Whitby Keystone, 17 May 1906, p. 4

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- ~%. p ~ 4 TRIE WHITBY MIN,71UMÂT MAX 7E1 Mr. 9. Siater le the champion tist- erman tus saeasoun.-On Saturdai he captored u speckled trout ln; the creek Just below the pond that mMa- sured 15 tanches and welghed oeer a Pound and ea halt. Mr. W. H. Elvias la maklng prepara- 1ioe for puttlng 'la a eew nset of' gates at tbe nmiii pond. iPey. J. H. Borland and 11e1. Jas. 1Uddges, ot Oshaiwa, elobanged Pul- Vite luat Sunday. tlhe toachera of the puiblies chooi are making preparatiOns for the celebration of "Empire Day" on the 28rd Inat. Mr. A. WVciis, a Bhooklil boy pow woriiias brakemau on tho 0.O.T R., wans everely lni.ured earl.y on f3unday mwoning at Lindaay. U.ewais caught bc-tveen twri cars sund had bIs shoulder broken. Mr. W. Caxnpbeii, of Brandon, la tiere fur a short vieilt wlLb is par- en te. ,,Mr. GeOrge I{aynes ii gotting readjy for thei. 100 rztu Beran. it is nolt dpbided whehher the foot bail boys wifi ttuke part in the Mark. bain touruia»euCn Victoria Day. hilsiE. igouidiia svisiting fniends in Toronto. A comtume entertailiLut wil te heId in the Maaouic hail, Broekiin. on the cvcnlug out ltiursday, 11*7 May 24th, ct>iruienelng at 8 olockr, wbnMr, Ilcrbert Bon-Oiiel, whu ne- au4dfor nany yearé I e b. oly Lanid, wili lpeawk on the drense, =an- vers and cu.,Lomn.,o! tbe people of Palestine. ten.ncertand Mweern tinies. Admission 204, A UDLEY. Rey. E. A. Toukln preacheJ harovon Sunday lant, Tuie rud Commissioniers are flnadiog PientY Of wOrk lu do Ibis spring-. IThe rouds are on bad shapo ln many 1piaoeti.. AU. John Blil bas been unfortunate Inle irlnbituaIinportied bui, 'Baron Cypruri," trom iudigeâtion. The farinera thinkiL t À a rdahip for the PoLqtdffice to close hora at 1. s p.n. Possibly the 00w Postmaster willl ho canmuderate of the. publie and weep open tilt 9.80. Who trustees oftho c sool at ]Bag- gcîtsville have ere0ctia vire tencé aroued thec Pchool Yard. PICK.UIINQ. R. K. Douglas, formeriV of Picker- ing, but now or Powausan, has been appdintcd cicrk oft Lb. ixLh' division court In Pairy Sound lXstriat. M. F3. and E. L. tJhaia.n were In Birougham on Wodnesday atternoozk, attendlng a meeting of the executive of tihe towniahip Sabbatli Sebool Ua- A number (rom the Village and yIl- Cinlty vere lu Br0iughatu en Tueuday, att-ending the divisiobl court. Mir. W. P. Firth vas In tolwo last wcek. Re dld net report any abw teelýments ln regard to thre col- lege, but soxtmthing derinite lnext. Pected liefore Iuany days. Jdhn BSxeth, hoatter at the Gordon bouse vas luadbng a pon7, when ithe animal ibked, !racturleg bis shoid- Teachers' ÂAitociatton at tii. mutliàg ln-1t. Cloud luIt week. Fred. 1. Moore reture hqm. on Thoraday, having tInk.hed hiscoea*rae le the College of Pharmcy, Toron-- ,Mrs. Ed. McOf.ty and phAlGren re- toreed on Frldoy af ter spendlrag ner. oral weeks with frienda ln NOway. W. Hi. Muore, CI trie Kingston Road, was eieeted repreàeutatlve to attend the district meeting ot theo Etiao. dIet church aL Prookil un Mal 22.1 on several occasions iiteiy nomne onkaowfl perpoou have brokon Into the schoul ln the oveniuneand have donm cansiderabie damiage, and alao a nuxeber of Younig mon aud boys congregate ln the giouinds to play foot-bai. The. truatees do not wlah to forbid the Younig amen to u»e tb. piaygiruundu for legitimate sport, but the free use of prot-inity whIcb 19 lnduiged In wilIi not ho tolerattd. CLAIMON. Mî isa ua. le! t laet wcek for the oi ty ,wbere ahe wiii .àzend nmre time. Theii ctl'eu' band gave a oaneent last Baturday eveaing la Che ffen air. Misa Laura l>owswveii retuarae4 bomne on Fnliay atten a pliasant visit wîth friends in Ringwor>d. F'rank Bxrodle, of Tozonto, spent a few days [ast week vithb bisparente. Mi"a Atkinbue, of 1VhlLby.' returned hume on bionday n>oning atter spendlng a weck with J, B. and lirs. lcal. A nun>ber dlt Toronto visitors have beon here during tihe past week, the trut atreains belng the great draw- lng card. t3onie extra guod catches have been reported. Farnieru have frniu.ed their seed- lng this neek Thepi.lng cmid fnot have been uewtter f or seed'.ni oper- atians, but thu wêatiicî Las But been conduoive te rapld growth. Walter PThonison haa. moved loto is new bake ahdOp and Ice creaxe parler ln the Beai block. Thre ew prem- laes are nlcely sàituated, and ho la tak- ing minla la in paD ~ttleg thexe lu an attractive larin. Rey. A. P.. Park was ýat Nagara Fails a few daya- this week makqng arrangements fur thre Iaptist excur- sion 4h1chin l te corne off le Juine. Those wibhing to have a good out- ing shoud remc£nber this excuralue, as [t viii be the ovent of the season. Jonhura Buun4y lett for bis Mue- kuka samemer cottage. TI-r. Manoue brethren had a goo>< Uieat thelr iudge roeur on. Wedees- day evenlg t of lst week, lit helig the Sucsion of the ofllali rit o! D. D. 0. M. Harcourt, ot 1'oroato. Jans.Underbîli has ad bis farin, wblch,,eousists uf 132 acres, te Jus. Boland, ý the prkce bplne, w. unden- stand. S.l2,000. Thle sale would mm tu proie that Ont.ario as a tarmmng ecawniunlty *stili pouseamii strong attraction&, and Liant the Nortb-wcànt provinces du ont ha ro a mainopoly Ln attraCtive'features. Mr. Beland, the new propletor, ta an oki Clarernont boy, and yearsa igu moi-ed teo ho cnthern'States, but later moved to Waehlnýgton Tèrrltory, where ho wam auemfu in j qalicnc1i way. HIe old Claremont Mzende wil ho pieaned to have hlm hack sga.ie ie their midst. I Made In Canada -Tho "PRFECT GAsOLINE ESIM has won highest awards at Toronto IExhitions for tule put fi"oy. speaka weii for the. erne. 'h.' I Klng sêtrott had its naal, sorapei un Monday. Chief ,Tarvla' fine bcd of tuipa 'on the. town hall iawu 13greatly admîr- Miss tAllan I%kcboae, -ut Whatby. la visitIU MSs10"lIva I'awer. -1 Mr. and lire, W. J. C1zll.y, Belfast, Ireland, arriveii herc bocnday 5tter- non, havieg corne by the steamer Canada ofthe Doom,,oe igi Ue. Thir bave came teo ma.kethetr boume l6an - ada. Weellinctoe Lodge >a. lu, a. O. E. will attend service lu the litholat church Suadjy eveaing,. May 27tb,- wben Rey. V. H. LEuory vii preach. Very great byniaahv s expres»ej by ailou r ecizeos for M,. FraoIk F. Mor ris, Junior pa4 Lnef of the flrw of L. Morris & eu3n, unciert%kers, on the death et bis wtfe, wJho pasued to rest earlY MwiJAy morning. For sonue daja bier iIteba~i been hanging, as It vwer, =7 a *tender thread, and ev-ery possible. cîre wais given ber, but the best xitômalai J and atten- tion wasavoailLug, and ber life could eut b e!-aed. Deceaoed was the sicond daughterof M ~r. and Mmr. J. B. Mattyn. Oshawa, (*Ir 5ister tawrn, sometimes taken thloes erluusy, it seSes. A citImen cSetracted tàbwdpor, and the Board of Healtb pie*.euted thq toliow. ing MIIlel connection wlth the case f«r payment at the list oouncdl meet- ing - Vaccine, etc., $3.60; supplies, &81.'.34; J. Swatb, whlskey, $12; remit $21. .75. milk, 32V*. ea cnstbil'.amati pur- case, $67. Total $188.66. We were under tbe itwproaaion that0aOi. awa had a tzmïeraeve couacod, but when they order up for one patient 412 worth of wb'sbey and f6 worth of tobacro, we aie perplexed to uni. derstand the texnperoace prlnolplejs u of nmmbers. IThc wonder la that every whlakey lover in Obbawa bad not con tracted the dieaso. Local option lne WCiU, Durhame bas proved -an unquiilafied scc ansd the peoplei wiIl never vote to repeal the law unies»e a radical change oc. curs In publie sentiment. In the face uf thîs uverwhemiuag opinion favor- of the KId neye r atm.tsof 60 i. rWkt» W& Mo f 60 o* de tm" &"*-.."ala"fMal d M'. t. r.Si. flb 3 tons"t -ais Iebc u i.t. grauai as c C 9 %MW"ak laM of. «M U àeaa Ï«sM"90ty log local opttola, #bwever, violatIonis oeoauonally couic to light. Lauat week Neif IIPhal, oceupler of the Galiag- ber hol prernlu at Burketong pbeaded'guilty before PokeeIUSMais- trate Horses to solllng apirltuous IL- quor wlthout filenne, and palul loto the. poils bort $107.16 fiue and coïsts. I t in very dangerons to oa- ter to the tbir4ty appetite utf pub- icans. and s¶'icrs la a local option muntlipaiity, and au mercy will be shown offeeders when th.y corne be. fore ounrpoilas wagultrate.- 8tatem. man. 'lb.. citisens' bandl rendereul a soeet ccynoert Friday evenieg, May Il th. iu the open air. Thîs la their fir&t autlnt tua sOetDe. Monda; xeoraln of lasi vu Iz Mr. George dam1a, of Torouto,- landiord of the Queen's hotel, arrirmd in town, le cumpany with the geniai proprie- tor, Mr Art. ipin, andl made a com. piete cxrcomspectio of the premi. «., resulting in a deelalan that the whole property ehould he thorougb. ly rcnavated. Consequen tlY, Wedues. day morning workrnen were at work puilllng ddwn and building up and. qp con. The. mprovemneets wll Cofsigt cif a new hiardwood floor ln dnlng roxm. repapered and treaed. halls Up and dowe stairs cenieul wlth Nor- way pine le the course or .two os three weeka this hotel wiii be one of the; best ln Central Ontario, as Mesas. gamin and Qilpie are deter- mieed ta nuake IL sucb. TU EPFfAL FOR or gr SKI CUILR Fe It Gares for Every Slck Chuiid la OimSarl@ wbuso Pareuts Cam M«sÀfford lu i'ay Fe VrTratuaont. if fif The Ho«pihi for Sick Children, Core stret, Tourais appesst o fathers and muthorset Oasri.for fmd.tomaintai the thoumai ." hdiqss t at IL nr&ê wiWhsa vai .v.yMyu The » iàL na lal1"InstItution- but L>rgvauiaL The slk hild t rom -acy P4riViiCWhoa ~~~~~~~~a" ruebJ. a, m to. e. the $&m hasc vilméai ue,0 eh1Id _lietr, ,et 44' 4 44 4 444 444 4' 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4.4444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 144, é 'A 'A I I I I I I I I I I çs1~ I 4444 k A ADUI EMb 44444 4 4 4 4 rs 44 444444 4 4' 4 I 4'4' 44444 'A -4 4 .-. '1 4' 4 4 'A 4' 4 4 44444 44 44 I 44 'A 4' 4 'A 4' 4- 4' 44 'A 4 4 4' 4 I 4 4' 4' Ad. £ Anid for or wlndow with. 5c ftively the grea you will ever sei W Our 10o sa- grand i8ueCCss, aclipse ail otherq This lot -of for u-é to selto Offering thei a.t Ing should be ne Think what you. Standard 1 -dard prices, ani you get. Do it a] CASE Tj"ýH=E EMPC i j / The iie~sg Tsmake of gaseline -engilie is in use iniaul partsOf »o drive al kinds of machinery Farmers find it imnal machines, choppers, pulpers, cutting boxe%, etc. Tus» sous au fact almost everr plao one >f ,thes e le8 M&y l Firida i - v - 1, NOTIQIE 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4'

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