Whitby Keystone, 26 Jul 1906, p. 8

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WILLIS' Compound Syrup of ý.White Pine and Tar Cuires C o ug(,I's COds, Brouchitis, throat and lung troubles. 2,5c per Bottie Ji EWILLI$ Druggist Optician lBrock .5t. Whitby. I Counjty Town HIappeninlgs 'Bave Dîlmadgp p.iit yoîîr carrnage. P3o tu G. 'K. ThompSOfl'a for wil:I pu per. -Ai, $,Ints' ChurCli S.S. jlcnficed at Co&Irett*o; PeniuiL on iVtdiiesd,:îy. 'Mr. Il . liIeliu Manager of thé Wetein Il3ank, Port Perry, wanj - electeti Dlstrlct (Granid Mr.ter by 'j 1 Mamos kofl"hioronto last wcek4 Con- Orady irah acntencéd tu' tio menthes at the Central by *'oLkc MagintrainE Har lier on FrAday nl;ht. Go to . XK. TbompuoleU for wail paper., lisUDw andi Patterson iwere bo'es5of a., large and rery isuc-e <*.aCul givate piCflIV at Dehartls o« WedansdaY. Carra%0 oparecoveted aid rtê4laàed 'r>' Dulmade. the, Painter. -Ibtr. Bushi Rmosa shl% b),andffome dr!îto kthv. TorOflto I*ort5G Ex- chaonge ast wCek for 02M). 1f. A.OcSolr'son iraSleel- dontall>',Iù)ured by Lawler'a nwntpg falsBon hlm %edoeadas erening *Ile euVryiIls 'the fienigpapMrsT« trom the uil-tGwf ia.utilrfWt tilUn. Mlinainthllgplutmblig.rbeflnsp, ais all work proitipti>' atteuffl to and tatlahaction gIturantee& Pringlea PîrO1smlUn% are ouf, for Whtby'u 01* UOU~* 01on Mod.-A.G -. ~ n -the~# o .g.d Prl cu Mlis: LOtiue ,coleed oni, jErln4siI W to o ouwT000010t, thno b>' ferry te = 40 laumIland, A $aCcUiVxc.t#ifl.1m fWb AO.l.W, .Q~,and S4th IRe*- on FrIdu> was e ga gut uos.4a 6w 00 irnt. Ul wr* a buodrod of tbe good po iple aI theIBay p@& dAtIleedo4ý try of ail 191U484 tg*1 notehi Pr.oS& A MWew -D tag<.- N- doubt dueto b.heOeterPwlaq Of their fcilO owfiOClf 5bor, 1 hc' Dudley ' Jr05., iliI ebiligl tflBau alple O! la the 0.1d engine ncm e stold last Wéek la,'h Ie' ,tn.the. >Lasroi. Edirtrd-4 bave, cho:O, Mill next to 0Qtonnor'a forge r.car the' ui)-t4Jwu station. The'Sindicale Tbrsktr. jochn sni'itb, Pres.-, Fred, Galet e. :and j, T,. îrsnàtb, Treas., are, the off)- ofT o!the port V!htby 1'hreshiflg MachiflO Co. 'Ple>, booglit a >2,6OU machine of the J. L. rfalse Co,,. of Ra- ci'lne, W% 1., thr.ouC.I ttlir; agent, i3eo. Affin.i. Io isat John Stertevant'a. Ut Ili1 be cr.era-ted this season 1by J.1 mtertevati r.. aff englaceer wth .Er- regt ThorndykO and unether as barn Canada Ai Plardehurg. The Canadiafi Nation1al Exhibitioni, Toronto. hAm pairchaaiedCaton Wood- villeg fa molus i1 sciure, "The.Uawn of Majuba Day," lain biel the gccod Canadiafl contngent lasshown ln front at the surreader.o! Cronjo at y'aardeburg. Crities pronhi t the n,04't strlkiiig wirpIcture ever paint- cd. Fires Frou ffleing. I:.cvpru- eLctuiC .ejtOrion Frida>' and Stunday lg et kd te lrreA froul lightnilig ea't o! Wbîtby. Thei bqrÈns of Mr. CG. L. Annds, -souti' of Cvourtiê. itn D)arllgttol'.wert-detr0oyd and aime thoshe of Mr. Johns, flear nar- mofly, in F.ut Wlxtby« fihe attéir had once before Wheu a Te4a$IOtf Of pjekerinig townahip ieeu a sufferer trou iDlghtning. Cold o e aflS. "We have se veà chuldra nd bave u t1Dr.- Cha*'g Syrup of L1nes* andi Turpentinlo for'evoe7one O! theni iritit g9 reuits. We g et four bot- tiel at aI a nd 94fid-ita gi renied>' tcsbreak up eeld cON the lung~."-M . -. J.. urner, Br4n*Ji 1 wiab te ejçpmaa w>' aloero titati to lte Chose" irlendi O! WM$tb', Cottb4II No. 21, foi Ibeir kin4 AYM- paths aod PrOMpt remuttaaicc Of the choque for $1,09M,3,tbc niDouu O!fw=y Wïctors bWç resPtuOUlltOl te slm tht' publk tbat Iboit' aiv, Cera fks «ni ad lM8tOrday 'iiurlug Jul.> *ad Aucue~. 0-h ver>' uewos t ines te lad9", (leu Betar to be Ulq utA * A, Sk O ol Ilefry ThatAddi-Glory i "I haire à frIeiid, Lieutenant T0rýO- godo f e Luasdun,.E ." ad thq te- mlola»Cent majo, -"who o1ues ha lîfe tQ aCaftradýnne wbOe , =e 1 do not 8'aeone auggu-ted tfrLt the major> tell the story. Anîd le did. Itý wrae dÏrng thé soudas' War, ta 1f8l or 12,,Lient. 'ro<>ood was' la êharge of a bout Ioad of sohlter, amoag whom iras à Canadian inetu* ber of the '&\le Voyagent&. Th il1e current wsa F'tf t. The bout atruck a rock, and eter.yont was ini the water, Onu> the Canadian COUld iswqtn. It W&* 800 yards to shoie. The CaaLa trook cumnand andi earrIed everyone or the tes men' In fthe boat to s5hore, oie at a tigne. ecrac Arabi aç.ppeared and lbegan tco pepper the res5CUCt D o ift UNar- rown and sPearà..9Âain the Canadu iras in demand. lie hâd the ooly re- volver In te part>', and lie drove off the Arabs.. -,f course he wUN mentýoned In Ae.ipatches.1" sai the major. as 1w toeed the bell " but I haire for- guttcn hie natue." -"Would you know it If yoislîcard It l" le was lasked. 41Certalinl>." 'Plie questioner paasaed a silver flask ,Over to the* major, and the latter renad engraved ba , ' 44Lîeut»onant Troosood to W. 3. H. Nuràe,. In mem- yofaerliCal momentV "1IIY ocrse la the Cànadlan, atid ho eau show tihe mediii.. opa of wbbch Co.m.Plaint j bier ofst. lutA. .m-u-th about *8i swoancàa. the ivioe h Dr. cha.. 4i. jthelivere .uhi etiînts woek venu« -'i , g NOW that the hotweqahP laheve ail those Who' have not -prhsItji umer wear, feelti need of it- . We have stil a' complote ranige cf ail' goodasuitablefor suramer use. ,Musllns4, Ging.., hama, .Zephyrs, Prints, Lawns, Duokse Etc. Ladies' and Gentlemen's sumamer iJadewear. Ladies' and Gentlemen'. Cotton Hoisiery. Ladies, Black and white Silk Glovgs. Ladies' Gold Bel.. Ladies' Undorskirts. Ladies' Blouse, Patterns. Men's Loady made Suit.. $7.50 $8.50 and $10. Men's Ready made Paints ail Sizes. and prices. Men's White Vesta. Men's Soft front Colored Shirts. Men'. tfats, Caps, Braces, Coilars, Tie, Sox, Etc. always in Stock.. Andrew. M. Ross. Record of. amuemuIy .p«ng, we do »ot lmowt tf.olma pe bo hr ba h fi"11sdwMt On. ttlm upemlasl.ohw W. "comtheb. wo sad by 0 doing, mabe il lapoWable f«£oou- to b. displusoed. Yo.r ons>bsohif h omtldl. A. C. Wannan - Veelnr Srenan KigetW.t Adjolulag Mir. Fr51 Davel. 'Peronto, là visit- ing h)4prDS Gvro'.idM. . Dav.- lIr..ter Fred Bcaderoo, of Torootoï ls spendinas ehodldayn wth Donald Cinrelay.1 M..Eddiee NIliolon, Oritlla. ls vis- lting lii' 13refttis., 1r a id lirs. Jet. lira. Thompuon an4 Mine Maîlmi',o! Toronito, bave been t»iat1n4 wit.h rs. Mr. and Mmr. Fward McCymant, of Pror*flto aie gutse! 'f ..tY.Pa L- 39r. IMarty IidbciTowadt vW mtEuIUiNewport, or ?oremtOq- Ph#ifusa rigm»ol o f Fulton, N. y, bave 1beeli vlaltfig iLili 31r. and Mfms Mary aliuw aod lady Inoenda. andé )fve J"s. 8baw. ltg -ber V'actioin wth bmw rus..n W.tbT, ir. R. WIson- Vol MV RAILWAY Ti WIIITBY j Qoing Weest 5.06 a.rn g4 64 8.28 a.rn. e 44 2.05 p.n3. -- 4t 4 .M5 P.in. The 5.29 a.rn. train 4 d oeorning. -c wHITEBY Ootng.Nnrth 9.n7 a.ni. 4 4 415 p.m. id 64 8 .4 0 P .r M . Leav.âi'îthy for 0.bi louliten, proprietor ,eavez for Brougliami prietor. MIS Frnrn W. &nd 9, (1.45 ain. " 1et, 0.30 amn. Frotn Brous' F.ior Niorth 7 4i a.x-n. Ratl8.20 &-n. - Westl 12.15 D'.n PROFESSIOJ MEKI LàN 0.* Ormim gobeltor for the WeSte etc- MIWey to Loais.ý Wbltbyý . t - Dow- & Oneoposite post 00 .B.DW, B.A. T. J james i Barlster, Rte. - Moéeý office lrnredlatelysoui Ont.. r- FO Barristr, COuxty Voun» Solicitor. I & 'Pbe

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