Whitby Keystone, 17 May 1906, p. 5

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y-,.- r s =qq SUR SEUIMI Eoebîoidory Silo Fçp1day iBai*gaIns 't' 44? t 't' 't' 't' 'ta? 't' 't' 't' 't' 't' 't' 't' 't' 't' 't' 't' 't' 't' 't' 't' 't' AT THE CASH STORE THE EMPORIUMW 0F FASHION i 't' 't' 't' 't' 't' n 9 of of't~ - . 't' NOTICE TO FARMERS!1 The .Undorsigned have for os.al fulin b.oOf sheli.dCort. Chop çompoeed -of Oate and Cor.; Olhop M.lmpos.a of .qna parte of Wh*t, Barley, and shorts. ffeavy feeders, kyig lozilo tou got clos. F It wii doubly psy .v.ryfedr b use o..of h.Cudats "Hebagum»or yosOI.iadNom TU U ouNTYPAP«,S T»,Eu Building, Brook StrM, Outogi. O.ut7--.'b. Kqstoe Cmatp et the » utuep2ovinéote tKuo.colo.y .et h Bdtub mprlr.J Luww LC., WLitby. ter« fttee .cuuaty. The SabsouIpim Prfoe t ebus*.d c«ei.for nftytwo huas.., wb.apadh aadwaac.-4L:% vhea abolimitM twoO. ti a teouti aue. a at tti ~ny R. WINN, Edtew a", m"a<u A Dusted Trust. Mr. C. H. Gordon eal:ed at Ibis of- flS n Tjluesday and ,nnounoed bis IntentIoIn of ptartIqC an up-to-date newal aper--lbe Star- làa the. tcwn o! Port Perry. lie hat bs'ugbt the bas of tii. Stantirmi etth;at 'town, wbicb farmerly vent tu malke up wbat han been eahied the. ucombination"bYb t owner o! the hbydra-beîcied abSt up street. Mr. Gordon is a son o! *the. late Henry Gordon, at one Urne War- dien Uot tItis cou a ty, and --là welArnown in and aruainti Port Perry, wbere be spent bis txqhoodi 4.Àya, anti iearned the gentie art of alitiag type. For aume ears pattb, bas bcen eMltng tii Tne., t lIresdeu, ant i euh lstai an entireh.y new pLa nt at Port Perry. Hie bas beenfoetunate ln ecurng a large number of new jsubscrlbera to tue Star, and &d-Jed to this 'lhe large circulation o! the. Standard, promim sto 0o wel l Inthe northern towun. W. are not àwaie as to the extent of the. mental enalties possesa.. ed by 1fr. Gordon. but tie bas the phyjsical characteristes .Whicb scem- to be neceay afy the make-up o! the. succsful editeo i !tus couty- avol.rdpiits a abundance-antiIf hlm P&Per re»eMblusWB poisn w e ay expect a rery hantisome anti brhliant Star tt ah in ltbe newspaper fir- mament cd!South Ontarlo. TMs Star will b. vIsible un IMay 24tuL, M.> it cuntinue t(> ahi.. The. offIce m-ihli e altuatt inl the« Bing block on tihe &roundi thour, aatipower vilS be aupphled frdS the b4seteent. L,'s sme. TIti sot et treaks op tii. "oomblnatiotu," doesa't It thne "combnstion olrctuLitlou-csOGo. andi average weekky ruir 8,KO"w1 now drap te o sew&t nemrthe* levgI, ta which lie Zmsujpe r Dlrty bas plandti ti.r at. Ncow that there is otily one paper Wit 'la the -oovg.. bInatIoe2' I t iau 1nt«ttne uesé wbat aphel vil 10 Civtà adrortalera by the owe o f th. . '<onmbiatlokn, to cooreY lb. ld.p tat tii.>. am- c.ttleug m vilu for their uson. than colii b. gSela &alyotb.er place on the tacs of the eartb. Onoe ln f vWlle tht.trealolurma eto Wiat. by andti oUltes 4oriVatory reporta ,amcmuPations 0fetbo%a to.a Je1 whloh. utiOU is liii oe "d eau. b. Weuald aot tart .&skk-bbI Pre. Mtt MaNagethb petes. Tvou pr. mat semBm~e othe 4'tiJga o!i'er.. .bo4 tlmlee, smO dth. to le ui. **q -I hs h.art ertative will. how« et~$% to ebff tw.at , TUUE&DAY MIY 17190, w w IL.iat week we bati a contributtogi from the Peu of 1Mr. Thomtas Wray, tan olmi gentleman D05>'ears of uge, weil known tu Whitb'y ett1ens, andi thls wqk we remcrd the fohlowlng, whicb we lo.rt- QIYEIJR FOLK. Of ahi thi»;. la creation, Orbat creep, towia, il> or walk, We Iearn froin observation Nothing no queer as folk Mien bent uro:à decehsn*; Their actins &n t teir tilk Fs$rce pou Itti.beUevini_ Nutbhag' so qùeer a" foU. Sike me» -%ake great protalont, But vear tbe.»,as a cl«*t Foeelun the mati oemtcsalon otngso qui.er as folk- Timat each man la a bisitier# ià treateti as a c*s;, Thep rob and buat .sab oheS; Nothing 1 <o t as ol Mens*harts witl rlswllg ?hruugh tows 40ti-uiostry et49k04 Erer the sme tale tetUUa, Nctlang *0 quseCr ~ok lu private natiera prXimg 8ue .Mien ibm u a -Pubs; Sucb men are ahwais orpiag Ncmblng noqor '*k WIIl va"a sb 1h.tbe canote Pro'io tasý o uakuet e. K*thlg s uer as folk., lut whsmyoiarUY uuetibia ids maus« heut bis. t»ro. fles acbi osrrio i;- IIon Kugý, Cblu VIA CANAOCA 70OR ONARFOR IPê 0wm~s Fasi so msl.da t, track South of the B.uptitourh Cases whlch irere not carrieti ava>' ver. forceti oen.andi Mani ot!-tbe phomtos carrieti off. Mfr. Clark, of the lSorerelgn Bank.' SttiffrliUe, visited 1Mr. Thiaker, tbi. manager of the. batik, here on Suaday. Our barber, hir. >eobert Bryan, aPeUlt a daY fiahîng for trou;, andi so'ured 36 îpeekl.,d beauties. Messrs. 'Thomas Gregg andi Wm. Palmer took two carlootis or cattis tUi Muntreal ati Fridiy. lir. Alexander Wîlseu <ied Soundayr mdrnlng after a llhgurlng Ilîneas. The burlal toi* jplace at Uàbburlm on Tudeaday. The tamaly have the uym- PathY Of the COMmuaity in their be- reav-emen t. Mfr. Charles Brodie ls improving hl» premisea by raoInlg his office 1.o the, eant aide of bis lut, andi puttlag St on a atone foundâtlon. , 'lie crolquet seasun han oppneti. 1gr. Ràeuben Dcase won thae firat two games. Mfr. Win. IYfvwe1l l '4ted thi) c1ty oin Monday. Mr. flarry Wright ha& yee lu the village a feu' days, and loft Tne.sdav fort Port Credit. ,Herbert *FDru.ythi la home troin col-. legs at present. John Castor la hu= enjoylng a va- cation. Rer. 3Mr. Tait vlsitedl thr, elty Ob 6banquet w.aa tendereti Mr. lq-00 Ob 'Wednendey eruning, and ih proved tol be a Jolly oeeaaaop. Mr. Tho&i...CnmIy basnmoit bis farm to bu, brotborI-lhw. 1Mr. Smltb, Wbo haa Deen livinîg Out vest for soin. yeursl àfr. Ramaden 'isited i is parents at Iount Albert 8i.ndity. Thomas Wra yp, Poems. Wbeat, rgd ~..........$0 5 o a ~<uu...... .. .....i..........4»- s go.............' * ............ ... ..... o4t Büesa.. t......1...... 04&2.te ......%.................. 0503ô No. iWh ............ 4 0 t'14Oa $0-s. . ... 00 le -de 'I sNo....... ... ....4t00 te -75W Rd No.3..............34 06. 4W BN............ 90 te.i7d Tlimer eSse...........' s Flourper tn ..... ...... 00 00t 2 1 Sortmper ton........... 2 00 t. ý2 Miât, 'POULTiMTAUD PEODUCis. Beof, by quatrprewt I Jttie, Ii, e$gtbut. Oatos, per l......0 Lab-% .ch ..... Hlogu, live weigt ..., lbga it tai. fliôo, ey aW.,... Ducl., per lb ......... Ges, dmessed pe« lb... Turkeya, drenasti, per lî Butter, roil ........ ICW rd.............. Polatom, per bg 8ap pe o...... Taliow, rneeiPUr lb W00IWos aahed... 8825 to, 5 ou t., 300 6. 0 006.o 0 00 te, o 00 tc o 10 t. la1 t. 0090. 0 25 t. sou te 0 80 t. oit le $ou ou-t. lS 9'10 te And for onie week. will MI1 oui' south wlndow wlth '5e embroiderpies. This la pou- itlvely the greatest snap ln- embroiderles Fou wlll ever see. Our' 10o sale of embroiderles was a- grand Sueeess, but this gieat 5o sale will elipse ail others. This lot of embpiderles was made for us to' oeil to you, and oui' intention ln offerlng them at 5e per yard la that no urg- Ing should be needed. TJinkwhat this 5e sale may mean to youe 8tandard goodas at away below stan- dard prices, and, what you want la what you Cet. Do it ail and do It rlght Dulop 1.al II Iceep-a bora. sou. and tuak is w logr'Go d (t -and Qattie l8pioV Whit.e B«» uWated. MoVFt Lembo, 0.1v«. s ut mds6k W.' E. PRINGLE ,ý&l MTi best to corne to Jeaus, Andi talce IUtasy yoko; Ile ci.,Oeau appease us, Wben trdubled wiLàamor o HO cornes wîth imuror sjkoe4y When we EN& help Intobe, Gifres pre unto the needy. 'lo bea~r wilh ail quet~r 10k. Mwb humble le betri endetb. ThcAzgh £alée frIends Ot Provok»; 199taedshil ecer ozdetb. However queer t1g f uil swe.t wurds or iovildn nea, No bearta have ever broke,, But ouit o! aature'a hliadues Have often lei qucer foUlk We nsed divim ,dlrectcin, 'To are us troiu> tii.etroke 0f Fatberly eorrectius Whie dwefllng wlth quser 1<1Ik. The. Lord Ris owa %Wîl nouzr1sh. Tbey, D»k.the ur4y c'qik. Shall grow and areati andi tlourlsb Abave ait the queer tolik. Tu toi t the tch deelver, Andi WL» 'xzer folk for Ood, Let every true bellever Waik b7lis Igoly Win d. By fatb and itruc ropentane., Ail queer fulk mnul1>e- won, Andi heai' utthant the. sent«m.» 1'rom Christ the Lord, UWOiU 4ong.t. 7 A -1 Slthis o ti~Divison C«o COUNTY (>1 OQNTÂRI, 90 WzyD. O. MacdoiI, whily Oloel4 4a.9 7b ,Mao April qi[wy 3,Ju.6, ly 31 sePt. 0,OL I!v5Doo.,Jn%1o O1.xk Je. 0,b. 20 iMafth,2, Apral Nepi. tg, N n. lu l 9 Pluav uaa J.W. uriamil JUIYTSept.1î mao. ch J-n. 1,1 U~»om oph E QulUî bi 4ci , Mrl 1,N set 1 i;.S, iit.is 4

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