~b~-C . 8 (*ratrxtwho t* Igtted the 084ergiCuerne a Ii*streit durlunç Itbat ttWO4s A, Yery sa4 d ati cccrreci lnatow-i à t Mondel Wbea a yung îndbrl.,;ht II sout -off. ýLlS urhl L . P~x~nyouig.Idaughter of lic. and lira. JamM. Partan,, died at 1 b. esiAl age a 28 years, 4 moatb4 and 8days. Sb*e ha<Ib#evoa paiSent .uit- -à fýsore fr soasmoth -ed lt. aran é short tsvt ~dthat ber ,ltr~ îbonght, of' loslng ber. Obe grad-, iaIysank îwil UI Mend éamobas stat- * id abore on Moda>, morolng. Tuhe fanoral *ouk flace yestea'lay aflLer. imog - front tii. reddenc. of ber Lat a- *,Quen stret, toi Pne Grovecenie- tory, servic«es .igg uonducted ait .e boums. Infte tailly have the sincee ayunkIthy of the ont-ire coinmunty la, their aid bereaveuacat, Ur. Jcweph Guldrnag, the badmas- teri la abS o 10leuve Pprt 1errj. Bsugin; willi >e a lotistotl WBand. &colt belongiog to Mr. Pe ter Chyle- tMý, aiMuncester, sot Into a fitty.! ftwelI ln wich tiers iras mnch rter. Àfter a bard atr.jggle on the. ptcef several m.iil the. animal %,mas flue gytmes MfiJAMMPy 1, S aa 0t4 New sobe A. T. with tueloerpou" ê~toi* :» 4 .il- lgatli.ieuLia,. ocs*lrg o. the uiWpSjOX t- O ~PTtUM illl 1w gireon tb a tRi oxupoints ot-qer,.I it: Proper ,dringe ervobè wlti.ef4Olê.oy f j*two.bard.. pernaaency et" ounstr'uction. Tii. lmi. prOavemen >t must -h. on omi01of q ieadantg hlghwsy-d-a£ Ithe Oounty. There imuât lbitIV6 <trkw hefor aa tirât Prila 18gîvoe, ght entrlws for' a speond riso£à 04 t.an for a third, 'Tii. JadgouWM být Mr. A. W. Camç.. ,bell, lrOvýDOiI H.ghwsa oCamals- alOiiCr, and one ZpxffliatUve sncb [vain the York Cotant> Coecui and the. Toronto Âutmobil« Club. Grahami Bras, are eeiilit.ing 40 CIydeWdale &ad llaciney bTeaes nat ITuronto J£xhbttion. I al ýo:7 Mlida r nidof a wSlg Mfb it«twm gotup auring the r2to-irto*aDta close the windo*s 3oad li.t t4darkoess bec-tame mystlfïed !à d it. 'ber way wth the. resait tuýt ube wandere< un 'ta tim otatrs .doen ahlciiaile fel. *. AI-. thoeagh ba4.y hhkeil tpi aed-bruispd it la not thought' that ahe bas .4u%- talned any wrioes lnhiarles4 flac gardei î'arVl ybelce ouLat>or. ~PîoirodSep Preserve Wlthout 'OOOkilg. Dont sweIter ýover a *hot fle when ÈreWs Fe ulverlzed suigrw wlldo mot of the worke LAWLE t& eps.l a otus'.a _'pop tho top of tbe bottiO bleir0o1f&Bd frueokhIe Jury la am l~knomo, but Iflt -athougit.ý tbaat - u May, îossIb>7i10M mi sglt ot bis em. meurs. . IaOBars & Çci, of Mont.- real, were' tbe auoeslultendekrers fure the $iOS,UOO Worth of debentues whlcLt thetown receatly advertlNe for «aie. Fax the 080,000 issued on account; of the. kower plant, for a thirtiyosei term, and gparaeteed iy tii. ceiity, tbey palal a premium of $1,970. IThe twentY year debegtte»e for #25,000 for sI<kialka aned îssaed witiioet thi. couetcy guaraetee, bvougbt $140 lem. tiiar par. Alil de- bentures bore Ietefflt at 4y, per cent. The Packet a678. 0Plum mi laW scarce and deasr" and yet adds in ubu' next 1UnM that pinmIMr a me Duy- but peniiaps tii*y arè nOt making Pluai.. Pri:.a16s5taut aile this >ear mli ite 25 MM&i Mxr. bdward Webb, the welli knovi maasm. -ami cortractor, wa,% the vie- Until aofefroclous ssaalt, on Friday f orenoon last, eomimttted by a yoiiiig mean- f rom Cohhsgwood naned Cer.. bett, a palaier, #otkidg 05 a bonse in the same netgRi'orbw.Id as Mt. Webb. Ce .Younag man iras brought belote Polic Madatrite MaCosh on Mionday morniflE, and mas dslenled by Mr- . A. IL snpomx. a., D (Juan, K.C., appeartag -fer1Mr. Webb. Fr0ii a masms otflnilolng eftence it appeured that 1à r. Webb hsd mis*-' id a ladder fr0. Lthe bouse lmý la baud. ing,anon DO0% Eftmas Lor t, focnd it tire doors Sway. lD Ibo pQsseuioo ef novae pautem ,of wbom Corbe1.r mas on&. Mr. Webb &*bd tien to return the. la04w, but was a titl to ta» o Itif.; h. W j te and cmwiWord lad te anoiber, uutil Corbtt amd.e alter Webb -ubo t«oé4. rouand . iras *trod* la t11 (uiseerhmt,~ andl kkd abmIt th* Mt&s. )MO; 4r wuemobtuêti u Wb a jelawl ovbett by . t'ro*t bfore p«Mr am1 w aruh uaüt r't edg Iatu êaldnoid O#t'bett tafi» di- mtnsOr an coteasutuwya The JC*yOtoueto J&». tS1071, for 5o tATiIL auQ ec""* a- jiosIt, au, teWsr*tpRi q.rltroM- tbeI tw nai.mu lui leas o t~ano tbér f~ Tr.. fWI tdtal damage doue .wans 4- tigalted, and preursd a 'ý0nfeWson fr*~Willam Leo, who thus veutoil hapk» slIdeLot * bdrn4ng qt %%bigre,; ptablo siiactk lu whitehi Le ajid is mdtiie 11v.d tw.u1y-tLie years î, r'be deth ocoured la.the omtoal Hosptal, TurontoÃ, un Saturday rnora.. ing, cd Ur. James B. Fairbalra .pý,, powtmaister of Ibis towrn. ffB( ,nder wenit an aperattoa on Aug. 25. q oeased was bCo'n ln 1owmaovtlle over 75 years ago. aid. ba been amSolat- id wItb the. post-office, (trot as ita. smâtant to bie father, and since tu poktmaster, for over 50 yearxj qI w&s welà kn*owfl as a iiloiau of thelearly town, and wam .ngaged dia a work at tbe- lmeofo hi# enie Hie l#af4s a fanIly of twO osf-Ur. R hys D., Fairbairu, Tor'onto, ami Mr. T. M. Fairbatra, M«elo-and £oar daughters-Urs. W. C. Cubtdtt and lia 1.M. P1ttffsOn, montypaL and Mine Fairbaîro, 0,1.h~nj. ORILLIA. Orillla, Sn~t. .-A t 9.80 this moo- lng. - tii boely otflirs. Edward i4ntt., of Parry 8ouiad, wu*s found floating lu the labeo pposlte tii Part docic. Mr*.Pratt came t(* Orilila yester- dal atternoi.> at 8.40 f rom Trovon- to, and retutme at 4.40 to Taoront%' aga-ln etuim»g to OrIdia at 4 o'- clçrk -tus morninlnCompany wli lira. Clark, mbr of lir. DuIv La Thomuson. lirg. Pratt Went td aleep on'. touage in a doirtitairs ioo@, and tht. amolgwaâ, (oued mlsaîg, bâç- leg lof t the houe during the earky h Kof beto.tiliJo0se1 10"?9Pfor 1S, ét& 'New mib. M «U 0170 AtToronto LhAdi unLbo >a 1.1w OrdlUa LaCru»ie Ctub. wa» de. jtetd by tii. Romdcip Laqro.s1.,l¶b I* à ~ool to 10 4 a Mr J., F aud UnMatr WillIe are lu 'fosoto" this -w.ek M R, "iur RU, w uSe -No. ofaal. ToWss for euh .......... IlOi ns........ Average maie... Average f.mi.l... Pupils under 5... Betireen 6and 21 Boys, ail ages.... Girls, mli &go&... No. of pupilis per Teachor .. No. of pupils ini lot Roader, pt. 1 let Rtear, .pt. 2 2ndRed . Srd Peader.. 4tIaRadr ôth Reader ... Totau ......... Trust..... Obevgymen il. Otier Vlsat&... 12 14 32&00 118729> 57288.99 TIÂCEUSa. i 5 7 18 8 23 GEETKPîCA!E8. 4 14 4 9 $D26.00 59500 398-71 34.6 1) $ - 15- 18 '11 52 63 -* su 3 $403.331 321.661 STATIMIs S BWOoOLPOPtILÂTION. 0 2 .0 0 893 287- 10865 '715 593 m89 1085 715 3w3 137 583 397 260 12 52 318 593 289 1085 715 PiOPORTIOr O PUPILS TO TIACEERS. 42 36' 467.72 329.90 .2 2680 2682 1420 1262 47 39 VLA58IFiOATIoOr O UPlLB.- 152 91 100 113 128 9 693 49 34 67 82 66 10 7 -54 252- 123 191 227 247 45 1085 47 16 18 32 113 130 150 A~6 140 18 36- 9- 5 41 49& 608 2682 îRepoi P.S.I. North fOnto. To the Wadnud ouaof tbOou1y of on"ýo OaxcrLvaaw-l bave lb. bouot t. .uubumt m Iy annual toprîoti eontition of tii e mauls luinMy inapctrt* fer ïibsysr10. auc:Iw om bms j-60 Amuai4 froxaaiH Oovernt gmat...... Âugout fMm usabool 1M oê*r~f~. 29 ÉmoaMaIt troan luM ReM# , s 4.11 tie orc. 67Oê7. Tot ocut PaINt PATMINT. moudlars.. - Casoi arriv a' g pliponw the cii know - te velec Ov~ery * Carpets, 5%~LL CF TE ý w uym aof sik. %a * quïditteI eýp thep atalqb.l - )ut sélaedon 4ay d.ltv.nd, s FOR SALE BY.ý