for Franchie. .- Aug, O.-Aiter mont.bu o dIi-~ gayer Codd -mndth le Détroi :1iway havo- agreed on Use. -xao' street- raiLway faanoblse, bLe .îulbhrtted t-o popular voio vembcr el«etion. n,a-.ny-promises to se11 tens *ý t,,%euty-five eents, gooti dur-- jipiueli's 'hourm, and six cJk- tiet-icceu# t ai.l other iiirci ruts ci.the coqn- pay for ai pavihag betweon b, 11,teiii of part cl it; to psy Zper cent. on its gros. earu- rrb'h,P.m mer which t-he oldor -i buit are extend"d te 1924, ,st nt thoes--ent three-centi T.'ê' he eornpny l117 Te-. :e,; te mirender nllranliLsea b(N-onii lb'2-, so t.hat city, at t ii nîce, wiii b. fr-se u ~ehei. -H- it h t-hestreet rL)bIeli. Tii (-tv is to bave tien 1 o buy Ue ice asilthe ýG ON BOAT@ ýNG LIKE A PANIC AT PORT DALHOUSIE. lespat-h: ]he-rc waa minia- \-rfl t 1Port Dahhommie night, wlIIriî the gardonce' nîad t heo ý*ed nt>sdln aftern oou Ks werc coming home (rom mes. rhe, crowd was larg.e, arden City boat. ooked *mal ýota. Tfhe people surged uipil Dek, and-suîncdne shuuted that uouid :ink if aîmy more tried This scare caumel a pnnica. the boit waîîted to get off, tun th %whar! w-ere enush;ng * Those uesirous of diern- 'nuendefd the return of their î1htt they night take the ex- .-1ich Ii,'officiais of the coin- 1ed.- The purser could net - there came to Le a mux-up. c-s @av the purier inas drag. I d th . th e r rew loy al 1>' in t 4)ort. Fielst and s6cautlings ilundi- thingt; were uted, ndc 'vaR in it. Women faintpe, >were enuaiglît. Cbildy-en 7ýr_ the -doelk, 'Oh, don't.lit SePixas. of St. Cethaii'l'ikso skl a" I- corne of t1-e -mair- ~ra to senâ the ILakesiidelnek ns e lu' Grden City i.f t'f lu ru'ndîly consente<f nI.. fholight the Chr(len City carrieu(l tIi, peple nlceiv. 1l'en no dlifficlti- en far rns 011P w-,'re' oneprneul, but no lin nionng ftu gardeneýri# TIYTRIPLETS MA-LI THAT HAT WILL HOLD THEM. n Incubator at Coney Islanit ~IIb. found,7 ea e Pany With Unlimited Cap. Duild Motor AirsLips. g. (.-A compuny having exlerfitientitîug with motor- CllýImg;mn i-ehere to-da.Ad - lilýllntn was e tect cd i'resd, i-r lîtî~im of the Uhlge- is ('eiuha Dr. Ait- of the Nitiistry"of ?rb'ic- Lnuflîîloî ;llrr llr-est. niifacturer of oomotlve$,. lunlerimtein; Hlerr Ltidwtg' ,Im hlquvbaeli, of.tthe mnk;IlIer hoewe, cf th&. 1-lipny err ilhehn , jtcrr lines Simon sudo ut tin0ger, were eected di. lardilvon Kaehler,enu en. utc, uas elected buisu r>' à uufluezueè hecl ut- the miefmei4 teoklr- Investigatiôn oft air navi. it pracîleriîy uuuimteti enflent inithi metor air. AT IN GOLD ?IELD$, lied b>'Te mspersbte - f C ern a isCallfomnia. nditions are prevailing lu - Y geld fields ad - 'ts. ' "d au4 ilning prospectote - -t thia oêooand Oft pera th. "ATAmLGin Il «%3y -the bye, Geraldine lu engaged,» 'urgent piate affalrs' h suppose, anti e weut ou-"'engaged te sa charing, viii probably lbave the. arn>'.- You are man, only lue- bas ne money, no tluey are; Gt goiuig yeb, Mous ?Il oblgod te watt tifl he gets au appoint-,,I1inuit. Madame Debrisa>' vil! bel mient. My father lu ratiaci croîss about looklng for me." it, .1-but I dare s>' it viii ailcorne, &"G lu:ae vili not minci, ven aht nigi." "kuievu h kept -you; sud h do not knov ïIer. they rueel Hyde Park Gar-1 ,when I shall see you agais, for h Sais dent, sud Lady-Finistoun sent a peremp-,e nre engagements fLan h eau manage tory,,essage te nurse. $lie soon appear-,, o-ver>' day before we go doin te Covoa.M ed ;Wh téllHou. Hector Aubrey Douglas "Stil, dear, 1 muet go. 1 amn se g4m.d Montgomerie in ber arme-la ver>' active h saw fthe baby. Madame h)ebrlaay «14 youzig gentleman, who did bit Lest te b.eluharmaed te hear ail about luim." preolpitate- isiseit hea&-foreMonts on the "Then leave me your address. Idm' floorsi- uzspiug, crowing, clutcluing at his, deterin ed te mnake you corne te triéflt nurse'. cap, aud slebbenng after the fa Straithamnhie. Perbaps I shall havee- a blion of babies frein St. James' te St." aiLes pe a tirougis towu (lilea', lHe hel out Lils lumip, mottied i1>èeomat yo arma te hi. delighted mothîer, w hep roud- "QÃŽ0 ye I h ilI wir it inluyour id. iy took him, and thei, as the bgbest dSses book." mark of affection sud confiden., <gave 'l-dy VFinisteuu embrac'ed Ãber sti>r- hUi ta laoeue. Sie received hîm Wthflo tiouatel>, and straiglutway forgot .ti @asu spprehienaion. thouglu prosouncang albout ber tilI tiiey met agalu. hlm, výitis gesuine adnulrntiu, *0 bo a IlMens -wsîked teisurely _ horne through splendid fellow, snd "so Iiki Lord Fiis-Kensingtou Gardiens Iu s very thouet "Doyouée th lienu to Ts fui usod. She vas brui>' deliglute t "Do yo e l. Btheo f kooT 91 ueo Eteyn se bright-.o lhappy. she fhui ou uei, Mens, hé Lad kee»l>' sud riel- bas'tise Newburgh gray' oye.? Thby aresai flerrosig-eeymu~l 1k. Tours, Mous! I)ent you think >babyrs no! ber ro te ina sud ureit an .yes am, very like Miss Joseelyns---h vici teir tes awe an-yod, flue noige.- =masu MIus Craile? (Your naine slways Irsperfection o! bbe service, aui ld154 puisme, Mous..)" - d the. iuxurioua s euo! ber 1fr, aidâ o! 'Pe riapuso, my lady. The>' arc i'ry th Ile, 'which able representeci. Yof osn fins eyes, auywsy.' sofoad1 ufl éunduuag ber oin leart, Mous inu -<ld mor -aowig ffant nuseto findt tat It had rousei o110 reu SMge that hoer lady Lad Lad as mucL o! no repiraig or disaaatl mbI tbM oity au vas good for tbom aI onçlng. hlerutno Eh* suggested that tbe'young gent!e. vitra ide is lot. etii aveiol eieso! Man$# own apantint vas cooler sud eluiiet olintbv rn-s fresher for hlm th&n thse draviug-uona.',iweet te Mons asuflue simple ovenlug Alter a littie more kisinsd cuddling moalvisieli awalteci ber, seasonedi s If he as ake awy, ud y ns ouswas by truc affection sud comploeqi sud ber kinuinoman at downs te tes. Op oraEvlnbdbeu lc u 441 amnse <lad yen are 'pleased intisthe'fcour" oferlie na i tveasfo n. thse boy! h coud sec b>' your ryeu you crle nierlef fiiukblers tatonb. were ready to love hlm. fluer. are -lots cneshue>' refu eu rnat ieWlle of people ready to exclaim, 'le- . L ii ot, aser uselft-knovl.dge ncres fiue chil' but foin look at hlm as yen that the dared sot riak her future vlblu dI& dean Mous!,' criedth le Young m6th- 5ilyone she ditinet deeni>'»antity or. "Take off your bat, sud vs shahllcloe. Hiens vas. s beantt Ilat could 1 u9t bave a nice chat over our tes. h 1 amlongensin oeipty» swetand guâ net ai.. home te an>' oue, Tomkn"-to' .0.f*9 , , fie butier. 'b vanut-e te con.e sud Tii. escountor vlth lady>' mltoun-. stay wîth me af Strathiasrfle. As ceeu terded much mattor tor tabk to Ma&daiWe s our cruise la oever vo anr e g ufoýr- a])»brliay.Sb. d Dot proa Mus t week to the Chase, anti vilil e lu the "ac tpier invitation. - -j HIlgllands the second week o! Sopteusher. âj am Mt eure t wtouo yen " WIli you ecere. Mous -t" ocdean.i t labitter te ke.p , w" "I do sot tbtDs I1cM. 1 abal t! au fue.O! your ov"s trade. if veasit tni>' te be lu towvn by tlue fit e! Octeber, horft t ses you lest'. pur beauti ul and-" h ouse, snd the sorot>' you voie used to, "Oh, but you reshIy inuet oniel And bit St Wb.d bisb doce, ast ier. e n thon, didu't Bentie tellsme fluaiflue -mil-' In lt ockng bmck. Lite ha.basa>' aiMe., lionsire uncto -bas- a' plbce quit nar! ant eroe m on. ultbouf te ovas appri Theas you cas make anleuda ultis hm. 0ot Ll.» W. vil ask lilaste disser. Tbose sort 1Ssfbe friens " ejoy thi uet oi o! people are ahvm.uophae10M dn a>' togetiuer. Pridîecer"om bal the' &ae-ukel f0 et."m!ea tî<- fvuBut )4o1us, ftola de nqt thik-Un.!.bauMd>' Woui Mr WiMleas, wvaSW4oaute i-f Bau dine witli eny ose."' Mme, Debulmy vsqu otent *h11 te hbave s pheaut part>'. h #à erry Ã'h"-1.4Mena. ms' father asdti eler canuot cous. 1hy, Xp»th unote -eslnil.tnl talk o! golu f0 Viesutalfmter Christ. 84y-,mswu reflyman»oyet tthesit mas. h houldti 11k. en W Wgeod tiU u Mtist 0a U s Snemia friendsta tlsê tarindurin H b frigicis agal..» gl us# i r dhialpeltise ma holed W iutlà v aekeci Mous, vithâ,oul.. a s as"mn, iiil "W.Q--so, i n1amilotn* outIM belp, t dreçt .miug iImssMý -but dean motiin er W it aý's Irecolo"l e. 1 W Uveil" r* Omai~ u. lit Wluen YOU upeet Youi ! b. m,11 t t. neves Mmes. uae.e. ea5. Io&adLady Witerto areeott 5 ws 1 p" h" ton o tien, lator, lin Arthaur Yttapnlau 4< bé ":ýî Mn. Moer, rthe.-man vho b"ass" 4 4 t lhSt wua-h a>LU* fhé to ris,, aà brobier o!f Oê S»md and, oh,. cunit eusuber alUW W esu puiip geiaumytbut 1 bat* 0 baeqr tees th pham yLt i bdwt f. M~ 1 eoieybout à h4 l.if y«udo too ma. e i, or go te ymrt usa.,Z,. PACK~S1ONY IWon tatL<astI I t. - Il lFý - -- -w l& WJL uei r - trtch t~r'l a The most mgniy esoerned pt.orlptioiis Wthinm ew unffonmý «'Aleander rag" ald8r.bIfeMie ~ j fteo141no#ot fb 4r *ose The iapIcioIn wa.iefuîed, ocly to bu Mn, eray, her ootuný nottb,,Ku mirmediately atthe.'Otbêrosi4, Which I osthe moà a" I4w idi t put 'Iý6rw, rdaain fore urgeutly th=i 101880 fAlID ~I!*~ evr. ft*>r tuha& "-,happen6d :sevééà i ~esir BW.*<1 t1~~h~lÃŽ barly thp iilIoedistant, nRiUù, therefor% ,Ui-e pwdèed. pre. ru aaail'. *Dot" 7é , Mont 6S. fII 01 ts. , ! dcous atons. "cèscon'apowder» wasonet1lence xautdm osn' ueato1~ hln I bv~ r eble.Id#.bous wua M b of the uioot ooetly of tboé ,medcameats, word tf0 sy,,Uai ho would corne sati zi »e$, ho, Volunurly removes 811cauise 01 Ing, -bavisg been much, dded te'; sd'.a rsci~dy'igra hnemspe ' Mp hDUO o9lait;but t i bar fI&t. tbSkS 0 ti l e1tu-o!the hill!, boa*Lý- fortia"r' more.lmporeuait patientai. n' The cokneý1 robed bis bani-a ltb D.b. .d~the orsMeut ol,,guuoim wod.cs Ulns<à o u uc u lgt uthe" '-ip*onted a ycaofuft'ly1 "It là ,e 11.117ard to let Yb*gbu ! ie, b u swodi-ud t ieltoy qua fl'r _P-0arto ceey, Ilsrce i uo Wrlr 0 I mai.~i,, oaaW 45T W ef~Wl umrou ~aa.hiba' bêea thé id-a1 p«rls, hiïte ambor rental-,belooan d jterod~ u oiraggod pirmenti, iniitTo nfo eue«, Ofthe old lairds O! Btraýthaie. tii. blackc tips of, craaéatis . lu- e furuish a, pr*ct»M -,demoai him that yoî teurlai u dod 9 e iiybad »V swyIogao ii 1sIU toeto er hu o tratloii Oý -their sartorlal dequlrementu. pe&ee1 ost o-their la4 en7dlvaded among dil!. havre much.e! ficay whenwr The commanudant waa rockonlng wltb.ý mtyourslf 0ua'wthhmawy.fêenet *purdiasers. The Lord Finlatéuu os. Ti-bypotcec fswarr ~tbis bout bowOvor, fôr Lord Kifrh. 1 «Hw usI arai wtha ~ m5 0ofthât day hâd bougbît the deer for6atfrà la plague antI pe stienc;the amethyt mer -Lad io s Oqner runs -critcle& that lèves met* andsci li a Iodge. A& Glmsgw _rim-kptsis taya isbr lu-down hti, îankmtbh &e-wtbrough, ýý me lovres bis <ine 'botter! ýYou muaiehe om, nUcikp anaeiYad tbr li lm«ueeýOr»f mn.Le eturer bonght mie bous stoCistohommeleandg;tii.onyx prçe. othees littiedevce. A ,grlm mité pIa>'e&l soit sacrIfie.vOU?0lI Mou . Lotn Iymtwo or tbre7. other farms, wblch formeti veutied epilepsy; tue topas cureci Infüuh' about -thi era o!i hi. moiti. un mdi>it If ypu like; but >'-=Ãœg fCrwa1darocb, for 5&'su=. mantion; the Qpal strengtheed wealc AOlse oe, h xli -et bitus *eth"t you are glvlng Ii Iner reW tsidenco. eMfbiled& and ih was OpA;nsd-the: omerald preventeti joo[- heartily, "Z ýýcouigratu" laou 'neus~ , pen esc f r 4lu ale. ov e *gafI i n I brought t*0 tbo 'bam mier, ,w es libhees and aded 4he m em or . o c Ipe r u e cf y - ai- T e ' o p* Q *0o Mase a efleatele, sud you rignth SaudY <>aig became thse posssomr, for lgtii. emeralci, aus old, writer further plnk of cullnpoli.y buzut,4g c li " s sir~~~O m deeidedi>' below te rosi value. 'Ho teîtifies ae . w al s d f01tro g t r f ra i «Ver>' eli, Dci. In auch matters two *i&so bought s good " deal of furniture, lMli fors, a4 oi devis aiind bobg.obuins, Wmen Lord Ktciieser onc askes-tw heads are beter flian one. There is aestablisthing biuelf wlth much glee. But folly and anger, snd cuseth good cou- -i* >minc #bout 4aythInq-treue poin 1, instipulat. for-a yearIv t vau somewbat late I lle, to change ditions; if it dos»o ver about oue, rfak* vervy determinetiwIjLrdud,-to" tirs holdayto oms ad tee youl That 2 hj is habita. Farii roved aefutly am., *on Win tell biin ,that belsg beatêDn Iftto, hnm from hie puqpose.On-,sot oeioalo revive mei, and youp'è, Wn stot?» usoseut. TheWii. o 'âedyrvglar powder sud taken inwardJy, It AI dé -&differenCe fofmo u rsn-e "4Ah, my darUn'child, t wIl indeedi» empicymeutýt sde hl Irritatble, sant a Mmii more." téIbe int. of mouey, li mght expmnd ou The tears sprwig tw Mme. I)ebRisay's Oh '~iaring spirit as regardec the. cou- fle une. cf herbeansd plants s- met,,the codVeyaà no.'O!stores te tus frcèutr bright, expressive eyes. and loain f0- 8sîmpt on o! ceaI, ceupled, wlth thi.euse, 'O! toutim, agies. with modtem Hé wsstedis couple oftbouam4 p'ouude ward hrlvd pupil, th lscr ber damupess of mîivwinter, on the. western practice; bu tiihe old, physicians nid, or hproe~u lgrl a-e sffoctioustely. eastinducod nheumatim. So Sandy -the. ndstakeof tcousý'idering u l. iz*naêoe rtocte1t fliitfe et- «'INow, cer » mthe routinueci, "Ici us Craig thought bui-aelf iu a very badl eesing semi-magflcl proîertl. t o V5 sîwst me ro1g, get rici o!, the .breakfast thungs, snd cou- Way, ssnd betook hsaet! b London for believeci f-t the>' ver. tbe dveUts a4g i o- f o bas vsflelael Cet our fasieus letter.» sprior inedicat adi-ice, wfth the. r.- plaes o! gooci sud evil, spirite. vhhn ee«1t*tu mpâb.d to l'aUI Mail. It wag a piece o! work not eto b. qulek- vst*w have sens. workod their- good suad evi1 villa upos 7 o i n> ~ie ly doue. The. collaborators had wide dif- -Thé fortune, whicb bard work, coupled -iLose who touched thezn. Tb*. old rne futh olistb loe oetu ferences o! opinion sto vLaî was sud wlth- the whîip o! a wealthy testator, 5Bys.- a qater ldo!tii. ma loe fore- a. was sot te be inaisted upon. Mous lid had broughtlliim, dld sot bestcv mueh Trefol. vervaiu, Joins ert dRi a ToarerbOf' tense surpd fr., 1-11 mosti>' ber ovu vay. but. nevertheless, happismesa le as proud 10 lie Cralg of hlinders witeci qo! their w ü£l wlr.dbck, 'I igtm" -suprise 9ed was s gooci dea! us!lue'Sd b>' er Crsil4arroeb;hls ounded, territorIalftie sud theeJour ýpl axt l âdextrmordiuar>' r oi i ti even ggton friend'usrewd advle. usine sigifyitg «"Rock oflthe Gaku,' epttioxs i h odeÀ frluâSyu b"Ol )ews0ggao Finally, tise letter vas despatclied. -As 'vas a bappy wodent; but bo grew uer- saturai and supernatursi ovr Thfle @PdflIvsovbw. socn as the post could bring a repi'y vous lunfthe loue!>'mansion, pi ,vu trefolilu scômnion Iu tise Unitc Statea t ' Ur th$1051 vr.elcti. caeanother epistle g oever>':noerquit. content away trous it t o-dy ,o*pccilly*0 ht out,'adsl'st eeeoanIt ogu1ewa trem dextIsacing "açreingto s x- Th hootmg &tée -ýpiece fcetin eftinmte medsual propenio#l eIé&.*oes trmesaisacio.le gave hlm uloe S oorlauld, net ver>'extenslv.-Was mliv. Tiiheva n la allieci 10 our zattve >*vOerolveyance 01 militAry' .tores.f s fe oinumisions toexeeute respeeting vith binds, let v.!!l Itheseasses, and berna, sund vas scieu.tly - belitito Le 0 CaIuo , G bocks, papers, ete, and promaiseci f0 miii- l thou ecrylu pr s"uispi> fcieaant 1 ois nitiees ,Opse,£1,.- scribe *0 su' Edisburgis eirculatin lsg11- frfist enoe ican o tmke of o!srpents .vilmaglstle rar>'. ihat tii.>'might bave entertalu- the. reui. wl irtd inks anétheii. 1k. itwas .t âne. nd udInstruction lu the. long vinter (o .emutuuêi), ailoeff!tcscous for wltehersft. MAt=1%_ leubaus, the, celebrate4tth! as. MO STAIP tT Mi ~lfhOe usuing veel vas s bua>' osnbr' silt t ue The. total Importe. O!f AésIfê oýC6 Londondreti-makens voeesot bo be flelda t. th évtiia "adutl. Ths ife U~d~tus aJe i4out Is thbosgbtlessy lef tbebinci. Preparatïous ,IY 3 Li esprso fa una rciadfu ilo o~ perUdà ,. paavrvi-ialwh-they apprbacheti theïr ai.~ . out 01 ser~ i~ for a prolougoci sojoumu lu cmpa ie -ft.~iyaeo~ bstesvshtua d a b ontdStb vildeaer o e bmade. And Mou -doit- - ~~ tre.un e: asn athdi rn poure wua Illa 8Oada Mu4fl a ýthl% ti iaime>' ied«iszylbUoueo- ione>' upoa theueavt in e- V07 M i " nio" 8ad suds ecesiy e cusiern~c -paration for tfuir robbery. 6in obs'. litiés Uin> capital stoc sacre t luetouýbed, Wssyornrosaeet !odr wos ax emil cI "go dssnlns l Tt, (1uI0ago D.ot o 1-*~ '"You never know, dear, viien Q. tholetmlt dayon. becamuse f rozuw ti r pDuluvg u th, &L li Pu!, Miaè.- 'rainyday uns>'couseBo l y«. a' >'ouvieout ou ti.vng - 4: it av Os s censs nevspdient o!fiMâ.- M&p@lIaDdtOesý~ ieet a tri!!, nov, b auMM you pay ibaoc1 bes.ov tulesenusst4. coutociomne, leastil su t <ser A0 t.,.4,S h laà li Torosto, aM. whuyougtyJou iijat you AM 70zu; >our uubst$csasi5yu > , ~.sryo ~sat boglo 1usIluisln got your firat yimiun r. banda tremble; your à self control la rnédGrany whft .i. Jo L 0 * puali"r tsattereti; youn vfiiip* ee Your 'a*~~~ - "Yos i renis.huti aches; your 15.1 are offeai col» THÉsauef.rot te WOn <'Azi f your unc1k <ires you-a pruoent 84 or*iesfhset OY er-orkiug, plantt, said to be- the ÃŽierb Ti Aajsshote I, _ohà ueà , ýo! moce>', amie If p. ht Ji in awfu! jr»np. andti hiumit thi. eu excite- 4nIhsoouo us tito ntepilepe>' ly 1_.t * u lo .i tbiig to*e fo.!you hsv.s't ae a 4t you are <sotes A t à dýwic oiag i aIg ma à là otano.~~sei'.I <11,1 - -1 I1br d bà rltu poo 1I~heror got thztouigh, Goa4 à riiaaé k iisju t18'~t3~fl ~ t "49 hepedvou der Ml4beeu»-OU lr*ýe, t*us4à , t fb'10 But~tnI~yfo1O .~ aloI top!>'. *1 ýdOÙiof bladu v g awm -M.... a.... a"i . .Lu» .5... Trte