Whitby Keystone, 24 May 1906, p. 6

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- .,;... -, s' 4 These ftur«o.res-ai be-Nopw york dePartm ti het or boets bis chncesl te b sultbM 'ila ,rs ronresentatîve of ths Unifarmed lfà-c btte ershie Urn es t ehal i- aw ~hiuI,.,, <'. nv~tv W'sînt<> Sar.ith. situation la reversmd.Batties ssfogt, t ranges of a mlle or %oi. umkUile Au tus ce as-e i ases owsngm ou tb#t parbapse uecsulties on thse -JaI -'e #te* must bans been eauders.bly isto ssa those ort b.au"»saslatue * mtou ~vs-Ir Ibe ausumaithat lie Uiai-k*&Mmblp S a " vas ftUrsu d. The advatfflsoethtie j aniseVas lnorssoly asUt.e -cuis w hétabt subd b-s 1%6, iavagtagsêuv .«. tsi-si by #ea.ofet bise mnInras 4 hMo eli et 1.S1$an"d Lutes- as M 6to ua. assinus- tace la laveretftthe Jasss e voer3 s ceai. lutl a Few Rem*r&s Go« off yet remuaa-a alam *loelc On. hesitates te 011alftoe's grçer dis- honeut, but Le bas bis peewllr velhs. A iebange o! OcUtcupt Inhnt7bee. fielsi - eemul>'fr uIhear i. 480., Train up> ht al.v> .sol go but a smant in tus v*a>' am.asii Rsîa-BuoliTmnnscrpt. vay Th flowing bowvi r#»ýqd 1* rou no »r etét f Wou"J07 ina-d'i Limltcd Ca*, Limlted. I als s-es-y alck wihh Qulnzy aua ghouRht 1 wouid strsangle lt ud bMIN- 'A.R'S LMNMENT ana lt'.eured me st 1 amrnmes-es- ithoul It nov. Yaus-s gratefuliy, >Zauwigewauk, Oct. 2ls1. Creei ef on iBaut Indian, Recmtly, the I"dianWorýd eftercd a Sold sUIfor th bet "red' elatng tathe' Whoat vsosnt fa the totiowtag. Ibeltere ta Iiia, oeeand Indvisible., I eîeitY Xla1*4a. beloved matlir or e uuu maCh ÃŽsd ail ber MIansMillion ehildrea. liplievo la KdIaas divilp.imussion. a~eeelu themal uts airlier bîrîli sud the ot b f em- breediag, ibIdIO!e u luths the iavlncilie. whorn tbe wwrids iqtftiffl and hallest lagg deli 4., fend. IXbelleve t'O 4he invlgeratîug pow~er «0fth#, 6Seau, On Who isp îles My I he se cure, Sbellove la ladla, 4h. bautiful; Natursle"v paradis. ai lovileit tiaversdstal, i bêlIve luJn4I of dcp re V pa ~'ar- -aueare sualolaluthe -air,,a-ti sd water, that give Me My Lied, a~d 1s MYv vniy hipod, adgn &i a bobe Sof theïr bn 4n4 belitve. fiatrslslln rla maip fl i ans et 4a11IMms sud ail e~lWe aour orii .n. rrn itha o Couialgh, bogu at NO, COMPANY WC OLD INSUR TheIJ.S_ NI DBL 66Fie Ladies m'GBROUGUT HR SONEAR ]DEATH. Firemen'sparades and-Conventions wil sooxi ho in irder; dld you know thac beven- ty-one leading cities in the United &tateu BIEANS HAET NOW CtJRED BEI employ over 30,000 laddies ta pratect themà- selves against the ravage& of the gift 91 Irometheu'? ««A year ago no insurance compani This a. number equivalent ta, the POPU- would grant me a. policy, 1 was s0 neï l.aton of the fiourisblng Tennessee city ot death; e you sec o weladsrâ Chattannoga, and the annuai average cent B * yshae no had eil ndet. o to the Cîties ot malntainiug this carefufly Blash o aem. vickecl army of arnoke-eaters la a few thou- So said Mrs. E. Soott, of Army Ter sanc over $24,000,000. The average cent tO FAce, Neýwport, when int.erviewed bys acoh" City la the tidy lit.tio Oum of $34.00 "Newport, Adi-ertiser"' reporter. Hel an xiaaly. ftefgre eei htexperiences proves uximistakahly tbi may be a declded suirrise to many-thiat power of Bileans in cases where indi. even lu large centres of population the day gestion bas wrecked the uystem, and ef the -olunteer tireman la by 1no meana eiiyhscet nwt lotft over. True, tbey exiat under condîtioa dblt axieti wthams aa ,wldeiy different tram those af the days af effect.. Continuing ber story, she said: historie vamps, but they are witii us never- "Just before 1 began ta talc. Bileans theles, and with a good deai of the glory 1 was so redueed by digestive troubles ad pictuequenes of aid tIli clinging about that 1 both looked andi ýfelt like a the.. Greater New York alan. bas a force of wornan whose days were numbçred. 1vlunteers totalling 2,300, 600 of theni *run "24v iliness began:- with feelings oi 'wlth the mnachîne- on Sta Island (the fulnesq after meals, followed by belch- baraugh ut Itichmand>, while the restat i)ei.-. e ea o aepi fe sîzular thirillilug oxperîcuce in the borouga *'Ibgnt aepi fe ot Quees,' uade Up îargely ot aniail tawus. fond. and got 80 bad that eating caused Thils la r mai-led contrast wlîh Chîcaga's actital ag-Onv. I went to a doctor, but paltry titty-thrce volunLcers. PiladelptiiC0111, not keep on with bim, as I lias nut a volunteer, i3uîtun can boast 0'co11Jk:a afford the expen"e of a long soverîùy-tlve .The chief btamipiag go. Y) of the volunteers la Iteading, Il., with a fureu rnIe Of dntor's il. Finding myseli of 3,800. It lias a population aiof o>' 80,000, gel tilng worse, 1 Pict tried a, numhber and lire fîgliters Ini excesaof theolod edty of nc'icinoq. recomrnended by friends, of New York. wltb iaLu iflions. What e x- btnn i eai~o ct nthtle luliabitarits aof tb o ropoi.a afithieKeyston's state's Duteliseetiou must *xperlcnce wbien a rire breaks out, for a ~ ~ fîroman lives ln ovcry other onîe of lis homes.h Wliligton, Del., la about tLe size of Readinîg, but Its vamps nuurbèr iy 1.0803 Troy, wiîh sanie 60,00 naseà ta lb3 crodit I 1900 U*,takçs boastuIIy o u ti cleven bundre volunteers, and Scheiieccady, which, as you kuow truni tho song. le but tourteun mile distant £romi the cityl ot cufta and collars.< iputs its trust at ail times ln M-6 voluntcer 1~ ~ t Plus 66 regulars. Newburgh. famaus becaus et Benjamin Odel's reldeace there, bas taý regular fîremen and 645 volutiteers, plus 6 regulars. Newburgh can comiand hait the regieut whea it cames a-running galiantl0" . la anawor ta (the tire bouls boomlng. AIl told twenty-slx <nt the seventy-one cri- tics put thoîr trust, partiaily, ln 11.4W3 vol- unteer tlrcflgh tors. That la, ail excopt Rs'id- I Ing. whiclî lias uo use for regular or uni- tormed torce. And tlils la another reason Why that clhy la the paradîsqe of vamps. Seveuty ctes niaintalu a coniblned uni- farmed force of almoat 19," oi in. Judglng tram the record of thie Fîre Zauaves ln the «The Indigestion and flatulence civil war, wbat a power the3e meri, dlvldcd were loucceedei by fiutt.cring feeling% Soto regîmentsansd maiblllzed as a corps.rudteha, hhrnee m vwouid ie laU nie of aruicd strite! run heharwhclrnardm hyperbole ta put down tbat thelr deeds of feeble by day, and pevented me front bravery and daring would malte-tlie world sleeping at night. I was often obliged torget thc marvelous f te fth fOe seif-sacril o t oofbcd In the night tinie and 91IclngJ4apanese la the laIe wars wîîii Itusula?tagto Thes records of those tire laddles' deoda daY walk siuwiy about the room tili the alter day. year alter year, answer '*No!" fiuttering subsided. New York, of Course, bas tue largeit quota idI was nt rny worit In this respect, Of unfarmed men-just 3600o uthe railsa On and so pair.ed -at the heart sotmetinies Avril 1 at this year. Twa tbousand and l tIwsolge.ocsem 4k twenty are shatianed la the aid City; the e- tîtIwsolgdt es i ok inaander la tue other three borouglis. when a rnarried sister told me that Chicago cames nexî with ajoaut 1.100. Boston Bilje.in% had done ber busband no much ruas Phîladeiphla close for third place, wlth gn hvwud' ewtotte 'OU ta the Quakers' 879. St. Louis wîth 631. odte oin' .wtotte bas alueheon les than Frîsco, and tue re- in the bouse. She pesuaded nme to _try malnlng citles with mare than 600 tiremon the'm. apIeco ara lBuffalo. about 60; Detoiat. 637, "I did so. and In a very little time and Greater Pltsaburg. about 575.1 on thywrdigmealt f tNinetentbousand men wbo ioap ta danger Ifudtîywr on ealto ..Wbenever the tire gogasuud-and yet Igood. I pemsevemed with theni, and one o«nelderlng the great risks tbey run. the fa- by ane the fluttering sensations at the Oulles aud Injuries that bofali thein la the heart, the wind, the pain after food, dlicherge of their duty are surprisingiy tew. and ail the other syniptoms of! mdi- t-~'j e, for Instance, thea 2.000 odd mea of Isld New York City. From year ta yoar the gestion were driven f rom-my iystein, mumber of men killed at tires while In dis- and I waa cured. 1 ain now weli and charge of the»- duty avemages about tour-a st.rang and an utter stranges- to iwindO desth ate of about two perthhousand. Two nIdieto. yes mgUo thers weme thîrteen deaths ail tald, ndidieein a dsath rate of 6.6 per thausand,but anîy Bileans tone up the whole digestive thres resuited tram tires. Wrle oîâ cîtys Systenu, and stimulate It ta normal ac- <mth ate at preseat lo 16.62; twa years ago tion. That ls bow tbey cure such St was lilghtly bigher. Iu 1903 tour mon eiu casofdgtve iorr dled as the resuit ofiInjuries sustu<ned a srascse fdgsiv iodra tir-es, and clght tram naturai causes. The the above. They aIea cure lt,'er average number of deaths a yeaer tram ail troubles, flatulence female aliments, ýcuses la about tweive.1-*-.. f Car. Should Be Talcen of ItsIfHandling biiia tlo-n -oï !richueu. l&-ad mI third pages of caver eontalu pooketà, mn w1dhi au* Iuserted mapis 0f the Grand Trurnk Railway Systes a Grand Truait Pacifie Rsilway, both Mounted on white uulk and. tound in Rus"i leather cov. Equallv ai richla h Ã"eIgn andm m e ta4te la tue apeclaledItion of a book ou Nliagara Falla, t.haugh he ttekuiient et this publication lM tot&Jlydifferent to thse other. l'h. text m Illutrations tes! with Niagara Flant sdlIta mlrou. me, lncluding a chapter 4 »welso> trlc devecpet fplsum ou 1h.eQastadi side. T ^el cdieo!the book la çuuinted on a velluma laidd tô*, prtnted la browa maé cepla, thse ilsrtoslegtp in, Jethou* beumd lu a tlpaïe.. et fect with *Bkpgssd caoftm la à bandsei*s browa ocM Ue Cal!ce, vwui timU, paga tie MiMlfa goId. Another book la a $ouveair o! lie Vis. tocla Jubile fr14w hhWb" 0w repbace the *oX !Vitorla, T*gîpir kligsd u eldeh mie U Is~ijUat p vbea Pria..f W laNl,# a t» irlp 'Iw6Jý L* H L -ILtbbe eet'Pimu ofWls!sIe nti toum ws onýela-19<>!. Ietusoftboth o & i ASTONISII3I TUE,13DOCTOR lhysiolan Said 8h. Migtt Diop Dents "The Doctes- toit! me I iad heari dis- esansd vas fiable le drap on lie as-rest it an>' limetoas' W o! Dutferla, Ount «I wua !raid to draw ns>'bs-sal4ist peiai me se. I1vas I e evoashrto veubïyë telie 'do"v woi1d 0to te vte Ia. aau""làmt uof :SUR Noe.21,el906, MSC ELANEO USQ' E 21 a] el tH à. id it i 9 ýf SPEAX EMOLISE IEinUCO.- Natives Are Lealang thse Lauguage o!. the United States RépWrl. 24 b ual sus-ps-taus that SagiMs" shoqli make smoe vy mUtuvard aveu 00b. oua- du7-, se dose *Pâàbsh- pesetrate noethvard tfs- tue mattes- ai that but 'tet e, mc a set equal in Omoeunt s t uIes on- gi-te lmsuand transil la tbou vo. Thots an-oaver 4.010 sosient Am«eautoaa tue Oit> multituàde et touries. esh eo: fiaw* sta b. «' $athé4 Sunday s ITIAI¶ONqAL 4p» 556 ~4O a The Grand Trunk Mlanagement las otl Writinq on the food question in tbhe at ail extravagant, but when they'do June Delinestor, Mary Hinnian Abel a thing they do it in a way to eavé 1 makes the statenient that -)irt in con- nedabtastowh ad t an i cny e tact with food is doing More harmn than' L, tion with tbe tor-of:IL R. H. prince ahl the preservatives and coal-tar colors, Arthx o -C~inugbt ther hne5for ia the papular undersanding of that thro f onughtQatari and clvcr word dus-t covers dust ad ail that le in. y ided or h ntacoanortie.beo, they pr-~ it; ait that resuits fs-oin contact withlin- f icentftrai tha t atehe s benaem- seet or other animal lite, and whatever g9 blcedorn thA rat bcsntinen je isbreaking up into uimpler compounde' benthe a onised o!naGnt -unkunder the action a! bacteria, or what la a standard baggage car; the Pullman con- j ecacsu dscaw o sTh nfet-ie a- r poite cas- "Viceroy," containing a luxur- eui nw oeiti I-e ut îos ooubufeyaresesop tentanus or lock iaw baéillis La also -and tiled bath roani; Pullman d.ning ,sdmn 4oh9 !l~a rgn car "Monroe,"j witb Its interior finish,-i How many cases o!f"sporadie" typhoid I ed ln ricbly cau-ved Flemish oak; Pull- fever are due tc ilnfected food, ias ot man compartment sleeping car, cotain- easy to, say. The sources o! discase 'ire ing Sosen roons; the liast car on the often s-es-y difficult ta trace, but fruit train being the-"Violet," the bandaome tint lias been gatbered by dirty hand, private Car buiit for Sir Chas-les Rive- -e d hruh usysetsl ope a Wilson, G. C. M. G., C. B., President o!f'kets or brought long distancesluoe the Grand Trunk Railway System and!eigbt cars ,stor-ed in mar-ket collas-s, which was occupied by Prince Arthur and' rpatedly sosted by the huckstcrs rhis equerry, Capt. Wyndham. cxposcd for sale, after a poltshing on a The entime train was eleetricaly light- dis-ty coat mIcas-e, has had at least a cd b>' power geuerated through turbinecac !dueosgo-sgtcig o- englunes .and dynnmocs installed l ic heiîn aIl dis-t arc count!2se osganisins, 'md baggagecompartment of the composite soe o!this ar e banifuta mdu.es car. A telephonie systeni %vas provided "W'at is t exid otaretedyorthese with &n exehungre in the compartmcnî odtoata xt og-se rls car whereby communication eau be had eAtenlu k aaIl s ters:su Wn.muetMs-s. b-o phontA Iramnen car to the othes- while I1blaksx nses W uthv train was en route and connection made,-'- Bettes- mar-ket inspection amid cean- witb local and long distance circuits aIt fePrstreets. 2. Botter protection for ail stapping. points on the tour. food ln transit aud ishea os saie, with Tliere la s prbably not anothes- train* cas-eful scs-eening ta keep out dust and lu the worid to-day that wouid equal "n'et-- 3. The consumer must be bet- this renlis- flovrgl Train for confort, con- tes- instructed as ta the danger o!fI. venience .and .amtistic beauty. The tbree fected food and came to feel a citiren's Pullman cars %vere awarded the Grandi responeibility forý impros-ing conditions. Prix at the World's Faim at St. Louisj 4. Fruits sud vegetabies must be ps-o- la 1904. perly cieaased ia the. kitchen.' To gis-e the Prince flli information o! the. country through which h. wasFOEG NT& travelling, the Grand Trunk provided' o.c Ftvt oEI nGN oTES.i Kre a ses-les o! souvenir publications o! te t heTojcti oate cton going il orea Royal train that lu beauty aud astistic ateajc !aern iaca os nemit excel anyt.hing tint bas been lu- pany secentîy formed la Tokio. lThe oued by aay saiîway - compauy lu the Korean administration w-lil spend up bo worîd. They are a ses-caton ln th.îs- $ 50>000 dusing the next three years -on typogrophical arrangement sud execu- cottou-growing expes-imeuts.- tion, sud the descriptive malter la wi-ito- The Gerunan Gos-rnment has plaSce n ten iu an interesting mannes-. Âmong os-des- for 20,000 !reight esa, to cent $50,- these special books are primrsily a time 000,000. Th. cms- wiiI b. supplied by table o! the tous-, 6 1-2xi) 1-2. Tii. tort GermoniL, Strias, Beigian, Italian sud Ans- bas becu admis-abi>' as-anged lu ane- triasn builders. tated forxn, giving nanes of e-es-y îta- A parflamenta-y papes status that for tion on the poktion o! lhe. hue tras-essedl six monthu the tota expeaditure con- b>' the. Royal party,- with descrlp neced wlth thé relief o! the poor andi tive notes dealing sith the special test- maintenance of lunatie in England andi ures of each plame In addition ta the. Wales wus $M,000,000, o! wh $ 10,. notee tireeaxe oolumnea sluwing cacis 00,000were for London alose. station, the num-ber o! miles fs-m in Ot-Antusting minor industry b a.s-re- tawa, lhe altitude above sesi les-el of eaeh cesti'bien fatroduceti in. Jamaica, vi.,, towu sud cit>', the acheduhe tim'e at eaeh the manufacture o! jappa bats. T'he point and the population of' the. ses-essI plant fs-rn whlch thee mates-l for mak- places. The body ofthfe book is printed ung tues. hat@ là des-lved grow r seely in en a Japan haud-nade pape-r interleaved the vasrn, humnld district& o! Jamalea,> witi i"sudome colored illunsrations, sud thes-. la a large demand st payîug ps-nted lu t-be ?ri4xuu-priat ps-oma on prices. tinted eatin-!inished pspem, snd inchsidus  h -cu ase-a xolins s-ic'we o Ott.awaMoutreaiToronto mr, Great Britain obtained; Hosiltn, iagra ull, "ho itula 31 gr-and Plus, Germasy 17, France 10, of Ontario," etc. lie edition de lue o! japau 15, Belgium 14, United status 10, Ibis publication, is a work o! art4, thean sl&. caver Weng a green black Rusai leathes-adRuas9 os lbe iront o! whici appears the. COu: The Egyptisu Goverumeut bas decded, aa.ught cost-of-arxns, emblazoucd i the. tebulld ses-es-ai ew bridgésees-the. royal colores ad etamp.d la gold i high Nil.. Fs-eunch englaces-s are als-ady on relie!. The coat-of -ars-aao! the. Dominion -th. spot to, study lhe requl-ernents. o! Canada appears In the top !efl-band -Dus-u1 104M bth n mines lu th. Fed- eo'rnes-, sd Ilperletter s in l eld, mask-. rated Mals>' aa«yledd60,980 tons i thetouest ennemniis8a beautiful coin- o! UL - 1 m SOAP is beter thian other Soaps bSu- îs bes when used i the Suniht vay. FoIlow direction&. SUNLIGHT WAY 0F WASI FIRST.-Dio thearticl Isukewom iwstert 4mw Lt ont on a wasaboar anmd rab the sosp liglstky over it rolit in a tight rall, lay in the tub under the water, and go on the sam* way- until ail-the piecos have thé sp rubbed on. and are ri alaup. te g n Cour muid 10 the Su*e- Igt" Sogsdo lts work. NEXT.- A(ter aaakiag the (nl lune rab the clotheS- lihl u nwashboard, mand a. iit Winldro.0 out; tarn the gatment tu- Ide ouitag get a the seams, but doest use esy <mom *:0p; don': ad orbail a ange piece, anddm' wasb througià twa snLMI te o wis, rub »mo re somp oe It, mend t<bmw ths pe 9Sback Ratethse susfore few milnutes. LS1rLy COSIfS Tile 5SIGwhich as go h. don. in u kewarm vater, takmg apiai cas- fe te ail <ho diîty suds away thon wrang ctmi bang Ver Woolend Ndir#. Sth le articles flfim rom dest. Ciii a tablet ef SUNLIGHt fSOAP lnto shavangspauruia a gsiloo iot a aîhsWhen ins iukowrvo articlesil bth.e S eee ut dnt astervitioua utlp md tun 4hooghiylantwo relays of M k war ater, Squemseou wate- wihemt IvistRuand ba nu . epen air. J n Yteaioua ohemicals or ami toas-radulttione. causetoreM Wk1al a t e r) mm M t m. me 5 Wa boadut enMa td 1 oraïp frive te mll CI AKU&~ RUIT LÂNDS-lo ACRUC 0Iot% a, aent for- fruit, grdnlng 00 POU ILfrY . o ic..to electric cs= ; big .o o fs-uit. Wz-itqukni ta A. 8.FaLPster-. Oskvi Souvenir, Post Oards U3 Mr10e; 60 tfor c;,.1m.' 81; M0, 88..U& U,~ mU difernt. Largest anti tiset stoog lu Canada: 00m xIxul, Ça.- hbtmglau l sl* W . iL A d uh mî T r n t . O t ms.winslews -Boo4hins Bis-up â*.ouai- Ways be uad for ehdrai tustn& - it soohs tht OMMd othes th. guma, cues wtnd asUa and la the bust rqmiiy foi Diar- S1-WHAT UT WILL DO FOR YOUi Sentd us Il and w w'iii send you, a $500act- eldent and d1sease Insurance Polieyi secured by deposît 'with Dominion Goveranment lI- cludlng registratian, ldeantication, key. ta1ý and pochét Case. W. etacey,_Dlnen BUhI14 IrAg Toronto. A wa. "Muresud reuiabismntlyrcga tcr. Thne Piflabave been apii -si trRo- *fy yMs-. M fd=diavlusble teeS by the enakuru. Encosestop Ïau ssied reimua.Pleo.0 *i.UO heoi La- ROT PI.L 00.. Box 4&. Halton, au, Where WÃŽI You -Go' This Summer? If yeu désire -eut and recreatiou, vhy net "lii RorSte Lawronco Tdp?" Fable-s descriptive of tii Tllausand luiais Rapide, Monts-cal, Quebso, Murr-ay Beay,Ta doueno. the tas- tanued gaguenay River,st. on application t a cay- alo d o ta b a ticket agent. - For Illustrate guide, -NIAGARA .TO TguB SEA." te nd six cents la postage stampa te H. Pster Chatte, Western Passeagos Age0%t traonta. Sup&rb Service to New Yorkc and Philadeiplia. Via Lehigh Valey RILR&, through lh. Switzres-and Of Amnerlos. Fastexrs trains: Double track. D3lock sgas Pullman sleeping cars from Tointc. yo; further particul&rs, addres .SX lws 10 King etreet csTrno ut Tailors, a Word With-YOu. If tii. ps-oent turor of 'ltntv tls continues tao mes-eau as r«Pldly as 14 hu: been increalg for several y«" -a mm e»,- Wear aimoat aur suit that la lmes tus twes Yea-s aId if st la su-thtl Weil made, oftg"a mnaterlal and la xed condiiUon, sgog 1o017 th- eut Poook!ag adverse critcisua, but vith the cortalnty that 116_Iseas talieubly, dresol as thcugh the suit had - mat bee - mad*,fer i hlm by a tallas- etti>th hrty-tb4s-4 degres et exealiense, Wbmu a n eau di tis tu.i Ortsg vItl prohbisi nuehbO hei tn It dose aew as au n stodusUy.. but 89 8,biu- Tise Gentie WomaWe at. Commentgry.-I. iu heal S24.) 24. F.r6n thence ~bat l, after delisering thi t ~lcapes-naunu. Eldesbsein Jesus sud tic twelive apot Mediately ta the nos-lb ca others %think there wau a stu or- near, Capernaum before- ..B-ordess a Tyre and Sidon wlom ere heathen cities of ta!the Mediterrancai wes-e the principal citiesc a oonntry- nomlhwesî cil Cal whlch lay between the Let -tain. ranges sud the Grea' wer-e'ancient and importan bèe- tbey siguif y the whol, district. Jesus had ne»yer i eunIs-y before sud naw it whethes- He' resu>' entes-ed or stopped jusl litside, ui der-. Edergliin hoitis ta 1! Inion; ses-es-ai good author venIns- an opfinion; while -Isteat maps represeut him ._nlering the cities of Tyre *whIh is ver>' doubtful. mInt Wl ail probabili'ty the hous Edes-shein thinks Ho inust ber. severai days; the fiat slred ta -be kept hhl, but won l suggeet this. No mai *à judged il propos- ta cou bwile fs-rn Ibe Pharis7ees pîattiug against Hlm. Couk "LIt Seens that He wai knowu to manv lu this c bad seen six! lîard tlm in Il A mother'.s-request <vm Whose young daugh tes--Thi tes-lugeo! the daughter wcx the suffes-ings which the, dus-ed -b> sympnthy were i Our ufes-ings fo'r others i proportion o! the amount has-, for then. Flence tht, i tes-es- on cas-lb us Christ.- An unclean spirit-Matthev danghter was "greviouely v des-I This was certAini>' Nfohlg ean dets-o>'the« horne mos-cthan ta havte a d seied with Satanle iuflu( oplrit that possegsed tbis ulean-a vile-pis-it. At Hi ast-once shows the hîxmilit3 rmw e. snd the. mos tude possible as -ah.-appel Mercy'. 26. Woman vas a Greel uag.19-GCike. - The Jews$ vbo vere idolatere Gs-eek, A Sy.Mopenlcian l-y uatioi Pboenleiau. Phoozilcia, MeONI Man Province Sys-il,"Sh. v of Phocalcia," fatthéir sai swoman of CahaauY "DuNrý cet times o! Jewlsh hi tribes -o!fOnaanltes. wio -i l~i lhabitantefi talest ei northward before - ti Prom these thc Phocliiau oended."ý-Lange- Besoxght el>' entrcatcd Hlm. -lac cas gent one, aud on hei kae test se.pourcd out' lir s-e liaitt e--Shii Wbehis-Hi té do luis. Mathew silys a1 toéHlm, saying, Havenies-c Lord, thau «on o! 'DavdE m tcy he knew shek ýcoul damUpon Hlm ln amy att voman, recognizcd Jeeans se tesah he cailedHm-E "The -son o! DýAsid"-4trmi i>' Jewlsh. "Tuie stale o! ti * yroriqee ncmoa!tlie Bts nOer ideply consciuo,4o tht III. Eaith tcifed- V 7 TIil woms's1dine

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