of V«Mooeh _AÉUfluySent té. Mdote Defm FM. Douma Rees theAppea-te the N"ton St. >etersbuig, Jul>' 23.-Tiihessat owsrwhiolmPan lIthe P<WnO o Voriieli I~mp.adngov e ocentral , Ovioa ten"&w atea x beurliettq 1Pessaait mane sunda3. i Actrukoe Ofhlréd laborers a we asor w« ibrutally suppressed b, thic Ocera- m sent fonce. - EMormmesof pens- «'ython ccngrergated and marche!In &-si ta*OI celunseversi Miles in length to zack aUL tii ates lu the. nelghbor- beid. T oi arrived and tnlcd to dia- s.rte themob witli YeUeys of muak.try. qwYhndreds o! the. peausrts'wore kwiea sud wounded, but the borde sti*>. bonmil> refused to retreat, Ii. afpncch cf masses of -peasants -by otheroOdarmade the. Position Of thie 1,tr o" U=tnble, and lb.>' retreated, I.snlng 'h. estates defencelesa. The ýGoyrrament, ha sent artilery tote 1%0. rsllway statio-*are pscked with fu#t4es, and lalidiord anu their fam- illes are camping tby tue roadoides. A large landed propnieton namel Dro- bovlslcy and hlm fauxnhy wazidèred for idaya acrose theifilds belote th*4ý esel- ed ooe. Famous Stul gave&. ii. detais have annlvei of thie de- struetion ci Prince ()lofs emate at Pod, vioe -hee Lamons aInsi o Onoff j ors.weekep. I.mmnla-charge had wmrnngefthmob'a comino,aSM wore "ile to drive thé blons. , eei steppes, and lie famIlles of (fie om- lm Wes ve snt "Mwy. Soom enoreous, i0o,1m=6 Of amke fwere seee' nug fr e ii.bidings cf ltheestat.. ' Ibo devantator. thon adranoui on Lie TiitupsIc esabaie lthe hormes sud e.it *l. t w ofnet à .Yard.. IT local' pessant. hop.d the. estate 'RWo unesae dutnuotlou owlug to the, ovnen' r1 iendly relations$uwth the, pu*. "atiof tii. district. AÀ pkeran(mscarm the. VAn-] Igua dcft iifborde, howeVer, and read '0t-loca e asUnta ud Tuiinovs*yoll Itenante a-&deree orderlug the. burnlng Mdi< devaitation cf ail emates. Tii. pes&- t u"o ver. alowed te Moetheir house. hou belouginga. Amechalo <roui tii erowd bcr.d a blialutheWeil of-thteiain irihdlujz sud thie Place vas fir.d viti chiic Tii hode dvscedamqd repetted its I dstsetle ork .ons*a là Te ,mu»d. golu om. Àlarge- arma t ore vas 0» t1ie Orîoff ecaae. but was unable te PIrVent IbM destruction. *A.nned oasa t e iProvine cf Tale a*e campfai aCrose the. railrosdg 1neav lie station et Scvorov<>, and are Iiw tluglePassage et aul trains. nhave been veinforced h>' .000mon i i te Governmuet cartridge factoil> at TUla, whh laelosed& Cenipaules cf thtA Innillorifi' Regi. mnt f the. Imponill uard drar. ov %«Ib plaoe.Atathle statâons on the, - j rallway betweon st. --Armug u principal junction m- R-alva>' hava uil ?,th nine speclai l ità mii stteel blinds. M are lastruetîng lb.h tuai lu track na»lrtoi on tisé beau sup. an>' bruina, Ililtar>' au. ~mpbo7ew r. la resu. bar. 14IE fl ..I eourt propoud elà b I oral Co lia lb. QhOun peufve 8fïr Bandfod FlIeming .mn1 iou.colin campbell, Wipe. WAR 0f.wa@ IN~TPS SURREDER, DECLAIZ TYPOTMCTAI. IT"iT Oommuulcatlo no=pneumeut Lyncb WVQsX.tb, RlaltiosiThat Thora Wu %Notiing on Wh I mpoyem Rad teO Confe--OfficnesKete. »dief -'-d each: ie United Typo- thebse o! fu= ica ýto-day flatly dcliii- ei bto confer vitb officiais of the, Inter- national Typogrphical Union lu regard, bo tiie atrike insugur&Wtesnanly iayear ago for an olght-iiour day snd the. cloec s&hop. Presîdont lUis of the. Typotizelse netclved a letten slgned yJamesILM LyuchPresid nsd . W. Rall, Vice-P4rerldetrepresoutiqg thi.e ecu- tire Council of lie InternatIonal Typo- g=apSM alunion, at t-hst 1he7v*en r i«' ora cnfrence vlth a viosv te adjustlpg the différences liaI- nov ex- lis. "Pailing in obtaung huis confer- ee,n tii.letton nead, "thoi. bemper od the members cf the. Typognaphical Union wil demand a continuauwe cf the, preseut struggle." A ter thus letton h" been rend te tthe convention of the Typothelse the. foltow- leg reolutlon vas umaimoudl>'adopt- 4"Risoîrci, liaIt th. Typotielse ef Am- erlos iu session assembled-Irsve uothhmg on vhlch b ord«er viti represe&ntal et the Intrnatonal "Ipograpt&~Al Union and tia. Mr. LYL--. - sud Mn. Raya b. se Infonme&"1 l'h. follovlug efflem er rolectel acclamation: Prosident, Geo rg Z Mils, Boston; Viee-Pnralient, William Gr.n, >Ne* York; Tretsunen, 'leÃm,È. Dounelle>', Cil1cage; John 8tovel. Wloni- peg, vasoleted a member efthle Execu- tirs Cemitte.. CIRCUS UCNSE Il Declre Nantes. Ar. Ferge - Rayon Sharp. Say* Slguatures Are G«ulu» -Au Ilatsstlug Sitution at Wlu Wtmlnipeg, Jul>' 23.-Tii. mysterioui iround robin throrrgh whicIr Rlughng Bnci.'ciirus 01tained a rebat. on lkeense tee of noanly 1?0 per cent., sud vhlch vwu bellevod ta have beon itolon tIom tii. Mayor'. desk, vwsfourni Io-day. Varlous aldtermen'a sIgnature are ap- pended, but several of thon poslttrel>' repudiato If, clalmulug lIaI thei a="e vere forged. Mayor Siarpe jirat a* posltively declatos 'that eaei lgna9twq ma genuie, asud hb situation la <frvelop- lug mb s ma ct ntereatlug on.. The. Cil>' sot *300for liie ch ircl coese e. ansi-vil! bur. b expend over *1,000in nepaîrnug the. daimage do»e toe ii ieett b>' tihe ar>' waglo f tie show. gERAuny BA"S U. S. X. TI. erun at t tlgatya vice muasmnt Impnessed b>' Presiut lbosvel'»Mcet aasunanc o, te Brithlar- -GroSen' »en plu gnhg 'lug» selt. té to onMWrSM no m o stnlngeu t se InIsWa la the 4%» 01 Amnosa piekesiproduets, vW"4 wl rlC - 8lt a fo rq l-1 l 1 U, LAcdon, JuIy 2&.-A de.machto sa reomiends lths Ià eut4Oea. toeuo, mewm ageucy fr0 mSt. P.teriburg maya jthe former commander cf the f«orteb that the report of the. cmmision &p., sentenoed to death, and& that Lleu.-Gu. polnted 4<> taquin. mb tii. circum à *c. Fock, who ommuided,,be fira t Si8. atteadlag tih. surrender of Port Arthaur, .1 berdan division# at Port Arthur,- b. ton. U.S.SOelDi[oiRStnbWIltttl B-iR.DRESSED ]English Tatior R*turs Home-Solcllers Dr«es. -Like Messenger Boys. NewvYYen, Jul>'23.-Tii. Worlifila mornlg sy: George a Wiuter, lb. Bugisi taler, cf 30 Conduit struet, LOnOMU, 'aie via swmmomed bore b>' Secrotary lTaft to ne- mode! tie uniform o! tbe A»rîman »ok décn% aasil for borne ymedY On lime Oceane. HIL bu beezi llboraly ontlcised, but »14 hob.lefI witb elIngsunnîîf!ed. oùîms," c ad &tut men ag. M I have uot met, vIls an>'. I thWk ctiwre ve, an Ide& s l ti s 4o tait. a cou. tractfer nuln uifre, h ut Mn w"s . d«. waste clSt slgus. If Eig- Jan& n ea banstsylu lfroni .m.uwrc f» 4»alwaylfals doeIL - WL' %m idyou not ban f nou a Eunopea= allon, as velisa. Ir= ia painter or -au Ur. WIFlte Wbs been at irn t tn dais la the Wit Depotuot hiit a ceeLertum wk Ils fig.-Gen. Iturnys, yesterday i. aperit aeveeai hours wIlmm Ce&. Iiumphys la Ibiampylbulldiu iu IhieIra» * st, efl W thle eacphaou cf s 1ev chan1cs, ili>'ydisipbave beco accepted, mdaMr- Wimow. 'i4tn on. thing the. unitqdStatea cvsiry mmy look btcrward ho' #^e ece.~e AUl the. unifonmAnsvii li a sboîter ap- pearance," maithse Loruon talion. tioy will lie seam su cureeonrfortable. Deh Ivoisries oet te eavalry viii b. cul & little langer and i tler aroune -th*e form, colors, dsgrasdinum nvi b. voey mach tise Oumn a*4i4v4uren aroud nsi d over. Th" >' slit va** mii, mers teok more *ol1dIel u appearaure., Tben, winohsme uamtne vi lie ýpleaad. lUste 1l e oremma w as souk»enmkt ot *OfflaancM boys." Commèee aid te IrupexialRanke whéu eleveni>' alttresiat4ir b mnukedsi b>' th. leigenkeepen -te o s iehnrs dollar#., lb -as pin.sented te thre 1py. lng teller sud aeeeptesi, payurent being. The Yongqma", la thbosgbb-to be. strmsmge, trou mtrose t4. Inu,.*Bd *-as he r -WIPED OUI TRAIN*I HORRIBLE DisoevERY IX ROUNTAINS 1~ lOVA, t1 Terr~ ~ ~ ~~~SibleDeios adeIbem 'c'ait. OF-F1ÇI 1RS. t1 XI. RÂRIY A YLOR, 0FTORON-1 Tot IS SENIR WAIiDE. I nstalat . on Conducted by paut Grand Master LA. ..Stevenson, Of MoutrOAl -NezI Session Of Grand Lodge -Will B e eilinOttawa. Toronto dempatch: The fifty-fIrst an- nua coummunication 0f the. MaUODÃŽC Grand Lodge woumd up yestetday alter-, noon wlth the. installation Of the afcikers by that veteran Past Grand masetr, M. W. Bm'o. A. A. Stevenison, Of 3Montreal, &V41 ubi. pêaing cft the usual Votes Of thanks. UNe election of officers resulted as follows:-Grand Senior Waxden, V. W.- Bro. HMTry A. Taylor, Toronto;j Grand Junior Warden, WV. ellre. MCL K. Wsn- leus, Sarnia; Grand Oa iiW. i3wo XRtight 1V. Dr. Wllhiams, Lond&n, Jihop, cf Buron; Granid Ilgistrar, W. Bro. W. D. Tye, oderich. Board of General Pur- poses-R. W. Bros.Vl. J. Skirn*er, Ganan- m~ue; D. F. MacWatt, Sarn&; A S 1aw Rigto; S. A. Luke, Ottawa; A. J. 'Youn, =ts In.'te conteat for the GradSm n reship wat betiweeu V. W. lire. flarryA. TayI*r nd W. Bro. T. ýG. lolm, both cf Toronto. Mr. Talr w«n by a big majorlty. he Grand LIMge viii nzeet lu Ottama HAISHA LOSE APPUAL Kard-FoUgit Action Dlsmissed by Prlvy couneil. Teroto, July 23.-WVord vas receved ytMythat the. Prlvy Counell o! Eng. liandlm emd the.appeailà Inthe case Of FredItriiap who awndl.Ci- cagoou tii. cbargeofttérgery. -Irni vuau as ffacer of the. Police llenavoleuit SoMlin lu Gucgo. Luit year iehoutwiy gviheir benefit concert, ho obtalned 00tickets, Wh"khoh.endoroed 1<>n 85 mnuie. Wben- action vas taken ag iýnahm on the. charge etf forgery, h. lied teTornto, viere the. polite arrested Deoe.the. extradition rocedng could 'b. coneluded, hlm CeouJISjýMr; Mac- keuzie, secued hlm releame on. an order oi labes. corpus. The. deteCtiý'~e mei ate)>' rreseted hlm, and after the. heu. lug cf the «Mase mextradition vas or. Hi* COUnsel carnIedthe cai. lo tie Court of Appesi, the. Supremt Court .1 OttAws. sud final)>' the. Pr>' Couneil,, emei of whli i dlsesed ier psl Wile lb. lavyer bavan red abut frora eOurt btecMurt the prisoier iHanas bas luiâ tu TOrOuto jail. lit *111 nov b. ont bae-k t b Chîcag. 1o'et OL> CA? »DOPT8 RAT. Tononto, uRy 2O,- a ncildent cfti*1. leusud a lau i >1 édevis le- Roh abeing -deusoustrated, at Michie à CbusVmy a, ons %lng stneet, cmiih' i parbepauut e ' tii lnc aldshsobobare a unotier est sud R baby rat, both mn. trlbmeemme,.7 latter ias ir. m au te aet. vWho vas nralnà file kit- raGnd Livefpool, Bganvachtùséf -forthe. next trienni&i meeting in 1909. This yetr's gathbering vwas I*ought -t* a close wlth a bainquet -lait night hü Victtoria Tiiee are the. new officers: Immeud1- Mte Past president, Robert Burns Tor- onto; President, Dr. T. &. Sproule, if. P., Markdale; FiItVIce-President, 'W. J. Calvin, Brooklyn,. N. Y.; Second,,V ice. President, CoL. . H. Wallace, (C.1B., Belfast; inuperial Grand Chaplain, 11ev. G. M. Black, lNewry, Ireland.- Deputy Chaplain, Rev. Wni."Waish, Brampton; Imperial Grand Secretarye Wm. Lee, Ton- onte; ImperiaiGrand i'reaaurer, Fr6id. Dane; Imperlal Gratà , Auditors, Balli W .McCormick. Glasgow; and J.- A. McDonald, M1asasosetts; Imiperial Grand Lecturer, ,Thomas Gîldayi Mont- rmal, and P. Reine, Moncton, N. 1..Li Grand Director of Ceremonles, Te. C.ýýbeManîtoba; Assistant Iîe'pèria4 Grand Secretar>', Jas. Davidien, DibIIla. At tbe'-cloelng session s messg of fraternal gree4tig te.emusoniCGramntl Lodge meetinglu? asse ' ail was sent. To keep Up vitii the timnsud meet the changes that have -taken placesince 1oge a committe* 'vas aPOlnteto *re. 'Via. the, constitution, TecoMittte a inîtructed tb gel recommendatlne lrom tho Bu p rme Grand Lodges 0et'g. land, Ireland, Bcltfland, Brltlmh Amerlos, the. United Statesg, Autrls alasdBit. igh South Afnlca. A-fine portrait cf the, lateE.F Clarke, MXP, ion g.identlfied,*wlth fIbo actie prpageis f Ouata0Ism lu (an- iada, vas -unvelled b DMr. BDpnoule -et the banquethe i. venag. Dr.: SproUlematId bi uty vs a tober one,'but, lmo ' formed it vith brin; pieasure.! Clark.ed douie nIucb to'brng Orange.- 1m te the, hI-h position luvNhlà hlab soo& CnCada today. ]Re,)iop" tii. portrait would b. anInspiration te the members XI te goou uti,'tohé tic toast oet MWGuests" Mv.t bniComck t ingeSct York -oitaÃŽ& unda>', vi.ro 'i.bserv., an.e 0f the. day viise" lxtit thé en-. traat-,luTorontoe vas asday la b ulgtit. M.AE.Kemp, M. P., reaponding t* - the Parfluietuay toast,1 nemnaked tha# the. respec e r I lu f ,,hlm ýcoiutry _vas se great.tiaI the. 8a1ba*tbwaý tIpl obser 'vedaven before the. Lord'îDy e BA LOI 'A WIft DOUM S ERAD UtTF,»» To._ fo luisi New Yonk,ý i«I M Ar, à I AURME. Nowii 4 Ns in place soId only la seal groce w For the ivinter. t aeu, wiere Uncle S& !ortable and Iiapyp Presbyterian :minist who taught Mr. Cra icurce,' if eometimes à lona. It iremarkable 1 place -stamps its imp tty cf residenceaini shortens the pcriod the Cir'ntact with nel sociation with indi tie electrie chain« iarkly.1 bound, thesi wih make the yc wvhich they occur et lie! from th-e- dead le heurt or mind histor marked by the evoliý actionor lui± mate, iocked in th~ lieus, till Uic vivifyi kindred'yct more a il n sudahd -«"Let thi num tie moth' heparture from Con tinpleaisantly, thougi Somnetimes a wondel tng dramatie performi mental a.ctivity, or. f1ui bock gve ber -si [n general, tu'e En1 places as Dresdeuis8 der, not stimulamng !b b.'saprinkled vith. leans., 8t11, the qui eurîty, assisted hen aud face tie futuri no ner witIiri On eléSand', -elgu traveI vas goo longi latle narrow 4 thenougiily "emanu o! :nllghterment i NoUmn&however, -tna any variation lu hi "ewi unidfnà tand i