Horr1b1y Laefflted. lier Eack Sgwollen and Mier Cothes Cute cavairy-Also, Claured Uponltha PeopleandEet St.PeerbUuj ug 20 tss. opu-Oii te tise piu ~tother cf fleer ~s>b~ ob m ll S «i ete the court yr ~ere .troopers, ln, treibs>st bise relcios0cf byeof fil ,ads>uai#te- di ae e yugvmis, at ,these m9 lasile ii Li iie 0&d of- tise crack Chvalier Garu, ThgIti. loisngVaseut eut te If by We llq squadrous o! thmseguardesu uwJCm bybthie % tougi cf bie vPIsp m.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~4 barsgaon ie~isii1rseo u ss f lus va s orbly liostted. là PSU4 sks0 uhuf f. - Tis Pne, u 8a dtsing tisetial Uttra$ u. l io Wh o * - O"botS o! î i0' ofAc, sudmess, vho- pr mupaled b> susotiser70o=9ug ldys te- tptelabise affalr. Reports of b@th ekedsTls uafiIy maIflf iPO ivaté miesto» ayé,been mado~ de -in alusetIthe extM5It -f bâ4 Sptür" ]port etime,. tise vooea4 .lnivcte& Tiese iril'sbac Io Pedestris lseing be emArk, te- $0aw'o»â ià ttlb 8impossj ile t, et »WIte lb sd, qsste smaovi! o"'«t"aomrwn isetier a"y cf lerr ie a4d A is eulg b.emane rosn 1 ike osvitymell udeul viwheekde! is No actiOxso he i pa tishe flibary ruirou am! ave bc os>>iD bTVeattlt Ctury, vIuicis rinte!jan- "rge wut draïa vi lps ie roeteier o tse«aseto-d4y, liasbés mns chirge [t ecr. Iyagaou1.ni kmD ilghismd . 1.1 t . Sutruof! a mreeedi Tise> tnedte oesepe aià i uudatêdyl a rin tet eslt ,wabut veto asth Vder tm derpli ffeitla. b 'reported tisat- aeb u , msofficer tsy vue <orcSi!ieS uddhvebc>rprlt enter es m&" wem drives 10utbo00 Iblse. Uitd'btk, Ufttwis tloy werc baltes> At Wolk4a biste eblef cf policMsam 6a dore Clonel ft.usbrkfermcT- Tis a t-.teIe poi eg anhaebec mur- a vas dispose! t un bIlle Si.L_ < .r4 NEGRN O on mt TRANt Eut TnflIb8'Ruas t Into a 5~pyT n a At A. ~i. 1<aaisvlllê frelgist trais> t b kil «t it le"Au t- 0 mowet Wis h.e mt thse ta »sestWr 1,IIW b> a "msetc eie tbtin wvaseMt labo a" vitts ïb. aasmtam 'M" he tie gmo via cap- a Ievxd he I wguted for L Two Qthen FUbR RI'. Iel au< Sousa, Au& 2Ok-Tbe autl-Gredl iot- break At Mseisaloa turnuot to bave been îme .eýous timau vas at tirsti bell.ved., liTé isidred boume.vir bnru& ueulWng anl the. publIbui*- log&. 1 I ýýppesrs bast tis primat> Me 0oftise trouble wus these oni" of thé (reeks, vho tried to prey 1,nt melgra aeting. The promotem o! tise meetïsing lute4 tise neig born peeeantry tç> attend. b.- he gSM tO sive -the Greeks rioefre dtiseM with rfesou The pessnts iartis- vithiretursad b otheIr,. evlI1ageth pto. M» e arma' Tisey returned and ;tt4ick- gai to attire- tie Qreeks recelved them saves la a céhiaci, vwhere tà ir i ftng ail daim. T1e6poie ve 'Un- *a Îdlaet.tiepe n d ci!l Ut efl-aIaed to usai tiaitirson, aciot cf bs-hostile attitude cf biseir<' biopvisaoomiiauded tim .Ths tise taroff vieftsuMmone& .TMs icr est of- hew ere dlat n70 Okilo«Méu anid thé> srOwvd tS' lite. Tise s ena Lu abreiy aetf, te se-r j cv boss"ud ft ?UIANDS WANIID. MKW xNOaUD CoTTO ~LL8 «Mm oS>silli mtres hulai tbat Io auneroesmillsebma! iothee-if* ablil * conines ataow4bom ftisel chum'ioabaeuad -dmlo.tmt sa_ liait tise custré e eotxtile brade tbsesbua ïeu>«Sw.1munt ofu20per omta dnr tlug bcpuat tira ntIs., 'Aa ly d»OIoetb ie shortag e l eL crem.!produetion bas tte.!.! t*e eottou nzMrke4t.esoMeextmustand! b"mebeos Iinntlt lasua lio wlang< tise pris o! tli raw materla. rJose! en.ige mulsafor a&vuS or m«%s tise tiklsg large queutiti e t gooda out 01 bis. mrk*t. on *M=oofthe tise tanomst cf produi tio-lor tOotsto t« IMMu nfe Churcla mOt re IUles& osow ;uau va adyeruti v .ouli! bave- -deit. HRevwu lof -thse opWionthat a 1seism vou probai> cecu, vis An lu aycae Catisoila oeu! ..Joluýtise '?robiestnt *hso- baye acceptedj, tieseeparationui iand ternie! tfisaItpublic voiMlp mso-ý no qottatlous Witb Pope. ,71ittr o Nbie Worship, to-dy re- oelnd se««Ma of bus poitieaisup portersamnd! diacesse! itbA cm i sftuatlon crete! . by tise'Pop'a cen* eydies ailetter regandrngise lMW for te Partion of Chureaisuan, StAtew M.- Uiaii4 deui!w t té Q oveni- mnt vus diapow !to enter lapon -n.- Sotlîtlona fb thse POpe for au'under- the la*, viic be declare!muat be appfe! as It stawds. X.Bri! added tisat tise Govena ment bems"ve that tise law vould be *eeptm4las thse -mi!, s&d h. sneerely i eufmd, bat, It should be mou>o i fuil o! is.he rgyte o P tept 1la* vonid cistli, but hé had also fore- ,e0" tie powcbmlty "of reclatanes "d h! i uisu li Dneu" ess>spoa. dIonýotvlshb ýtc s»Ymcre on tlis b ntise MIslat« onelud, "bat~ sem cftisse enats vi PAUrps ao ST» iNfiiôitAMP. C. enu er for thc0. T. S mpAue - Ebu- -of ne tu=asos b w sy oum 'asb o ui~ a~ , . bi, po.t tise gigtcst ide&sWovisa l! tbbc sisotinsbevssi one vseb thia b. vam siot e Q. A BIGCUMULkeep th LIM l x IMIL ln",eb Bbay ]kAe Ig. -Dr. WillIam eler anemonntal cuber, »ud bis-vite « s> IN-My Bullock Workmas>mrp eti> me- 8e«8« cesed! a poiS o! bs u>k.m r*noe, an! tbi cie 23Oofetbgisand- empz er ic$ma 6 tvo d"ait am> atitude o<if 21.000 te«! rng- bom' la Woroterp Ma#s.duraw< hi# théetu ,Xwtan Iiýbi« n ndie ea*dthe Afte «toI! Il>. -tise' ih oli l ot re. liazl seit her thoug viviJ--cýasrn of lie liad. drunk so decp St. JolinLisie wE EhIe niight poisibi, IriinbIfs or her di ard hoiv should aI facc, to face "'Slightly ujos Vet, to lier infinitf a profound convie ncnér agaîn stir ùi krnd. She might. bis cool, crisp tai bestouw aýiy of it- fôrgiven hctaself -Le Could limite at, ber cepting Lisles vel dent thougli indefi suiration, as mciii wvas al so completi more than three-y they ha4. met and as -il she coisld * they had never mi she-hadiloved 10ie 'ianlshed, witi tise she wgs birely ac< Tison ti-s coese Newburgh's desiti dlatlntly betore 1 thther poor gra Mon'sa wouId be pi tenqile$y amsong ise Jus! mois DARinG r SCAPt. lid4t of th* band vhich pillmged ~d~là f.k 'Dm".~ gft.f..- m for a f "ide *1, l e a tes partc4 Flesh W. - i. Capturd - ooA Tnn tavf t 5 im - 1 1