Whitby Keystone, 26 Jul 1906, p. 6

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y' IACI o! r asKoON AS KNOWN TO ,AtmoophsetProeOOn'May Sat UigEfftCIfut theLusar Landicape &Uaoa rtBlack Evon t 14 dey. Our mffn. ha. the. distinction ot boing tii. larguat of ail plauetary satllites; 50 latilndeed, says lhe Strand bMagazine, "bat tb lb inhabltuinté of Mars it muet. app$Ur wlth the earth as a WondertullY beautiful ni tlplanet. liocause the moon relates on Its axis Lu exactly the lame tixue t.hat t revolves srounilthe oarth w. are destine41 touse. uttle nmort than oeeieisphere. Se slow in this relation thst the lunil' day fa equal te fittee!i et our days. For lat a menti th. moon in exposed te th. tierce boat ofthte> sun; ior hait a menti Lit spina tirougk. spaco lu the dénseit Aithoui eparated from us by a dis- tance tat at lime reaches 253,000 milles; snd t ianover iess Ihau 2220 miles, w. kcnew more et the physical for- smatien oet1h. single pailid fates tthLe Inoon ever turne toward us thau we * know et certain parts et Asa sud the heurt et Atries.. Powertul leescepes bave brougl our satellite withlu a-dis' tance ot torty miles efthte earth. Ph- lasahave Mathematic(illy -weigied i sud tlxed ils mass st one-igitie of et i sarth or 73,000'000,000,000 lone. The moon presents aspects without ayterrestiai jaraibel. Rent b y ires leng since dca , Its honeycombed re sooms like il great globe et cblled SImg Oralers are net unco mmen on ihe etbf, but in number, ise, and structure they bear, for th. mont part, litu.e reomi- lance te, thoeofethle moen. A lunar crater la net tise mouth oftWa wolcano having a diameter ot a few hundred feet,1 but a great circuler plain twentyflive, even on.ehuzrdred miles lu diainetor, suirrounded b! a preelpice ris Lng te, a helgit otf ive theusjand or enn thOtuand foot, with a, centralbill or twe, about as high.' , Water caunot pessibly riet uas llquld; for bite temperatuft ot thé. unf"ssurface duriug lie long lunar niglt 1. Probtbly n etr front 460 de. Irreesbolow th@ mt mark et a Febren- boit thermometer, -aud'thé. almospierlo pressure -lss e ÏOlitaI a gias under rasure oentA soiidljasailesomad. 100MdSzow are th forme, thon.,;4iel Lunar vater vould assume. Bécausé et -tie presut paucity. .et waiéi, bthe Mcoon'. attopbore ie se el. eufingly ris i ütatartilsg etfecta are produosé. Periape -eMostb. slriklug laI thé tIc s 4rue. Dewn and the -*fî golden glow taIt uber In terrestrla dey tiere cannot b.. TIi. %un leapo frein thi horizo a, à Èeiàg micie, and the loftlier peakis mmedlately nflah nIe 'Trele 'ne- ssure sky te reliure the =Omto>nete et fnky blacehads. à" Uëduglng vile expanses. Tb* WCA egamalu tiere aplendor. wlthh n edouirsileo, dffuse IRe blindlin gl i 9Ila companied y l ol lm 9 ItvalW A 149 I l n idday lte heavens are pîlci ýblaci sle *tadespite the sunlight, lb. -tars sluad pinot4 -gbeaM iti a hrl&bl. au. liaItieèy 'neyer exhîbil le Us oven Mon Aie tleit et 1mooni«t lgi iaa da, 'tiyeupéfs o raflmnlooumg ti bia4devoc mss u of gsatloss but sinises eure Mo=i lIttIe MOre*liahaltesm hou on thmg 4,dayà estsVhaia MMUh oaéMay be roguishuetaami4a. iront buffalo. sud xNuuis *1 S pubnsuanea soinluemy storis uin cou- - riectiozi viti tie msbtltutlon et King: Htaako orKng Oscar usruler ofXor- * - vway4 On November 18, 1W'sayus & nui- ber --et ottisrs ver. aseubled lu lie CaiofetAgarsitue. , we Kling Heu'.- ion va opeu s l m i i eaetry.- Theyonat vd Iel1!»som nons1i - roaatomé Budduly epecula rekliug b et fie4 p9n, snd il waa perweVed liait a lau-.'Portrait <if Khsg Oscar ln a trame, surmopnled vili a crovu au talig. The pleture sud trame sufferet » nehurt but thi.erown vas smuaed hit Beveral day. aiterwalrd, -aI a SuPper a enby&foNmer Miniater, Her - Ha- gerun, o ieIncident w»e meulio&icé, and IIMPERIALI" PUMPIN WNMILL e valseofthle0Caino weredd.tlve, Outflt ebic c vn lie CHAMIONSRIP Offtii. attention et tie compauy vas sué- TUB WORLD Cgsast 21 Aunerican. Brlbh sud Canadian mauutsacturors. sMer a M Odenly arresteé by a grinding noise. A menthe'l horoug# triaL Made br scoiid aftitvrda bracket supporting a. ENA? SULZT t im C. Llîe-lzu mt t ing scr gave vay, sud lie buat feU vitha banr. This eo- _________________________incideneeecrueil * n- immense Impres- sien, andi e e pany separalcé carlier HALF AID HALF. liii> te 'intieuded. Simabr Incidenta A Katelelistc <,~ n npeed lu oher Places, ayse n.- General Young. et a woddlU n uWas.- lugloz, w&4 eondemnhng materialiÉamai you nggt rl aukec 4'A materialWt," sald General Young, <'I oêwo nv only the mterla1 aide Ho iooked &bout him at the. happy brid a rty. vwoud ~eU iiarrage ers! a tate vbereln yçu gir. a womea halt your viet" lto -t héo oo ai *kmd. Where WII You Go SThis- Summer? if yuiiers u W5ia b m ceho ,River tLavrnce Tnp? Poldm rsuti* er the Tbousi ams la. ot4 osIUW, Qt»liso. M"y- ~Ta- 6oussc. the, t fmu s~e aumay Iv«et&*e ou appiCSllCSt0 »Y rlslOd or stesm@ tIcke t s rriluutratud git, (*IUGARÂ TO TUE ICA"send #Il ceaulta15pOeutestMPi t ILTil. r Cfse slsrs ?a ea..UgoAgoat. Bone soldiers quarter41 lu a tcountrY village, viien tliey met at rollealtwere asking one another wbat klnd etfquar- torshe ha& gel. Orne ot tbem salAho hdvery godquartera, ut l.sr.g est~ ~ h inaaye mer saw-eh. waiwaya toek hlm off., A eomtrade aaid ho would goa sloug wlth hlm sud take ber off. W@ venst, ÃŽ&Ii effered btak0 banda wth boe ;ayliig. "iow are you, Klspa tM «Iudie'Z IC"sald sà@, 'y. hise thé better o' me. 't dines ken y.. ,D"r sme, £lapa.," repfied the *aliter, "4' ?. ne kennme? roi th,.deinites.1? son.' "Dear,. save ust" quoth thie .141vite, looklug hlm ln lhe face; "Mon, but W0r. luk. your uneiol" Hem yElUbtt, ot Sherbrook . W.6, Inspector a"4 8upt. 0t BrwdgeQisarua. lion for IfqS a804 "1mya '%àbotte et 1M1NED8 flUC cur.d me et a very oire.*Pm&iader kog, eauaWdby 4tavsitebuLlIle a II[Y MM 1T. No one sheuit suafer 16iA I* 0sg 'ith Pilies. toi 'Drt. Lwbdlba*tYi.n-Rold vill cUre &ny s. No muater vilsikind ysýeb Bln. 8sd, e-' lI. Internai. -Exteruaî. Itchlng or Suppur- sting >r. Leeabrwta lie-ttldill viicmr TIhà etatemnt la sumprtmi by a thonssa téatmoralsfmmtiié,oee i ave besk a r- MsuentbIreS.t& Ut vou are net eured yeu geM >our money bacI. $LW. Ail desSefs, or Yrbe Wilson- Pris Co.. Limited. NWiau sesTaa. Ont. 20 KERELTAU OLD WQXAN. t Rer Social Position Didn't Affect Ifer Digestive Pevers. A tmous American piyaiclau vas autmoned toth i e "detiau elderly grande dame, et disllngieied caume sud m*ny millisons, sap the. Née York Amas~. Tli physielan examined ber ceare- tuily. Tien he salé: "Ton muaI get up every mrnne aI ô o'cbock. Take for breakfast a cup et veai tes sud tvo piecei etdry toast. Frein t le11lexercisoeltiUer vlklog or sweeplng or dusting. At noon lu ncho a silof et olt moet, fittered, uslosd "ater sud etalé breed. Dou'l leep la bis aflernoon; exercisé agaidn. For'dia. ner tae.notbuwg butea1Utile meat, a vegolabue âmd toast. No sveote, n. wlues, neosocial dIssIpation et aul ikiné"» Tii. eye o et in gandis dame flashe" vlhh tire su ah. mai41t " But, dootor, do yon comprebené My position? DO ouen kaeWhoieI m?» 'iPerfeclly, madatn," suseersé hi physicean. *"Ton are an *141 vomaza ill a tour stonuaci." maurla Liaint Curs Colla et&. Sootiumg te RragAbout Mm a.Jouand nér. Brom uesbot. eustfrimnés.Il vas» ,us*ooîshng *it a 'lot, hleykmev a&bout oliar poople'abis. Tisecoversatogu» ise!,la tlie du- rubi.oftas mn..Tlltlusy, & sw ar- rlIvella tbiemual eLeI "n lau oie%.#.mtlgtrou appm. dolis," deolretM m IBroya OBufteriugl ubeetm XieJo e eu- 1 eIbwrd .à* bod g~sL *bout i'. bZe ws oma Ut. SUNLIC The Coupons are lite nea'Va bcaiéte Cr for which yon have. ta pay. out, moto, cvçr w User cf SUYNLIGHT and, CIIE#1UUL SOAiPS c for nothiag. gret lhefr TOILET SaAps Read circular in ce=y package, or mrite us for Pre:nium List. - A gift as of Uîttle value if it cDn3ists of something 7'ou bave n~o me for. In exchange for Su jht soCupoiayou'cam get somethingý you need dus %SAVE, SUNLIGH"gT' SOAP-,COUPONS- -FRUIT&. They have great value. They are delighttully refreshing. They- belong to "Iregula tivet" rgtheg thau nutritilves. Dried fruits are richer la nutrienta, th&n fresh. But 4ried fruits bock thi ereslun qualiy. Eltiier under-ripe or over-ripe fruits disarrange the digestion. Save for the. pea; ailU fruits are botter ripened oa thé tree, vine or bush. Freab plum pearsi, grapes snd appl4s aot as, a laatve to -most people; peab> es. and strawberriea, just the. ootrary. ExcepI fruits be la exaotly prime mait dition At la very mucb more heaithfutl: cooked, whlch -modifies ite proportion. Cooked ftruite requirlng much sugit are atrawberries, crauberries, pluma, tart apples, currate and goosoberriea. Fruitsareuiring 1 much los augar are. rpbres blebrties, peaches, peara, and qunces. Lt la beat te pt in t hé augar the. tirst, thing, suavef or quluces and very bard fruit&. Dried fruits îlf cooked long enough5ý require, very littI. sugar-prunes noue at- ail . Aftr. being vashedi thoroughly# 'they uhould b. covere-i with cold water, and soaked overnlght. Ilion cook slow; iy two or more houra. Borne sy that prunes are botter flot soaked, but they shouid ai"mer two and a hait houts. AO 8 1B SIU p- - pý 1 h hn eànK d.rd* i U" ssdb stmo te ut«P« t j~.m6.Wbt" Oh loosulaeS t"i! fyuaih am. and .S. AUWcw *p4u-s ha I. C.. C 49b«à Li &i IM~M tees.s. fl" M~~~~rsai 7s.0*uéer r stauMd Where X P's. Ar. Pi. A Brilli Pariamentury White Paper gires delails eft he pnymenbs t e m- bers of Partiamnent lu ferelgu countrles. Th. follovlig i.*;a summary: Aualr1a-46s. 84U.àaday, - iIh l4d per mile travellingeensves. Hngry-£200 Per aunui- nan a equlva=,ut et bouse Teut(<£00). -3avaria--IOs a day. This le wItib.ld but'lý âi.aldIf menuet le akbsent wlâtIbi louve. Belgium- £160 per-annum aud free rallway pas.. Bulgarla-16à a day. Denmaîk-las a day mut ita a q, travelling. Frane- £30per annum, hme travel on Stale ralway&. Deduqtln au e MAd ford apnsion tun ré to-xmeubers mué *idowa. Germeny'-15a per day aud travellin £2fer esuh ordlue--y musion, Norway-13& a day, villi s travelling Rusei-£l là 041 a day sarvla-lIs a day '&nd*tree rsilway Swede- £06 for ordlusry semalen. 8w11,etrland-leu a day. Uiite BBls-£1.00 a yi in blah bés es uséMd 1%ltheSmiglva>. Ur5tuIigl"P tihflew ihudm&a oeê Tii. Que.. Ast. Dr. William Morton Wioeler eiows lu the Pepular Sciene Monhhly tbat the. queon dut bas net hsd justiedose le be 7 naturalise. As oompared -vili the tamous queen bee, h. regards ber a fer mûre admirable orealur.In at tie*y &re, lu many Important respects. dIanutnlca opposite. Tii. qusen bu la sl degenerte creature, \mnable te nouisi elier berrieoi b'er youug,teillfo' eto built combe or le store theis villa heney. Wlhhthie quenst quîteth vis. I M tu t rus. Si. saperfé e msupiar sud etnb"dmaont oeipeclfes,' aisé1h. vo a ube eer fe inomple. aimé retatded 1e lPmont. Th* usustl -a very Isutriue stM telliet v 'aet, and Dr. Wheuter pointe ou" thal abhe forme tu exooeélgly ntèesosh à abjèet for atudy, as u botsel=is Wobe u IFou feesebore,ê rd ,vua aud 31. Tlekoshsgo*[ 8 ey ,w uy $10, round trip, froin Suepension Bridge. Tio»ta allo'w sbop-*vr ut Pb1fA4ot .. hIbt tbe, fauliser 'g4coui4 etusOn or write 1»*1 t lwb (Oua<ls?&esa Mg . Agàent, 10 KLuq etreel*tuass, Toý resto, Ont ou-b UsAg Lista itou% :11 ISSUE.,NO0. 30,p 190,6 MISCELLANEOUS4 ENVELOPE BARGAkINS,- loÃ" tuo upIiWafltity, sieél ési 6. OAs a. 00o,4 point toun aupu ic .. »»a bu »Mfor U she' w e..oo ma teOh. b" eq.lh AD" D %*ipur 0compre.m oey< taien-theble A pper isOr oUa &à- thorty for tbelr0«ceMeoa:TeOlu omn *M70,- Uo uési -ni"; lhe, Armeh4t "oe <fin ý e* the liAreaia, ?eéi' sioti, UdI*,sok; -theEg t Iaa mImilar, "Wsêhrkob"; tihe Trk,"Su s ligmt ~st he. dstly 'lte <word, 'uni- 8ET"ER THAN SPANKINS sp&xuklm , os»nt «m aIdrs i09 b.odv - i Tinesla aa oesti*làai Ca use of letroble.M Mu ,q ua-. meonBox _8$ Windstontu., vini seu fi-se~~ laiyioerber suetul.1oie treaine bvlla ut slotiO&loii. e ne tioÉeYO but writelerb'dtl Voublsàzou la the's'Y. 1hie' thhe eanoea-av* 1Il canotl bepI.ui Inmt «'aise <tlW adua. a a iege Peole troubled wi* "No, ne--ne &Thon Il 's 's I Ateulu AUGCST 5.1 - FausEzcuae.-Luke 14: Comlentay.--I. An -~great teast (vs. 15-17). li -On eofthé erichi friends lieut> whose reunark gave occasion for delivering thi in called the parable et per. Set aI meat-Thej on couches ound the tî cd three oides of a, holloi lioe e hings-"ýThe ,recc resurTectien oet the just eé totis guest agreat kingdom ot the Messia, -Ho extols the greatne ege. In thé parable lia warns i and the oth< vilege wil cy ne meana reonied or epibraccd gp eoas was commonly Cer. -In the kingdem.o« dom- et CGd ,here, dec. kingdom et heaven in t but, ouy lihe kingdom ot which the carnal Jew cerding te lhe rcceivcd -~tien, as ot a gloriuuoh te in wiici lie Jewî;s shuli Genule world, cnjoy Ï] b. provided witn ail le sud deligits, in wiici ippineiss.-W-ýhitby . 1j au Oriental way, thedi beinj members of that g Irng tLuisbenefits. 11C.- Tien isnid be -l g uest gave Jesus an opp Berne vcry important lu ered tic tollowing para tieugli lie Messîiah's k ottered tb hem under able. circuitances, yet edtil pretrring cars * lag, whule, in tie GoQ es1n! awould embraco oieertulueaand tiereb idev lu inthe abodes Blon-agn. Aceti n preseubed Ced lie na Coded te "Ithe king»ý lb.wedding toast (Mi graï auppr-Represen abundaut provisions ci * two regular mealsare, of etnluEAtern bande >paet censisllug, genou ires,- milk and fruitsý tait. But ail enterti e r publie or privale, on-' et scaele, were and are; second aneal, shortîs be u st, caibué, luditferencl, .nr,"Canon Tristram. o- rJevsi nation. imnouncemnènt vas made- -etlustitutins sud. Se.Bot 1dm servant- totiose hlo belé J -onti te orld ta e Christ, heaposties a hlvered, thè gospel mesi eaIl to lhe Jevisi peoý vas iterwarde given th &Uh -là tie invitation,-. us. rýý0at_-er-bléder l*oi té .gospel wu dall'; - h- --scibes - tuli sud cemplete. -(xs =xi. 17). A ilm 9ng' -Nolà-thé.accepte& vision le m ad'e for tlié .lest world; net uethi à

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