Whitby Keystone, 19 Jul 1906, p. 7

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WE BAIIGAIN$ Ii lueatt, à ,8, io T., ~ut lpu 15o. -W. IL fo oetildm tW éCug-It i 1 otbes l. uoi 9" l.but uG eDur-. 'EMALE PILLS gin, uer as41eUbMdu5j u~ et puedul gusd. lad Roy- PILL Col. Box 4&. Ihmlta, Osuia. SSINS' WEAPONS. w' That Commanda Thoir Destruction. reafofla l was natural Iiat uld bc mnxiouB to &@cure thé ,d not expilode when throwa >io. rfalofi bobind the deaire to 1chance ofrftrtber da.mage. written iaw in the relguinI e, saya the lAndun Standard, et attemlpta upofl royal lires-, instruments usSid for treatifng used In such attenipt.s, shali rhere wua a sem asembly Aioutro-ungaian offlciais ta Laused the death of Empre!qe c0f the stvjlcai ixnplemonta the post-inortem examination. la based to a certain upon it more sotlidl'y ipon the d- prevent thse relies fronift- Ld of exhibitOrs of auoh traglo n thls 'matter once was te, the weapon whlch had been mi, however, thse dagger wua hdch Martin Merino attempted sn Isabeila of Spain. rather acentury ago, thse biade wua tsueis finely tempered steel- ,vcry effort of file and atone.. ci a parue vas oatused wheu. Jroad. The Spanisis pensants boere muet ben magie ln the bînet waa spelaiiy summif.d ls criaI3s. and it wan deter- at the steel te the Influence -provlng succeMil, ail Im- tor thse lîke foui çurposo have ke treatment-knives, swordi, cre, and, presuinabi! bomba. Wilson' s t1 FLY \PADIS S THE ONLY TUINO THAT 'KMU 11-TMM AU 00k IMITATION& uggiets and General Storu and by mail. TS PERPACKET FRON ALE WILSON [ILTON, ONT. 3 30 Years Âgo. s dancing. iail lier glory. 1 inging at the Grand alse the, cotillon. was danc- In. - rvice Nras poor compared to-day. wprc shining rcplendmextl i v 6 ê Ceriht before looklng Uteiplteti the reèflectionu aces' n te - askel: 1make_ me?""cdm, tnd did bce ake you?" again lu th 'mirror, ah. ureath and enx oined: déH. 9g out better ork lately, *y_Kan. 'ef. alth We istrlbuted. kers>l Magazine.) -1'ranco le able ta hald sube ar own publie debt, ta flu. dustrial enterpri-ses, an& .1111 lotft for outaide iuve&tïmoat ievidence or thse thrlft ar le. One resas-fIor thse great *French--people seme ta bo ibutlon of veaitis among the fortunes azd great industrial_ Scomparatîyeîy few SU numu. C>orn u. m .W k umq, JIDînes Witb '.i8@.L a4*-4 ý1 # ommentary.-I. hie True. Ides cf È 5abh Observance (vu. 1-6.) 1. Ce pharises-It had been suggemted tha.t tbi mni a y~ have been a member of the Sandhdifl wit.h a country home la Perea. To eat bread-O ur Lord had no borne and, when he waa invited- tao 1Uue jt waa as proper for hlm t-o'go on' t.e Bebbath as on any other day. Tmev' vere watching hlm (R. V. )-Were mali-ý ciouly watcbing him.-Clarke. Many thnk t.hat the invitation cf the ]Phari- gec was a treacherous one, and th"t while h.e professed f riendship, he had invlted Jesus te bis table for thse purpose of fintI- izxg an opportunity to accuse hlm, 2. A certain man-Tibs mas may have liesn brought here by the Phariace le order te test Christ. snd sec what h. vau i' do; but it le equally probable that thee mas had entered of hMe own ac- cord,' ln-bopes that the Savlour would se him and heal hlm. Befor'e him-Before the company hsd taken seate at t-he tae. Mie.Irospy-A dises.ue in'whlell -s ~oYor some part. of it Is filletI with v e ater. 3. jesus answering spake-Jeus kuew they were deceptive, and bc wss ready t-o racet themu. Ho was perfectly fealiesa. The tawyers-The teachers of the law w ho were present. Ie it. lawfui, etc.- They are in s dilemma; as lawyere they ought to know, but'if tisey answered ln the affirmative they would endorme Christ. and his work, while t-o answer lu tise negat.lve would be to show their lsck of love anti lsy themselves hiable t-o a charge sîiuar t-o that. given in chapter xiii. 15.-Abbott. HeldtI teir peaee-"Unable ta condemn; unwilling to concede."-Whedos. "But sncb silence vas our Lord'. coînplete publie justifica- tion. liftise con templated miracle was unlawful, why diti not tisese great- Te- iglous authorities forbid ltt'-Farrr. Took lim"Took hold of him (Luke xx. 20, I. Tim. vi. 12)."-Vinoent. Hj«ed him---Showing the opinion of Jeanis as Wo healing on thse Sabbat-h day. 5. Faîtes int.o a pit-4esus silences thenu eorpletely by calling attention t-o thse fact that they on thse Sabbat-h day would have mercy on a beast le distrees, amd should flot bie os tise Sabbath day deiver this, suffering mast ReadMat.t. xIL 10-13, Luke xiii. 14-17. 6. CouttI not answer im-Silent, but sot convinced; obstinacy andi spiritual pride gealed t-heir ininda against tise force o! hls reason- Hl.-A parable on humility (vs. 7.11). 7A parabe-The setfish Istruggle for precelence as tbey were ta),isg t-hein places at thse table gave Jesus an op- prtunity Vo tcach a lessor. in hurnitity. When he markcd-Nothing escapes t-he eves of, the Lord. How t.hcy chose out- To take tise higlucat place when it le not our due i. public vanity; to obstinately refuse it when offered, le anot-ber in- starce of the sarne vue%,*t'hah l î, t-e andi concealeti. Humility takes as mucli care te avoîi thseostentation o! an &f- fecteti refusaI as t-be open seeking cof a auperior place.-.ýClarks. Tise chie! room -'I he chief seat-R. -%.. The guî-îts re.- clineti on couches arousd the table wbhie formed three sides of a bollow suare. 8. Bidden....... to a weddigH speaku of a "«marriage feast" (Pi. V.) beaîsse. thse rutes of procedure would be more carefatîy insited tapon. Bit .not. >down-The prides that apes huînlhlty riolates tise spirit o! this teachlng. Thon. Rhotiîd. be genuinea -0aaemn . 01ZU hurubled, both by God and mmn III. A ltsoî one our 4u1t-y te t-h. pose (S. 12-14). 12. Cati net t-hy frlem - seoond parable la- tgte i, sot . " sharp nebuko on ftccunt o!fsfultt la elmout altay- cowftt.d ln choie. of guest&. Lanena Lord 'certaily do" .not smea t-bat a vaan shait Dot entext-ain hie fniendabù visat HlIueuçates here le cbaity to t-le po, and what lT. condeme s i e entertalnjenta wbhIc are»giron te t-h. cLh, elther W ,flatte t-hem or, to roer. MImlar ro~m.-Ire Z~ ty Ii 'Ilore,-He t-bat gimetli/t -e o #hah sirelycorne to wan /Yo', 16.) Gi. t-o t-h fnimsad, but let-It- be tb .tby paon fxlnds, rt t-o t-bose wbo - 13he *spot..e« t P- Are net- forbld4e. He -at" ivet& 1* tb. Poor lendeti t-o t-k AL. 'Wbat:tbè": Serlour hefte 0,*anido . tosa m m ietf fulfilird S ho " 11wd :, naancer.,T. tise tt e tc., le t-be lsplntUu1:hsm" el' t-be boat wlsere ap o~ Iîefrme- t-1 e rd people get M I hahlýbe Much i5hll-ecL te «twi 1-t-be ever IMI"Iy 'nd wtely, I bos 4lnÜ omt-, and, thon .aeIze blm l>7 t-be arinand sMid: 'Corne NdtàL lie;.-esi it-tg> yba 490 good for "u. air; en n s ritt-bat you sha mt wIth me at- my own t&î>e a.t nasal heur."'$1 R=tHufilti compe-. <Wien t-hou ms.kesýt s dinier or a supper, CaU not- tbY friende. Dort-hy nielinelglitors. . cal'hePort-he'nalines, t-he lamnet-be blindi" (vs. 12, 13). R. Who fulfil t-hlm Injunct-len leearning tha e kon cf1cctu plet-. lunility. What a revalut-ion wa'uld corne to society -if Chistos rules of eti- oyuett-e werc fellowcd, snd t-he comamda of lm vue spulke as ne-ver ms.n .pate '.çre obeyed by Rie own. -Whosoever h.6 bOe0o!-Yen t-lut forsaketh not- aIl that h. bath, lie cannot- be eny diSciple" (,v. 33). Coîj et- beost, t-len, not of your nit- fartyr te wbleb you propose t-o in- vite thse rrch, great-, popular sud indluesa- t-laIn leebuaxch and world, but- coumt t-le ecet 01 beomlng a real disciple of christ; eant-thbe cLat of being wit-h Christ- aganst- a frownîng world; cotant t-be coet o! beemunng a fool vit-h Clu-lit and for RH i ak;;coute, b oo- b _Mkngvltbh-oa.vh au reoenpen yeu n ut-hie -wor&,-s M . umillt-y crowned. «"Shait b. bts... el...eh) sbale reoompeused» (v. 14). The rmt- b'atitude promnises t-be kingclom of leave te ttb. poor ina spirit, and thse t-ird bliu-de deelares t-bat t-be mcek Waol inherit the eart-b (Matt-. v , When Jesus ornes, od's be«t in heaven «mt oneaWisai . -vnt- tiose wbo 'Lv feUrlowcd t-b. Lamb, thbe meek and low>y Jesu TIIRÉE MEN -MEET [)ETII. We eBloiet. o es1%Dmam urs &MW yHuit. Chicago, July IO.-Tbrec e oja vere hiovu t-o plece, tbree at-bers fatal!7 in- Jured, andI severgl ct-bers badty hurt, by *,& explosion canly t-o-day, wisicb wreck- .41 a sbanty -inat-be MeLaugillin atone queriesat- Bcllwood, asahort- distance north.west <,i Chieago. Thmi e..evidesce t-bat t-h. explosion was t-be relît cI a plot on t-be part- cf ,Personsa-t- present- unknown t-ot-be po- lic. Te yamate shed of t-be quArr whicb le at a cunsiderabte distance froua t-be shant-y, whltih vas blowe up, was broken op«n andi dynanrite cgrried teo t-he building lU wbich a nuxuber oi labor. crs.ver.e seeping, andI exploded beaeath thbe structure The survivons aIl déclare t-bat tier. v-as ne dynamite arcunid t-uSr ,sm4ty whlen t-bey retiresi for t-be Dlght, T" .explosion ame a q -e ruelntm fo sievral miles around, andI abat-teretI naany panes et gises a mite away Inom theesi ans l jur si ex En ur Sà tIF- IS She and the Wldow 0f,, t-he I4l-an lie ia,5.....- ed Planned to X i~Hm. Seatt-le, W..sb, July 16-Estber Mitch- elg, - hose ot ansud ýkilled bler brother, George Mitchell, lu t-he Union St-atlle yesterdm.y, matIe a public staternent lait lat- slgt-, iuwhleb h.h -describes t-bs 'murder as teliberst-ely phanneti. George Miliebsil at reccnt-ly been acquit-ted o! the murder o! Fi-an: Edmund Creffkend, a «Holy BolIer prophet,» as t-be plea of lue-ut-y. Hoe laimet iLtat Ci-offield had worraged bis aliter. Est-ber, who wuas "Boly Relier.» Est-ber laVer iplauned ber brotbrys deat-l. Iu ber stateinent the said: "Mrs. Creffield antI T talked aver t-h. mat-ten of killing George. Tb. ose t-bat bad t-be beat- chance was t-o do it -.Mms Creffietd bad -bought t-be gun. Tbis ai- terneon I thougbt 1 vould have a bett-e chance Wo do it-t-han Mrs. Cref fieldi,as my brother wsnted t-o see me. sud Mm. Creffield gave me the gem. We agi-ced banti. SAD END Of SIN[N CIIDR[N. utiMe Gsi W fig in River Gets Be& yond lier Depth. t-bat it muet b. don. as soon as possible. My brother Fred v-a up t-o My roi t-o- day antI moidti -at ferry antI Georg ee going t-o Portlandth -is erening. I v-cnt W t-be depot and ssw Perry get. bis tick- et. At lent I 55-w George aud 1I shoots hande vitb bu. H. antI Penny v-er walklug ira front, antI Fred. aud I v-ci- Iwalking behindt. I vas walking t-o t-be door andI George vas le front o!fne, I'hat- vas the chance I wantetI, and 1 shot hlm. My brother Fred. grabbed me andi 1 stdonn oshis lap sud put my arme about bis neck. I uat t-bore andi t-be of ficer came. I intende& t-o follow bini t-o ort-anti, if I did sot get a chance at- him heme. I am nont sorry I diti t-le alioot.ingr. I am glad o! it-." Mns. Creffielti, t.he wiio* o! tise tend prophet, vas erresti hlast nigbt andI ad- mit-ted having entere inlt-o a compact nlt-b Ether t» kill the shayer of ber bua- RLJST REPORT [ALSE. SENIT ON TO BY WINNIPEG RING TO BULL TEE MAR=~. The Harvest-, Wblch Wil» Begin la Tbizt-y Daya, WiU Be t-be Greatest and Beit ln t-hoe st-ciy o! t-be West Winipeg, uJly 1.-lt las been Sk f Mr pqMt plngein flknowa le grain cii-l.. lere for somie Six f Ler PsymtesPlune 1 AT t.ime past t-at pon-erful interieste iu tu Mer.whcat have formned a bull ring, sexious tier. t-o kil thbe -trop o!f106 in ranter t-bat t-bey Cedar Rapids, la., July 16.- Hazel may tantoad t-heuir beavy hldtings o! Josphié,Glays ndLucfleSwetigwbeatat-slong profit-. very scrap cf Josehine Glays nd Lche wes in format-,i, 44!an unprofit-able nature Clar Utashen, Rut-b ieraey cf t-hie s ho u e gnified sud vired tW Min- cit-y, antI Rut-hand Cira Coyle cf Sioux neapotie andI Chieago. Yest-oday t-be .1 aity, lit-tic girls fi-arnseveu t-o sixt-een max vas rPetet wbeu an aierming r. '"mn eltI, ver. wading iu t-le river pot o!t-be prevalence of rut ir a al.a Most ruinons stage v-assentOut tire miles abe.t-bsoit-y to-day win Vigorous m*eures vere taken.atone vater about tv-e feet deep. SutItenly t-e properiy int-be publie ou t-hlm Lucille Svcet.ing plungcd lut-o t-bev-st-en matt-en andI repart-s recehod ist night whemit ws tn fet' eep nd ent- from 38 reprementatlre points tlirougb-. v-be. i- va te fet dep atI out Manitoba sut Saskatchewan and!cat- dovu. Hlazei SwOtng att.ompteé Wt- bat t-be mark-et rumor la absurd aud de- rescue ber andtinlut-be excitement ail but roid o! fountion lu <set. The t-rut-b Ruthî Klenuey plunges.in luatent-hem, 1" t-be a%4ft l on t-be vergeof b..ivet-- ail cirwning. uug t-be gi-estest astIbesit veat crop Thle Klersey girl gave t-be alari n sd ln its hast-ci-. larvesting v-lit begin Mm. Henry Usher, mot-beo!on. ce f vit-bla 30 tys t-ho- girls, plunged lu and pulledtI tbn. reviving t-h. little girls faileI Me arrivinç recovered, t-lres more Apd Wou=n R=n eaTrc b n hsereuing t-b.lut- body 3Aon * ckAu vas taken from t-h. rivr. fEngle. IIONORS FOR- CAPI'. DREY!US. m m telu .Amy To4IrWm Wa"ha a & Paris, Juily 16-Tbia vw» t-he cloang dayv pf Panhaunent,a«I It. vaslargely dovot-edto Wt-bsrebUhtat-l of AU-red Dreyf us, se t-bat t-ho mat-louaiolidýy t-o- mmrov May vite... bisret-unut-o t-le amry andi t-h offici tai (embeu -of t-be at-a eptacd Upon bis good maxne. Capt. Dreyfuesb t-o be relnd t-o tb e tnk o major cf Ântflkzy, aiCOL. Ploquart't-o t. HnlgwlewQcemat MI lenu m ke"d1 for speeY acton, ad&n ibi*st ftu»t- 1 <lovnaneut lu-est0onlourîweDriby. fu'naa It lt of ecudlates koW t-be *,lm. of t-he Legion et osez ls. m~me.lse bIlev-r afres - te e et ces, alK e reports,4 visicis. v-t- ble 1o ada1msott blkut W t St. John., .X, destpatcl: As t-be ne- suit cf not heeding the vaninge ven net t-c valk on- t-be railway tracca, Mr. Gallagber,' aged 75, residin, at Wer-' field, v-as st-ruck and Si tant y kllesi hy t-be Boitan train t-bis marnlng. n. (li.i laglier v-as carrying a ba*ct o! e&We v-heu t-be train cme' arcunsi a sharp curve. Hearng t-le frantbo vhsthing ,o! thb nfn she st-art-e ed nra nateng t-e 'tractknus tadtI ! tepping to eue it., ansiu eos$t-han e. minute sabevas crwsl. e4 beneatht-e vlaeth and tetbly mîan. gletI. Tv-c Cous o! deceame âare enpioy- ed hy t-be.C P. R. ETtRUN AND PRJIcEs <FAXOUm 8TUJD 0F Nov e nw. Jy 0.. delpatei t-o tb. Ifit fremm M514,sm t-bat PrIn. MrIeorif, v-ho arnlve4 theve a aev sag50o etakq te cm srecedO- 'ed a telegrase <oua Rutila on Wed et. 4&Y U*'bt lnfoung ibut-bat- Micf4aous ÉtuAO ome hav. .4K.u ..a . SÎ lresI e-ot Oespafr Il - DE ADVICE 5FME Of aSUt-he dIseu. knowt-, v-lt-h vhich thle femele organî is e ited. kidneY dismealet-h.moit fatal, and Wsattetica show t-bat t-hie d!aeselaon t-h.eInncase among v-o.e Unie. early and correct tTeatment la applied the patient eeldom survives when once the dLome le fastened uMo her. W. believe LydiaLe. Pinkham'@V~egetable Compound is tho niost efficient treatnrt for chronic kidney troubtes of wornen, and in the orlly medîcane espeiaty prepared for this purpose. WVhen a woman 18 troubled with pain or weîght in loin.% backracbe, frequent, painful or eeaidi*ng urination, selling of limbe or feet, awe ling under the eyes, au uneaay, tired fteling In tbe region oi t.he kidneym or fioticeg a ftedirnent ini the urneahe should 10% no timo In Coma rnencing trcatmcnt with Lydia E Pink- hain'emgtable Compoluni, as It MAY b. the moes of saving lier lîfe. 'For proof, roid wÏiat Lydis E. Pickt- hazn's Vegetable Ooznpouid did for Mm. 1 cannotexpres the terrible muitrrng 1 lid to endure.A dorangementt tie feiniale organe developed cervos prntîratw n ia seriouskidtty tirouble. ThO dtKctrattrided me for a year. but 1 kept fetting wurse, unil waa u«able Io do any 9. "a4 1 Imode u My milid I could sot lbye. tîaafl deciti to try LydIi E. Pinkimte Vee41le Coin- Pounsd «sa lswt re.ort and 1 à n i c*-day a well won. 1 cànnatprasfiIt toci lighly, and 1 tllt evcySu«fering womn tn bciu ue a.," EM ima Sawycr. Couyum. ,Ga. Mm Pinkham givesfree advics bo womnen iaddressw nornsdence, Lynn, CITY Of OCAMPO SWEPT IAWAY. fatai Cgoed1,tmt and Laadslide je Mexico. SeyvralPersons iQIedi aid Man El Pet", Te., Juty 10-A eoudburet ant landslidgoOn JuIy, 10, at Ocapo troyed t-h. oit-y. and -kiIledseven or or. telo su $Jurlbl arc e tmort-oes,. ari 4=~Ameau resldent. anre al#vt-at- t-o 1 Ing thbe- euftmwlng of the. veunded andit- -arm ree0rerinir t-liebodita cf t-b e <1o4 as teNV.C r . M004 an a ivi gr Toronto Farmersflxarket RecelDts or grain beoa ecmagaîn nil ta- day, and prives ver.- pUrel7js»InIl. l'armer.' produce oattend teeol,wlvith.prlesS em a rule easy. Dahi'y butter saisi at I.Sc- ta 2oeper lb., aecording to qssality, and eggu et 21 'ta 24C >c,.- dazen. Clxot«aisUe. là' ta 18e. *go dû", aal:'ee. 11413e é ýpelb; Straw nomninal et $10 te sl$10.a stan. Dressed hoge are unchsanged. with lîgisI auatcd et $10.50 te $10.65. aad--hevy et $I0.40. Wheat Wbite.; bush.....082 $0 83' Do., red.'bush...... .08a 083 Do.. sprlug. bush.....075 078 Do.. gooso, bush......074 075 Qats. bush.........0 42%4 043 Banîci-. busb.........050 O 32 Peu, bush.......,072 000 Rye, bush.........065 000 }Iay, ton........12 00 15 00 Straw.jpor ton......10 00 1100 Dreseed hogs.......10 40'10 65 »Ms'. dozesi...... ... ......O0 20 0 24 Butter, dairy.... ... ... -, O 18 0 23 Do.. creamary.... ... ... 022 025 Chlekess. alive, per lb. . 15 O 17 Hens. per lb........0 10 01il 'rurkeiys. per lb.......013 O015 ]PotrtoS& ver ba.....100o 1 10 Bef. blaguai-ters 8 . . 00 9 50 Do.. forequa.-tere ... .... '5 00 6 50 Do.. cholce. carcase.,;7 0 8 09 Do.. umedium ... ...... 00 6 50 Wcutton. sei ovt......9 50 1000 Veal. per ovI...........8-W Io no Lamb,per ct ... .... 13 200 -140(» British Cattbe XAx1*0t& London.-Cattle are quoted'tt 1014c to, 131e pe: lb: retrtgers.tar be..cSoper lb.; sheep. droosed. lie te 153c per lb.! Manitoba WhesL At th. Wlnslp.àg option mZkel today the foîloving -vore th.eceln1ieat quotations: JuIy ffliç bld. ug. S"je ,Oct. 77W4. Leading Wbeat ~re 74e Yrk.......Jutrw Sept. Dec ?4w ork 4%4 8t%4 Dêtrout ...........91 W04 us St Louis.... ... .. ..... 74%4 75% 78%4 M'nne.ooll.... ... .... 77% 77% 78%_ Toledo ... ... ... ... ...78%4 79% 81% Duluth.........7M3 78%4 78 Toronto Lnse 6t-ýck Reeiîpts of live stockutahe-lieOt-y cet- tle Market since. Tuenday buet,ts report-. cd. by tise railways, vere 74 carloade, composed of 8.50 cattle, 1056 hope, 120 sue.ad Iambe, andI 220 calvea. Th~ qualty o! fat estt-le was mucb t-be suamè a on Tueday. Trade iu fat ct-t-le v-as alit-tIc brnlko er, sud prices weer net any highers but; fin ,at Tueaday's quotatione. Théïe was a goosi demand fer fat cows o taecount o! One or t-wo out-side buy- en for t-hie clata being on thbe market, Exporter-Few were offesetI snd few wantcd, t-rade beîng dui11 The fcw t-bat weye offeredti oIdtI t-frozu 400t-o $4» per-cwt. Expont bulaeso d'at 83.50 te But-chers.-Boet butche ca ot-tle- sotld from $4.510 t-o $4.70 por cw~4 medium t-o gOOd ho-ads Of beifere and tc$4 .13 t-o $4.37j;fAir t-o geod ccvi at $3.50 t-ao' .84; c*mnon cons et- 823 o $3.5 Feeders antI stocke >s-Tidele stock- crs aPîd feedters bas beca t1g t wt- prtoes era-folhewing- quo at-,ne: Goc st-ens, M0t-o - M10 0Ibt.,at-ole téi4il <-10m st s, $3 e U50M o,0.0-me-o stocker., 02.75 t-oI& Iliteh couv-About 40 co*s "joeffà.' cd and sold. 6nh Wdeds4aand Thu"S. 44Y ut urices-raulueifroelà OU ta-M JTDE rytm Y r

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