Whitby Keystone, 21 Jun 1906, p. 4

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Mr. F et0,o ToZroo to eh, -,00. stlê Mr. Jauýes» oweâ ad the mis- fortune to bee4k hi. côllar »non ne day lent week. LM Tdd ý Wia bere over S3unia>. uassra.- win. tuper and ÀMex. t>Dunn cl Où Uti. Theaker, o! the $over- .!gn Bank -on Subda.. Mfr. lobii is the pew station îg- ent Im-ere. lSe- arrve.m1 ce Monda>'. Ru'wel -Ansdrews, o! P ckev'Îag, la r1WltIiig at ,Win. DowageWs. Mfr. .Thob. Ore" bas been on the mlok ilst.a.few days. John Farmner, who lias been work- ing f«r_ James Cook, tu home ut. pre- sent, haylu tcinpO«arily' playeti eut. 'A large crewd froin here lntend tak- les lu thse Bpti b Association meet- Jage at'StcAffvtile an Tuesdasy. Wed- -helday andi Thurtida>'. Mi. fresl, et thse Soverelgo JBank, .Whý.ÇbQQ ta Toron 1* on $aturdasy. ptýrbtkc,4OWRIaDTlle Play' foot- ball lkre Saturda>'. terý. v. a. Luior>' aD4 son lernon. atIen*4ticomoeeriteuielt erercises at Ontario LatldWn' Cullege. Poliýe Magritrate Horney sut ail day $aturtlaY berlnag eîidence dcia charge modte b>' Ale.x. McCulloch, En- field.! againot AIer. Smth.,-..à nelgh- bôr, o!uiing 'profane, blaàphiemoixu, zbsSoeanti grosI>'inaulting Ijan- Xcage. lt ailt tuk Pliae over a dog fight trn whlI i blth'ii dogccame out secetit best The ivitnesses for the pjaUtf f were Alex. Clark. Lraureue H. Jeakinton and John 'H. Campbell, but nainetif thein unppor Led t çÇhargr b4r.e~mtth, bis tira ons, ant Jobs Collacutt gave evitience for the' udefence. In thse face o! the evidern.e adduced the P.1I. eould not do other- vise than dl.înlss 1the cape with co.ts uioteçmiisît-~.~ ht mian.,- Mr. AlbeCt 0ee 0etToruta je dan- gerouly 11 Itlînherrtrouble, andi uC. lape la entsetàuled tor.bls recai- Rev. J. E. Moore returneti froin Con- ference onTuemau'evening lIMI. He -ban b"ni stastionieti ut Little Brtlain, and iwlll leeve ickering about June 201h. ~Mr, R. A. auîd Mr%~. Bell left; thls week for Brghton, irbere I lie lattIer has been,, appaointed 1Lin agent. Mfr. Bell la suecg4ed here hy 1Mr. Xi4ser, aôt(hG! ýton. Mins Elmia Ever>', wlho h. .4eo tec ln 'n he ate of Miatnsotit fcir thele bt oiir yeetrb, repssltitf heine ,on Mocndity lu spenti 1er va- cation. il m eîiht yea.rs #Ince she le! t Plekering, andi ber nuîuermes tri- ends4 are ulased lu sec ber le' their mîdat ctiSce iôre. On Friday 'Laiit as81Mr. -L H. Connor was drlving to the clty with a boatd 0o! hiay. ne f ti ba of 14is w CgoWi O tteoIwhite near the Hall-; W9ýy Hoase, aei1'as &,-eaIulte ,wa» tlirown fruin the i-01 of tbe bau on to the ,eletrie rî*ay track. sM ou M bhe4ti and ehboulde, and, la> fur! a time uaunoous. Word waùs sgent tu lits frlends b>' telepuhone, andti bis son ?Tiomat went of) ad broMffit hlm home. Hitreceired.a.ver>' badil shaking up andi severe internatInljur- les, but-iu arcèued aain.:Ï Rer. andi Mmr, Cummer, ot Halibur. ton, &Te spevdtas a few days with «n. anld lfra. Devereil and ottier Plck- erinl f riendu The Indaa Headi Vldette qa$s that "4crops throUghout Indian Headi dis-1 trict neyer looketi better." Man>' for- mer Pickering p)ecple now reulding ln tthat healitY are ta be c@igratulated ou the briglit otok T1he Rer. Joseph C. bel1, of 8ter- jing. bas been statloned lln Pickering ais pastar of the Metho(ilst cburch. b>' th1e Bay' of Quinte Confereoce. andi ,n kiI îreach ls irat sermons on Sun- day, july it, fie la .said toi 13e an excellent pre.tchý-r andi suceseful re- [VIN alit. on Wednesday at 5 o'cloek Pin- , very happy event WOcurreti ut tihe reside9ice of lira. W. T. ilartrîck on the occasion of the marriage 01 ber âsecclatidughter, Idla Ma>' Leaveos, tu Mfr. Wm. liranton, of Toronto. The (!eremoD7 wai conductei b>' Rey. W. Bunner, assinteti b>'Rer. Enon Farng- wowth, brotheirs-ifl-L-tw Lathe bride,' ln thse prepteIi0eof immedfiate reLa- Trhe young mnan or wontan living ln the aterage c4ýintry town longs for, the City' lite. 1IL la Dot Éso vuucb the desire fur l1mj ruveincutin their p~1-1 tion, as the dpqrc La revel ln 1the 1giamor of e:citing !td picasurable siglts. $tny home, >oungaterul TVie writer has haid tiwenty-fIve yearx of Toronto, antat fter bris nionths of '1f. ln the ecsntry. andi a retira ta -thse City' for the IýaSt twoi weeks. 1 would netl couse ba<ek tgain for a klngdom. Tise Iwful strugIleh for place, andt t keerp up appe.iri-nCes. lIn driving peo- 1 Ile loto bankrurtCy and. In*.anit>'. 1 notice hnpdreds.t !pale. winn girl r faceg, i n t!'e offices, on the streets, Ooetiapation. T "b4e" is ýauescathar- plies a goàd iflow of bile the. fôod passe alosýg the. aimntary canal and the wOte matter is prc>mptly. r.movcd fi4 ' thi body. Failure of thê liver brings comst-- pation, -indixestion, cling Of the Idneys an4 pobsonngSfth. whole system. Dr. ChaWes Kidney-Livcr Pille postive! y ce~rc constipation by maSm of theird"irectand specificaç"on on the liver, d thisis theon1wa that a listtng cure for costpaio can pou~iblr b f.ted .Dr. Ch2cs Kidney-Liver Pm&!, one pi! a dose, 25 cents a box, at li dealprs, or-Edmnsoei. Bates& CQ., Toronto. The portraît andi signa. turc of Dr. A. W. Chase, Ose bfamu i"pt book m.thor, are on . vey. rargt3d for an Excuision ta Agrieul- turaul Ceilege, Guelçh, pcr G. fT. R etpectai 4ra1uI4 on We'dnesday June 27, 1906 ALt followliig rite A ti mes- Myrtie. ...............25 Brooklîn ............._2 Wbltby Towu . .. ..« 1.25 Whtby JunctIOn ...1.25 7.2-5 I*. '7.85 $.m. 7.47 a.m. S.0o0 .m Chiadres, fIut4 are. For Other LStatLOD8 &ce Posters. Tickets gooti going on iSpecial Train liood ta return up tu ?hw,*ay, nllght, Jant 28th. everywhere. Eiery nerve or museI of tle yonng nman or WcsmaIi là %train- cd bu the Utmobt las order te Iioep p3ce with Ihe fant cil>' life. 8tay % herie 705 *trt., >'UUD5man anti young wooean. City' 1fitc i a mer. bauble- a delusion andi a onai..j,;change. A GILEAT WREAT. Oise Keyfàtolse lis aucosedt la efalpletlug un 2rrangemnent b>' whIch ever> persofl taking advantage of aur offer wiilmecure the greatest treat lu readiag mat 1er ever offereti .the Canidl.in 1public. Thse Famît>' Heraild anti WeektY Star, of Mont- reai. is ulabel>' eotead Ita asyndi- cate its naf&w others of the leading p..p(ri4 o!f.England a-IA Anerica b>' witiche y hu' ,~ve act4re.1. at a 4OSt oi 8150.0W. twelve new stor.es b>' tweire of tise 'norlds best ;,,tishora land tisey, are tu aprear ln tise ain- Il>' Heralti belmretht>'are lasueti la book tort. Eancli str>' lacouajaeteti lna aumnts, makins îwelvel storkE..tChat woulti 603t dollars l n book forin, inside Ib la cerialty aone u!t the comrle,%t te~sen feats iu modern journalîsta, anti anly thse 4rougest newsîiaera coulti bt.ke tise r" o f tise iwmenaýe expen- diture. We have amadie arrangements tui offer thf, Kpystoue andtihie Pain- l>' ileralti sud weekly Star 'un t4i Jan- nar> Is.t, 11>17, fùr thse hinalim of 1111>' cents, and i mstltbUme th~ etakinet n4vanta.Jc 'A!tise offimr *111f Aecure ut leust sux Of tliecoul.. plete atone,,. not eouatlot'lise mais> clh li nteretîn4 fraturesof, tie Fanul>' Her.sd an th ie Koyat~n. l'o estbent readers ofth1e Keyabosse wel rofer thse Faoelly Rlt?î4 fer 111 bal-1 ance of- the yec.r fr only> 40 e!t,. $ubueriptlous sisculti le *eut tho Tie Keystots offîce. FOrIS srohr vu> Sek Clilld * Fer Trntmat smUsSee!t "16, t souantalu, 9». uoad M <hi.ma mes wthbua ils gall ,.>'Yae. éil nta-IlOn ugnus mama't', Ste.?. te pace. b okêid cfToals21 et l .1 enm lie bide an Keeti . Sombof>'schili Y.ur olla UBy. a oro e teu Ohé"of «mt&1%9COU s L14rias g buj peu le adlsa .le m~Z Yee r aosm.doms rd" ole 0hon -ýd.. ell tM MeU1h s e. etya soi bmis l os.s. e héP di - IBm asuti eosWhb le.. à. J. ion ft.hqrw... t~sluss, orioDoqIas J~v1I. us, Oi..?<es&, .1 iii. Besphal for ~ UInsL ~ * 4 8---444me 4 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? t t t t ~ufr t 4? 4? 44 4 44 AIL4M-4M 444 444 464 *b 44 4 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? * 44 4 44 4 4414 444 '44-4 4,4 4 44 4 44 4 *4 FURDII 'Y Fr the mont Genuine mast ]4a6in ail branceh ru rt.Beautiful t _tè vices in our ho ment. Tapestry rugs and mats 50c, 60c, 75c, 00c, $1 and up Tapestry and Brussels ci 90e per yd. Paying more is Union- ruigs and- carpetc square yd. New right uow. -Wool carpets -and velve d.Dainty and charming Velvet rues at $20 and' Floor oilcloth and linol yard in ail widths to 8/4. Stair carpets and matt per yd. You need them noi Lace curtains aud wiud( for graceful desigus anid beai -season has seen so Iýnany ani are showing here now at~ 25e $1.25P $1.50e $2.00e $2.50; $IL Al [ CAS os" -1 'est a.warcls at Toronto Exh%.ibÎtÎons for -ip'eaks weII for the eugine. te pust fite er -tnxis mn use in ail parts of Otàtanad e oimrtlmr fixî t iLimmenselyiuief to drv "Z1>O.'ee. wTida s gasliue eihl0 -w Ss~ .1~~g ~boe TaIIw ~ Emoket F~h of uzot Made ln Canada The'p "PEFECT"F 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

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