Whitby Keystone, 24 May 1906, p. 3

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______________ - ( .-. - ) tr.achînery L it elf, Pro- e an- excellent ua canriot pro- wholesomne the flour you d thaît permits Iling; nmachin- rot pioduce Flouir ore than you pastry out of i% -made frorn in nutrimnent, ces bread and ýng as well as to be good in cer prefers to Si1vie 's Royal Filour beeause he value of a )mer. 1 MIS Co.,LtM. ireil. cfur a Cook," con- t' excellent recip, 1.Aied before. )U ho-W tu cet it FREU~. r e c RIOUSLY L Entertained for itr, hiowever, se. mhowed >Vit a'ftnd neentîy as out of dangrer. Last niglit deCided change f6r the r. Wley, wbo 'va>.haistiiy inaitied, for several heure ent. -At lii. direction the 11tation "'as aideti by aril celebrated ber Bth bu-lb- iv tue weeks age On ihat for a drive andi conîrset- 'S OBtIGATIONS TEETING 0F UE IN TLONDON. N'AVY C.anaCa to Contribute te hile Developing National 'Caring for 'Immigrants hing Fortifications. ,y 21.-At the eleventh an- eftihe Navy League tiei '.Wyatt said a tour et id eenvinced him that hs f! mca power liad widerîed in Canadag. Among BrIt- hoe fourni ile feeling t-aiy bamong the FPrencli-Cana-. gwas naturally les& pow- bably te the absence et tle situation. The ies- as~i slow to contribute te probably found in tima ex- l'y.- side eofIBritish anal ians- Earldn said it wae ditticuit î- i*sumne lier samie of the dcveloping postal samd stk:gcharge oet1hé, immigrants iow entering nd amsoîning charge et the whicim wus a stop in lhe- It wims difficulit t ec ;,cea couLMvote large surms fil uil urposes withoUlý kirulaffairg. When tiab thYwould give as-ti-eely! M-T MAN RILLED. 'y Feet Fren Laitier -Detroit. iosFlavor OEYLON GREEN -TEA is rapidly taking the place-of Japan. Loid peeketsaouly. 40c, 80c end 60c eroM.lAt ail greors. BIHIRST AVARD ST. LoUIS, 1904 I Bereft of sympatjiy, lite would b. but "I Amn mure madsm, iV n'il be rare -a struggling masso o discordant atome, Inck totenet my roomes traigiht -aff, sud vithout. coherence, vithout harmeny. le s relation o! Miss Craîg's tee.' Justice might guide our actions-even "I viii cerne up sud look at themu, Snerosity miglit bestow its bounty; yct, ljis. Puddifrc>d."' needing that centripetal attraction, bu- "Thmy are al lu disorder nov, ma'am; mn seuls weuid f ly further aid furi-ther but I nover let i-cal dirt lay about" fi-cm each other. Sympathy, toc, la the .,Se. Mme. Debrisay aseendeti, aud ne- inforrning seul ef genlus. '[he power le mamneci somne lime absent. nut one's self in aîîotber'a place-te un- When se returucti abe teck np the bis sîrn by ithe magie of fellow feeling uedlework she had i ef t sud said, grave- hi tegth anti weakness te pe net-ste those dusizy mental centres w bere lui-k the meanneas anti deceit ef wliich hli "Mena, my heai-t, wrrite a lin. te your asharned, and by whieh lie i u',lertheless uecle; ask him to, take hie bit etf<in- actuatcd-tlîe breat i kndliness that dis- uer with us to-merron', anti mention Ihat daine no atoin of humanity, but secs a lier. are roome te 1elelaib tis boume; but possible self in the pocre8t andt most if lb,>' deofot suit him ve wili iook for tailen-theebestow the faculty et truc 1@ther.0 second siglit on lim %whe preeives mucb, «'I viii ssk hlm te <muner, ecrtsiuli'; because ho loves niuch. M1me. Debnisay but let us leave the question et lotig- andi Mena were happy together, because ingm tote capter e! acidents." theythoroughly uuderstood each other. "Mena, 1 feel a conviction that yen hora wvere depths in Mona'is nature, should nolet It h. uic. oid mai slip perbapa, beyeud the reacli et madame's threugli your fingers." plumet;butthere vue netbing lu bers "Dearesl Deb, why de yen lalk. as if tomk tdiscordant. Xudeed, the mre- I believed lie hait mmuy thousanda Vo il vas calleti upon, the more readily did bequeath, n'hicb 1 do net." It ie;pond-as a higli-metileti ateet an- Mme. Dobrisay opened ber lips te avers Vo the apur, or breaks its beani in speak sud then ciosedti tem firmly, keep- the attomp.t. aug silent for some instants. Mena enjoyed Ibe pleasure et ansver- "Well. <bar," she said at length, "ma>' lug, Lady Flîtoun'a letter. It wfta 00b. yen are right. I arn s little lnlizncdi deiightfui te be remmmbered afler mauy te toloev'Wiî-e'-tiae-wisps;' taire your days. ovu tva."' l"he lait le-amen had been gi'e-the "oamws bafralrtu- last-promises te write "directlY the r~ "~uaevs e ie I, euu lurncd te totin" apeken, and Mnme. emd, Mena, going Vo the writiug- table, sud i-lisay andti he junior partner, meeting se- begnuing a note Vo ber uncle. "0Of course cldentally lu the train, walked home o- ifha chooses te ak, lb.ei-ooms, I viii gether. make ne objection." 41 do think," îaid th. toi-mer, "tiat "WVe viii go ont after dinner," eh- cnrs le Uic rnotest gardon n luthe villas; s erved Mme. Debrusay, "sud l'Il get but I fancy the trees ar-e tîîrning a lit- sm rniblion for yeui- bat. Yen will me lie alread v;" If I don't Vuru eut soething equal Vot "The green ha* deepened, thal la ail," Madame Isabelle." returne<1 Mena. "Leok, Ueb! Mrs. Pud- 'l" have ne deubt yen cen-» diford hnî put up a card. Mr-. Rifdan Anti Mme. Debrîsa>' giidcd skWfully muet hi' going sooner lia o e iotht.» awsy f rom the subjeet là dispute. t I\VeII, 'i shall not be soi-ny. thengh I.1] 'l're's thm 'WVorld,' ma'am, Just couleC mnuet aay the dog has beliaveti vmry wel J iu," sali Mrs. ?udiord next moruîcg. comm up after tes. I suppose he is goiug. sud I1tliuk 1 neeti noV von-lt myscîft '_1do hope ohm vwili let the i-cerne soon., about il so 1I bave it villi yen te o o Mi-. Ridgen hati returueti early. sud ilu.$t19 formeti lier ihai ho lind feund botter "Thauk yen!» retuned- Mme. Debri- sud cîmaper rorn--that h. vas goiug s.>. "I <are ay there lsn't a word et 1 away toteccuutry Ibe nexI day-tfit ruth l Il Ib tesepapers sa>'but il sam- b. vonîti take his dog. snd weuld net uses out tia Idi., holida'y lime te leokC reluru; therefore Mi-.. Puddîford miglitamlIC-"t mnake ouI his secunt aI once s ho did ."YésI poor granule uned to read 1t, net Iutend te hold an>' further commuai- sund Iangb sud grumbie a? theue-ti.It calion wlbh ber. vas àmusiug Vo be-ar ber eompanlsons et "Ha ispokm limaI diaainful, ma'ar, Ihat the present vil heb.paLs.8h. vas VMr 1 toit chok.d likel Te loue a geod, ne- clcver. She.neyer ralied at lb. differ- x galr paying iodgmr, aud hlm paztUng eue., vhieh had coin. about. Bh*e vIl- b ,,tledl>, ia trylug." dm1111>'pr.fenrred tiîlU«asthc'usee< 10 Il "«No doubt itleA, lirs. Puddiford, but b., but aoeepted 'changea luevilablet and yen viii bave neanlT a fortn*thls tmutl probabiy Inprovemeuta for s youer aud lu liat lime VU i nd suother ten- generalon" ant fer yon. I bave oeeinuMy oye." 'Ahi pal!» lnterrupted MuMe.DetWi- "Weiln suad I hope yen viii sncoeeedamY. »I4ton le Ibis. Il las& pra«pah i fer the ighi t l ou rna Ili'ng 01 - MPsaOU¶ 'Wst peopie #*Y'- k Io aeuwrbte ve me lndu in. J aben unususil>lg b for li 'Whern i; yn lblnk of Debt Net y lime year aI monts CarIe.On. trio uncii"exclalmed Mous, vhem tbc Lmad- bast11or von largemsua sud hla. lady bhad r.tn.ated. -bitues -Mflb.e Salie de Jeu bave, dogt je '"i-Ye ,14ededar. Then I coaiidetpMy mter niglit, bung abaeorbed ou th* flue- lm ceon hlm and Il voud <lv. s un = t«uio tlimir fortunes. Oucof-tWeso lomstrou0ble Voo ok afler lbis 11W. vaitsla a Rualau Pimlaes vell kuowultai. If b ve. luIbmsaun bose.'louble cIi-ci, botb la Loadon&sud Paris. b ifhoWeri n hesU> 1m b oue " tad le  obrt u A sis bie.ebba. wosild bore u gr"al-bq I.tt' 4ti as hsn<iseallo. ',S "Y., l l, bene. su I s iba se OU r qlwb u " at e o! I i m m aous fo ~blt o!tcinfot, Cvatle. l:N statu gs f<a4unm s bou r.spc tsb o sOmm of y. Blsut Ut a eson.*M'U» aoumte f g«or i. banlv som v YWt sic vil! fret»ahooddai f ij ZOlL5letuetel ï.ncov dm s solthe wr ofth*b flkwe goalde#8, bUt ou Andl mism ddiferd dleoos t s bu ie inces l Vm" vuy. Se de;ia. te of V&gVet1 ,luk. asud siMMlté avait wMh le sMt belle anUbthe vioe. eam ihsIO fde *"lit V 01irs <if ticlé. 0 C f1 'h, Mai' 2I.-Clrreu led. 11,0 lnilay(fn, teil! thirt t on a pile of bricks Ibis ne, rpist of the separatlos "etiors of a ladder on 1working «at Second sud !- Idfoi-d, who vas about was talen toe bmnerg- wvhere it vas teund liaI unsiRtiîîg of a fm'tunod 1and lieati laeerat.ed, 'wmw 'hog9elstln and Bedfol~. pmating' tabi le ho bd a 3TA À IOUCH. de MIe Otiers, so TrUe 1Wreck Train. _ ay- 2Lý-Whmb aRssn Mî Commeta, vuh tv he Recorder'% Court te.- lgobstructiions on tbm ~T., R.-Irgeke néar Bn..' agked-"ý'h nt ho had le cd litai ho %vas -gulit-U ~en -ufor doiiig as hh a t hie Aid not Ihink ocher b' âlîoiveor tte ride p'brA, alk. Ihe courti rebervoé 1* hie y- lai t lIo snyfor tutI pooreiom'ae' ii um% eclI mei Med g£ tebeperbal# mai, y-ou Cee; but ,-eooI, Peraltent. and- uteinly &imrvi. lb.dotora aI>1 Oult t btake a drP Moua b nU"t, where Ujji, lm, y'~ blkey; for My a:omsch'asake.!o oeui-cmeforte trilmbat.'Iarn s1>.orryt but we havenet'sncb Mon, bo i~~ bmnmaking sauce for s tblzig lu t1b* houm..1 Win msud Jane the malad. aeordlng to, Mme. Debrisasy for soma."t reClpe, hadd mat placedi the aalad bowl "Lnouden whiskeyslucr1,4 Une. Ssudy, CM tbé table, Whou b. stumped in wfth ve7y audîlIbly;addlgwith poseret the'aid of a etack aud umibrella. ne«s, plousrbdi Tn, rs , h "Weel," h. ssld, tumblilg-into a chair élutched Mona', srm wltli on$ band and Mud holding out his band to Mous, "I bis stick villi the other. al have a drap- d14 net thnk 1 would- live to se. you pi un My pertmautle, sua l'il11Just gît again, but bere I arn." e "Y«n are Iooking beîter -than I hoped 'aa I gel il for rou. uneer' te see 7013,» ah. sli kindi>'. "Naw!» ver>' decl edly. "I neyer givt "Eh! I have been' swfu' bad, sud 1I my keys to anyonel" arn verra lonel> yn p lace. Wemeu- With many gpoaus lte bont hi& kiees, Iindare aye-,tbmxugbtful f or the sick and leaming heavil>' ou Mous-fer the port- weak, and I amn pleased to take rny bit manteau had benPlaced on Ihe floor- dimier wY >'mr sudrinaugmd to wileck IL. Mon a d "And ve are gladi to e. yen" mftépped bsck as soon as h.ol 1 ergo <'Can y. Cook ?» was hi, nexI q uoi- lest he should tÙink ber inquisitîve; but tion. thé. heavy lid was too rnuch for hlm. "Well, not much." "Wby dont ye give me a bau'?» h. 'Yoti sce, my dear six," cried Mme. asked, querulousý, Debrisa>, "the desr cbild has net much , Mona, came to h assistance,adte opprtuit> etleauîn; bt se as a exceedingi>' mîxed contents of the-port. ustural aptitude whicb I endeavor te Cul- manteau wore dlsplayed te vim1w. "Tha's ight evry wmanougi to Uncle Saut!>' piteiieG out trousers sud 47ha'à rght evey woan ugbtto aislceats and sooks recklessly until he cook. Ye -c, t.hat's their natural work, reached the layer wliere the whIskey- that aud doctoring-I dount mmmn pro- botte çwas eznbedded ; te banded it te hi, scribing medicié but seing le t, b.- niece, and, haingu thrzut his garmeuts Ifswalsuwed. ha be in again, locked the reckptacle; and, ris- bny is tine dinner l enPlct ng with the help of madame sud Mona, on the table, aud Uncle Sandy appreciu- tuxnbled into bis chair again, wfth man>' ated fried sole, smre boiled towl, white exclamations ef pain. The desired Te- sauce, and a choufleur au gratin, prepar- freshnient was proctired, sud then Mona ed by Mme .J)ebrisay!s own and aVilI proposed that ho sbould have the news. pretty bonds. paper, and rest il dinner. He spoke littie while lie est, belonging «Ay 1" said Uncle- Saudy. "Tbat'l do te tliat unaffected claies who tbink Ïhat fine. i amn just awfut weary. Are y. dinner ancans eating-not socia enjoy- goiug te gi've me a bite the day, as there ment. la uot.hing preparitr i' WVben ho had bail eneugh, lie pushed "Cert.iinlvl" siud Mons, awa hi pltesu eincn Mn. "It wRS our inte@tion to e bg thmpies- Debrisa>' andi Mon;, who ha ee uiet- ésire- of your Company," laid Mme. De- sme length, andi then-very diberate. ly teck a v:al frein bis poct, dropped a oertaiu quantitv luto a glass, added water, sud drank IL. Ah h said. "I bave baît a gooti <in- ner. Nvbicb la couducive Vo digestion. Nov, Mena, %wbat ie the meauing of that bit card lu the vindow; as te b ay the i-oma ane V iet?" '«Tbey are, uncle." 'Then, 'if the>' are net tee cetly, 1 vil! taire thaun. That yeung msu--sld Robertson'm sou-bas net, behaved as lie mheuld, snd it h as n'eR I sheuld bave ny brothe'm daugliter te look aftr me.» '"I ebal!l be very happy te do ail 1 eun for yeu, ncd.; but yen must remember that when my pupi ls corne back Vo tovu, I shail b.e bl>ged te go eut a g-at deaL' "Nover mmnd. Pupils or ne pupils, yon stick te me." Mme. Debrlsa>' gave a lgbt nod sud s proud glance, expreasing, "i)dn't I tell yen?" meust dietinctly. 'H look af ter y'ou, if t'eu viltl lok after met" be continued. "IWbenever Ma- dame viii coeewitb rme, I vil! go up- mtairs andi see the place.» This intention was duly earrled ont aud Unce la 'nd-, after carin! ulexaminae tien, pronounoo ail te b. uver>' good." "Il would suit mne veeli to bide under the same roof witli yeo btb» (b. salit "baitbh'>,"sud 1 do net wimh te give an>' trouble. Wben ye bu>' for yersel'a, ye caa buy for me. Mcn . lb ave a pies- aut book y. eau lend iV Vo me, an& -wben 1 arn fra.ilcr tIbmmy ordinal-, ah." s nod to Mous, "ca reast o, me. Noo, Ill ve &-I don't =W. twenty-five oâlli a a-eek, for the tva, rooma." " Lit us me mm I-..Pldord,* quotIJi Mime. Debrsma>'. 1ý Wbrn'epon a long diabiualon arase. Mn. CraIg b.d no objectIon. Vob. ala outhI> tenanat. "I bav-e let My vee plaet f«rtva> ss tid, sud'I eau bide botter 8e af 1er àmue sgglaafor lhe veult! mmt bear of IWol-g UVwbge, . becam MWn Puidd'.tenant troïn tbe follow- 115 Monda>' at * >large rut of fic poucids tes per monlu. Unole Saudy bel ne thin u ltàug Kû ari ut»c forcu of ut1he der s'blck bâts Week Au .Cne !odIgiîweAindeds b.eard TI e" 1 baluer P-orlaautss4 à* OUof ut h- âme atraPpeul onu tf1êt &ia boÈ4 bolUeIýlotions, am es~m , mm tnté iV; a larg%, waIdy Peeel Ot books# liM d v*à ausà pisee bott - ;& om l -l,"a wniS" lar.- a sou» *5ý 1oniaay. <To ie cntz>u..) N!RVOUS CIIILDREN, S.Vl.Dance, "euragiwaand 1eat!. aches C'unwon Amon£ Sohool SI. Vtus (hIIdren. t.it dance le s disesse lia i la Ibecomiug more sud moret roquent ameug achool chiîdren. Young pee- ? le tire the ner-ma witb study sud trouble tages Vhe foi-m etnenragia, beadache, nervous exhaustion, vcak- Snies of th. limbe sud muscles, snd vit ve cml Meing iun dovu." la other cases St. Vitus <suce la tic r.- muit, andtiheb sufferrtrequenl>'lest ail ent-el et tbe limbe, whlcb keep uaconstant jorklg sud Vvllclnr. Xerein nly nevay o= fcued aal h ethi e& lM i fed m g4ýllion te wweres And Dr. Wiims# Pïnk Pilla - arelté cul>' mediclue Ibal eau make Ibm nev ricli, ted biood 1h51 fleoda bc morves sud strengtheus .veq paut et lb. bcd>' The casmeofslq uI aoi, et Cnoviaud. Ont., proves Ibm-value et -Dr. Willams' Pluk POila. Mrs.L Dean sars: «À couple o et y'mr g un> dmauîblen. Flossiîe vas dangeroui- 1>' af,,Icte4 vlVth Et. Vilus dame.. 8h becarnjoneves hat citer ' tfise w. l obr #»-.o$Y" ber frienda. -$hoe oulal net Pick -up a disb, lace ber sOmo, or Ume «nY'move.i meut te belp hersef. Stb d g"ova l"ta sud ver>' pale, sudaa e bal boss t-al .4 b>' sevensi ,docbote tiot bMaeIL. I fstd.ae ould'l no movse. A frIend AdvWsd me te giîve ber Dr. WlIham Pinuk IPlis, sud aflr ite ba d a couple of boxesI .ouldau la i> voeu belpiag ber,,,We, pv ber i loin'if troubli ed at poed ta>' ua" site~ ~ ~ ~~s rd 1a tog eiducs. Uf yosvpodlq obidre auare ws or aervoea.Lt bb> art o vl Ù1114 lack uPpetteor, ompwa c r E 01 1 18 _ -- -unrio CASILESnsa ur' be. a atl OY8L"ý imRnOrCRyS0 Tii. Direct Cause ori'aslaTreubifrwas & Strain ta the Sack Wh lob &fleotod.l RLis lLldney-Dodd's ILigney rais Adoci, Ont., May 14.-(Specl.) - Mr. AMI' Jeanneret, of luipis., las a very iuterestin accout ofhîs,,exper- icuce with Dodd'. Kidue>' Pilla. Re "I hurt My back sud strained n=y Idumys sud for 18 yearm I suffered o0 aud off intense agen>'. I--was subjecý te attacks cf Rheumatùsn d Lumbago. My Jints vere mtiff, ni>' Muscles cramp- ed otmy appetite, My flesb began te, faIt sway, my nerves ver aiai-n,9 eid net resI or a!eep at nigbl sud I Waas sinking Auto s deplorable condition wben I was advised te Ir>' Dodd's Eid- neY Pilla. I Used six boies aud I arn now as stroug sud heslthy as ever I vas I am certain I ove ex cure wholly 10 Dodd's Kiduey Pilla.» FAMILIWN KNGELS Bfrtu, Deatiia and' Karriagelu s Great Cath:eiral Tover. Se far above the pavement thal the vho, walk lu sud ont smong Ithe handreds of psssing vehicles appear like creepiug insecte, and 96 hlgh Ihât the crdinar>' noises of th.e ty reacb îpwardouly as s confused Murmur, lives ab faitiily thal bas the distine- tion of bing thbMmost -elevsted in kfexice'a ca1uital. Tue home ofthis famuly is hibup in the e earn, over of h a , sud thoera, am thelb bells that for ceturles bave calledtbe faltbful tt, the services of!theech"rc, lais tamil>' bas lired for yeanu, sAd hereý la ever>' indieation thal tb. teweri nlU be their home for man>' years to orne. Two years ago Manue Brens, lhe beaid oethis famlly, died, sud nove bis wldow, Luisa de la, Brens, stsed by beaibtre. sons and be« daughter, loks af er Ihe riaging of the 'belle and canes foir tbe great elock liaI bus marked im for mo many yeva for lb.i residenUIsof that part et lb. cil>' Brides have beead toe, l 111 tome among the bells,- bîrthe*hbve berm been colebrated sud deaIJi mn tires bas cotn. th the occpant. X Vas more tbani 100 yeatre I hat a man vas placed iu chamge0of-tllébelle and those. vbo nov live Ibere-,are lie nuaa descndenta ef-tIhIIL mu. 1This ian vas lb. graudfsbhes, àLui»> de 'orult When ber huabnd- dled, lie was su o<1man, sund the 'wmura a ne uger young, but St Io probale thatf la csrnld dow bbe vidag Illet <of taia »oubllea eb. oik ilI tau ý* Qu. or111 fb«i -ana. vho »W The strango dbsc<wmr-. iu Ireland the ether &aY et svaultet! piugerrnean chamber ÙRU- Ider -uan acieut cistl. revvoséb.bellet. la the undiscovere4 secrets 1h51 stil- awsit \the I exporer of mur nmiadaistrongholds,. fRemauke novolista have been lartelyre- I çrnsIèle fer the Vmu.ral ndltt.rence te, the I- ea os mysteries and tragedies. et these, moUicateg, for t4~ir taoles of bIddmu wrong- ansd"- violenc, have corne te be rezarded! as imorly.-effortse t-tho imainton, bsvlug' ne existeume ilataut.. Now -ve&y vide et the mark Ibisla ilo t oilowlng tew instanoés aicvey&m steey Identical Vith Cht aouutr Rurrmmen a tew days lc vas madi. u durnug thpeterstion, vrbsa thean cthspui-aoêlte tbe caste et st- mi 1aes rbnêut In lu r àwli. which dates bcite .tourteenti -centIur. T'ho Vorkrnen lurcrovlng a voodmu iplat-. foi-m discovoret! a vsid-u. door ln tb. seutil vwal and op.unlug 1 s arrow tllght eti tem.- stms vas rev.e lea down u mb sgrim stone cou six fe qur. aihu ny- vin- dov mn other opeugttan th. door b ihb ther bat! e te e! Tbey wve. orntMed by aturnblilu l. f darlineu efthat 1dreadtini pinceupea: vhst vweued te be a mkèetine ats i et extnsor- diuary beit What nufortomunait. rch v«uin Ibrato t1is living terb te die 'et etarvatin basneter beeeli dieovere.0"no dungemnsas those, lu vbl byenoung T our victrn sd theu «'torgmV' hlmf ver. linevu as 'obflette." 1 h% 0 ega ii yins srn fat onstru mtd tbis particular exampie beneth- the ci4iel faonr- la vntby et 4ernark. WbuAl b.om mau >ay lier. in e as. of ut5rsl, above hi= th. poins c=*tell= éandis tsilew villiss vere proalslng oQd. , '_ The' nuined easteflst.d imener house et,- Minubter Love! la Oxterdabire kept, n atm114 Secret $mrneMYeom, Til aeue et tbae Metrmantie Placsciela Icugland. boti la lb.the rcurntances -et ,11 situation sud Isestery. Il omarne'te Tran- eui, -Visceunt 4.ovei. lu tie Umne of'RI*avG- ZIL EI t vas bos-e wrne as oue thle mubjeets et a po#Ultsa hyme thon ournent la the Iant: Il*emat. the rit sud Lovel tie dot Rule alEntend. a i ie h g Tb*hetawuasCmtîàby, Iberat 'Retelttes on tbe bu lCing Rc - birneit, v. tao0. ite badge v in tubine gearë .. Thce iaractoi,. lton et LovaI ib!e dog"-mouada liie e«numslen et s& 1 lb&-a nd s ta tep et -hlm, but Ist merely:apIVy pome aucestral irnst, 1h51et r oudor t a î-. di* lsnguage. a bt." 41Who-w hevsie obued of muci d ù -thélePaut" et le Lancatninsfor 0bet!duenis,, to eir cause ter tiat e a lie o nbit.' Whou thII egn luv!te m e ibe and invat!k expet!tiqnet ie miaetorl LAM- *et ime At ahsbaVIle et Stele, vies Sa!vsdeltstet.lvil amenousIr 4w* alimonthe fled i lle éShmèei dbgolawcd t tv bâam see hii1la lt 91 .attumnihs¶le the rive, Trnt-i Nsvus»ot s i ai bond * .et M on ti u h ti ti i re ut ti et to Md a10t~ ' LETO JIRITAIN, Ouipuiory thI won st 1 Ir à

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