Whitby Keystone, 24 May 1906, p. 1

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The v~ol III. wHMTYO ONAMO. THURSDÂ. MAV 24:- fàta .om .' 4 't' 4 ride of Stand- properly 3 the sott- if lor bo above lier table ~ut lality to tment. iry purse. ,assett, rber Shp ~E, Prop. P'U need ectacles 1well at Ioast to (jet our prîces REFRACTING' OP-TICIAN. TORON TO. f RAILWAY TEME TABLE. Sunday ai Ithe Tabernacle &M &.mr. 4 .01 pwt- MDo meni gathur giapes of thoras, &Q4 peint &12 p.rn. a& 44 8.06 O.r. sendar et 9M55P.rn.'& fligsof thistles ?7" Tho5.~au.trin oosDOL(OWUtMOnay This self-answering questioun used WHIUY TÂTOK by Jesus lnthe Sermon ouo the Mount 8on North 9.07 a.rm. Golng Soutih 8.06 a.rn. d-6p.M12-40 p.rn. to irou.,,e 1!13i h8arexrs to thougbt- 64.de 840 p- n .60 . - STAGES. fornied the thezve oft lIEv. Mr. Ctos- Leavu Witby for0aas t . a. nand 4 Prn ky'îè iirnocing sermon on Iaw ln the Ilouldes, proprîetor. Loavo. for Broughamn at 10 ar. .J. Scott, pro . slbirituai life. Mitre làIs B Confusion, paletor. MAILS RRIVE.but perfect law in the wrold of na- hrouaW. .iad R.8&43 a10- Pro. IWst 34,5 Arn jure* Ccrtain rebul<w awlaya coue deWStFMM B roughamn 6-30P-tu, f ronm cxrtai un e'aand to 'sexpeot I.YUanot> Ladies' tiroIIee Wea, AILS CLOSE. reFult..; wihbout etu«a&s la to be dîsap- For Yorth 7 45 &-n. For Oshawa 3.30 p.rn. yo Fauat 8.30 &.ra. W. and B. 830 p.aix jicin ted If Sou want fgt.o wee ms .. W«& 9sou P.1m. A Directc)lrs'3 » A vu lR p r ________________________ iU'tliV af1A re. o btl relÎgiou.1 fipeieStbtre must bc a_________ PROFESIONL CARS. pe~>cY8 i-cejpt'ion of the truth and1 MREDICAL a ireioUm exerciwe of faith atnd trust f Saccessful Yeair in Gorn. Or. *eldrum 'ru illustrate thie trath take the: We take pleasuro ini presentixag to this Conforonce our 32nd Ânnual report PH YSICIA SURGEON AND oPîPf( 0 ft.( J'u a ~ys.- Our College bas become sa well and fa';orabIy known and its attendanco.so large ACCO CHEU . ~ '~~k uy uke pon ou a i 1lanfRd representatîre of the bst student 1f. of.this country that we dont deern it Oraituate nif Uaxhvrty o'f Tortinto. and LirentIate tw-frI<umk ndllyfj 01 Royal College of Ph*ysl<ians, Exinburgta. of'1t-f 1imMc n ol f esart ak aoghyept. "Tu. sTERRcZtc," BYRON ST. heart -1 nd je i1 find rest toyour ncsayt aoaIntyrpr. *Phone 42. F. u"l" Ka. uch o!if lit e eois to ù Solid Learlpin ,,Con»bi»ed wit1 -Social Culture full o!ci« arcst. Jc.eu% looked ou t upon O.OmitnG t tieLf urn %.o nra Sucli au institution as ours affording Edu1cational faeîlities of a high ordor 0. Omisong 3. . iliii and witv ti.u t wcss pot a righ t and at the sanie tinie giVing special attention to borne and &ocial training witha Sola<tr for the Western lAnk Nota.,..u.vIll' odton b-a i ale i view to the develoînent of a rolined Christian Wornanhood lias corne to b. regard- etby tO La.fc et r 1ficeodt ai.M risttlie alth nen iuo u eda anecessary adjunot ta our present Edacation,1 systein. Len thestreng est gif t f on to. b cLaben z.t -Hif supporters of high i chools that once looked with sceptiolim upon the value and Dow & RoGliivray haîns? If ov can It bc ? How couId dosirability of a Lýadies' College course have- bean convinced that the. day of Offic osoit-o Post Offiv.' fiîv.tnt i onne e peac'e and rest * superficiality is passed. if ever thae1Wa8 81101 a day, and that Colleges for Young ne. B. TOB.. TA.M(I.,VAY, 1.. B. li e u thàt t;c would place nmen Women are fully oqual ta Collegiate Institutesiiond learning, wbil, they have ina iî.o-sîtlon to gvet It aazd wo-uin. a decided advantage over every day or mixed ohool in the formation of chat'ater James Rutledge iîîstrtîet tkaen how to obtain it. and the promotion ofttiA lady like deportmoent that gTace and culture whiéh. are ltarriqter, Et'-. bMnnw 1<' L<an on easy Tenxu.. Office iaaavcdiately sotitlfi nf oyal bWli', This is bcXt'ter thau a si[mple gift. the marks of the true gentlewoman. Outopoken confidence on the part of Our j Tr~twfîcl.is ursthrugt noif-f iost promnent Educators bas thken th. p4co of suspendod judgrnent or distrumi fort of our <Jwflis ueually of lit (le and nany of their brighte;t daughtersa8M nOW . found in our halls and clan. John E. Farowoill K. C, ¼vaue lu us. Whûn twe take car&_> .i o ' eg.~tauO amnegr Barriater, Coity Crown Attorney, and that right vauses are liresent %v- oms f ccept Platos idea of Educaition as ng "- -.' mn agr County So licitor. Offic-South wingý iuy b,- e>a f ien t of -rigli tresuiîts. pursue the. ideal perfoction of citÛzenhip, andi teaches hîm how to rulQ andi how of Court House, MWhitbý- f Buit 1hù gif o!ipibe or any other Ito obey we must understand that book learing is net the whole of dUQoàtion or 01 thi egif s of God là, no( a niatter ee L otipran at oisieayong lady with highideuln, andit ____DENTAL o! aeeti.dat, bait a titreti. reisait of enti er homoe paâble.of bri4htenirg and .uplifting the circloi which ahe je meetIng def fuiîte conditions, Tho es- callet to mclv, lias li Lb. greatest.potoney for <Do to the individWa and the. W. Adams fson taught. ln Lt elast qupted ims- statte. Dentist. fliie <rer J.Prutn. u 1~n4t. sg4,Olo!o-bea ohernîi B "ý1drae--.Nn. 4, Tue T'2rrace, Byron st,, Whitby. on fIw*ie3%o er n OIpeaiaturfay eveniaags j utmeekiaoss. Liseoutt-.nt adurs CHUCH 1RaTeY. th~~fed rezitu f %wutided pride, un- Steady azid HealUbful ProirésIs - jambition. Jesus huuitled hiniseif and lu looking over the Educationnl histna<e of the o ?il ana 3.5..1.. L Prosbytorian Chugmh. made hinaseit of no retiutation. You rAý4OR--REV OTINABRAAM. could nfot makte Jesus UunhaPPY' by tnk- Sahbaa. M. And 7 Pa , zatai 7 ta ni y Ing aw.tY is.re'Putatlon. Outwalrdty qet-nc, and lBie (la,,' at 1P.nm. PraYor Meeting <lestas'* life w-as oineofo the Most ,i Tlaurnday eveing at 8 &elo<i. Rlthodlst Tigbornmito. as atways calm anti untroublei. Je- REV. D. 0.(ROSSI IV, YPtsTOILsus hati rest been usc lic was active S hbta eavce..10 in. mand 7 pý . Sn.in lits Fathers work, and that lit tke leRy S4cioni at 2.-" 0r. tni. Pr.Iyt-r Meetingon Tbura secret. Do not. scehk rest where it lay evenlng at 8 naclock. - - - - cannot be founti. Rlublt aIe It.s AlilSaints' Chu.oh, Angiloan ok'mnyu ntlarte RECTOR...ItVl. A. 1M. WRIORT. o! joyous serVice. iliurs 'r servire. suîîv.în.îîîrayer, n ilC.A.Atia ne, ao! Brookilta, oc- 'co<k:Evruni Pa~r. &cnc. iunly8hoi upi4d Mr. CrOe"sY*b pulit la Cher at 3 p. in. Wednemiay Etenlaag.-Pryer anal Ser- mon. 7.80evening.ad îreached îery effeirîve- St. John's Churoh. Angliloa. lyOJeut upnw traio IM, IL. C. RÂRP. S1UîisXTr IN&.CBAROE of thicAgexs. rom I» tworda in <john Salhatih servire3-, Ilaý . m.andl -î P. . M, i<nly 12: 32.-.1. if i 1* tif tedUr froùm the Sel u 3 ~ ap. an. %Iîdweek Soeiea.-WednsgiLdy at7.30 pi. .rarthh, Witt drw aitl nien UnO le nie. - - - - .a «tu m ugeau v'JUîauowg mue ipreent numerous and weillequippeti departinents et study with thoso ofered ini the early tisys we tee unrnistakablo evidenoos of heailfal andi coutinus pà fgroas. Advanc.nait by fits and starte niay bu intresting anti senstional, but Iis lwy Slow but steady progrean fions year tu year uaeaus solidity andiPrainy Frmthe, verv comîent-ement of tii. Colle tter.ha» s pe nsnt beau single year that haînonu been marked by soine nwifet loeprrneut o ei i equlpient or staff or homo comfort or systora of atnwiatratlon. -, Tht. stp a4.dý ini some direction has increandthei- wS**- gpower'of th *. College, t. infhzuouuoo for gooti upori tho student body, antibau givmi zL a firmer hold on thie confidwec ansd good wil of Lia. country. The. great law of the. conservation o! oa.ieba bas behonoroti in reneetiou vith the mrnaýpenint of the. Collage or umy years rory foe chages i>avtakoîs plmc.tu ithe govt*rninor tueoblu #Mro, e the Vital energies of the institution bave Det been i wd -Oaeis. ro ditsunion, but the . uaumated fore.of jY"" bus beau- 4na t toeat draute jn pooting g&,u=le "anti. a*t =90Mos. 'Teadbers FalIy- Abreast 'f Ibe Tin~. j OUR-WAY IA place were rood Goceied are kpt . Is a good place to buyr 9 ýThat seems reasonable and easy to believo, doesn't.it? So itis.- ,We offer vou your choice> of our pick*o'f the. finest jgoods the world produces. I AU the time. Nothing less. 2 And the beauty of it is that you arc pay more !/han you are used to._ paying. That ' s the thought we would like to bered. And that's the argument that m1J1te1.J %uJ tii . A. B T. Ph '1~ Seed not asked te haveremem. RE A TRYER. one 47 Whtby mpiroveci Leamlng Mammoth Souther»n Gýmptn' airI, Y j-j s tit Chumrohl.fiIl c.< t' l UaLu.u ut tWSOou ie i There 15 one f'ettiitean c n estion WltIi ur # >ttli *m ai b. FOTITFROILL, PA.STQ1L a~~~~~~fnd ntie M iled wlth ac wealth o!et Si.c srtaio . tvaago o! ofm thm1 u i Sat1la --Ieylce7..P. M. 1Illustra 41on Mr. .ldanus eloph.uiidd te'Gri~a iti.<fti~<eggmnat iit be tm*to ftehOl ai 10 a1r. lneei'l Prayethervice oa-Tbura..S %ct ut Jeand' pre.mtaiepoe. lie wt L "tY Ueeing at f '*n<cfm t »ubouet irfe ie ~d t<- thi tu hm, 1117nao u gmat.d ,e abi fî« a year or, PARIIPRIES?., ItEV. PAIErmsO3ALLKTY.' iweMuIîr fl sonate, th ir&uttity."sle o epsuonsuMgliaasd "41 Uln"' Tb"*sL U=mbl tlabbatb Servies--O a&.m. aud Il amn. aeeaLy. fChbrietlzît it y 1e legreateet fume In ubru'k< bavero bseu iW0.dtto ota apor" of o!titir ioamIo. Saaauday~th %Iho iS .u u void. Ukijetone, tu th».UiIds t tO tetaqdaSa~ot sumtti.r saltomaa tuaI tbey amy IL )o!pi î leilld urrnuilti où tcwent ip.andi p.iueral H. (4 <h sus Christ." $0 Ih nnUt rer t tul#u CILaOw C*Uago W RMslI4Ime t ý E$;nFrauclem seamuqi men -tIn>~ _____thi "fp4lmfilsding th0nee 4ealeql t doa* the Iran ocks, f«11 toivo tu .ae. P~ Carnage arneng e, ifa8i O &Z*'wt î~etlffl U unive.I1 ut Or >11the bae 9poPed up a sliop t'" mý'_ ' ,mdoër ciM f ?rîngIe'a tIlift LaShoo bq%Ât -*1-f- very am, repared Itie: »MM pS ed w<aà8t RÎob-a on the ron ge, east 'ar, Di stance i Who w8sàlî o .Iiates are 4. failitieu ? a entireyeaky - 't1 lQý QuaRty Flipst Then,,Ë.

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