Whitby Keystone, 17 May 1906, p. 7

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-i pur" 1* 4 use w OEYLON GREEN TEA in place of the adulterated teas of Japan. Load Packots ouiy. 40c, 50c ad 60c per lM. IIOEST AWARDP ST. LOUIS, 1,904 iarmes tiat Ipurgative armtul sud sa, on the medichuse et rigin, -snd at menuis. ring ConsîS- I troubls- mullow CeW- ,vold th evil aise remove ;Pwardm con- itha -or years et -up;- They : 1puted monit, estcd by &"Il obtais (ree this coupon dil camud ntl stamp (te tô the Bilean ANS, GIHAREM* I!IC BREAKS OUT Z INMATES. Ladies in Sultan'. f Souls of Turklsh OConstitute a Danger Official CIrcular. Miny 14-An anti- to tb ave broken Ti'tsr wonsen and- Cr idamses. A loir damghîtcu- o! Naturk rn-raiI of the Minis. 4-Iirs, fiel (rom the io lPanis. A little If Redvan Pansa, -) wns rercntly ns- ,o Bnrous,.a. -To-day, iitt tho daugliters of Ministîr (if the lu- -ghat IliPasha, Minie- Oldatint, have fleci in nmrier te es"npe ilà of -harem Mie. ro reported ln other tanding. The Stiltan thé matter, and, in s Makly t-0 sanction - ilce intrusion et le harems, 1nsui e a grave donger te, (4ulg of T'luk iah wo- ýntly tire tno weak te Ilg, tempting descrlp- -wnnun in contrast te, liie. LN HE BE? 'n IIau Codtly Advenu n Detroit. t At ail Grocers. Wonzat-Las "Tbey' were ail so angrywithyu 'I lgw. tlîat, Withiout givin myel h rul Ah, and now what was your moth- to think (rny Usual way, you know), 1 er'a na.me?» took for granted that you were a dread- '¶Newburgh." fui criminal; stifl1 was a" fond of you "Ah. Just so. Your father's naine was aà ever-but mother would not hear o! John Craig and he was a clerk in thé niy ritug.Then I was no bewildered Western igko!SoladT about Finistoun. le came and went, and "Hi@i mime wvas John; but I know lit- nome people thougrht ho wvaa ging o tie about hùn. I remeinber faintly thal niarry Lady Georina Fitz-Maurice;but ho was kind and loving." 1 did flot. At laet it wfSail&U sttled; ",Well, 1 kuew hirn. Knew hiin froTr then we were frantically busy, and then hie babybood. My naime la Craig-Alcx- I waa travelling go rnuch, and 80 selfishly ander Craig, and I amn your fathcr's eld. happy, I1ilever gave a thought Vo LflJest brother." otie, which is disgraceful, I know. Now, "Indeed," etried Mona, touched nay, dear, that I arn married to the nicest, kindeet, pleasantest of men, 1 f eei that aven, pleased, te meet any one of -ber "uwe re quite right te refuse Mr. War- fahi sboo."Teoyuar n uncle1 ing. Poor nian-I iked hlm very much. m own uncle tre eret it must be quita awfnl to b. un1ted " r tit"r rtre erot an y one you cannot love with a11 YOUr '"But my dear air," ejaeulated Mmne. heort. 0f course, If Mns. Newburgh had Dehnsay-"forgive the caution of ai li.it would have been different. I old woman o! the world-caun you sup- hav-e told Finistoun ail about you. n. ply soe proof that you are thi. de.r reniembers you lait year, ana admires child'e nearest relative?"' Tou very much. Ra gays you are a plucky «<You are rigbt te ho cautiou,9ew g1r, but do.. net think yeu were wise I bave a latter (rom rny nleee's grand- tthrow over Leslie- Waring. The boit mother, written near f if teen years agc, of men, dear Mona, bave 'very littie of fering te take ber and provide sentiment about other people's marriages. for ber, If ber fathar's peoppe Let u i hope they have about their ewn. would undertake never te, corne nigh ber I do ,trust you -are not very, uuhappy. or interfere wit.h, ber. 1 was a bachelor, Bertie said hé met you, aud that you and a bus>' man. 1 never approved 61 were looking well, and seerned quit. rny brother'. znejrlage. le took a wife hrtght. Are you. stili living with that (rom a 4ass tha' despised hie own, soe nice, pleasant Mrs. Debrlsay? PMaI give juat ]et the poor wean go. I lovedy oui ber lny kind regards. I amn sure I sid father,0 h.e contlnued, lookîng at VMenu tn try bar patiena. Tell bar I b.d nmre 'ainoit like a son. You have a look cl &in ig essons when werewara ln Milan. hlm, and a bonnie reed heid like bis anI'ignor Sqaulliinl-t great man, I Your inother was a pretty, darkhir s.ssure you-a-aid I hail beau very well lassie; but I lost hini wben ha married taught.. She was too fine for me, and I livee "Wve are gettlug tlféd ef mol'- awa y frorn thern. Tlere's your grand Ing ab>out, and intend rbturning moth er'. letter." Tle took out a largi Iu Auguat to Scotland. Fluistoun has pôket-book, from the reecîses of whiet a deer fbret In the Western Highlands. h. drew a lettar, and, handing it t( We ehalho there almont ail the autumu. Mona, ohserved. "It'. net over ceovil If 1 ean, at ail manage It, 1 vil corne and 8h. Is jist ane of thoe aristocrats thal se you as 1 pais througb Londen; andl thlnk A' the world'. dirt but tliemselvcea: voii inuit corne and îtay witb me. I amn Mena t.eok 1t, and read the short surey ou will 1ke Finistoun; hoin not sharp etatement ef Mrs. Newburgh's re exactly bandaome, but, distingue, and quirements,.whieh waa addressed te "Mr rsally very claver. M y father thinkovery Alexander Cralg." highly of hlm, and ha in a sound Con,' 161t la Indeed poor grannie'. wrltlng, servative. The dean mother lu tlounishing ah. said. paSslng it to Mme. Debrisay and looks forward to prasantlng Ger- "I arn «ladte f lad yeu, uncle," and a.1 aldine net season. TtlaIchi oely, not gava ber baud to ber now-found relative hu.ving e, daugbtar 'out!' Good-bye, dear- 'Thank ye!", h. exclaîmed,tboldîngî est Mona. You wiii forgive MnY neglect a minute,. 't vas just the guldingo and grant I1bad a gSoi excuse. Ever Proxideîlco that brought you to yci your attace&d feârsorne street to halp mec. Wheu "Evelyn Finitoun.u lookedin luyour face 1 feit YOU vers ni "I arn not se sure about thaot," gald that itrange., But whar's your grand Mou., îmilug,ý as ah. put the latter, mither?». whlch sho. hd rend aloud, baek Into its *'In ber grave " said MOna, cadlY. "Sb enveloe. "But I arn mont «rate! ul te died suddeuly-in My arma.- ber fo« wrltlng at aiL 8h. il really a &I hope eh@e vas weel prepansil Au nie, dur thng.' wbcn as &hoe aaled?t" " b .i arn glad Squalllcinl "811. dled lut t Keembev," thougbt se had been well tALught. I "Ah, sweel t boli have (mid out b have heard of hlm. lHe «atm hi. guinea thia Urne that th. poor and lowi; O! tu a lotion. 1 dan Msy I cau do just as v*ldav.UIàO *t Of th h1xt well, and 1 thought rny fortune made "Mns. Kêwburffh wua tnu Ckr$tt when I f frst «et soyen-aud-siL WbhY# Md SrsaI lady," put la Mme. I»bnlss Mona, theroe a lith, min trying te 4Uî,P!tIc*UY. open the gae-Maold man, vlth as, tiek *The07 iaiumalvaYs bant toeIthei and n umrela. I mus b. Mn.r rtuued their ev aequalUMtac alnan mblre t ue b 7uSàhe vas ver>' ry gooil to m.' s 1. 1 et p (id.'! of !etedltme Me- nt bureau wue called up- Sa Toronto clergyDafl eè bi, sais but whoae ilycorrôbonste4 bla pro- Detroit lant nlght fro'. efonebo h ail.been mani- etaiIueu uwtsa wli ne ho Wa.l rbon the , n'suSpt. Mtionuel iLýhirn goy redrqsa.- wtb MInucltropidatton, oulil ho revoal hieidet- icars Cid, wo-6 £Po-. [ve ta hie clerleul dreas, 94NIPULKTED. -ýeere -the l ect eng le eo Coinilons..whic11 la $dsmtersUoil ef buttes', atlife4 thsIat tpressa sali iiýn. Debrfisa-Y, bluntly. «uaij ý le ' I, *leiId W "-But yen site lot bavte n tb Iredem'fra oa.IeI trouble,,' addesl Mx=4 <0'pui Be7eabridwbl"büAmat h.moeùle I imwsted-t@ wune,"be esai 1,PId l.b p i *psui .p bis br4v wttsluiBt4 o.Uemp*U ue ' *Y î h bee kerchiet. 'Y~ mtel 0 i7 7drp e C(>gmiid inIay.r tnigs, ry baekyo r»-b'e.s.eiasa!veu a»t barsaS sp for bcg purs. rom Iio btwaui Pý "d B4 s.m6se-aavue tu MIfy*.à kep took otsxeO t It W ~bS,~ab4 si vO ,w*i -dur Xi, ""0* .d I.m.Iarom.IS 14 oeu 7avebiry 1 q*!meM as~ aibit, and rny eld master rernerberesl me Mul assghed mor ert llTy.ff ' lubé , ",Mdf U- "Ysv e ,v s ln D b»s e xi W m e oi n l g l a t ô . t l t f ir m n , e l n e d . Y e u v i n t t e t tu u î me h i l e a r- 1 t0ut nwluireTan d Ictry te- lege hnul' I'assrye vi b I-c««e. -1.tok a cottage and. -a -bit t.ariàkmi and attention, te zny Poe, 'fathée' ( tv a lue w1e vat, but I1gtltnheumatléa, brother, whelber he bas a cottage or .a great London dotr, Sud vas .reem- Ilng m eay asIS.l suake hlmAba mendeal te yen place ln Cainden Tow.IPY. Haeinust bave bad a duillîite. -1t;ATS IEN F ~ EC 'lIme sof!on. fo! envclerks -lodkps mus! ho vary ard te feal 1f. slipp <ÀNTtODUP MEN& thera; but ha i. eut a' lay -Sud I suspect ava>'bte you hava kuowu enjoy- a' tise nigit tee. I1arnjusI eanylu' o't; ment." + +A.A$ I~$ $* $$i$II$ but Iamnot half cured yet. 1 Wonder Il "Ah. mydear, don't youbG dîownut Ibis place la mucis funther from Harle>' -turnes will mend." - li tjl ise ase carrled by CGb!- isandite, anmd he caxrles a cane, tJWn atreet?" "«Do net fane>' I arn grumhllng. 1 bavef 0*00 menater ulghstfaland you'i msakehlm drop the cues beforstheJ "B>' ne means, ns>'dean sai"a-nlIi! soeavary *bnsgbt days te look baak 1,proj>ab3y observe a matai ring or a&0 viii,,approe,,ëh m, isoosmaDm Mme. Dabnisa'. 'Il la a shorter and upo"-a-quiek deep s.gh-«and the pie- , almont inviaibte button ici.the ptick-c îbe wroth-thse -oaftands4ti a pleasanter drive. 1 presume yen are sent la fai train being unhappy. Oaly, i si or elght incs below 'b iiI- aahi rovr uurvle eonsultlng the lamons Dr. Sw.ait.hax?" the Mena, JoseI of U lime atlu ~t m e button ami «iv. e tle 50 o, in*sW t aiid no BSII>'cari 'sThatls tWe man. Ra is awfu' aostliY bas dhsappeared foreVer, and Mena Cgrdtga hurp twist and ,cu îî be sUrprl*ed lu.t It-le tIV no moezss u uuuaIfoJ "WVbat matter! se long as you eu re a more usetul and sensible yeung voen, ta f md tba.t 1h. baudie la èaall t' P WOM .DMte carrty thans., gain your precieus heaithî I think has veplaoed ber." I aamted f r4rnthe bàof t!e1Ca". 1 GENIU yo wul in Ii nighohedmoe If I could se. yen nlcb and free, snd' and tIsat a metal biade, sharP and 0EM F WESTINGHOUSE. you oul fid tis eîghorbod oreIn our proper place, 1 would die bappy; P<uiited, 1a &ttacbOd te the pandie. salubnious, and in every wxy -prefarable.' n b uvi?.' ~. e o ~~~.~cm otneo .Ivnin eoas "It rms ab. I wiii tbWk o! it. th'e bettar cf thosa'aoid.heartei Ever- intel ew fn.vor wt.b thoae Who ns ltme World Over.- "IVill yeunont taka tise arm-cbair,ld. mo hog tet le aI " Tbe " m Li o a t a t i u h a u - - ' h ya r e n t c l - e r e . T h y b e n f t o w o d o a e r g e W e s t in g h o n s e b a s a e r e a t i v cornfortable âne" av n t ol.hsred T e> b il  d cam! , t t.h e &t ot t 081'?! Oas-o o nt y nth w r 'lThank ye; lt's weli thougst on. a rigbt te be angry, and I bav e ne fofug 5K Cf everton 8.58(0 bt tasi With various grenus aud twitches, Unele o! resentrnent a«binst tbeas, tiseugis heynine out e0evr.yta crryreol-mm. is a a ne outr la tsevo migt aveased*wht hd ecoe f erist hir oveýt pataonzedtas ra, ran englue vorks, or a dynaiz Sandy transferred bimself te the sa lgthaaakd"athdbcn.et my." lis etime r ovorla trooked-ta hesys u ccsaMgainvierOrt recomened."Yeséef b exlaiedexp>lts of tLuza and buumilld. LYSuEtur na, u hlch bis name la-set honore 11heommened. "Vaflce," h a expaed "If thàt is not cÃ"idne.s, I do mot know tIons.re-gocra carrY weapoua te thse sud familier. Ha bas brougist n. "Ihae en ai aficedwiha ea- iat it." aI «ce. uaa.rrnc<and tw Industies sicagO nasa- in the spine; it's a sore hindranSe. e * e e e * * pîayLioss-e wittl 1m. Thse mi lomealmuni e asstlslt I have been nigis a month in London, ewmredyQboghhen,&rotaa.n,,ghtroua le ii. a.s't g; lbe bas coatrihuted largel>' to- *1 and I'vc net hcard ona of tb. (amen. Dunn« thene days ncle .-'la the bear.progres etmodem metheda eftIram prenchens yet. 1 have net had man u ut uigteedy nl Sandy ttebonuad harca ds prainademuteto hc'à oppertunities. and 1 amn 's-adawara o! mean a nigri. Indeed, bots Mme. Dabri- frwlaai. glong clm&Do6. speatn hamiemnuetinh a niy wn efecences;butif i va no and Mena wore too nnuch occupied At thse corner of State and 'Vansipdteuh nxtntseeaic my wn efecenies bu ifit as Ot wftb lesi;ons, some of visici îvaro crowd- Buren etreo au. . ew nîghsa ago, a baîveen individuals and aesftmunitie for nly puin (rail bodi-, 1 coidimee ed- togetmer te shlow o! pupils leaving li,î 1 -up occurrcd. in tis e ar' t oflte holveen nation and nation. - 'bs 1PM myseif rereiy la Ibis great c=witl towu, snd witis thain -ovu'ff aira genar- City', abo-at il o'clock %,t pigut a office, lie telagrapis, tise vailways ar Thsere's lectuireq, and concerts, aud mer- ai>', te tbink much abouwt bisa.Oynt1'ramaf from Iowa Bai alise steamiship unîte tise meut distanit r mons, ad the like." Both prtners ware loeking forard te clrawo revolver thrust %ndai'DIB glen. Upon lies. modem lite is vboll 'But I hope you will get stronger, lbe deligbts o! matI well earaed. Mona, noe, and va. oomp.lIod to eVr aoge deedntI ssoilidutw u uincle; then von wil ho able tb enje>' 'sas quiet1y but oofundly thankful hi. watcis and $40 lu ca.ub. lereeti edn aIsscil auîIIa this ~ ~ 9 rodru tv, aid lMena. kindly. that ibe hd net 6eobliged to e*r c<,jand pis<îrins vr vtm omercial phase*. -Stephenson ave 1 ttouched by the poor man's desire te go ber brend among indif tarent strangers-- tey oY eabofe t h 08. Flot eha 1e rahlwa>',-Westlnghoasesm e -t te school again in lis old sie. tisat use had been supported b>'tise warm forme'! bit feast unmolosted. modem compte a tahia sy'stam a&,Po liera Mme. Debrisny sippedquiatly s-nîpatlhy f a truc fiend. 'iot iut- meo., enr' llit i nvenoftrins. Radle o ut o! te rooni-to niake corne addition -«ais h"no iwlv ained bimser '@ sud tise movrn bs het an. a d a det Do <ut Te ha eontinîîed.) bdfilwdttwtghvij'ID . ud- ne more tisaisIi h.nm tuda t0 dinner, 1Mona did Z ob.<eiypuei pntobni u li mn h rm ritu ""uMc" uaid Unclo Sandy-.the el gne pntebni n sadmo b ra rUT8 hoarse whirâ 1per in which hc usua, ll speke ~t~I$#$*sg* tolled siIm vIth a. llow. '1155 ho George Westingouse vil b.o 6 yes rintensif ied-'teii me. hatdoes âge make 4helpod himlmaifto blâ OWn w&tcI 9»dloer ge neit Octeber; b. Io buîhtou ryou pay ber for living here T" moaey, tooe, the thiug'a revolver - $ronmaalesatell sud es stvoagse "She*dees Dot charge nie anytbing. I hlm, a.04 furce lm to darrecidal' bis 'bls.km4l H iîkffR-1 pa' MY>' hana o! Our f ood and f ire-tiat Nonev Makere ovwtu atcb vr t the licm e, . aaQUI araf "Ah!sudsha e n et ourbloe T"doided Umst ho bad a clesr tâtle to constitustion etvon s niekel steel. "No; Iarne b noofer selno _______________ t_ h. spolie vois (rom ltse higlsw»Y'la a moat agmeeble man t* meet, a ~n.bas, a rare faaulty -for lnnpriag otUm reight vearî age. as I told von.". nue lutainO h od ib-i w nbeam x -t*siitwonderful, ' ejaculatedi Hlsen. ieln os ar ony , 9 h lu e18funl 10 tise ex- A temankable tact lu bis career Ila snd sat allant for sene turne, wilh a curi- inakers becanse 'tise>'are milk-makeru. eriece eOfa& Yoiug veins £rom eavly age eawIehlo b me prosalzu e11%,isalf-satisfied, half.meckiug &ieeo ceowsJtte uo 2 fl _eiillo mleNo other breed o! daim>' %vscao fur'- NOv Xe£, l la in *s-n t tlb pet2 eog eslgs ln his facee.!ofthe mail faabilnablê isotls àýitge, nïtm h, >, Then ltha pnlm figure Of Jane appear- nstaise higis a percontageofo large yicld- 01t17. à fev minitte beora Ç o'clu>ck,maah.ivtgetnvto. h le ai, sud ah. proceeded te lay the elot.h. ers as thse Holâtein-Fniesian hread (fun- one O enillbngit vek, oaie enterd brake. Thi us va s m ouice et bis ta re Tiedne4a e> ic~~fl n iiel bsbei thse noteIl y thse side entram ncsd su&fortune, sud sticet -lia lime bis Sadyiascxedigy onrunctiveas . pageddutu) aloi gcrki'9alm t a en ellenll a<~ltd' f S at a xmeig soud igitncal.mman>', thse umailimiikers are fev. t;hg main îob.. 're corridor vPAlime bistor>' et eno"'hnwud eaflm eAt first lie Raid he %would take notbing I In o he es tise large milkens are d eelta * oaPr 05' 'ber I the fac=y;turet ». t l 1l Mpo Ofhlete P ,' but coud vaten te drink;tli e is (scle d fow, and these mall i mînena are man>'. fori1der Y i 5 t th'~ er Wll nd al- fac, m 70=' et lie gre linesfetim nr tisera vas a sligbt ta8te-he coulil net Ti sa businoss pin tateoudmoetr a idb; Ue al1su lttrt'hensvtiot blkngehm ,jen a pr e.vedht-insthe bal ,andaysattract th~e attention of business dairy- lime 't17131;tO vweionh boue "è whenho ercive thi, h ha alayschalelaine bac and watch. 8ls v as ,~ ea. arei te qnalify tise vatar iitb a men. Tiese mal milkcr cosaiha n Wfl& nble to acres.mvaswtaîntlng BLOODLESSIRLS, d drop o! spirits. I-te supposed tlbeadn'$ about as mueS for "keap" as lise lais vison Sa Maseger b«ijibstpsnsd tei aany whiekey? NO; ireli ha would do -ne h orlradgv h d itis a t rifle of brandy. 'Tise ne t ie tke eeerou-e. Tisel ge ente tisec(rraor ad Slitis coma b sec ve," he ail. wiiis an air Thelcr tseefreumke '11 ata lae.Ca OtuhNw lbct t-!gra genercaity. -'l'Il briflg yen sa buen ceaI tissu these ralyielder. Both 'and lisMa dO199e 4 ie bo 11te ve-a'oDr m erh ýbbottie of ria! geod stuf-it's fanrvisêle. are equai at thse teai rack, but thae i o de 11d<inthO u4 o lai1Im li il .r" afne l argemt W i. lakPleaciymke 10 somer tissu brandy," lie seemeil toe ajoy largo yielder aI tise mllk pâli-i. vorth ;el l i e&Ã", nthe e i e1&amsmes leses il. bis repaît, and sfterwarde made man>' tu-eor tisreeaumaîl yielders. itr f'à t Inquinles mintoMme. Debrisay's bistèrY. TihaHolstein- Frieslan le pre-emiaently 0îalce haif a. dffeso agUIunucaviol, rW oi bIeod-'a M1Is uea He vsaieprfoni>sntratd 5Ih lng iacer icba ea id is l liege.nltie isk pl. hà heboo u sbenb oey tprices cf al articles o! consumplion i agreat miker by llollandeusan d in and Il 18a&aUfe ho tt*t &I 10aV# taned asnd filb.Ihacse e. Loudon. Tison#,noticlng thse pi"an o . ti te Illanders bava beau mail. tue i»iUt o 01 iXna el )o eibd " tom it, neutlgt, . l~iUbt W x. beggcd bis nicce te slng hlm a5bon#,-prospenous b>' ber. Thse vendover ah. xeîaa ae e er.h" l d pnnedsrea .ibi She consp lied. Before se wu hlllaeogsslzied as tise gfeatestt dary eo, b$ b ae t a imai! uvry.n r -pai tidesesuer l5t gi %,s ,thnengh IIis t opelhmbyosni greatcît for yleld et mllk, X«rsestitfor tto iitpi0iblli *i*i7 '. illé on pal ict r- Dri %L a » Iha habail au uncommnOn con for muuic, fine quaîîîy ci mnîîk, greatettfor-fine laiuI tO b a a Ive lior il P illgor.Tii is tubsl m i àe but tbs.t it muI.stotc asi. butter production, «rtt for ý,A eu.îrr S"A W 'vl* i T.ysoth 4h. J"avhi0u e. n M echangeil ber tune te oui11Wemlle.>' geatftforrbhît È_ FD - 50àt khMM ' u i.n.w tneV aewo dd tjbie caitOover sre, wtl <. u4 i'sAi.?b a- myliais- J'U me f o, orlb isai tt stb ae m MybskktM owelbSetelii& fa1t lulserunThe oy.reptal mu ma ' t rn mmn g ifor unlia for for'., asti va«tusun* a 4"tn lme j oaur UMe or îw" o, s.i 11w. u enstea"'&st u tabt as, tistur la bae7011. Win "i iu Me WbIm xuoday«i~q'X smth* e nsmyt. amleIbo0 tS s es' ttr iaeSofm aeueta ' maté t to fer*o bt t'àk t«t01lasilyw ont, pu1 Mté ull' mi el OU . sUyfor bn S î ?l*nu$ > lheiiaion hT u j um; bal I ip*.mi'l a I- va5lbto4b 'Ak outtbabI0 a$*êW unrr, smmarnat bp *ela tui-a";ow aV ntwm sm & t i" -o U«94 "In eutute. iii<S fr ts aad~ y- M- T r r s e Lt r a r. Ln id w s- B- m s. s, 't e- 'y 'I ns s- a. iv. B B H. et. t". "t- ~1IO air -s ut. rith au. ~of 5* I ~ .1 tht 1.

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