Whitby Keystone, 24 May 1906, p. 7

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..ANEOUS, 1 ELITWO> GIRLS tof aefrposItions. Ad tn s pi-isate amlly; 14giba. Adrs. u ii r LANDS-10 -ACRED or fruit, gardenlig or rtc cara; bLg anoney lu A..w. otr. Oakyvtet4 Post Cards r c.-100. 81 *.Z20. $91:.£su. rgest And timest stoc£ $3. album&a, ail prices. ,j Ont. Lâtrik syrup" ei 1 Id'reii t*thi<. it eties the wu=a. cure bust reimedy for Dar- IL-DO FOR YOIJ iil Bond you a $W00 c- i rance Poliey, securcd ion Oovarnmaît', lu- tltntltlcation, key, tag. *tacey, Dineen Buil- ALE2 PILLS eand roIlbimontbliy '. Usl; ba e eusai la ran yeurs. A( -Itua n aaluable do dwlguuJ uard arc giara. r. :zo i PILL C O.. 111 You Go mmer? ai recreatIbn, vhy not arvence Tnp?", 'i. Thousand IsIanda,ý ec, Murray Say, Ta- Saguonai- River, tc., ailroad or steamboat "NAGARA TO TH£ lu Postage stampe to ern Passeuor ÂAent. New York and .,tirougi Lie ic.Fast express k. Block signala. Srom Toron-to. Fer fdress R. S. Lewis, ronta, Ont. With Yen., " distinctive- styles kNrPldlY as It har rai years a. man ca ýI la fle than twenty 1woli unade. et fins lition. flot <ufly vlth- lttelsr. tut wltb the frashlonuibly dreassd luit been made fer thlrty-thlrd degreso an can do this tail- 9 muc b hgher thma Èstry. but as a busi- e1 and ilnalgniflcs.nt. Îq Pâ"~, Eczcma, and Pm Ave,. N. Hamilton, od. He..IWhe wftks in booaptai- betier. Ir rie 011er- r.le <arn el gl= it, f,. e50-6for $2.50. be chenno.s, Co. ci +-Toronto. »I arc vsry feund as-ked'tho pnual ana with cre . IL "Idf the profits 'u May ai>' hat ey are les. >OU >unftry ver>' liàk. t inte bouse. *ttîed the trouble dlscenered undea shbroldOot- ilnghelegs vould be Moe 1, oman had been 0 'te tnvesra vo- te ber ingle gis- afraid ef au old el 'o..'- .U~M 8, 1000. Vhs Geatie Wom~~..-&ank T; 34-30 .24) 24. Promtence ho aos.- St Le, after'deliveriug Lie., dincoorffl , Caperaui. Eldexaei* Liii & issus1aMd tIi. twolve apoetiesvenut lm. nisditely te i. citiicuntry, wvii ,otbee- , tbuktiiere vas iaienot delay in, oumor, Capennauq ie . tartlng eut Bordens cf IyMMa-d Sidon -Tyre anî voi; ere heathen cities on ti . ast et lb. th Mediterranean Seu. They vèe. tie principal ciLles ot Piiocuicia a ountry nortivest cf Capennaum, anâ vbli lay betveen the. Lebanon Moun- tain ranges and the. (reatSea. Tiiey vers anieit aid importait cities and4 bere tbey signlty the. viole Pheein *dbtr1ct. Jeans iad neyer visited the counitry betore and nov it tô ht e whetie -H.. realhy entered beatiendea or stopped Just oulstide, nr the bon- der-. Edensicinx bolda ote .latter op- talon; several g Qed autiiorities do not venture au opinion; wi! sonne et the latcat nia ps represent hlm as actuali: _Onternig thc cities et Tyre aid Sidon, * vblcb la veny doutitful. Ic oai bouse- luWI ail pnobabllty tie house cf a Je'wi Edershiinithunka li e at bave tarile boi-e set-oral days; tie tact tiat Rie de- s1red to b. kept bld, but couhd net vould sauggest thue. No mai kîow IL. Bi udged lt propcr toe onceal Hise &W ile trem tic Fianisees, vie vere plotting agaînat Hlm. Coud net b. hi -"fL acrseeeths.t.Ho v as permonl:y kiiovu te many lu titis country, wvi iad seen aid board Hlm lu Galllec." IL A motier's requcat (vs. 25, 261.,25. Wboso young daughtez-The actual suft terlnga efthLe daughter vere great, but Lb. sufferlugs wvici tb.motiier ec- duredby sympatiiy*vero still getStr Oui- suffenings tor otiers are great ln proportion efthLe amount cf love ve bave for tiem. Heuce tit greatest suf- tuen ron carti wns Cinst.-Hom. Con, An unleai spirit-Ms.tthew saya bez daugiton vas ugrevlously vexed vith o dovi." 1This vas certaily a #ad case. Nfowhlg ean destroy 'the. peaceofet berne more Liai te, bave a ---g-ter po tsed viti Sataulo Influences. Mi spirit. that pcessed Ibis girl wva s uncean-a -vilefi irit. At. Rist est -Tii at oieeshaoya tge hiimility of tie vo- man-; ahe assumed tb. mont lovly atti. tude possibl, as ah. appeahs te Hi Mercy. 26. Woman vas a Grek-"By langa uage.-Qelkie. The Jcvs called tios vie vèe.idolaters Oreeki, or Gentile&, A yrpb.nlciaby nation -A Syre- Phoenlelan. Phow eulltiong ote b . man Pi-ovinces Syni a. "Si. vas a Synlar cf Picenicla." M1¶attqwsasys, sic uwai a voman et Ca ean!' "Duinîg thc cari. I.t imes o e Jslab story, nsera ttiu otCausanites. vie vers tie or. Ilial luiabtai'ts et Palestine,hid ne- tire4 nortivard belon. the Isnaeiites, Prom Lies. Lie Picenician. vere ddca condd."-Lange. Besougit him,-Ean. estl 'eîtreated Hlm. Tic case vas an uri genl one, and on ber knees at Hi% Ceeta she poured eut ber rqa.Wouhd 'ast terti.-Shbeleieved Ho had pcv. to do Liis. M1athew says she di cried un- Le Hlm, saylng, Have mercy on me,C Lord, Lieu sou et Dav-id." Sie plead fti mei-cy; aie knew ah. could make nc daim upon Hlm lu any otiier vay. The wioman r.cognuled Joins as Lie Joviali MIessial; tie calied Hlm "Lord" and 'The son et David"-t-rms distlnctivt> ly Jevli. d'Thi.state et th slavoxa ia a proper embleniofethLe state of a Ëi. Ber'deeply eCiaccus ofthte mlaery cl MI. Faiti testcd <v. 27). 27. Jeout Mid -Titis woman'a discouraffeienti vea-e greate 1. Rer a.dvautnages bad becn amaîl. Site vas a ieathen tramau witJ but litti. ineaus etf-en ebtalulng Lhe àllr b h.i vSnîtus.2 caused peopIe vîthisodicary faillat4 1' - h&vo given up i. atnuxggle, but noe usrman'à Fnlei4, - s, Ia~) 4 lWtli5..a ride un.. hI 's v2mrstbo ~armcr~. lit laiý t *e.pstbsoi enitrly' a&y,..- O ak'.e ýTii. don l 0gent ot-Noa *tsVery moment, tiiy roqucat Ie grunt- ted.<'ThugbOur Lords mission vas te tii. lestep cf Isi-acIyet'Ho aiva7s hOietred pensoualfaith l in ieelfwuhere. Sever found." "4pereverng faItb and -PrAyer'are' >neit teoennlpotet. No ,9 peMsn can thus prayr and-qefieve wlth- t out reoeiving ail bis seul requres,- L- CIsyke. -"Tis ' vomati badsaeked a 0 crumb, and hid recelvod. a viiole loat of th tii bldren'. bread." Altbough a ica- tien, she nov took: ber place by the-aide cl 0t Jacob and Mose, for she bad peail. te&, 01 &~Y daugbter-.;--n.r taith lepeau-_ Y liar lu that it obtains a blessiig fer an- totlier. lier lîterceason vas suceisaful. Here le alto an encouragement for pi-ay- - ng paret. te topersevere hinfervent !priyer for ci-eu the most hope... ae ofe sin or suftering cf a cbuld.« _n 30. Laid tapon the. led-A aigu cf ber. oPertcctly tranquut condition; the demon liasd previously driven ber bither and thi- n hr L She heard cf Jesus. uA certain vo- ina .... beard cf Hum, and came and fell Sat HMs feet" <vs. 25). Faitb eometb by y hearing (Rom. x. 17); by "booklug un- te Jeas" ll(liei. xli. _2>, volJe Io of aiLrds, and Mr i f ings" (R.,. xvii. 14>. Loking te Jesus Peter id faith. dtO ek Okn Lb. sea.; the moment E - saw tiie nind boisterous" be began to Ssink (Mat xiv. 28-312). A lady naid -te Mmns Bcardmau, "Lack cf faithii l Smy great difficulty," Mrn. Boardina Sasked, "If you wished te confide lu a voman vould ycu look ite your bourt y te sees1,f you couild trust berT" "Se, I 0 shouhd look at ber capachty and chai-- acter!' "Bo mca do in the affairei cf 5lite, but pursue another course viien cseeking faath in God. A heaurt acquain- itafce vit h Jesus lends tO utmost coi- t idence luRHm. Ve du net tbink cf our - faltb wben absorbed hn Lb. abject cf n faltb. Oeêuplcd vitb lRis gi-atieàs, Ris le beauty, Riis tender cane, we foi-gelteo exoercis faitb aud trust Hlm as easily as. vs do oui- moot cofildentlal frlend.» !r .IL bc bescougbt for another. "ii. a woman.... .besought Hlm" (v. 26.). A Cog'gticnal mis$ionary vasa r- a buthîg riete the p ocf Japan, A mother vbo had a hunstie aughter came for food. The. misslonary veut te the n dark, miserable irm.iiere the motiier, tve sons and mad daugiter lived. Tii. gir vas cenfiîed lu a cage vith vooden bars. ler face waa uvcet aid patiie even lu ILs vlldices She vent fi-cm aide te jaide, 6r tried te cllmb the. bai-O k. a vlld animal. Tii. misalonaaj's hurt *achedl for thi por cked cbild, but the"s vWere neô slu fer the the insan poor lu Japan. Ther, vas but oie tlung Le de; let the strng iti aid tender nlove cf Christ's, veli fup iluZrber at. Aidtiie girl caught the glow cf IL. She' loeked aL ber voîderingly, inqulrngly;, hlet ber stroke ber airmn ad spcak sooth- i uup.Wiicn the vlld loockcame back.. The. s as'_loiary and ber assistent read te a. th mother et the bealing of Lbe daugb- ter eft Iis woman -ot Canu, &sd told WGod wouid heai- tbcrn for ber daugb- teaid kueit aid ,nayed, aidasang- 'Jeaus. lever et wY seul! ýdTii. nId girl gi-cv quiet. The next day rIthe mother camne and Lcld the misstion- 1.ai-y Lb. daugliter baâ stept nearly ail 0 night. Tie week tollowing tii. girl ask- i-I d te kîit and %wiihed thec ýJeaus peo. Spie' vcould corne agakin. 'They vent. 'Ille je sons ¶et wcrk aid Lhe motiier came 'te jý Lhe. ionar, ie crazy girl la Weil; ýdt God bealed lier. lt-began with the pray.- ci-e aid tbe song." Theà thei Iuisonary w eut agalu and saw a yoîg girl- dt- tlng by the dccri- l perfect healti, viti )f a happy face, and nover drcsmed iL vas the once crazed luiuitie whom ber.faiLli ~~~~~~~~~m ai oa c rogÈteJss. &tl It Lord!" ' -no tbcdim- *pos ve ountil 4sa1h 14 %a* Unasle.d My bhurt t. a&11Lt.heuld t "'e4Lord." "O-eOenttI., alya Sfl " 4g.» *#"es, Ld.Té Lt" more Wod f ô-",fatiàwasýrlois Yes, Jl th oaedeil tf dUC-.la o. Sistrsa - lo beiF CANADIAN. Over twenty-four tbousand nov set- tiers bave'arrived at Quebe. this âes. son- Cressley and Hunter, tK,* evangelits, bave removed from St. Thiomas to To- ronto. The Temlakamlng & Xortbern Ontarlo Ralway Cenimisison kLas awarded coui- tracts for nine passenger coaches. The Canadian Nortbwest Railway bhas an orderreln stock whicb vill coït *2,97,OOOTI,inlding 44 pewerful en- vues. Hazel Hurd, a stenographer, formerly of St. ýr?àomas,, Ontario,, died auddeuly yesterday in ber father's office in Buf1- falo. The royal commission appointed te in- vestigate the bueinetsof bail insurance lompans held its firist meeting at %Vin- *An explosion of gis in flie office of the Consumers' Gas Company, Toronfn, did damage amounting to bet'ween f200 and $MO. The jury in the second trial! at Toron- to, ol -Charles De Marco, on a charge of murder, found hlm not guilty, and sne vas discbarged. The Toronto Board of Control vas de- legated hy the City Council to decide thIé salaries wblcb tbe Mayor and the City Treasurer shall reeeive. Mr. Aigus Kirkland, manager of the Toronto beadquarters of the Bankc of Montreal, is Iyling in a critical condition front bleod poisoning. Col. Ray, of the Elghth Reyai Rifles, Quebee, bas resigned, because the mut-. tia department rejected bis nommnes for regimeital quartermaster. Thirteen -bundred bartenders' leuses have been sent out by tbe Provincial 14- euse Department since the amended It- cense act vent inte effect on May 1. BWT1SIM AND FOREIONs All grades cf reflned sugar vere re- duoed ten cents a bundred pounds ln New York to-day. Uîrented property la said te be great- er in Edinburgb than la"t year because of the large numbers emigrating te Can- ada. The Interstat. Commerce Comission resumed îts investigation at Philadelpbia to.day iuto tbe slleged discrimination in the distribution cf coal car. -,, , ', te-ll:-.ý Boy auanirl aappear Fw m rsucuv Settioment, N. B, Leavlng Ne Trale --Snpposod te b& Lest lu the, Woeda Sackville, N. B., May 21.-For tinet-I ds.ys and tireeigits Lie woods lu the viointy cf Peacck Settlement, pariai et Botsiord, bave bren ssarcbed for Raipi aid 0111e, Lth.e ly ebUldi-cu et John Ci-camer, but se tir intient resutTii. littfe oies ve-re lest accuat tie cdge if tbe vooda about 6 o'elock en Sunday nigit, but, tipugi Lbe. airu vas gaven siioutly alLer their disappearauce, no traceft Lierubas se <ai- tisn dîseovered. Prom fifty Le acronty-five mei sud boys bave joiined in the soarch.. Creeks- aid pends bave bren dragged for thein tbodies, but stiliL te mystery remaipa uiîolt-ed. Tic vicie cousti-> around- Bayfield is gneatly excîted oeri Lhe sad attair, and ail hope of Liie sal recovery et Lie eidren bas becu aban- doed. TO PROTECT CREDULOUS. LeÈalb Aiainat Faltb-HealensA"We in Britlih ouse. An explsion ef gas in the Diamoird lbdon, May 2.-In the lieuse ef mine cf the Liekawanna Coal! (o. at Vommons to.day,_ John Bree Seranton, Pu.., oceurred to-day. Six M'en Lohsdale (ConservatIve, Middle Ar- were burned, tbrce of theni seriousIy. mah Ireland), demanded that legis. A eontest for the.elccetion 0f a Pis latIve and ottbi mensur#it be tairen dent cf the American Institut@ cf Elco- te prevent Christian Seielitists frein trics.l Engincers, New~ York, bias elogied carrying~ on their practiceq,, with the witli the choiceof Prof. S4nuîel Sheldon, riew of pret-entlng danger ta their 11%les cf the Brooklyn Polytechnie Inatitute. of credulous perple'. e The U. S. Senate Commlttee on Inter- Hecm, Secretviy Gladstone replled ccciii. Canals yesterday voted in fav>r Ithat the law toutibung the practive .cfi of coîttructig a sea-ici-el Canal. Sen-t- medieine wil probably be furtber -elu. tor Carmackes returu frin Tennesso. cidated by the. trial for mianulaugbter breke the. deadflock whlcb oecurred at a cf Dr., &dcoek, the kene.r aôWoÎsd ocf former meetiing. b^vinoù- tused bh* death nf Masjor John The, lSth triepUla snsilon cf the. Cciii- jNieo 'Mivte, wbe dlcd under bis cen of thé. ReIormed Xpimepu1 Churolinlu atm«L nti hetr ia li a oocluded, tb. United States and Cýa»ada, liise- 1r. ýowastone addedl oe oud not ex. sien in PhuIlade.ipbla. Amoug tho- déle- pseus bis opion ou'tbe subimct. A .TMm=he WomnAre %suceii. t> < frt.Two Relat*Thcw rzprrcs New Y or....... Minneapolis..... Detroit... ... St. LouSI.... ........ Tolede....... b! ay. 80 gis' 92% 82% l'O July. 87t1, 81% 83% se lai' 'A a ýe-1ètinyestertlay in -therket Rieport DWwëh iviionofCamberwell t e- slgned, Bonar Law. -oie cf,--tii.unsatcdI T e e k -mëbéf ofUe alfour gorernmeut, Nvas elete byanincroased majerîty c 1272 ______________ Pire sowcpt tbrougb ii uminer cot- tie tteent st Monument. Beach, Gffrai houa 200 bahi erysUm, hée Masearly to-day, and destroycd 241 aS 1 pet buabeL ctao.aid the 'New York, 3New Haven J arrIt good supply, vlth prias. fin & H tford Rlroad station. The hoss lad sldat$13 te $15 a ton for tUd an $gl 10» for mized. Oie load oCI la -estima.ted at about *00,00. seîd a ,$il a ton. While the torpedo boat Vesuvius vas >f *O* hopi are unchanged, wlth' engaed qotedat 9.74, id beavy at 19.25 ena . yestcrday lu practice with the wbsat. wbljte, bush......$80 $ý new 21-inch turbine torpedo off Codding- IDo.. redï bush...... 0 ton Co-e i Narraganset Bay, Uth r-t apring. bush. ........O41 ped, bie i vothabot 30.00 ~ DO., gooso. bushL.. .......075 ped, wichis ort abut 10Z .1o. (ats. busi......... 41 lest. (7îly two torpedoes of th-s kind Barley. bush........61 have bý&n buit for the navy. Poi. bush...... 0 .O75 1 Rye, buh..... ..0 45 The Veld's international commerce Hay. tlrnetby. ton....1300O vili aggegate fully $25,000,00000 in Do., oexed, ton........ l Stw.Pe.tn1100 1 the ypar IWO6. says a bulletin issued by rh. edd1,.g........9 25 1 the Unlted Staites Department of Coni- Appies. per 1,1>........ O moi-ce and Labor. Ev the terra UworldSs Ei-is.nov lad dos...... 1 7 1 international commerce," explains the Butter ary .. .. .....ow bulletin, i. niesnt' the import-q plus the Cbhi*ens, yeir eld.....015 1 exports cf al countries cf thi e wrd Fovi. Per lb. 0.. O10 from whicii statistical trade reports vere Turkeys, pertlb.......O14 Cabbe.et ardos.......040 available. __________Caullflowor. par do:.....075 Potatoos. Vor bag .. ...... on5 onlus. peba ....j.... 1 W NO SIN F HlDR N.Celery% Der do:. .. ........040 NO SIN Of eef.binquirtem .. .. ....'.;0 De., forequarters .... .. .. 5GO Do.. chotre. careasa.. .. ..7 50 SEARCE FOIR IMl. C AMER'S LOST DO., mOdlu l. carce ...600O ONESPROES VIN.Mutton. patr WL.....900 J ONS ROIC V M.Veul. panrc-vt........8 M per o- wt........il 1 -. -Leading Wbeat Markets. may eslg-'Ut-mPay.yie"c ýiýto early treatment butt he- next . cold wihang on [oge;-.twil 1be more,ý troublesome, too. U n- necessary to take chances on that second onie. Scott' Emulsion is -a preveutive ýAs eIl as a cure. Take when -colds abound ami you'11 haveffn ol>d. Take il when the eold is contracted and it checks' infiamw&,ý tion, heals- the inembranes of the throat' aud lungu# and drives the cold ouf. Send fSe fm nee p SCOTT & MOW, Chendsts Troront%, Ont., ONE MAN- KLLDS Duliuth am i miEXPLOSION Fop DYNAXiTE A Britiaa C3tte Nallâts. PRTOI -onqpCabie-Cttie are quted es loue to 11%c uer lb.: nefrtgenator lied. Sf0 rper - lb: sbeep. dressed, 1414,0 se 15o Vu- lb.; Iambe. lie, dreasod volght. Foreman Frank Virdn aurly uri& The. Chus. NMarket&. au iCiailea Ber ýsllgltly Rut- Wooftoek.--ott*e u n b. Wocdstoci bn 014 l caurgeWï74a soinDu 0ftt. Che»oàSead to-day vers 00 oolod aendà~tao aa!&u. M0 vis.10%c vas the hiabut bld où the - cim e dcpte- 4iramapm board. viti ni saies, but eltervarde fat- IIltilcalon emueii--d st pacy'bel, tenymen eold quicily. aÏbent torty miles sast cf ii.i-ý,wtex. Pietoa.'-Te-day 14 i-scteries b îl.447Oby -oue inmmt dla d d Mto mOre in- coloneil aid Mwhivte choes: blabeut bld, 04 Abu8o'lckLb oeig -Il '740: 15 onId eas ltsprie.. Dix-ors- Pâr . bou 8 m at viâm êkn Tmeo.Carter aid Mo-gai. Pakvdnfrmný* vcýt4 e Stlllî.-To-aytst. vere 5se offere0, ; % istruct1on cmp, -idbisai* ail soid toAlexander at Il%*. anu C riesBeerg m4 d Jobn ýAxostte, TrOiosto Liv, StLWmvo. aklng povder Oýit cf ea _'u lho besiptat ofli* stock at théeCity mare ie t - nf Ueed tir- tlw pueVIo»n gM4 AS rpra by the tvo ralivas svert m Ucr. vien hie ei>loiC*- oomuired 1cda 1.188 CaIlle. m08hot%.44 tse" and 3ne V1euws f4waceI.badly injUMed.but *e Tii îsaity t at ati vs ffrdSoýt.liik tiiey Om- 5 lit 8xrbeQtPi o r fat cv air. Trade vas If anytn# a littisbriaite t hcan Cus aBeerg la eoîi aÎ llgw 6lii, u etahe iJunehie ci om ilay evlag ho the lias. Artette dled lus *tternoosa sou @t« doevri. *-brbiglng éhlm to e -Li p1Wa-l ouoms better, aie vîl ha smeà .byObpulntvhe soldau z"leuL Frios, W*exporter, rngd i-rom $L76Ite cti 85per evh. viti ois on tve lots as a littie FtqU L>~ V L more, but tii. bulk solG anunil $4OO per ewt --D SK L tevénal loadae ofexPortons lat ves net i>roperly tloisiiod vu-s boubh by otrrs latîfmeg 1 tan a o e sc- toe -sCountry as S ID C<CU>IT TO A CELI.ý sbent4epe. xffor5 hulis-la od aht19 te 018A- 84 bercv MnA.X GLYWIQT. Eu5cbrs-. of sScd butebma»Idfi-oui $68.4tr te 140.- dhaiumcattie. $4.,U tseU404. Ney toi-k, MsXy -2l.-Tie lImesab moeo cav ta J=5 te $4; co=miecons s eo A-u;apavrga wo'd redoeanad Il =67 14 uay ~a~t oaed' vitir Obauift 1Ct.fi l TbaAXuS prleosabout ffaviea tFrtOays8 -qutau ruaf nuu , kl 000" 000 900 in00 12 GO sept

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