Whitby Keystone, 14 Jun 1906, p. 1

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-~ N w 44, 4 aie dè s 4P von s u "tao h3b dl #à @L1990 bdow OB ok -let, Ou gà -eemi 22 a-Pu -.. ûmumsi. a ~ eUt. >Ius1t T~ a *YeasyTi u ~ss~Si1àSl5Ot~i of aotSM wulb, est Job* ce vmwgmmoo Lo, lwibris C ounly Orowm ÂIoos.yaMd comtalSicitor. OEO.e-SoUIIIwîng of Cout Bouas. Whlt.by. DENTAL W, Aam 0f 13CH D1RECTRV. PA8TOl-~E8~ *I~'~alAE*M~ ~ s. ». . COSIPSTR Sbbu eatb SsIo16 M. uV.u m- ldf*TO-EV. A. B. VUIET 09. Im' OuuoU, .uilm jabsabè,*M U .d11.U.55 ,p aptbst10hu6ok. ~* T M OHEIIJL, Pnufe$ E ~: I CO"n Excerelses. Geisenal pr«4ramin0 0f the oumement Fierclefi ethLie coin- Ontar- lo LadIes' OoIlee, Whitlj- Frlday ovonlig, Joue lSth, at i m. Musical and Eloeutlonotry Recit- al Adillo 15Sent.. Baudyeveaing, June letis, at8 tise- ,giduatlog Ci"auasited by Oelwstudelits. Âdmtssoa 15 cents. #3u&dy .eveulng, uso l7th, at7 p.ns, la Iiethodilst Tabernacle Bac- calaurcate sermnstY tise Rer. Dr. Jackson, of Montreal. Mlonda. Meeting of fonmer utu- dents atltheoliege. Busine ss et- lng tuo Drawlig Itcn at 4 p.m. BDan- quet lu [kmune sciene Rooms ait p.m. Concert by es-pupila tn Con- cent Hall u t 8 p.M. Admission 25 cents. Toesday atternoon at S.O1G p.m,on arrivai of specalltrain (rom TIoronto Coaoert coaisl.ting of cao tata nnd otiser ,,eiectloai. 7.80 P.sn. Loasueaicenat xen- erisies. conferrnag of dUplogIna v-ý anding of medats, addressea etc. IA»mlison 35 cents. Suaday.aitbe Tabemade ANlle puipit aitisbe Tabernace vas& oecupled very afteptablg on Eundly lest by lRev. W. iamt, visa Iseive eat go waa consrrted In. LbM. chorch, aDd nos Cttefwards sent omt Into tise uslostry frgio bere. Re vas varmiy eld ilendu, anid preachedtwo ýy pracUtlcul er- nmu, ichevtnea a doep uppre- clatOiotf BPaI t145. orbse thr.-Md exisrtatiof s t. paeul, to îthse The ainue Rejle tis.1e mn~S prar sud thaualvinc fors tise titre .t.randi af a thore-fogd cord, whIclh* moynlato a57 lits wlU lit It far abote tis, troubles andi diffîCultIes ineitaItal to Ibis vorld. Tises. oon- stitute a atandèrd- 0f iMOs livin to whlch tise aouUe &den to lit lha reders. >eau ..vern ti a*- oetlcisint* smietoned the aI goomy dus'poqelon. Tise jo> ut the Christ- kan, IIoweerT . anou nesnlty out- ward mirtisfutiboss but in Ii isard Objidia »lY fuuLtled on (altb la Christ. NotwithatandRng ail externat cause fus aorow -or diqeonfoit se bave *lti -tarejolft ln 0 id au our Fether,. la ouf powecdosi01 et ssarlng word 0I la tise poWsble cnsooaazseata aur naunesre vnittea u ntWIsZmîs noungproyer la praotai ofi Mswboeo sooldvetwla htise at- Smpberc of plae;vislcis la asne-1 mai y te 15e CbnIatIn as b' air sa tu cor pb»kal boGie. ?rqer in tise CluiAI5aD' native air, tIse lCitnltiaula' rtui I~h. t i4 tise nediu O.t CO-- atOa b' îw.s 0.4 ai mass, ti sels vir e nodIag uod r«.eV48g tti*o "tes 16 peItt»~Od %iso m. td t~ 'ARI, TVt~DAY, JUNE 14, a1906 T.UpIlfwuh "v at- a18p.m " 'lMM 4u 34.vusfoat lassbam at 1IOa.m. J. seouê, e - fl ~W. m%" X, 845. Io . .1 MA=IA 01053 1,1 ira 7 a s. lot ws .*m p... WmtSmdLU. 0.00 PROFÈSSIONAL CARDS. te les..OSa. n noe 4 oe, cltisnhp casthe magcldpowicn b mua tis'"Iu prooms lgu.tise oenrt, a" Do owe mev bktter boyw to nu i t te Na ovaaratgea lb' goup«l.. ise apoutie love# bit <sem esar4"M fer iltidhie batisw la thé 4sIb" le wasx sne- - e m t'O iw is bimmgpot ltw- teýecz of hat0 lai Lsiruw.t elssa to A£ nt. always ai>peb ied tolbc the case. Nsoce the Boer war, however, an elemeait of- gaifleàtiou har been lu oper*tion il Du Sadayeyelog list Use bmc boyâ, pM.saratoTY tu their VIsIt- to thse camp, attenided divlne *Yloe 4 the BaptiIgt ciurol. u00 v ay 't9 mnd trou, lii. chugcb, the ban4 iplayred soins very sweOt and woeiI kn@wD soired pICC, igi a eyepka4* talc manner. Thse choîr, uandertb ablle kaderahlP Ofai . Evans, ..enz, dered, in the rTiSceOf songe, se*' eral antheuis luai aha.rgcterlstlC atylý mule uin Eraus sang veny acoq, aly, as aleo 41d thse maie quartuS TNS churcb i"as pached toi tbe do the chairs fEr.oM 5 a1 chio brought Itt requibition, and ee oaa partUicîated lui a ý&rv0 t Was tM ttoc udi,.iLg au&..,.elpfulý x3reat praise là-due the choir the efficient serviS they ren and always do nader tht church vice. TIre subWoteecteal by Dr. Fd ergIli w-P "British eItizenship,"t toit belog taken $rom $Et. Pàsi vords. to the cartuen. Acte 2=: e"With a gre.at SmUinbtaiued I -thl, freedoin, and kPaul &A Lad'ut. 1v sprefaclaig thse disceurse Dr. Fot$ gi exî.rewed hie pleasoc nt '.ei4 the Band prest, and tiktended hearty welcome tu themn expressluê also tise hope tliut t.%ery on. e lj safoly return il-am thse camp. Referrng ta thetet It va patunted mut tIrt on& COM, :pSo a Romans citizen lus sevoral Re. mlgbt parchase tau44 captuinà, viLl a great suws. 11e6101i aI e le scared as -a 'vard for ~ ilce renderesi to tbe Roman pire or It migist be obtalned birtis. AI*koUb sthia lait vas manne ai vhhch IPaul bocaus « a mnan .Itlan, èIL la probable that fatint usurtd Roman otiunuhip, 09 beousbhw.kvd 'nTarsus, but -rath@r on »mont of nomse serie render, te tIse Rouma sState. ý1t la nUrioeable tkat Paul 'not uty apprediatedth ie vitue'of Rumn eltwonhlp, but he» âcw lsov te au l t tohi. adv*Àn.tas ?hrough liardtreane Rt iued It to bina hi. rlie"r&M thisjeît iii- 11Mp. Tlarous:b It bc galusi a hoar., log at lte bauds0f FeUlx, etue, and Agiplpa,t aid on Its accouait ho vas ibh- tu appoal to 'Caesun, *d so sain OOPpetuiity -tu ricaclatIecgospl at Roms. the centre of Romain ollibu- tien. ILrcn et titis liane et a tex:, vsatakes listaatoiIy aud ut ti ordera of tis e aîtain, ka 104wLbout te . eamnedhitloÇgIng, Paul Icobstiet thse off Ice m *bd quketl iobed tises If St vwon a lawfultblnag to ïeouar*-.mua mi,o mas a Roman. ad vwus pt uaaw-,y« v? 11»s omeatonos e It vos Mot law. fut, and et osmm IclOof. lais o ruel prdee, tkin;lise*v mméd. whicb binda the mother anid the ChlId- rcu tcigether au nover licforc bintheir hlatUrY. Chamberlain sald ln Nov- enlierof 1I*0 '."the empire was borai anev." and It laeo nu%%.IOWthe empire Of England, but the Fniî':re .xirnogt 0f the. world. 1\o iuager Lt la 'spien- 414 Isolation,,, but. un'tu!ation. I _ut loet a atrIp a mils vid*,, the empire would enoirele the wurid 4W0 tWwo. Te this yaqt ai ire Viona.delighit tao b a part and Contribute jite quota to thse glortous uchbievernonts of 13. goïne days es wltuess thse heroea of Trhon agajo Bltlais ' CltLminship stands for nkicteou;ràess. -By t1ià we do Dot mean tisat every leglaator and every vitize la rigisteous, and tisait Lhwrala imnaeed or a. jailIor a Coctable ; Dot lau1 t ln telided to m2elan that every barrei of appiehi hals t Ir, lieut unes at the bottoro, tisat every legisiator keepstise I&w ha .ma kes, that every lewyer takc. oity iriat hic I old 8gb., Or thiat everY bone- dealer's Word eau be takej as gospel tratis. Ch, ix,! Lh. an&ulaolum mght wel Corne thon. But trijat ve asent las that a* a people, thes Brillit <re soueat lI trade, bonest in speech, keepaug thair promIse, their word lieing au good uts tbeir bond.ý Op nI)ghuwneuuitd a nation establieu. Britlais ettlmenship,amoevr, stand.u f«r herolbsu. Thse Brltlsb prefer to flIght .*t4làding with their ranku soi- Id, EIIOUIIb. toa aoulder, and cold steel lu tiseir bande. Au the pgaver- tugued Orator of On tario, ex-Prom. ler JRMSa, Uad, UBnitaiougisI Caesar for about 4W0 7.ava wtil lbe o Mains retlred aud never iwtnrned ta Great BritaiL. For 300 or 000 peara aise fought thse Danua Wbeu sIc wais mot flghtlaag tIse k reuch she went wflb Opatu she %lent et Portug4l. Portugal dun op, ase tunned tu thse Duteh: then éIe ittaced thse Rua- sienis. Frou Bouc locg te Sebat. ta '. sse has foaugit on almüntevere acre «. land. Wien mise wvu flot tgttgabnosd se UÜbta.the4 tii. ilord a om. b4t..~4,k cwy nation un e #isen ni ucu- ise bout blo'Ofe everp natàm,, ab ha.. enliteti la ber courus, 1lêu. t4t ugCnastant ewrkind letLma-. uoan has fougit st dontr er anner, aad &Ws bas ftgis t vthis evcr d. MI wgapo, buat gneroU proters tise bayout; la tact,&W b h. fongbt any viiere Ua tv..rwsem; tOubt «Y thtmg 4"evzytitag. o.e e nousMaI**g, Ud$sltk, li:mier* MaPY otber ttiop i tthb stand# for, whIob ftogrela 'bot N»901 to M00*94 ut otoue l If. 4 f I .1' No,$5 PreserveWIht -Cooklng. ]Donl't swelter over a hot-«Pre whOn PreWts Pulverized Sugra'?wlll doMOBt of the work. A. FOX SALE EV Te. LAWLER Phone 47 Whitby Ensilageo Sood Cernf Quality.Firt ThonPio Improve-d LoQfam&%Ing ehamm(thSouthern je eQompSTon's E- the 1-~ i rian i:opt -ea( in;m nAct hat 1) W. .aition for tavern IL- it Lby, to ýthe town pplleatLion 1,11g of tile St0 ,1 p rs i 106 JOE- N'O Y týrfi ar ra itr< cIj sih (l(" O UR JIN r~ pir of oxactly AlCTING 3IAN. )n th'r suoh to ire ai. arc-r - - - «mee>te- !li il 1I

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