Whitby Keystone, 5 Jul 1906, p. 4

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uwai aunhifler re-unlon on Irtneada> ev-i * nigat the hcme oCfMr. W. k.Hol- ila. Abc* utflty were, preMnt, 4Blmaugme ut thelact thait there are twO ecfa or0f mallpox In tht.snec. -tCe nthe diX pupilis who had! Ioterd- oit writlig at the eiitr&flce examina- tion atWltby were prohlbited froni go doIDg. Dr. Waugh, P.$.1., niade arr-angeuwlhts through the ProfÂoclaI ldat4on Departmodlt whereb$7 the a~okh pupils were permitte<4 tG r*rite at home, The. exanation w-as held b the bbancit uhambet, on F.W. Cowan»'of utOuhawa, P"su hriugh the xIlse, en-l3unda th bhm andnOIlI a whec near the Irmt btldg nomne part. of the inachtn.- eryrefusied t work. Sie was cwn- peiied-4 to leave tble machpie -herle fer repalr.. on Sunda3 afternaon as Mr. Alex Falcoeier, accompaiild by-. Mrs. Pal- coter-rund son, Uiarcncu, werp drlv- Ing itt the village trom thq west, he met au autounole, when In front cf n1 R. Wolter'a r~ u W out the alghftt:wibru'. u i borse botteil fur the dliÀch, and upsolý -the ris, Frtul'RtélyI Uic occupauts re- oelved no iDJurY whatevei, and 1e vddafew Imght scratches tu Itle iWdklnesday and tThursday la charte aonaal's legs, ocither h0*aO nor ni; n~ it 1. liile, of Ouhawa. -* ce day damge. No blame frhe excursiOn to Guelph eems nev- can be attached lu the automobiliste, er tui loue Its poptiiiirty. SeventY- as they were runnlD lfgiowIy. and five tickets were suid liere. 1 tofped a-a 5000 as the horse sbowed Mir. Noih Luke has been v'cry poor- f right, and after the accidenlt cm.- 17 lately. veyed Mirm. Favconcr and ,l*aat'er Mins Jennle L'oukweil, of Oh2 %v.t. Cla rence to thelr home. frb» borne, la yliutdg wlth friends here. mwhlch frequefltly met autoimoblie. Mrt. and lira. Ormiston, of Owten fore witbo:at showifl the slightesit Souknd, were receflt guest3 of Mrs. H. degrec of jright, rau sonie distance, Binghani. but wa% goun caught Me. and lits. Art hur 'WieAit a rW, on lMonday afternoOn, GeOrge Wil- family, cf in'dsay, are -s'itlng 1 ' 'C'n mt wîth an accident whiciî 4.dwfl.' lit. Wells still carrnes his 'n u light have hid ftaliresuits Hel In a sling froui the e!f"e--ts o! the was in his stable, standing behini ai InJury li erecefltlY reoeeived, but la~ colt, when sooeething frigbteaed th. nImprcrvlîg nicely. aini al.càAng it tc> kick, tlk.i Mrs Canebib istin lir dugherMr. Wilson un the breasi, infllctlng at Br. Canllbks. t a llrdugtr îity çwusid, andtbre*îkiîig a I b at. Burk jFaile n n l* , y o ght orver the 111k! t. Uc was takrer Mc. d. effey ,îd o!~o ~ Dr}~învàî's-urgery. wherehi.s roeto, are y'VitiligwL vlh relatives hîer. 1njuries were attcnded tcl. It was .Iust to be in liew vith othý!r 1,ro- a narrnw escape. but aa-it is, hc w.Ii gicsIve IlaCLs the jli4, gut tii I1w Li4 uit for saine tlimP. aiitii-OX car lut W~?k '~*~> The re&-d4cits O! our village anrd rc8is deveiopî*d lui the' f.nrily of Mr, %Icinîty are aiixiouUiy awaltiflg the* Ù. Aguti who lies abmout half ; declsionf of the eommittee vrith re- mile south ot the village, the 9~~gr r 1 flL1df~o ikrn tagloti being trace4J to a 'ý aitor froaaî (olleize. and ar' hoiliwful o! aeeing It tToronto. As one ofthlie chIltlrQn b Kd; etect:d on lte oid mite. 'Newmarki>t been attendilîg acio.ol th" Board ' t1.t'n frbeer fot ohv ¶1~ltl delde o a wrwil E", i- 1 t ijuit aIt that placf. but, when nation of the pupli.s. ]r.4. Moorp it d *-yery-thîng is eorsdered. we do mot S-tuýrr atterided aI the. .iehooil ouw- uilnk t11w iiduicemue'tlioffered by on Monday and TueNday, and -1 large îix.î îown aa i cqu.al the advantag-,e nuniber were vaccinated. The sehool which are tlrc:idy establlmhêd aM %vas elosed. Mr. Agustls iand hl,, ickeging. No zjtc rould b. secnren daugiater aîwear lu bai' very milid lat lu any way would compajre wlth typ ecf t)âe disease, aud It las hopped __________________ tilere nia>, bu nho new cases. 'The foiiowing la a LiaI o! the pro- I t s i a motion8 natde ln the Brnokihn Public Schooi for the year ending June 3tbi, I di ti n Jurnor Dlvlion-Forrm 61r. il to Jr. 'THIS $evVe MdtiP"w ulform of l.-Je&', -,iggs, Anala 2Bl1fght, NMir- i Idgeto nssfo sugs lat s- perc*r, j'daepih iFra.ncis, Myrtie action Of the liver in SUPO ie Agustus. bile neceway for good dUetion and Froni I -tor. Il tu Sr. il. -Bsi uhcalthfUi action of &a. bOWels MceBrlen. lcs-sle Colwili, Norman Rot- .The foodi decanmd gl*vu s tis t ley, Ncra ILiiiberley,- Chas. Heayni, COfiLCIY pn.klattihny, Feveriah- John IIIortop, May .siater. his 1101- nessI, Pains m the Limbe, Headache, lîday, teacher. Loua of Appetite, Gus on the Fr. Dialui.-JTr. 111 tb lr. Il[[StOnMbc. md U9 uity of-th. EVdua Burton, chiSta Eivîss, %reima De- Bc>vels. long, Emuly Raymond, (iotdon l ue.ji It is bsolutely nees9iry'to sut Frank Colwili.. the liver right before anything like -9t Il toir;IViln;nie, Tily-cure cam b. .zpected, and the muai - .rIft, or MO .-.T ennie HSa vaz certain me=nsof acmpihing th«i cratGeogeMoUu.Lews avaeresuit is the- use uf r.C=asô Isabel Walker, Vtra Vpond, L,""r KidneyLiver Pis- Hoirbtop, Ernest Wh.Itetord. Leta Li%.. This great medicine bas beer r43n&e, Reuilxis liurtol, Clarence [&Ur. especially successful in the Cmre0o - nugh'. itestinal indigestion, which canzoi Jr. 'IV to .4rTV. -ouella 'Hueson. b. reached by stomach tablets 01 Louella Lawrence, Bel1a Fowile, F.EI'- ordinaryderia cures. fie HeAYn, Loule M.iclena Id. W.'. K Dr. Cbas mc D-Liver Pillaon. pl Hume, Princip)al.o" 2cetsa b~ox, iailUdealer%, o = BatC à rtTorooto i ~tb..ýQMoI%Qu.Thon. 14 a, lanMtri t«X her. to draw lrotm;,Sàod-,, ail., 1auk7 BqçooeUiD04bMofland with1nx- a sb#r* cstance of Toroat*, af (ondan; town lite.' The reputation qi e f 1- cienoy acquired by Pickering, CoUlegis ln the'past ta one ol the. montiraliki reasokis yIiit should Lx. rebuit herm Trhe naturai ci taticka, affording a un-_ lque saiiitary condition, -wktb ita tiuuBTed* of beautâfut shade (tYoeýs, spacl0us swards and romantle drive- w-ays, hua been the resiut many years of seious tffort and coattnuous toit. It le our earacaL belle! that if the eowitee conulder -tlese map> features there -la '10 doubt tb" W111i âoelde faiorabl on Its locationm heg. 'lobe oitimenlu comxnIttee bue. hae iakied ai airge muu, bIîth a gdod pros- pect oc considerabilemt-re, u4hooîd mapet- er sw amre efei PORT WHIITBY. Miss ElsIe A.hkiflsou, of Toronito, w.aa hocme over te holiay. lirs. George GoldrlDg and MIsa J. Goidring, of Toronto, isîtent 'the hol- Wday wîhth fricadi'.j Miss Tena r5iepp, of Toronto, %is- lted with her 1acents over Sunday. -Mr. andt Mrs. Jackmun and Chilti, o! Toronto. spent te holîday %vîî'n Mr. and Mrs. Alberi. Moore. Mrs. Soniervllie and Miss Robsori of Irooklln, iislted lins. Jas. Smitla over the holiday. Mr. Donald Fraser' I3 hon.'f. for the vaca titi, C, Miss Mla l3ubt, of Bethel, vlslted1 her àfnieîîd, Mins P.-Vainvalkcnburglh, over Stinday. Mr' Frank- Murpohy and theMie Cc4vllle sI)ent the holalay witli Miss C. Whîtmey. Mr. George Alipleto n, or Belleilile, vINIted Ibsparents on te boilday. Ilessi. Arthur an" Emory South-, weil andi Wss Ethel Southweil, of Toronto, viàltedf at their home over] the holiday. Mins Me-Alan. of kontreai, spe nI the holidajo wititli er aurit, lirs. Don- Delly. :, Mn. Wilil W'.tson, of Toton to, la vis-I1 ItIng aI hlm home. Mir. Frank (luidriL vlàslln hi,& parent ni. of Monbreui, la tn itene. Mr. and lits. 'Vian Kuren and daugh-_ ter. Mlu s'adie. are 0istinir tIM1r. and Mrs. Wmi. MCtoutl'%. MisaVina MeLouri. of Toronto., waa' hoene fur lhe holiday. iSuîsdaiy, Juiy lI, was te 60(b ln- Iniveracry o! the dedica lion ot iHt. John's chorci attis pLace, and apec- tl aervice.' were hpid. Mr. Earp vas tisastes by Itev. E. A. MeIcltyre, of ISt- Paul'# church. Torou-to, Who lireached mont @excellent sermons. lu the ovening SMn. Earte àang a very jbeautlfi l"o. ',A Rest in bbe Lord,"' whIle the o!fcrtng was luxken up, ond at the close of liv' setîle» Holy Coin- I minlo was udmilptstered by 1hc Rev., M r. M&eintyre.i A spec.al scrviçz' wa&s helit for theï ebldren ini (lie dfternonn, andi M. licintyre gave mu iterexting diess. At thie Veî»îag ervice tht eir rnerPd speim1anti1r-.1 Farp gavei a solo,,-J ual. ter- Ioday.", VfSKI1CHURMN ve 14 Gares for. EVa1y SIck Chi!ld tu Ontario whuse Paren ts Oaaso4,AflIsrd t40 Fa! For'Troatoent. iff 0' nomwE lu a" Sik Ohldies.Ocig stne, ýTermappmuis t. fathersarnd " *oem.d cedl* e.15 1 ue w1i. 4.vas evy o. l'h H p Tai h e s oai la trouson- tam lwhbo t. puy hau * the *&me living in Toronto sud - fi trettod fres. pi ai bad J j las&year in f its beds and coLi Sul pa- of thoe woe~vre from 217 piacel oubude of Trn.t. Tii. os1i. 14 Su tt. par patimnt per day, anad there vere 133 "ao 114.1 orne a day la the Hospital. Yor000 0 npSgle igs Lii dor o he sdl' T Your dollarauapb goden bo! hou the doo of Unioupîtes m mt Soed tab.ai"ih sud o" Tb Ilc sulpayont dividendou lis *tA.cA va. OUYALWUV di n g mou 1 an obfd layenraulgedolar dieu. Tii...eu.m lii. avouaeSy Plea s o o m4batJor b i. J. tie emdbthe r ta mmn tes.DoulasDtoi a8., s...ouin o» f. o ila o. S-T -*- O te __m* f S Made ln CanadaL la-won- highest, aiwadfj at Toronto Exhibitici speaka well for-t1*&eg Th is make of gaaine engine *18iii usila .1 to drive ail IrindhO"f macbinery. Y*rmorsfind it 1 imaohines, choppers, pulper, cuttiuig boles, ýe'. 4' 4. 4. 4' 4. 4''. 4.4' 4.4' 4.4' 4' 4' i 4a p p 0 4.4' 4' 4.4' 4' 4.4' 4' 4.4.4' 4.4.4' 4' 4.4' 4' 4.4. 4' 4.4' 4. 4.4'' 4. 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4'4. 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4.4. 4' 44' .4' 4',. * 4.4':.,.. 4.4...., * 4.., *N\4'. S,~k '-"J <N e 0QF LADIES R!E -FOI Plan your 1 assistanean Headquarter.c 6 46 &6 ~6 66 &6 6 Buy wIiere t The Em.po'r NOTICE- 1 Ahi DOLLAR It $71-50 $6,50 $6-00. $5r>.5 0 $5,00O $4,50 $4.00 $3,50 $3.00 $2050 $200 $1075 75ce 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4. 1 1. 84-1 HATS AI

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