on Yo rk- AU[GUST 3 ON THE Lackawanna i EXCURSION. Round Tnpp from SWhltby -VIA North Shore UIn Niagara Navig Lackawaflhl Good for Fifteen Sea breezes are always refreshing, attractions at Coney Island and other sea el the Lackawa.nna is a pleasure and joy never ail polite and d'O things righit upon the road Trains leave ]Buffalo' xf Don't Forge! the Dai Cali, Write or Phoil A. LEADLAY, Canadian Pasa 78 Yne st.. Torote. BROOKUN Work le progre8ilî,, on Mfr. D. W. -bMcDonkild't; ne w houaa' andl the frýime work Is now ni' for thÈ, addition to Mr. Alfred EliiuLts bous.e. Mfr. 14. LeLong la getting a coin- pffilnd traction eniine front thle Case Carnpani. Tiuix wliIlput hituIa n beL- fter hape thhan eva'r te handietis IThe Ihurricane 'à ad ait)m n Sxndy evening wnriîcd bavec with some (if tile eîo.»8 dttihig the lbrt 'tine It-rageai. rhe.ciifeldis andl cern patchep Fllffered 'mâat. LP L<) that Ugme the )opc in t-bas section wL1s -ai the best aud c ven >y1UEL in laii likely there. tyi1"be a sgood yleld tiacughl à -s wiIl likciy lbe tiglit aguin. blesirs. Thdm.s and. ltoy'Aln.of Olawa, ildfrîenlli at Ma;t.lq eh.ide fartuouît bînday. M 1r. T. H. Wilbon lett 01n Mocdaýy for thbe Cotant> of Lcrîaox. where l1w %%Ilil lkely reniati.t fur moine time. rio- p .snfing th< ïinedieiia firni wl.h wich lt! l. sîow ivu1ïîsecLc"d. 1fr.- James 1Xarr uri vd-llcïfie on- NIrhui .dy froni the Fergus Ibospital1 wbere he %vab corcrit#'d un for-ait- Wn>ýtl4 ui ~cv ueks ago. Hé- 1l lookng And ei ré. !tl.i. as wPtl as C04îId lie e.%,Ieat.ed.. MIhe aldewalk or thie sputb aide of Jpà *2wI n tbas !b4s'n tkrn Up andl 'Pili e M1rcà çQblt e J:à foCctton Àa- uveniig with theie !uUowlag tfî*a Dr. jolni Moa'riý; Scrtary-MW. i., to N é W I our@b e 0iI*&~toMr.igArtbur IXaekW, Toi='ta in.,newiliOu o )cuy teuw lpît agalu to Ndiscou-. )Ir. James 8tt'çbenaonanaiI Nd« bm4 un Kgso hiaed lmbrother, TIlia8eb no- IJz m West o£thtie town. Mr, nerbe t Forayth an' a coleg hw.hlserffns eopoî. o Clii!')are speadIng *her vaeaUcb udsbtctw',lê;:â uiere. f- a vlii at ML Uýcwns, bLich. Za1fa r. Nelse~lX~iIJu hors"s - Mlr. atid1 Mre. -Fltzgerald, of Toron- 111~to a Mo9tical deôlr last weee . tGý arrive4 at the lunede ResV on Mr. Wmn I*altuer-,leà s'been puttlnW Monday evenlng by the isteamgwr up aceLfl.c,,Wek enee. Eifdaie for a two .weeks vacation. soixof the Lrtera are gromi1n Mrs. Veter W1îhoî and lier sister, ~ t xît~thC otaWr .~e roUag.MissMtChlkmghi. of Toionto, return- $~AI I) ladlof ChoènFriend$ took In,<Ml bouDe rhursas after spendlng a $ 8 0 av excursIan t-o Jaclczion's Point last n cel' Iit w1th f.r1end$i 'here and trucaday un"d had a guOýWtîm. t in Brookli. miss Bertlîj tumley, who , teacli- Mtr. ja-s. Ilolden, lookir.g lke the eto Toronto Ing achotu ne-&r 4lae Soo, is vlaiting rallrolid magnaie lie 1%, hffilnx from rto o ber aunt, Mra. Pâlister. Chic;sgiu, was «t nîd-week visitor, the ,aton o.Mrr. John Morgan is visîtetig at' guest aff hIs mother,.Mrs.Hod, on aR. R. DknbartOU at lpre eU L. 1Centre atreet. &~ large gang of J'aIîanii are hecre 3r*m Clarkt, cf the T. Eaton C:., ( ) D ys engage«I in.rta ingth C.p..tr.a:k. Toronto, wth beir i.lster sr.ent a vr 183nttl' ' th'lUnedaRet01 week and Wmn. Iuw-welli)roved t-o be Sittiiy and have arranged to apend and there are myriade of the chamPion. theïr nest holldaiy thire. lma Laura Dowswel l wtt for R1e- Thle gamotifl aunelh. Mnne'awi,ka, of hore resorte. Â tuip over «W&~ la&t Turgd s ta 'Isit hter brothet IBuffalo, put into Port. Whitby on to b fogoten. Tho're ~ IbI>etaof ,Quday atternoon and-laid up for the Ul ofn Anthracite.o"D >1aygeon tbe gight. Dr. Gibson and Mr,& d o Anhraite" l îlitling lire t i er grandretl.erai. WiIk found good accomoadatIoiý- at the Mir. Wmi. Leaper ln entrageai nt Mr. lneda 'Ret andalIett earl.y oo Monday lé. à I 8.4 . 130.Charles BDrQdie-z exectiiig a fine ver-fo ort. teommu 3 r. j'eut, (rreig and Mfr. Thomas IgeWilson, who liae bec,, runalng te Oit the Wing. ne0 elevatoe for tlwe past four years, have Mr. E. Stei>henboi, Wlittby, lias ma*e Agent. ,lmovdr«rtor>IiP. tieketed Luis wcea: Ph.... Mame Mi. Eivwqs; reanurer- Oco. Pr*vu;~ sein% C. Itedinan, 1D. fultlîayL F. ýêj'ý 1Ù4 li us Scatt, W. A. Holliday, andl W. B.a Rnison. A suply f>t ladalers, plalsD . Ma .ONT E T books, chains. axe$*s, !.wiIl le pro- carrai as soen ast possible, andl a f4uit- able bnie.ng ivli be built lu whlch ta . KINSÇAL.E store tic artkies. 'Thie é>lnn,tUbe las abdut $150 at Uilr daroato atert Hurra.h 1 for 1lCiusaIieGarden P&rLy mIth atid hr.'.e*tolu hve tiais suui con. rm Aug. IL. siaier abi'augniented lIntur On. 1dr and Mrîa. lev; Mackey are 4j,'Pjd- The ie MtbGd4t 9ardcrý party atMr ig a few days witli fr!e»ndlier-t. Win. WIaIten bAs becom.- one o! lw ,;gtis at-r o sr'd bi zedguied etcati of thîe summner. It vac.at.fl Wtl i sgrzndfatlier. 1fr. is ta l'e helai on Tîr~î~of next -S.ieakt*Y. ieek, Aug. 2. 1fr. wMm. rens vt isle l M r. W-. Fuwl.e weni. on thé w "ster-' fcjr a few 4ays a s sane btetter. 9Ixcurs!on i b.twet,'k. ,1BI* ticketi would j1Mr I. W. lewbraY l1% stiti on the tak him ta Pitwae Aibert. i k iat. bilt we b14w fur a glp'cd.v Thle xaiu.i--ox patients have coni- x'e eY îi<lij rter"red anda",diCnow ont of ".%r. and ýIr.l. ULaws RoePrs spet qua>eiîtlne. . i Sarday wltt the kLîrsiret. lir. W. Bhlit io.4a atîuablé auik lMaster qil - Mackey-ha# returneai «Iow List week. it, Waîii struci; by t- hornwa fter a ahOrt -vw'tt w1t- trip-ad$ trtain mi the 7Lif Colt. emmç.*à ,0a4 ia n. nf-Id- air. ladly Injtired Ilt haitd lie killeul. ÀAnatrr ft*oln lIetook l tin î f' - W. A. 1clvikLaV & -t"n tort laid 1 errq'un u a'#.a>O A14 report a a na rrow esa'ape- rtrambuang on $at. Igoudti e. j .rda einig. be itatei anioe~xI . <ôr-nor antd E. RII ff saie, li :<ii Mrrfla Ob11.cel lar and va* relurneai h~ fte fîr .,iuG t- ew go inder contProl lus' ln te ck ouf daje vith Mii.L14rxsDuba- t1s" - ton. lr. iand M*N. Qo6driw, of pAcot.. lalflae bis l t r.-Py a* ht~pt1c4MIP r.lly t od#, miss Palmer te 8&ouff vîie. mis reenwoc4 t-o Orangeville. M&s4 Bryau tu 8toncy Lake. Mi.L. Luke and son t-o Port Carl- Missà Swallow to Bradford. Miüsm C. Tomîîaon tu> Mt. Cletnens. Mfr. 11. B. M Illizîg ta, Otawa. mies Mcerimmmoo t(, Thaiieà iie. master Tvwps)oa ta> Mt. Clerntegg&. lrs. J. M. Denyez to Port Perry. M'Ir. anid Miss Philîtta t Chicago. Mfr. J. M1. Denîfts tu Pete.-boro. Mfr. andi Mrs. Denyes, tsr., tua'Lap. l1fr. t.iea (unplrkcbt 14) iertoro. Mfr. andl Mrs. J. T. Hairrison t 0- Brekvlie. Mms. Reinhuardit alna dauguiter ta St. Anne's, tQuc. Mrs. Hanlin, Mr*. Harcouit, MISS Ilogaii. Mis Ilart»el tand tht-el Misses e lCim,îniu, alsu 1Mr. andl Mrs. Ma%âriletu0et. . AeWs, <ue andl8 athers t-o local lauluts. AlTle Misses PÇÎUagie taO irarelthitrst. 'Plie MUssses itîvbardso:î ta Ilrock.. OIAW ~I!W8 OL ç i 4. 4. 4. 4' Buyt $-on' e o t t-lUI. pay lag 18 AIts*11rogad'tor but-terand m egga i cumtt t (fd for iebu"* 7Il fert- (OW14 assaiF4 t-or u 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' %fia 4î. i I i 4.4. 4. 4.4. 4' 4.4. ~r. 4.4.4' 4.4.4. 4. 4.4. 4. 4.4. 4. 4.4. 4. 4.4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4' ni Du 0F LADIE Plan 3 assistan Headquý Geai'. Ladies'P 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66- 64 66- 66 1~ Beuy w 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4' 4. 4. 4' CM The-Bu ade 1k4 el 4. 4. 4' 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. e