Whitby Keystone, 24 May 1906, p. 8

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THE W1IYKKYSTONE ~Ât24~1906 Cure -ThatC li WILLIS' -compound Syp Cures Cou p ihs , Cod Bronehitis, throat andl lung troubles. 25C per Bottie J, -Et W EImUL Drugg[st Optician Brock St. Whltby. ~County Town Happeninigs Go to u.i.. Tbonxpaon'S Iorwl papel'. REeserve WedinesdaY, June Ç, fOr St Andrew's churcb bazaar to lie hclt in thie couflebcamber. LOOKT 'Ail trimïed and miade bats ut yo ducedi prices* nèxt Tuesday, elo day and Ttiuraday, nt the Mis-.e: The xmeetinlg ol th plorier studen? o1f tie 0. L. CoIiegte vhich w'as t ,bave been held jt tlie College !1Cx, Sijturd.&y aternoon, As ;pest~oned iil .te followlng 3aturday, June u pwheua a ful attendaujc A'!', ru pupils le hoped for. - i lsr%,ro lhi in ak kiJU.iiia u . t0 U ra ges.. Açply to MNr. . ,1.îm Rt- ledge. Whitby.' -A- full range of ail ,PIccs and prlci-s in Mn ready imadc, pants. A. M. A fine -ifortinent of %w-hite niulins ndvsting*, just ths, gcirods for th(.j %varm viea tlie r. 1ricp4 fruam 12y4per t ya r d tuw:irdi at A. . - oes. lg 1, r c OMINO' F.E. ýLuke, op t. il., Toron L o' a ble -âptlcIan, 11.Ring atreet W., wli li e at A.. R. Aiin'a dritg store, Whtby, ITuesday, Judle th, wlth a compiete, Une ut 1speutaeîcis and eegl.ssea. Cornei -early- Que day only.- Consultation, FLANTS FOR SALE. Floiwmer and vegptablc plants, q~ box. Flow r 1pots tak-pn ln ehainge. BF!MNAREI> BAKERI. dence neir athlctic pari. GoD té G. K. Top unsfor Pa Per. Ncaw ls t ho t inie troiighlng donc. ner Hardware. m-.e. w.îli to havp that care- SRee Prriiple. Cor- free. "Elephant" brand i nr-ed pain t le the P OUJND. bcsnt by test. PrilîgVs hardware. in the Town ut Whitby, on l>Sy 22. a, siut of onty. Thie owner cao ; Sot t front colored @shirts andi pat- have the saine by proivlflg property Lrns, eiy 75e. an:d $1 -nt A. M. anti paying charges. "AppIY tLu0 TUHETABER.NM LE. IA ' EA LTIES. A, song sermon wviii- be given in the Thte Now Litquor Llc.-.use Act c on- méthud1st Taubernacle on Suiffay ev - tai thesé ~isOi-Âhtlep ening i-meNt. The pator wil l e as- hjkpr aloed i tië iuingbyfoty o1e4 îer cr o e(r niiut not' upply niaed a te îngngb>'fory olîm lqUOr tOa aPers-ion .dCîtced to drink- -frein -the,.9uiday kSclhuo', b3ta maie 1g fe -ciln irew o~ quartette, &ifld b,' Miss P1hi1lpa. The' Lu that effect, and ilolation of fbhi. aubleot Of the sermon will be, "1C hildi. mwanis a henvy fine and i asd tte rosi andi Fiowers, What 8hanl i Wedo right Io enter auî act.on for dam.. wtththem ani to thens ges up te tire hulidr6ed dollars. If AN~UL MET-G. a Ileense heder llws a prehlbited TShe nauýlal eethig ut -the South persoli ta lo't'r on le sprenait., ief Ontarlol FParim ers' Ins itttewiii bc 1,hallbc lhable to a lwîaIte. If. te heiti at .Mr. -Peter Chrstien, M. P.i pe rracliti 50 prahlitettIwlthiti twelve on~ ThnrelaY, Jupe 7th, 100, btush.. nucànth't atter -sericecd ucirnotice nss sesslon'at 10.80ý a.m.. lunch at.t ct er b,' hiniset or,- throt;îgb imy '[2 nuon,. Durlng a tternoon PrOf. cter lxrson.u~hte. or procures.' Day, Oneipi, ,'Will spei' o n beef cat- tor atlenipîs to îroejjîf. lîquor,. or tic. , Mr. fleysildW andi Ur. Cariaw m hah ha (etoni loter*;ig about a M, wift gl*e a talk on- weecis. Fui1- j r1;:i or aboit a lituieti shhOJ le ier nnout met net ~ $hall Iricur a penalty of ýet basthan À", TiAllmca 8EIIVICE. $10 *r more thoan $2d, or te lMrpwljo' Lodlge Suas 4ýe. 5 E&O.E.B.. wîîî ment-lukt te exceti0'uemontit. holtu their nnuat ilchý,roh service on ReuidY matie sitîts la ail th latout *thé 27th of, )May ut 3 P.'M ut St. t fltternandrsflti til. Only$75, - obaVs Church at dt4 Bay.' The illc- 5t) andi $10 pMr sit. eIL lc bers wtill inet at 110 Ie lot e oôm at <10 te j 0.).TtMjhêM%' foatir40 2 pui ftor thatpurruo. LpEsr lodge pirpe. 'seri, zayw Tii.mombea whne-Sund",aa '. 8rpMI 'Ui* hI-' purpoue, anti Sussex loctige npt.fland ti fot a th lô4m.reom to couvey mee>irs ;to ~ ~ ~ a una -50 5w' .W1o1W *zytu Sattolt <os ~~~ vi~~tOlf luiuatb. Im- t ayf10 -It tte ba sMewt e*6t, 1 ,u*it4, 0Conventiionro ofw4 the. ~ ~ CcfV.DttQ et -mm 'L Vaà fnàsw , c.iCLOTHINOi - BAAZ.R. ITndmtbIngL plumbiag. roOog. and, fIhs antnual bzaar nilder the aus- wo etroSUiiLy.alt'eoid to anti pM&cest . Àndre*v'sSocety WIm ho satistacttUm a&lCO r>l' heId lu th& C*wcll Clttmber, on Wed- Hardware 8toro. naay, Jane #th. , There willlbe- a STV w niI o~ n e u nd f aney articles. T ea m' - 'X l t p e h n b u h h servedfroïm 5 to 8, for 15c: J eoyr a ooh h st&k of a Toronlo Merhan t, 0011814t- QElRR1E I3LOCK FOR i8&LE. inîg of 25 r~ing«s of the leatkng makes. Valu<ble reul etate lu tbhe Towa lie wlI guarantee evvry article, andi of WUitby to be* ?sold br tek*er:' they cati ho bou.ghi. at about 5()g- 4 71iw-lnderaigned will Up toi June »3t om thic dollar. Also tlnwaret; etc., In rôretender" ln writlng for the connectjoni with the above stock ca» pirchane .cdi that 'raluable property bc boeîght ats3ame ratc. Trermd may known au the flerric Blocs-, Witby, jb rraoged te suie purchasers. l4ioes and now oceul:ier by A. IL. A1fflnàd stoves bhave been adlvanced 10 per Also lots 106, 107, 108, ý1I5, 1164 117 o ent. on last yearzi prices, and In- west coi centre~ street and north ofi tendlng purehasers wlll doi well to Walnut street. Tenderâ te laclude 1examine tins stork whsen lnu Whltby. both propertiei4 ,No tender DC~J Melntyre, Brock str4eet south. salrlly auepted. For particulars as to terms, lease of store. Pos-;esfllcon, A now assortmneflt ot Ladies' Fancy ,tc.. npply 10 unidersigned. L. Fair- Ciars A. M. Ra". 0e.ao banks, re.id cstate agent.eah .MRo. 0ýÇr11AtWA FPIUIT GItOWERS, LIM.. Mr L. Fairbanks, 14hitby'4 Weil TED. known auctioneer an dreal estat» -The bovaý Is the' naine of a pew !agent. ls asking f&k tenders for the A~'scIa io whC~i ~s 'ie Inor orsale or the Gerrit Bloek, Dow occupje<I ated ini this couaty. Thie obct. Of! b, Mr. A. H. Alilli, druggist. HIs ad, the comiIiafylymIt,:, înck and handie appears elsewhlere in the local col- the applen of t1-.' menibers co-oper- umuns. Read it and see what youî atixely. 'Thc fojlovt ang are lts of- Cai do towards purchasing this de- SficÉrs-rres, iz. w. Grierzon; Vice- 1siral be pro.perty - one of the best Pies., Juhn ; .~iu>Sce. and b-usifle±s bocks 101 the towa. Manager. Eliner L;ck. The. President, 'THE VERDICT. V(PeSW"r. IOke, Whtby; Mark An înquest was held cri Tue.-,xtty Craforh.nd W. H1. Stitoti areinto the causes leadîng to the Watîî - .th<' Directors. of jas *$dler, who commit ted imi- Go t G. Thonçbofs tr l dcov Monday night. A jury wras pa per. 1K. jb.tiînewle(d with Mr. Chas. IVI as CCak~ W ÂN'TLD. forexhan. Af ter a strict Investiga- C",k nd .dy.s Ul.id for steamier tion, tic evidenve sbowed that de- 1Fr af" .>jpy11$.G AK eased tha inot been under the influ- <nce of liquor when he eomnxtte4 the . rashal act. >A -erdiet. or "suicide whr'n ~V ~NTi~I). inider the iiniltelc4 of tempjorar,' in- A. capable wonman for Relierai aly"wa etrîdInacrance, SEE THEM SEE THEM And rew SEE THEM M.Rlos S. i. Bingham Brothers Married. y£ e)ul #u-- 6th. far St. AOdrevs chturch bazaar. ut t.lobn' P, ' A ver,' fashionable %veddng took Mr. E. C. Earjî. .of t. J onseBof place at the Methoeiist e che ,Bur- church, Preacheti an exïellent serino*l ngton, on ieatron0My28 the Service lie sang a sol,, 'TtWî l- whcfl Mable, second duagitter of Rev. J. S. Wliliamsou, pastor of U the urcb oreitumv1t ireuited by thec cuirregatlofl. t h paebca herie iFitsa palepsSt. Vitw 'D&ftoe, or Famoig Rev. lierber t Il. Dnghau, B. A., 01 Sickussa, m er a trîlaibottle an valuable cGo to G. K. ThomPsofl'a for W211i Paris, formeri,' of thuis l)LS. The 17trea rtas cidoeas . TStoL acat CAU p per. charoh andti Uicparsonage wero i19 Ig tecW, ornoCnai. i dnugo" SlUor un obIalaf« yS, iFTEAME.R Er1INDALE STARTS. dkcorateti by frtends of the brideLKBQFTOR Atrprelumînzry runs 011 Satur- lhap& iosm. rssand lpaitns. day and agaila on Taesday the new1 The bride entergd the chprelî lea- ing oni the'tarm of ber fetbez, who steeli iteamer "Erindale" nstarted the lw imdthe ormny sistdC.liN ,teanmb.ot seaso0n anla tanuguruteti ai le'. Thowàas Ulnghain, fatlier ofthte ICI -County of Ontarlo awaan Whitby tu Toronto, on Wed- W ith IJoint laoeanti seed'pe.Irla, wlth awa antulle vel and orange bloasoins, and orbt'e netxt meeting of the Connl resdayv. Bec-ause of the threatening wr a pearl neekiace andi pendant, o«u the Corporation Of the Cotinty of vveather and Iuw tfares on the rail- the gittoutIllte brlde-groouî. lier bon- Ontarlo for te Year 106, will 1>s ways CMiiaceotint utoif oia Day. quiet W-11ut white risebuda. Thehedprutt ajunetutth there was n(PI a large nuluber sailing brtdesrnald waui Mls. Frank WIUI&ut-1 Court House ln the Town ot Whitby, cityard. bt rturhnqat igh. aiton, stster of. the brIde. Site Wore 00on £UudaY., the Fourtit Da- of June (iyair-sbu pse1Crelld an t udlg a le bloc ai muJl, with large white next, at the flcWtrofttwo 0'0ock la treilitwerccarieti Ai wh.l w 1 jicture bat. andi carrIcti a sheofot the atternocuMad-t.r h f reigt wer carrid. AUW hot .ntTIe groozaslUeflwelo Mr. jAIlaccnts ta eladhooe h on lte initial trip were delighted wlt retBnhiDr UiIt ai;COancl must e forwarl-tde b h the 're#ssl. Tihe nachinery rosis wtb Mfr. Albert Bisigitan, AliUsioei Mr. 1Clenk at leaat titreO dYi befth e t wcondersul swuoth-neae. and consider- Burt Perry, Balten andi Dr. JaCk MSUtingOf t. ConUW properly Szr th deL u~~ci ~ ~ t*ue, Parry 80OUd. The bride. tfflec. Lg 'vfc ht h ad hOeO9 lo'1 prent ta t-ho bride was a Dated ut Wlitby titis 4tb daY -x fiint __ were new uit te ittiiflea,, ar jpeari ictrenlt, andt te igroo uà- May* , l1106 niarkably 900tittle was matie.' 10- ,»m Stkk pns. lire.WilUIaoeiS, te. JO. EZ 14ItWLL ôdt, tiiosigli t wI<I boul silse whoa linides iber, wore a blact 14oe Cont-y Cerk Whitby waslo<wt, Toronto *-u ttseh- I rbeÙM baL m-lto- 9**0 C. o Ot l ed be(wke noori. The fnfa w tb1tC c tieb0£gOOesblack -_ -Mî of bella and *wltW*t att ho tDoon bout _1940d>1185 Nellie Wil1knAlterWa wefto ist4bu by 604W t tttis tw P0 aOfd hiWIII rSO S u #yJ e<e' tbh ISp7 0ooop esig.t ,a aw*loms tote fua'iErla- tob~os i" sFlore i4ct. "M i hdrak ao.ctoooer daw, on ber 4.1b ai4t te <peensegt, 1ktrnGetsw.ep 005*1 City. 40dab atiIts u t*hng*, OPnt tie BolirrMeWbItbyt Toro*n'.ttiWt ýII$ bth 0tIlW*,4 &t tb ~wt~.i'.h1vAtÀfl.~~evaa~sd tol . lOtit Ffft, OkVI10, UinUt u a * St* t 11e B1aPttiof tb* 1k rat" ýoct» 1and t e o 34 L Etrfft*i 10ra. à .o. ors t r lbmain drck aut vWiii $*p, Dtrt, 2NW YOiarksuid ltgton.I pmWoAW d iy the. publldla u01ng Ut M, andUtir#. 1biaam kW on ,b ba4om*teameL ÂwA0thett*rlMogWrv Sg train for - ataloi, ,andOOt gkbmt l.thé ra4f5ibat viiifur*.- 00 In- iso iilbmeit! ~un ly ae b ~e dmurvetireputtbt~ty *vii to4e t e la, li.r*.8mut-j a. t oily a IWM«I te 4boat ubam vww u JI 1t it "t11 4m bo t alk toe t.ppukarl e, i, tt aui-n. -- lot laUaetbo nUbfet4ttint-ot pbbos > r-- I I For lutl GOOD I- Je mouby 15 OU? 1%&idy haraitet 81*75 huuus d 3 ay Dan- dalesin oery dpatu-r Wo bave botter unes* at 5.4,$.5 3O $4.0.1OUO, &5, 4u5,ôt Pt $2740. Our $27.60 èlo.k -bas àa beautiful ou oe e nd mi , i I t Vol ive kRAILWAYi TIME TA 6.84 &a LS .m Geini 8.06 >0 Ssa lias 5.20 &.m. train domanotte WEITDT STATION. GigNorth 9I.07a.. Gbg8 41" 4.15 p.m. Le«Ta vi htby for Osha'wa st 10. HouIdes, proprietor. --1 Leare. for Broughamr at 10 a.m. MAILS AEZIVE. M'rom W. and 3, 6.45arn. Prom i t W e t , - 0 . 3 0 & a m . i Prom Brougbam 530 p.x MifAILS CLSE. For NOM t4a Im. 76ronhai B ut 8.80 àu. W.M West 18.16 P.m. Wel# PROFESSIONAL CA MEDICAL PHYSZCIA SURGEO. A CCOUCHEUR. qduate of ulverslty of Toronto, a 'oa-Royal Collete of Physiclans, Ei 'Tus TEiLRcEs,» Biy»o LESAL 0. Oirmistonmy Sobadtort qr the Western Ba.nk, N tte. Money to Locan. Office WbItby. OÙt. Dow & moSilivra Barriaters. solicitorsetc. Mon - eOffe o gioute Poa t O g kle,'-! tby, 1 j. B. Dow, B.A-. T. A. NCGULfl, .Ism»eflutoi.dg Barriter, Etc. Money te Loan ow -OMmceimmedlatly aouth oi Royal B' Ont. JVit iiohn . Offioe of' Court Houes, Whitby. DENTAL <W4 Aimais Normai, Jowllar 1. apdý»tat*04- pr.-I The greatest snap everp offered in the ecelebrated Br'oadway Brand clothing. Suits selling in the regular way at $12.50, $13.50 and $15.00 now on sale at $7.50, $8.50 and $10,00 per suit, ail the new- est patterus and cuts.

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