DOLLARS' 0OF LADIES' READY-T0-ýWEAR, HATS -Mlllinery, Sweep-mup"-é FOR JTJLY HATS AT' HALF PRICE, Plan your 'Vacation with oui> assistance -and corne ai once to' Headquarters for your head Ladies' 6' 66 'A 6' ri' 6' '6 6' 'A 'A 'A 6' 6' '6 '4 $941 87-u 860 $50 $50 $4* $4.1 $3c ;00 Hatti 00 6 1.50 66 00 6 5061 00 1 50 6 25 6 0 6 C. t Now ~6 'e 66 6' 6' 66 '6 6' 66 66 $4.50 $3075 83.25 83.00 $2975 $2.50 $2.25 $2.00 81.75 81.50 $1,05 $100 88e.6 75e 63c, 50e. 45c. 38e [o AT TE CASH STOREr The Empoir of Fashi*on pRSS BROS , fThe auevess 01 thse Clakey ila ina>' more <cx Wvh.tby l.h'-ti k-sa wieli be t..d at t.tà ',Uise,- 'hel ('ek] forr iuch a mithide ls [r-stit-t aly asnhinted. IL la la thse beaa. se3tw a - ioilW beziter." risc Ke'y t ouse etitir..Itulate* Mi. ctliWey. Ttt4,t is Lht thP-4: yeur Co!triaila t Whltby. Yow kt lsa a jruv&n a aeeesa 'the ikrnmers' Co-operative Iaiail ahn a ceaulutT' ieClke! bhider op~. to btse fuî t mo1 t thir capacIfly ta a ft«3ieni.v amultPIed plant. An 010Scr 0ï the coup&uy .who wu* ae aient at M>1O@da>.* epmsit-muudiag event made lime tatemeut tu limeo £yitoiie thai withtts thr#te earb. they .lio'üI jiot a oeifor WMWyU,ý .* #IUA lIsat w.t tc made eim e b a dêr. -jrae preicaïa .. (workmug out ôuch an dmà mlia emtepriméi wüt 6* eatai% iiaie. alise li dmua.wimo wîi bave ebutue t, ïthse. owLaiuku bisaI -Demandnl»'d.tuh,4 6w. o#n la !r la loeatd mc a~tnê tOe cmuNmu -Ot a Gà U$bbaLt 11o 'lo available 1*7 thseGrand AveSlble pkeo isWl a u abe tound ao. near Toron to. Tha t clty L guoilg' ýwIU greater np~iditjy thaui ever. -c tan years its rpb1,IioQ Should base jassed the-' half-mjllon point. Long biefore tha-'.titae thougu 11* tisecitizena Of Whhby are allve te- tlher OApportu'istlcs thus tewn as .az lndutial and rviideatial suburb of the. city willIhave bz-ums toe euje 'thc be0eflts tha.t inc-%itab1y tollow tu a C-ou.muttsty su aituated. 'The lrth ot the £rsridale aL Whltby andl tise evialutlon cf thse rasportattojs enterpi is-2 repre.semtt.d pl'escuily by inl.eresting bus1 nuss jsrouapecCs ever Osei outy-'1". Kqrpu om C ty .10$lt. lustf b.voauly. eC uoluo seu Md ATb util 11ptao b in 1» Forth ont n liae heKe brtdel Sm ra m~i" tuTed wI»14tbtht fo ancamther înda &rm OfuS.the Comun; be de'slveas t tuoation n Hre the araeo&ae the re tto»v fap Cable fo - Tlicate votonru oi work scnove astuthan cuuLtl ettend- ed the by-aaw and Preimier Wbitleys promisae to supplemen t toïs wli leg- 1,siatiun at nejït seasion. If Mir. ,z -.ii.~w~r %A Lth" »Wiart.oi pjant. wouald -,ume tii Wh.itby anl muet those iratemtled' tu thse stab- i»brûent ui the =- iidu.ti.ry here . it shanMl be posAbIe tu arrive at a a- isfactory soluin of thue ml ditfi- culty uni1rlyà nq the i~ ttiatinla. Lt la to e bo ui-ed mone uuch % ay of -i t ' reattLallDt tb;s grez.t project niay be What it Means. LE armera s el-dtegood liprfflsIOu madie so tia*bwhf they wvrlte le'-Ars wison Xthey bave sake ltieri. ux cue y r have tisi 'a«d on a nlcs latter bea, a well 48" the na Mo et t isew pro- A MU muy lise a mie on "the b et he wk for ao cebat batto-n;im Mamy rie-U treMUt cir l &aWo Ceoc. * ile; bL tbe etis niay - hè i' -a BEI OaiIy for To ot Fpom Whitby, -Oshawa, and Newcastle# Tickets 50c. for Round Trip. Book Tickets 10 -Single -Trips for A -lady "a ho iuderatzi. sdI(Iertl.- log says :'l No l-ady wishe,% to be-o- irbether tbcarticle la sold at najprkge she co aforil. It la muc is eier and pleaaaiter to lookr thraugh thse aultvirminta et a paper thaon lt7 Ito bord the- elérka and 'vaste hýe own timn tu Ne te 1 loIlnews itesi, U tdie dettstauUmfts ln e. psip*r m-111 ,bç*p mur tts aoaey thatj a~ othe largte ttiea nt m. 1e.F. fi. llartielp reetoa oof St. Whet1 e...... . pose .......... ................... Peas........... Bucks............. Qua...... ............ Bucikeat......... Qat.............. AieNo. I... 'eNo. .2...... .. 'o. ........... Red, N. 2.. ..... -Tixotby seed.......... O75 to 08 085 te 09 0 70 to 0 75- 0O-40 to'-044 <40tO 0 74 ôoSto 0 55 -Wo52 to 0 56 '0 30 .to '0 32 $500 te $8 50 400 -to .5 0<) 43 <0 to -4 00- 6-00to 7 00 4SOto 6 00 90 to "i140 FLOUR AND FEED. Fleur, per cwt ...........$82 4- tu,$V 00.. Chopped'Feed, cwt ....... 1 o,> I 2l5- Cornnieal ................. 200 tu 2 50, Bran, per ton...... .o00o0to 20W Shorts, per ton-........20. 0 )te 25 0<) MILIT, POtTLTRY AND PRODUCE.' Beef, by quarter per ewt 18 2e te -7 50 Cattle, lave weight, but. 5 00) to :-ýý5 50 Mutton, per lb .........00-0o-to 010o Lainbe, each.............-3 00-to 4 00 ogp, lire wieigbtal O OU to0 005W Hîop, lghtfa0...... Qr 570 Hopu, heavy ft.... OCo_ k ý5 75 Hogsdressed per 1ODibe 0-00tc '800.. Chickens, Perlb . 10 teo-01JE Ducka, per lb ..........0-0 Il t10:,21 Geeuei"dreseper lb....Y O9 oIeAO 0 Buêtorll'ýj.......... ... 0 20) te --à 2g, .................. 0 00j-e 01oi Egpr do= ........ . 0 2 ÃO,4) Piolur per big . ..... 0 --00lq IOW> A plerba l...20ou t..;e nonper bas.... ..... ýOSo u 00 RIay, P« tonu......... 8 00 t0 900 straw,petrw.......... ... 2 3800 Rides, rpewt.......8900 *fil 00- ....aln............ -01 W u 1 X Dco. ............0;25t 0808 Talowremd tedper 1 0 04 to ',0 4j: WWoIu ed....0 14 te 0 29 Lambkhm.........O >0to-*4 Pem............020go o0,Q COU2NTY 010:ONTAI War yD. C. -Mac< Olftrt -Jan. %9FOle*1,M 'X7 3, June 0 is Iy3,-î Nov. 5,Dec. 6, Jai. 19,-19 OiRÂWÂ e. .O. Yac Clorki, Jeu.10, lob, 2, mi ""a 4. June 7, Julyr 4, &ov,. 0, -Dec. 71 Jais,.10, l' sept 10, Nov. 7', Jans. 1 l, Pou' rPsuuv J. N'WJ P*rry, OUleik, Jus. 18, Mi Jrdy .-, Sept, 1 '1;Nov. 93, > Umîncz 1-joseph 2 bridge, Clert, Jans. 12,à 18, JnIy 20, Sept. 21, Ni OÂum.OTrO>-Geo rge8 ton,. 01 ' .Jans. l a 1' < I e Buy where' the wise ones Buy able of NOTICE TOFRER The 'Undersigned bive f6r ase a MI line of sheited (XCo chop compoeed' of OMt$, s"d Oom c hop eoeupos. of eqi part$ of 1Wheat$ Bad'ey anmd stiorU». JJcavy feeders, buyîngt.on lots t~a got clos.p» s. It wUi i oul>ly pi>. 'erY Ieýer t.là ou u01ia White. el . your ""Worn out" toms. Oftentlmm -thebrmn coogia b. heM dcUd, I.olmodem aod languid feeling, ame due to a ak atot.of tbe systeco. hi..a muai gu of bekom .bn aie WinlpotyourigbîMoqulckly Md bdl worm ou4 t t ime for one t2 sidIoule . T 'aoin '<PrSu«o' Keep a botle b»dy ".-eever b. witbout it. It -towes up lb. systems and restores your old l*»evftality. Ask. your druggist about !L. oeRAIs'r 0V rAu . OfIO q Mei =1 1