JULY 28.-I go ose who ,feel tie- ge of al sGing- p RA1LWÂY TIME TA8L~. o1"g Wet s6.06s.. Oo EsUt JUS5 a.m *. 8.28 44 80 pD id 46 .06spa.n.6.9 pt si 44 8.06 p.m. Stnu!" . . Thse 5.29 &.m. train doeu not go wet MOmday WIRTDY STATION. Gotng North 9-«7 arn. Going South 8.06 arnM. 4 64 4.1b P.sn. 32.40 P.M. " ' 6.40 p-..44" S.40 P.M STAGES. Leavt à Wbttby. for O*h&ua at Io. Ia.m.ami 4p.rn. Houlden, proprietor. l'earcu for Brougham at 10 A.M. J clpro- pritor. MAIL!. ARRIVE. prom W. and 9, 6.465a&m. Fvom West I5.46 ans Welt, - 9.30 ar. . iat 9.30 . Prons Broughamn 6.30 p.m, MAILS CLOSE. For North 7 46 arn. 1For Ctha*a 880 P.rn. asot &80oa. m. W. and E. 6.80 p.in. W.. 12-1M P.w. Wnat 9.00 P. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ~ MEDIC AL stock. 0. Wannan erinary Surgeon. King St., West. -OSHAWAI 5 HoteI Barber Shêrp id nin g the 1Roya]l Iotel ePAQUEÇTTE, Prop. ,re experience in the leading city of Cauada. LIRLIIE JOIE ss Fland Laundry ;Xf Whthy for two yraréi. deicred and guarantped. rctt Wcit.- Sout.h Bide. 0PWE STAKE DUR REPUTÀTIMN On, having every pair of glasses fitted by us, exactly the thing. JKE, 10-5t. West. REPItÂCTING OPTICIAN. TORON TO. GREAT SCHoDlé.' De Orunl.ton,9 B. fX. solirltov for the WesLcm lBank. t<otarfl Publkc etc. Monry te Ioan. Officre nelt fonO fCQ, 'WItbv, Ont. Dow & UoSIlUIvrmv Bariatav. sourito.?'. ete. iMoney to Loas. oOeopoté Pout Office. Wbtthr. OntV 1. IL DOW, IL A. T. A. )1ÇOIILIVRAY, LL B. Barriuter, Rte. monby te o nikon MaMy Tcvi OflIho d iMdetly aoutb ot novai MB".lWbitbY. ,ont. John E. Farowélo KI .9. Barrister, County CrO«tm ÂttOrney, and 'County Solicitor. OficO-SoýUtiiwing of Court HOU»e. whitbv. DENTAL W, Adamns Dentiot. AOMe. nver .. ernon'e. Ponds Mt... Reidene !Ço. 4, ii. Trn'aoo, Byron bt., WblLby. Open SatnrdAy eveningsu CHURCH DlRECTORY. Bbbatb S«k.IC'-A . wMa" M seomMd .meCla.s0 à iP. nM. én ),.Thurody eveub4> at 8,dcleck. math~detTghns'»680, MrV.»1),o. CR<$$LEBys pAfQe. S&bIbath t&nritres-IOJO a. m.in. id 7 p. la. iSon- lay evulg t a ock. Aila $*lut*, hupoh,AaIWOO . 1remTR-IREV. A. u; WIUQH3T. o'dlock Ereminefrayer. 7 oeloc&. O 4e 118 * . E.C.bARemCm EN *OAO sebst bt 3 P. M. u,vo-.S st 7.10p>va. _____ la . .M.X, I~1LPAWU PAaigu mmsrb .u w1a. n. a4 p w Sl#axy« ~LLtO!!T Pass to the Right. Ail 6. T. RI. Trains Change Tracks. Sunday moraing dt -inC o9cloclk thse traina 'à * tise double traicks of tise Graad Trnnk changed froen left to right. Up titi theu n 1gUsab eustoen Irad obtalssed. TPhc 1.ara-overs nt Whtby JaucUcu m e e hanged lin ai- coidance witsi tÉte ew practice 'and the nelaieadln-a to te arbmVlà eut off aitogether. Wlis-L ootblng de!-ti-. Ito la known set, when these irvice to tisaitpart Of tise toWr Wili lie re,.anied. mueis Inrenvenience In 'the resuit. A partUy unJiaded car O! cotUi fkA the J.. B. Dowtsey Co. wajs hauled awny (rom their aieds at ttc dock. Nï%o more ettal LaD be dellvress by rail at the town water.wiorkui ndpow- cr 1 lant. JL As noosibie a spply nsay have td be broxmit' ln by' boat be- fore theefine t.. the Lirbor la work- lng again. Much ..pec'siatlon amon".t wiqeacres la being induiige'iln ais to ht thc fine ta the liarbor wll be reaehed. IH wlIbs' ressus'mberedthat iqever..i yearxa agdwhen tht doublie tracka,îg w doute and tht- dizinsond cro,&aing dblbîensed witls that tise lir- bor P*rvke walq ;nterrtiptfd for mronthr.. deantîme xio ra'.way excur- 14toei i#u%iIsets cnn bi, ehnc'with fle.ydn- sisoTe Park. A Grand Trtsî'k officiai. eu;serinteniieiit FBrow nlee, disscu ei ng ti interestlnig change mNOld: 1 -Thse chsange (romi ett tcs rîght imot t isssnir.g. wiih weint îrto effeetl3lln- &,y î1s worklng hatlttfntorily. The objection ta ruînnlng le! t hinilit thiti <*1 .1il double ttTek seetions tise qlg-i nais ant isiitcise* are' of nattant' g.iaeed con tise aa of tise. raek.. anti as tise en-.liteer 4,.ç on the igs harid ulde of *he.emnsrlae, aind rusnning icit hauîd. thse bwîitcheç a-nd signais are out of! ' il Il." o!Vision ,.when tise cnXlne asppruciiCs 8witiln a coertain distanSe.1 ,I Tht bolfi;so! tis e lrge îyptý O! engî.es wicis are 10W In gpnerall iseJ are ma hisgis tt)it titi çflgin ner ca mnot Wet over tisEin, .snd tise nIy' opixr- tunity he hait o aeen% a signal a! ter tihe front o! tht egite . Pbptructt Mi %lewç. Io Ur*mgh a tinali window. ofl seng the, algîsaL 'Tb> .engluoee':la aIýrOô at a di*sn4raotu~e wbeu the traji1 lim standîna on an oppo)Ate tratît ab it r a atcmlencyta abstruct hle ,atitntion (rola sîgilaIs .sheaid.' tThe chang a s hizti in ,MiibsoMVtise fuetire (.anadidî.m .y'stcm. I ?resentatlon Vo ANP. A. Jackson. The Pawwof e &htE$dae Pmteued ewh 0*t tnLtecmrleous pur Ofthe. Irîltndimk ur'*b thbo a't. Ie*vlug'nIo. ioulea u Monday e.rêui. when the <eTfw *StlSbI d sprewteQblai *ba nlgbt tubanof lte ntme ln log it- - tibôty. IbO urprbe wai 4o grVtbat 6e tot tt ho vas I mckJUn a eood «tait ia41 êoppWO tl, mei. ntes m at abl* il pe"- 1s0 ~ ~q lie eptlntie futuie a! jourjd ers will &end me the -namb an à d- dresses of blind ehlldren under sevtn, as *eIt as of lhose, betweeiI Syen ab<l ehouid fou favor meb ie ,PubýU- catio'u of ttl t er, -1 woîld ask 7our readers noît to depend upon. the par- enta e!tishe vhildrenwitti defeÇtive aight ta attend to, thIs mnatter. if ait could witrscss the -gain in ltaitl, b-,P- itncp.,,knc»vledfe &zd .se1!-reIanee that coîoes to those Who, dicprived b>' thisor adfilitiol cf aCeei% to the pUb. Ilc nChQO)5, taire adyantage of U4e ed- UetIoelal facglltiesa fforded bV '.thl-n tinte and trouble requIifl!< to WIden the ocope of tis eiool'% Influence. Sentim e a the naines -and ada~ss aind 1 wili b>'coprresliofdence 3or Ivis- ItatotI do thse rest. aI. F. Gardiner, 1 Brantford, July 20, 1.6 Boi's Deéth From Whlskey. Orifila Coroffer's lmryamres His &other for Carteeus. An Gi lhUa boy iiained D1anil Fount- ali. 10 ycarm cf ice. d!,JIn ti u tt towu f rom an overdo-.t of whiukeiy. An Inîjuest w,,,tîheitic, a ilsdav. 'The jury br&aghLîià a %etW.,ct of ailOohol pîc*Yon1ng-anti blismeti tbes l bridtber for 1iLucIOg thet llquOr wheWre1 be 'oulti gel ait it. They aiso masdt a reeonefdaiof that tise m bel amiended- tta prevent under tak@irs (om using esnbauisuiîg faili ain SCli C'*aSe wIthotzt a permit f roui the e1COAer tise srgeons ha ring reported tsait tisey were unabie ta miake a astis- ,,reseictcof the fluld. T'he Stecimner Etlndale Wins. EnaComnpailt lnsIituted Dp Comm.iU@<W tuel 8upply of tis .rt c Cua Aa. Ourý LGW»ïstimen,, ?cs'i4rk. DP ,o ke7 à ad Blow,'who were useibersot t? party spfak igm.I t uite service and, wa&.iýt1et tecenery ot the Là acka- waa iIl'lwajy. X trip to .Ne'%vYork an~d the seashoee at (111.i tîme of year le cspectlly deIighLl and brought meaiauraibly wîthlit reach i :nany reéldetesof! CtarIacounty by thisj xMct favorable aritagen?5 of the i Laerkawama. Tihis Year's Yîeid as Compared With That of M0 and 190. A. -S. t!ha%:pin, apple expc.ter, 75 Vonge atrect ,Torento, lîhâ rec4lsied officMai reports f rom the goverflîintaI of the United States "d IC-iafda,an-] also reports frGu nun»eous growersm an~d shlpj'ers in AAmeirla 'and Europel and -Cive» tise following cot»par.ioii of t he apple crops during tise seasonS -Percentage of!Fitl Nkew rgaditteO N~ew 'York . . .......8 New Jersey............ 67 Mare la nd............. 70 Virginia ...... ...... 44 k5ottherfl States ..75 Arlkanss............82 Mdbigain............ 71) Ii igub...... .. ... 50 IUIisnot *** -.**. *** ...... sl ......... sr Crop.- IJOS 1906 78 79 70 7 73 417 69) 60 où 53 0 0 67 561 69 n 55. 70 39 90 67 80 ..... ...... ...... 62 44 8 ais ...... ...... .....78 Nerak .. ......... 73 62 B .~i<ul..... ..... 76 7 west or Toronto 40> fi "Fuat of Toronto..... .....(5 5 soya Se-Otia.....o. . Engiant. cui#t50 20 iI omi o! tise furtuisate arrangeunwta matie by mLUagfzi Jacksoq for the, #tn, ErInln Wa 'the useuo!ui is Cokylide e ySVgt treat Wbuat ~4Torontoý 'The,~ i nitbstwb# a iesAU thseIîg As Y-i~ l ie O. Otrere0t, v Il OSteQ <1*rlat at tlS, W'7ç i hsttsto ti fout of, Yonsé t rent. Part th.110&rT tSk IS~O01M..E wmt favo'aibl(t arrngesuent, -ton. a üm 1frîIi ?WT,>lit htvc 1IU the use «! ho off lo-llght Is1-44li. *10>present ',iTe utest' bout. Ttsgoi dalg mIoj?.dlutt iaofttsm#c5 w b>' thse ç:ladaIe a;pemrs Usb. îoofOt& W%~1Ui15> mI-Ch sfor tise ojp*tmoa s-te *an&.(uL 'The grain w4 teis seff Ast watut la tù ti1*k o!the - a a44 11 viient. i f*d 61<1 tbe t s .street-," ttiOnt &writ .emd the ,lio.iiies*of' a it foct agaletIthterifndait for blocking np 4I . I! iiii U1 tIsa Y~ s *tOtWharf basliiit mi.- 'eanu U4IW .itfui&t* o! lii gin 1 tla ut £oir*. 'The Toronto »htpat4(hi£IdI t-1I<*t *0 Wedite»4a7 b.d tîs I t- b4 6.W4 .'tta*6d lnai about the trIal of- the. oatèe.- U*~Sse~pA MIlsteKl<tOd u ~l eýon-'W'* $111ê or lbe .t>» <if irail <pt.i. Iitoui~* #uIfios4dqt go net to t A t15001 CI stembe 4a1indic ol&u tbaVthb tchgit îÀ dA- P*Wê pottous oC lite 4I>enactuau~ r0li 4 ~WUI 'j tr tq4 otht vitarves aire Iavs Tht 01iArge,w vas 16*', r.n- slg I t I o e volt. F. PRETT'S Pîepmroud Sup Pre.serve., Witýhý'ouý,t,. Cooklng'. Don't swelter over a hot.fire when Prett's Pulveipized Sugaz» wil do'moit- of the work. iFOR SALE BY A. Te LAWL iWhitby ALSKF buyos tAlie a Of qu4leeof w, W. pa tue hgest pries Yoiu, seed cIeaêidoumi ydeUive¶'edno Sanid Sa pe.Wzite <>r Teephene 'sl -ONT. e f rom. Jrîti8h Coumba,' Ilu nid IMnjmtuba on the_. o New Jrtinwick on the acs1a.etlii Ycsr. Dia'- hiuîdrtkice (o those %V110 the bps t. Our graduaites N succe8sful. Our flcitiiies -4ss< Comimence now. na. ,Colege orlen entire gnElant catalogue free. ELLTOTT, Prhsolpau!. lIong Kùog, China VMACND Vol IV* .1 LSOG No-lt :1 47 ---Mou ')eso 1