IHome O.nps#nion for Âuut.) Plcov ru the raspbmies. Math .safe* fIn the. bottoiniof a preserviug kettie, Ulilog: wçodéu masi#r, and se oîntluue untflal- hefru i t Uset!. fleat, Sloiey Ito the bollitng point, suad add grad.alîy au equal qua 4ty 'cf beated augar. Cook Iaiwly torty =4ute.sud put tIn a atone Ijaro r jell>' t imblor. * Pair the, rhubarb and eut Ite eoee iiicl'ipleces, usuug ea eliver knife. Pack a*UQ4y', Into a jar, ut undar the. cold- wMter <aucot and let the, vater i-un for t.wenty minutes; then adjust thie C over. 1 iyaveked'znany chemista why 1 rhubanb could be--pre.crved in this an Xer, "but have 'noyer 'recelved a satîs- far eply. 'As a matter of tact, 1 b ave, kuown -rhubarb so treated to keep Iftom, e-erhubarb -tmaso te n.mext.- Quince JeT!'. WIpo. the quinces, rqmeve the @tem and bleom tâends, eut lxi quarterasend renove j teeceida Put iu a graniteware preserv- lâig kettie, and add Cold water te corne nearly to the' top of the f ruit. Oover, ip4 ,cook slôwly unil the ilut is çoft. )iii bandi drain-throitizh a cearse %-ieve; thei shïlow thre juice te drip tlîrough a j.llybuc. Boil for twenty vinutes. add uh qua nntity of heated atigar, boil fo>ie minutes, *kim nd miturn iute glaties. LMt stand twenfy-four heurs in a lgt,,,place, tiien coter. Cs.nued Strawberries. Pick over, wauh, drain and hall thre etmwberrles, tirn eswight. Fil ateriliz- .4 jars with fruit, pazking as solidly ai poeubl& Make a tyrup by boiing -sugar and water for fif teen minutes, us- tng thre. fourts of the weight of the berries lu ugar aud allowing one cup., fui of. water toe e«cb pound -0f augar. Àdd tii. syrup to the fruiit t'O overflowr the Jans and adjn.t tii. rubbermsud -cov- w4en héat the %fater grndualiy to the building peint and keep Just bolow the. big point for oee Riur. m.abIe1uslo.0h"a aïsm is osu £-- Pâà lime mal'5 Oxibud C6"sI~Dasd& go Who eltiodr la >r la box"t otite tlst temat sa was -prlat.d o« iatlg s. of Tbea Rlac Ma.. Otua Dot na re supazy Ai..raçulgBW 1 re iwl te the facta.' h'e t.mîdency- -«f týîIa cia. i ofplie. nomuua, it -May b. *buerved vitiot prejudice tx- i tii. direction ft P'rn tielaxa. It the univeme,-izrcluding ali animal ife, ta Go&d, fI tll*s that tirer. iscxumuneItiou oe, Intelligence ameu-g -&Il living- belg.- It inmay- be truc that titis emunuite 5 intfected, not by distance, but b conditionsý un-., known te us, imoüg whieh inayl>e -la. tefflity Of feeling. For .siuiatail teW,- pathy la connected wîth dreadfüt1 events whicb produce psroxysms of' ernotiou. The. mmd cannet avold speculating on -tis "bj.ct. What sert cf Mrl wlll we have ,wtzen the conditions of telepatlîy ami clairvoyance are under- etood and wht- tires. strange powers ireome a jnictical merchaxtabe coin- modity. Tii.. la net al apoculatien, el,. t ber,- for acileutiata have just dtaeevered gnrtn if1e in rock crystftl* anti every day ada prohbiiity te the tlit*Try that the. rvhile universe ns alive.- Chicago C2rreu- Icle. Most Uuakindest Cut. (iTrper'a . eekly.> With referëee te tire humera of coun- try "'aociety" re.portiug, Melvile Stone, of the Associaicd Illreas,,tplla of thie aceount of a wedding publishted lnaa Krlnsaapaper. Tire st.ory, whicir described thremr-- riage in thre unaa flowery adjectives, eericluded. with this surprising announce- ment: "Tire bridegroom'a present te thle bride was a iandseme dianîond broocli, te- gether with inaany -other beautitu i mge in eut glas&." SulihtSop f cttu a e» tu., aqw, Iut la buat *boa Oin theSSliht *q. miqiracclight SOmp tud *DowedtrIUm&.u Thre apprenaiçe in dresmuaking hi« te work six ruonths ferorutblng or -PrhaÇ a nièe .pittanc« e aserzM au gir M starta u1jin5. lat 44 P«r 'wOek. NX«4 ahe dec. ever-*ewing sud filtihIng M4 0& Trinimers on skci-ta or w.lst ecelv* 12 te $14 per week, aud titters trom $15 to -$11. t& .m&Uol 4thhsn acmle ÃbetL.r than a large one for lesrutng tise ti-ade, aU moré peraunal attention la .iawe r1niies ad -tbmr* l ît u.tyby ihanrlor do.. <lare embroker>' &long popular Unes =.u ser.a Position in 4 Sirop Without g4fiUt,îtY. azs tir. t.U rush ini 4re*oki1epemeip sept. i. A, girl Witt, tlm= g vt maUu-, ail>' ecur * Position wth a drewnaket as aboy R «e 1tiatduties conést'ot- matohung thi-ead, buttons, là nhaetc. «ud la ter éiii,. i. uêr»u wî-tjà tfm- laces ec.~iesArt4t4 pr q»n* tostofber timu..lustores sud uaually ýboea aprof estienalsrop- pert - Operatom lutu-iut a A wlt fcor et do piecewor4c 1 uially nd as a i-o»i m 12 per 4.~Pllir, wiio sew oit buttois, etc-', reà * semoret ia $7 t!,week., uuderwear factorles, g1r0s tart lIté .tby runcnng'rib"eIrugrba 04'irobing. ruuning buttouhole mua- ti 4gradizalty -a 4 te w oô», In- aer.iu, askun, n .Tbay " in Iy wor up tqP$per we. A p0Li4ei-' wear cmaktcs*. or $j4 pet- week.-Amsa Stase. lnlohard$oti la Wo.aa'.Ume>e Obo#utmaoa for Augrss ___ MUart% 40 lsmet , 4 mlt. Oep4lsnaweu-4J auas, WO, 1ha hW cd udwri&ý bItten 4a ad sly u»ea boatits f rse. I sutfM g whieh Ibegea uakç. Tb*se ,fe. ms In;lu ile leurs thés pel om dmaaltv» woeu be wmsad eftvltteIy Islai ai.! m=,y aud 4mi wers asweUas avec. ~IorsisI ~ftS6~ soap freUsg? If~sc stomscl, md * andthebesth Mu.. ft. Su,01soêOa "For" Strauner fat,' ami blllouszws T 1.1.4 I nevur nieS wttta asyt Tbqoumsi nia." QI ai drugulstau huit Ubtqutty cft he Humas Ee. The 5ta8ous pas. in opulent proces«on, partie.s ad goveruxaunts .ucceed each other ,thrguet totter, dynastie. pe4er out, but the human hor eurvlves à l1 change and accident. le las super- ioi- to argumnit 584 denunciaatitshie whisky drinket i. to prohibition, kw. 'or the. gambler to mxnclpalersecutîon. He doe. net lmit hi. acttvltle t Street earu. Heis omuipre.ent, pemd1fg, wM- dognitable. No peutup ut" Caonfine i evil powers.. He ravatgea ali1ke tbwe pub- lie vehici, andi the privat. drawrng- room . , ey hetre, 11k. wh itexu- pentures. mosquitoes Maid damelk& i:l .41.Wa W 8IntefflIn, 5i-ber l, The othLsIà de oftblt*umk-inuls t là . the air nt ifet ratwork whkiae smasthera," but uovr'uouasb Pçtl4ths*a ýo f the r snd eraser-t la xaeuÀgi, nul woderla, eo"rb rhgthe number mOreare ~iuth.seson 1t M*re a* npt oér snia.edl thsu1te. ~rts ho ,The êbaggage smather -"'Or mrt pas aq *uld 'stand «Jltti. show ef retahning Isplace Under the preeu syte. T#.e erts.or 41. *a& the. aecealty qf. reduolng dam' sd. fnUmet measur , , baglgaie hâau4tb mnetiioda Wiee trunka are ruintd âbw It 1. elttier beesuse tbeywer. o! flidï%.V ioatucMo or partly daLmaged at tbe outstarto.-Phladelph4 Près&. APTrER'TEN YEAP5S a "r«a ~Tcci- tas"M mnI sffeaiO=- las; vata alumuub.u-able; lMt a burdom. Trwu Àu7thIlu l utii tM as me î. "Il t"aitakmasbut a fev doma. vus K e. asu t. »MI". s M rvasm. ovi A em 00suaranavtu "r ove-y bu Ãcf Rga P.Im XL Au .bals, or Qtiremis*gwz C&., IAmitA. NM iai Wl.Oft Il Som.thla About Valua0le t.um The. b" kdlodS . seMhardhiia<It AU uncut diarnd loks ver>' rth Usabtof mmn Arabie. buai- 11k. a.ph!I.of ethami-ca. ThId TaaoftCeylou l. the moat m.. mat"alegesixdeposftory l ie web4M Erer> gem k»"ovu th ie lapidairbu been found là is* United Stat.., -w,ýht et loa s.ai - *The .alphh& .wlslelaado»as sha -mit o etus EngUlb '.tw à etis thatoo«» vudt 1qeso 9tl èriý «I b«M ,ht Soap a s--,bçtt« be it bix d MAI 21:19d wià - hvd ~ft v t' Thoma. Rard? Plut LOVe. That Iliam a. Hady, aihboqrh ho &bu~. &iiaedbis profeMion of azctitett to b.- oorne a viter, hau not forgctte b4 purt w lov, t howu by 4u'nSitn paperrecenti>' wfttu b>'hlm for tie foc1qty 01te roeti et A«à e4 mmlhigs l. uljst ws 1 hlo tion of chutchu; an the.autiior,asiter tpeaklg 01 thse "MI opm &ausla ëý v he bnow pmatle ~IW ho vouldm t aiderL' colsurelader au>' .mroumsswms.la go* art s mls.tise pas*lâa.res* ai. o*ureh laa usthl als. ud " t1u4 a nov o a gsd.-ulhougkit la .a tirtw YOK KC»W NU. 32. P41SCELLANEOtJ$4 PICTURE POST C 1 40 tand & fr ê1ei Oo mff il. lReAt: 00 fonte iu g ortd; 1.0 Ont Wor .1'-M>s16 - e ~GUST 19, Thre Judze, the Pharimace * Luke yaviL. ()OrmertaryL The "lurespeuse te a queti Iseegs te whe- h eoïdcorne. Jesns gavi aud instruction as to- eapeeally as -te the'.n wa»ýp -prepared (xvii. 1 tiiT>' turgs t e c ub) -a nïgns of 'preparatie] Notë e heforce ef the- It I .,their-"duty" te toe ray-That Is, we. niahttalnà spirit-ofp of payer ru prîvate ii In publc should be eu tfat-Not to grew wg ageÇlbeeause of thee il wér.7__,'Why-nmust pi-aj a".ti.Net beeause of nos ',td answer. 2. To v&te'ôur-laith. 3. To in to iý,elve. Prayer- th.t, and1'tés 'a lack of fa anêf-liesa te re-ceive. wh4n prayer-grews silei faiukta Inthe heart, te Chuiitiau lite ceases ani itusly '1dom V# 2-4#4-judge--Àceorâîî l8,-,sirae1 must bave il tii. ait>' judges, who ii ttoi, te administer jusi -perso .See ik 5. In the C als.,: sich 'municipal (MLv. 21, 22.) -L .am'Wrtor ne one but -judga»,Jn the EEsst afNl lâweand corrupt. J' ç#j~Iher or beth pa il dqIis t ere i. in rn *ý pZL >-the preeedi of ,Ir tdecrees are atu 3. i&wdow.-." a- coni was.udIdsoae i bs. A wldow, witheUt-; -able- to br-ibe, lrad liti a wtc lked judgeY Aver fneans "te vindicate on i uatice ," t '$I-rote6 fi-cm -nother."-Thaye. 4, 5 -For &o whle--T tRieabaudouee haite t lerred-te. Au-Iongi aly annoyed by her Ireý !t -t~er request. 0. Th *Jie. 'unverges 6.&- -rme, and'the truth te4eh by the parai,!. Shaif not God-We al I I 1 1 9