Whitby Keystone, 5 Jul 1906, p. 8

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WILLIS' Compound -Syrup of White Pine end Ter Cures Couglis, Colde, Bronohitis, throat and Iung troubles. 25c per Bottie Jei.E, WIWLS Drugglst Optician Brock St. Wbltby. ia ve DuI3adgo, pait yotir carrige. (1o to O.1.Phoinpeun's for wali pnper. Thle band wii ipen thieir new band stand un saturdgy eveninç wltb a programme of imublC. MILLINERY. Ycou can afford the IIOw bat noir. We'Ve %vhittlpd i gollod maçing off th~e pTioe of evecry bat. 'The styles èv- ery aine of them are urd, to the ini- utel b every dilail ut Lie .Cagh SWire. 'BOSSiBros. D OUI I I0N DAY. Av l s uai w1tli public boUda'.bl Wtb<the cltizeflh npent tl.o day mni a ,qùtet mauncr. A large erotwd ~our1Ie!Od to the -lake front in th" afterIIofl, soNne Io exijoy the ahady park, others ta Lry thelr bock at flul.- mng. - LOST. -Bucch of keys. Finder ieave -lt Keystioe ol:f tee. kIndly1 "flic Rev. E. L. Kbngt vicar Of tSt. 'rhumais' churclà, Toronto, anec-of the three Canadiazns hieti ln thse tieTrible rtilwî&y accient at 0êbbs- bury, Engiarîd, oun[3unclay _morninc, mejs a trlen-t- M 1r. J. ff. anti 1r..' Dowr.ey, ane hlat-ix. iateti at their berne hore. W-rn. Spence, townshlp cierti or Reacli, Ied at bis homue la Manchester ,ùIn Mondai o! thià week. 1r. Spence - t*msz l XveIAi taWhItby, -where lie -f attoweod the1 occupation of brick- layer anti masci. Hnelias lissa clerit it itoac]W for the paut fit teeo« vMeras. Prbe. 1nerai, whlob wati belti under tIse auspXmOS01. the maspobc Ordor, takPrince Albert ýbury'la grouad, was tht iargest sPofl Initbhat locait>' for Mr. Johbn W4torbouse bus fouudig l busIness toi be' sxtending no tapit!>' t1fat 'the prenisses Proveti muCb -too- sMalle andt tubeweek suâet to 41 No. l, t or many' years omcpietia a Srooery store by theo>Misse <# ston. _fuis a intis tore,coeatrsil>' situateti, andti tht naay patrons, ut 'Mr. Watenh<Aliunl the old stand I vl! no titulit b# bettar pla*ô wttkthSe aecdiamodtl lu> thse Dow storé, as weii ns ulissld lie the prolpItor, lAbo wil bave bot-t.r tsollitied loi r v2 las mu Ve1stmo~9n.- THE JUL! WESTMIINSTER. 'file -Westminter for Zu Coswes ai- an O riend w ta. new fat .bant-i edin I shape lad cmor' tIug, a. larUet, and utabiy tuaroved làlut-IM press Ati dilpstratIc*sa. .-The .b#ottg ilowmaýdfl baeebaIl tm *r besteb at P&t Hope DomI8,lOB Dai. ButA'.5-2. LEARN ýlTO éWIM. SwlriDhIq ouobt ta be lu the. ex- .10DC5 0f every boy andi gIrL Nôt obi? dosesit ensure the abtltyta t premeve the swlmmc?8s lite la cet- tain emerqenc4eà4 but It mial bI the menus of saving the lives of other. r'The WatchmaD-WBrder aewspaper and jubbag- offlce, Lioday, bas beea purchasêti fraiethe eIecutOli ai the- late George Litie by a c«mprioing JIeêtir. Dr. VyooU1BO, j. Foi, .P.P., Jas. Boxil 'todt J. D FlsmvfIIO. Geo. Millier ndl Peter Wli- 150. FYe wtlant met4ne hfave beefi tnembctrv a£ the nmccbanical staff f« inoe0Ctame. Riare Dui*nadgc grainjour bouse. Palints, read.y unicfd, or mixeti to order ,at Daimadge's. NOW le the un.. to bave thateave- tlrougbiDir done- cl'rtagle. Cor- ner Hardware~. Mr. James ' Reyniolds, barber, of port Hope, has soiti bis business ta Mr. cbqs. Wjiiat. t'EAIRLY AN ACCIDENT. one day this Nveek un autai matie a tour of HaydCflshlore Park, and at almoât e ver>' ten feet cf the route the driver sou ndcid hi@ "iicnkI1 honk VI ta apprise tnt peaceful cottagprs of hIs comiflg. Ail weaît weil until lie, --&%a a-i r uau on 'vith n ln'em w u earniage, whetu ho agalil. siotinded hi. .ibnwhicb was not at ail neeti- ed. The horne Immedbattly bolteti and cleared i blseif f rotil the barnens.. HaLèpiIy 1r. Roms escapeti unhturt, am altio dld the driver o! the gaso- lineîabele.1 Oshawa Board of lEduatàon, thé High gchooi Principal, 1Mr. Lyman C. Smith and ather teacbera are havlng a hot tinie over aflegeti erroneous datrines promuigateti b> the Vin- dkbator eltor to the effeot that teachers cannait une corporali pua- Imhnient on unr-di>' cliplars. Soame pupio are di.fyiig their teaciters, andi the-re lis. aPParenti>' a hot Umee ta the taiwn o"cr the matter, judging from reports, EoditoriaIb. and jetters lni last week'e; IceaI y.apers. 1Mr. PStth has Instructed a firm of Toron ta law-. yens toi demand an aï'ioo.ly tram FA- Itor Ordham andi$25; In cash. la the nieantîme schools are cloned for boit- daymsi.nd the lawyers wil bave thelr Port flope la afraîi of iauing Its Caning tactor>'. May&r Daville. Aurora, la tho new slicrIff for Yorki county In .uefflaIon Io the'late Dr. J. H. Widtiflel4. - EVERE IIDNg' TROUBL. Mrs.. (bo. l.awiion, Coasocon, Ont., wrttep --**Dr. Chase'. lCldneyaLlver Pillbe campieteiy oureti me oft comet- partlot, rlieumatlem, s tomach troubhl- -es andi a very severe lainoji trouble atter yeors of sufferbat. 1i aLm Dow nlxty-elïht years of mie, andi very gtatetul for wbat Dr. Chase'. Kiti- riey-Liver Rh' qbave dobe for ni.."b - A, fuil rane 01 men'a reati"te, Wear milta, "Ihrdkdway Smdru,"' new- est patternh at o09,17 51,0, 5.50ant Min per suit. -A. MxRow.- W. undonstandti ait the* Rov. Dr. Fo>tborgll annIoIIflCd to bis ouMb ig vveok ago ttht ho lutenI*'ti W re.Igi tii. pantoal vrgboft Wly andi Broatiuin ohicho., r. rotier. ibrlef[ bas boen» ettrAM doti vit - P qpprociatlon andti stsaoumo on tise part'o< tiese urcbs, seisith woot.ho hu* bobo on tbo. vers htat eft tms auglitevupt*4i sreout evu site swmtthUemt. -l. ie she. aie to aftIIowwgp OtIse usiveresIMo&1 no u t tt a *uao cf 14. .cia. tkis And the pOsPIOf tU» tow.1 the Pt""5*t st la Dr.' feShor&Nt Albert Usé1CoWo, bC apes t tell when boiu S artd festgbway at Ntâagarsa t camp dP Atroi 10 WIltby, wbeze be w". tgied this week' uâ Owft.oedto.thetihon*tha là Jail. les. eDjMloaela crime, Nore Mau 'York, Who waa captured ti -t t time, balsserved i bas UStiile andW la "ElepbalaV' braintiemiieti la ilte bêst by tust. 1" inglata Hardwarej. BÂRRi#6T]CIWCLOSE EARLY. Pfto underalgned Barristers andi 8o- IcItora bec repectfUliyta intorm tihe publW ic tboir caverai ottieo will b. cIldt t twelve o*clock avery Frlday andi Baturdsv durligJuly and Auguet. DOW & McILLIVIÂY. JA&m BRUqrLME. D. ORUMON. J.. Z FÂIEWELL., G. Y. SMITH. JULY *XAMLYA1&IrON&8 The JuIy examitfltociare !a pro- greus this weck at the Cdogat. l1.- suinate. Dr. Waugh la presiding. Hiave you eut the crop of bay la f rant of jour realdence? Borne of the pito% la..towa Io" very pretty witlb the i ell 'kept lawns, but It stops ther; the>' do, not eut tbe grass oni the treete, andti ths the>' oipcAl the off ct. It woald ai> take a few minutes more ta cut the gras& peara nce. Try it and i s. DMo't b.l the only one ou your istreet witb an untldy lawfl. If you are loo1king.for a niodel, woik east"f the main corn- ers andi view the lawn anti bolevard of 1Er. Tetiti> Branton. Go thou andi PThe ver-y newest things 4n ladies' G;oltiBit. are ta lie sosal. at A. M. Ro,. OnIy 30 and 85C. eaCh. Trhat the lot of a roues offleer lias its drawbacks Was PrOven to Chiot -Bell on Wecnesday morning at 4 a. aiwhen! thc telepliOtIllI n ta li boUse blegan 0,'aerr> Jingle. O0 ans- uering the rb'uX tht Chiot wus asti- cd te corne to Pickering~ at once andi arrest a mon for settii>g tire to thie Oddtel«IW s buock at that place ear- lier In the nlght.. Tic Chiot start- ed aiut ln the heai>' raid anti upan reachlflgpîi*rIfic w vuetoit! thit one-Fred LAW vas th# -%Man wanted. MHe arro-stet inlmnt bis litnse, an0d brought hlm ta Whiti*y, where bu taken 'et tAe POiWO Magltrgte ar per an# i reniIdCdWotriai. -Tht. ie a soricOis off"«Ccta lie chargeS> ,,flh. *- POUNDf. ba the 'nowflof Wb.tb>',on KMy a «là, et monc1., orbe owner . os-a bave thse rs.*e by provins property med p5>'lR cbam. pply tai 0. Go te a. W. Tbompm..'U tot Wall paper. TO RENT. An-olagbt roocie hoauewttb stable, s-ndt betWeenh f<A3suantiv~e ar.et land witlifftteefruit asti patm d.lral itute6 Mr le rentéd on *%4%hon cents fl« ttw sad Mx. tees fSo *585Wf t* t éprt e 9tý .w«4;. -FYaewmsr ou'wbsrewitblo vurbt. fMtwswu* tht p5rlomlPo Weri tbtssuo ta 1* tth h utir sad q, WitIt t Wsst auh*%t Ladies'and O4udIIftIbbl SM tawaSltou IMe JLZU*oue iwt sumIdIIIte ýxwofr> ( Q *3 -lv -N ow that the, hot weatler le- hore -ail tbiO» who have notpuphasd thel? summor wMSihfOel the n.ed of It We* hav#e stil a Complote 1 a]ýffe of ail aodesultable foi' summel' une. £UlJà, Gng hama, Zephyrs, Pintu, Lawns, Duokes Et<i. Ladisand Gentlemen' smmer (Tndewear. Ladi «s' aud Gntlemen's Cotton Hoisiery. Lasdies' Black and white 811k Gloves. Làadies' Gold Beits. Ladies' Underskirts. :Ladie' Blouse Patteru. Men'. Lady made Suite $7.50 $8.50 and $10. Men'. Ready made Ptnte all Sizes and prices. Meu's White Veste. Men'sSot front Colored Shirts. Men's Mats, Caps, Btaces, Collars, Ties, Soi, Etc. ilways lu StOck. And rew 'Thle deatli f1 Ur. James C. Eus-e,, at the borneOf Ibis soa.4a-1aw, 1Ur. W. a. Li9teh, 454 ParliaiDdt street, Irotouto. on iondS>' ut thli. week, at tht adiacoti84go et 76, romoves a Crinisan veteralisuant a p Ountt figure ln theo MIA&Iiiturt-0g anti bai lel»s lflie 0( the province dur- Ing tbe pautftit>'ve&rs* Bo*e la LiAion, EnDelanti, tht 25th Jute, 1@80, 1Mr. Emawy, 'liveti thcro tI ,the outbreak of tho Criumaiwar, when he weut to tho front andi tcok part la -b t battiesi 0fthe Aima, Balakiava anti Inkerina. lu 187ho astô Canada, ,ttba*g au Osbhaf, wherelie praetiset i l~traeoau a carr$sge! blaks~thf isa couple of years-4 Tben lie rempvei~d tO Prine Albert, wbere ho startei a ecAUlS&e business, fo1lowiag« it for a aumber -of joars ne mixt went. <.0 Port Perrl, whoere be bult a L Iig <irriaa an iitiUtW, anti tirrWcti*0 &a loulshlng business f«~ ton or twelre lests. Ur. £=al eysubsequtly reu*v l tg S'oeoato, .wtae,las ateat wlth bis s<-1844we under tise u ait menl £Mahett, ho bSÇt -tht xi1j4.shg 'Asefrtu es 754 Re thoeus @ hby bn i t~ th o>IHht orlv srsw pia bs nMess bote ebas te- -' alti'Dtdil wlth b l 4-hw aRd dassbtsr- ta Tcro'sto, e1aââ &MI UM lu* làt t t th-Prmp« ZeseA, , W"e v0«meoft tt ega*psu ,fet tht u s lU ~xlwl4g *ad Brook-, 'I fi M. osso THIE miA. C.IWannan C.-daay Srgn.a Phone 151 ya lte1 m a Meadow-brook of a lovely voodi sud aScnen "' Charming, too, ar«o0 rings, set with beautifl g eme tIat cause to dream of the glbstuhg dewdrops, of tii élest blue of the. sky, of the Coool greoftthse,tre,0 roc tii te>'beâma of sun=»4 o! sft moxiIgh*,on tii.i of ee .bliisit on a, 'Vol ive lAILWAY TIMH TABtlue 061ng West 5.06 a.5 (bing Buet 8.45 06 *à -0 44 04 6 p .t. " 8.05 p.m. -Sunday" *.U The 5.29 &.m. train doeu not go West hic UmoTning. WEITEY STATION. ùoing North 107 a.. Going South,.8.08 4.15 -. " " 1.40 6: 840 m*m " 2.40 STAGES. LeavQ.I Whitby for Oshawa st 10. am.. 5n14 H3onldenpropr1etor. i*sves for Brougham et 10 ams. J. Scott, MAILS ARIVE. Prom W. and E, 8.45 am. - Prom West 3.4M For North 7 45 &.m. ForOshaira 58-0 Esat 8M .SOa. . - W. andEB. 6.8 West I1118 p... West 9.00 PROFÊSSIONAL CARDS.ý" MEBICAL MEAL De Ormiston; ne te soicitar for the Western Bsnk,? Notary Pu' se. Money to Loan. Office neit Puat OH Whitby, Ont. Dew & -oII My Ba 90t1. olcitoru. ete. Money te OU*ice pWpost oOffice. Wbltby, t. y. B. DOW,* BA. T. A. MCOILUàVlRAY1 LU B ite t. )Monef t Loanon eua7Te «ffCe lmmediley South Of Royal motel, Wh] ont. Jobs% Eu FBrOweI K.C. Buruiter County Crown Attorney,i owity solicitor. -OMfce-Sonth oLouzt Houge. Whitbv. Deotint. Offie <verl.FrmnU lna pele~N .,4, TbUTerreeLByroÉSet, Wh Tu fireti i An . M - â,7 r l' - 1

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