Whitby Keystone, 21 Jun 1906, p. 3

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içîj TU that oustclasssau JaPans At aul Grocers. H Won't isorte of Utcie 00 rd not b. Champibn cute SOI have «ele oadIy tom ;-Lablà te two days no trace cd ai solo: ing uggiti al yj obtain it Às and dis d forimsc WELL erer of ait ker. e48.-A. nim- for thbe mur. agcd basket dywas.found b hero ycster-. 'living in VMs ha-ving mur'- bhe watched eh the county Imee the tîndL- titis niaiTrau the denth cf ýwiI b. an ar- l'odge Keel- ch: The Graind met in Stella- 1 by M reibcrs etriot. The T.' 'iersa'WOtelle J. Warren, r;U rndmas- =rnto; Grand int, Kin¶stofl; Il Bueganans, rinad Secretaryx nlld Treasure!', flrand Direetor Cnckade, Klng'. ~llm Weeue, frDistriet' nf, No. 6, Ezra rGrands f r Ibe appoiutè&' [v ais aisge -0 ann el- Grand a hcld in King'., f Derehaut Le" Pate Oul*y; -4ces 500, Cc6M er1ý6 lghat Av1eISt.LouL«% zqo4 côk neyer -oeU any veinau vite b yIry suel e."1 Mary-littll Mary Bac-rhosabol- ate xnauîer'a daugbtenl" ore A kindly, amusedalmileslvyd- is pied round Mona's nouti. iLad "Diai ju eu ll. unsot" vwo "Well I daren'h, yufse. I bave had an hor ~th Uce sandy> voulal bep re-ý meIc ïDus-for I tui kh.meant tee o te bis heur befuro ho umet jeu."1 ao. "Beliewere a, iennti, I viinetDter'ttT t fere viti yen. Nov, rI bel p jeu lutli best'cf ny ablity; but firat-please t. et, propooet6 nie la due fom." ay. o,, underalanal 1 am pledgdte "Do nul mention ber nt Prose$. tnd uIVei1, tien; vit you manry mie, ,rra MenaI" orn "4No, Kenneti. 1I éled onered by jou of fer, but K decidedij declino. 'hr asnov, tue 'blame of duaobcdleneests wm ittirme. Youceau tell Uncle Sandy tiat UP uYc« are s ciever dcil, Mun&, anal Mida; ,a i6ut ti.ja not verra hoaet." icl "«Nottil la not; but my utcle ought bsnot lu be go <collai as to turu match- bsmakeir. Nov h. viii attaci me, andl I can taie came of mysei. Yoe aun'eep quiet, tuai dý b yanal by-veieav bist- Sterly refusealjeutienpropose to mar- i ryfor n true love,' and my ad III aumDot sIjelY.ec, is laesll en? that I shoulal msrry, ana l lie with hlm Lke at Craigaarroc-tiat 1 abould i md the 'Sti fart ansd you the boumu, and al eu or ,Û lnfor ýýeverythlng after. RHc'i h.dread-- be ully diseppolatteai, for lie là swful, "fond of you, Mona, and 1 amnont surpriseal; 5you are a rosi brav Iassie. You've % lad Ion ' r jour owu gomewbere awa', l'il b. 10bounal. a lasale 11km you coulai nol vant a lover." ~" "The place là vacant aI preoent, K.n- lad astiand jeu see y ou are unfortusat.ly bena i,"te sall, laughlng. to Ilkbut yqu have madc w> heurt i1cO lghi b.e rlsied. -"Ialli neott lik jelyu would have me; but Mu.le SsudY waa that positive, I gave la t o hlm., May hbeif Ibaaldnotlft my'bart bohluulme luR axù o o >m, cuMr bunc be"lb liOt arn have been fuýi lIld.0 te "ljuit slcuclAsW . v'v manage o-maaire s ast vs oeX.0, -u a eWau Wb «syvhbe vegtlt t1er "The position 6latller strainsde&spà* 12, Iticlans m"y. You mut go Ana" ote id f imat. Tien I suppos e autbi ent'for au sud Ishall trust t th lgspiratkofe la. the. moment." bis Itl'. avInitrylag," amialKeanet, vir. lu as greati> disturbel. '"1Il yul . qsr '? and yearq before Unele Sandy tomas re -altoseobstinato aud Ief'p' itoe ionated. Anal h=U ias il lu te a l 1 )ur ceulal stand liaI; but Mr. $lack le la a Y vjweak alate, aual aoutai h.oiMr rb 2hrmother viiib. oroi..Fo ak&e J*M* sthiefldest hrother'sa as'er-do- to veel, and Roble'a on ltsésos.M tua '¶Výe mieltry andl coeasUnote Sent>ý,' «Ré ,e MSs bedy avlt l gh$ " dre "y* b awf ut sagryt, m woua, o.sary to ninm e b ob f, f Ui he oum 1 emeber, K.ièe, ts!e qu i tre.Iftherb"wus nom arylal hn ladmiilioeteaet b.o posievé iti ue'Baudy. If ho choosesto hope alih,~ l. Wbeu -they veut la MO"'retfred . tei. Ottfe hon lou b& - aid aKmiv'* viti, &loir, -zetuctaumtt4teps, *I u "MOhDeb,' 'crie4 V6nA, 'bl.rwtnh e*-' self ÎUt ýa cbàlf besîde tliaI É«d iY, vi., on tie, door belug $pcdr IiiSI' bld the stocklng sfi àaf4bee' i4N uuder lb. table. «011, -M a3pl 5 1 have been'crueli and hetl5" . jeced by Ke=t asl*L "WhyIg 61%g lDleu __Wuit de yen ,mur# asical MIss. D.brfsay#mpaleit ly, wille the hunleal igorou>a W. f orbe nefdie. "-Ai-here 14 l.>Neý db$« ba tlddWeian"leonuaD&UMIs Wheren iôonaep*atéid ,1h. sub- stance oftber converstIon vith !Knae1h. "Whyy, vtiat bu as oe to ibat cantank- oelb vour uncte, that heo ula thik f mba marrngeforýyou? Tbit long-tqgid HIghlander W ist t tvawpe y*uraiôesé-q crature thut bas oalY ex ebaage h~ijatt» . nw dsor a don .1 à seuthecity.Why h. s1»%-fît110 a4It luthua,»mer-mm viii YpuLYon k=.W I havea f*bo p o our UM%en ss ven fle uer.va-nedeuylag be. a ag"(* for tnean miser) -«b 1 ut! vasisn bandeof hlm nov!' «You are too Indgnant," began BC=a; but adamne dd itbeed -ber., "'I would O1k. hlm ho se.yo* .is 1bave ln -the mt d altiqolsbed M s o 1 oi.- don, with the most distinguisheal men lu Il at jour feet." **1 "a@. voulal need an enormously magal fylag power eofercption if ho cver i. belal sueb a sIgLI as hato" calal MoIu4' Iaughung. -Nor vi111I &slow lm ho îpeslc coutemptuously 0f Keaucth. si I alut n fellow sud a trieü suIeqtýfar trier thau ihedistlusfe4 ini4vlduatels %L acy you suv y eseIsd.l attadiud ton Hl4lnd,4Mar>olfbis cvi anal vohave agresal. tobrlng rouudÏ Uncle -Sandy to agr t lëb. match. Poor U"nol. B Mad ebisa deully bttenal. -« tu make Koea hie isheir. Nov hoe bua, m e e ho vanta baumsksall * obi4ht- by ntint car rival olalme ai d' O"CWa -s ialseai. Why you, are 411s n*rst tamsm OugbI b have»aul b. hâ .xee$ perbspae sney ' h.'aye 1 or fabsi Md for h4 çin aaa.eguhaw.Nét dn aiie *, le.- l.w. Ii ii ut," ioIn .CIyous' ia>ïleIi dresal &W uw-ema aI.quit. 'possibl lie 'vili taS .ofteme-aIye btbin t6e kirk-kIrk or churi, a-=eu* a alie for Ibg k ia»p t faue =be*, vestse a ,VtOr h~ wr Mo aït> ci ut Ume -L mIgn4~*1~eU bO iiea ý eere, forI "AI leàst Iosm read 10 ye u lb.the u~wt I Do1 e~l alb.th &unimer. 1 am nont wu mie about tie vluter.tlme. Unfor. tunately, there ire no pupiti 10 b. founal "If you bala good bugbady7" w ouldm ot necai ent." "But ayu would Say, mêle, a hua. "You miébî have a braw oas for lie Jji:&'M;rud ndSandy, looklng keen' Md&;;Utheftr t'approackhoi netý =nde t. lie drndîd ubjeot, aal Meona, thongh by no e mcmifclent la eourag; sirauk frein lb. (2To bpolhuued.) At U tt Qg.. ?ey Nfs4tbe IMIoh, Rai A onnneeds »mdieto1 han a mou lior omulm l» moipos pu ber Mytein more deliate. IerUw, hi ie d.isturb.dreguilrj7ina 0*h.euxueof natiqe, if anyhIa lea llr Fh behalti of everyfz toisd I hestÈ of evsry momemn lu £wbmawa 111 dopent -upon tii, rkhnes 0" repw«Y1 S"lenticreason vb0 Dr., WliUs gAa Iký PM* ire>'acrhtua m i h voinn il. mra. 1Witned, llrooksdaie, t, esys: "F'Or Yeu acaff«réa*Iomnshisose alne that makaie dishveof insoU epls 4boome s4 ovieousst i 1 ont of oder, ani I frq'ismhly v"Mted 'ti focal I lok. IIadiebos ta 4 isên "bsie ffl1eted me -eaÉRtthelb.Mes., noTin I took a4, »OXot* 0014 viilci attw, onmmy lungueand jwt to au spts Wo treatrnet 1 ial -te bes 0f1Emm. buftlb. doo*. ve meié1W. 6ob ot Wb look lit, ia Aoch"M tbe 44M I1 Md taiie ballea dom boWéi 1 .001! outlaued to stak tu "m Kt lad. used thrtbee o4 *".ILamit»w enjoytag perfect âitlla, lave ud.e tauon In u ssytba1 IbWl > I W*k Dr. WllPnk PM» s mPPub W ia t*Ne ,Wrd Ib nuab uu&gu.ms bod ber syaleim udeaL t 'b1ai& Dr. Wliaauw Pk* 216 5do,# bl J& U4 ve*IL - 1er deat aet.ý jj ir~ 'dL~ ~ kd 'tiwe imTat wi1 do fine. G&ive me my bé eài'the ikI cannas afford to lote tini Wti nmany a xuttered, inarticula msW~addressed compliment, end a ru disinct complaint inuis dia> cyeu,1 ifnteady hanal, is general debllit ai ispiai dedine, he manýaged tlu flii t ides cf note-paper, whlch bc put in oielope anal carelully fasteneal up,i 'qulng Mena tg address it to ber cc an.Telhbe ut ailently vmtching hi 'Ye'Illmeud it sae and sure to t "C.rtaluly. I vill go niyaelf. Tic si vant lu out, anîl 50 la Madame Debris Ile post-pillar is wiUain a hundr yairds." "&Ay, do-that.s a kind lassie; 'ai yOU'Il coîne back lu me ? I amn var weary tie nichi Eh, but 1 am wo vi' pour. heali mair than wl' jeans." Monà returned iinmediately, but w reeiveal wlth.silence. The old ru"s ee .4 v'rappcd In thougit. Mlona tooki 44* aperand eganto read a èrîitici "Ay, hlu a braw laddie," saai Unc Osaudy, suddenly, as il ouI ,F 1 tttougits, "anal 1 amn gisalyou lii. W ad weel." "I01 au ppose you mean KennelliYi I l1k. hlm vcry mucli, and 1 amrn or, la obligeal to bo in an office. I arnau be lu not happy." aus!What docs lie want, t he To be an Idle, fine genitleman. anal mu tie grand tower, rnaybe? Hie muat ju esmu isbread by the sweat of bis brî Uike us a'." "But lie might do s0 more ha PUlYt buind fthe plough. Ileie as ul ied to clty office. Could you not find werk1 1dm on your land, or even ln the col aiest?" " 'I didn't think I'ai @ver hir you ha erlng that lashion. 1 t.hought you hi mair enue." "Iarn afraid 1 arn weak enougi. shrlnlc .o f rom doing what I do net li xyaol-that I synipathire ee mi 'ith Kennet.h." IASmtorhseeh? Weil, smah w'hiç h h Ijaoued IhamsiceW go bed. Tie nextt eveaing, and lte next, Ke neth waa oloseteal with bhiuncle. Afit lies. interviewm, h. stayed but a voi short time with Mme., Debrisay ai Muna-nor dld they née& tb exorcise enllyenlng cffcct on lie young Scot;à deed, Mme. Dobrlsay remarked upon ti depression, and surilsed ltaI ho wss debt, anal afralal to ask bis unýc1e for bel "Â.nd nu wonder," added lie klnd Irlshwoman. l"I'm, sure l'ai ratier go in a,'dca of ragtag lions, than face yc uncle If I wanted money front hlm. amasonay tesay It but Itwlvcked tô gi rnoney aitiglîlt as hmliesc; aid 1I il the yoiug man, thougi I dont liko &cee hlm corne .betveeais tutoe as yourself. 1I do not fane y Kenneth has 0& doit a xnoney dlfifculty l tic vorl4; but1 doecu-accru, o have aomething' on t 6followln Suda vau fine ia icnls, thhugi stail anal- grey. Christm vas oloselat. hand once mure, and Moi vpthaakful -b fnal laI lhe.jiar la been peacf I, anal free froru&aul ira -Kenuesti came luunedialely a! ter V esly alunerdsudakeal Mous ho ta»u v iti Lk.. Si. romdhy complît Mnltey ver. soonon Ihelr vay I. 1hi everoal Woa»rmarki sbdrie as pc Aue p-e#r"od farr et ,the Ibokout, fer a faim .i".St t *hea lgit ofa &falow oovertd vitixtii eddl1"iaplkê 6à1 ftilt sorreL Ré kiiova at once-that the, soi ýis poor aUl flil, aal viiUi Ot mors th"n tii. eropa wM l'er bb worth la frWlaersý, WeeU ~ telI lm6 aïwhol. aory a slagisglanc. If l. thsehh ols foot rear théir heavy bauds b. at o»ce supects -the. proece, 0f thicki -stleky, blui day, bardl te drain aand cultivat&,'. Saidwort andl thym.«proclaim a hun. gry, ady sWh:myrtie, the.heeathe aid 'ormnlila ýto1 of peaty land valuable enl for summer grariug;ý shme'acorral spaaof iroli. the Valeri»aàdna raumu lus of ach. vwile veronic4a, aene, the. hybrial poppy and other sixita p1ts are mmt sigma*a of clslk a" lf lint 1loy the. For tliose who haive cys to se. thon: klndly Nature hanga out signais .1 ali kind. Sh. oly Makithat inea viiinu thelr etres If they eau, andl do se, ah viii- neverbetray thei. Sb. ha. "bot good ana bad- aigu wvici are ai plain- iu their W57 as red or green ligita to, azallvay engin. driver.1 oS laitance, iat la cafled the. lo countryoet h. northeru Tranavaail A patyheslthY, pattly feverlsh. In ons styo may camp ln safety for -a motLà abother not a muiles way tWi 1«ad « wr iiillsel»yoizlua agIs ulah t> uneducateal ,yes there mselit' 13. or no dIfféence la'tho oulvard aspect of the. two places. llut your oU prospeo. tor lau nove cauglicmpus on lever ground. ne knows the ejver tie b. volt. Th*fever tree'laan old and tn lste4oolui plveof vegetation wîth twistedgreenahitrnk, aabranches, MWd grows olylahome spots-wh tier m"t han~' at nlghtfail trsverslug thé Immenseswmc'am ue tra'lahi suthern part Of tual atate* ho.-serches for-a spot- whmrsplus trees, tesrt Ieir tan bhids. amongt Ïe ereposlid, &TherO h aucM amo 1h la a, migi t a oneraclà flialse 1age. «e rôm. horrible ds a l«y bh- .'e- Tl us hugblt he amy .t udbib1h Mx 4»pq~ tlwm a nd ag aflsmed cou. A 1t1 tei ia oneoizil Yoar appli. t. attentios. spatch:- Cou Who was -n 6ýunday nm aloon, tells brokeni -Tht. sort .1 tbinc, Wbahpp o&. more,,than ,one betô imla7 lu, Ou tbe western ooùti of, South u inca vierssaili renýors areu ntn dirsho sarAisu, quai.. is. aiiotlvaztsbly . :Pp osascntre, certat-i .*p b~~l 149, bel orean outb#mLra l te.oe"Ws t lly 'for coule veeki bekre auërùti à t Ibos@& và aee.i pe mainre la vanlablygives- 4u, sn býr o mlao raà'h.' oIf ibi at. CIA»LES OU XANY LAS. WMen a baby lu borc anGainesil-' sorts et funay thbIngâ~ppen t'b I !- mohhbev -buies a 0 tbý amua up1#g chiot a S theahoonlf C5d3. ikaffl anythiaJ&boiut, ~ l aboe--b smoh'TUs a & al covred wuih#Uska asa tuffe4 ti Uo to ciuurch or auv plI. m Dot' Invite&l foau oler hlp, i 1 e m parts lb. haWstaoo tom#ae oflu -Ot on'. ~ of * ler ohered.-& raof 18>"«ugnaéb ba tall W onhelbeunas tuo Meïbles 41. sresguit *f:hhIa rutesti ? bethr mohlisw cove iÉer bmW.- 1*4 viii vawts:10ýthvU e ii. Ttu baby 10 HH k-o M-- -iW> bstu Isbelvsmosai.M " d - s e v s p o o ud s l e à M d. erhi2 No, .éeO de u. h1I

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