Wlth Parliament f Eits, Handas MaietY Now tln JExceptlonally HIgh Spfrits. leaders of the People WeakenlnS. Before the lmn- mense Strength o0te ovrrument. * .'-. ~'*-~E~ ontnJuiy 8s.-Carnille saint-' « aappareuti> Couvlnced that hte tock the rigit cowre. lu aupprcasillg Par,,&- guent. A nmbler eoftthe nobllty enjeying Peraoii*i relations vlith the 8overelgn, anud vite uv9 tii.Emperar yestcrdy lu. jorused th. Aaaocated Press te-day that lajeet>' displayed exceptlonaUly hlgi sprim ýTwoa veka-a&go viien hesasw the JCmpror h. seemed to b.unuder a great mental atrain - over tiie situation. But, nrith "parllameuit ait bis banda" sud the, Goverumout again ifree tO purane its owa pollcyo a grs.t hurden appeared .0 be litced frein bis aboulders.Thie origin- ~al plan of creating au adviaory cowcll, Ithe Emperriiaving broen dova Prm' ter tolypIn's urpea, la te tom a te- e bld abioteona ' xiou-but- .sUcratioelementa vilh ii bo a"i.te nitode. the. j»llY et "trongbade neom"procla ned by the. -Goyoverntt. us baosêsCarcd tentative aoeetaume <roui Y. Guchkof t# the. prenaluut mod' enrite member et t4 eMosi eouWsvoï alaw. -Geore Evgerroveb IrOU Ofe ý'oIaî prince.Nikowal ikiu"ivkrb Lvot, et Sartater sd M tavevlch cf OrsW, la- on th.econdition t6t neolekgtha" lia% teportfoliosaxae te b. given'a t.nos bumueunts and that a "4brad# coallo-A presssume r*rformlo yul b. pro-> mad l thà hoe.cof salgins Vo.ne LUAP' NEW PRnicm.£ St Peterabur Jul>' 30..-:Te Eumr- cd rulorin la lad down hy M Stolypla s the keylsotce 01bis administration5, la u nInt*rview* to-dB>', in vhicb the MW Premier cxptesaei*s onfidencetire ibis Ipoliee', illa théam d1ethe "muret.. I b "InUpte. of al reports, e t lIt Ifla sd reflashle" viii tide the <,ouctry over Until the coivcatimon f lte e ct IPartlsminent Il. .enphasfr.cdthe boee tiast theii. edPrien te vwu repreetatIve uer eaPsble of rmon- atrùctIv# vont. Re apokè 1t se sai t fthe. laders o e t tii. tin Pffmocrats, Mnt attemptling toe onceal bi* tuprewsluatbst tih. quasl-rc.peta- bilt>' feth»Part>' vi but saevcfr lnuluc.rity sud tîikling tetthe veos ernMent, cf thé. rorlon li0.The>' 4* net bineati>'belle»e eitber tu a generat, exproprIatiovn et lsudor lu complete *mnmty. Tb*eIradvoeacy o et tii,.- mres mei>' as a ceupalgn Mt>. 1Te PremIer - tali- hast tà e membrs M* PuarUsnat ie net arreîted lot 4Ia. iqm thé YhboUrg manIeste becaus t at merelywomd bave touferred s mai14 aed mme-ardmattyrdoiuesu tem, but -tite>'woud &:oproptly ibel& y- OPMsa4 .for h hft at.mpt 14 to thir oominituene ta oio ioaas r.tusai t. w.>' ixs 'i MXRMSSCLERK INVESTE!> -,TWO-CENT STANP. ONLY1 suat 'Bld te Waahlnen for SsSooo Bond,4Tkouh ne Bad Rot s Dolar -RS Disposaiof COUs.and Mad New York, Jul>' 30.-lt vas learued to-day that J. S. flache & Ce., baukers,1 bad, purehased the $5»,W00ofaiPanama Causl bonda which vere receutly allot- ted by the Trcasury Depsrtmesst te bain- 'nel Byerly, an express eempsuy's cierk of t" City. flache & Co. have iu tutu d1sposed of the bonds ta Fisk & Robinson wiio vere tb. succesaful bîddera for the get prton of t i sse. Threugis knovledge ot thc peen- biar statua t itii.money manrket hlyet- ley igecured $5S00,000oa the new Ivan- ama Canal bonds, sud a&l tii.>' oat hlm vas plsced on the letter h. sent ta WsVahungCc.n Mdding fer - iih bonds. The price oftheb bonds slrcady bas advasieed to 104.40, which means s, profit of 2, 0M fer the éterk. lu converstion vitii Secretary Sbs.w over the long-distance telephone, Byorlv asked if h. vas to receire bis slletmeut of the. boude 1Hee vas told tint ho vould If h. depoited the *5,00,900b> Auut 1; Ti.erkahwonul J3Yerly Put ia the bld nrely on aso culative dent, sud expected te b. a140 toehU salotmnt 7before Augu#t 1L Weu-Eaova Driver Tbsuwa Prom Sulky at Wltolt@. WIUuîa0touDe", July 30-A fait * tedac uarked tbe -epeulus todu>' m et cithe wllmalugt4rn Hors. Show Aà - seelation at iBore. Mov Park. Thore- srtr titres au an ii.cari <soitde lte tf Itrt four -herse..Wilm*inteu'ý .utlu 4U »etae -»weII to-day, but 0e .IW*ingt blu ii. toey lie,. vlaiw si f»ý ispre.Ti.tak stid r" 10e a 4..t4 but as-ý $ vrion krati vere trotted la gS« la geodi ubpe &id ~ ltt wek le e"MW tl4 e..'. Josep It UVlh4amtarter.b Ibulm Wreuraeiia tes4974 AV &thle, Readea Off by utun mmNotice ID w eN th w eb Mut lu Give&-4xitaia wm isot su*flsfor ciiurcli and -~laerer. .IChcago, july 3(.-3udpe lAnde of- Loidou auy ~Prie M ithe iUà tMStgtes districtcour, -did Cambel-~anetlI&'s r~'o! I ii ed -day thMt jéhi AlexanderDoi W DÃ"mIn at jeoelg iso ! esnt ~<~Cty and. is. 4u;dus-0 the Iteparliamentary Itrim e es.f e t o eppoint Alex.GrQi grse on mn ka ta an lnddent lau e srcie, n'ree n1eto tbe Houte.o! Ceimons te-<l£>. gra eevr u re~ neeto ber for Br'ghto%, sked if ýthe Goveru- fxsenrl(vser mnent intced teUse its good officEs The Scurt trladc>w .'s hi&rcb rker ln u slsting tne ]RtLqsian Governmnuttabgiugl A taiadw to 'is= At forma nw Doma.lu Zon ltyand fouud that Doviel bad Sir Iffenry repfied for thé Goveru. becli for maiiy years lu receipt cf a large ment. lic saldhe doubted il NViSunt revenue wbich he devotcd te chuichan Tuteur was senious. lu any case, the ChOrtty' purp"s«; that the amounts re- angver wau "Nô." eelved sggregatcd lnu mre years te two Viseount Turnour procceded: "Was huudred anid fi.fty thoimand detals;' the Prime Minister e?pressng bis pri- tà t h. had engaged ln a& secular occeu- Vtt 'neye viien -" (Cries of "Or- Pation to 9ainluthe propaganion of bis dor Order!1") religlious doctrine. The Speaker took advautage of the This mena>' the court holds was ac- lurtertiipüotot annonce that previons -ceptcd by Dowie as a trust fund and ai- notice of auch an question rnust be A TEACRERS' COMBINE. [OUND wTI One Lýkel'y te Corne to Hold Up the~ lai the -est endi to, xâete«rv' Tants.& Baert Pzanklahd~, F. W. W Wo alntnd UJOÃŽUi Allison are tbre of the i &m amtéê lui the lest roxnud-utp 0ud othesle Ahlihen'Wa#out 01 townilm New York viiet iiolice swooped down on bis plac. Wortblngton vas. swaiti29g tria* ut the Setember seu- udons and vas out «on . lïrank1and vas oM. ci the party vIre ,wre <mcd $M0 ou promlsiug te go out t fbuiness. Býomda for .82,0<X for hie, future good bebavior wer, furlisbed by Mr. A. (Or- Forthe allcgcd keepers of gam- ;Iig ;resotbail bondà cf *5,00 ere aenmded and-for the alleged frequent. ens $500. With the exception of Worthlngton the, 24 prisoner» veto admitted ta, bail by Deputy 34agistratc Kiagiford. At fist 31r. Corley deuied any application, but finafly decided on the beau-y bail bonds dcmauded. The, police retained thc moue>' tound on the prisoners. Frank- i land was uzuder ýbouds for hMa good b>e-, Tiiet these continued raids are glving a elutary leoson la evidenced by the tact that ttrec of the frequenters deqIarcd laut nlght that Uicir names would neyer be'toumd in a lst 1k. th"s again. Ali the. defendants appear lu Uà c Police Court this morning. NERVE WUNS FOgRTUNE TROUGE U RING A JOIE. Chr oit on ist sughd Wbib 1 utica, Jul '30.-While hi* two ecli. dreu, 91" kMani La, 8 î»4 O >'cre t- M t th« t vas a job, ou theO- put t ýÎr baerCurti e Mocre, s Ca ~ ter, cf tbl ity<l>, boaugedulua 'home. fTe lIttle gIrlasat ut nth* bed l afle theit fatfr as prparlng te e=4 Jus Ide. As the>'at ha macrom.. "I am "W n¶te-dl#, girls. taelât. to h«,ea ý *cu't -o.eback." Uéeathu lied eu cfa« nIfnp aroxS tsa auJid ii. no urouad hi. neek viile etanluoù' a box. 130 th». ete4PJ< heintiobox amiaIra- Tbe cldreut lwdïbedi st titeir * UnC'ortunïfe End of Fa 4vquong cdc'l DôGwiei 11, ecnt ed ln 1895, bequeabtiZi0Ii Cty pr!0pet o is successor, the court ays:- SiThis decion-ia-unquaMlied aad..la a èomplete recOgnition of exlting, trust Tbeoth taken by Gruger, siibord- inating famiily ties and relations to -ail hwuqù p#r=nrnt bt te viiiof.Dotvie, t)i. court .ays, urifita hip, -to 84 88_â reelver. The court ordèed an e leotion to b. held ou tho thirdTueadY'of 8etm. ber, of a General Overseer, und.r the el- ection laws Of Illlnoiî. The -court eaid it would later make suitable provision fer Dowie, lnasmuch. as the present value or the estat. tfar exceeds the actuel arnouat of contributions received W whickh. iisesrvices as trustee efIitited hlm. The amount, court said, would b. deternine4 Inater. SNECI< BROKEN* R.Reynolds, o Ceyli Is preferr * be Lead packet.9 At ai e aWell -Known Bookmnaker and Rading Man, nolde, a bookmaker. aud vei-kuowu rac-I lng mnan, vus fourni lylng st the bottons of an cîir shaft lu the. Motel Martin, 40th street aud Broadway, cati>' this morniug. The min vas uncouscleus viien found,' sud died before an ambulance surgeon finm ti. New York hospital reachedhusn. The surgeon eaid tuins'.neck vau broken. Reynolds' bue vas Ilu St Louis, and he came bern te assiat llsrney Scbreiger lu maklug &-book st thé Brlgb. nervousuesa during the s.fternoon ycster- day, when lie orplaiued -of belng III and the. presee of his vif., who -arrived yesterday, did net appea te rer.hi» mental condition. Reynolds had called for a p-ysisà ab a 10 o'elock, who-,gave hlm séméthlüg to, quiet hie nervea. 'At Il o'cloek .be vent ont for a walk, but soon returu& d. u retircd for the nigiit. lu a short tUne isi body feUfions thre-,windows. Tire. au- tiiorities are iomtttig*ug. TIS MAY CAUSE A RÉBELLION*- Chineo mperor WiflAbollsh Pigtalls amndI oote lia reached the, Governunet here tuat the. Empeor of China contemplates pre- claimiug tva radical refermea" ndc- fe tlheir ameptam etiirough thé. em- pire..1 reforme are the abolitionefi teet The. Empeor of China Iutends to inti- me the ti. ormia l eec deeM« rla; ail aeldl.t nud -polkiemnsud civile-ses- viata teut loff pwgtls. G. T R.PR[SIDENLe NatwUnilmbola e ScsmifltSo hjeeuSutWin' not Visittb WestIlsTemaSpeai Weu . forme thenceforth la to eb.gradui. The- goeuent kb bee .lalg taktec atsc unpon 1nego ut Chibnes. traiy o aml ltelabelleved tIret lb.malmentib viit> escaetue opportunit>' te *tir detenu et pigtalis aniendng el- vo- The. à uthorltlfto hoQver, fedu assu 0! the emoal support oft tii. pow!èrs lu. their effort te c'rry out thé reforma. me"of thetio% wi "Instincts, indecd-! a dog! Wby did y( able young man-yo youz--in à way thal neyer ask you mail "I arn very Borry for I really like hiý oniy rih cexpla: "rAnd he did nae o "Oh, no, unele. 1 offend a ldI "I amn gin you sa angered against hi! lassie, an' mak' up Èim if lie will ask can baith corne aw darrochd for I. doul the land teois justi Mill of it; ini anit mIet my ain bauds,- ta be my factor, ai would be ill aff wit after us--mo Yeu mÉy man, and ask 1 "NSol Kenneth, d coi-oring, with pain point her uncle, 'an st the denseénes fri) perceiving the a marriage. "I cho I have said before., ily eorry to refuse - uncle, it is imposai ehoose a husband fý "And I must dec' m a young le( vise te tale' a rel smre other you -ngI Kenmeth got -sci interrupted hlm bil in, tese. as yever'ý 14'. no your faut «ý the natter vi' yo1t sactber lad lu YýCL nz'er-do-weel, rinÙ «acrsthie -st.eet fi ry for your contra "Mdear iùiee su¶o d Bertie E C rùt'hirnself. 1 ofaiy deserip eaeged, «it lava 1our uncle, vhs _uiMr on youl Te fusea fine, Z Ã"od Rivet . gt0 iug- & muet U fas? gin bu Torento World.: The. hictb sebool tehers viilmeèuorÃŽaIize the. goueru. meut to rmi"se scale frein $625 to $6 a day for cxs.mUiig paper&s. The examinera met JrestercWy atter- noon iu the. Normal scýioo1.Every departmeflt %vas represcnted, sud thi matter vas tboreugiily dOuC"ssc some ef the teacherýs *cre in fayot ot aaklug for $10 a day, on tbc ground that the Ipay fer ether service pet- f oruied for the. Goverament had been in;e:::dwere many others, however, te whm $5 à day loks lagas ,it doc. whcn a insu dram s. alary cf only $M0 a yea.* The opinion of the. majorit>' prevailed and the Goveru- ment >ii be asked for the, slight su- crease. The. question of a proteetive asso- ciation amono hL-bs sbool teachera or the. purpose ot oemianding a genurai- taise lu salaries vas not dWsussed by tiie examinera as a bcdy. Pdivate- ly andi quleti>' the matter vas talked *ver, sud sa iilgii- icool teaes' union i. lua afait vay ofe- formation. Sa muet educatire work must -b. doue that for the Urne tthe proposaila ke!t lp tbe , bands of a dliet fw to weirk out ways sBd means. 14 na' ýb. furtiier discussed before the. tcach- ors separate for the . ar i, f j'. 'i 1* 'i