Whitby Keystone, 14 Jun 1906, p. 6

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-Tw~~I~DgiI~ SÂ~ £0 nr caso cftios m : ?Ivbp M f rom wnr by ad%-aut auad taila n 1fed tb i iuh a ý,ka5 t10ed 1>7>lui* PCO(OLj4CMW IIIordere t- onorwlth ~ utL.l& Ust~~toq O ixtcuofetthe lit2 s, -,o cSott! h lunts ýthe Gordon Hlgh- ni îoîîow- ~ innuuuenciu u. Ve ,' 'là r and lie ýPgoii0Cau eC'. i0ntecle oa i wth the Liu!%«.Obkiervatory ofUt ou ttimoCi. e b______ cetatoîlIg hn jti tî ;ed o OU m K!!IE CURE FOR SNOROIING tiosteionhoes f thse iovt .UiLUl4Operation, onthie Soit Palte Iil Po of adanced adt-it« move thi'Càiprn, &tsiluavtnîlost 0 dîueA ~If~r4#>pf * ç.iof Âlthongb oe ofetthe oldmit n n- t1lo autiing -habit. 'es " Iaay$1 aiet amillar ofa sta5ronlcui~l:laai mîr rou. 'w*ây bacire, and whatI S5ti~t;eenthe terni 'IfîIxod tai l li a eintireiy a nlui»oiutir. It %vas c-csti a i hv udh frM W cIY rpIoye o de d6-inte MeuUor the Il,> V eatllnai vbdtosfrmul1 * bdie asaîprentv r through it nmany a eîceplees night., if- ebanged their rosition lnothe iecy re- smtigaaii nrn ter 1;4n-tf1'or "adres >'waq manfL nows when lbc snor-, beeauselie a~llti e te stc!ltôsor hé leisi dcep -slep Mîd prefaundelumbet. If wIjd oiî he @FIerptIlly eblltof their 'hi% habit of etertorous breatbig ea IocOU on the background uofio eaffliiticn ta his ffmilv lt-t uns cuIt in Otaru. the. househiold sutrgeon and have both 1 017o omllarIou of Innnmerab aoh.b bis soit pa late anid uvulva rcrnoved. For, nervations of star çoaitions madie b. iV understoed. sue: ing ie br eathing ln tbrouglv inany decade niiows that, such a mariner as te cause a vibration abarly ali-tbe stars- have n r-roper cf thbe organe nirntiotiéd. If thy thruat ,tion, altlîough lin the majuirity ut offend thcc. pluck 1V out! Instanceo thie rate lataiflteslial. l'ho lamieuted John A.-Morris wae a1 InsuuOh Investigations tbh e mu-ighty encrer. On board lis stramj s.etronotny, or asuoiîuicu.111 yacht Cora lie bulit a noring rooiu in1 wiTough'f. wonders. Ti i- itance Ot whjch le hsenî'f-tigal'lv ienlrd himicitl the,-multitusie of..the stars MI-Y bO for thec afiernoon uap. Tulis room wias (00o great for dcternlinativn. yet walled with a Dnteriai tiiet was a D'on- - tbeir very constitution m.i be %le- eonduetor of sotind and tii. *Id gcuiqe- tIned by the toçectroscopi-. an acces- man could saw wood, strîile kuots nnd Ioery et the telesicope. The Pi>ctrilm rend bouidere te hi. lert's contcnt, of Vibe-san, obtaîned elither by prisini witlîeut dlsturbing ot seul. or gratizuge deliveru ntip tasSeuret% 'At tbepalatial home ef titi More-hss wib#eZr-cSgitred witb the spectre of on Throg's ncck, Jolin A. Morris lmitt* terrew.stars îl smlrnie.adtei1gl hesnoring rom on the Cora ho a t1v strsmtyaesmlaidioi large extent. Ah Borne littte distottico tue r" g eta tarrrouedb rom Iii. e uth 414P et the bouse' hé er- Th!e lm«cbgle f asar g rea edacy ected a room of giaam'Tii.foundatiom.4 ta me e t,îî uo r a rrea ele 'v -were of steel and tho-re were.auudry and Jitmeugstmeuli uretc.and the rrotv certain appliances for deadcuiing souud. titt s o nti prmn b E05broîigliîthe oeut, r ii h.eprocittesgo stept. -fpur .banteciy awmali l1.ns, thpn traverse Iong-thre render cau sjeep ou bhis flce, --orie f çrieuiie andi are 44dia.- s0 that wben the soit palste and uvule, a ere'or ped u n opec. lna aMâhte.of r lazation do uot'Interfere erUMrunnlug,,rom roi] te violet. ihtehcthn paaub vI Neow. by' svb'at Io known mi; "Dop- make no noise during tis. nlght. If hae r tneo. p*e" Itln lie î's1ieto ei- were to meep on one aide or the. othe-r uvmne by th"e gectograPb wb"tl- with his imouth ghut and eeuid aveUl ethea Ver oning towarii inrestiga- disturbance eoftih. sorts ther. wo-ild 'tien la coming townard the cartil or be dead silence aiso. 1t; theii trouble irecedlsg frem i ht. mmsectet in very in New York'" p.-.il a nospliereile ,.,otoç4e.- If the star le ,WproaciCi)fl that a persen's nasal eavty fiii. with us in xqcrnlluns iilibe ilgt-muculs about bcdtime rad breathiîîg àw ditl,1aced tbvard thua viole~t- end ef thrnugh the nose le an utter inpossi- ~the clerbn il;if t e cdln;;theo Uîîty.-N£w Yo.rk 1Prese. Stucs u-I!l shit tewarii the rod end. ________ vffl qmsjmreMent5eoft tue dueçlaCO- Jpna lw ennutuare,,neccsairtly most mxinut An imperial at-ucaccrsgtole and délieteq nipr1dce.acrigt ei au OF, 0 cooirapb of the. Yerkes Ob- Timîes, anisouneca thit the Emperor wilt .svti.used, -ln otinuectionl wilt Msaciflcéi te tIo,* 4Qof etÀurklteýon tbgant "écfractilq« telescepe 40 the secondda c tii ihino inches ln diameter, wao pre@ieite,1 b> r1 ptonly IuAPZtion of the Iûpe BucwlOé tronolei ibeon gii- nfriitO!Vh a4uà as a proof Cfaç'tionlii bunre bece owliespreatt. that tiie profession ut agriculture jas an r. à er l direction ef Prote"ou-U honorable ont. -Oborge E aeandiF. B. Frost u -Ib mode sanie nottib'y valuabl dies- colveriefflninnvrailg2utonri orqtftcr Ev@27on@ B.Un Downs 1 ostion "un the. l'uu cf esight." i'ho esssd"wiheadachea. iVdý iOmcep- - ~ - wotog5fl~hoe thp LIck obrrvattery lebouatupiurs, mciii! or«<dioere.oud o geserousi> pr-eente'1 bv r-Mr. .0. impure beo-saL d. MWislm am 1«lo hgobaotCQmt.i5lied tnme rcnun.k- Ileci Ter&e able rcoqltoI luli"hr in811wUne, tIuroligit hdrSI w. lthe PO&".. fro the m ld Md uvretal ears, ýa'i tnow a *rcan1l n- tom .up *eznau4k :l ahida»"d bwsls J nm't~ wuth Rome unirovPluiPftl K>ue. ae,"ici cstasheadlis expor.tleo-firgt--the gilt oftthe maime *itues ci curasive ebs-xai stua çelatl-mu-le Freis5ed Intn service te man nthes#y*em.P 1ce, 1aboiih--6 fo u.cute specttil 'of utar-s een, oulu ln $5. At d, T.-r i,a iu sC& coutlunru latitudes. oLCsada,-iz]tdHaumke--os@ ,,, = theu b.trotiblesonuefeature Beutod/g.ar-/w ,ivttomB 7Oaberrntion inlu Inises - ~ ~~~ U OeraI>T7pose -MsA a aIysved ty a trai oftheepias tii reuttiigeptrumÏbelnPI<-TIYH W . ,tcçrsuolyti . *Pooh 114 ou»t. * tIqrapb» theaph -Iesif welhe abou Thouâatids cf people kuer that tii. or- *0pouausu -tve e ult out dinary reuedes for pise>-.otimst$, marcely eorao'ofthé' pairWhIch suppostei..and applfiasoes-vil st muet tb. IhW4to avold , flggure and cure.-- Ji.oùe tldnésý.tb>iougbont. Tuhe Thie bout of tieni cal> brin 1P"1u28 teleuuups e a o;nufe autoriie sud rllf. foI)owt a star b1» cIcIrw#>V - but 1k L.onboztVs Mm-toit jes-aa>- unt i -eperpetuall.v ltd.d trou4zb let takan Iatereily tbat. remoqêthe S;î Q0e ntO- cau»e of Piles, bhome the cure lepms ers., q a l 4e* Prôl We impe4et h -%0iW-acte-FlwethOsi. ~s141ropt do rétlyhutre.uifflo 41~- AU 4M& ette nst 'ue6lI~ogtt eat '~l ehI~W*~ IL-1 th$ t terore il o ., us 4s1L. fNi.. TO gP. nÂ-u ASCOMPLSE Z lu Brantford ovei an lncL te llght b> Vii. Exesiter, tie experienceetf M. Chau Main streot, Brant-fard. Mr-. HIi ls d been suIfai ensiderable tite iwith a Me la a meuider lu thé. I Works, and is matady beo that 1h vas fouuld necessaz leave off work completely, fincd teis bcd for days Recently as a reaflt rel local papers, h. obtainedi Zamn-Bnk, the great Herba' àafter using a 1ew boxes s was effcted. Bie case val and se spaedy and comple recovery that coinsiderablc arouseti, A Brantford ExI sentative investigatcd thc and reports as foibeirs: "For ueanly two e yearq ferinR rma sskis disense whieceWme se irritablej 1 vas confined hto my bcdi appîy bandages cf iamy 'i let anythiuig touch uY t4g8 nearly evéry ointmcent the tised and hati takén manY teral!. but witiiout &DY Reeentiy, ln resposse te nient, 1 sent for a sample Buk and with the. first spI tmnmediate relief eoftthe bave not quite used two Il cure ha. becs complete, ti entiim4y gdsaPPe&red 'froi' Sic" then I have be abi Mny work with perfect e4 thisg I ha"e not doue to years Zam.Buk bas cert weuderi for me, aud I ha tienin uglrlug i1h my recoin Zam-Bnk le matie fir essences sud coutains no animal fat or any minerai ter. [t Js bealiu>g. ceoling at the ma-mtime. 1h la e la, aiways cleani>, neyer 5 and in att irmys in an ÃŽdef druggists sell It at 60 et YYu may obtain 1h dircot f Buk Ce.. Colborne, street,' reeeipt et prie. While « vice fer al ski', injuries Z'am-Buk le especial> g burus, bruises, eczema, P4 sores, spres.diug ecabe. mi poisoncti mouunds, festernu ulcers, bad legs, aisceesel worini, crysipelas. serof i barber"s rash, insert stir nhcumatistn, snd aittNure conditions cf skis nor tisai Mjimuchxaimsexin t scasd1nEnuz landt soin. yare tgo by haý"êwsth i ELY t cuuî> Chang baï beau. depulved of',bi JrëloW fidlng jaéket frp1 suigt wauder, n thi.enuîres cf hins pri-' beàam ra te gardon. But nrelitre miys t.he Idn brought author cf "Ro0und" About My Pikiug _ratngto Garden,' a yeilow riding jacket lu net an H. HUof 14*1 Muc1, .1 dresa,.u a oor 1.theg garter in Englanit; sand ail the Insignia ing ~ ~ o forone ak, like the pçaceck'i feathor, the sin for tome button, thé neeklaoe sud the breastilate skia dieuse. be etote .IgWs p as- lalleable Trou umIndeed , ho" of a ~les& of- !came $0 bàà ficial's salary 1, so otten withdrawun dur- y 'or hm ÃŽ ng the year for offenseâ, 'tea or luu and b. co u ary, taIo save trouble manyof- à et a time.. dais never draw thdir salary ithe ti por ts In the year la euded, whu they <et what* la a supply of loft. il Balm, sud .Ail through China dree s laehanged au Co Muplete cure by order. There are six changes of at-ý swell knowu, tire whieh êvey self-respe-tung man'. ete was bis muet make jaccording t.tei.seaon- comment 1!'M beavy fur$ lu the. depth o f winter, thon, :positor repre- ight furs, then-waded garments, then circmstnceslind qotiies, unlined,an fiuaily what t.hey Sil sumnner clotiies, made out oi ba engu -China grues. %It in made ln white aud onM es blue, and ita one drawback for the. Eng- Oft t 1117 h t lsh arket je that it neyer vears out. sud uablete ere are caps made of plaited bain- and nabl tO ooiightly covered wlth silk outside. rid or even to In the hieight of the sumnicr none but s. b.d ttied Officiais wes.r ceps aud thoa are fur- t wvaS adrer- trimmed ,hats and fur caps. medicines in- On the saine day. a&H through the rut good resuit. empire, stretching over uearly sa many an advertise- degrees cf latitude as Europje, men box of Zain change freni oue cap ho aucther frein Pliation T got one style of clothes to anotiier. Zefore irrtqtlou. T the day four changing, ail the tailors May ,elçes, and my b. seenbard st work, cuttiug eut and je sores iiavinig pasting the. edges cf the, n.w suite. ui my Jtubs. The Chinest cut for jackets may b. e@ ho go about consldered perfect, so far se eouvenieuce o)mfort. some-_ goeo, and mauy prsmona thiuk that they 31r nearIy two are aIs peculiarly elegant. &-a1 iu npiy t Ire no hesita- imeudatioil." cm vegetable traeetofany coloting mat- snd &nt ineptie eaiY ho aumlIY, stains or dyca, al healer. A.t mns a box, or from the Zain- Toronto, UPon f punerai ser- suad disacaes, good for cuts, mples, rumnig aly disase, g orespilies, -,boula, ring- Jls, psoriasis, ugS, stiffuesi. ed or inflamed se. Th* Crowl at the Botts ItVis doubt.ful iftVii.average auuual 1u conue cf lawyors, Including ail members of the profsaion-good, bad and indif fer- ent--exoeeds 020. .OO. Vle a 1ew are able to commnand large fora s«d pile up comnfortable fortunes, the. majorlty are far les fortunate. And the. lower etrâts of thoe profession eoutains an immense number *hoIi.ive froni baud ho moth- sMd niazy whom nureund.sedvingcf1s»Y- sot a Iling lu thbat profession, ai- tbough they nulght b. worthy of respet In engaged In an occupation for we" thcy were fitteit by nature sud attala- monts. l iii&l profmsious "thiee Wal- waya rooni on top,» sud by tii. sanie to1kezi tii.:. ià lways a erowd st or ucar the btoWshu uPOL . At the. Yarmouth Y. X. O. A. Bore~ Cm iphe4sIitauktFalnavis becoficia1 for a' snbuu, au Immedlate». fief for celo asud tootuache. ÂLVUD 8TOU.S DON'? STERIL IZE EEBÂBY'S MIL Notblng luséeien found that wiIi qulte tae. tii puace of nother'a muitc. There- $ore a snother hould nurime ber baby, If posaiblW %ien' it Ih not rc.sib4e, the. best aubsitute 15 pure cowê xnik raw, aMfer it bias licou dalyy modfld in accordl- ance witli the age of the child. l<fuw milk, ho-A ve , la nasal, for baby during w&m wetlier, on aoeoumt o1 the.genm that are.sure to âevelop in I. Pasteur- laztlon, therefore, umst.b. reaorted to la rummer. But don't steniliree i ilk. Sterhlized milk la now under a ban. It bas been disooreed tuat In the procea. ofetserization thi. boue-forumng quail- fie l hi ilk Iian &chtroyed &Joug with the germa, ad ttmt infants fed upon It fo>r amby length of tii» anrekey, Dot only to have sof t bon«u, b t rikets, seurvy and41 Uicmost dist d1.em 01 Vii. joints. Tii. dut e betweoe sterilized and pasteurîze 15sikngpy In thiedegreeoftheatte w h Ueare suMitted sad tib. frngtç in&h h" at us a h e .P asteuri at co s ta f bcaUtiieMlk to 1lboIO gre Paiivethelt for tbirty Mi te%. >1*k te stesîizo by b t1 212 degrees for one. bout or an h ad a lui.- Frank Bazkley C0op in iveIT, VBaby a Cbawe, la tIi. OutIng Ms<adm for TtaUnbe cultivaoitan'athtei, réft. aYe enomus bdIfIntereat w U tUne" beDxOm rulZI iab , I. a.YRC&0. We rfrOt If anlhltobadbs puuseveulsbe- 10h lnghave l.d a M# rveyra tb a , ((h, inuom o<adukusailor Sunligh Soap is better tan othe omps, ti sbest when uwed u) dhe SunIis>n way. SunlightSoap Vae no irujwiow dchemiais. &M UStSp as pure soap, sckertfiSnly fmade Evety ep in u mnu.. facture 13 wcbed by an exetchei SunlightSoap labon Maid the wear ce ru~bbin which common moaps aqwre in wn.â4 Tour mouey refuadeit by du dealorfmm n vAuoyw sbey &MsmnSp if yO M &d MW ci fSr Oo"si Natter of Tast. (Youth'. Companion.> tLmeesiatme i plsatr bs ilw he 0 eU ImdL" epk ' ~Iau~n< tu sotoui.éIdu hot" b..wtlU.thertua oe"k eusfo'hl ble.Xr. , w ISCELLAfNEU W zt Iy. yrems >f "IWOr <4W hesrji aeVYL tml Souven rPos oare U8 fS 1h; 0a fS b5h; 10, Ill*,100,88; ses, 1;aldifforeatat M. gu t iii tG rnIzAÏw&Tu. $; ium.ai ris unr. Wtng§slo5 Seoluhi 87 uld SA4I- vay be ussi fer clidtal eeetaing. it sootiiest» .ctitd, seethes ttbê guies. cnrm wlud clle s Dia. utzi.1 o~ I DR. LE PO'S' Ânh m~ ai ~.iauu.mthizfgîiI. La ROT PILL CO., WhereWiilo IGP Thi Smmer? Thi i-udSit Ut u ,c51 , b e t,? ,%0 s Rior St Lawrsncs -Tnrp?" FOIMSdesritie of the Thouusaud Isissds Raptis MettelQuobeo, 4murrai Day, Ta- dousat>.thfarftae sit8aguemw yRiver, setc., on &»Uliatofl te sayraiired c« leamb*at tick5et saUt yor illmUsiate guide, --NIAGARA TO TIfS gr>." moud tsLcocntsl e tae tsinPU-t. lu. Fostet Chet <m. Western Passeffer Ageot, Deu't Show Off the Baby. - Tee great enuphase annot b. laid ois Sthis matter et- shleldingVhe baby trom - excitement. Undoubtadi> the tempta- tien ho Show hlm -off la vary great-he ls scii a eunng Uttie dear, sud, he lias suah pretty tricks. But deoide nov. I15 Ah yeur desire to ra tlfy yonr pride or promoesyeur haby's vetflre? It Ilaa great naitake ,te haudie au inInfant, auy more than neefasary, net cul> on the. score of bis nerTes, but on tiat ofis boumes. Bah>'. boues, yenl 1mow, art sofa; thua Constant han w ,tugVs o destrey Vie shapefllnst 'of is bod. Thie pi-ester part et 'LI1sarilte *sheuletbe &pend on hie bed. W bon ho geba Virei cf lylng la oue itogtlolhl over vithout pickir« bhna up. WLen ýil lisu o 'tIc>neceusai7 te 11 JMt ,1l Io culy -eue vsy te do so vithout tub. jectlng uy -part ofis body -te pressure' or stralu that maj> endauger a delicate organ: Wlhyour nlght baud graep hie clotlpg ut êoW bis eet, sud tVisa apread , it your loft band sud exteuit W *long hus iaek until ycur pelm' i 1 ëJ poîrhinghbis' biek Od d «t - àt M rge sbls nock abd baad. Talà .va' Pt e!5 lothi 15lainadî 10 101111 a hais. nuoïk lis vil he éeufortibb1'lies- Fran afeInI6 àmw let4G - f - I. Tii. Peopise lied i dico . O, 1 *At d H »os"tgt To g-e araoo~ Ia rY.-esso 1.Topia: CeuIX sin ébatr budng.Place: thc liez Watteinp .noar the centre efthe v W aê Ã"f the> Se&. of Galle., - Tu li è#-'1rt ot Christ'e sermon on t o$ Men are kueiru by their fruit -goe tracs bring forth good fruit; cc ïmp't-ýrees bring forth cerrupt fruit; -prq4asiOn et godlses le ot sulticier tbQOOVWho do whtChrist commandesM lkteman whe -built hie bouse on zoÇk.-*hen tic st orm came thc hot .4Xt fali; those uvlui do ont ob hz!gs wrds arc like the. man 'w bullboixsîe sni-iba heitmsc ~~pie: Tii. Loi-d'e Day.- Place:- aztirCapernaunu. Whila Jesns a - -H1Sdisaipls were walking through 1e fgrain on the Sabbath day, t &iÀfpls ptuckad tua grain and ata t*- W&sfy their hungar; the Phanis. fti 'fauIt; Jasus jnetificd thei- coui byq% ering ho David's act in eating t elqbrad, and ho the prieste irbo w4 ho -vcrk on the Sabbatb; a mas with a withered har Vi~ould. irft a shaep ut oif a pit 'ýgabbath day, and a ma s leia lias * Bheep. $~.Tope. A great faith anud a p helpEr , Places: Caparnaum., Nain. T =441~ e was prforrned . soon af ter -1 on ônoutkre mouut. A sick ulai Mb~~ens sent ;- the centurion's g( d ýiturged; triends are sent, and O-tla oeai hinusaîf, te meet Jesi I arn not vorthy, trouble, p pIspeak tii. Word only; ' Je! tbie tis h great fait, not - ound -~l;the cure vrought at once fNmýb -hemet a fuserai recMe 1y insuraiscd from the dead; fi tb l .peop W *e -Tep0 eu tbc einncr'a fIn P1~a~ l~i sema ocf Ga11Ioe, penii vItejesus tte dine; s vomi--a in£ 11neimluîant w a shied, ieksc aacls-e4 ils est Son iad failed ,per~nin thécommonaots ot houpitah' godad#Jesus nov calle bis aLttention ho(-, -~ ~ ~~~ýé lelus nt akeove.; teProvea Il 11rbelng displeascd withthewons aparablo; a-question;. a vonianf ilun.'-d r th o V. Topic: How t h 5t& . o Plà.o: NaarC.pèrns.um, Os tii, horeý ofe f fléce. Jesus left Pet. M »4 be.multitud-es followad J:il L1-*P cne; four hindi et <round ri - L o ir lae ee t p êo p ie ; -' i-a , cause unfr tuitfuin1s l-cs.We teshefp,cauae the sel'i et o1 Vo b . aba a,«@d fit o bad to --g n n, 1V. baà réc*ceksh:~ Viriug forth good fruit. sLTcplc: Prbls e <d ude t -h orid. Place: 1C.aspnauut, on t 01 c e s~oea -etGaMele. Jeasa pett 'nemmy. aovd taras. Boblu muetgr( o ehe iggtil tii. arveet. Jcau s 11e - plains' t39..- At' end of tic word hese wvie "do- inlqufb,' -wUb. cash ile *af unaeef fice, hN *VII. Toepie: -Gie-t lochs r.se 0uus $Mr'% Saffl

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