oaps tuse 4. OO 1 )O0 IIATIY. TWJ) GIRLS ,or foe tr pitLJl tit ai ut rivate r.ut i-r L.'NDS-1O ACREi 1er fruit. gurde'nhi-ig Or it-l b~i'~bg uuuey In Po-SI Cards lm V00 $; 2w, 2; 50. nrgest an(' finpotestocit $.23; albuzl..gail pric. tto. OùIt stiingsyrup ~ol I hi-I- 'Sn tenbng. It- i.Otba 0u5 «gunis. cures t, test rbm&iy for Diar- DR. LEROY'8 [1"ALE PILLS 1-m and retlabietuuint-lly rVîIa. 'IliPaâ bave i-oaauVu A nFuma fny yo&rs wié founid invaluatie rV doiftlcl. An VtanW ut à ia uu&.t nelie etap fo rilir i'rice 01 (K) per ibox et sâetyBliSilouilt of ic ipe Vosuviu Lava. coui for tbe consolgiton Vtesurlus utat lava. 1k) sute*, It _ma.ke.. for Ia- uuiu glass cf exiraordl- - -îrtoutiiy eNSuiy Volcaflo brand of tava wth quaI- h eau ont- be dliacoVOiSti rij>h plaitAoPt SICIlY OWe y' to decotiipQosd ava, andI utId for c-offeniu rowiLg tfrs woiuld rather take e %-olctiuo. ORST KINO.0p 'xisted for a ime t-le ac-paifl, au'ting. t-hrob- i filled t-o bursting n-lt-h 1)r. Leoîuhtrdt's 1#tn- ,-olitu'Pilé<cure, brigu lad mtade ite faîne. oure the funost, atubborii and a onîled giia'ruut-eo c 8 wit.li enelpi pag. Olers, or 'lie XWilson- ai, Niagara 'Faiba, Ont. iîve on t-he Porch,. tInte Sun.) to te b.deserici la asumer and tse dinligrooinu1k.- ocks aud easy chairs a de- ltere lu practlcable, &adi eh more healtb-gtvtig than 1 air of a bedroolu. ILan ispend --the ulght' on t-le and a tew find! the âY Inter aise. A baro. leak _t-e sun bas ils driâwbftcks. o.l attractive by planttiS - >rtug qulelt-growut-ag vinas. now usde lu Mauy styles, lsuunsable table for books.e' anaglug baskets iawth f loir- e a decralive effect. Ev- asddd tai wIl ebarni hie fi bouse llt-bte open aIr. ltLumbermau's Fnlend. 's*a butoa aui6eout am 01aedt-hemd Tbq ymude a tv 3x ax 1. mauêy, barmien d Pkiis. The>' r Gsi!.. t e OC 4h bibiu p .ai' of But-" t4b douinIons fliurer etf. triqrhy o! Box "il*rere t-w xlv. 13, n-aso mnigIu1 atteinpt dtoblc..The givet. They ni wtê -od. N< c* open.à lsv tare thii eue -Sn de hM iodé ot test ~fi Tlsy.t-ook a b t.Jesuis t-t (v33,34).:. vi. 4 w. see t- st baud, sud1 pi. gelug uap t HI=-Beceuse Wb" nheH.bat! w-bolseouati ltmai s-oot- et -elake, ehore u i t-h. -boat sudi it-le'-At- t-h murthrnabsoi oiit-l as-nil R. Qeapasi pI e. eW-all t&uu-e.and bei Inig ashephet t esust-o t a ord, te 161 MIII.id 38, Da'y... 'vwben it. nai o'eloelc, hs s vas inthe ai polsu te ca yï;oeMvssid t-i buybrcad. t-h Phuiuip replie olent for thse plot urget! Il uat'," that Jesus.saad, "( upon t-l iet thîe>' ahild out cl bretu - "How mauy see" (Mark) wous a lad 1.1 bar).>' loareq Beond t- 5Mif Cbrnlt-'s at-te n-s a sdeseri bad beon t-I time t-o dieu tmhy mtin b, preseut uveni osersad bti vwould be,' t-bls forld's sat- à *tu*et the. 'sme à aniumI e ti âj us an example; w.* should neyr at- - Vbauk i. êlug n X27i, 100. embo u ast-o ust- boy t-h.miraclea- as -I. * "es a , Fas- Did- p o .4. ýDid the bread multipi *15 te 9"dOsr (y&ae <s.30.2) a ornatu, or i the iab ofthé te... .1.014 Rn--A 2 ,, 4ýSp4 or, as sorne thlnk, did the- dis- bus Jeans -had aà mi*the1 ipibaput a pieces otbread sud tiab in aon.g the viliageelu1 têia j the h~o" cf t-boss ivho ot at t-hoeu, i M4 v. 713> H~ }lm- oft-s anks with orders to give it ,t ( M a t. ii. 1>. b n > t-h i r com p an ion s. T er s Le so d ou b i "b 1t (at. etioh 1) . sapthe t at t-là , food multiplied al aloag thle eth o hn a>te B ta UaeJÃŽW ui d. edut t-o Ris distipe; mily reot- cfthd o i tîincreased iu ttËeir bande as t-bey AI eort o h iso- hade" out te the multitude, and -arn it .l esert ut Notan uihabied pà *e.d trou one Vo muet-her --tute lesrtbutan ninabied read *ad tish coutiaued te amel lA 'et-ired acrees thie ao their bauds until tiicy- ail lad enougli lonely plain at t-le-foot sud téo apare. 42. Were tilled-No one ea.r Betîsaida, called the uced erer leave Clrist's table huuigry. ha. Tua' w" ont$-t0', cf is able t-o .ntisfy every eedod f Sof Herod Antipm, t.ie. soul and body. lie is the llread of! lit ohe, ad wit-hia th ete- Whéther n-e demaad littie or mucÈ It- ,od Phiiip, Rest a uvle- 19lin P asy matear for Christ t-o f11 us. ,o cl rea sons for 'takIngé There -'19 a f niness in Ili% mercy and The tirst. given inUi Matt. love that oui> t.hose n-ho partake cf eau e aocouut of the iLei 1 uaderst-aad. Joün t-Ae Ba-ptist. 4erod V. T~he iragmente gathered up (vi. 43, t. bo ela>- Jos s ad Hi&s4. econd roason is lieWi 43. Twelve baskets--The irord trans- eded rest ctI eoemminîouniIated "balk<éta miens pekets or irai- oliisure-The door stod l et&. Tic bokeLa irere probabi ' t-ho "s in enstern hbuses gen- twelsire alktrs of the opoties, whlch who chose te corne in O~-they erriecd on their journeys.--Dt. r piensure.---.eikie. "+NO Deems.. Fragmenti§-3roken pi"ees wnich is best work %vthoiit peT- reunatint-d over. Aceor-eing to thn, Jeas romu work.' 32. By ghÈP- direcied them ta gatier up the fr4g- ont andI sailcd froîn Calwe- nmente, 'fiat uothing be lost.' Wluy thel northern end cdt tie %vere t-le>' requiretl to gather up thbe fragments? 1. It would tench VhêrW 0 eaches a gi-,tt multitiude lesà on îa thri-ft ani economn>. 2. It U. Thse people-Fromf Jolîi would show thetai that tuie niore t-bey biat the Pa.ss<er wauu jut gave thue asere t-bey nould have. 3. there n-ete thronigs of pen- It vwould teacb the ni t-ln t aothiag mas te o Jem'upeiem. 34any -kun- bç waxted that (Jcd 1usd given. eo* e fth ti.. mnu> nîrftces .;mapy waste t-he littie things.-MaclaTeu. ,wrougkt (Jo-li-n vi. 2). rhle 4, ive t1houaand-H-ere i. oee iiiie r as i-n an agitat-oui t-u-tA'. w*cught b>' aur Lord attested by tire lie people. wat.ching - Mic thousand mca, probibi>' t-en t-boumm.ud ue across the aortbern esud peilons. ran around It-he nortiierui 1. Follon- Christ. 1. la lis compause idi>' that t-hey> "ouà t-went-" Iv. 34.) The croirds did not corne t- met Hlm as Hée iandeti. All Jesui- for 1-iniself, but for Ilus gifle; Li time t-he metera and. t-bey came for "boaves." net for bute res eere populous witti (John vi. 20-;- but- Jens "n-as MOved a.e.wit-Up eompassioa homard t-hein" am isio.-Athough wear', .yet taugît t-hem and f ed t-hem and iea1ed )vod witAi pit>' for t-he peo. t-hem Jutt t-he saine. k-ed aang tetue aelung -,,1. la Hie self.forget-tuiinel. "And Jes- rUing VIeir sick. Net- har- us ... began te îeach t-hem" (v. 3&.' d-1ey mere dostitute of Our LoÃŽd's firet- thau'ht was sînnys lt eed, t-o guide, to protet-, in uothee (Phil. ii. 4). 1-e could not mest hepherd' themn. " whileý t-bsweary, nnx)oîis, pant-ing. duity Iscple cotern-l-h esu tausadai waited te bu healeu oi t-bi -diseasÈS, aad coniforted ia their sorrovi tai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f fpn-a-tle 1, orgot Hie we-sineqeand imager 1m 9 eveaing." The Je'ws lad thedesire t-o bies and t-e save. If, UI it-ho fitst begna at thrte ytiut Lord. y-ou estînot *'be bld" (Mari weconi at- six o'cloek. 'l'bis vii. 24); if irear>-. ugi-y souleu pues ft-rncon.Dicipes e.r~-upon yon for thc brend' of lits, do 40 gt-le ac'-ontâ of t-he evan- 1di su asU hdeCi-etHl conversationii a>' be - tb"!tsaiketb thee" <Miatt. v. 42). ve becu abot- as% foîîowq:-- 3. bIIii. use et uitles (vs. 38, 41.J o hR,"Wiience shah w Our "ebief nfedliq not- great resouret i Philip " <joh ."but great foi in our Mjteapon-er-t- à ti thebeye > ',(JhnL.use n-bat ne have. Cod hmd t-ot-sacl d hiai. "tire hindreut pen- ail big ancenet servants titis lesson be, breu-d'" wouid net be sitîfi- fore lie eould use t-hem fuullv. kMss nn (John). Phen t-h-e d<sc' Must be n-Uling te go n-itlî a'simple W. Iijn to *,-nid thle multitude NExod. iv 1-5)1; .lshtia with a ramý t lt'> riii2'h)t purcliaus;e fnod, lien ra <.1<-). 5); rt nt uù-ideon -tl iive y 3ilvtutu te eat, Wti tiree litundred Men ns-nied ont>- wit iscipis in disunay a.k4d if, lampe. yicers and tt-îtmpets lJIudgp go andl buy thflu a t etit t iin à -, 8). (<> cotilwork thrtxsg d (Mark). Jesue replied, lîeir weakacas." loavi-e have i-ou? Go and i, in bis thankfuulnepg'. "H-fluked u Tbey reî>ied t-bat t-re-,t-o lcaren. a nd blesF,«d" (v. 41). Theri ici-c (John), who hlut!:"five weTeoui> hurle>' brout! antI dried flshu. 4 and two smat fislis." 36. but Jenmuu -st-et il>- tbauuked* Ced foi i-i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g 1_Vedsilscle -ie. iie etl l.es a vstili neaed otIt-ib. Ã11, t-tutwilideru«»as ad tAreugli aI1 Rits In"istl ihrlat ,Yet, iritbeeout- t, fIst- .ud«red 'uth* ut-.t-louus of >Yed thent ms Ilisassistantsi tan (Luit iv. 13) *bd t-be oo'tva4wkxl t-hua leArs that In-st- 40- f !slsap5 t-Maârk xiL 13; LUke iv. 21 ail Unies, under aU cireuur John viL. 30; Viti. 50; H.b. Xi. a). Who b for aIl tisinga. Tireunbu.ias t-o be gmmud. Christu-fferlugs1 wrtA-Tii. penny wua&s s- 11t-le garées vexe excnaealu (tuke l ad wua Worthi about- at-t-esu44). valne eftht-e iuead asusry 2. 0'ebreAl o!fGoa(" (Jô0b8 vL *ieretoraabout thirt-y-two Bdlre > aGed's git- TheY tO 1»a.Vpi il appea!. t-o b. ail t-l"t osw W8 lm uOWII la thbe r- 1t U lTs dilpkbe we!e wort1pfil VTt ViE" tisab ( kgeede. Thislaamout-t ttat 29M3). C t-Ils th. it sood f» i t-lieu, would pcehabty remur'. (L Job. lv. 10). OQu'a v a &sb»< ual valne equi t tmes n vr>' clmlat. s"d *" ery soit. o 4 Rmouuu4 nov, nlwus." ?adl Iot-be lt. of evary -touai Who e@mtk -The. import- of. the quest-jpnRio (m ~41' 48). - ltt al lunu'ise t-o t84 ùr 3 T-bepb5d tOf1*lich vi . 38, sad %pend for lb!. aprtM ? IMure 1 l 1'the M#Wa fr ey 1 mon -s1eouus kuew jiuptet 'tbee r. as but MeBe &. I h«aaiyý rbtt ave t-bousflsd out-snd 1tell zrtbiy M.lde for tb 41andce it, t-le miratle ouM lmake-.a J ort fou se orroidI Me  ,Presle. Vive fsnd t-vo flbes oft eterlaibrwd »M OI Tey ex.~ ~ ý "4e14rs ts, JIsrisy t.e ist- sbh.fl is -O-- em i d. Tbaoleî ", l - or -- Tbe j- ,WAS i u UP.O u disease of, th1necs , inee . childien à isecrofUla; in rduItR, Mr;1>i*W d CoiïlýPËn. oth aveporià ust1i1b SacS ad Costly Mrpe iieRbm tMe r &eblood; both needý more fat.MaiolaWe. pu. Imp gi t mtd. These diaeafee ,thriveon Jean- ne. Ft ethem; cod lier sof tions at the XWinnipeg opin~a~et truii. tact tha, seveIWeft After Si,, IrancisoOvere<Iliiflg te;cd ie to-day: may, s03iec bid; Julyp 1 bdevr;ya bil makes the beet and healthieet Oct., 78e bid.aunimi, 1 fat and ziuber ol opers ftadLeadcins yWbeat Markect&. io' erforme$, I ipoùn womien 1iq May 4I1111-'Sept.ouhupt1 Prof. Kemnedyanmd Other CIercaIs mu*New York..... 7éMrthnUn Miinneapolis....... 79 o=~th5 0 en1 Board. hm c 4J IToledca.......0% ffl SI stietlyivo Vancouver, B. C., de pteh: 7%ereSt ouis .......... 82 U S6 4>.&U(?# oIÃŽté bandits held up the Irnperial Lim- Ed U l. U#Lt..........2T 3bd wo.an awitng. or rec0v ited on the Canadian Pacifie Roilway at ôea-»o 11.30 p.m. on Tueday, hoping tô et s the enset and most efrectve ket. were large, ec.msidriiig tha lte E vj y me , e these patlentshmd-peIiýtt rich haul of cah ent froni estera form of cod liver il. Be Me à heavy declivei,4i, oaue% lit-ru about 70 of waring n that betngdow ponsfrth eifof San FrauciScol -f=Q ID f buits for gethe elie o temalnatur4l order of thinge that pain ntdtWe.loft, or igiit o ,ab4om hoWSwh mailEmlsou. Trade was duil infr cttie, with prieci .ffl hé ii nau ,irpa ahwswhySett's mul-iI-l'1 10 to 15e pet ewt. lower, the aipply ~ the Wak, pèMvl catarrh, d1zWnou, Sa elerks they got for tht in% af5 umi fiomuhvleinalcmciig raertn-h d5n5.lec dilambuO tiTnated at lesthan a bundred dollfr, ! 0muh aueinal assotin rters-The n t hip p JI îecy 'iriem tar M ga= teq The ovrloke oer 30000ii bad croffnia and consumption. More '~xotn-i ct lipr upc-Aul f0 ie yzptonl are Ilcatoê Theyovelooed ver"0.010 n brd ah.ed lots sold nt $4.80 to ýei. nnd there au unhealthy Odlt.iQu et the eil cashbecumeVhemai ciykabluffed fat, more weight, more nour s- vpre few Ihollht nt the luitter prîe; the organd miil net beedua the troulema theu on of ookng nto he ouehs. neuVha's hy.ilk being bought rnuud $4.00 )to $4.4-1 make headway util -h. -Pen«1ty b&' The. train wau xnpking filteeli mile9 an eewt. ii lod u $.0 o838 pr te ofpaibyair dagou nemfostui hour when two iasked mn e limfbed Over Serd for fi-cesamplo. w. iiftmeofnard iése!uleatu Btutelerp-Tlue picked lots Sold at'.$4.7.5 whllo luinsuy c ssthi éut i aa the tender into the cab and said to the SCOTmT & BW NH, di.goheLub to $4.S-O. fi-w briî:ging the lâter figure; Thie followlng Tetter saboula b" emier, "We are heete hold P Tthe f9 ar ogod d t$44inn RMkSt. tri. nglacer Gallan took tliis a A T=4 nt4.609; udiuin nt $4 to ÃŽ4-30 oPer cwt.; 0134 Mie S.,ta9ý lti- joke and imade an off-band repi>'. But 5.Somis» a an sa u à o c eat $3nt$4Per et whn hetrinprcet¶d bot a mile_______________ F eeders and stnek r-.Nr. Muntlh Y ho Demi Mis. Plnkbat. furtber one man taaped Gallan on heretrain ew discussing it this moring. buh :iRankeisn feeegue dI..inkham'IV .tbatOOiÃPOUDd shoulder and aaid cool>', 'dilis 'he the fclowing quotationse. bet short- A soaubd1~kout ZÂÙtd<i2 westp. Lokuo run VS ngacr Amoiig the passengers on the t-rain à t10 ~oîb. u 45 o$.; e~ i eonedfobtIa~ sw hto ." Lokieurod thwevlers n er' a score of Methodist ministers. wirb stfec' r,90tiI0 OIaid*.0t.teadcftthe mmny whie1uyoa. andtha th fiernn w5 ii tC ~~ew.cre goingte Victoria to attend the $4.50;* bcdfeefoders. $00 to 000 Ibo.. nttinale troubles forWuü and tat e ta wsin traitn sd encra lCoference of British Colmbi. 84to$4.25 ýqtstt .<><>ô0 t 70 t orIsuld e eit. îbtt a thîrd bandit.Teerrying a mack of dyna- paisDr.get to *.7;comiÉon btoekers, 3c 0-4aio, but as Iwsuw~n4~ rdnit. eustoppaedaThef in*ludest Iinnp D-. re. tSdOOitolaIé *thtt mite, got aboard. The englacer ste - a m P Es Wodeswort a nd peg; J IL ev. Courq-ew holce cOir. iere if. SA tepi t1I1 U',lt ma n were foreed to, useou l e ma i g h tJ . De nofsud Nesona.d IL per l.<t1 dy u etb eCthU i aa ca r and rmn it a mile from the reat _gt .W eno Nloadtr e e bul-k- urifg of coiDoflto me au ODOTtlOS and tbià zmmanb1D ca. neane.Wil ialà > theeÃŽOfltu'$50 ah. PriçeR ranged from e25t-o îetco.P *ept 'âq:~ 4~ car. ~ Onttle he oUtbeW&§MQalY-eDr. C.eddes. Keloirna; J. No eno; Vent ICalreaý--rices for veiul entres uta url si.Gtm uoe ~ reucstd topulltintlieProf. Kennedy et Knoxc Cellffe. Toronto;ireayat$ ->*peet.wthn tbzolunu dla t1 ter o ay eo~twneu~ ~~Ctyfll; F. 1{trkit1h Montrent; W. K. L. Shee and Lambâa-Reeipta light, %ilh la> d ,otier rn t eers MeQyacuarri e oud iteGrey, Montreni; 'Mr. and lura. Cruîmb%. pi~ ine.Kpitsrssold nt,~ vosie ru fnd tèi1~ Valuabe Leters Iià ~ê8 Profasor Knnedy of Kox Colegetrî $8 per cwt.:. buekn. 84.,.5St6 *.50 pe-mtin-kbi bs~~i ala vaualeLete"b't& Iýrfeso Knnd, f no CllgPcwt,; yearling.a at *64W>to *7.23 per~ 1~ ~ pt~-@u~ ~ t "Wereu te Ss FiliiScO11M', ~. erotowho 'pnihed the sîniversar>'ewî . srng 4erions feCntra Prhe SeatinChircl - s, a 64maila 81.50W M& Pinkhani Invitas aIl vomeU- Wh& i irasrmnsofCntalsksbtd.n hnrh $ as reportcd for a fewr of prime quai- aeB - rthrfor Ifre-d r "W. ou't arry >," lie repted n titis eity. reeSul>, was- a passenger 1 T "l "r11What.o'thcat ai l t pigeon-! on the C. Y. IL train th&t wamheId uP î.*golShe laHaras-daugbter4n.hWe-e a hole?" askd a badit. b robiiers near Kamiloops yesterdAy. Itlt gar n I1afrrI n repots 75 or-e ~-o r r at $7 for %ea bandit.d the' been "Onl4(y ordinal>' 1tter yn" mICIMIISX ru wutd be intfitatlng to kuai ub t eilgite and fat'. £The Lngligh bacon AniiT 4u.s yai <* rie.~~~ ~~~ rolibes iretnno firthe. -oA the Wild and W' ke4s are lower. 2___________________ 14 The o bf' etn Urýhr' A IWmt. mnW t-but hoalia& exporiened -a- s materettat, -h rgltted eter i! -ca "oi U."0fcourse, b~ d n ot The rMIAL A ofa * rntt-h. o pigeon he eîtaed O4T 3000'have te look don-n t-le buainess end cf A, E MeQarre ias utout o eet f or tal fIIU CT r ithe i'isk of 1icinItre ~L o-ssigol f100 buabel tcfs hc > Wlls uadet lmbl.Telatrbtndutle i.cogrtuatig-l'n.sod at 41c per bushe>. ISAN ,trolerscôio PÉMÉ 1X"eT'PE ils aeifther. miaymIrbe ii'tail u1h; "i'lein olnDaiy produce tau good tmnp.lr, wtt!,1 botter s, wag asked if there *Xx RUY More 011 Ili: entler. Dat-y rails are ssllng nt20. te 3,25eÈ- T'ýgxzlz, qw- o eedmal ha tberobberibeld ini their W d ttt î' D~ er lb.Eux* are eatý0r nt17 to lfo per dozen j ow. hý brd aud.il ad thoe sdtcvstr Soin il l th-ni kft~~"*"lay IRta ýirm. w hsupplies ipterato, 16 Oiclègo, May 14.-fte' r&i1x*dà a8sô. had ot al t-ei-eiraS ~ n dout thr will imagine ail sorti tof lrsai t$5t 1 a ton fer itîmotîy. .4d grautilig fli tetr$Mpo*rttloil o.aIl Dur tuj or ta, a hve' dv4r utiP -an-"' sd at $9 la $11 (or mie«. Strair- studI j>ancisco rfge .trathe privi- - ,, ______ ~~~~~oe n ocf poor qîuAilty ççlt$ng at $W8.;ton. ~ue ri~lylmtto atU~1 d hif anit. Wil, Jm sorry te lân-P i Drseaed hojts are 19 u - lt expira ~m othredvon" b irnt on to* Wiil Vî ý1ht DlRFS J qJ~uoaed au $107 a ý<i heavy a at Oz. -1i qugeshratrwJ q4p~ h rshtfUlifS,"O utfeet $ so ôsa n b> i ' h Uqeuj fh1 ui i,~~~-he Tic ng ser ftStieninae t6inn a uohegile aiong 1t-be trad tea'n, fE. DY ôPW RGR-. n. ue.buh..... o 6o66 ulte 1 b-hctio~msm~ck Th 4li tac ad gan 99CRna-.buà h....... ..ôo 4 0 ô « *latlon. bai care41 or, 2,F to tOsa stop.The trio f robbers jurPiel dem - A CTIi »rT.bsh......Oi 1 eu0ru1~ ' as th> a fri Uu" track t-bey - itf -e ehouted to the riYMue a.tmt o 2 rslway raee-. 'Goa-bye, A4efpou e enh L i~~~5 ~bs....... "- ~ sd tr pfrta M o . o p utQ* uu~sei4n~i*tb~tD0i trtiflTC C'S ar.tlIlOti7 ton.......r; -'W Mbois. take came of yourtele' tl.e nteaYe U -ù - . u è. #M '1t se 94e and r9 i. . , .1 1 - ......... IR M à M,- e 1 . M 'I4-~ hêi~ ~ 0,0- -I - 2 - & . 4 e s îer - - W&pe imwtS* l-sckbus bead->mt.et t1b. whudow *as4 AA# osbu ol~$opthbe gloom sau,"01- Ç4 S;lige lmb ptting leur 14h*4 aletbftt y~Cropetebel Prices Par Above ut* î Sti sa - Eblit*tin 1U. UyI6.'.14 @i.~,"tpeisly *wben u Du».ptteTbe taaullp ,l1u< W 11e I a Ia r44.rw4k av-W.anud breu r<. vksO1- CO"utte e 0-00sss led (v TUTIE