Whitby Keystone, 5 Jul 1906, p. 2

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ferc csWuttes to if. ra Sce. Moriage. 1wYovk, July Lt4tThat HMMr f WIt aidth..t fviec pbou 'O *'cP cern.ff -1U!e was-tisq Convction formes! to-daY b tb»e Uggned fitise prosecutian of case.nfs cnvictions wastise r. - ý v as ib Woplit roins cithtés i-battle vison Thaw vas taken over - t.othée Oniminal Clurt'is building lo-be .*2nne&b-theDistrict Âttoeney'ex- wnV*n saw_ faces! Use exporta he ;ad .ge ely -insa cissireid a adjnos! 1 in &determhnes! vay t$sat is oie .,,teanswer any ef their SIns oiâ t té hlm on these ubjeet et - - ~u~.> ndiLles. Ho could net b. iindcedtochangé bia mîns!, althougb Weusas! trIes! ta make iL appear ttlàtTbsa h is lconsent te submit t*j th~e examnatlen. ý But Thav -dis! .it doe bis rnazüthe -asked someý, vs- zarable qusetons et -tise dctora bimoeI, made commentb crediub tabe o i m s5û<> of PuMg io ýtm'ands! [ise f ah t4asyaid nafirai a ITiougb -tise session vas frultlcsse& fo sgettîng Tissu'. ansirers to cor- t9.questions Use doctons vantes!to eÀk hlmo, It eores! te remeve every bit of dpubt on tise side eIthte proecutlon tt t1ise nsailty pie., if niade for hairo, Ivouls!save iim.% Th o n ý wkuhi Tisair made. ýtbrugh Iudgo Oictt, tS counse, ac- cording te tise statement of the latter >rmetly Zvelyn Neubitt* , ts e bw iri fo hom HarryTba&* lfs!Wkitè. tis .xmiatlnwat that lew4 1 to firât -desorlbè bhi conaliti)n >. Am ,enMgLane lanimUts-.'Mter Srts. Dr. Hamxiltos vas retalned toý-d&t as tise qýïv or ,V dl es. ne baid nathikdau tsé-S*.s hayw up1il tise exsn4natUon. W!!!l Abadon Insane Tboézy. AU evidence go far secres! Coulera- 4g evînts llng upto thrt-t almd nss tise relatons ci 4he rec Prisi al charaeters i, nit Tlaw, bit vif., mss! the vie14p! vil!£ i Ori;edfor tis rial, ànd Te a ttemp s tobt wc tb ttoio e iae a lmuvw Tho s lllotf uaitIse A~tIXi. aa Ms. '3WPw li'tho cale dinhng. L NM) ! ha tLiswltues mli sot appear befom tise fo i.til. Iporutt Wltness. 1 yt ng u6d'h t14 f architeet, clubmtan and chorus cannois.- ue»V by ttpeates! ineuits visites! by t4is latte zpon 'Xvelen -Neabit Thair, thÏ bride- et 18 meônthe, developed as co*, rUulng evidénice amid a maze ot cou. autn tonies. "'Nover bas It been marc firmly e tablisbed tisat thse vajge of sin ia deathi, Not once, but tirice, irctwventel ti*fpe, aOwrdflg À;à rellbistatements, Thse Kurder. Stanford White boastod et bis former relations with Mus Neabit, and bandieâ ber ne about as tise spart otf Me ges.- sip.1 "ýUfflrdicg te a close. personal f riens! et tise lu*famîily-one, of the'few persons wbam HarryTbaw conaented te se. adconverce, wti yestoeday-ab solutely ne expenbe vil! be spares -i savlng hlm tram tIse pffutentiazy or wor& This spokesme~ for the farnl wOit-s50 f as »Bs .@5Uthat millions, *f dollars, If0u.oessaryWouil b. forth. .pomis lq hljdele"c. Whit*, himacîf a father and isi&! malntaimed a veli kiawn rendezvous -In thée toier oi Mdisea iqu"reGmë%, aid another li WW ' Twmety-g)ah street. Wine, womeu and song uer. tii. i dols lxiu se. ternples et luxury ot White and bis boon comnpanions Perisape ho adlresad many lettelo FEveln Xesblt Thawin l the atteracon-,ot bis ilie, despite ber expre.sd absorrencee of thse mai, aid tisere la strong evlde#e that IL wau thse letters that ewarapd Thair past endurance. Wateff by Detectivea "Whm e tanfad Wklt f"'le =» the Madiooauaquare roof bis'reputation tel! vitis lsm. That'I., tisereutation vitis whst b a.enltdbysgn.tpub-, lic.' For, &mnong tise deveteos e Yor's Say, aide le iras known as a-ve. iutury aUbflm neid a ma»« Whot -eara has! pursues!' iti avdlty t~ coarso ans!daniier pleasureet ftbiseî 1 Wh "ite has! a private ffoom for mm ' , .Unl1 hé iwas a".dtovactoS l-lz p7sala r retaurant bulldln.i 'Re wuastbise Iedng spirt lm&ett irbose objecta vwere .doubtfulis! dwbý meondberip vs composes! et me.» Uno wua presidot aid aldent moter ot "Tise,.Chorus Girls' Club," Inifrl ts, Prftary abject late s~ b e1 deles40rs# and! for It. Ub "1% r y sbis attentions ta bad attractês!attetitonli tu t se rof Parla_ t. tmgJuly2-Tieas- vailm whîeh the onneitional elemâ ~zç,zeu muna irQm £~8&~'&~'" -- - W or's eysopened aid LIII coiir DegauTo' peror 2Ëipholas to dismis the Goreinyiln 0tatt delarlng alleglance te Par l i Cabhi Bd ai cept thé ,,principle-o À ttA~en~ rUQ8Ibih it ,pOn85so~~~*iIt ti ýspured tdy~itattreeUt-' crewned with s4CCets. But the. £mperor hoi.4 in te reîutiôzï%but wnthe 1 -tui the court are belng right.ened ite were izrrunded by-grnadie 9~ap Surrender less by the violent tak hoeaadabiaeo riey W made on the Goverument in the Lawew of thse battalions weakened. 1TIse',Llier,'. Boua. than thse alarming spread of revo- however fae<1thse musto, a dirini., Iutionary disaffection among the trao1o. red, and fat nighit, with six officerso, ' 1 Mbnthe Pobrejris cffi tlt ~sent under etcort to lled*ld,,Provinte oai Whjentise r" robreje n e isl .Novgorol wlsere the Japunese pr.»a -i iky 'riti Parliament and ite agrarlai pro. 1were confined, to underge rIb oa gramme la the big camp of thse gurd martiaL »WOMAN [[Lt IN LOVE! WITII MAN~ IIIROUGII READING BIS SIORWE1s.1 Wlfe of a Chicago Mag azine Editor Tries to KiH Denver Man. Denver, Col, Ju!y 2.-Tise love of IM. During the next throo weeks the wô- Tudor Kearns, of Chicago, came sitar znan écbeined te meet hlm a dezen tisues causlng ber to become *a. murderesas q- on the street near his home and near thse office of the.Den-rer Post, on which ho day wben she fired a shot at William I. is etmpîoyed as an'engraver. Esder, who had repe4tedly spurned bier, lie bas a wife and two ehildren and Tie &hot imbedded itseif in a watch repeatedly dectine4 te enteir ber automo- i Eader's pocket. bile and receive her attentions. To bis Mms Kerni came here a moitis ago 1 request te «" ahim up" the woman would reply: "Never; yeu know niy and at once wrote a letter tc, Ender tel!- love, and 1 wiIl never give Tou up." fig hlm tisat ahe Lad fallen in tove wiht To-day Le again purued her, when i hlm (btroug h reading bis atories contri- an insane' rage she whipped ouL A-avol- buted to Nhe Rcd Book, a Çhicago puis- ver and fired thse abot. ne feU an4, sup- cation et wbicb ber lsusband la ane of the posing she isad kîlled hlmi, use fIed.Thse editoru. Eader ignored thse note. pilice have mot .found ber. chsorus girl, vbom h. met lu London. Atter farmlng as aoquatance' witis Miss Nesbît thse tre tok a trip firugis Eu- rope, ans! IL vas sais! tiat they bas! been secretly, marries!, althougi Tiais rela- tives fiPiftsisurg denles! tisestey. Wbio ftravellingfi Europe iriti Miss may ether sensatlona! escapades tiser. aMis lu New Yenk. Mrm. Ttav threat- ened te bare a gisardian appointes! for ber son, and! shortly atter t.his tisist vas made tise couple droppes! troi- tise poblie oye ans! vere marries! quietlyfi I'ittsburg, only 3ms Thair and ber sou Josephs being presext a tise ere*-. mony. Thair vus puerally kiairisas «Mon Cher lbarris!'Frein bis sarlisat yrs ho bastreates! lifeassa, uge 30k.A lem vîvst by sélectionî, ho mas cms- tomes! t. havlng bis oui way ahnImt tram his r adie. Blesses! itis a satrong I ans! an uÜidles! deslre for tise good tisinge et lîfe, ho lasanid!to baVe been beadtrong tram bis boyhood -vp. In tbis eameetion tisepera! seui- nment et tisbulsines emmunity regd- fig HamryThairla Io des!" t ',v expresses! ln an -éditorial!-utterauce ad «Stamd6g eut In bo m ItHslà u tIlh popular-aspec t e ie eniala tise apone matiuset k. *Thair, laUR "!tedy iu tise blood at1Wblte upa Ide sbandsl thse virtini atte. simoh mone mOre tisashoela "esto., te.Se ne»er eanswd a cent la hil*iteands!never diS! .Snythlig uafasfor vnlis b. coulA ama the uIlgitest Asuard. Thse money tbMa wasPep d lt>lh4lap wu tôbim Pav*- ly tbiseussfor tise purut-et g.i!t7 I Populer chorus vis. zumber Pittsburg social set "as viippes! Inte line by that determines! lady. Thougis tisere ver. a fé* inaurgents, Most et tise amant people bowes! te Use mandate 1o Barry Thaw'a motber. TO PENALIZE REBATINO. Roverelgu Llfe's Predent Gives Drasti A Toranto despateis: Tise examinatlon of tise Soyereign Lite Asurance Ceom- pany vas coapletes!' yeterday. At tis. eonclusion o! thse investigation inte tue affairs eft tiis Company tise Insunance Commisson adjounes! to London, ehere iL m wil itto-day and! Lo-morroir, look- ingr tta the. mnan3c.maL oft Lb.London aid theseWestern Ompaaie& %Zext week ties I!! b, ansadjourament uatL Juiy 9, vison the Commission viii agaw nMeet i Toronto. .AtLise session et yesterdsy U»se tet- ure, ira the proposes solution by A. IL Hoover. Presldcis ef tise Soyereigu Lite, et fh. rebatlng evil preblèm. Mr. Hover, unlikeý tise aLier lmsursceau- tisorities caltes! ii tise Préenet inivti-. gation, sais!tihst tise compaisies tisem- aelves vere to bW=* efor tise tact that reb&ta la Isrite tisne bout Canada «»i for tisla cvIOi. lRé woui Iaibthe companý iosmavdly for th. tirit Offiace, take amytirir Ucessefor the .eaond, finÏfae sUr*=*e agent Whoisezsottated tii. r*sLeï ans! e-caed the, policy oU vbi usrtbat. juia!beau ?sives Tb*e evdeeeeruay eaItSI a large usea h thse setisodas- 1916 tl a heorgaul*aon et __tl 00 LiteOomsq, . -Dsrlugt the foeoethre. vltýnesf.s vere<oui tise ataad--Mr. Aison ML lUover, ?resi dent sand Isackag« Iet.orî W. Ba. i. tien liste n tt r * oa cQuntryortie lpment te aytrs coutryetany arti dlterates! or d uj-nder junaty st60 s' an!$300 or on. e rs. imnprisoisment * otis, for eacis- suissequent offýene. *encering uls'ipmentsB te a i' ï.~ couiitry IL la provides! thatno"rt!u. éhall hé deemed misbrandesl or adel,ý tenates! iren ne stubstancela uses!ln -cont liet of the lais of tise forolpa couuntry fer irbicis 1! la intendes AITER TU1E AUTO.J P-OMCIÂL CONSTABLES TO BI AP. POINTED TO WAT1CH THEK À Toronto, Ont., special despatoissaU7: Tii. Onta;io Geverament annoupieed Luis morning tisa t I itezded to appoint six drsevert apecial Provincial conatables te enfonce tii. automobile apeeci laus.- Durîig Iest session 0A)O vas set aise for this purpose. Oie condaisle viii luToronte, York county, IrMvisici sievtnal compaints have come,0"oin i tha Western' Part of thé P>rinceamd on. or two li th.,eastern saction et On- tanio. B lon. Dr. Reume, M.utUr et Publia Worke, la isufficiently inqpnived li health te resume M Miiateladut!.. uîexL 110s! Meetting la Hyde Park- Alter Ad- jounment-Leaer ikrutel. oI»don, July 2-Tse tbree suffra- gettes Wholie esarrestes! on Juna 21, for attemptiîg ta mais. a demon stration in front efthtie reuidenceofe Mr. Asquitis, the Chancelier of tise Exbquer, in Cavendishs Square, and- reastlng tise police, appeares!in tise Marylebone Police Court ta-day and! tise case was a*»acdte July 4thi Liter tise suffracttes held a meet- ing xIn Hyde PrIrbwere-3Mn. Dora Mosteflore, tihe reine ofLihe Hamn- nsersialth alege, wasa arreetes!. Thse charge .againat ber iras dlstributdnuj baUdbil.,ý whiels la net allowed in- [lYs! Park. Mr». Montefîore w»s taken totei police station, but suis. seruent)y vwas aloies!te go. NII)t""NON LAIJOHABLE INCIDENT UV P6L112 COIJIT. TmoRNT ri a ther snusiqgIncident lui viicis. a pair otrours playe!asp art cae u p is PO- ice Courtt Ui. xaornsng. Benja Min se4- gle a yousg mei, as eosnuslttos! te 1#11 ai mig lot Uslrty dtys for stealing & pair 01 trousers. When be came up be- fort theaistraté tis sMOMnsg Riti Woralip mals!; lWisere aeetise rOuf-ý i oofPlume, Every. au Abixidant YlM- g and! VineFlavoedy bavre muonbontiful -fruit ai-d rçIlw ~PP.~ t~~l%1'~ onusula, but by, presexat ludcations »M iyOat i û. sxcptkDaU prmlax< ns!thse.producL pr*@iyear, fruitgrW~5sy A bis ooinow aum a asu à&asthe.poui ..w~ fil q ê4.~ Ibrettdorstbno3#t y'ar arus!boe nov e mu a. f na r e <b also causes!tise- fruit-te. pair1,t un- msa!ai e b lvrla is.goos as nover -ueré bettmr saasa ISp ,l la the. fruit boîl"tisa Ibis Voir. If t6 vatisrer oonum- fa - yosêtise r>. bernies vil!aseeabo bu ian, S o etc., « lVb. peuti Epert gwth. re4 UnSt* OtiétesBa Ision Nýel Net be Puxem* London July 2.-Mr. Svaylad1sa ,.sioe traâe expert vise=&dmas! atouxr et thse United! Staties on béait01ethtie Norismptn bntindst j r rte- tisa Enlsi boemakmrsnui oib fIzgstessesb' a ninvasion ot Amerloawa sisoe& tbe .Amerlcas makensbven diret, adivantago over tlieir Egli eoptitr* vnl hy q sroul h=sandipe&ê b, the. tact tlsa thIe cOM 0t productioni, lu Amenlawvs- -5 pe cent. Mare tisan la ]ngland. *Nevertlscless, Mr. BSwe M."ay, b. fous!0*s.Amerimas,; fa suelrf u ais hrpas, u ra etoue..I Lb. mprti -bave a visale-isearted ble-, 1 ts fitsauperiarfty oet tIsir versmaa si p ans! systemn.-: k -V!? ITBTRESSE&. Tis J=eA iIr Tiait i ols!a l Paris, July 2--The siiket IMc tWs illes!,waterday ýtii aîîefor tie sale oetisteir miskere. deosers f iit tlbest- truees l tise wotId ' 'ltiglrIs atpod desmur. wite deniers troisParis, 3onllIxmLo. don, Mosceir and t eweubre crlL!eally examIW* tiseirbisar~, ad,- a p pe belsg. agved!. upoxi, ui.7:aceompaniled lis. buinyr% ýte appointes! plaessto bave tieir trouses eut off., Tise pria.. varieê frais 43 te 53frases a poisd one 1'famni sustedly parted, vith 80 pound* of iasr,rolzsgIrI vrOjsia OEYLO-e Free fîrom al1 ac LoA-d packots puly.- 40. IIOEST AM~ x -- - - - - - "Yes,. certainly,,uncle. Just.ma your mind when you výi1I start, willniake du~e preparation." JIere Mme. Debrssay nmade ber aw aince, and sentiment wa:& nerged- i aisce. - t'ncle'Sandy was positively ag-h, the torrent of information pourcd by the capable Franco-Irishwoman. "Let me see"l-pulling over- thÉ "-ýContrexeville? I cau'Vmake. 1 Isere, but 1 was at Domremy once- My poor husband was alivc-and 1 far trom, Contrex. I dare say th will bc close on forty francs- elghty for the two of you-ami tlsrough fare by Çalais-you mus thse shortest route, Dieppe 09 wejsld be the death of yoir-is soir Ilie eeventy-two, say seventy -tl hundred «Èi forty, and a nightîn slzy or eeventy; and cabs, and : s.nd luggage, and douceurs, aind--' inents on the way will rU n jte I flfty-fivo more; that't a huudti forty, and eighty; two hundâi twenty, and sixty; two hun4r eighty-three hsmdred and loi -round numbers." "Lord's sake, womani" crle4- Basdy, startled eut of ail propri you are countlng by hundreds, I'1 ï4ty here aid dee, while I have aà tô carry-m puir body back te- "'h, don't take f right, nmy de iembkr. tise iundreds do nol 'selit poundu. LIl Itel you the ~nlsh money; we wlli1-jnst ree hund7od and fifty tt sà ~and, trouble (that la, rix-koùnln po ato tise-hundred francs, I ssay- geL a, trifle more if thé -1 "atvorable), that, la jusL tu tContrexevilî." ne ieturned, wltha -Us pSsible , though It fa deaper 11, ad 00 inih more to corne ýTwety-et-polmde sterling- Ija4 .-lea tian a month. 'Trhp, ydear -r, O'd -brad -te geL # l, 9 ffl 4" Fi ý.f Il lei

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