Whitby Keystone, 19 Jul 1906, p. 3

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K DR!SS'. cAK&Êxovs FOR 0113 VÂRDROBE. Sparq, tie Lot-leos liRer Propefly Her One Gai- :h h»-ckis ezqt an Il. Ç(reeley for "jusl en almnd ge et ag r*ge concerT' whieh liadmriec propenty a igo at aurtio>n. n100 mnificent coe- eoietion, shinimering -t ibru ide red, spaLngi- r icli iken étuff, wit.h w or silýveT, and b-,eari- paffses those up. Hen rgone a change ince uctilid avenue mansion. k gown annd a hat lab- tecomparrv X 2î -t.he spare that one dTr'Èes, tes Mrs. 4jradwdeik in cile-v Voit have thou- otndi, of dollars' worth u purehased for e.bmoet nut sparo just the oe thebIlek-plunied bat?", qufssîion is-the nival ,viole w'ardrobe. it Mvn of blackc lace sand ifui thougli simple de- b $400. not decided If Mras. vm her gown. ý*%çaY.' maya he. 'Si. -wear it,-&at least for W[UNION. ,THODISIS SPRING N AMERICANS. ge-ýIt, Divisions Net scuss Their Ludepend- à. Methodisas Inter- ie Rising Sun nilgit ybe dSCcribcci as the el, for certainly this essed more shocka placency of \Mester5 ithadû vere dreamed tgiîine admirera. The om the Island -Eu- ýe to the Melliodit uesent divisions wili antid that diffeences 1 miv;t yield te the . The matter ha. the Canadian and hurches carr-Ying on 4eern fuitill to people Lion (ispasfiontely , rogress frout being iýCan .Metiioist Epis. retain their bishopag, Fans d10 ilot favor teflties of no greaten The 'ttrdsso tha.t these shall b. heut dela y, and this heir ivishes are not eY wii I assert their )and' carry eout a tf--inioin. Nýo thret pd nette is intended, no other îneaning te maJlt by Japanese chur lies in Ameica. . Carmian and _Dr. at the King Edwa' pateli: -A fatal aci- 1i of the Bell T1eWe .d yesterday aftai,- dward -ilotel under à2r. Dewar liad hocta 'orne lune put, sut- ouble, and ihis phyli. 'boait trip -nid stay us .for a couple.ol Ife Mr. Dewar a.miv- rdedy ngtaaId ,g Mrs. De-war weiut ijour,and id pehon e ~er l'usl>and unScn- an'd J. Mf. Cotton QMoit a ni, but >wrdyin.g about, 4 at desiti i~ S s ilat. e1e CeNRAI Orsi 0et fr«from dusdlii am ail froveg -- Lead packote oaly. 40e. toc aà 60e-pe t I f ~IGtIEST 'AWARD ST. LC~ULS9 Lt vas veny amuslug 10 ber te se hou' prefouudiy gratlfied liat stema republi- can Uncie Saudy vas by being assecialed as a. family conuection vithihli great ofudese the season. Sneer asho mi ida yen puin, feekîcas bit et al tod uis absence, ho vas always pis. cidly contéte»tolehbble aloug with Mous belvecu himself and 1h. elderiy youngt man ln public p laces. f Te Evenard le vas more deteroutial. That gentlema-n's good-humored, un-1 flinchlng inditterenc o te efeeling% of lais ellow-cneatnros tilled hlm vith ave. Ther. vas ne kuowiug vhat ho might uy next, vitile lte toanlessueswithl vhlc. Mous croused napiers viith hlm excit.ed is admiration. YeI Everard wasatvlaysneady tote aIk ith ber, sud even trled, vit h the obstinacy fer vlalch hoe vas remankable, te gel lier sway rom her uncle to talk viti hlm. Tials degree o! attention vokW'TUncle Sandys susIons, fon, as la net Mnas -lu Scen, la. vas disposed te attri- bute il mschiIndications ho tie masterl passion ot iumauity. «Tell me, ueo,' he sald 'one excee-diugiy, 'warm atterneen, us thjaey t isn e m -lie coolest spot lu the eslablsbnienl, 'viere Meus had been reading aloudti 11 'b~er tiroat ached, and lie dozed aI Inter- va]s. "Tell me, was il becanse Wo e 0ousin y. retused lie other?" "Hou' do yen metu, Uncls Saudy <eh, yen undenstan' velI enoe. T là " 'hecsae y. inve yeung Everard you. ne- fnsed Konueth T" 'Love Betie Everard 1 Do yen tiuk suy Iuman beiug loves hlm, except, per-' haps,is molli r?" "Hevew an 1 heu? H la isa bnaw, ont- spoken callaut."l "Ho la bnut.all imdifferent ho every- on.'. f eelings. WcneI obligeti te mrrny eitiez, i nsouid cetaiuly preter Ken- usthY. "&Tien viat tonrsaonld yen refuse 'Becanse I do net luteud te marzy "Do you now ev li illiigo ha;d vi' me befone I oven consent te youz marny- Ifon y Iher mon t" 'Well, I shall net trouble yen, mncie.» "Why? Have yen avoru agalual mat- rimony 1" 'No,; but I amrnont strnugly luclined, for uaarriage!" "Thatt"s wnang. Every voman la the bottezof!as unio." 111 arnconcelted enough te b. content viti my own guidance. Do nett Iiuk me iunid or eballuate, Uncle Sdy, but 1 nover" aI ho aile te uary Knneth." 'Thon, Moua, 1aI metbarn saIn sy Il, buti Liwnecount. yenus my dsugh- "Oh, ye«, yen vii, unCe.; yen coniti Dot de vilieul me." <'Net veL Yet Lrd Iry, lf yeudnest* ye:ur face spinal dolug whal I1vet ye Rude H.Keuuretmi vnitteu te f-j%, "Nuo>- Lieu 1 bave net vrillte, hlM." <'Wseli, do, 1k. a geetitalud." *<Oh, yes, une, 1I v riteho-hIm.", «Hýave yen been te tbe tiestrel?" 14k.d LUrd Fitlas, lu lie e7enln, iw e e7 -;fat tagther i hepark. 40 «INoCe ai replie&dW. '<Il'. net bad-not had etAI ah," sal Everard. "Tie..a vcauauavbb singe r« OUvl, aud he ain have Mhe Salions! drawastie gUI." 'tern ilh »nete-morrow, Mlae rsg orletiLord Flhtlan. They gvoB.*- caclo, aud It la quit. vWorth ~gte q Idx" apprve ptay-«slugm" sali Urne.Sandy, its jnt s là "#tr*vutle , vouas to ait anti look &0. 13«e»n.oetthem are ratier strengi ibut -titb la 1uely quite*oon" .o Ce yonr. et u Cuag* "Va 1 M&bo ý s1 'baverv1«« un substono. Ib BY ail gr.Ocr& 19-i04 -- ZN ni said Everard. nI bad a letter f rom Xv- elyn te-day, aud I viiitoityeu a&U aboit ,"Very veiL Uncle wi re golng aslit- ie vay, sud vi b. back soon." They valked.alouig the path iaadiug latote e ooda lu silence fer a fev min- mil... At tengthiMous asked- -"And wiat does Evelyn sayi" MOh, uothiug particular. Si. lae.1111 iu a foot'. paradise. Theyjre net gelu4 le Sînatiainlie, becanse te y vaut le show offtble sou sud hein lu Cumber-' landi. They are te, have a large party, sud vaut me te g ; but that la imposai- ble. I must look aflter Fîtzalan; sud liat brinzs me te viat I vautt o e..y. Dont run awa>' vîithlie notion yen cap mnarny itzallaîL" "Marrjr Fitzaiiau!" repeated Moua,4 amaned. 'eWhat an exlraordlnany dealu lWell, ho in always nunuiug ater yen, sud talking bush about yen, sud giviug, yen fiovens; but it'. netto, e h doue!",. .<Why, iBertie, ym miust beouot o! your mmld."l 'Net Ct ail. Dou't fly off aI a tan gent. Of course, il ln perfectly nahural l ou siouild try te ges a good settlement, Lt would b. a tamous matcha; but I c*u'l shlow il.»1 Mena pansed, loaned agaiuut a tre., sud lauÊhed heartily. "If 1 could ke? my counutenauce, 1 sienld ho -angny vnth yen, Bcntil ITic determinalion people aeem fe have hhal I ahilI nianry seme eue or ethez la ah-' srd.' "'But I arn delermincd yen shal(Jb niarny Fitzallan. Dent you kuev at, 'atter him, my fther is heir tte sesi- dem, sud atter hlm your kumble scrv- anti Nov Fîtz vas he= aniidiot, sud basu't impno'ied lais brama bv bard drink- -ng. Hias tler, Lord Lynel»4dge, vou'l gve hlm a penny. Some oes .to go about with hum, or ho vonid deitroy hlm- *0,t lu- nsafev mentis. He proposes fer sveny voman ho mpets. W. whan suaw- fi1 nov lait Anmi viti a girl wt a I=n, eheon ban aI Wmlleaden or Ealiuni or some suci place. H. lna aharmless'ereaor,, but bis fther viii net give hlm s son, sud h. dees net vauat hlm te mawry. It wonld ho a splendid match for ytmu, butý yenu se"he han been. so qneen, 1IIelieve vo coulti break il, eItll iii etah atIempt anci a hasard." * '<L4slen, Benlie. Wial have yous teen ,eeu lin te Induce you te thini cet vanmlua melu Ibis inilluig mniumeri Xanny Lord FIhsallan! Why, 1 veuit ai- nacat ratier,»as epausod --înd ioohtti aI ber kinsman fnom hedd tofoot, <' Im1d ê amost ratier marry yenu." <'«Oh! yon voutd, voulti yen? By J.l, you are tie coolesl baud1 ever aneti 1 dont tuiai ltes a poésibilily oet Imite lng your tiank, anti 1 cauàt undertant yen. Are you really *tndltterent ho es, ono? ý«t ou care for voalIlaor l1=e or-- ou hvs au nceme«A*I e ye, Moue and hbe'ne'slaewo Viîry OWdleepg lari eu." j 'No; youcannotuanderslaaie, MM"taye7-,.Bertilosudmykuoi. ta 01igo et chasuater do.. net lmprm n, 'a ofi e buman-nalur; y 1-Ide rl ieve yen *sue qulfe as ututdso flst AS 7_"u Mtfect to bes»1 I 'Affec.t!i n ieyer affect oainn. Tot ptme niMu t fpentc. ilayow ffo IÎtien et dsevsl4isat u Ineousltent yen ave. 'etir « e t t uns for sus-ot e o ie ery at.' mira aMtifrei o ur M pmaoluetvîe*. lu aile pr6o f iiarrnms-vlnga wm of enruS ville ym b anc Mn Uk',nIoe iest taa lug ho 0t I& Moye r shah ut watte* milbà laU619- saythlnê- 1 do mt 0can, yen ui * tand Umaor not, Bsrt~ie.1bive bot hie, siihut, ialus for youu opiio. 1 thWt4Iilse YOU1,but for y*iaxiahlée.- i Won at Las Su1e a a ZvWoryefet si ita loigup thIïns"wy tares, counting tho candsud"lainpg the. dit feree betwfeeu foreln sud Engtish mny <'AsI ca £e t rMy aiâhometiti Ïnt mldumxnr~ÎItiink v night jusI $s a titte eo ther coutrlea tilt itps ready, nov thatl a= tus aide Ot thevaster, for IqIi»o romsIt again. Il viIiib. sum- Mat to talk about and lblnk abootWviin I. arêsttled doon for il* test o' my 60ThAt Vcud verynie%, une!.; snd we might- spend th. vinter in Dre. There I should b. quit. st home, and I couid really hoof use 10 you. <'YOu're no' that useleas hers, sald Uncle Sandy, kindly; "sud coulmd may. be get a smatterlng o' ()ermau.' "Oh, no doqibt." A.nd so uncle and ulece set out on a pligrimage isitin by very slow degrees the Most iuterest.în places lu Swîtzer- land il ad ou the. Rie. In this tour vo viill ot attenlpt te follow; are not these places, their his,- tories and attractions, vrit.t.u lu the books of Murray aud Baedecker? (To b. oontipued.> Iitèest lu lhegaM anti Coufdedté o lie netben sei aâabody,b. coult have-paa fi. Mena observsdbl r a nebo -tnsd Loord I trallan graduatly e.*oto 07ti- *detitly deep conaversation; ut sie did Met 'taie muai notice o et eà &asthe game aswu nresting, s&M the. Pronchanan played botIer than usuat - 1 vas ratier sDent aIl tbb OeDqre#nin1retireti le test ev e eslier thani usuai; but ho vas more gracions tbas ilhs vont, andthiers vas s houe of velldOt uperority lau isvoie@s vies ho 'Mona,» sid ier uncle, vies, alter lie matutinal valsr-drinIklg -aud douche,- etc., etc., nexl day, sie veut ah neen te' administer a biscuit au4 a glass cf vine -«'I have -somseting 0ho aay 1te yen, nMy dean.e. Stie domn "Veyw , ucs tkn e lc hesid LimonotU. ssofa. t"Wkflhatb etlla l "'A varra serions 'matIez. which I hope youn'll tak' ln a sierions spirit." Itis soundâ sorleus." <'TVa just extremely gratitying, saI thInk you'1l say. That young nobleixisu has beefi talking ver>' .eriously te me. Ho lsanauhonest-like ciiel, sud i. tells me lie la vanna deep lu love vi' yen, Mous, sud lhe asket uuy cousent lu vars proper language.1 said I would spesk te, yen, asud lay tie matter fair befere ?yeu; but tfiat I beggod hlm net le ad- dress yen tlii1I ad explained a bit, for 1 am» ne 'that sure iiow yen .vould tak- it,. But 1 hope yen wili hear ireason, for I should like te sees ou a conutess, mly, honnie bird, betore î diei, li spite o* liat conceited spe Everard and--, is schemues." "And Lord Fittalsu aclually proposed for met" exclalmed Mous, muci smu!S.d. "WIVy; unelo, yen wonld net cars te sses me enrolied amoug the. aristoctats for vieni yen have se much contempt-aud thon thon. la Kenneth 1 What îs te hoe- cerneetfhlm ?, «Aweel, yen see, I canna tutun thînga upaide doen. whatever uuy sonvietions may ho; sevile these redeeclous dis- tinctions cintinue, it s'ne se badlho have a shane o' them. As to Kenusth," lio waved bis baud, "'yen say yourself hae doesua care fer ye. We couiti ind *hlm Another vite; sud s m lord deesua wwut ony portion wi' ye, I could give s' ho Kenneli."1 "I arn sure yen sud Lord Fitzailan are vy goed lu arranging or my uture; btut do yen know that Lrd Fitsallan Is in lte habit et proposiung for every wom' an ho meets, v etber in a ballîro or behind a counter i-tiat -lie la a hait- witted drunkard, ouly kept withln de- cent bounds by tl;e _atcittul cane of is tauily? -. liaI be bas net a farthiug liat ie can eaU is owa, aud is tlion iii net continue is show- suce if h. marries. De yen knev ait this2' "Nsv.»- exclimeti Une Sandy, "and 1 viii not helieve il. H. bld me he va8 ready to niai' andsome settlenieuts; hto have the. tamiiy dlamonds reeet for yen; te have a couple o' noons"atvays ready for me at Fit;alian Tovers, for h.ovas sure Lord Lyuebidg-that'a tte-eart+- bis tlez, vOUMdenjoy a crack va' ans a s e l an danoed Libnat. Wi bas boss filtIng your uminti wel' es",1 '"No ose, Unele, tiertîs Everard told, nie vhat I believe, la PerfectILty Iue about poor Lord Fitalaln. 'He la rSuiy haif-witted, and yen muât net sem, ho mmd viat.las saya, or yen viii mai yoursett ant me rletlcbos <'DeuIls Eseranl, ânl m.aw kwm. f Euan Yv i ia 1 jau &eud-fit amera bt mlfa c.Report$~ vY 'V' 911 9 99 V99. -_. l0 9t"'t - 9 0 V!Jz_ý Depa-rtmnt of Agriculture, Dairy (Communioner's Branch, Fruit Divison Ottawa, Apple.-As was ho b. expect.d, thé. reports for the. menti ot June ou appt.. are net quit. se favorable. ThraaeM mauy reports of serlous dropping, sud the puerai tone of lhe report eswoild place the. crop aI not fnore tbsu medhm=. In forming su estimat. Of tht crotii classification of apples into- early, faU and winler shoutd ho kept ln mind, !DsU- much as the 1hz,. clases may haie CIL *outireiy differeut value.' In district- i early appies are rçported almost a fuit crop, lth1 u d vinter applea a medium crop, Baldwlns AM Tii. Bueers by IHyde. 1Mr. IL4Of e Sp1.., light. Ji, howeve, tuh e acu should prove s warnSehie wêiolbOfo tbe'f -Didet 1 fflbe amodby In District 2 «1a"mIés art alm*at a bil orop, the fait ak>es bu, sand the vItiterapplsei« O 5. a edinUn CQOp In Distrt 3 21 pe cet. of tub O tE. epondente rej>eld-th.e p 'i-t,a5 per cent. zusaaasd 271.per cnafi Reporte 1.tre .AnnaPolesu.Co iwa4ié a aiwys, District, 9lucate a crOP aboe uedinibut ngt quite a URit orp. nei tMLt ouurpbtr, -thé, btsd iMoth and eatkar -worm bave ail bèeen imsrhloUuY difforet par4 Ocf the vasII ansd it la net kupreobIa tiattàêeciline nMOU Vu~ tppear later. Wind stSua . mm, Othe r eoaitlgue aWittft .ubs4 w I -th 1us &wint .54is tapp-=«»= b slgtybovt aenedrim c. »et herI euâ sb" a ae l omt <IqNev 'York Tinies.) od orO i the. omany'is' buildinýg, Row WguvStisîrelte "« '!te heoli. r u yDpartaea Makes bilion e saurtis wbehcontkt Afice l < I egaover 100 tou fer, ls E1.cl rd aa<oalotnan-iSfoet pi,21f. fvdtsu ialtentioý jof ti sua beve i he dor lf0tir.~ault velgiie a mat- MaY beh " al~ nseto o otr e lot e fi tons ;an là fastenedi hy lie, dij~t. a"sêo Muetarno evnty-oue A 12-Iueh hoits, wieh are to interest lu thi eeml1î checks - by ~~rcombinglion ioeks ,sAd tbroiag ot brekerspush=g u laulung a 0ee v~etlimé oc mWen the mci oher about on tic fioor oithtei door la18 oeftevulbOue b *Beor <'Lttie» Board, aud satlmor lutety aith, so that thu lntroduc- wildly <'payluj. bome."wîth ieacia ther lo tlq~exp, ule h .y &MY W-ds downon he7road s reet,"Ourb" 1that posod Pr Ùwho uDglgt- erade th b' unleas;attention lsaîgtrsched t ho h* rds and £0055ho l buing, Spectacle et au eccuslonal. policeman înýtenigh4 hlm. lu î,pretty thozUg"i rkdUngaround- in a carrnage, or -te a prervented. 0Ti> op týe l.presiden2t éet Outla tghurrylng up Street wlth a bigthe Cpre0dn;,tkéncal leather vallet chaiued tleis vwsa ist, hemanager, eontrotter, or ssistant co ,ntre!- actul hadilu o! ~j~ '~<~ ~ leri aobliged ho b. pressatin u dditloa veil be entirely v rulooked.-hoti. votunllnaie' iioae son) The ete dptt mpanleg, vithlat te dola slior ekneAw lti. ofbui, their areat lt ep end teel tel e alé ' ok a4ngtiier et tues." bars Innmrable, ho- whlch acce3s . ieu iowich ithe.pfoose ro , possible ol agraneaout in 0that It bomes-limposbefor s 0! f onmatities. bas heen gous through, eehoosubi i. u :rn tt- aeofcours, amog thi e owpiacs » er door oethle vauttno maler vie 4o vaultswhich tii. bauksansd Inhurance once the 'NVaU1t 13,0e thi.'bonds, ae empanhes maintalu, aud tle ini. I- U-we1by ho vs, .ch= sud ,oouauhe, iuate1ývieitor atI a banklng boeuse vich sud thon diolrihuted oleie oupon cÇul boua abuidin etIl cvi leu.vii Itots at lieï t". kThe"actual twork oe' ho ehovu, probably, a similar'place o tiplgl oentvI are es sale koeplug, In whhie heta leev.bra, but vh ha itttê moIsaisqure la., douces of vealth ýreater by many ~cu~a u towIhohtoa timmesI th e inceoos rausom, ae tvho lsubgIlnetx1br Preîected trom tirs aud thie!. . wdic-be- i gsi albngo!vauet Yet il Ws.1l treet kspt iti seourities îî. eomw e ta enfýthlusbeone h& At locietiup l Il vauîs ud trong heceme eroat Ithe job ho ea hear off' boxes ail the. viii. It would -be ne thecoupon by a&sOngle, motion of! tiOý longer WTall street. but a gravoyard. baud. n4 - icoupons%, seo1Psi!atd,5a" I. businetsofet1he Street la in the e- OX u>atdaýd thon go, luho-bundies for change of lhe".thi t Usm us ~ 1~ûpoleW~shem deterrâlu.d by relativeý estiumtes, of soe1yektre 00 ~ted anac.vyl' 'earnln oepacity a"d Iaorent, value. lhe greal vai~lh .tknetfrt WMen a seurity la <'Closely ield" it nxt irno, haehou resan-anne, o- tetOws uecessaxlly liat Ité mnarke, 19animtion oet e inp l i - restrlchted; when. many securlllesare, pro- '<C4osely beld" li.thelntre amarket nW WIeti. heu l a ac r tapo crn esr,-udboklàcmalanabout lth. 14about the.,oon- oCUppOVm beosus houe l 11'.business Iddo. p ýcss dësuonv ltmku be The effect apoi hestock mnarket eaitea~Exper ot a tanta make vouitib. th. rosula of au lz»AiUtTy a pei#tet of, lig eý rybu nd Ioim safty or "ipliously te transfor theo!fsatigU theé< -1v inWish theia v"leoecrtificates, or to usatze on are kepî undllthe ie TaMatIon la Ovor.~ tien the a"are c ý f sauiga b hléh Wltns a dtle grana& jury wvicibas 1110 are enlilled t, aI tatod porioda. heen > vhî gtlu - aisRce inattor8ý Eleqo*, vhat nmay b. teumed rhie - tately taaý vi eseterAn uauSt ciaulci eleémeul lula b.hex cis"oetcommlsslotaela eorsto auio u , stekâanad hondsansd luthoéliquia ~utlon, eranôaeso,~a é tion et corlmorate ludebtednes là quit. .4 au-»ettli er' b. ompanybowmany1ý asImportait a -hesentimnal, t'eu bsti. t aaaI ad, t unte et If liéela ne exprexsunudrivÏn up ber lu.« fqithi. boîe, O=-puted the lt e b, able- %r0ým.dÇor* aI fibe ,* iiumbu oýfxoes ho a àqéxî'5âr& of QI bual. o , t"ve buoïd *5 'spaée M o iva l neasueci b. -vaalt rqresestingthat daf'. sles, , vila a fo is,- -f I~ ~ a, widely araged for hbzoug1ýoiahIthe, fluancilé eemmuty. "er on h6 ise l 1 MOT WIATOR M S. &W ai tg a îel e«ten ut the ie At *.1 htiip f nes duruugle, et â Cïu 54Qtobi er, bo. oanes, %bOW usurý gauthe ie tu e«onu Da dat~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~be Iai-ialairy qls& .I>eMay lb* beend cure., B«W& rn les sosie eoftthespécfeuopoese. a-rieastbmd1l.ln woved v lai 1Inka oerahlnar ea hto 1t. ur _ opaflutl -- ----------------------- JL ýà

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