lsh".menî of This french Oftà cer. 40 uy 6- âe~osniii oftho urt m "mma.1w hIefof the. '100et tg r1î« Irt-te, #ruolon24l IL attth Bea pr% P dIug of h enrys ad thenh aatfight to pré. M.sev tahtote Beau of PrrednchoAmty. court ai Cés1ôC £on _ff tb,MPrPMut Amso-Noebr15 87,cà wMtev Defs bÃbÃŽ' 1Afe d Araywt tii. the la mlnat- DIS'f 5, s.i~s =&i*dl oouffe for - tIg document but tii. ltter vaa acquit- ~. (ptan Drtus su înay ni.nsWIIti. by a'court maLtali, Drqve , ane > m -.AU% ho Wheam.LCavalvmacbecame bead, of _i ýr @col am W' he Fenc Wa Offce, beread la thé taaDreyfus vas nbt present. Tii. scee Chamber of D eputies séveral documentst Ms ti. décision vau prouougced vas lm. whach hé ma~ are and dekratded. But aIV -7. 1top ute, e ning Of 49fu. OLPiaqugrt' afterwad, charged e.ta hs doecumente-vere forgerles for mi » w ne 1 <l lwlng - r 'roeswhieh lie va saréated and degraded. But amoenl mas, Itéi. bde e ÃŽal e triénds cf Dreyfus vere tfrelest 'in Sice the.vall I au abs presldlng judgepushing bis case and brought about the. t ra tueleuthy eolIonmintelyré-arreat ef Colonel Henry, Mbet of thé lu- ýVf*wln, the amies 0f acusational évents tsllugn3éDépartment, who fluait> con- et be-ut 2 prs sMd oompetaly dia- fed ta . c d on;ecicoe f the. in- dlpatn¶Drefus of ll cf béldong crlîinatlng oumûi dlater commit- the autbof tb. f i asous nrlminatî t ed suicide lu Prison. Aoou ", ' * ichthe'entre h&rcf t y s"timé théeviiolé cf Frant as docuents ou hlc eheéntié c arra ye for or afrainst Dreyfus and the wus fouuded, snd crdexlngtb .lWs xeeetprvie nmluy IM 0 te i.judgment c o thestexitmntRennes a litay court martial vlth thé publication of tii . politican sd socWa circles. in June, 1lm, fila nnouneazn of is Innocence in a rtroucourt Dreyfu, vas or. fIfty npopens to bé choisi b> Captaîn dored and the ner waa brought back DttWs.trom Dévil'. . sd to, bcretîrcd. owrftdi cf0 thé decision laated an in the mealtme tbe préeu througihont - Iour and it waa only at thé close that the vend had been filled wlth atofles of tii apcttor velfed hé wcpln ~ Sei barbarities to which Dreyfus bad the seeo ii. vindia thes g»-1been subjected to durlng hi# sobtary con- t fte vDneyfs atilydte dfinement on Dérv IaIland, «Whieh înoue- la MOMgé to bear the good news to edfutrfeeling in bis javer. 0 talurefusansd Mme. Dreyfus. TIle second courtzmartial of lBreytul, Cêtain Aifred Dnéyfus, of the. artil- opéfléd at Rennes, France, AtigW t th,g lery. mmnber of a veultby IHebrew f&m- 199, and It neulted ln hie &gala bekng ily- of Mucé, viiere ho vas bora luncoaviie4d dhe vassenteueed te fe M19, vas on Oct. 14t 189, aruwed on paâra' lmPzà nt n -a fortets. liser tii, Marge cf communlcating FrénébhLe C>taned a f il pardon from Présient Military secrts te a foreign poer. Tvo Loubet auddvas set free.- = ontha latee ho vas trlad by court mare- 1l«' friand, cflith. unfortunate eaptaln,' liaiýÀ sudf6ud-guty s&W on Jsuary l W M ,veo ot oontteuted. ie y Ob- ath, ho wva publlély degrded and de- tain". frah «UWDenc on hie behail and * ~rttoD.Ws~h1ud, ear C COUé 9ot t4e MM ebelon, tii. upreme Wmch GUing4 theO ppfnertly t upeud the. remainder of bis 1f.. The. Maître Moruard, Dreyfuu' ecunsél, an- tieucis ud rem"ves of Dreyfus, not Uet- gui g a tafunther titil, uaid mani>t shly hI if., sloway belièr. la hisi. -Of Idtueuuse eedead or had dW. nomee, and devot.d&aUtheir esgupps.* Dreyfus# b.e ddd ddPot toe i ork cf proring tbat bo Lad bra asicfor dgmae Ho edesiyedou>th uuutycUden v"ndlcatoofbîsiibonor sud the retons-g QoL Poqanrt, wIýa h. bésse Chiéf tiof t isaig»e to the Uhst cof k'énus ,o 'the.In Xigence D.psrtment of thé ofthtii, rench ars>'. Prembh Armi in 1696, examhae e ido.. The.offlolal prosecuton, Oez. Baudouin f cumntsln1eoedl n t»_ua)m,-.eoacluded -his argument by «aking lue nd f"gâdýll!tmlbe ei.,the v. tct the Revues eount maritala dénoë poilated te MJor Count Estenbuz>'be quashed vithout a ne-trial. l as beini tthe guilty niait. iéthereupon The judgmeut of the upreme court te- v aerndium te s»0 that justice vas doue dey vas a ompleéavindiation for Dr. r toDr.ytu Son sAitervard Qo0L. PiefUs. ________________________________ M GAVEf !AIS!NeS TOI,» WOXAN MMR RSEAND WA8 in TuuINIAWRECL ýXrs Ncetnlk uva eitying i Sf« X«' ie -N9ous. VasRobiie- ugla Ver.s alvatica AMr y ni rente, Jul> ' I6e-Garbed la *tai uni- - t 9thi eivittosArn>, & ett*mger d ouI tIi. vif« of cap"al etnlcb, êZMa*.e, oWenuAy, u1 pf brIf ber' blssiw»we-on, the yrim eotlot ito udoae 1'unbhdbl vas vne0b'd sMd mli. ben Imorsmt ' eI lggra~ x tsIlsed wse ite berdthse bout fat nlgt. bume 4b I*Snsig fre r.en om. .but tnt41 elpsdr eiortii ms u sa(d rpou-toâ fbat *éý oom b"a od tao oté tovr -vs. umd. IfI evmuég Dstcfv.sWla IlIpon îrest.IOrlman-o, ss Drairni Orham ina a i u mnl it4~3~~l t tislet.- nt, eonWtsdetv, oties sefPer clpplng gave au c.Si aflaÂe. joie eeavd a tom la tbe Con- utien the otImrs ven bathlug. Ater a pthey rolled onu théessnd for a iév miutes, Md prentl>' Dl*eléxclalméd tha" hé vm elag 10diteinmn sd vaul the sand Offlm.. 1 iluglu lte w ater b. vent b.- lovaandl»mt ise to the surfa=oagaL Tihe body' was on mreerd.. t MISS'BRY4N'S D!AII WAIRÂTg Or FOR W. IL. TODI> Reprfe< lia thé Pmestg e " Tiat I*ub esiWaD». te - Cs4oic bea to.sIkU m onellabe autbonit>' fiat tii pcst-mertem ou th* resaasof OeorgsBryav obd>' vasfound lu W. H. -Todd'a romu>tu thé Impéria RMOte ha emtrd*y, névéel thé It that eat xva 4u tu>e meacL thle suspicion fuitTou a en*ilai ortie., sud a wer- ouf 1*M bist mnatfor numdsL ils b' la15 nV la theb hdeofLt» P. hics.Rer homu »me a egny a' t Tirn Rlvetï# Quebe., sMd assitan sd stop. otovr side, at api. Cses 4860. GIRL ýù Novm. &M. W" U ,i. &Ma mullaes e1 R "-d"- 4d #- tm 'o.T.AfXslat1 *tai DM mrtiVuà ýà mà ti ti IP ot m te Vermillon, .1 1ui jasi, whlch struck 'n sukn1870,.six miles be eo ir, sud d.1yrespeure ont1a~sutt<~-of the, MJ xià lRver t .Ve misr bun. dred.s of pe9leare" l "gtih. cThe Toat - wat -bouid, -or ,Sioux, Cty.,to the Yeilowston, dtriet vitia four -aed whikey wben It séank. It la. svpposed a change in the. curf'eut waabed avayeaftb depodted above sMd &round ti.boat , dowitg it te ris. aFin. fer. were lifty barrels of whia* key aboaud, and, already a. rnut bas begun, t locate t4 ii.quor, which bus had tblrty yearu of ripenliqg Owing to the tact that mud andudsnd bave fle up mueh of the. Interlor of the. boat ia ha* been impossible to get at the, wbuskey sasyet. WMen It la reaéhed South Dakota', prohibition lawe vill undoubtedly b. se- rcrely tested. os 1TUIE MIJTUAL LIf. WATERLOO INSURANCE LOOKED mmTODy CONNISSIONT. president Shows PatdnleTendene>' in Invesmnts-Preer.4 te Pl=o Mouey .lunCauada-Iautmute lu thse Weat. "Waterloo deapatch: The. Dominion In- suranc Co«muilaon concludel theé Wat- erîco sesion to-day, when the Président sud Manager of thé Mutizai Lite Assur- ance Compan>'of Canada ver. on tho vitnu stand. Président Melvia admit- ted that the Mutual Lif. Assurance Company' b.d borrowed money f rom the. Guelph & Ontario Iban Company, of ie he vas Vicé,--Preaidént, but the. Joan, which wu at 4 per cent; wvsunm M Id in thrée menthe. A tnansfér cf de- turesfor 12,00 to -'a bsuk on De- cembér 31, 190, sud ba&.1c&gain te»tre Mlutuw al ii on Januury 2,1904, vas sali te, h ave buta made for the. purpose 0f uaviga osble bad Imprsinn e mmd ofti.pblcas tesa $W,000 (vtr- draft la thé -bak, but Mr. Melvfia did not uuderstand tbs as %dolmiug5 or "wlndw dreanu." -The overdraf t w»e ody IWUUy-IiveBattaosSfor Cqi - omW Sen4e. dian Power- companles'; W feal w4e t trenSiit 293500 hose-po e 0 t.elr bill auflo'çaOuly 160,000 &rtar Tait visitedail tié power Plantseibia afternoon, in lorder te gain personl l-knowledge of t ti. ondItIOii, Re left for Waiingtmn to-.nigbt. FOR S50,000,000CANAL. forces de lIoite b.Kept ti> p "' £rit anti akeHulr=n N. M. Cantin, cf St. Joseph, bas made à statemeut as te thé scopé af bis pro- jectede-anal &Cros$ We*tern Oxtario. lié clama te have sufficient capital allled with hlm te- finance the preject, which viii gé before thé hause neit session. Hie %ummarizes the featunea cf bis pîtoposed canal au iollows: Léngth-From the éasterne #horeofa Laké Huron to thé north shoeéetiLake Ente, iifty mileg. Depth-Thirty feet cleair. Widtb-Four hundred feet at thé va- ten line. Lockes-Only Oùe, as thé différence lu lordl between the tvo lakes la bût ané F.atimâted yearly traffic-Over 20,»0 yeasel& . - Tonnagle involved-Seveaty mnillon tons cf freight. Estimated cost cf survey, te b. un- dentaken thi. year-$25,000. ONqTAMWO'8BUTTER& ýx=marcant y Its Quality la lst-A& Prese-stmSteh lUndot ,Jnly 16- Wan Socrétar>' Haldana la the flousé cf commons to-1 day annuneed the Ooverméut's plana for a more econoiuical administration and a more efficient maintenance &: lhe arniy. Bnosdly thé Govérnnient'. pio- posai la te main4gin an expédltiontry forcé of 150,000 men imînediatel>' avazi- able for van, with a territorial orgau- ization béhind it capable of aupportlng ansd expanding thé forces servkig abroad. IThis expeditionar>' force and It. ha- I modiste supporta voubi hé adinilstered directi>' b> the milit.ary authorities, whilé thé territorial part of tie. national army would b. controllod by county as- sociationa, the commnand and training of il the. forces being lu thé han&e of gen- éral officers. Reduction cf Fonces. Mr. Haldaae's plan contemplates thé réduction of thé forces b>' seveus bat- talions ofilniantny abnoid sud turc. battalions t 'bomeé, includiag two bat~- talloà cf gitards. Ho propos, tear. range fon the mobilizsation cf 6W bat- teries of antilles>', as a propércomaple- ment of the, expeditionary force, out cf a total bonm. establishment of 99 bat- teries léaving 38 batteries fer trainiag purpoaca.Hé pointed out that the pro- poeéd expedÃŽtionary force wil b. 5,000 m*n 'tronger titan au éxpedionar> army Great Britain ha., hithente at- tompted te organise for forelg amvlce &Md vili ouI>' hépossible of attainnt il the. reorganlzed miitia engag for for- elga service la time of van. For féee, Mr. Haldan. added, thé 'country muât look chiéf 1>'to the yeomaury sud due te 0 h ci takiqgsdvaubage of ateAmEd ravorsb opcrCunîties #or7avestiéuj, an laXithé course cf bis rémanca, the. War Thé compsny's Inveutinents ahovéd MSomrtar>' aid that the at&te ci the average rate, nover bélov 5 pet cent A natonalfonces vas hlghly unsatIsac- 11141. undor tvo million dollars wv a. 1 tory f reinthé point of vie* of hotu co»t rested lu thé West viere the avéra And organisatIon. Ne7 belleved that rate vas 1% pet cent. hMgeer liai 1:éconos>'asd cf ficiéne>' véro nt lucon- Ontario. Mn. Wcgenast sdvauoed théestâtent a-lth deinocratlé notions., 11ev. >plulou that iaurauce companles sould aver tho>' might dif fer on otites sub- tôt hé allowéd te lnvegnst ueke, bhm. Jééethé>' v ere unanimous lu the de- evén good thé>' migit b., And hi. cm. ' air. te llghten the. enuthîiburdena due pan>' should bé ailoved te entend invéat- te aMameuts nov noeting UPon thons. mente -te thé United States lu municiplaTii. Sécreta4ry thoîught thalt Moreusé ocuritiés sud lu public service bom& ougbt te b. made of the ýmilitia, as vas Président Melvin tp* ceim tedon. byflorélgunaton, ndpnopocd fate that on titspoint h. d'a qi. édutio0mn. c i stii seularfore b>' wltia the, manager. The Président 2,0 ntq L nd e frmbis utoe thé lu-, 1bougt thé policyholdeWs'moue>' ahouM 1,0 fant>-w héfrigad te s ix lfou- be IgÃve&ted inla à ý Thée-"-ri os e ié rgdsécs hfu ln he fîi ba nt ier«»d nduycavalry brigade*, népeenting altogefiié th ta ff aicLne utipluceed uSd mu md ou f 60,M00 ra=- the staf blug mufiued 'hr . sud*Ia» serviug wltb tue colora, 70,000aa>'i ho alaisb> -o,éniue W e rve men and 30M00mlit iIfvas ThenMat. a Lie inted la Tor. ebur oeed temaintain a a s esto liailwa>' bond% 3,733 pa valu&guns to ever>' thoutand Erbe compea>' iad monigagé.on t il evsars PoPcrtîés -la Toronte, smg tiougfore- . lewEstbgent Scbe loà ;ureAnd lover lutere.t séultediras . Ider the néw achésse the tam of the bunet oi the bloye ompan>'b" Udill4nt WQUld b. for the. Infuyant M surluset 4,00.Théfatl anaof ani>'seven yemre vth the . colora be cmpan vér 120,000 su e . Md &0 Y ÃŽtvlth ftrerves; for tii. f014 uded ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UU« sugcl sthuySIX Yu'a wÃŽtii the.colon sMd fi" wvit> th, re:vcs; for thei.fl&ra $M O EDDrnY mT . tIller 'six yun swîtii te elors sMd ix mebea Qoenusent ~ ~ ' t s the eqiifseaMviWthe colr am 850N5101 Dimes, bl'h , vuld b. nereduetlcu lutt - Ott,&va, JPlY 10.-fie QUdeoovma- I&dAuner tii. prpes- ewl o rusen t bau etered .ât agatuat t *i. I I* Fttwo ~@battalloune ii h Simutflor. fh*0 194 IL Âd ê0' t ssintgimeb0et as t pruest but tRe tor iew« ut olones breafter, vill, have tvêynfIw W14=.fIm enseutora 0f ltlmho i Oea omiyt 71 Jasteio 0 s mad etat* 1Udastatemua t is tb . M11 ettou of Prorlaswairevenuue at HJuit, >r RMa. sbdh epeloe kr. T. IV Svnus, to tfi. <eeS 4sft oge wld b, e nn ied t a*u L( fi.debte .of tbo lat H.L8. 8M197 . ue dél remduel s«tM o 1 Md 'beMaU &M udbeqesa a Swiol uintlm w edd wtbeln raGreat 11*, mt, thern emoeua4 athug-.flat fi. tala W«"ld b. ina «4Mte ,4 tb wtaf e vas vocabletos a, 84tbs e 0r . MMèWlbt imli ts thsq -ft on4e.a. tbf, my. -U 5.8> MO& miter ersri a&t«qgâte dy w & U* mm s01 Wax * 14ba M» te tve, flu Govreumt Limaijr j«- elWi<but .t hlam îbwlegi sti.. el tislngt. t, um ds WALL O~WÀJ gH.on_____ Lake Toronto, Jul>'le6- Supeinteudent Putana. rwt«unned f rom the meeting Of the esatcmn dam>' ln.tructors beId ut Montreai, OblêfInspectons Pub1ýv, cf King.t.on,a"d Barr, of London, vére abc o wâet. 1%. «Port mreh*te -of thec it>' aMid t4mt they bha4 n»Ver seen sueh iuform Meg quality a that wâlk dAinguiahd tios sons chees; A Inumber cf mérohants aud the. Intueoes h.ld a coufereuce on matters of mutuel luteriest, which lu expecetd te hée o$peut aaitanc lu thie future vork. Tii. ProvinciliDair>' Departmn~t bas luaugurated a butter eéoning contest lopi: tO aIlProvincial creamorklea Sain- pIe ma>' b.sent iu during Jul>'e Aug- uat sundSeptémbér nd.ei ie oingvii be made at lutervat. of four weeks en eah sampie. WAX mm roW Cà N.- BrltiliiCompany te start a Faet*zY tu London, July 1(-Walter Chambetr- lain, brotber ut Joeeb Cbausbanlatn preslding ut a meeting cf the Aà e"> Ceupa>', cf Blriuingbani, Midaat, a the. receat génremlectionlin-Ip"k poned fiscs!reforus, the compsuY ha dééiffl to opeir lintii. Unsw .4te and manjuture automatié wîéýghiu ne. aiked fiat a nunén on pan y. d iecf orme& te mi sheve> vouli oo b. duunp.4lai res tit. fia under théect pnicé har*. Tisei- rectons bail tber4de s decded te carr the var lut* tuéeu Iar, p Moitmated thatt la w.. fto it ef a muber et sncb facfIolest fat veuld be bulit la cousatnIoe avnm ror'> unsimtuLe" BOIM bLE» veutetfCOUJrthsid, OU TUMYeede>'*i»g, vis. -RAni S8- NUsai44 t he e-yf*t-eid t R,()XWAROE. it st. Mt;,zosSimple ni "tii. Lo9t-rE Man Wbo Purcliasel Rer Pr»operty at Auction-- te Spar. Rer ý -Gà - Clévéland, July 1.-Convict 1b.36,680, Greeley le theé generi mana4sr of a cartage amd soruge, conCerz'; whioh purchaséd the Chadw'ick pr.j erty a couple of weelce&go at auctiori. Ther, are ovés' 100 maqti4ficOxit coq. tures in the collection, ehimmierng satins veiled wlth oostly laces; robes of chiffon, band émbroldered, à pagi- ed; gow f rich sIiken .tult,-with trl ing ofgold or slvem, and beu- tiful real lace&. Mms. CadwLek pams..thoit qqx. Ber tante han undergons a chanýM aune ah. ocupied ber FDuclld avenue zu*nson. She vante a black go"u end a ib t lab- illed 4ythé astorage eonmany x g2r--tbe 27Lh bat Ir* ber former coXeotIoný "You n wehl spare that enW.drees, 1 amn sure," writes Mm. Oradiok1 her apm<>pato 0 "You ai. lthou- su.d@ upon tho c f doll a rs " of stufi -wblh yoea purchaséd fort4no a song qC n ont apre JSJO ou dreslvn u Jemakpue.a1 inods-u t be Mu wedb. i la &. hand"eomegovu of black Il4ot s" - chib n l eat4ul> though ulzxýP1sde- 6g. it in woxb 00 Qreeey bs-mot .decle& - iliram Cswkshal bâ"ve- ber gova. 'lIt'. ebsurd, anyway," may &7e % "8h. u'ont b. ahi.' te Wà r? it, st léùt for -MUST HAVE UVNION.e Lead packet gý JAPMNuE MTROIITS P: SURPRISE on AEIAS no. Foreign Tutege-i If DiaitNet Zudel WL!! Disu.Thii l I4etse8- eucs.-cà nadlan Nethollats Inter- The. Land-oft tIe Rislng Sun 10lght more approprlatel-y b. d*ucnibed athe. land of Surprises, ioorcertaini> thus given te i. omplaeuey, of Western- natmionb>'Japonan ver, odre imed of b>' ber meut sanguie',dmlrersýi Th* Isteat surprise lfrom 4h, X"n iE- pl aa noutia te.otbf mot b. toIeTUéd,-aui thït if n cfet et crà s «d -must yisld thse d.mand tor union. Tii. mttet bas b.esi disoussed ln thé Cauad¶an sd VntdStates chinoises- ca on ptointé, tiit must essaitfutleo to pm.l vléwîng tii. luu**Uôa dispagi. tel>' mtade. Tii. Amreican Methfbdl e I c<qilana vilà te jetaln -their, bio,"e, vmethe. Cenadiau sdo nôt blsiiops. Otiier dlfleultt.s ci norater value alse oIut, The. Met lI04 of Jaam uOv lial tt" the» s a lm It was ver>' amuq profoundly gratifie caa Uncle Sandy i 88a fanxily conne * grandees cf the-s zniht ,ats "yon pu lord"' lu his absenci cidi>' Oontent to bol betwééu himself. ai man-lu public pacE Te» Everard Vhé - fiat gentleman's filnéhing indifferen bis flolw-creatureà Tiiere vas no kno -m , next, vhile fV vblèh Mena crossi eitdhis admira -Wa always ready I evén ,triéd, vith *th he vas nemûrkable, -her uncle- to talk This dégree of a Saudy's suspicions, In Scotchmén, ho v Ibuté ailU uh -indic pssion of humanit: "'éil me, aoc,' hi lwetm aftémuoou, te -the. coolest - spot - 'where Mous Iiad bi 'ber throat achcd, a Ivals. ý"Telltue, v ousin yé refused ti "g0ow dur you -M< fusélïK enthu" - 'Ljovw Bertié Eve &u>' bûman béing i - ape, hi. mgtherr' 9Hov oaa r kea spokea canlant?, 6"R. la sbrutehl ulTien vht fo, -<Bocausé I do 1 of a