Whitby Keystone, 14 Jun 1906, p. 8

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Cure- 1 of -White -F and Tar Cures -"Couglis, Bronohitis, throatj troubles. 25c per Bol JiE. -Dru ggisf. B3roçlk .t. -wIL o tII ïrup "ne Colds, id lunemi ttle LIS Optician Whitby. SCounty Town Happenings go to G. K. Thomesf's for wall ptiper. Mtes W';iifred Meidrun, of CIncin- nati, la at honiv. lTinhmitbiflg, plumblag, rooflIng, and~ ail -work promlfty atteiided to and satinf acion suaranted. Pring'ie'i Blardware Store. 1fr. Geo> Lytie, proprietor of the WatchmniiaflWrder, LiIIdsLv, died sud. -' deniy SaturdàY mo:'minq f rom a se- vere att.ack of hemorrhage of the Owliis td a rtsn-ult of egbt f reight cars at NewCatl,ý traf flt waU qeme.e wbat delayed on the3 main line -)v Baturday. Mrs. J. F. Davey and eIlîdreil lef t lait Friday ai ter a viIt of tbret woeka witli 1f. afid- Mrs. W.i 2 Davey, a<-oomnpaDlOd by ber father ~?t thtfi* te ba&ve that e'- trubD~dose. 6&0 Priole. Cor-p WDm JLL 110R SE3. Large du eWUoUdtock ,make, frar- Mili, ta firet-ciaË& onre; graphite bearlOtL . pply te WM. NEWPOR1C. IN HYM}2i'8 B(ftNDB. onie marn-liCe fr. Walter Me-. G;regor, Or Wiitby, to MAU Mary Ethel'Bath. -(If1Pekernfg, took Place dn satul'dli latit aý the re..IdenceOfo the brides father, Mfr. 8arnuel Bath'. TPhe ceremori! 'vas perform"d by i he Rev. J. E. Moore. ' '.of the. Metli- odd)t churCh, Fîckeriflir. À!ter COU- gratulatiofl5 and the ma5zriage teant the haikpy pair left for a honeymnio trip. T.rebride wu'i attired ln purtý whtc. and Iuûk'td c.rhfg Whte Mup1iin. Juat the gouds for coo1 sunioner ialats and dreisses, :it J2c,15c., 20., 22c., and 25C. per yard. A. M. Roua. Have Dulmadgc grain yeur, bouse.' GARDYN PARtTY. Unio<n Grange held a t-ard2n party ut the resldPDC<3 ut41Mr. Sanford Brown on the. KIngmtofl Eoad wveàt on Friday inight laut, and a good crowd attend- e.con*ideriflg the fiet that the weather vas ttir#.,ateling ne&rly aIl the afiternoan. The 32.1 Regt. Band at-lefded alid eikvcned the proceed- loge.- The grarnge rFeoile had 'a geod p,-ogram 1uepared for the oc- 0caseUn.. but urfo.rtufateiy the. storm broke ln ail lt.< fury ahortly alter Ladies to'ok siielter lu tii. bolzse, and the mon of the crowd bcoOted for the bar . Mointly cverybody gat. wvs)) :socked wltb the torrents af nain thnt pqured down for mure tian an boni. 1and ail were giad when It clcared tîp me as to cnobk tiiem ta reacli Whlt- Sby. Qiite a number of yjoung ladieq walked frolm tovu aiouttubs spion- 1 fid ferro, and conveyaflLCs had ta b. 1sent from NVitby tu ep.ture tbelr sreturn. Dezup'i the. uvfavorablis con- dittouis, the. Orange wili hate a iillght esurpflus te show for their efforts. ln lichaliothe O <rder. Paints, ready uristil, or mized te 9, order at Duimadgc'. WÂI<'rED. A simart girl- te tikv endors, etc., t ln Dulm-idge'ài dtore, at oie. Good n 9TRE WCULD'6 NEW EDITOR. Mn .WillGre0UW004 vas banquset- tted Saturday ligit la London iy tel- eum b'jcur.actis1t8aud other eilseanson eethe. ve of etr&rlng te 'reente o rta» -the editoflal maDB.elisft o! the 11ev Mfr. MC'asifl, cgf ClevelaudC. CE FR0VA" elle wîli Watt. ber parents tbei<EZMÀFR20TAW 1pror to- un extendell- tnt) to the "Iwai troubled withW e«Meoa forT me aide, where ahe mîil apend the tweftv yearsanadOwas treated byr iemainder of ber vacatlon. thee doctors to no iraiL Dr. BICYCLE OU SAL1 Chse's OlinOOet bas curd me cmi- Béycle 'in golud condition. 22 lte! adI Ivn.thd h fiame. Chean for--cash. Apply at sllghtest retujro et tua is eeame." - Kjeystone office John Pratt, Blyth. Huron Co., Ont. GOîING UP. lIens wbl e Veste; ases 36 te 42, The ereetUUn- o! ttip band stand bas ait the tîewe t 1atternis, (or 8X.2à. etan ted, -and la beling pusbed aboag un-*1-50 â.iO~nd $2. A. M. Rons4* -der the skillulsulberviiOD of tiie con. 0.OÇ TUE WINO. trapot* Tt Millibe about 0 guet frai. E. Stepbensof, Whitby, bau ticket- the. gronnd, and wil smply have a cd the to4lowlng. durlog Uic pasi. few relling aroud l i. Tt la the inten- da.y -1 tàon of the bandi tu play -a coioert 1frs. C. 'Taylor to SbePrnrne. on their return frai» catul, provlde4 1fr. L. St-Ot. tot Liverpool, EU&. thi estand ils rea4y 1Mr. W. someniê ta Dlx.. SPECIAL NOTICE. iSren. Pt. AU) ladies »e! the_ town or vicîID n . .Sor t am5Oi Dr. Hr eFnIDFis Who are ex-pupils of the O.L.C.. are James ScOtt. te Barri . jpý0t ierdjtWurge tobe resn-t Mr@. Perrin and daugbtoi teéftu- it a 9 pecial meeting te bc held In the. iéollege drawitg room un Mondal, th tans. fl.Sth, "at 4 p.m, sharp. - Tii. boul- Mise Kirleb toe furlieStob. berna -f lie mfPetlDla Ieta form an ex. 39r. iand Us tVe* o .iiII. Vupi1s' aoobatiafl. to be followed hy bcé 13urCyl" t Lmatbra15. 4 a. baxnquet atst.ilxoWc1ooki for whicbeh ba s<e0m our tlchget ai, onoe. Tii e lr. aseil Oep OeenhIg- et eeljht thoee xLpuplsl) . ob aWpaU@n1 , cV oneert. or. iandM* oa.tpe«t - ~. . flem te BranDtIORt LR t&Towo ut Whtby, on My, ~ ec eL.da a suri et mui . 'Phé. owner cas n t x~de havesthe arne by pror1ns ,propertj ý ~ 'asu paylns -chartims,-' Apply 0. H ioounte o pms ~ SliPJ~H. . lRuýuerté 10 lSuiw5to.. Mw h Burr Mlîutomh Mothly glvos ot San Franciaco an4 -lie ofet tupon It ai tËe doubWledsêster fet art quateaend lbe. 'fie cMter cofftwls ar Jlto up t u w<aOe'tAbs- dard of "jltoxlal penfecllon.ls Go to G.K.fourô'so ~I e j Elzepau t" 1brmud <.wle4 pain t'la, the, bst by test.Pl Iulaa Hardvazi., Bave DUIIDAOV paIit VOur O!Krrisgs. y>umadgmae'as s<ume tood tops --for À GUtEAT 'TREAÀr. Tic Keystdun banassuoe4<dlaI «impletlng an arrangefment by vhich eveny persOf takii advanltage o! ourn offer vi» sêluire the greatesi. treat lu roadin; matter over coffered the. Can-tdial public. TheFamlLy. eroald and Weekly Star, cg )font- real, haslatOUr enterci lnto; asd.- cate with a firw others of the loading papcrs of F.ugland and Aumerl"sby wtdch tbey have uecured, at a cSt of s550,00,twelve new storiez by twelve of the worlda 1.,best authors, and they are tu appen.r tu the Fam- ily Herald befere the7 are lasued, ln bok form. Each story la omp!ted tu a mnoothï making tvelvo complet. atonies, that wouid cost olghteen dollars lu book form, Insidle the. jear. [t la certa"Ul7 one ut the greatfitt teata icimodern Jounnalism, and ouly tic àtrongoist nevapap-era could tuke the risk of the laimenae expen- diture. Wa halve madls arrangements, te offer the. Keyatound mithe Pain- "l Herald and WeekIy Star untIl Jan- nary lat, 1t107.for the samui)Baura oft Fit ty cen-ts, and ËIathat ti -me tboge takin<z adsa&ntajc ut the of fer vil) meure ut leuai x o'! the. coi- plete @tories, net cuntlng 1h. maül o'leinmtorcstong icatures of the. Family Ronrald andtthe Keystoeue. To present readers of the K.eystooe we offer the. Famlly Jeraid for the. bal- ance of the jear for onl.y 40 cents. isubsonipti<nti shauid be sent te The. Keatofle afflce. Eoft iront coloreJ shirts; allsir«s und only 75e. and #1. A. 3. Resu-. Exrcltement on ther Lake. w-9 _ ý Juat au the stouuanbciat van as qet- .lling _dova te a Cenmal recegnîtlon cqth tI. ErlndaW' - *e 1h. popular toat, -ai t.sted by the bnik o! tic trafhie preferriiig the. nov stmamer, on Trueuditye and Fridaya, viienthere watt apposîtion, anotier disaster rnes te tthe " rgy le l Saturday ev- rinigI vhi me was ictoraing ctty- w'ardit vlth a PrtY of @5 PeoPie and about. opposte Âilin'a peInt, vberd laue sunkc labt seiuon, &--d wvib plabé? sevs to bc hoodoed for her, a eraili anuAiod mmnemlstortuuie tbêO that the cnoi head o eetonààneba" brohea. with i<k resmit tittii pilooerod atse IbM4,andl moune 41 ie- great troc braes beneath t»i. wak- Ing. beam veirs damaged. TIe .»e iog arcund the wach'flerY nean tic eaui vassaubedbut fortunately' ne one iappcned te be lu that part t c i I c ( -E r t he boat. fWs rendnd bekmues a lttievte Wt 0s0bUW41 ' liaen Hastti tput lanv tii. latter pjac byr limA, and telegrapbed ta Terosto tonr a toc. )Aeantiiu< aksgt camne tl'e Ertndai. conber way trom WiiItby to Oshova. No ditma signal badhe moDfflSe titbe- Erwdale vas bard- by. AtiytieS5 but aid (rom. tic 'o- emy vas wbut the Ar4jie wante4. 'fie trooble tlut lb. insurauce udbt b. attested wre so*h sueo~* p>ot aiio npefflelas-appoal. Arnver- els t oometbce! Iîsdab &dreop, ,Iougasie,-and diprm.ous, to Vapt. e4%CPt Co* ok ciBS ht~f euentbAu)broie te b- r. trio.ns dat il* pes"u e$mndvr nttio la ltm capoc; Le5,tbut dclh"eml t. mi" aa, ada 'f« th UL bSSlài 1 ~( t*st s am e saboet ee 0psusg lise from ~ hoat te te0 dnthe lin« Ampileme to b the iflbSt tmat U» àxÂwpFb *1 Bîg sale of, th. oui.- bnated Broadway Brand CI*ignov geing on. 8$"uitsling in the ordirin uryw»Y for*I $1 i$12 aud $15 are nov going at $T.M'$ 8.50 and $10.00 per suit, aisewhite veeta aises 38 te42 ut $1.2&, $1.85 $1.50 aud *2.00 «sCh. Andrew M,. Rloss.l otiiens vere %for overai hOurs ,uuV agitated au te viat they sbouid "o Wheu the Argyle'. agent Was aube viat vere Uic posail)UtlObet of.*e tuniiig tI la rrYted as saylilg ne- tiing cosld h e 000unt Mn. gaz-. le was bou.d froM. i. aaaerJack nmM stepped inte tthe breaeb and pioned te the young ýladies'paret lna Tenante and up te tthe Coliege, wiere It woas arrainEed tbel were td. stay for the i.ugit, toecarry eut vucil arraugSleiit Mrt. Jackso iLadies'V«ea, ith aad withouzt ,ice'vestrobn 10&. usward&. X.19. 'oom. &Zr Yoar Iight Shlae. rhum s$Peak@ 11.0 voie divîie, ,IfhtY Oelu tbree;. unt jour libt lu jou amoîe ' au ilarond nMay mes Tou ii.'Nly i ather. glomrlf1y1 Kce jiir nDuburalosbrIght. TAie at tbe i<brous et grace Freab ois roelY a dIkht, 'Theu oe a table place; k'nd th« uor llghl.Te SbOUu lflumllitifff«aDU tb« hou*&. UirMerncetb a bus.) el or Uui« ttW salied yeur llhts bav id; but Set t» le. ai t huirradiiO dv lune Wédding., làBe Ilsu b M"ëo USEFUL IHINOS San not ulWSysbeuiL LaI us sapesen sin - bc*h yourmu Md sud W. prde o ulve u n r" uupyof sud . asureyou msha.wbl, *m .viipl*ê j Y= A. O. Wannan Veferlnary SiUv.-. rat. Phone Vol1ive RAILWAY TIAIE 2.06 pn 8.05 Pi. S GigNorth 19.07 ar. id- .4 .. L àrt Wbitby for 0)sba*a aW Bouldeb, proprietor. Leavec for Brougham &t 10(a ~ ~ , W- and R 6.45 amn. West,.9.0 ..n PmBrougham u. MAILS CLOS] -For orth 745 &m. -Por c West121 .. PROFESSIONAL MEDUCAL LESAL fOhcitop for the Weuteruý Rani Me.~ Monsy to tu.Ofc WIbont DOW & Rosi ' li Rardstffls Sèicitors.etc. -- Offoe~<rul. PntOffice, W b ex. TA. MCGI Rarrste, Rc. onste ci Me immrntely sO U 074Roa Bariste; coimty Orovu À aiCouu* Houa., WbThj Adjolulug the Esq*ii -Mmt Yomzprhala th Oit>0f wï- LiVEIiSE DJ~r1uoe 0L~ 'TÂRRO. ios ta iu thu IoU looe gowDltmu. 'That 708 *aie tur1tust le s))n. j« vou stut' eooOp Iih bht. Mn.. H to »Wlb h Pot&à~ li. tewanl tp l'at IHope- ln amiOtOlte ?oort' Penri. 1f.J. M.L»nya,t@'1@ft Wi Ur. . L-endîb to SheUe1lS 1 l' 1 'l 1 ' a-1a nd -_- 1

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