, I* ai feV ý<hy% t UJý het-Iý boueli Idet et r ot Iast wvýe. e ~he lias riodenve tu Un. . S.1 nn >etavay and Mr. Os ey-Ril-, bôm ,jpi % er Lpern4l Ig remaved on. et theo oldesi rùo- it hl ownship Qir Wédp'c- *on, Who' had reeched lier d, ~.had bé " t î Ià L resldmt by towabilpfur, six4y Cour frai f»%i>VDhad 'bein la ~s1~ £pl~l* wol4 o prcttlp~fo r the Blalfey trip Il they. onice go~ eO ý,tbé I4n& thatL It 18 the best obtï,ln fbýre, la to be had,-Vlndic ator., Mr. 'Waddel, of P'ort Pèrrx., wNho, ait ~ he ontract for 1laylng d Deý on ?u la ooking ovèr teê' grc>nd. ~Bc&1à é3sý fthc Oqnraot ,for t>he viihigf, lie bas te a #Idnsber xci imttili eon- trictà ff n tlae realdentâ o et i -l- 1aearWaaU*f rom the ttreet tu t 1 Uer.<wdoor .Thoe .wlio ïstend aut- r.ndw ak 'oW ~ hm Ile i%43 tsat one of thc greatest dîf- ticultieal h. ha% had <i contcnd wlth h, ~i. re rl yetaijyebut <. is ois e t h e s* .tl,î b. the" b!gbqst relsect ut -a large Ic~- -,.iwers re iiaU $1#n d rtar ta are' 4,1 b thse ofect. t4aI gmitl. 1 ttxrnentg *it weil1. A 1 lke la aI, y2,olt'ivery eatbInetordl> Mr. Y.obftSkîuner .fWrîiw.w ut, hi$ soid Ihomo lere for a evv days IIOWMÀN VILLE. Asrte H. & O. NavîgatilcinCrn- piiy tciïnier PIetoil ws.. 4comng Uqlwri tise Lake frcin Tormito o.,'rus- 10day evsialng Ubuutlt 7 'fctik. whé'l rnparly o1potilte Recwa'sIay the cnaitain ttlsorned a mitail craît adrshz- (*v , iva ter, [Je stop>ejx 4etIe t- tmenr anîd 1iSd, *1ilQrotiICt:ulk-41 oô býý*ird, 'IL at ou4to 1W a skiff 111 goci Condition, 'rade b> O. L. Hfes.Uumber *Bay., 4ansla -tue hbut- tom 'wLI5fouaid at«i I'a ir of twtel of sss daet ii. grey volelr, <arl.y .« lri 1 tn d b lack sw rt; l i pO-.'kùL ()£- tse trOu813n5 Wlt*a ..ilver wacsr-Aelo 4y tse coantnetic,î Wauteh, CcmipunY, attucohed to avihite v ir, a noLIser ii WOJr iar>a rik ilise skiff, a psair o jind ,,migpir 'of oars. catc tisai. there 'h hwli u sIcide or0 al, owtllL.Tus arfTc is 1cha-trge tisnt e sra, Miajor lRobert J) 't ie HorepOrt tise rit enlo>'ai and lis Weil satiafti w NrdÇ hi t eiu r sud an prisi. halr, got pin lsk -Iaa diuned thUi r4lltrlght tej »XwîO A lssrgout w*s à ooket wuai bductoer'n 1check, ~: aüber 14,8. 'bsre re>' uik6do luit iR )j box -cait 'boots,! The%ïe'tact. mdi.î D&v~ereWs gte.nI oi tIsriceherses t4is-1 tbok n atnrp thruugh ttieid.ut a ratq % whkh was aut conducre tu tii.' heo*t' intoreta iic«f the binder îta whielm t Icy Wei 'ý a t iuehe. 'flrlr trpNp WI ilidely 1nter".>vPLtd by 'a wire --f<nep- whl bl lîpined t~ai> Ya crom sticir propca'Cd route. Vt, ebinder suffer- hve Iio't eadbut ho 18 M14la- jnneb tua SOe Cý hone cbtit h lS 1 a i Iy ,sfJaaTaýtOd 5wazuj people frontL thc4fr protty ellek. île issu0(d TeLpt x-on ctpilnted blank, afnd whik b7 >ýword dt nou th ho suidW! 1c rt4prteented t he Toronto WrtIse b1laqba*ve li thse mords', Tlw Woet id," lus quQtton marks. I 'coIIIçfte! e ht% h-re diyl- lara14 cia tbh .put-I alAd agrré' eRLld> i'ver hls reminý1ou r aoutMsi 08t 25, givlng lsam ni 11mIýe pportlln- ity te make lýlm-ell Icarec by iat tlme. CAAlICURE zo au 3 ettt dit ri h o ns Latarria wd ag-'« Oum. 'tmm. A Il dAllm or~ MdIoiw Co. i TOoMau*".~o th h tom Ie i re OSi ir O'iý tI0 - U W C int Figuren -ihyw that London, F.ssg- the hrriîroo'ti.'wre erland, grom-s fuat.er thà a &U3Ottr Icit>', tia autf rcksg jpour itopes ïe\o (ânsite zn large umber of thet.sasl- 1t baselike New York who want -e j %vart y>rungnmis cf the tuwixi haz 1a~ as de sts vrd. goeso otehie North-wcbt tu assis'the I Tis figuresî compiled la Londoi sta- farmetr, tiere wsth tiseir isar"-'.t tiîsttes, lUi-O, Isened a -fewv day.. iTrhe ,dewnà lko of't he 'illage w.-e go, are brnisiul o et itel.>Interent le Itewe.r la %werae condition tisais hy ail chs'isep. 4ince 1001 -th i olbiil- are nt the jsrebetint. UO7tioe tdiof thse count>' of Londson fus;~ stroettisere are îîlanks »rQuUînig to grcown almest a quarter of il millioni, lie replaced. Thse Village wiil ho tho-preseuît «eâatiitlboag *7ttl lucky If aut bruken UW)4 - i se eut rm r enter area ef tihe count>' W%:4 th§% r'sndtîon of. affuira. 1W-o uiant edoarisorhait -amillion ttis tho Ml new w.-%iia but tbisi. ci4 .hould be kerI figurmas. andi la now îioux- tw-o and à ln, good zepair. Tise weoda are !lii11 h lu n4lii%- sstrosmg. %Wisît 1 u sîsucis moire fleuriliuqcondition. - ias% ur4ýter LulidoIs wîiltherefore -have 'WS* t tic presètît tlise a ptnwlatý.ont)(u l'eCflpe tîlsO strrqsttisîig db6,rc.44 1" ii! ikolIi O Po can- rudin-the.face the de. i~~~ caec mcIgn. ntS 0 f the liver. A epureor toek tisei toriLd, shiiggish liver leaves thse bile and hi; t *rzq inù ti.blooti tepoison thse whobe Sys. .tom. ,Thé. resits are: ,AWA.Pale, salow compbexiono its n!arr4lved ion chn ed pi.jillit te thse Old Xtblt ft~pr tbe uslet Inspared digestion, IL- 011 tue Jiasiey1 lBousneas aud irregulw1ity cf thse le h evr jî~. a, By thoi.r direct ind specific action. KI i'ti- il ..si)tng0*the, jurer Dr. ,Chase idney- ta iiSSytliiiSLl lie lusiaUv.r Pilla promiptlyawd thorougbly 10~~~ ~~ o.ithr ure biliousuess, iiidigostion andi con- groy loch <ýw">ftlrl' lStipation. >huvse vet In tlte* AsIc our neiglubors ab out Dr. rkeImUD093of, etthâsý iChes .1 KidueyLiver Pills, for their ne, wflîsiels cattti. ,sîîîîreIt bas madle tbemn known ini cil. uas lmt thall IieanI3r evcry home. we E-Incs.. Mjor Dr. CQis e. iduy.lvr F111., 0". $1 ins uiatm ivit>' or j 5 Cnt» bOts a ^H419MCr$..O <wl 6ti u'rvf 1,tiseficfzmoe mree$ ok authot, Sa= on 01 ptices! bha$ beeu 4 rain up te whbvs' have .sgre.i 1too a.Jheîi'e. The tanrlff embudies au sncreuïte 01f tie ce$ tý î~rherse shue whies uekw sucs are 1îrrusided. anud of tteo ani a-hait cetat1 P&W fiScewisen <>14 o*are*is of Dlving O&ïpeiafl of, 'iti<l 0* for, ltem tbearn lfaIr tesmem~ nit tw aId tucafit ut încs- Ttio 1,11 it îroccs, pr $1unw.22;Vémoen s e*w lusg,. tcettitii ler &Ke, ~c;bar ..hor'I's .lWo5ir~ aq . retluW tigbat aho'> xtay rgtaillun'ss1ri tng, ~~'naef>5,Ud1 ce Foit f foe Powft ars lAI ]Puotr o wl Q > t>a<y <t,, Tbe ~ itlfor SC1li1Jrcn, Colege inOtUwii of Ont.no r -md y &hao thousand xick o Vdrauhaz it 0;;ro wthaits wille e"ryyoeIr. The 1Tospitl ilh nçt.i a Intuia but. Pm~vitucial. Tkio #à iAk aidi iria Îho cta ,lU ii r e a t c d ThIe IIo)- pittl hud ite bels i.n pcr .tiuL pe <1A~ a tint* - .11. thto Hospat* wd e rc oo. oLie of ToropttiseItasp tait * 1 pe uvo prybdyidlar snay b Lb, re oud e lu sYk iti ues laustyblu a dosrpital.e t If op.ta ou bas ltis tnd 'toe il à y aoci en wwryrueN kavof d"la aoyeslyadoer nofh("nhoed ,.e l. pret.' nui.tethoaieitLo See vg asi b. on. i tb-oit h .udr~!y a3Oe*fl. PI 1 on 4545454545 45 45 45 4. 45 4.45454545 4545 4545 4545 45 45 4. "s 'y. 45 "s "s 1~O 'y. andi SOI I 4545,45 4545 45 4.45 'yq 4. 4545 ~45 4545 45 454. 45 4545 TMY N 45 "s 45 4 45 4. 45 45 45 I. - îurpotiebui thse cl"oces know what new things te Select tý Elsla ,puel Factory T -Overals, Si cerpetb .iid .A'L'T toFTHEIÇ Ln Ai t