Whitby Keystone, 5 Jul 1906, p. 3

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v by duct- ang big ,ire, re p un- -"a th* lh. and e -tour th. b. icau Sno gligh w8ly cost per rls bhil* mlan- ein air, .ine nid (mec EVE C:ie- Vigor. unbens' o pen Vn ton 'ayere i Opou , on- z and in te <Y a ni th* trf bUt of the <r c e Ktilled,$ lund iThe ýurning Xti. J. est un. urt ( Guan OEYLON C NTEA Free fro i dleao f any kind, LeAd packets ply. 40c. SOC -813,0 diperl.- Dyl 811011EST AWARD ST. LOUIS, (904 ail grocer sot wu me voit fiYes, certal.y, uncle. Just mnake up a woman tekOeep ber tongus quiet. Léset lI your mind when yeu iiýil stunt, uand i1I sad, ,oonest mended. léet'a say use, marin ui wit inked~; prpaatin- aboot it. It bad beet not corne te mona's ExI 'iliaede-peaain"-esrsy unc lere Mme. Dcbrisay miade ber appea-' "Trust me, 1I as))net breathe s syl- .1w ance, anud sentiment wau xerged in fin labla tW ber; and 1 wiIl go and propm N anceSadwpoiiey ast ut your cocoa. Let me shako banda wltb vill the torrent of information pourcd forth -you, mny dean air." roi by the capable Franco- Irishwomafl. Having don. se, Mme. Debrlsay Ieit te "let neie e"-pulling over the map- the rooni, murmuring te bersol! asobs lai "Cont.rexovillet i can't muike it eut descended th. tairs-"Sti<ugy,. cross- vis bere, but I vas ut Domremy oace-wtîeu l gunied cantankerous aid miser. - e ti> my poor husband was alive-aaid it's net thinks h. can set th. Thames on tire." nio fer from Contrex. 1 dare suiy the fare Wiiile Uncto Sandy, reclining s cou- an wiii bc close on forty franc%-tht's queror li hi. easy chair, mumingi on 4hetr eighty for the two of you-and the altercation, "A hasty, mteniny vomuin,' we through fare by Caais--you must tske u3 ahlm mental verdict, "but no devoid the s hortest route, Dieppe or Havre o' &Mte.P' Oc wouid be the death ef you-is something 1ClIAPTER XIV. tiu like eventy-two, say sevcntv-tht'5 a Flually ail things wcre *arraged, ornu hundred a&Wlforty, and a nigat lI Paris, araige thmseIvOB*iand one fine moa- yu alixty or seventy;, and caba, aud fiacres, Iug tu Jmue, Unele &s.dy (te wbom 14 <ri sud iuggage, and douceurs.,uand refresh- wan ne difficulty to gtUp 'in the mié- s monts ou tho way yul m rn into fifty or dle. of he ugbaai fifty-fivo more; that't a buudred anid Deb&y nid>e nMnighwerueMle forty, sud eighty; two hundred sud i.. t an earty hour-pscked <li tvent, su mlxi'; twe bndned aadund Ibrgekfusted-to &aet by the menu- czghty-threehned dfrty " iug train for £over, on route te Paris. de "roud numbe, ora." ', "*41 ne Ido nôt kuow bow 111il ii vullieut <> )frd sSe wmIai!" ciety .ifyeu," mid Mme. Debrisay, -ombracîn iu Sandy, tant.led eut o al( rority iona, wîth futs-flowing tears. $1w yen are countiug b>' hundreda. I'd btter lrîh before yen came, but - now n a- bore and dee, while I have ailler left aitîg~ te cy mypiboybc etnth kuow what it in te have yen by me!l R to cary mypuir ody bck toStri6-h, lbé awfully loneseme when u au miil."ai;gene.fit "Oh, don't take f ight, My dean ir "And boy s hall miss yeu, 'deare to remembor tRio bundrodm do net » Wb enke rnbi-faiic h sent pouniâL l'il tull you the ,otI ý tuak I have undertaken! 14 15 a seion English uioaey; ve viii just niik8 lu t ater to hoc hear-leader o Lî,W* B" three huudved aud f ifty. th save Urne d,"u and trouble (tbst. la, reckoning f our "That XIt la! but yen vil) do, vîL dl pounds te the hundred francs, and y*ti Above ail boid youn ovu. if you ýýglve muiy get a. tnifle more if tho exchaW inl, he'll ho mure te traumple on you. And ' la f avorable), that- la just f ourtoon you wilII write teamie every week;V' pound-ilirst cdais to Paris, aud second "I viii, dean Deb, sud you must su- on Wo Cenitrexeviile." aver. Geai-bye! Goi bien yeut' ai 'Ah," ne returued, wth a sigh; "'thi:tJ"WVe'Ii just mise our train,"celmUn tc ls possible . though 14 is deaperulto coat- 'oie Saudy'from 4h. cati. f 9v 1 uad as much moeste corne back.. The jeurneyr acrosa the chenue! sud tob ';'eny-elght pounda sterling-for! how the capital of fair Franco in nov a ,twice- Ion g -leois than a mrnath. 'tl-a, hf-el-ae ailUa* "llerhapi, my dean Mn. Craig, to eW oton"'AMy sud bit 'ArnietY Net- right f eei equai te prcloug your ra=- ertholei, 14 vaà fnsught viih eeltenient hie aind go ie Germaaiy; a litile chan sd 'deligbt te Uncle Ssudy's in:pel e!f scene aud-and diet mlghtbt syaý. sence. -T B. fain hep flolda cf Xe, btt motbeneficiai e! fect." vhite elt fsansd blue gIitteringý'W5tt "rnot i sewil oe o! 4h. Channel ai Doei. the. Adtnslty j pointing t ÀrL tete os o oewdy' arnghte o e1. "0f course sho viii . She might as M vll ng o oeoe arar W h .-brosking 'up nov, ahe eaunet expeci deck, n aIl f1 odod hlm mate orvo' t et mn rore p, sthia cm."s , ýdor sud admiration. -dà 94Oh, ludeed." netunned unce S y R tp 'bis travelo vone lunftd. t4 tu an aggrcve Saone.Glaagov, Ardeelan tu(vere 4h. faoryt "Miono, my love, there le s letter for' waa. situated in vblcb ho bad ia-= to lie Fo onta. ubdbttrg niforon=an sd manager>, sud Sinathslrlh- you dwna ia. Yu ladbottr go udo canme to London bi lad takc« se. If lu uceda aau Sven." MOUasobey- th, neturint45,50 etery stop o!f tis uw' ed. 'I amn sure you'il lorgive mbe, - MY wsas s« a ovelîy. aear Mn. Cnffigt if !rern uny deep Interoat But the niaVel cf mamtea as te ted Lu aIl that concerng Mous I Venture 4 to Clisménet udotand a vor4 tae.à liberty. As tue deanr girl le going aTkcn by tihe ebattenlng croWd srosand toact adaghtermspat toY4, 1 i<>P 1a. Thon, lueud.h.ocug to bis you yl su Uicthe eeeity of he la 5uli*Wà mm, sud *aes bJ«efcvil tb re arne1 te ber; and as you 'have never Wh-. neprtrvo = Uole lt 1 ICnwIImueb o! youug les sud 41e1r1.,WaIs requrometi you must suffen nlue t40 PiÉ- -Mous, vbe bad I o mmebet nuvo geat thai a nices 111. ll owauce- teF»about conveylngber havM allélasncb s énabie her te dresa as beomeS 701WdistancevaeU 1omrnls. udrellvel *0 ado pted daughtor-woiild b.-" * f l 4ho* cae iUo mromevbiaout '<'Nmv," broke la Unci. Sandy t bsa ! lm »-f,1i by ay of bis aia strongeat mcent; "I VyIl net suffer lu. Ities vauleho,-humus. h WadMot4 Ure -U'ttlc stati --atahïrï u brlek etigMl4 «r4e'pssfgi xged htqu4.cnutus@ h lob avaited thb. a Abs o4e tra ag5~ier~g of 4h. peas- Lnhbl 81tsf b.village --the n ta bl6iffs fflm imd voult iC. iwhite p anad paiu t-hr'ts'the ces ~ ~ ~ ~~i su it nau ètire Olt bug êtoho -weedrf&, ent tc on tbI ' wear..86y on 'o0» fr-4 6m thelr conveyane when h t éO'pe< oetieentraà oftbe establixan T'hen came th* bnsuja- of fiadtim Omo sud tarur , Thi *a ipllfw dby Z'r o IintWouctol taIucd by fé Debrluay frei a MU MI fniend t*X, le 'Directeur, vpe Fcame to tbhen, arnt to Mn r.ig' finitée jey., proyod ,te b.ai t eIlOu g0ls seholar. mou&s' tltcu b l, ile would 'bave, embracei hua iie . ddressed thaem lu their native tougue M'ho that b a Iatelyvistei Controxe Ilo de. net knoeIL MleI.Directeur, Su nember bu m ih pleasure? Watchf i >coutribute by cane sud Judicleus regu Mions te the*welfare of the humbles ltor, cousiderate sud fatherly i hi iougbt for the vesk sud suffeiing, ai iot ubiquitous in bis ceaseless vifi nos -is graciousumncrusuad kinl trongly mumrked face made hlm eve 'eleome o eold aud young. TRie sight of the ýwealy, querulci id insn. whs seemed far more helpies ban b. really vWas,. under the cuire( uch a delicate, diitInguisbcd looktr QunK creatune as mous, appealm tb 4, bnudant chlvalry of his nature, 51 culf the -momient cf;their meeting hii tl dilfic-uItIes tenlsed. Tih. next day- mmv Uncle Ssndy.dul aauguratcd litoe .system of vat! rinkiug, douche.suad, massage. Mon& lound ber daties saadopt4 kught.r by ne meaxas light. Atn dock îhe vasu xpeeted to b. ea tÎe ber arm te ber un<isdasa irogres W 4h. sprlug; to valk vil dito and fro betwecn 4 h. tumbleri sien; te irnallate ýhie, g-rumbiliig le bath atteMtadanud the. '<nissd » «PIluintht lM .etbility 'cf bis en the. Dmâêi 1 vo yduiiesat t Directeur sad-OIe- tdr h ma* red, and etaie hd OPI Koas interentioà.overy day lu I veek, bemides bhr, ondinsyt7sl of.r1W Lac aluaéthe leader* la th. Seoiculu uîàbi vauforwarded 4t a b*negrular and vvltlng- the tew-lattera b, oe odespaucb. Fompart, ofUe).Ssu Iunions about bis beOU4t Coniai oÇA iehe ttta lf~tremulousucm la1 ,ad -t4st ofi u~o sin betw fv yna vblo m-,-uerv bulbe desth e hs-se c Iglt mM lis passlug latotot hoéd'b 1M lua u41 eu ituy of hiovM bcaibh. Ti. bd b Lmpahdby apSS of n mati levr,. 0*» the '<~rm..Iru vara u ý.s .yet us K f Wkm Urff- ko pulr ,brotherle h "d* ad 1look enu to~s Paris Uuablt ePr.servo Wher. Spa.LWho"d. I thiù m ortal lIfe.ýe e STere -vas a contantatnglel UMr. Witii1 u K. enligiitened, mgua uthe, b~t Is eld ftstnutil effétlveIy eU ,lC maem id, betweena desie 'te bide the p m i u;O l aid n s a dl s o - m d In21$ th e gatbèrln g orOvd , Of pa 4 w~m~ peaevaton f od bildngs.~d11I*0n Fet. medy to terber o, plecs. a,"' &ibtoomseset t Ule- auParis, the com--uisan o! 014 boseroom iW n t e eVieux dAu-. amanwbose podutWerewfli Parie bas nq been able ta pro;e.ve, the guatins ssii ber no more. h&ra b vry uice da o* he m ul b uel hd ~ ~'t o ù r 4 et ÉcusI m d o the as éSIa*104t ho, ~ ~ ~ ~ .,e ciâeâ«. apo, ncp wu' i~ t wltk diffculty that chez- f rom M. lé Directeur. fr da r w ben abé carne f rom oltte OPrisy vaw ,ssavod from liuchin#- The mot ciarmng"of = = *laber ueasde born, la Noruvrndtté "e. aur, tr,~eo oe4r a -dd m d ag h ter,» j<j d th e la tter ; ý "4*td c ta t r e t. T h& i i. th ýb e n0f-th . r t , h e ýi constant prese ne cf a aveet 7you ung girl O th e, 'b us and int . 1r gIv pf c a m ù o o . T h, nére al pub - B -IÎeda a llgtof tender punty on ber t..la thé Sketch <Londont) miht have Ie«uu ~ ~ pbi ua;adt tbe's blé, snob as nothlng oins procd5z." t In luany Of 'e 4h.cuarsel wdpsl f h oI uti andeou SH.o ontiaued f ain a koa,wth a wrth ead. In S40.e miet sud saluta- iyntoleu in y vthe kgtuidè soft, pna " ane. tla aley, ,and evea !a suc'i lunis s epod;it qeki a "Oh!i Ai i Yes! But thbey managwe te froxatéïn 0op's Ifllbürying grhsind fitm us Sy lotoe~m1.~'uf rua u ecdlong bble »," end h.Bu ' 11111by h. .fiose n &$d n a îê u o .e eps i8 > Englieman. .to-day jut sncb bouses, roome, atair- y~ ,tei aaforwbou0 'Waswbat sbould nover ho perilt-cases, battred balustere and rocoo S.u« ~ ~ b'et~iims* ci teait exclaimed Uncle Sandy, energiti- tels, aud wardrobs as wus the roonxres h otlgv.b 14 a 'Cally. <'No voman that ever Uvei d 4 u ned by Charlotte Corday wben tbis pic- >,Vtt* «,a i s. daovte<la -~~~ tlmebt EYD: iSIwudZ rwmsnpped, with~ any knd et mer. mmd geiing tbuber . i-dsh" (orcehandise of small vendors living unden wîtàh m hlm 1.-41.hobeading of aSë 9 i sl) b y id ooe the . me roo. -o01coursne the French In score 'va wu t ~d ato~ "Mniu bu muc force of charte- our grandmnothers days set the faahion droea of ibouasad; .7 ey &w I tbat -ter," snid Mi. le Directeur, sinlilng. *Butlanhousefurnithing ad everythli¶el» Charotte Çord&y vu cas tod b~y a -ho would fiud it vory diffîcuit to, amy o here vomen rulo crCI more cOmp tly craeseto!Vaafty; ah b.dsind te plaT >s te 80 cbarming a Young lady as bMs than theydo nov. Sine of OUT elders aroem p S ssberine eon Lt tL*n l ?"ced n!.Snd, no doubt remmber ove» the large droop- public 8.ldhcoelf4t "Shul 1?"rrâ nee anytS1 g gbat snd the phrned -nocerohlefs sueb id la et iuvupModts, uber In up his chia;, "let ber try me, ad ahe'd s Marie Ane Charlotte Corday d'A- weak, intemperate nat e ud u*t en- . soon find out if 1 ean or nt." mont one when ah. tripped bout, 4h. dure the ImeondingideWtéat1ofer mti.u. (Ta ho çorm4nue&> ,, miets f Paris on ber gym errand la Her trial follooed i, four day, &M. d those brihitdays of uly, 170, nd onuthse venatgotbe trI M -704,diIrWo ai ~aated the strking f 4hthe bur cf ftie whlch the, found ber .asduà t tuoUS, 1. BUSINESS (iILS In that very bedrocin maysi the Deies alwatnied al, .1. as hba&& stTrnscrîpt. 1 < canlle jive, 1# e oppod1f ?1Ui 8i h . b d told he r <a llier that ah. m is w blch M ou1i*ý e oPléhU " a 0 1.«4 Ncd it, iled:'-MB oodt Stund Worry golng te England, but ber real dppèàna- moi.-"sfect -stloi -af4. Piso and Stralu 0f DUSInesegourm, tien vas Paris, and bers"ced purpose 4=h BU* , 41. Z Oo4t* 0f vaswute play 4he part of BrutuA .ithe Charlotte u wem 80406esareallml" er Business overtaxes . vomaaWs m«Zngh.ierce polluaes cf -that heur and nid 4 tbe Ibo t JI0~dte bisé lb Weak, languishing girls" fade under toenaseent republicf Ite, Ceesar. w rnbt ,UlMnt," S 'o traiu. 'iley riek health rather thals In tht. season of girl graduat3s 'et mliaI; o wr t =Urnr Sles.e employment anid the lois of bealthoulous to compare snob mielof an <d.c ubaiillt *t»~ mgreans the ion of beauty. Thousaxide et ctei Young womea (ah. vas thon 25), l1m "c, ail bel7 5W tây, q tA» ngearnei llgelioo ny fomenboxaw itb th. general po$itlcal lndlffec'.,îcUOROhCbw1W i? * li ho am a ivlikod »y ro hoe suad political ignorance of t te-ycu'ig obsM offle M-de ~êfoiAb Md the yng jam, n ok; the-obeekse 51111il im public offices, and business establlsb - veman oï the American republie. fD*ru 4aw.~ mente are sllent suffenlng viollusetfunderhiberty and self.governMoat thüY *r ith It butb '.-mon 0. tIi Iy bVItXdur sddf yc ave tboir duec righteansd protecuisaa N04 é trength because thoir blooa .upply i eh uamte > o»ta b bf.91 nteual 40 the etraju placed upon tbexamach 'ama mater o!conne list uyio1 aie, s f t a se-a lssns"Yua yff teP0w u e.a lbreathoe suad nerveus, th ne 1 i aaisen mml.. ~ okaguluat lime with neyer a test i euendothe o!r4wé heats.Tmp ff m, 1 -1 -t Whou beadaclies sud backacbes make .v- sulgh*ud4."i teree. y~1~U o ery heur Me sa day. Little votdii Young geuilevoTiaris ltocrtie bnu W. àbà*m 14 "0 is t thoir cheeku loe.the tint ef beaItb and ut Orn»,-on 41. xeg1ish ChAunI, 4wu dit«41. psogph b~y " flm I nd thL Tlielreyes are -nieh l l ai chulibrary, vbere ehe, blad lrc'. sinsw i n. Tb is ou i 'n ud veary; theïr beautydoeaeddeefabesaLatn lauli ad X lo; but surly fades. Business girls PlltarcWe LiVes sdeddo 1 l,~ mreS Ir41 and vomen look -older than thein yetrs proMbly, as the. vas ofttt.btid-«ihé su oUn wtm o lbecause tj eed thlI enelt help cf axv auitàors asuXoàusseuRaya! nitCarylebinlsg atruc s elgicl'Tlse.'ubnesP011uUWX, 04 i»Itjâ "dog IMM qmau" ueM .acine te carry ibeai throug tthe day Drt. statueshabaven .drawufroamagina- ,818 edWilliam.' Plnk 1111' are' sotuatti«n .1 tbl 0 AA.ie tvS »nrtet â « Sfood to, -tue ssrvcd uervepsi ud tien, but w&e rdtirai brame ýo! business vomen. ,Tbi'eycoeone' o> u t sfrom ontm ra ne- pr5m* ksé.7, to is.4 b4 sam- trs h bloiom et- ihta govcf ' en ber Universiye ab-i e L4< omeais Olicee 1. _Y < woinaubu it v s 14 <mt prime.,-In olfened pef.mo psla h r1yi bnbhi es pnt, d i 1 ~bWmngog f li« sttly fiaed« *i~adri&d, t4 ~ ao ig4h. 1*e weloe8Mn 'Mmuimu$re muet5bave fltb Mie Sfdivenvi Iveat4 1,~~ vhih _ iIuIu ", e bae P ew M_ ~~~~~~~ ta d tie, lslfV ". , do<1ev. Thi e;at .xertloiwould tire beril ile ha4 peddvéa b Ielf h*vr ta~t~ 1 ' me*- _ - ""Ma ar O5 dded twberbe4, ;Out. - n i thp it Qp51 Ut , , , a$sk1 = a" twlde t e,.er Ou.10Wtb ao im fe ~ibertu#or, m* uie dmrultk peeo. rics~~ed le *leSê lO4gU mm$15 raire- soit bu cso, a h fst t rm& é èePM bad Dei WSII5Wvtu PIt » Dr.e t iwm@ê o"a l bae shored ie ltbr4 i.i.la uai iY ISkIK rcli ed locé*ut_ ~ wn tmylfilm-

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