Whitby Keystone, 2 Aug 1906, p. 7

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*CELLANEOUSQý, LOPE BARGAUNS p inquantity. sise 1. S, 3, 0- 7, b t tolnutain Peaus 6k. W. -IL 00,Onit. ows So t3iTg U OcU.M ai- *d for eblidreti totiitl. It cbld, sobth beS t 9"'uS. or id wlthe buýt rinnsdy for-D -DR. LEROY'8 FEMALE PILLS 'juste, jure ami rriall.e nntly u . 1u. 'lhua IL Ln ,i mm~jle n c 1r tic p1trp ,i d t.Oi' 1I 191u"ni ar : iiL-b t 7 1à0 vlhbq' 4 1 'n tauip for -du 'r~ù0 *If i Mpr boux ot LE ROY PIL.L Co.. Bot 42. IIauntttoU. Oena&da IAN SHAH'S PALACE. pean DecoratiOns Instead of oriental Art. e ç;llll of j1vrsias visits tO j6tjtl l artýs of Eutrope hie ,tirvd o i );tiatjntîg on the ligu g olc to te il tna le~ ~~~~~li 1\111îilg10tnt W* t4a r t'î speuîraudat i uiglit d tCClk frethle glit~- I Lies of teSasdFltg ILt 0tprftY tjîiar f~ ffIvý (1 etital hlîî f f. M. .ClaiudG serilutFrnchlI n las re- iii(j 1'rni.ad vritilg 1homo ';tf, hie givet4i sttie eye o1'l' ~of the ol vauint ed palace tr. lu a cou ultlrv wilieih, I ik8 produceil tre 1-fr sidart istie it is rathevr curionis to leArf 11,11 11it8 1 i ts o anieit ersian Hiev walls of Ilus pa vec. It je tuiiope(an and Ftoeno h rid tit N'lgatr kind. in the cre are ghigs niiases coutaiuutig futi nu il iii harîug - 1e-r Prives ha îid gaises ïIirk ri 28. (6d. i inoitui pvarnek t litrn' is tlîcre, tînt r'ome froini1)eli. as it, 'r 'vas it vver pessed by the je grîî ud ogul.I t was trade il, tllo'1begiîîîîiîng of the ninô îirv, 'i i(j y <f thte precious à Nàiili it Nwa; fornierly de4"ûr- dýL tg iNi have n'ereplaced ith gardeus aire lovelv, but the aof t1w palitre art, filled Withz îullovail.v hjet~, id to have C(db lliii -iîîajesty as prescits itiôCti oi of ail kiud8 sud tîîîsrab îmachiines. Ili% maiesty w\O eglilotis on the' floor. Near ý on ivcl lie lay's his lhead la e, on wîe are fou r photo- 7 ontimliiig his nulikentks- mitlEwardl..Qu-,etnAlexandra, aîid zarina.- Tle Lqndon ýfor Emotional Insanity. fNortili Carolina ceur-sIon train 1 ai a revolver Ilu i a')>l hînrland Itek be'wvlbits feot and an- intentioni of kilting evory one Sas ilîsta.itly iliot îlea..in that* uitko tao chances on 0motIOnNIa *niment Cures Coldu, etc. r. -you going to write anothoer bave onucthig to smy," sha.poda taîtor. f or ttuit they pronouncod bita 5TITUTIE I 5Y'S every.tlmek: Pittbugh AIL WAY TTh. Fimbie0etU» ti. baom.-2ke 1U, 2c U utthe, f&tbeYc--aThfatiser 114 mot] avi utti! be ,ad tfinbe&lila ontesilon. comme tt~aLLalghm vISai *te litsrs m t-The failtes joy' 11-13)1. '6 &oa'ma~v~ ipe,~f4tIlainstantly issus * rders t» uneatlousfbg, mngo tt»tiot àiths e e i.reat affection of the' beautiful et th triand lbts.TisRfman tto-forgive la berS theii*ip .f Gae tld the lt Ir forth qulckly (R. V.) - Let us show &t L 1 TWO sbc -Te two sons may b. * ildto b. e rsattv = anklndonce -bY Our semons that ithe vauderer a for ",la- iin xn e-01 w iflyfogvase e tatedL Put a ring - b av 1thmex Clej t on hme had-A saga of affection ml thiat gthe l rine etatimuatIon irut ed's- he Wam a fre.titan. There la no licease nebe ,lder la blmndie rj elrlhs t- i-en here to adora thse body, a#soste IasW 1 cktheronéer-'H. rspthsmnts pais have vainty triel te show. ',ne.*%,ue ly iokl pt-snssuc astii pulicns tandord fot such doning ta given by and lnnermY Re aise represento 'thePl andvi?eter (1I Tm. 2, 9-10; 1 Peter thoughless, careleas >uth. H. waï. over3:34> eonfident-and oould b. easily deeeived. M3. Be mery-Be yfui and h»ppy. Giv. me-lIt liasbeen a custoiin the. TeBible givez the . cldrenofetoM il. es4tfor sons to-demand and reoelve thourcesteaotfrjy WbnCitr- portion of the. inheritane duriitg the fa- cesetii, vanfrer thee Inben rsitr- thoe (1)iletl ie-axs."Ti. re2etjoîcing and ho la immedlately treatued *a shoed(1 sltibnma ()Inaiu , a son . 24. Was dead-ý"Lost to al (3> self 'vilI, (4) a dctermination to de good given up toes&U eviL." La olive '#rog, 5) ndutfuies,(6) l8Z*OWagain-Here 'vas speelal cause for rejoie- vision.» It 'indicated a stat,% cf mindi kg - Who 'vould net b. partaker of freins wbie every kind cf amn takes i t t joýy? rime-tii. desire te be isidependent of V h ie rte v.2-2. 8 Qed and te enjoy aliuberty which la only V.e The eiery-_bOrohrd(vs. 2bo32). another' name for license. Man oftete te asanryuri Lohrd now a lda nupo thinka b.ie au b. happier to yieid to is themstii. u Asrgthaideres a lan - o unrestraînedl kits and deaires. liH.di henies Asteierboeraa- vi«.d - .his living-Thie yielding te the ry dat tise joy which 'velcomes the prob- requestu striklngly acta forth the permis- digal home freinsbis 'vanderinge, se bav-o _sien of freewlll te man, and aino tuhe these men murmured atu the mercy 'vitul -fact of Gol's b.atowing many gifts up- tvbieb Jeaus bas received thse publican on even thse urthawkful and disobediezit tad the sinner.-WVbedon. Intreatel hum Man'.'viii 1a upteine in f iving hi, des:- -As Jesus was then cntreating the. .mp- tiny. tious Pharisees imet te spuru the. repent- 13. Net many days-He bal deciled ing outeas. 20, 30. In these veres *uenhis cours. and hastened te b. mue. J"enuîs gives, in parable, tube substance etf uM hsadows forth the. rapility of e the Pharisaie murmuringa: W. are bet- natinaland(2) ndiidul ~ter than others and shoull have grent natioal an (2 idl dee -réspect andeern piusbtvo -Futrrar. Gathered ll Iete-6 leavfef san ere edailus b uo uera who 9go astray frens Gel venture bae efubias andlinersel31.uAelU -- their ail." Teck his jeurney -He was tuhee pubhansanwitu h e. 1 I . . weary ef hie fatseî's government nd dot x- e wt ejy bn t îtreacb. If u desired greater liberty. As soon ns tii o eee yMy beunti a ens brille of restraining grace luataken of, you wlll not. Notieti tteprle moon 'ee.-uîr. Ti 'ouuyleaves the eIder brother on the out-side, we are so oe-- .Th uri stubbernly retusiug t-e enter. *'Atter 'tbe thse podigal teck represents th ii.nlier in hum departure f rom God el.li ent in- parable bas thua fulfillel ts immediste te a "'far countr>-," tfar froni trutis aud ebject, itu may be applied te a greît vani- virue Wate bi msbsan~.-o 4nnu~ety of equîvalent mes. We uuay truly 'vate .Wte giftustl a.genthÎers. tÉsaY that the eider son lta se Jews Thie worldlîy liftauaîwayaý a Wastejul snd tbe younger the. Gentiles; and Lisat l'fe. It wettem body andlseul, lite and thereturn of tub. ^roli1.tube restera- heahth, turne, talents sud aî it l tien of the. Gentiles te tbe eburcli of precieus anI valuable. "Sinners waste Gel. -N clou. thîcir Bibles, their Sabbathm, their relig- This "peari" ofthtue pansules la a moit loua training, theîr heaveniy inheritauce beautifiul portrayal e01tthe Fatber's pitys nnd get mthlig in returu." WVith riotous tetuderuesu and love Wbetber 've look living-In verse 30 've sec bow Iow lie et tise prodigal a au amved aluner,.-a fell. Hie body, minIanul seuh were le- son of Gel, by crentiosi, as wââ Adamt based. (Luire iii. 38), or as a backslidlen sinner, IL. In deep distress (vs. 14-16).- 14. samsneofGel, by reereatlon, tuhe teaciîg Spent al-le dil mot stop until hi@ lomt- tue arne, ise love oft»b Fatiier. Ln dollar wos gev", lus passions reignel. tube parabie w.se. a. youngs person. Thits represents thte sinner w'e hase L Diseontented. "Cive me" (v. 12.) tlîrowîi sway the niercy, favor mnd. love Hie demandeI a change. nie ehafled of (led, anil 6ts wilfulhy rejeted the sel- agalist reatiOint.HOe antedIiti own vation of Christ. It séemns that bç spent waY. lie ongel te b. independent. He ail ve-ry soots; the enjeymcîs of &iss le vas Dot contenteI. brief." A mighty famine-The seul lii-- ' IL Distant. "Son gatherei lmLi togetiser iliai't ta. distance frimCol, and aliut aldtook his journey lutte a far cout' out, frein intertcourse with Hum, 'vîli (v. 13.) "Fae frons tbhelght oethtie F- cet-y soon teed its own utter esnptlucss.theer'. susfle, "far from tuhe touch eftbte A mighty faminse wili follow. In 'vat- Fathers hond, "fae "trainthtub jor efthtie Real want is souti 'ant, The prolfigal Fats.r'a approval. Thi e e otise van- now felt thbe cffects ef bis diasiPtel lerer la "far' frointL e t a h'an alita course. The stepé downwrl 'ver. "a'pos- lu a stralige lanir (Exoil. xviii. 3) * Lawy, profligacy, penalty." Be. Pr-ev. îtîf-"ie.vuela. xxiv. :44. Thîe seul ha& mauy cravinga *uustausce lu i nious living» (e. i-1., 'Tb* s il tic pleasîtres, riches adnboursetf lleetfav auderer front «cd leauan rtte tuiîm' worîl cau tîcer satialy it. failuread thse respectabte mO er sinuter tir. joisied liîtsehf 'to a clze>-"ti astes issmulitance ai cally as the psoý sainîe wicked ite thsst belore w"s iWis?.f1îgnte. imusertal, ab"er 0ueesunor latr. u~u te b ritela ivig e hc.mepe.tho>',boti s quaisder ail. mon<,yhes'tb, menteKi hy evliieliving, fer fmuera are tînt., talentsoprt:iI-ia .* t.v..ryts perfcet ;laves. ies.devii la t(ielciten 1,eygthr <v1op"eyaees of tulat. couîntry; lie is baths a In t7 <and The<aIr (v. y.14).ley po- couîntry. Si.tera joli thenslve.t1.»mpoasul siIto imfamineM to go at hii, bldling (John viii. 34), anti -Vo--aPÎýte. A m are dw"pedent upon 1dm for their lvsg bitoughtu <want"rv(Y . L 1-1w as ff ' - "10- 0- lefcdawue-Tils a oulb- .t e u-81wiLb hu«<er'(%-. E.) ro buî backd"orto dwe ' pat. Thn 1 $ "f 1 a #Wb*v 17. e. came toe suulf--MIadetivas se. 1.4 Per*s4m- $ *lak & ýresoui. A mat* of ai ba 8" of »J I~tut«te.-'b.wmrbiswsm W cd ud e ml* bt theb."M«4 ais1SêU - utbe h«rfl <rL lx . ). Hm <,u wmi-ustks$i« «~ remou 1» "esi, 2. la tbt he «)w, t ,hmeny. 2. Whss *ê lettu *Omo.S4w- I Wk *y~ Wbi uhovent te llIwih ~badossW44 L - _ Pr wh ouudrtokt. eauty lis,**> vorlL - »"ds 0p4 vie. a"wtsl lit w Nev Yo*, JnUly 30 -4specfalcable te tise New York Ieemld front Pariasud_ datei Wolxasday. maya-, juiL1t ter be- hstg honored, by ,Premilet Firaes at thse Elye Palace to-<ly, Major Dreyfua 'vas publicly lîsulte in luthe.Cercle Ml- Itaire, *ee0ttise mostu exclusive ceubs la Paria,. by s commandait, wbo lapped, hlm iu the, fame ,t ifvas t a roeptien gi-en by tise Cercle Militaire to the Tiirteentb Regi-- ment et Artilery, that Major Dreyfut anl commandant TagemaIe tiit e appearance lu a mi , tany gars, msince tise recent court verdict. As moon as -Major DreyfsMcme ite tise salon an otticar, 'vise.Dame h S ot yut known, ru up andila 'pho hm tieface. Tise Major 411 net repiy. Instautly there vas almoet a riet lu the club rooms, tuvo groupa b.ing formed et sympathisers aud opponants et Drey- fus. t appeax-sthat th. incident 'vas re- arragea mnd thi.et fies 'viso attackel Dreytus la ail te bave leciarel that ho would refuse te figstu a duel itnwr Ïe being opprobelum. ou Major Dreyfuis .I-4LWC ve «Vîce.- atl foice hlm' fo retireïmcmtve m a., Savent otuier la reeable îcIdut are sala, teliai-e cO=trMdlau the, clubreonus te-nigitanl a great crowd la lut froÏnt etf the. <leurs wii.shave beenclosaI. No Truthin lu tory, Pala.Jy 30--An officiai denial 'vas 'ise t t-day regardtng tgoe umor 'bat Major 1zdDreyfus laI ýbeen assasinazel yesterday by a brother offucer st tise milltary club. The officiai statement says: "A de- tual-o et tiseet tonnai kindin laauth- orlidel oîcerning tise incident visic i I -A rumored Ocurredliat rgit t theii M illtary Club, durng a dinner U, whicb Major Dreyfus 'vas jîrsent. Tise facts are as fol hows:- i ."Aeeerding toecutitoîn the officens cf tise f irst cavait-y divîmicis gave a linuer to tu'o uewly-appointed lieutenants andi tise Mini ter of Wssr autisorizel--tise of- f icer upon their unanimmus request, to livit. Mtajor Dreyfus. lie diner eccur- Tel sud 'vas markcd througbout by aili- Matel sientiments et t4 s.ot perfect goo l cîc'Misp. lie otticers separit- cd towusrds 9.30 p.M. 'vithont tise ce- reuce et auytbaig wisicis coul gîvu ris. te tise rusor put in circulation." BACK TAXES Of MARSHIALL !I[[D. WilI Have to Pay County $2,800,000 on An Ass- esament of 0180O,0.0 Chicago, Jsîly 3.-The tiste.cernereI ýcontroeay b.tweeu tise Board 01et e viev, le thbe executors Oet'tise Mat-sa Pîld estateanad tise city corportionm coieaCame te auan Md3estenday, visen tise taxiug body dedilmiltiiet tise flelI estate sisousl b.taxel a&t a total cf $180,00»0, this year, lnciullng back tames. Thie lecWsous mean4tiat tise eetoru et thbe estate vill b. compllel te pay te tise county $2»80,M0, vbieb la more tis"utube total amqunt Of property ou wviîclMr. Plid vas taxel during tise last year cf lis lite. Thse geerpart et thua mm te lu pail la to conte fronthtiecollection O! back taxes ou which Mn. Field le ii.ld by theaBoard to haveescape'dpaymenut. The. mesbera of the Borenttimatel t»~ bnck taxes vitieut auy sutisati f iltuir toeudetises. Ther Premilet 0thc ie Bo&Mil.P. W. Uphazn, bell that tube Boardl should fix tube ameunt of preperty upon visîci taxes lia not "beéu collectel ince 1899, at su ave1geotf$5,000_09a year, arnout- iý'41fer tise "en ye*rs 0 tht sm *widb. adaI tan per cent. interit fiXed by tise lav te b. colleete li ilncamset titis'luiaI..Titis luterest amouu te to$432.000. The. per- year vas P i1eq att!*2,00,0'11 RAN INTO IIARROW. NOW Tilt IIINDOQ. ÂUTOUOIIS=T HOWN O=? AT RITI8RCOLUNmBIAEXPLOTU Tht-mLadies &Bd TwO GetIems Thiovamvral ftst by » an cduit o« tise WlnnlpaExhbition T*ack- u et"ae t tisaexhbtngouil to-iiglt Wilson Patthisea la lu itnto cl- ttrevu out s b unlel betuvees20 san& 30 fuatbut ecaped serim ihjÏUy, 'al- tbtuuguIvo 0f the ladIes ver. un- eouï for s coisaldrable thom.. 'T* %*MWo bal boma left ou *tiitaok ovlag, te lie tthbat the -toanis viilh ver bsln tlaI zmta w&Y %-ben the tire- vfb atre shorbetore "a l"a ~Tban r iev*s"0jaen. vile the mv' vas nMt IMinci-l. N osakmeW !* vAs os" heu _____it _____» p M c KailLawotlasab &axcsTut8soma *,oOnth~ IIe Shipp« lla - Waneairir, pla>y.~ past 7ma'bave taken advi iia!way atari ther vork, I thes jciyful tiluiga te In ilamult tisati t7 la auuu w~il *11 hrahrt Dr. RececipAs cf live atock nt th ii. cty cstule niax-kt ince Tuesday 'eres large, tise1 ~ralwam -eprtig 115 etrloada, cern- Fpesel et 1,500 -cattule, 1U73 hogp, 1,549, sheep anullarb%, 'vithiabout 366 caive-. Cool Ctttle mold ait goel prices, but tiser. 'ver,tew oet tuent, lera 'ere a ftw cisolea tutchera' helters anI steent.4 net a dazen out et1,000 entutle of ferel, that brotiglit oit an av-erage $5 per ewtu. EF.xporters.-Few emportera ivere offered ail noueetftubent et prise qîîaiity. lTe beit lenda wei'e sol at 8-.90 per cwt. by Maybee, Wilion & Hall; they 'veigh-i. cd 1,M60ibn caei. On. or two other lots modl arossil 840, Export u bP1s sold at $3.50 te $4 per CWt. Bîtciers'--The beat lonIs ofet ukir' cattie oroî et 5A4.50 te *4.70, andl they 'ver. few ln number; s edium te gond sol et 84 tue $4.30, anudthey 'ver, tewj ini number; ceommen to edelumsol t1 *3.50 to $3.85, and tisera 'er. lot eci ltern; cowrs, nt $3 te $3M5; c:umners, $2, te $2.75 per cwt- -Feedere tandclStocekpes.--Ileit teeders, Poo te 1,050 ibe, s3.»0te $4 per eut; bê«î. feêedek'rsg. 800 te 000 us $3-60 te $3.85; hast teeder*, 000te 80 Ibs, $e25 te $360; commun ateekers, 82.25 te MIlch Cow.- pt-re"range ail tub. way f-ein $25 to 00 encis, severai bring- ing thse latter price. Veisl (>lveg.-ANbont 30M caývas sold!kt 3.0to $6 per cwt, but a foie primle 'aew ntilk-tel cal-es brougst ÎP OT ar-cwt. Sbeep and Lacuba-]ReeeiPts Of uieep and Iambs w've larger tubAn nattaI for this seasotn. but net toe ling. for tii. lemanl, anl prices ivere tirs ail round- Expert e-ves sod at $4 te $4M25; bucks, *3.50 tue 83m7; iamba, *7i50 to $8 Paret. Bag.- r.ris got 1,373. smate. 'ports pliffl. vwtted -a*-, *7-0for selectus, sud *ré-" for ligita andltta4. Naltba Wbeat, At WhVnnlpeg option market to-dm-y1 the- téowing wveethée elosin viat quotations: Jnly 8 0 1-Mo bld,Ag.00., 1-8e bid, O.tj, 17- 3-se. Juil7. Sept. De& . y Lemdlag Wbsat'mark"#. New Yeirk , j Detroit----73 ,At. Loulis t .-72% Tolo** ... Dsnlistà -*.....78% 76 77t 77%* "0 77 77%* soi, À X T V,," 0 P,14IV ZJ lC 1'.Ar- Dacot, a weii4thy lndttiral'prumotei I iem San 'rilii~J~ died suffilnly Tueaday ati n( Ho Li, froni ex- eusive dr'inkin#g. Xithî -ita -and regi. Iterei as. Lis w à s a hand&rnse wo- Mai %wIaasarts that he niuiîT.ed ier ma -Canada last suisîmer,, One heur after BIkt died,> ln ex- peua compaity deiivered -te titis -wile a, steel strung ho; ahdipped byý a Clark.- ville Issîp, batix, anîd wbich, W ib masidi c'ntins*100,000l inj'eWOI1 iaoney and _boiis. TweW& o'u afuter the. comîng ot the etrong box, anotuber I'-ife arrivet, licitllg like the, boxe f xom Clarksdlale, 'vise ays-that 1aih. fas beets twiie m4rried te Ilaenti a dvore I18 Vearsa go, 1Anti the. secodabout miX yeLrm à "o. 'She waa af ter tube box, whieii tube Caniadian w. ile declred te Siva Up- ilotuli 'oment-erw gaere d thtei tmi hotel as MmS Joseph P. Bacot, andI bots demanded the. bâd ti w.I1 as the boxr. Later, the. Mi s sppi 'vo- Maus telephoned her attorneys, and 'af- ter- consulting thons,,relinqtiisbod- aU cifur te time, stating, thit the. «xpense Of dragging tii, 9Ë'~ througli Canadian courts 'voul outwclgh the. gaina.The.4de"d man -lu Inown te bave posseseetifully UQWO00wortb. of<Îls- monde, bealdetu reasi. catate and bonds. LABOR SIATISTICIANS. eCONVEinioN 0F 'ASOCIATON ut - SESSIO ATBSTN viulon of COntract Wages InlUgli Fayo a mteMta.-Gnraf Bex Offlu û! AI tut riel Th.crahstraI efcotinues rt-qîiet, du peounominaL. io Ey lu more iberil1 .supply. 'vith sales it et12 ls ai $0 te $10r, a tout for new. 0 a $15 te $18 lortcl. st-wav t»nmi»-foi liglit quotel. At *065b$1,mlt"av at $10.65 te 810.75. e Wue&t, wite, bush . 08 1$0 00 '" DO. oi, bush . .. 081 000 po Do., spring, hs- -.-0 I7$ 078 Dos goot busb.. 75 0,76 Omst, bush .o.... 40 '0 41 Is s#aittise programma td Itise laleates-to thbe twenty-m elas et Bare&un et ..LeIOr 0tat waeu - I*sautedl tor thelri m 0 -sesuoue, Tii. co"atteat e1 tetnts ad pejiote&,vieits t la ica nteest andIà trip biarber *4M taken iter -the .L xM zie King, of aiUada, tise volk, In Ou=atIs ubeln1 on sAcnÈibe e m ! by ti AIkBre"'At Weashington.sà ýdn MlnI. Àcollenta of -mil 10iiustlal 'cause& bave, Ole Uta view tobaVM8gle t1-fti~ isoi 'viii»l u to M'7.5Pa eo, lx*bm

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