Whitby Keystone, 31 May 1906, p. 8

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)uugh I Colt! Syrup ar.- and Iung :2sc per Bottie Je Es. WILI [County Town ffappei *Go te, U. K.1Tbompbon's Ior Wall paper. lS cream aqid home miade candy &-t %tb!s bamoaf ein June th. A. 0. U. .. Mexbers of tbe jibove Iodge wlIi assemble ut tbeir lodge room at 6.80 p.m é ob ibunday, Junit 24 to a t &eddvne e se l n Lae 2Mftnodfist preaubi a spcal sermon to the mers- 'bers. Mfr. IE.S&ephelurioc ad mon start tbie week Loi dlg a dr-ain-acromu t4e stmet front bkt Lubinens8block-a job whkh 'vas badiy needed,1 but aftr waklag an attlmpt the work bad to b. abaiîdoiàcd. "Elephant" brand inled paint in the best by test. Pli nga's Hardware. "UeeISg 01 former studeât$ of tbe O. L. CoUeg-e w111bbcIG Iuà. t .- ceptim oliTulas on lêturdar. jane 2od, 't 3.30 p.'u., to arrance for -a r..tioe2 to the I"aid gtis" wbo wilJ attnd the clowing exnohes, when it la hVed a large associatIin ."I be tortue for mutuai plenenre and pro- fit. U la4.deîlred (bat agil ex-popîtls The annuil buzoaî' under the 'aus- pi cK Utthe. La1d1es' Ald oeety of St. Ândrew's churoh wI b. held (n î ~the coaniill ubamnber unteitter. v0on and evening of June eti. 'Phare wil tW a ie or faacy andi useful art- llet. l'eu aber ved trois 5 ta Gf Pflnsmitbing, plumbilig, rooflng, Land ail WOik proinptil atteniGeG to and satisfactilon guaranteed. Prln«ls'a Hardware Btc*.- 8. 0. E. ANNU&Ié SERMON. ' U On mdt ki4thte.bretitren uto thé 8. O. E. 0. *X. ou-t Lle toi* liag c. cOmiPaukmd iyenm Of !vstr fromishlawa, mînmbil4.st ther Inue rocoua nd' mmed to et. Johnf's8 bey churcbo wbeÏM 1fr. IL C. Earp preaci4ed a vejy boueflol sr. mon ta theii su)ld thront. oei ohurah wai erowied to tbe . 'OxrIN aud the, beatteureseT w aç, tiser- ««bty sppreclated bjT.iU. Tliot4ik Band bet,ded the parade toa. fro I ber, st. A.drew'a chcrmoh btl*&r#. if lm1 woli't$ UtnIl o'pu* toi bçlp 'Y01 t@wft, «et uon t t M Go to G. R. oehqmr(bonu foir ýwaU COURT 0FP PViBON. As w. go to prcuathe Court o! Re.. '.Idco la slttlng ln Uic CouncliCham- ber. Q3ito a nuunl'e et gitbeas bave appoal agailaet théea r osaot, ond we yl lreport 1in ful IRls ext la POLICE VOUAiT. Henry Pattersor, an aid sallor, who sales h. coknS roum lontreal, $* drunk ce the. Z4Lh ut mal,. weho docm not knuu, anid what la mare du" Dsot know how h. got hoem lii waa' foutid druni and sieeeplng on By- ron street. and Chiot Mlo lked lpm up. Re wa.s giveie meth in Jai.% Arthur "ns ut Rochester, waare- nunded on the charge 0f1liief 1.and beggint. He was in Mf. L W.4 Ev- ans' pumpgip si<4i*»ggiL&, and sharti> afteaî he lef t tiie rrcprWtar nisse alarge new igiiîfe. Chief Bell 1P try- ing to locate the hnife. I <1R EAL LrT LIS ? r > jin property oan Don*&& street wes t. a ductile tricis store for- mr>ocupied b> the Etyasnt as a Optdan tînsnd1îi a'atovýe dealers' stand, Whltby.bas been bougbt by 1fr. M. W. Col- ili. it wjl!bc uued by Wi. Deli- madifO, the .Uw cirilige poiiter and Ihouas ecrator, who 1ai inaved.bis buoinesti here frcOmn Oshawai on pur- rings chaising a busse 10 the west end near 'l Y~ tbe .VeOGliv[av.y uala t0TOVE SN&PS. )Ir. J. bMliqtyre bas bo.sght (tb. stok k a Tor onto merchant, constat. lng of 25 ranges of the lea&lng males. Ile will guaranltee every art4ie, and. t.bey cas be boiughl. at about AO0C. on the dollar. Auto tinware, etc.. in coenectio'1 Wiîtheh above stock can bc bought at namne rat£. ITernis inay be armrang.ed to aut'- purchasers. Priosa d' stoves bave beeii adianoed 10 Pea cent. oc list year'z prices, and lu- tending purchaaers witi da well to examine titis stock wlien In Whitby. J. Mlntire, -Brack street south. A e0lEAIr. AGe Mies Rlehardui*i, o ~of etIng, ho' <ied last iweek, and vas burled CM eanday, Rev. A. R-. Wright uËflat- lus. crus the lest of t(lieoriInal tamt- il> .of that Dame. Dsceu.dWo batd attaine thtie greiît ugo -of nuarly 92 ywas, vasa&.istez of the lut. Joshua IRIchardocéa, a izt o!fMeUra.Fred and Richard RlchardecP, ot tbis WIM MLL FOR SALE. Large-aIs Wcéistock makec ear- miii, tn firat-Clasa order; graphite bearinga. ApPly t* WU!. NEWPORT. ATrLAS??1 1 The contraot for the onction of thei band stand bas beau. lt toi UrM. Wm. Nuble, and work uil commence to-morrow moruau. it te to ie but on(lie sq~uare ait the corner of the armories, and wll slmply ba platforin wth a-tail:!ng arouni-. Var. lous objet'tluns have beau put fores agalnat r. -stand with a roof, It bolog- oc iar tlw 'building, sudise Cou-, mItte Incharge bue uhcitsi toi er. thse platfoin as sta"d uboveo It ect tbe platiorm as staisi abuse*. 1: will cost $100 viien litnsiet. R'binDoIw la holu..frumIn Trait> Col- log fi*tise vacation. FOU»!!. la tise Town o! Wbltbr, on Kay Mfl a sum of xMon"*y. MThe owa'es.eau bave the salue by prnelagpmopty and paring eharges. AppW 'tC0 QUESTION? in lais. avtgation aredWsomw«gthe probabIXlr ty o vbebbr tfi éci tartisqiais. bouita >ive Oblvot» Ibt ut etsane grosssg mtb 1pte5Viee et m maGe briu&, es et t.,.,, t *a saut on Weaomyt 47,JUDO Otiti t. . U Luie, Op0$s. ,Tcronto's able optIcln, Ill esngtreet W., wil l e at A. Il. AllnIs drug store, Whitby, Toesdal, Jus. Sth, wlth a complete Une of speutacire and eleg1aaes. Corne early. One day oaly.. Consultation tou Go ta G. 'K. 'Ilompsuals for will piper. Anew assortinent ot Ladies' Fancy Calars nt 2-%, 85.,W. 00 (. and 1p each. A.. LRua. A BLIND> MA?<'8 VISION. I «aW thousanda or Young ee eûCr- ried over Mlaaât;&Fais, through the, power o!forSi habit. Yuuna mon, per- nlcio>aiihiâbIts sdap4ed la pouti b. come the. bane ot hunsan lite. ltb.y cr111 t..k,- ydu duwli the demon'sgrade to pandeinonlitni. lT. RU.%T. - t DISO1PEE OFDIGESTION. "4We have kept Dr. ChaeWs Kidney- Liver Fillein nthe hiouse a afamtiy medleclue fiWr y'.,rs, and find themi tl mont ratistactt>ry of auy roznedy wýe cafl t. Ican îtraoaiallyrecoùn- inend tbem tas auiotie batrlng !roi kldney and Mver derangemente and titoiach« troublc."-Mrs. James W. ?elyea. iieila's CLwe, Qoeen' Co., N.B. DIStTRICT -.PWORTF4 JIEAoUECoN.. The 1 2th Anoual Convention of tbo Whitby District Epwroth Ljeagne wîll c<invene at the Tabernacle on thse afteéý'noun ani evening o! Frida>, Jane L. An excellent ragrammein taiered. Iu the a! ternoon >frs. Dr. F. C. Stephensoh, of Toron ta, wil speak On 'OMlsslonary Literature," a.nd Mr. F. R. Faler, of Bowmanvllle. on "'The Bilent hfember." Thi.sssion begino at 2 oAcloc'k. Iu the, eveulog Rev. a. F. D)x*s. of Wooler. Prent- dent O! th@.Ra.Y of Quinte Confer- ence E. Le wil iswu&s the meaoiog Oit the Epworth League, Conférence, District-aud Local; And Rev. J. W. Totten, of Claremont, wili ispeai on "Tise Active liembers'ResPçuibll- log, Pros. f< the. Dttric,t K.-L., wl1i preside, and the. public are. oard.lally Invitisi to botis sesâions 9! thecan. WHaCH IRE roc? '"But tise two ivmds o! tffpape éon Ifsrth I moan,- Are th. e Ple ise Uit, &aùtittl lise Peple Waho a.~ Are yos a DÉ ter? lhen a usas. mre a am mavfor disusson tbat viii tepnd to becter tic coneton o!yq coMemnity and town, do 7o4 help lift thse 4fiIculty ( bat your publie sphlted inus nêlgbboes and iellew towasmen ore tring te sisimount 1 Do yon lelereat -yourselv« escttrely la pusblic ntert% 01ordo yon Iowa" adt lttie miser 0âlow ado tbo your part to auy Publicetfoai, or dao yuu boit baïk eut taik towa eveq.. thlag Tou eàýsnAre 7ou wilIlg te putyour nuns at nd*"Mytato soc- lai Impromements. loto public enter- prises« 'town progmuss,-or do yen lama US the. g.nsrodit7 :&rd fforts cet Qtb.? liftuiga"t sharlog nme et tise bord"s foer«« I? Wib a4 ,,4 d01o SiorIbon? ï fflE L w u( MoEàfIE?! dtwms tor pugilcates fils w*: *Wlo a sma» unS e gts fie lava moe uw It"4u t n Iat, Iob Abw~, esUne uot ta tub. t MM a lau in a 'A ", S [G c The, greatest enap ever offered In the. celebrated Brpoaclway Brand clothing, Suits seiing in the regular i way at $12.50, $13.50 and $15.00 now on sale at $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00 per suit, ail the new- est patterns and cuts. 8EE THEM bSEE THEM SEE THEM Andrew M. Ross. 3f 3f 3f 3f ~~tat; PERSONAL MENTION Mr'. Witbur Webb spent a weois'. boàtds.ysvitis friand, bore. ut asEsrle, o! Toronto. visited wlth mia B. Hawle!f fr a fow days. Ms. CrcWl», Peterboro,k likte guest uo f r.. W-. H.Crosby.' 1frs. J. E. Fiarewehl bas returuet ant- t« a weeks riait '-.aise clty.% lDr. Dyroc Da"'s, ut New Yark,. home wlth li*s jpaeuté. for a visita, lira. T. LA.. M vlarai . a" returc- ad- atter tour weeka vWst tl' Ottawa. M&& - Go*ge Waltera, o! Toron te, vliâted vitis ber fmother,lira. Geo. Ue>.Iaoe Jaa. Caumpbei, og Ciii- CsSblas% &uîtàlg friso aisandu rocnd 1fr. E&. DaYex. Now Yark., la visit- jâhs Mstatbor lMx. Dais>, Govornor o! tbe GaÜl mu glas kOncsHuitossastabou' apcmtio- s oweomrphor lI-tihe basekie actoiy. lit. 141'sib as mraed trm sa s-laitlu Hauton, v iss aoattend- ed thse vedilu of IR..Ur. Uagbmm D. a. Esato&* thse eergétie clark fe Plckecng tovssbp' a44Jame Oro&& Rom,.', wfle la towm tusvei lo*sng atter to#iiblp atfair*. 8. . luomtlt Godwout, *ad j. W. cror, 1'rt Pasry, von #iS*t.. wug .i.snn4so o ers ra UW.Wtlab=et'a boffl trou *eUlmg fb. viii.'at I10Aagoh.% OO0UNTY OtINOIL County of Ontario 'l'h. next meeting at thie Count«l cgf the Corporatioof aiti, County of Ontarlo for the year 190M, wtli b * heud pursuant to adjourammeat at tusm court Hous la the. 'TOlWO-of Whltby, ob gondal, tho Fourth Day ot June psxt, at the hcszr o! -two o'ciock la tii. atteraoem Ail aooeuts ta be lad before the Coneli anus: b. forwardsd to- ise cerSk et le.mt tbr1wtgis bot«O tihe meetungo! (tie Ccil, Proper.v cor- Ilaedat W.huT ytUs 14tb &aY of Pa. of Ontarlo. Liquor Lionse Acit scotic u b.rëbv givea ttD. W. lmEffllx lbs cade £ppligption for Psraisigi bt4 r.asfte bies t*«U lift ldw lae Ts 0. w tbyt 0. te IGooI CLOCK 1Fo r iit.tle money is oui opeo isi iday bargaibata 0urateet 8 day bat-. W. baveboiter ffl" $4 $-0s%$&M- ~up to $"»W0. Our M-780 cloca bas a besulfu obtins. on. Md ou Cure That Norma,, Jevolier Brock1 à(" [ r WILLI~ Compound of Whilte and To Cures ,Cought Bronchitis, throa.t troubles. i vol ive RAILWAY TIME TABL WIITBY JUMÉMON. Gig Wet 5.0e6an Going Eut. 8à .36 a.m. d" 4 L05 p.m. "do 44 44 8.05 pin Snday" &1i i .m. train ,dooasnot go w « *orning. WHITBY STATION. Going Northb'if07 amr. Oofng South . #4 4.15 p.M. 64 44 44 . 40 P.rm. ' -STAGES. Leavt à Whitby for Oshawag at 10. &-m.1 Houiden, propietor. Lae'..for Broughamn i 10a.M~ . prietor. MAILS ARRIVE. andm W . ,6.45 arn. Yror weu 'Went, 1-9.30 a. " Eut From Broughamn D i.M F«r North 7 45 artn. For Oshawa East 8.30 &a.1. W. and E. West 12.15 p.m West SPROFESSIONAL CARI~ Dr. Moldrum PHYSICL4 - SURGEON oirdeate of univerm1ty of Toronto- and L 01 Royal Collereof phytslcians, Elnburg c- Tii. TERnÂCz,» BYROX Si *Ph ont 42. LEGAL 0. Ormiston, B.u Rohciltnr for the Western 'Bank, Notar.1 ete. Money to Loan.. OMlce soit For Wltb,, Ont. Dow & mcOillIvray Bacclaters. igflhittOTi.te. MonOlY t Ofeou poite- post Office. Whitby. Ont., 3 .DWB.A. T. A. M-COILLIVRA. James Rutledg* RUTUt * tc. M.Noney ta joan On ease Offce rnedltey aouth d Ryal'Etl Jotin E. Figfewel, K.Oc Bal-rister. (Jounty Orown Âttorne Vounty solicitor. offic--South of Cone lHOUsê, Whitby, DENTAL' W. Adai» nubs.ofce over .J. Fefgnaon'$* l Dm R*isce-TO.4,.The TerItC, Byl;*P e, Opei S tura emInu -«wcmý ý -V!

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