Whitby Keystone, 24 May 1906, p. 2

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MORMON CBIJRCIIOUI O! -US1N[SS. kfllng Out its P1.afroad nàd Other Stock-WlX M4ake Bit Changes. Bdt Lake, Utal,4 May.ý 21.-The Mor- 000. This road Is thirteen miles in »D ou uch in going out 01 business, se- "eng and sudnsn from the city to the soÉn t àloalmoaig aM Ielaket, morAug o iloca monin pS<.?.118 Presiden Joseph F. Smith, of the Mor- principa.l holding in Sat Lake# the Utah mo hurch, is quoted as saying that the Ught aud Ralway Conmpany# Le te b. divorce of religion f rom business in made laken over by a.*2.5,000,000 corporation, on accunt of the fact that the Mormons oomposed of English and American capi whein the church soughp to proteet years ~s.Uts. ii. ew ompay ~l .~ ago no longer need the protection of the talits. he nw copanywUl uo c hurch lu business affairs. The church quir. the. Ogden Street Railwsy sud entered business to assist. couverts aud build an lectrie lins from Juab Oounty, trangers belongang to the church, but as Utah, to Oneda county, Idaho. 11 '.111 they are now on a f irm footing, the ehurch withdraws from the business en- b. known as the Int.er-znountalfl Gansai- tirely. oiy~ opeey are tdated Railroad Co., and wilQ b. incorpor- If ihi!.oiyl opltl ar ated both in Utah aud Idaho. The Board out the sale of the traction interests will of Directors *iil jnclude Alex. MeCUnzie, b. followed by the sale of stocks in Ottawa anada. bu.ks, sugar factories, the -great Z. Z. M.L SimInieously the nnoncme isl I. departnital store and many uinaller made that the Sat Lake' & Los Angelc erpies.Itwio.Qk cm eal Rsllroad, another clîurch piroporty lias revolution, -which will Iprofoundiy affect been sold ta e, local syndicate for k5OO,. the social lite. of the State. 19'M 100 BUSY,"y SHE SAIO LOVER SHOOTS HIMSELF INf CON- SEQUENCE. Wwathy Souterer Takea Ris Lif e in Chiago BankinluSweetheart's Pres- " ence-She Said, "It Was Tee Ter'- rible» Cb.cago, Ma.y 21.-Il. clima.x lu th. love story of Alvah T. Pooelock omur- ndint/h Nart.eru Trust Comupany Ban-k ysaterday, viien tb. yaung ma.n drew ab revolver and shol himeeli vaile standing a few feet ..way from the wemaz hlolve&. Ieo lullet gtruck wvitm alich o! bis icart and as b4 feUi te thbe f loor mortaly wwound'&l ha called te hi mvusthesrt, but the nefuaed Le go te bis ide. Ho vas theu oerried into a private offices of t/be* ak. Il vsdurlnq the husieet b&nkfu.g bour of th. day thakt aie iragedyoce- cuiTd, sud ocrerai men sud «omen verstanding near the man vaien lue ffred the ahot. Il vu-s severel miautes before ord« er w restored .and persona in the. liu.uk re&limed irh"abd hap. Port4ook çmlked luto the tr-uat de- partment aliortI ly ter 10.30 a.im., sud aakot a guarde te tell Mi«s Msrga.ret May, Who la eniployed as a "i«-ca, that he vished ta ee her. IHo w« standing but s. foew f e.t f reinthie ra- in« b.hlnd whieh h e waa worklng at lis time. "Tell hlm I don't care to 1.1k te hlm just rna'w-or say thart 1 a&m too suid the o ung woman, wheua se saw ivuix> ler esiler was. "Doesa't she cure to sce met ?" asked Portlock, la a lou<l voýee, ce the guacrd gave hi= t/he message. -Weil, vil jut- viell, lot IL go.", It &ppo.r'ed that he whied t/o write th woxnsu a note; thon aie lurued &bout sud walked a few f cet s.way. Portklck wvus standing bei-id. Mn. M.ay O'Brien, 2,481 Thirty.t.hird btze-et, when ho t*oh a revolver from is iepocket and ex.anu.nel It. "R1un, ho L going t/o shot!"1oIl red tihe wosnn, excitedly, wevîug lier arma to'wuwd several w-ome.., t t et-ber end! of the bank. Thon, hale.thbe guard, wtio wa standing a short dktane sway, oouid inperfere, PoortWok &hot biimself. Mrs-. O'Bries fi.rt started t the fa!- len muan's asistance, thbeii ttoïnptod to runm a.wny, but fainted before she ha.d gom eniy feet, Dr. 0. P. Sprinigfield çma cafled Into ti. bsn-k, a'nd ho dresq%-d the maiue wouuds tempors.rfly before he %v«s talken to thie Chicago Emergency Ilogpita!. Even thon Portlock talkced of <he woman who had rejected him. III wu& engaged t4 ber," ho esA f.eebly. "But sUl I wonted now was te, say a few words-to talk to ber for the lait ime. She buke aur eggmn. M.m 3ay becm» iygtercst after the w'auzded mn had been taken f rom the b..nk. Mh. refused te talk of Lthe affur. 'II cau't 1.1k of at iow. It'e too tr- ribe," wus &U .h. uid. Partlock Same6 o Chicago frein Knoxville, Te, &bout e&L tmontais ago. U H i gezt.are wea'ty *"4 ae au» be, he tod bis friends, sa mrnih t0 se tbe City me to go mbt- busIness PXINCES c~iiMAy AGAMN. Intends te Exhibit Herseif as a Living Statue at Budapest. Vienna, May 21.-PrincesChimay, formerly Clara Ward, who has been estranged from Janezf Rigo, the gypsy miusicien with wliom ah. elop. ed, receutly took her Istest husbaud, wbo ia an It.alien, ta vigit Rigo's me- tber iu the Village o! Rakzod, Hungary. Sh. brought with ber f rom Paris a tomb- itou. for the. grave of Rigo's father. She confieded to her former mother- In-lsw liat aie wassDot happy, and ud that ah. hoped ta get Rigo back. Sh. said ah. had telegraphed à large sum te help Rigo, but it had been refuaed. ah. went to Budapent. where, it il, »1,1, she Iuteuda te exhibit herse)! as a living statue. CO!!fE WILLO SUIT AGAINST C. P. R. FOR DAMLAGES. A Toronto speclal despatàl: Frauli Caf fec has cnt.ered suit aunsi Thoeos Gaffes sud Catiierine Kýehoe, exoeutrix of lhe vil of the late Deuma GCo!!e. ofe Guelph, te have th.evii set suds ona the. grouud o!f fmud snd undue influene& Sarah Creagb, of M avilie, Alalains, hlasissued a vraItagainsî Lb.eCQ P. IL. for $10,00 damages for personal Intur- ies, cla.imed tg have been but-ud .:1. - -J M. GORMYKIN, i -. -, --NewvPremier of lussia. WAS RBZKIDNAPPE»? fiant attitude cf the Lower Heua. o! Parliament. Many conslitulional Deme- AU Ezfed Ruaisn Editor Eehlevd te bel eoits areenol yet convinced that lie Gov- on Ris WaY Back. erami»ni vill aeek a compromise. Tbey ChieaoMay 21.-Dr. Gregory M«x- se. indications that the bureaucraey Le im, x>iticllugitive fircsRsiwh preparîng for a degperate figlit. im e t rv a.,(lilo lst u,- o As a matter o! fact tb. cerstitutienal day mu,o rri e at Choes lasot e. Democrats are unable tb auy longer hold of a. republoe.s form of governmerit ln the extreme Radicalsa n-Parliament, vIe the Empire, lâ believed Whibs folloves tre bteaking sfwfvan sd foruîing about to e ubhit vny back leo St. Petsruèurg, tii. soial Deumoratie workmenn group, M, pisoner ln t-bg baudsci Russian secret establisbing a distinct party of extreine servie. mon. left, vhidli vants no panliamentarism, D)r. Msx.ime, uho -w»so«e Presidet but a revolution. of the. ab-rt-4ired repuUlie moede up of 2Tii.â sebee n mc favored by the. tb. Balile paroriuoee, vs await-ed bers lureaucray la ta allow Parîhameut te by ivna Narodny, a former soereta-ry of formula i l demiand andi ventilate. lKa utste oi tl cme repubie, w/ho la nov grievano.. for tira moitha, a&d LIeu dis- residiug temperafly at lhe Saratog Ho- mlve Parliament. tel. Wben he failesi Vo appear, 'Mr-. Nws- T'm. debste on the reply to the speech. cdny got . mb communicatio>n wit.h the frein the Ibrone vas resumed wîcu Par-' revolutione.ry buud (n Noir York, and liaient met Ibis moruiug. Paragrapha l«eard lest net tbtut 11111atwerli", demanding-tii. removal-et martial and Maxkme'. dmecription 113<1 been ecu lit a othlir exceptional lava, and tIc abolition Newa York dock bookeNI uit1it tiree otfi.r o! the Council o! lie E mpire wers passed meni giving Rusuîan naines, for Duropu~n vithout ameudment. &1s init htefreapbigmd APPEAL TO COU NTRY, t. .av Vu Sta.ts -patmntatWa- Ingio t*ke the. malter up, wit/ a. iiew ta demanding that-'Maxime ho returned IF HOI te "Ul country» Dirvenf om hie own country as a fuglit/ve bocause o~isiean- ttToennsm to t/he Rusalan Governmert, - Icdon, uêile ho a. editor of!thé, Rum et St. memberc jPétersboeg, ho b.d dieclded, s i is de - ast nhght eIâar.d, t.peud tie remainder o! tda theHouse days n tm"-a.tien Bill ý h oltical Situation, te t/he ei 9L. Petersburg. May 21.-Publie opWn- result o! ion le greatly exeited as to 1ev the Bm- b. t. untr peter sd Governmntui viiimeei the de- lisent. M OP LORDS REJECS EDU- CATION BILL MTa-y 21.-Lord Portsmouh, a 1et tI.Coverment, epeakiug taI Andover intimsted tiat if e o! Lords rejected thbe Educa- lb thevermment veuld appesi ou-try. His lordshipaadli aucli s»appeal vroulderanl regtien thfcaus.et sof i O NE of the moat importaitleons to b. e ue frem asud the practice of applying to iwounda a4 nd ùUà Deep iii the breait of botb-auoleat andd Maumis athu rab -a place that hurta. In ZSmBuk -la foumd t1heideal aha rub wealc muscles or anolut injure ud, sors- Zam-Bu l '0b because it is made Purely fr-om herbi osne It contiis no animal fator m'y harmful m tur&lcoloring atter. h la 80P". septic that it kiltsnaanendsy the barmfNi mloeobuwvblah a< matiouand putrefaction ina wouad. Yotis t s6 Omlthatit eu to theskin ýof-a ewy bom bibe. lt là-uloeaDb* inv luwhervr ft bas ew boeu Utied. OneêoflDla! luang analstas testiiedlbisinet hwledgê4.w on exhaustive _Lp.rim u.4 ira .to cura. A - fas ex-ihapio wrstraas: »#«e rgo Ca the.-mat *Uto't nurse; medical ùMen1U d clergamen mora" X When, thoefore,, f«:r ski juryr or dIsoas pI »M as bu remember t.hat tl«oi.re'* Mlg b e3llZSM-Buk ,- lu 'i - fits Absol 1$ 3 MRS. J[![!RSON DAVIS S!RIOJS[Y III. Has Hiad a Relapse and Fears are Entertai-ned for Her Life. New York, MJay 21.-M.V Je!fferson Davis, vite of the Presideni of lie Sou- liera Coniederaey, vIe Ia 111 il th. flotel Gerard, bas iuffered a relapse aud te-day lier condition vais sad te b. sericua. During île merning houri r-. sort vas haa te lhe use o! oxygen. Mm. Davis, vIe i. advanced lu yeari, lias been faibg recently, sud about twve weeks mgo expemieueed au altack of lb. gripe vie for a time greatly alarmed1 ber friendu. Later, bowever, she siewed marked improvement sud reeenlly was declared te b. oui cf danger.-Lasi nighi -ther" va a decided change for > 19 werse, snd ' Dr. Wyley, vie vwu huthly aummoned, remained, for several hours vith lue patient. At bis direction tl. patient's respiration vas aided byar- ficial motions.- *Mrs. Davis celebrated lber 801h blrth- day on Mouday two veelca &go. 1 On tIai day aie vent for a -drive snd enatracî- 'cd a cold. MET BIS DtÂTII CANADA'S OBLIGATIONS ANNUAL MEETING ()r NÂVY WHILE WHÉELINGO LEAGUE fIÈL» Stepped Irom Orne Track OnIy t. be 1iIed on Another. À St. Thom"s, Ont., despatei ays: -A aad acIdernt ooourd ai 8.30 oelock Ia nigiat, iait a mâle casi o! Kingamuil, DolUcd Ecier leixug lisii e.Hoevws emn- ~<cd ~ W.C. IccOready at 7Iiyou, stnartd foýr Kingonvùll on -lis ie, ridu ou thiedetu strip l*tween uw> MikÎn cemutaIiilway Wtck".A. euti ad' #te-PPedoff ouete lis ether &Wek a ir ais qdis wvoit . ma4gW dbeyM oncout4iou.,«Î six uonto ite. ovua a bard wirkln DIED THE OR6ANS APTE PRAÇN i= TD OLD ST4ORY OF !ISASTZU. Difflc-ult for Canada to Centribute te Sa"y Wbile Develophng Nationl FacllitilsCaiiug fer Immigrnts Mdsud umlng Fortifications. London MaY 21.-Ai the. elsveth sa- aval Meeting of th. Navy Lâeague tua s! terneen13.F. Wyatti sald atour .,o lhe eme ad convlnced hlm tuaitih appreciainoo. ssspowe iad videned snd deepoaed ian &ada. Among Brit- lth.cauans le tou th. feeling vr tregtbopi;hamong the m4au d ansleféelingW" asnaturtUlut sapow- onju), due -prolbly to lhe absence of knovledge of the sItuation. -Th*, ea- son Canada vas slow to- contnlIbute t. lb. -navy iras probably feuud la thii.x Isten o sde1 yaide o!f&tsi u DrLQR Parkin said lvas dif$Iault- for Canadato assume ber &bire et lish burdffl whIle develenlu s ot4I :'a" 18 .rapidIý Loag pack.ta only. ie TMPRQVED rnachinery va>llnot 6cf itself; pro.- -duce goo4 flour. Yiou may bc an excellent cook, hbit you cannot pro- \ duce light, wholesomc baking unless the flour yoii use be the kind that permits such resuits. So ini the millingy; machin- ery -done cannot produce Royal Jluseold Flour out of the wrong kind of wheat any more than you Can make the right kind of bDread or pastry out of the wrongy kind of flour. Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour is ynade from liard spring wheat-a wheat that is rich-in nutriment, that grinds -fine and white, and produces bread and pastry that are wholesome and -nourishing as well as Iight and crisp-it's a flour that begins to be good in the wheat fields, flot in the milis. Your gyrocer prefers to sel1 you. %g0ilvie's Royal Househod flour because he knows the value' of a pleased customer. gmve fleurMMlsCe., lii "*Ogi1vWi hocSk for .&Cook " con- tains 130 pags of excelent recpes gmre neyer published befmOur.r 104 grocercanutDyou how ta gotitPBR Bereft o~f sympathy lire a struggling ma$& ai dise-( 'Wathout cohereuoe, witho Justice might guide our generosity rnight bestow ite needing tuaIt centripetal ai mnulsUI)Ould f Iy furthe from each other. Symapath inforxning sou! of genius. Put oues self in auother's derstand by the magie of ha strength and weakness thos'e dusl:y mentalcentrei the meanness and 'deceit of * ashamed, and by whicti lie iE actuated-tlîe broail kîndliu dains '110 tonm of lîumnanitj possible self in the poorei fallen-these bestaw thie fa, second Figit on him who pei because lie laves inuch. - Mi and Mona were-happ togeý thytoruhyunderstoed T'here vere depths in Mi perhaps, beyon& the readli plummet; but there ivianoi te make it discordant. Indc il was called upon, the rmar It reapend-as a higrh-mettl avers te the spur, or breaki the attempt. Mena cnjoyled the pleasur 1n Lady Finistouu's letter, dclightful ta be remmbred ds{s. last lesson Lad .heei lest promises te write "dire turned ta towu», spoken, a ni niaay and.the junior partuer cidentally in-the tram, vWal gether. "I do think," saii-the f ours la the -rmatest garden ii but I fa.ncy the trecs are t tle already.'" "The green has deepeiiedi returned -Mons. "teck, Deb diford ha& put -up -& card., mnusîbe ganirg'sooner than , «Weil, Y shali not be sor muet say the dog has behav liately.* I will asic- Mrs. I corne up after tea.. I suppos I do hope she will letI- le .Mr. Ridgen- had returned e formed lier Ihat ie lied 1 aud cheaper rooma-tat h away to the country theýine: ho wouldtakris lis dog, lànî reurn;- -tiiersre Mïi rs. Iudi -mak.s ut hi, acoeunt at!7on Det inteud té 1iold any fqrtb - cahon ithher. "ID osloke liat diaftini 1. 1 falt eboked il k!To lIpse gilarpaynglodgeru "d pmfr nl r1g~ «No domit iltammrs.Pud you wiIl bave nearly a Wfort s&d in ths.t ime III in1 - £juny or dise... -, - ùs. x Stst à !êav o3 I 'Y r I E 1- 1~ b 4 - s '1 Wo

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