Whitby Keystone, 26 Jul 1906, p. 7

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>oaps, ýojict Soaps rSOAPS dand use UPONS LNC. 3 (), I 4 190 O6 qt ýELLANEOUS. g OVPE BARGAINS in quanttty. slze 1. 2. 3 6. 71 lit foutitattflpens 65o. W. M. nto. Ont jw'i Socetblig yrup sbom id- .for e id~i-tu toothing. It >b.d, sfothtil*bs h.gume. cur« <il te bst rwnDe fer DIWr- DR. LEROY'8 FEMALE PULLS A ur, @urs@,and rellabts mnntbly requis er.? CTbsss 111110 bave liien ubod ln I.r ovoe fty ysam. and f'.,nd lmvs= irtbe~ purps se igundand u are m led by thé rnmk.ws tciue ta.np é.a1d circuler. l'rlce il (0pertIbox mil éoIAtly séaIiY ld. ou rosfpofpiis B5ÎOT PILL CO., Box e .Hamiulo, ganwl& "I Love Youl",al - (Life.) paper coipares 1I love youi" nguagxn-. lh're axe esof o )anit Ijpipr 1s our oney au- liair correctii~: Tie Cina-, 'iuo ligai ni"; the AAnneuian, 'ýz Jit>z"; ýt.le ATabiwn, very iha'bcec";- the lFgýptmaný, mc kcb'; tue Turk, "Sisi êev. id the Iidn "Muuan t'y'n ko tBut 4nM\rwàicmng is the> nt love of an Esqiiulnîu, who' the chfo~n on-p by- the pieu- the dainty little ;word, "Uni. m inalrfitnjungnarsmgujak." tTHAN SPANKINO dues nôt cure children et *There is a constitutional 14% trouble. Mnt. S. Mj. -ztm- ilVindsor, Ont., willoud mother lier suecessful borne vvith fullIinstruction&. Bend 1,1ut write her to-day if , Ur 1 lble you in this way. e't child; tha chances are it LThis treatmit also culta .gedp copie troubied wlth 1 ities- by night or day. On the Trait. wliat alieirît Klnr gwu I t on the fiddiu while Itore was mna 9amn. .not Ilietor.1" iuz Dook."1 What do yen :mean, Tom- in, it must a been Nero. I %ruz somcebody with a doges iment Cures Garget lu Cova ietwee the Horna. ,New York Bun.-) ~ell, l'§ when You can't oit devis sud you cant stand up becau» alce o.frgigs elte toc. fittsburgh ~AJLWAY~ '10.00 a. M. d Oometary-L 'Asn vitati« on -a I pet feast 4vm. 15-17). 18. One of thotu -One of the- rloh friends of thé, Phsoelsaic hoit, who,. remark gave the. Bavlouthe *=o n ioifor deliveniq tu" ablWtdzui la cailed the, parable of ti7r,t *u, par. est at meat.--Tbey weftreeocinsm o« 0ouches &round the table wbicb tom- .4 tlree aides-of £ hollow square. iLea- those thlng*-"ThS 'reompense at the. resurrection of t hoe Just (Y. 14) uggest- .4 to ths guest a great baquet IF 1h. -H. extola the gatuent of the privît- ege. In the. parale that follows, Christ warns hlm and the. others tiiît the. prl- vilege willi ey no means b. sw generai y recognized or embraced by the. Jewz'sh' peope as was cornmoniy thopght.-lorn. Cow. In the kingdom of Od-Tiie king- dom of Ged ,here, 40e. net slgnîfy the klngdom ef heaven ln the. iighest sonne, but only the. klngdom et the Messiah, ot-%vhich the carmai Jew hure speakes, Éc- cording to the. received Bouis etfhi.é n- Stien, as of a gloriuas temporal kingdorn, in whach the J ews shouid lordit ovver * Gentile worid, enjoy theïr weaitb, and b. provided witnaild temporal blesihge and delights, ini whlch tii.7 Plac helr happnes.-Whitby . Th10 exp= se, In an Oriental wny, the. desir, they bad (4, being menibers oftbtat klngdom and ef sharing Ini 16 benefita. 1.6. Then said he-T.-rie remark of the guest gave Jesus an opportunity te mUite smre very important truths. '*He deiiv- ered the foliowimg parabl. to show th.t though the. Messiali's kingdom would b. offered to them under the moot taro>- able circumutazîceo, yet they would r.- ject it, preferring camai to sipiritual les'l-ngs, whule, in thé meantime, the Gontiies would ombra. the gospel wîth cheerfulnemm and thereby b.eare»dto ait down in the. aoes oft tii.blemed."v. Benson. A certain man-Thisian se- presentod God the. Father, ad cofres. ponded to "«tRe klmg» laes ii prbi. of thowedding toast -(Matt. xd2. A great uprBpranigt8,cs n abunda.t provisions of the ope.Ol two r r meais areodnrl atk on of ratoru aua. A U Iitrre. p ast, cosstng peraliy et0 rea,'01. Ives, mik and fruli forma te t. break-. fast. Dut &ail erlneta, wbeth- or publie or private, on a larger or "1 or seule, wer. an4k are edntinued to the second aneal, siiorti. bofore or atter sun. iset,, caiisd, ladifteremaIT, diumor or Aup-. er.--CnonTratram' Bade ma ?AeJewthnation. "Tht, gezerai emn. lu acement was made ln tii. Old Testa- ment institutionsanad propiiecles."1 17. Sent hie s.rvant-"lThe commission to ail tiiose Who iiold the, office of suie- znoning the. world to enter the kingdoaî et God ln tie maine, hence but 0one aser- vent in roferred te."1 John the Baptist, Christ, the apasties and disciples ail de. livered tRi& gospel message sud lse4a cali tte Jewîiih people. Theourne caii was af terward.s givon to the Gentiies, and auch le the invitation now extended te us. 'Plut were bldden--'4Tbe Jews to whom the. gospel was tirst offered, et, peolally the, sSeibo. and Ph..rlses." tome-The invitations of the #%#5Pei are fuil -and complote (Matt. xi. 28; Rot, xxii. 17). Al things are new roady-w "'Now la tRie accepted tirn-e. Evory pro- vision lm made for th. redemption ef a lest world; flot on. thln¶ t,à lacking. Tii. p In of saivatton la porect. Tii. kinga. omi of Reuven lsa t band. TRio Messilo reign la &bout to begîin. "nTii.Ue bmd corne when the. Jews, must- décide *botis- er tiiey would uccep t tii. Mesalab or îet. The. fate et thie nionu, as vela40of l " individual,. dopended on theïr decaai. :IX The, bivhitbon enlard aud urgo (vy. el44.) -21.Be.ing asgrY7-so$th one f psson, btof! idgntion.G 108t. !ine feSatla ray tgt m laSeS-Éïtend the. Iv!ftatIo .théeub icans aud slnnrs-th. -outeastu, is voe deplmed -by tâoe te vhom Jéau vs. apekSg. Go t. the dwellig. of the peor addisabled, tell thons uia- t1oî la for theom, brlng tWsm lu to'>the toa«st. Brlng in.. --tii poor, etc-Tmé pltue e .impossible for us tô IéaJ- àie tmuriland. Inthoea&t rielsin ubei- gars, opulent in mlaery, vtieut Pmo hiovles or hoapltals, or other organlsed meas ofc earlng fer and lesaening mis- ery, an& wltidavs ame aocial er0anm muli yin î, uch a tb....Mg s =b dezcr1bed may b. eltea meoin the elby streets or squarea."-Abbot.t. 22.Lb la onse--God'mn truo minUter, carry the. gospel to he ie ot classmThey tre- quently enter tue alum nluorder to point liiome who are deep dovu lin in t. iiUn Christ vho làabale ho save them. Yet .... room-"The Lord et the. houa. ba prepared a very great feast fer very mamy.n Provsions arm made for al. "Whomover vil têt hlm eôme!' 23. Blghwaym and hedges-Àoutsld. of the. clLy. ByÎtisi. tmeant Chat bte gos- pel wouid b. prembied 10 bhe Gentiles. WVen rejeetad by the. Jewul uained tte Gentile&. Compel then tote«orna -Ntby force. but by earnest entretty. TRo.peopam vre inoat regardlmg gpel trutiis a"d lb vould enly b. by tise meat.eset efforts Chat tiiey vculd b. conviae tlatsavation vas for thS. IUmevr ;î pomable means te brt in em, lu Bus ma b. illled-'llovauxlou tre ILord la te save every porion. NO 000 Uçe edibeb.lest. 2M, Im ut yoi -Crs abre haitoootumugtise eft bome men-MA mleun amnouneut et the .elg reeuetio ttise je« a nation for their unbelef. EBut tise vo"d applyla aul bleU fore t th*ultitudes nov la Chrsltian land.&visodespis. a" egleet tise gospel, vile couerts asnopg bitheaheamnation am-o nùltiplio."Biai bastcf i y10 pes-isa ejy ts jéeetedecana bsey a usber Ce u Per. Mnv Wl , rjet Chist a, .a "09 ugtisé door eaat" orova PRAcCCL APPLIATONS. Joaus m cutbed bRie feàab gis-ai Iy mtan, vies-e tishesta vweegseanxoum* feoth bRo hiet eats, for the faut givu. by Qed, viens tube <noubave te b.e cons1.raned te cerne. Concert olitla r great supper» vo e u sa tishe calva%, L Fiendly. «'À cetalo otan» (s-. ni. Cod istbe eerusgitt oet be <routi suppor. Qed peured'ont tise ealti det hia groat love lu Use gift ef hlm caly b. oved Son. The. pr4 ofet ut redeenptlo là, mot .ails-et ad goldbut tise preeloust biood ot eus- Lord Jeans ClksiatJeans1 was ugr, Chut ve lssght b. 6stiftbedt tblrsty, tisat e iulghtisi l-lu ýiât liin '*%ters; torsakon, th"ai ve usigit e. do *e-r aurr«os witi &Me"*et; use- lied, tia savuMiglt kuov -*-orltlug bîe#eedaess. DOI iti ntift -b e ies-e ompute il !Au ete'rbty .1 devo- tion manover-epuy ICI Aidai l sl 10isai ve amptaMWl ojoy lb. Ul. Felieteus. Bada muanyO v.I) ~TOse tisaite m biddom (s-. 171 de- ailuei t.o ene, but th*. "li@isas" 4 "t111.4» (s-. *). Tb*sets ofiet t " joys Our aider brother wviiipremut c te the Fab*r, sud disense te us eof116 ,bouuty LuIc ke313). Tii. Moly Spisi Wiin shsow n» lii.gweia., aââ at iat as- aisudutly sabfw l(Roml. T 71 12h augela, wutIlut«"srejoiela& devis vit Abraha ausIss anmd Jueb ,itu -orub , "piset, peete &PO$tiu, visoe um. a&.lt b elM cof tue fermer Vimeoyeof India, vise iud bmu M 1for .ome da>., I4 at 7.40 psu. bii eveung. Sba nver quit. veeover- ed trou heseridons liliumtWalsuer (letieýý, Kusi, lu 190ý audthe.receni lot veatiser bs'ought on a preouneed attack of et pieadebility. Be vas loi-urly MIssllu Letsdugse-c 14M. laelsZ. Lates ot Oalcag>. MaieSrgad Wd Thro Dr* Waus' FINIt PUI 01>0wodot-ton toRd me -th"at-Ilvlm Incurable, but tuanksle Dr Wî1- Bans, Pink islusI amn a woni veiai be-day" Tissts-onstatemessi va made by Ms-m dBA oas, et St. Catis- ;arnem, Ce a reporter, wh* iioarlng et be r maikable curae WW d o um b«n. "A& -fev yes- »eo vile lIving la amliltoun,»contbna., Mms.ROUe, I vasattsked itia kldney troule.ý Tie oder lulleme loto 1a -stut.et Mal» ss-lty, vible tii d"M."aecun timed to maIe ltroad*. Pl"d»# ,tiat Ivawm ot g«tît ub.terl1 cen- suiteéa plaatwbo tola me tsa-t tii. troûlbild derloped lao- 1lfg1t' dime a" étisai-I vus uatbkIbad dwlodw Lto c mersclbb*ev, and suffetrs trou a inlthie bluI déoftoea diffi- «at, a b'ng- IumiosooM ont be taÀ aM tusmvtchniam ,iD u"ns& It va. s*nunced et tii, CsrOu=roi- donc. uMs evonlng ubat be.flidc.ause oflAd adOr=o*sdeuils was urt la,1 une, but $aise d bon msttelg trous emnplleatlons, wvhheretis qulo bor t«leibi ues 'of ýt» Vüù a sg Tise toueai, the dut. -af vièb», lsmt- vm bm fxeý4wuitajIi pimes ut Ué-« 7 os-or lb s. tb AM at ii It l sa i 1~ ~<omu st: uthe MtAtte vaa lat thse -but e-of, ta. l.a ptaes mtlly of evarytblng -beote -he wenmosdenly ab isemred gisusly pale andi couldno qpak. 4M- craos»cu dau ~t-er »boredu thé u.d upc. MiysShort w" d su, formiasi Tisýue secfdeavs a4 amid butý -.Os coroner <,ave*c ertifIate, a* trou ,natu R, cause CURZON VftRY IlU. t-mte LOU& Lui mkd-d.I . od.w LOTS Ot ýCIERRIES Wo...hrful PMouction la, tise mbagara1 St. Catharines, Jaiy23-S cal- Cherries aue provlmg te b. the. money- makers tor the. fruit lamera o! tii. Niag- ara penimaula tis- year. Evorybuody la tulklng efthtis Immense cherry trop, wblch Ia muid te b. tii. largeat lu usay yeam rs. G er, canners and derniers ar iavtmg a&U tioy eau do te Randie the pro- duction. To mule a&U heurta the. more glad tlae densand is excellent, vhilte price. as- abm u Il. verage. In every orehard bosugis are bout dowu viti thée ilttle q*ÙW rd bWtiang lanvenitabl. .e nmnuey transtomug tho. tmre lito "brimit flam ofettedl Au lutste bIspleldng eau ýb. Ion. lia ebwmimea a Wagbetn xpveed to tise-mur- "'le msby of tbleugolug to, Tomat aidct' Motel"b",on say that -ut leaUt soi0 bakets viii .b. preaerved ybî~ o asngfactonlos, ville ou. ta. *t lao lsIt ls rer et e baske r, :i cfmv',isbave te b4 plttodbelotebunX ready for 11 esau , Tir.have Lion dayé thl.sa Imm vlie»:tsbouta a lo».camrried away1 1,00basket. et 013 .fruit. To show 1ev *MalY -psodueClva thie ,treesbhave len t 1sy 4a nM, Bot preeeed out- ai.eaIlsta tue Oas-duoCity, Aibi. lnnpoptuion muhoatiq-du i JuiX mec. Aue. SOcbids Oct&. 30 BrlUab Cattie Narheta Loudozn - Cattie &ne quýoted at 10 1-2o0 tei -cpet lb.; reftierator, beet, l 1-2â1 pr: lb.; aiieep, >eae, 4ete 1. 20i pet b L.idteg Wbuat Nantuta DoSuork ...,... ... : 741 iToe"o>... ... ... ... .71 8 Toroato iarmors aniiet -.1 81'4 77%' 7831 81 17% -Grain1 receipts are nil, oving ho farm- 1 ers belng tee busy harvestimgs ad prices: are purely nominal. ü. IO 'armera' produce -in fair suplwt good demend l'or dairy produce - and tve- getabos. Butter ta queted. At If t. 200 per lb. ,and eipat 21 to 24o per doel,,~ Ray lu llmited supply, -wlth tales or 10 b.de ai $lete $Moa tonfornevaââ( at 815 to,. 0 tôt 0k tras-avtnominal. ut $10 to $11la ton. Dreised hop are scarceand tissu, wth light quâtod -ut, $10.85 te *11, mmd iieavy. Whoat, ahite, bush. $ 082 S0,83 Do., ted, buh-----082 0to Do., sprlmg, buah. 074, 078 40-9 goDa., buah----076. 00.10 Ottabuas-------42% 03 Bariey, bush. ou <--"- 050 032 Peus bush.-------72- fi0 ltyo, bumi--------05 111 ly# n18, por ton -. 14 O 10 Etr&Wý&pet ton------000 110 Dr.sseiushoe..--------.1066 11.0o Eggu, doses----------. 0 21 024- Butter, dalry-----.. 017 t' -0,2 Butter, ««=a«oy.....02OU 02" 'Chîchena, alitepet lb...,015 '016 Hoeus, ýper lb- .-010- 01l Tureys pe lb----- 03 0 qà.- Bee, hîsduabr ..- 00 a50' Beet, therq aresse...50 00' Beefthoe, cas-as.. 750 $00 e et r ednut.rcm 12 00 130 Lassai, p 1»M tvb-- "---- «*0 b .1tw fer tues. t e MM«-Me um nul. u011*9ke VIR E.1 otel yrthée teCone te Canada, but - ho lad t. poat- - etIc trip. , The ticket vu s ue OeupI.-Ea WRien tit. uî.e ué t4i7 aIll r*efussd toe enter l, ciavisg tý that. tli.y tim o tel d4SAd loinIg attractive lusau&b a'.O igu a4à"no me, mmefor *bot a Tb x«-* tpica> xcsrn=1. (han t. 2. PNaîit of wSti. 3, Atttetldo o sarYtlo&ytia-WtISk Pa.&bo4o.. ý'emut. .pm lt,.<K oo .k 44 nu', btmât te té tvUmnOUr*& shvaI~e.de SU M th 0untry u la aMme m1méta40 OU outfto o, hseat*ry to'eack 1.'h hm M faims id *"smnhava -i i i I à

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