Whitby Keystone, 5 Jul 1906, p. 7

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use ibould mtu*il It tufls. -Ourfl PILLS lo0Ui5 corn lield i a; boy iu look very- %y kind. k lke you ce 8We i. ryf Go t hon w7MMt ce Tp?"9 saS lIslands. ve aTa- or eîsamboa4 PA To THO gos tampo te ChurcXs 3.) to church I" replied tbe nia feeling je agis Ilt; unugbtvar'. mied John a~ ,i France W~ the people. a,. witi ad.- Rockefeller a Source' -n ve 1gone, andl rdit, fash' 1thbe French 0 ci oprodue- hini, a laLni (r41:ncinta or s~ lias wean- rorse. rse rmes for Drobably, con- bs automobile somè oth2r eles age vili dependent an lnanimat, ln. Il the affea- suluty of bis 1ivertng no»-' ùil appeal te Iliausanda 'nf tn Iunds to coiftnue te <1, etc. eas e. ridjust ore er fve me. n fot bli-z~ Iglît tIna.. pman. but Il we're Ihe niglit la Ithe Ue. ýglin; mort ta frgive Mùlr, tb~ W$ter Ikftthern. .4 diBl eouru the. knowýl* o*n disyù t a, rpeil of te«Og thse 0.owldge M 3SUÉ laid Aý14eOiOgIcal trap, -but thse boped-f or - rey 3kdthmrou -it &lid jeft' hhn ý1h ~t."-~aairen,-Master--Or teacherrthie ~uma..asrabbi. To inherit eternal Hie- 0 I»e qation la hlghly important. "Eter- ol fi la the true apirituai life of-the sou1-pwt.bat whicb la natural to 1V i ls higheït tate, and of ail thinge in Ohio dhorld le mont wort.hy the seeking," Hit qeàfon was, How can I become a child lgodl and a possessor of t.hat true YiiùIlife that will endure forever? 20, What le wrttený-As a teacher ai thse la* lie ehoNild i>e able to tell. and he "wase mb!., as hie answer idiows. How readent -thou-What we gain from the Bible ,.depentts upon 11hoi'11 we read IL. 27.L'e a*.Iswering said-He replled by quoting the great ummary of man's duty>" îoward God ln Deut. vi. 5, and a stat.em nt of the law of love from eI&v. xix, I.-Cook. lte lawyer proceeds 10 give a correct answer, one which Jeas approved. Thou shait iove-The religion cf the Bible dees not ecaelt of gaod ex- *ternal acta , lu prayers, iu aur 'zebI for Christ, ini performing the deeds of the law, or In being mnade happy, but In love to God and nian. "By this 10!. the soul eagerly cleaves ta, affectb@tdoy ad- mires, anl contantly 'tesea lin - d, supremely pleased and aatiafied wth hlm; it actu frein hlm, as its author; for hlmn, aseia s ter, sud t4 hbÜPa.s î14 end; by litthe whole :man te V»wlng. eurrendered to the Mot 11gh, and le mnade a partaker of -th. divin. nAtureY ()Ur love ta Qed ahou.1d le: 1. Supreme. 2. Contant.' 8.' Actic ,è. "'4Oui duty 1,4o Qed forbida: i. Idolatry. 2. Ren«diriug obedieuce ta an yceature ln Opposition to the will cf tis. Cretor. 3. Yfiediug obodience to our çwn will or desîires lu opposition tbbis wiilI. 4. I.oviugany. thing which hoe bas orbi44eu. .à-Loving9 what he bas sllowed un ta love ln a manner and to a degree that h. bas torbidde."- Wayiand. Ail thy hefirt- Tis le supreme a4fectiou to Qed. The bea;t le the seat ai thse affect.ions, de.-ý sires , motives snd WC±l"t ilb. hecentre of 'ail phyical and -spiritual lite, tise ce*tral focus tram 'which .11 1he raya of th. moral » Ille. go 'forth.P" With al lby aaum-Hiý lova e*;od wlytb aue.liS & OUI, orp, ather, witb auIl h ie , whô a ready ta ,give Up Iiie for hie sake-ta endure and suifer rallier, than dishonor Gd.- Clemrke. Soul 1a the IndivÎdUSI.lexist- encope, b 10M Iu,1~-beJ~#Lx Au thy strcngth-t't-.be- extent 01 glv- lng ail of aur physical powers lu bie scfljc& 411 th iid--t~ointellect 'beiongs ta Qed. h. e=1yO ii hl na.Apersan who thua laves dwill b. %Yholly a.ud uresCr'VEdlY given tO GOd snd wil1 l. satisfled with hie.lRe wHIl admire and abey Qed. fluere will b. no looking te tht. vaill word for dellght an~d happinesp for aul aur joy %vil .be in hlm. Thy nelgbboi s beiuTi love Ji thb. princeiple lu the bhet trein ivhleh flows is golden rule (MatI, il. 12) lu jaSUCO qu&,4tle.pejfect. ke~ts of ail o o @miinad ete w lo*, Our duties to wour idfllea men. measure UP to IbiscoammýU1dCPt 1 L W. &hall not hale o îr nclghisOr., 1,We shallrecogilizo bit rights.& rtl$ intere&s. 4. Afctualylove10 i.sel are 'evon required te lorS OUI rea f"We muet do ,vevythiiig la 0 o pw or# thlo.êugh all the possible varletleS Of&i- cnistaitiBfor aur ueighbor5, wbick -w0 .wouid wish thons to do^ £0t' rag, wre oar situ$ tion5 roevfisd" aetooineg lxv. '6OUld b. e lYdlred to tise wlthtword ineII1ob«- 5i 104- urus oifthte wbole 01u .th I oesau -oui ,Pvaolloai Irage e a rot in Vistt tMe humble %lU*âbf 1h. tb, aa e, Oe IIpriutsv ad I~4em'. IbeU tvo men ôwold auiir1b "té te b.fvlcud tbe i-hi u eng 1.1 eW* ai religibus' wrldôaD S make a man religions. 33. A cettaîn Samiaitan -Tise Sam- anitans were a h aîf-beathen- peol% grreatly despiseâansd.hsted by the Jews. Had compassions-Aithough Vi7 àybld'U right to expect>any belp frein a Saum- ta n y, ho astened to asait tise sut' ferigman 34nound up his wounds-IHe didtise very best h. could foi -tbe inuwith lbe remedies lie had at baud. Ou hie owun bezit--This ail toak time and effort, but h. did not beeitate uer malts ex- rusei. Real love dees nal a.k how lit- tie. but how m-uch it may do. To au inn -This was a- public hohe. where ail corners were received. 35. -Ou the mor- raw-1I, evldently remauned 'mith hlmý tbat 'nighit. Two pence-A penny or Ro- mnu deurins je worth about alxtee cents, but it would b. equivalent te eiit or ton limes as much-in oui day. M vnWbih..thlulceetthnTh ques. tien alenost empelled thbe lawyer %e ~peak highly' o'.the Samaritta. Was neq>gbor unt« blta-Tise bpeleepl p6t ïa mer àtgmla*guentor, *àwiihesa but a complet. châangefcithem ,ll- tmuiy a- goospel-parabe, for tise whoie aid felatiorobip of, çre dut~ eceie u la lVh l mny , îeITgl bu atW"o uneighbor amn 1?til'legospel auswen Ïtie q'Ulbl or "Ydu 'by-iaitl1ne tes1 love. Wouldest thou know wbo le lis> nelghIbor Ilecoeswgbo eal tbe jitinost service thoù îti S- Iêw tieS tbe$r ueed, became Neigliber to us, cee et th. eIc f a&l le had.-Edersselm. 37. Do Ilicu likewtais-e"He to whous you ougbt thus te show 'merq ,!la order to bécome bis nelghýis pyour nelghbor." Weï eiouid b. reay te lslp evsry par- soi who .needs our -saaltaaiie. Tis econ- mand in imertlve, "Go, snd do thon liewu e aboshuld "go" riSeve; a humaissel eto b. found and , wltla hearte fillled with love, carry tise g pel o aisalt. PR.CTICAL APPLICATIONS. W. should obe>' Christ'& commaud te "1lve oe sanotiter as I loved yon." John xvi il. The ald lave of iaw said "Thon uhait love-lby' neiglhour as thbyseif" (Y. 27,.) But Jes-u gave a new low et love ,distinct from n sd far abeve -tise OId Testament iaw. " A uew commandîneat I give unto yenu, that ye love on. an- otiser; as I have loved yen», (John xUli 34). '1Valin lulove, as Chritais *bth ioïed us, sud bath gl l linsseir L »iu. Eph. V. 2. I. Love le prompt.Il*e "went te hlm" (v., 34.) Tise ma' lii. wivs .llppiug away. There n'es mcd for baste. -go gire twlee who gives quickiy." "Delay' ,ciogs the wbce - f great phîIaatisrpla orgaalzàtlona." Man>' a sufferer lise did walting for tbe action cf s board ors c& ommîniteesoff iv$t'iM 'o IL Love le pitliui. "Ile hadcomps- sien ou hIm.' I). 3>. u r.>' eufteIr îg oôui aciqgbor. )Mlsery makes tise isole world kl. Thse manis ne uis, baller- ed, hulsed, l4eeditg, loatheebut lb. 9ewi htdid mot awakcn'aversion, but-,i- . 'Fbsiht ci Oui aie aiwake &!Ytby IW ajà se hart of oui Savieur. î, sa JItLove a e aL "AwI e$ imbu" (v. 34). e vat" eafor, cpor- t4Mitil». 1Ise prilat aud'tise Leit. 4by. i.>' ilseedthei opportUimt7 WiV.oe la pslàt*king And =ua b isa wS"ind, pc>ungla on sud wlàa (y. 34)., AIM& mstwatlt .0*eeàI up t.brfngh a loung, unleglt.4d balwav, a~idrsped t ie door i tt.le 4#r ,~\>1 xKfOw trou oned of lise Dominion te thse otherfor hiis mous song, iebci àaà corne to e tise eeutry'. national "uthumo, théelate ezmaei Mailiwui. typ*-a oftise aurd>' Scot. ne vas Soin In Lemumki UsdaCoomr nil bis pareilstt0 Cauada, 114 *ett. MIyo ation 'wu moceved lu his' faliser'. achool -at Searimoro'. L.ter b. attended Quee's Univemit>', Xiugstoc, obtaiuiug the de- 01s a B. A. in 1851. 1*. ep.n frhiug n Swaborot, coulluuiug thora iutil 1lm1 Mtserwarda h. tanght lu Newua*ie-, Iteaverten sand otiser -plaes, eorning tei Torontoetulu 88. 6'Tb. Ma ple Leal, iras 'wrlttleu aI L- lievillein 1887, aud n'aset te musie by the sutisor. Axuoag ether populsr songe -milIeu b> him tire Canada, Te Oid T1u- lori Jack ad Canada, LUnd oaitle. Mapie Trc. Deeeased iras. s metnber oci b. Orange Order, and n'as promînent ln lia Amy>'and Nar>' Veanse' Auoaitn. ae 'vas Bard e! the Milila Vetersus of 'U6 Poss oeing laqueùte. sMdasready' 'I, lie chlevelDuot alittis famne by sa tug aIeuarty banqueta anA -patrî-ý Story i I& an. -la October 8p7 liremon vere s"Ml- :iIng lua aToronto. gardon. A mnaple les Iiaturtarom areu Ts I me.o l b. caI nt eote of tbem; iBe tri.d to fliék4t awa$, b1ut lis. 1111leaut ema oms heuý ave been 'wvtl.g verni," - ssid, biAs,'ireo&l -botte afteards b. lé ýItou*hi "h 'uida tise mue of Alexanudur huAi iac aloud vIawn, ultyluE vilsbisc» r p away. Mr. NuirirsoB aitenrarde amm b ,eau te a party cf iende, eue it whoM irastieseat~e Ediard Lsweou, a weli-kuovu mar n is e local museica wold. "This muet Se publisisedl" sald ho, aud b. teck lb. oornpooer te Thse Guardisa offiée, :wiere aruenxt irere made fer pahlicalo.Tisei Itiors et ,000 opies ias stImd oif aud st on saie. croitly to bis attonlbhmemt, Sf.Mii wée slied ttpote py POquitise eo t tise édilicu. Tise inm i cuîlmnm cf 84 ubsequeutly iaund ¶sira>'wayito 8iepeea 0 tsIh a aeboilutseYeeu b> Te aple Lar eteb> 2.Ya aiter yeaî tise "n gr" oimre populsi. Bales have been enonmus nead thse pro- fite large, but ual s ceaI baud ita w> te th. potkels of lexander Mur..Bu b.did net regret bis lkkfof elc gain,. and bt n'* ýAs refreshiag in tiseee'. mercmeary days. Meavasu*isaputsIle bad made *0mauy ukua , ï, deb>' bis songe, sud 1.1 isI . m>befti e iwded. IfRed"wmitleuaotiser ougs, sud- -a etinig eue is Wbeu CsusdluBo',a 1Wer ser., reWinee ncfle od sunggeadby ltme choru ci anotherof Alurander Muirs Songe and acpe br the. lIe S onA ad la aye eofyor.these s*iW4>l( (» ca4s's afair domalu; 'Théesapla 3f IMI er. The offqrnwm. ptato-Oay wmiaJ Ina AU8 t% a buashul. Osare Mar la fos upply. *tslà m f10IOwd Dftustd hep an uunsd, wth -IltgAit qUU e 105te 510.50. a&Pdboavy t lmà& Do.. goo,.bbUl. *-0m5 000S Barhibne. * 01. 0 Thp puas, bu sh. . .0t73, 0 00 Ry.bua. 0 U 00 Rte. tlltthi. ton .11 U W0 ~ SM, per ton.......10ce breesed hogu........0go Egos.-W lid..\...019 D'utter Ilry ........o 1 Do.. eresinuW.........12 Chithens. amrin ... ... .....O 10 Fovi. ver lM........010 Tikems.pu lM......O1 Potatou. ver bas ......10 Beef. hndQuarten .........CO Do.. forsquarters.......0G Do.. cholce. isiesse......be Do., mednsu, caret» .. . tOo Vern. Ver oet . ..... . .60 ,Lmmb. mpuas. per evi. - aitoba Wheat 1000 20w o wt u1 Ths toflewltng are thse eloolus pries of uhuatoptions aethé ie Wlpeg market 10-, day: Jute $Mle bld, 3uly 83r. Oct. iU4. bd IAaiftg Wbeat Markset&. New Ter.......5t Detret... ......5,Sf et. Leules.......5~5 Toledo..... Duluth......8%41 utiti sCattie mambetu. .U% Lesdo.--Cate are Quow tedloue1et 1114e P«r Mb. refipemaor beef, -8e te 814oper' Mb», mbe dm&s 13%!o t »oers lM Toiuo ett U 4' th# ick M*t iscs lmest U Uwa, asropoîtawlr by hérail. OI*. IOê bois, OU shisi snd Imbe u " la The, qustty cffat esIlle vu a. o t emm as b«s beots ntoir #murrawvek* vIlu 1hw 15 lffrence tisI Lgruesan e h- eeutemw M,a»d More pl«unIltuL. I ~noî1rs~'rkutbP Ias mlAresohed SMO 'D« pe v Ild ,th« e hbtar ce bet.mui iusd. llfl are urh ou«,a PIS t $435 w U0LXn re vt 'm$V o$UP OutbnLaac u ~tusl eS iili s 14-761 $9.90 pet ovt; MUdiaetaI$4.44 te 84.00; sts»-ted cave, P.76>Io e435; Puas 00*4e Kt =e ta 23» tarct a. ihuw tlb. W D sBa ovzu et.Thumada,. 7bma eu t«L F ihokal udience o0o1 4'th- orsoOtaw-0,bediat Quse**HI >net,. M aity wue reoe!ewi Rn"A&dis w ýtrÇ luthe, *;(4' 'ne o %àeifeawe ur.wshscr fl Upre.nte -r.or thIIe<fettime, td çonducted lizself. ]EU anan hou e 50 hèsl rts weri akesby IIlioeldMlu la Kahn, John aloa4 ngoj !nt from g0 work. i, oMckm1e, rr.Stanford, Elgaxr sud Cv ucted by the covIposOrs. Tie46,1m Te lnaU oakda;te Minto tottq>fIu*&@1 o The. critic». to -nMgbt aM 04 U oueIy ~ li prWC* roat tdm ,ery rare for thse KNg teo nové a cout- et i,%vitshie prewsuc, -W"l4b * cou. Ninilemy« tiat o e i~gte th ecep>fôtrenRiMJsyIwl 'nétimwOuted Mi rrima ths ¶e WUsful work" ib -t Is. 4b 1, dw ti. bat Canadiar miask would bcorn» =ore' iirham, >p eiibrê ý, thé Uieao Md PRMYNG , eON SMu.OItSý N n Lutel teEuml PORT&sPeu amtumGoEt~by aptes Deettute s"d 8isp'on aul n Vancouver, Jul>' L-' lis tonueclac 'vlu issuba -am Puget Sountd pointej tise tact biset wirnsat uléntIful ait Ibis eeasU .1-e l 1

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