9 NO. 32, 1906 'JCELLA NEO US. ýE POST CARDS Ul for 60e; lVA for SOc,' alildit- î3 l"000 i4» etlvf>op*à 1,N) fîtreig n tt.w f iti î"2, > W. )1 Y.înge strt, Tor.,nto, OnL. L.w'U in xo tbt<yrup @bc-uii1 a- m W fobLidroxi VeiLn S. 1It oblId, omtth ie guma,. cur« il l dtS.bet rwn.dy or 1Diu- DPR. LEeROY'8 FEMALE PILLS "'te?. .î,i andreal i xnnthly rtiulak. 1111r bave lii~ ao4en ut' in lprsso (it cvir tni ' y ar,,i. ndfiliniInvrdu*bI* 1 r tho purpue daignet.finit an gutlIm loi the à ny <S ISEnCIuse itwop for 4«101 lrt Wlà Lr. 1iriceSI100 'pnrbox aC< 1mail. #ut-lrely luett où. mI n,.u.t pl., ý42 ROT PILL C0.. Box 43, H.rnulto% i, Oe.S on Serious Consequences. ehiladelpitia. Presti.) t cemilnus,1 the way thie âyis ioaîlin' hinmseIf wtl èdayis," reinarked the ivild Ilorneo. '"I ihotlithink he'd edelirium tremt<r.." I considotrs hîmnself safe," ru- ;ing ïîkletoni 'hc's marricd kchiarnier, you ktiow.<' and Returo $9.OO-Wést Shiore R. R. ffx1 a nd- ui Niagara Falls, Atlg. ](;, tickt'Pts good 15 das.a ~it ore tftkeës you through the tlley and nlong the Hutdson gvsyJIthr, privilege., vth. ýfa tripwon tue Iudqun River t Werîi AlIba ny 'and New Ior1, ;Irtlars corisilit ticket' agent. llairry larry, Gezneral. Agent, enty of Roomn Then. Sorry, old maxi, 1 can't dead- o.night. Every se ai old il ! Thatý"ail right. lIlI wa.ft aiment. Cures Garget in Cowu. *bMaigh-[ ispIogeo Youhad 1(11v ilrrow ecapes ithe Coon l, lone(l Oldbach [hh!i.1hxrdly 'may a great m& -in three engagemenmts, but Sthe gîicle> .gertarously lot nme Tb.*udthe h~~~t~a~cu 1 Commntay-- Theltýp s4 Ui of wIâe~v <v .I).L bpake a paiait .b d*mI. m pe. atr o eoss 'la respons. to a'question cf the "z P tmhaare j r>lelter* Monlan" Ibu. __lum as te weteknd, c e li Iol *gevrvee ~ g should coriè e. Jsus gave hum warnlugs f Joymeig fromx.kt ouit «Il ti.ie u ami,' litrutîen - asu ote iomîn1g, mwfëj Up vkin o f ,ib' j.ew"e Oispe6ally 'au totxe n' of :ha nÃŽir.1. - Wltmé s.. ___ - 1 the. lie 6 bto 2)i. m 0f rom l: b. ads muet le &W. ner.. y are eter xQed ouiI îercys re sh.é e. waYx. p.epared - xvii. 20s7), ad* s ahaq ia. d»M~~ ~au urally'turne tote subjet of prayurr ~*oIyp bû,lat bemùc* ,-*"u U amenucfPramtion," Me n g.t-.-Poultent. aid toit blo»W U nwerthi Note the fce o et ii;orî "ought». - 19lpmr tb4éforis-0'> L'dï xa it iu thefr "duty" te dgo -tii!,Alwsuys lr--ttterly .dadbar.rle to pray-That Ã&; o.w'soeld lwaïya Iaue. b o t tuaintaln a spirit cf prayud. The. )uubt. aily ood la hliA litt 1lRe teit tii of prayer In -private in the. famlly ar v"dahu *îaasa a nds » sI in publie uhould b, cultivated. Net ,te 1CUMo hi. toe Rock dcvi. It wua f aint--Not te gi-ew wcary and dlscur- a.JY t"i ouetom to pr.7 wîi upn aged bueuse eoftthe delay <of the .1* b*aud, dpli obtredtwu ver. «Wy inn.tprayen bu Importun- Yeu <J. lzn, Il. S; ]PU. cxi.1 atu? 1. Not boeause of Oodls urtillling-SMote...ý'breat-.&tkncfagi flues te answur. 2. To chenu aiand cifltî.self-"e ao.T m 5ilticiand ou vaté Our faith. 3.,Te intensify our dusére bu ae.cý but la tbh- w&y. Ru Uswj te rocelve. PraYer that ilusfot perscvurng, icîfs&wholy Upon Ood's Mercy and 1 ndeates a Iack ot faith and obedlencu 14. Jumatfed-Mî,a Ma ver, bi< and fituess to receive. It il auad thing eut, and ho iras a eted. That Cýxa whun prayer grows silent on te Jipsanl hImse-J3oIU cf his Own goedus fain.t in the. huart, fer vitheut it the premi or ambltious. or lookalin dà * Christian life ceases and the m&a i m pm- anether, whom ho ecusidern' 2. À Judge-AeCOrding te Dout. xvi. brôught te ebame; sg.11se bey 18, larael inust have lu ail the gates et hatnos bis etiluosc5 uts the eity judqes, who %veru under obliga- recelvgti.proaetQdh tion te admijaister justice, irithout rus- fuud h é arjetu, oueusefbu tThé- of tpenionh. SeExed. xxiii. 6-9; imuelh. i-Id. Wean. am oito re Le.xx 15. In the. daya of eur ,Lrd gauuadm a buiionudr alse, such municipal tribunals exlsW ud hui,h huMint bé eeneh.uh<l <Matt. V. 21, 22.)-Laute. Fcaruê 310 h aunwth mless, sud plcading tenu God.. min--Me wae unp.inclpl.d amsd renwQcrBufdnesa l sudihnifortw carud for De one but hîmacIf. «The judges ln the Etat -are gosierally ir«. pleaag to God, fer thei bu eau t ponsible and torrupt. Tii,take brj the, huart aild take if ucv. Eni f om eitiier or bhou panîutioei% I up heir t c deptbu .1 decisions there lun in ou m ,»se e s*esAibuPot(ed sn o peal, and the proceediqg ngeexcut<>oni.adttýnudl ite tth. r.lm of prals 3. A wldow--$'<Tb, e Ttbuletw . wvas indeud desolMadubi W I l eo utCAnvsouoi less. A wldew, wi ttîcut1lntlueuu s"un i- gseudr - TM Pliaim ai am te ", able to bribe, had îittle te hoe. ou ot any isck lu hie lite and 50-Dot a wicked Ju4ge" Aveub-Thu oniglk»Y8011 nfe" aad rom Qed. Hé" nieans "te vindicateoo.'. nîgie to do <ecd hums U miult" (V. IIX lne justice ýê,»" ýte proltueor ci-d«fnd,ëusieU~ from anether."1-Thsyer's Lez.. iîonet, pur., amosteious aid gpici 4, 5. For a whl--Theae versu» show God*#aw'liiusasOee"dtitute cf h.Ik the abandoncd ehai-aeteof etthe judge re ut sieetftiiose Ilame "witruite ferred to. As long Au hoe iati tc upeet- thelbull#5 aid deiplsedothcnrs*0 <i &]y annoeud by lien lic psld iue attention His Prayo was lu tbe slat of Qed £1 te her ruqueut. 0.O. Tii. Lor4-Thà t le,<d, o tfnsuu "uok" rena Jusuis. Inu-verses 6-8 an appl1cation 1in<ufir that bùnneth ani tiiê day' <sIb made, and the truth Jesus dusired to 5).11Heiras <celdeiuied out ef bis teach by t.he parable le empiiauizd. 7. mouth'( Job lx. 20). lesId.lam Shail notGoed-%Ve are net te suppose as other Men" (V. Il). Mas pryor pe that the character qf Qed is et ail repr-c- ho *as' like ý"liut meni" (Pi-ev. xx scnted by thîs îudge. The gréat trmth Me v tent avay unjtxstified, "1net vasl which 6-our Saviour deslgiîed te tosp ac s romà ,hie 'fd1thiness,» becauso purelat that 'meni ought always to pray, sud mot "evu eye*." to aint."-Btîriies. Thé application 'i 'XL Tii. publican 'vas cenvietcd of the Iparalo inay be niail by content,. 1.1 "Tb@O publcan....mote upon "('(d i.' not compaî'ed te the unjust lireast>' <v. 13). H. fuit l Mslut judgizeo but ceî,trasted with him. ?f a bcîntiitbat là is huart iras deceittul1 hard-hearted, wlckued judge, whe ea.red Xvîil, ;; thatt-eut from his huart far neither God ver man, but. only ton eucaed t.be thlog whicb made bim hmsvblf and his ewn intereats, would yet sd mIseraie.(Mak vl 1.Ti grant justice on accott f th~e perse. lîanteUcpdia,"aet verance of the- 'ilôw, ihou Itflîîitely l can xv. 17he ). ie al, blini Iluire readillyvi'llIthiegood Qed, oui- Pa- . oi" sa .vm. 111-4iBsu mut llb ther in beaven, who lovs e r Gc od S A a turnerbefero holar"oa130 mure hn (%Vo are willin. ta, iSoive,, Rive-cept fawlowr- Jifyon haro noS a us the Iclp ive need "gng Ot nLoradmur- rvfrîL- ut smari,-R 2, And if the u1just judgu dees veMeuc-ms ikfi-il thit4 fr a î'nc'r vidowv, lu whem -eho as mîi Vu.1- old did wrong$. lcel no iiteeit iiW m ieh îîre wslm eur Iqlo byor LTt <bd bout o t4one, Father gralit tepraycrs nihl$ oui e a'c f rejt.T1. iwkî#wt oi cllneven bi% select unes. wL-ou heoeut Utdt'tr, e _I4w O1 W111l do it for the sais -et î= e.cue iosdvois idwua0OhfIb froin sonie vexationin comman]lie, iiu»i- gurdncr. 'rliîser-asM"0 th rn ine chîrch auJ otoé« - li, Ni 11tevit.t temptatiOn, d b4 mo -seW , a J erY eiiediiettetà -i.'ta t VJ té oà gainsýt te kingd 0 ortQd A - i 4& ftOi- li. beti-a>'d threul" WliiI datrkne,the persemUlns tilere -of dent> eu tou à t on es ,world, and ailicombinat Ouiof @t in ý1 eèI- itti-sor' ndt" m cvi agilnst the go'IPY-Pe101b. aî lu mi 11Le -dJetue. ha%*# T own elet-That 1,ti> r eae,"ob~~'en tbe 88Ii gauiei *IiM Tbcy re cesensecerung u.Gosen . u tonbiis e 7'U M bis oekucwforga80 fth oi m eje teciw abt4e cocîUo, t loiin IIUie>' a.ti,'- odgi' ispaleloUs arP 'I GENERA'rL Oxus WHO Eau i 3ZE~I~ D cmz~'oi Tfl0 - -'a IRE WITII A STI(bm O! DYNAMIfTE Plumber Annoyed # Fetivities hlnPMat Below Mis~, Breaks Up AffirWlth Nitroglyerine New -Yerk, Aug. 6.-Auuoycd 6ya ielduutaýlly, t4 ebcnditiof-etOweua> prnty given - y Mm- Mary Wilson ta luIt 'banud l indicative et thie se et ,th* a" bçath im hic di4uütOd ynaM 1hIolu ltture. oobadly thAt à &ia ' mlqthopa. Oirns, a IIiuz*4x MmWilson teld tii. polio. tisatmthe' ling at 379 Wyeth avenue, IWiliw va* baving a Party lu the i apatn nu and Owens begen toeorpauat, it bus-g broke up tii, soulal gathernu 'ug mîtia e eud n eon si- meruta. .- Pnaliy, h ai .ys horaug the bull, su Owes. aise blew buméf ite tii. whei e, paed'li ea tlieed te &sUiuDsni ôpt1 tate lbow bwdber giest4 up wtb ýa eticl 8h. grappW,,,,ta islm, but In tho 1M. Wilson,. sti-uuoee omauagcd htgtiirow the cdynus <-00e 4miste that êi.>-wTudia*re - mite aaat the deor. It mau capped %MW[ ~ dby lm igog)owon tdyale,, w'th fasetfer au ppcuflwe argenerl s"oo à hut fe6llow- that almost wneckud Uae apriunt- 4.4 A-lcit.no that Mm - Wlsmon,& houm. luests tres.rve the. puace- 'h. deer etf - Qeue and-Mnm WIion vero beth rnn - à wfiisà l at ae: 4h. e e,ümn oet1dus-ed uusinou.le ,uutaueel auin th.ý lnter-ofthebo tont Oaf'îru'- 1ury to hie O0tbandud. . t4e. o.,bêdly ber asertuoutisatdyuitowaw," ued. brndabout t1b lut tband- aud lbody. TORÃ"NTOStR!tT- ýRAJLWAY "TROUBL!. Matiist the EmployeL Toronto -Oct.. soeai 4eeu&tA ~sinl.ta ly Toumnrtzu f ve £1 Wtt s tandlng- Bht R11 Th*rmilaof Vgre Msdr wet.smi - e rucitug f b tâi isoroata,.we mil, MI 4 tOSlsun er 00busbels tct, wlheI [u 4 t 4epur buith»ci. a od ~ yl aîrôs$10I«. nfrwJtbands OC $t4lead fî 8to810 sta t ofrne,, aodSUat 1tofe ou$10&& l.8sw efrura. 1 o o ODr Io r oesiaad&imwt -LeîdenOattieare ~u t.dailic ettcn t*es.d.14o to 160 pur lb, -warrn wvater and ,inse cen~-nd wVpe is~ b. ýpreservcd, ,uharmed.> ps fade the colors and ecshens and preserves biout injury ta the malt, uns nothing that can labhtquoed ,xt $1036to si..Mad besvy i 810.01 10 $10.76. Wbeait, ville. huai... ..80O81 $O00 Z.. rd. bU*b. ,.. ... .. ..0ô U 000 Do.i o>rlag. buh. ... ... . 71 O 70 Doe.. goosu. buesh.... ... ... 7.1 e 714 Oate, bush.... .......041 O 41 Baril*Y. bush. ... .....O49 0150 Pea.. bush......... ..o00 Rye bueh. - . 0%CG Oro Btay.mmper ton ...... ... 900 10 00 Do.. olM Der ton ... ... ..140M0 le100, *=Wn. per ton ...... ... ... 1100 1200 DreW boîtu... ... ... ..1lois il00 nag. dosen ... ... ..... ...0 221 024 Butter, datry ........ .1..Ou13 t Dn.. er.mer .... -.... i..ou o0ul Cblie)Wm. ut.,pVer Mb. 011 013 menis, Duer lb.......0 10 pli Tu»epet lb. . .014 ois6 Petatous, pur buoqh......014 -018 Def. blodquarter* ... ... ..I900 9 M Do. feruquarters ..-... a0 460 D>O:-. <4>e. c arma.. ......î 60 S0 Do0.. modluin. caie. .l0» CIO Mnttpu. per cwi....... 0 100 Vsal. p*r wt. .......... -5100M 1.5mb. Der cvi........12 00 U 00 junctie LteStock. t2~Tt.m-?.rare oMee fw lots. etf bftaybut<îber,,. Lion t300 lb.. euch, tht were bougbi for e.xpev3. purposes at $4.40 te 84.66 Der evI. Th ic hb pite qued for e2orff wà 4ý0.whb a s w;iualfor Expert bulle sa et aP-6.0 10 14 per cwi. Dutebere-'be b.î lobu of bitebeis' att. o et» dise lalfty -sold or buters' DV31055 did Dot reails more Ibau $43010 $440; lbida -Of sqe 0.eldet $4.16 te 84,15; medium 10 »0, foslets.II83.76 b14 -w Owt,; ,oinTOe snlzïel ou t is3.1 10 8.- ce. 83.50 10 IL. 1.M50Ibo., $8.0 te 84 par qvt.: uai oeders. M to, te 100 lb..> P.o we.)1, bustfeedurs. M, to MG lb..,0.36 te 8. 0 usmo% tou Xi1kCwe alys itfld mumber, wM effered, about la, w5bh .blolu ith# W&Y hum M30te 8$0 seci. Véa! Ce1+»-A"Q e 15 u éesi tomilSut, 88.50te 880pet ee«.. lb. but* niuneta 84*8e8810ver cvt. Sheep mû lLum*b-4radu la, sb.ep snd biabe Qaiiet 01"e ao 0% ut$4%Ste 4.0 ow. hucha UnS«.%4'shffl t I $,810 i'à t 8? te 0*1' - =r p - blhsb 0 fol -1.10 w c d U W i,,Qt"t ~I7J vv«er TITU TE 'y tImei >tsbgi 0.00 P. i L26 . u Six Thoutsand-Ne.w, York- tmnpI.yM New Yorki jXig. .- lis uatlmï"u tht. 6,000 empIoyffl of ltbogrphers in ' Mtll ity are plaoe4 ,itotp1iym to-day thrîougit tIi trike oitda it Dight of the Lithogr*phcrn' lnternatlondl The mtrikiug orgaiIýation lecopsa of prmnters, transferèrs aad. proTon,%m wthuit ýwhom-n of he #tihobp* Ca 41ib operated. Throughobt the VTu$tud Satue sii Canada 1ks eonditlos prMua, d 4It l0 ebtimated tnhat t4Wty tb@iiia l m. ployeoe of litho#rapii1e siiopa thibe ùlt of work or nstiu FThe meii demand a ferty-eigbt bou ilngtead cf tii. prosent fifty-thmte bouj week. N OU LW.PLAY., DZATE OF 0E0itGt Bus, OFG? « MAx v ' au, ACCI1,ENTIL. Coioner it Reqtt etB907%, -Hold* an u ,, ýBit -no ptba lafte Âr Enubt 0ut jtzy~ turne Ver"c. , isquest On" tii. Of G.oig#e u k . 01 t it th" at I on 0. f roatoi o ni li boy li th1e lel B u r ~ f i h h r < t i . ~ e ~ ~ n ; r. P o t - ?ew& wie1 wilmglI bahiil»; Rchard Yorc4- b oluI7 tée ise Bis*< ie - Fm ..outIls, the« hlft ho.»;b.aueM b tîg. but sot st h. da" 4m. i ea y O g âfi- .L . R Mad -pouce M agItratt of <Xibourg, "tintlîgOxixty (romm A ttone>', ao ed liC Ion lii Ci-oua. Mftir aking thi~4o Dt., A. ie Me tfu Corouft, addtffled t"i y urypwbik Mer lruia* burt Jutin came te ldet y-ron nge w4b *o-s .uI4eue- whîhever prçdsýo PASTOR RESIGNS. tOit T WENTY TEAM IS 1Kà ABU?.' Io ie ltot r cuntw ft Thom $ sud L uOiAiO ii1s S