Whitby Keystone, 5 Jul 1906, p. 5

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0OF LADI ES 'RAY-To-WEIHAI FOR JULY HATS AT HALF PRICE r 4? Ladies', ~6 6' 46 '6 6' '6 '6 '6 6 66 66 $7950 *8.50 86.00 $L.50 $.00 9300 75.7. Hats 66 '6 66 't 4' 6' 6' 't 66 't 6' '6 66 -66 .66 66 66 Now 66 '6 6' 60 't. '6 66 6' 66 $4,50 $3,075 $3,95 $3.00 $2075 $1.50 *21,00 *1.50 8800 ones Buy Buy where the wise AT THE CASH.STORE The Emporium of' Fashion- NOTICE TO FRER i Catarnh 1s-offensivo,-more, than, .that kites the', fore.. runixer - of worse diseases. Catarrh 'spreads from ýtii,ý nose to the. thro&t where it sometimes preparo the suf-. forer for -diphtheria; it spreads to the stomach and bovels where j: generates the. worst kind of indiges. tion;- consumption, even, has been known to b. help. ed along by catarrh. If your breath is' bad, you had better sweeten it up by getting catarrh out of your system.. You should take somet.hing that will kili the disc.-ase em, tone Up your general health -anrd particularly revitalize and invigorate the mucous membranes which catarrh especially attacks. Dén't fuss and fail with snuffs and sprays-get. right straight -at the dis ease by using the greatest of tonics, tissue builders and blood purifiers Tm Kararem tsa dsMt la ý men# à as utS advOft tt it Issto Ibo.lai b bdta- ~twotusuw, ubsapiaavss.I.ws Mb Il wtsb . u.pald t Usistho eeeîg tluM. The Olfwnvlof Caea" . la ls repfo tu te College clo.ng tbe K.*YstaEIe bldof coatemplaft addMS~s to the already exteius buildings wbwh Ounstitute the-SPle'3- did etab1ti*meUt uofthe Ontario Ladies' Colinee. These are Intended uo -provIde Ubrary and up'to-d4ite equlpinont f%)r swtumng andt other branches ef Ph»aical cilture. 9rh1s la very lnterestIng undt Importaut lu- formation regarding the great educa- ticUlal InstItitOutionhch bas gifen *good grounds for the fu.me WhitbY bas attalied in alils respect, anid wbich led ,sume enthuslastle friend OC the town tu compare It wth thi eseat of the great Engliab UDIV,-rsitY -at OxfSed. ýiCh a reputation for edu- cational 41latiction. i3 an 4aget of in- iaLcilable value lu a cotumunlW*Y. Ev- ery effort may properl.y b. directeit to-further develôi thu~e lu nthis emenectlon t lis proper te çail at- twnticmu to a muowetuLit <tu th Me- thochat bod.y bu euabliah a ladies' college in Torouto. h witi be recalA- ed that at the Conferenoe just fgios. oit the mittcr wan brougllt belon. the meaubers. Aithough noiWang- definit. bas yet betaî dom inw tâ& dlrreci.ion the Kejatone 1b alJlisedthat snobh iefnIte actioea la coumntùk-ated at the Seneral-conterenCc 10 b. held In' iloitreai ln EtJeptember. S.9w, whIle It la psable 10 avoid spclàae uaitas iweeanlv deaet front tuletuhe ~veiopanem t he orýb«es latahle lina lu onaie"r wap ad namamto Itb, en ehevery cteVn cd WIdby thoit wiah to me r*almsd00 f ar au~ ~ ~~~~ýn ca"eaauéth u~ae for a _b baaIed 4m the .uppoued adviiat*age of elty ,peoplS e ml9tlfg 10 uod theli Ur we«k .nd bave thme at aichow, over $u*day. TmO othier y*Wltus BQWIIAVILLI peterb*,U.Bowuaanvill. play foot- bail bere 8aturdaY. i5ev. VNI iur a4so mro ateudit<uniuobmn*t ew*5 «At bor, OCUalag js#rO!Mas, IlaisPheàuau ob.a.Se and t gromaiy lraulttuc lat. pge. It i Il tout laoe over A,* tibt t Inwb!ch;:SItnihs itog cameout asett1 best. The.witneaSff frtoi plaititi were A1erx. Clark, Laut*mop 9. J.okIft*fl anid John H. Camu>*#1 bUtn OOt no 1 s1-e 4poIr1.e "ane-jur.SmIih,.bis tw*o m*du- jen Co l*eutO ve 'tde*w* for ,g det*e, lte tnfac tii 'd~o "idued the P.M. lebul ot 4~t. Torontoi Prom Whitiby, Oshawa, Bowmenvéille and Newcastle. Tickets- 50c'. for Round Trip. Book Tickets 10 Single Tripa- fop mi.. Pratoa. of £ast Toron to; .- vlMt1og e r randparents, Mr. ad Ur, 0.0. &etrt4g&. nM1r. Fowler, 0ft orontg"i la vtâltla& at Ch*%. lrd&eti,4 Mr. J5m04 fDow« atathe mla- fotrtum» to bma.k his collar boue one ILm1 'tu« 4waa bere *ver lBuadtyi ifrasrs.Win. Stuper and Me%. kuon ea ldon M.'T -keof the Sover. danu auot en Sonday. É"r. RO is thl Ie Dow sti tion g Mpt -buté. a irt1ed oü on&ye. .....o..........0~.~ wbit7....0......... 0 75tO» 100 tu 1 50 :Peu ~ ....... ....... 040 Z 6-14 No.,......4 Q0Wt '50 Red Noî.........8\Ot>7 îw# No.2..........40 te00 Timothy Se...........0 1 Yorper 1,4.240 té 83 l - -ÇhoppslF0 . 1wM.teêt1 a Coime................. 2001-.2* BMM4 PO.ntOua..... ....0t2o MAT, FOULiTET AN» PEDUCE. Cuti., kv. w.lbt, but. eoS Mutton, per.....00 té -le .*9h.-* 0 004.! 009 béaavly f*a*Mî 64.0 Co tç 57& - H dreaed-pe0100lb 0-12 0 Ducel, P'enlm......... lI. 012 G...., d11:s.......lb 0 il o- i Turkey, dremed, P«- 16 0 12-tu 0-u Lutr.l.............0 2014>$'021r O t00,1-4i Egg,per domow......... 025 te039 Potatoms.per ba& ......00(i0e-1 Ç»0 HAe, Per u.. ..... .20014 314 le" P«*o 0 80 »t. 10 Sta, perlo8..... .01-900 HRides,petcwt,......."001t& l0-ô sheepkina ...... .......i1 00 te i2 )eacOus..... ...........0ý25 W 049 Ta11wý, rendered, per lb 0) 04 te 4 N Iuwed...0414 t 0 W... Lanbkx~0001. 60 Pl.............-0 M81o0 w COUN!rY 0OP ONTÂRIO. 106. Wirry D. 0. Macdonofl W14tby CIerk, Jan. 9t Job. 1 Maroh 1, Ap,115 May Se June 6, July-3, Sept. 6,0.1tO4 Nov. 5, Dm .61 Ja. 90. OUÂAD. 0. Mas--dovi.U, fbitbys cOelik JAxn109 eb. Kh 2 à rù S àfq 4Jui. 7 J* 4p SeptT7i,- BVo!JOA*M.3L enGreeuawood, S"pi.1OV*.e>Jan. lie 10y. PoptaIr JO'W. Bn lPàri 7,erry , , a. é, M.r.h 8,ma _ I juiy 2t snt 21 ~v 4 Fo.i 2310OT4 brtdg, Ol.k J ùd12, . I6,M jî6, -lg7ot 8. 2i* . The TUnderaigned bave for slea uiklii oshelled Vomu c hop compoeed of OM #ma Ooen;Chp Sporo qs purts of Whoat, .Barley, sud thon&s Heavy feeders, buyig lti S c8gt coqopr99 Il will doul ps vryfuerb ete" b. omàs Herbg.umI' yVsoi0a*w$éb4 NOifse afàt cattis S1" Wbitei È3.a -W .Ms-»A oFati m.,farg ý ---------- -------------------------- w. ~u.Cmow* (pu aonw 'U) Sd5yau A» sm, St e IW A 0 Plan! your Vacation with our assistance and corne at once to Headquarters for iyour tbhead Geai'. e 4a *6^666666

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