ut futher ex;iorfttion. lie fromn vegetable esences andi contains «grecai te ret-orna, but n-y ntuhýt, a!tcr groat no, trace of aM7avy nmail fait or an-v aUffertit tcor t-tirit-. two of t-ne gudes bc- iea oorîgnate. i shn- cam inwîtbie. A thirat guïdo, SUltan M'l a. ilolrigmte. I 3 bomeal, l~d each eft themn upon a rt-diug inLf. aoothing, anti antiseptic nt the carnet apd l taîicif cii a t-ird carnet- . U" tvùe. laessy >~te sp'in The auluxalia wero theu liiked togather and awy lalnvr tiso Yý loft te go whltber thoir Iniitinct would teud lvsceny, oersiui rdy, tuent. Sultan Mabonied ftait unconalus du.- and in al -way%à an iduni hc.ter. lus t-be aigtbandl rerembenea net-ing ttii AU druggists mclji it 50,(cent* a b0%, bo came t-e threugh wat-er betng pour.ad çyr you Iny i<btain direct fromrnt-ho Zain- devu bis t-trent-. le and bale fnionda had lluk Co., D)Oîborni te-.Trno pa baien raacued by a hunter wheo bad wandoeoeatet.Trot, M ino th -e deert lu quet of wild anses. The T'cct!lCdt O ]aTiCtt. WMbileo!fgenenai mer- part-y vais vtbm an ace of dent-h, but waa ice for aIL skia injuries and disems, taio-n to Chakainaur, an Afghan village oun aa-.k L scùly go o ui the Kauh River. anal undor cairefui treat-irSu n t è~< EMiîal, pimptorunnia recot criai. eIarrr!-srun The rest o! t-be part-y under Uobi-ud-dli 5ol'Oî. fipTC3diflZ scalbe, scalp di.segme, met wit-b clanct-ely fat-e. Tboy vere t-ou ciare orii feUrp eept steak tec narcia andth -e Tiret t-o dle wtts ~a ',bt aî.aacaeboite, ring- canil otmn whc hai sandered inlt-ct-be desert and never rotuciud. Tho et-bers remaineai rAi jWorm* îya>a'lS coul,.tniiii nigiat wit-t Mod-ud-din sud lu thbe eaî'tyi barl-er'-' mai-h. gliffnfyr,,i;, rheîiynai. andi crawleai ta a ravine close by andI dug ton 1 nu4 ie-w.o aUicleni wat-er. Ne aprIng vas fout-d at-d t-hein ony ionbof____nand _______e relief vas to threw t-he dat-p eart-h over t-hein ----- biodies. lu tho evealnt- o sme of these men Net o! Much Consequence. muccepedIi truggllnq back to canin. wh-.e An officiai of a Transatlantic steam- thoy found Mcbi-ud-dill dead atongolde et his si ietf !teectîeto lits faittatul attendant. tron n bluhlm ea' o bard oeeoftbis cern pany's vesseis m"V. of duty, eul t-léemnp ett t-ho survoyns plana eral days oetiffrom 1iverpool causedl by table anad wrapped It- sLreund his body lu bis a ciett h triggaams watstbftnd. If. ahervard explit-ed t-bat hoancidt ohe8ergprams wua ataid te carry II;lul- bis band fon fcar 1a I iiip trifling enough in reality, but might become Insensible alsu@ eIL- They4 whieh nianor m'agnified Sfnys tihe Ladies' theon vandored f rein the camnp andI fli iy Hone Cornpaaien. T~he captain was soca aIl but Saidu lai' dovo luthe liainde of at approaciaed by a lady pasîgen. "Io It bigli meuna i tl.. Saidu st-nuggiod on t-atrucpaii,*'kidsoaxosy whoe day. but nmust bave bocome deittui rccpluraae.se niously for ho nomenabored net-bing t-it ho regaluedl "That we have lest on.e!faur scrc'ws.5 ccnscleusnesm ton a lime by stumbling laite "Net at ail niadain," vas the reply a pol et uste n n u cmmIntavraiu ho teund i e#tlie oifficn. "Thene was sot-e little For theyeetakan aNPiMtp ailli007he meiin La to-day. The eMMItfien5 beeu caried dOvu, Ie bai sad t-ho buffet. bTe w s-ax'adPin..OIMOU Aid m tiuir.SYn eteot atb e 08Wbat uimau the. moyenputt se bardr1 the busband aked bis bride. I -«S. bast-be coueh upen bis b&cs." the tlred vIte replled. -f-i1 ev? soWbat- usk..the ie fmsa & owtthe bubaad sk.d bis bridle. '80Be lied te Carryau t-"echairs atonae.,# t-be vite reu>lled. They have taben eut- the turulture; Its ltat aul nouad. A quarter et If la la the vaa fithest 100ea Stcr the table 1.0 a..eraoklma. ItlaisDMeta plessant souad. Oh. thcyrc movlag te the eciyly a thce M- '"e. bed beb later-a»è." n mmbed lU» rsLx'bride. "The . ros sal a i fee tt-ce shrt" the uboeisgmmaréplied. #"« =unm %»ti tale ow qmi'w mnted\tii. petU heud.. Mt',luta lu w wtue.1I gus4," lt. mo«ial 1«r th.yve taiesmasouete«. ami t** raafy a ipase. tt» raa us»eatuii. i-d rowmm od i: rs tSea nuu àvtag te tbechrtla le utsg S OAP sud GET THE PREMIU>M sgtë--e as cash beca=se they ca-n be exchar'ged for Toilet Soaps pay' Ont mor.ey every week. and CHEERFUL SOAPS cati get their TOILET SOAPS package, or write is for Premium List, eif it consists of sometbing you have no use for. ýht SOap Coupons you cati gel somethirig you ned and use - SMGÀLSOP TIMWILD. Rov tfle CaTLbou Talke4 anA WaIke4 for Their Observer&.,ree 61 A gregarlous animal bas usuali maux' and te. alite knov vho ho in. TUne SUNLIOR' do t-hein v g atsgnal"lg. #Thâ inthe heCopos reth and île aurrcundlng. t-ho dise '. besûdaen for which you have to elovation of this vwhite tau. when danager ta senseai convoya St once a t-lent ami-rm te Usera of SUNLIGHT Anothr tnilaik 1 have net seen noled for -nothing. by any ene alsec lat-bus descntbod by Mn. ILt A. Preble. duaing bts trip at-o the Barrons, ta 12W. Through thae observation applios Read circuicr in every te t-ho garren-ground apecles. 1 believe ItA fticflte vau wili be !ound equat-ty t-ai- of t-he vocaiandaAi.ti f ite au - -Soon afler teaviug aur camp op the main- lng of August- U wv saw saine barren-gnound In exchange for Sunli vartbeu. A young buck on à peint- of land vas avçraaching as closeiy as the deplh et every day.- tb. vat-on veulaipermit-about- MO0yards. Ho shcaiwd lit-tle tean, trotting aioug t-hoe_ aboe abreat etof an boatt for about- a quarn- ter of a miia;- He voulai frcqueutiy stop and SA!VE S 15U N] wade nomo distance tevaril t-hoboat, St- short- Intervals spreadtng and centract-ing t-ho vblt- patch on bis tbreat lltematiytnt-e au oral dîie. se abruplly as te gtro the offet oftashes -___________________ of tlgbt. Ho finaily gaew t-t-ed o!f oilowing us andi difted bohind.' What vas t-ho caribou dem;'? ApparentfY Part Of it Was. eignalin -ta what-er. oote3ofbs wl There la lIn the employ ofa! .Chicago The cautlonutheruta a-,a osrIavyer an office boy sornowhat averse D. G. Eliot- calte IL. 1 have nover boeard lan tao rer-exertion in tihe ine o! duty, says n sens of nature, but- tt-is sta to e bMiueh the Boston Record. Wiiiie's duties ceom- itite t-bat-o et -a rheindeea-, aud mx net-es prise, anaOng othena things, the. prapen on t-hie are very full- " Ou Juix' 4. Igi», gel ttlà e bonde about- cane et the iced -rater reeeptaclo. tOOO hnit-wttd retodeer. Their only vecal Slaortiy aftcr his arrivai at the office sound la a grunt. This Ih utteredai sn£ty ef one xnorning t-be legai min .waiiowed a elso doublea-that la. two are given luniavtid c iu draught o! the water, aud im- succession. It La sometîmes t-ho eau er a cow Mdaeybcm OSiU favr t-e her caif. andl seaetimes la utteneai by euenae dtey ecm cnsiu cfav t-bal la leftîhetnai. ovideuîly a noeore alarma ditasteful qquality a! the fluid. or Inquiry t-o fina eut if bis friends are close He calleti the bey. '"Willie," demanded But-t-be mot siogulmr oetht-e saunaismadIe 8ho snir, " wfas -reater ineah t» e by t-ho caribou la t-be cracking eft t-houtoo. ess,'va tean-rlua on- At- onct stop ecct foot glass eut a toud, rhat hesitating tane. sharp crack. Observing thua, the lawyer added: Persoas he have neyer beani iW la IlIe " iliare yeU aune that this ater àa bave ne dtfficult-y lu exptag is, -ot ?9 course, t-ha.boots aprad wheu t-boy heu the !nCBh welght of t-ela.nimal' t-bey alY. «and when "WoIIsiir," neplied Willie, vith the Ut- littea t-be bard surface aprîngs together vwit-h Most naivette, "part af it ln." a crack." But a calose observation shows t-bat- the crack lg made hi' somo mechanisMb lu t-be foot, aud It-"go«e off' bile t-bs weight te ou IL it ta net- laivs ono sharp erack, but- scuaetimes a crackie 1ks severai saunais alose t-gther. Ilsny ezamîn-ations shewed t-haitjust.as t-ta.foot la nellevoeI Mlnard'a LinimentCoi., LlmlVted. o! t-b. animais wctbht. but befone an! D)ear sira,-You-r M.LNA.DS LISI- part la-sf of he t rounai. t-bscrack tliezos MENT la oui-remody fon sere tiaroat, place. The boofs do net strike teget-ber duuinit-he st-ride. aud t-h.e rnekle la net coidaand a1l ordina.ry COanifll boar-dtant-t-It-be foot ia ptac.d. andi t-he t-lt, evurr sils ta o eev. anadcm"- wolght le on il. Thuns il uaally crsckies un.mntIv7 OO TN twice ai the pilace of oaci track, siMs CHARLE ~ ~ S M cx~ once as the weight- la comng on, u8us,1ly au-send lIane as -t-la gelng off. I vaUt-ad on Port Mguigrave. handa sund kuees by t-be aide et e nelindeer &gala sud &gain ta malt-e ebsorvatieus. anal finaux' induced one te waik vbile ai couid- eomble pea'sonai risk 1 kopt my baud on t-be knuckie jaint. It- vas sa riqient t-bat th jar- r.d th. baud %ld ou IL It- us. deep-seated ____________________ aud on thbe lerel cf t-b. clouls or baek boots sud appeareai t e b. i-sde by tendons or esa-tV¶g moide sflphlig oven adjotnlng beau. ckrn 10 l&P' The sound lu astix' bu-erd at 60 test la a (RiiTaSe snalt.h Pcsig a Iap vInai, antI twtce as tan la atil roat-her. Wben DazaSi-.) a bond lu merlu; along t-be count-tea crack-.,-btakoth orelrig60 "i. les tram tiei boots ms-be a volume et 1elow. U85 h ca-elrngs anf continueun sounais t-he ban asked bis bride. The o ccocf t-tatale.doubtless fte sm rne he vanbas coet- oucr hiniP.** lb. as t-bat o! t-be uhistila; of a vbstier'm vings Ura vte repîyouleoi. orid d ? on ',ho twitternu;oetbleds nrignt by 'ht auyubbs oreda? nliri- thbe busmfd a&&04bis tai" 401-m t-lnkig Oet tho t-hanl tyA brea" - ~ the Uired vite revued. Supeb serviete New Yrk ad Phldd. VIa Lebigi Valley ILR.#hlrumgihie Swlt.aerlaixl of Ameros-.Pa express trains. Double traci. Bloci elgals. Puliman sleeping easr from Toronto. For futier partîculars, addres R. EL livs 10 King street es-st, Toronte, Ont. Row ho Get hcka a n phb-thoplprsnh ofdc a nit gr aily that-wasertcd in deatitute elemtances aan,1al1ing Ktt hh.ln home h4 !ound tho report In.Tiie-faoelly oonaslted o! a mother, a son aearing mauhqed's estate, end -two., youaig 0h11- dren. -11e benevolent Old gentleman, a!- ter h.aring the. mcther's &tory, gave ber oldeel son S1 ho gel a cilaiten for lhe Thaukoeving dAiner, end tokhbisdepar- hure, Saya the Cliveband Leader, No soonerwvu he oûe-e han the ne- grema, as-d te ber swu: "8ambos you dout <lb me dat doUai and #0 gel dat chiekien ln do matobrai w le ut wb. tm a .goBa4Mht vq. coa Içot.ik la %"aIm #ès-d maS 1 1 " myrd P té f« Il, rdusaiS Itikéa » 4O th . Ps ISSUE NO. '20, 1906 MISCELLANEO US. W ANTM MEDIA.TZLY. TWO GIRLS *bu 20 Yeax Of f gSfor POStbOn» a S c &o Mi hous mWAd lb a a W O.0 fam l1y; god w *ago to re lule girl. *I & mou I wrtn oMis.G. . F. lamSo. 74 1Ma O AKVILLE FRI IT L&ND-10 -ACRE eux& CoeM W tffruit., grdeaing Or poultry: cloe» te eleotrie cam*.l Mo.y tu fruit. WTrtqulciL w A. IL Foatw. Qakyvwe, Souvenir Post Oards u3 for 10e; oufo« 50; 1ne, $; M0. 2; M0. $5; ah ditfoerent. Largst andO finesi stocg tu Canada; 6W mud, $3: albums, aiU pricea W. R. Aams. Torgnie, Ont. vaya be usea for cblldren tim-thinz. it soothm e hcld. soetlinthe r. acures wini caMe a * u lebut riaiy fer DWa- À MN., mue. a6 rUuilbe MonthY rel. lina baYe I*ea umed laFrbab m =8= LE ROT PXlL 0C., B« & ~mito% Os»1& GasFoiVesurlua Lava. ht ia bel polntd out for the consolation cf the peopi# about VIuuTius that lava, Ulke advenrt, bas 1*8 sues. It mikS, fer in- stance, a very beaUttl 8U las t etfarflM- an iI nome. But curIoualy evry 'Voicano gond& out a apecdal brend of lava. witb quai- Mies of Ifs own, which mu ooniy b. discoveref by expfflOIIOO. The rlcb plainse ofSWIcIyows much ot their fertiitl to deceflpcu4d lava, amd ln South miC vlaiosoiltu afound to b. the bout la tbe world for coffue growlng. tbuch neovus Platera would rather falis theii mci wthut the vecan. TUE WORST KIND. After Ples have .xIsted -for a4 time tii. bing, tumeù torm, finhd to bw'atlng wlth biaek blood. Thisle 1,whcn Dr. Lonhardt's Hem- Bod, the. OUlybsoltte Ple CUrebrifga tii, roS9ltS ba.t bu made'Its l, ame. Bem-.toid wIU cure thé moat stubbors cms ln etnoeami a bonded; guarantes t. that efleot gae Ilieah p caee AUOO kldealers 'or -The Wilson- Fyl 09 IItd.2 iý aus ont. Tim to Li". on tii. POZCb. <Baltiore, Sua.) Is. WIth hamUIod llahtm ai eultsce U a- star hb4re Is ach la «a 0ta=Wsate& lod a aMMUMi 1 betts leraM»& bt tes-b and- M nu -b1e U ' ave a Iy "vil sob. ic t~ag vi b«mir #Imm Il', ehb4we-mt i itb e om"thte 19 vie up e or.a* win LIGHT SOAP COUPO. ra Brothers iiee ootsCasadab 'I WUUEN THOIU l1FIK BIIOlJLfRBÂIiTRIS Sb* was Cured of Femnale Troubym by Dodds Kldney PlUls. They Miade a Niew Woman ol Rer and îLe Bliee the. Day 8h. Firsi Heard ofrThu'm. Nevinarket, Ont., 3May 7.-(Speela) -The es-s reported below As another of the. many thousands of instances of Dodd's idaey Pilla oomlug h@ 16e ru- eue of weak, auf! ienng womn. Mms I. Douer, of tit plmc, ay. *wor more tsa nftyean 1 mutter. front veakass sad' tenta. Crbi brougit con huugi my klda.yu aU to eset properly. 1 was» te.dw~ pan laelt.e *mailo!my b4baoe4. amies dlzy spella, boaut iuthea 4de pkelou, lus of aleept. Pon &PMU a- terrIble draggugsassuln a l wekgbtW84 fastened rouadmy Wm. tried doctorsudaltook ail kWndaof me&-~ dine,but uoting seemed Io do r»Me ga.Ten ma aebor bld-me o! DOW$e ?layPII»and, Àd me nuto lrY lient. I1-4M @, sad allte-bng m8W 'boxa. 1 am,.utlrl7m re. lem hi. taru Meo. -i salngo» i. iiiwo$a . vmuguet ;wha ive 11v.Iy arusbetee tr bis strm ai i.u ou-Il tbe bhd W 1ere m eM W» rv, m e 'a u l ' 0 b u «6w4 tam SUI'S A WISE WOMAN Who keepa linimind that a litti. are- dit la a dangerous thing. Who in aile W znend both her hua- band's ciothe.s ad hiesv ays. Whoa has leanned the parada: hhat ta have jay oe umt gave iL Who es-n tel the di!fférence betveeal ber f irat child sad a genius. Whaa mont admires thoso eyes hieh belang te a ms-n who understenda ber. Who ackuowledgua the ibownos ms-doe ber y ber husband by making aiiows-nces 70r hins. Who appreclates tisat the largest noont lins-ny houa. lu that beit far self- impravement. Whio realizes liat two huabanda -of twenty-!ive yes-ns each are net neffa- sarily as good as eue of fifty. Who eau distinguisb between the ls-ugh e! amusement and the an. meant te show oitf a dimple. Who geta of f a. trolley ear the. rqit wsy-though ahe ruse the nlsk o!fbeng arrestaed as a ms-n ilu &lsguis. -Wa-rwick James Picoe lu Wat- sens& Magazine. Barnacles in Engl&ude Too. The rasIl nuier te Englsnd la t-he permaaneut officiai. an measoglogs on vhos bath la ecure and whaae pension àaais hlm wheat he bas put la the fewest number of days fiat- thée s-valleva. deln as ittle la that lime as in compatible vit-h kecasiag Uvake. The onix'réeal Passion o et Mis l 5a abatred of s-lreomea M21aERNAT1LOIAL tSo KAÏ 27. 190,6 Oommiet.ry.-I. Jcemâ amd plu retire to a dese.rt plam i a-0,jI l qxstes ... tod %i i'eeks hefore this Jesuis haZ apooteo eut -a]nong tihe villa4 lise (Mstt. x.5; Mark ii. 7-13: aM goisxg s.io (Matt. xi. 1). -eeof the dea th of John t reid. them the-y hasteuo Thley made a f uMl report of th( a.ry tour. 31. A desert pla sandiy, barren de&ert, but, an t place. Tbey -retired a<'ross <Ja.ee te t.he tonely-plaîns ofthie- his near Bettlssiida,' plain of Butai-ha. 'hi3 was the. dominians of Herod A niunderer of Joh.n, and wit1I trarehy of Herod Philip, Be5 Thon.e were tiwo chief reasone this course. 'lfie f irst, give xiV. 13, was on aount of t the detith of Johin the B'ai migUb atteinpt bo e4ay Jesi digsciples. The eecoud reas give. They- needed rest and wth God. No leis3ure-The always open, as in eastern erali>, for &Il who chose te. .) ave at their pleaure.-9ý oeecau do his be-,t work m iode cf resit frein work.' 32 The took a, bout and mailed na.um u.roffl the uorthtrn lake. Il. Jesns teacih.s a greai (mu 33, 34).- 33. Tie peOPle- vi.4 we se tiit the Paseoý et- band, and thexe were thr, ýpling uap te Jerusalem. Hita-Beeuse of thé mai> W" nIe o ad1 urough.t (job., whoie country was inAn uag Rau btoot-ite people. wi gailing of! Jesu> aooss bthexm et lthe lake, ran aroyund t: sboe o erapidly that tbel the boat and rnet Him as Hg Citie»-, At this turne the i nort-hern sihores ywer8 POP cities -analvilages.« 0 4. Gompassion-klthougb mmwus moi-ed witéh pity pie. Re walked aniong tii tiien msd healing t'heir sicl Lnga a hepher -'--they 'Were taul intef ee<1, ta guide, t .Word, tW ',shepherd' thern. lt. T1%8 disciples conder (vsÎ& 35-38). 35. Day.. . far &Pen t-N #%wbeu it was eve'ningY T tw erenings, theo firat bei oeclotk t hs emoxid at sixC a.Su i theaft'eiinou. Dis( By ombinng the accounts posedte have boeu about Juiredsw id t.o Philip, "MhE buï' bread, that these May plip replied tha "w nrtl !bren.sI» WOUld Cient for tbhem (John). pleWurged Ilm te "se*nd êwy"thot t1ieY n4dwÙt P JSSUls4LUd, ,Cive ye thpukt upon- the dis!cils n dis tahey abold go and buy -t -.ount cibrad (-Mark). "Hw -mApiy baves have *W» (Markl. TheY repl W" tsaUd5 theré (Jolhn>, 1 *bur,'y bavu uami two -#me Wentthein/avmy--The dà

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