Whitby Keystone, 20 Sep 1906, p. 6

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Ste the léIk oitt b. oreOlio b ýqàérnj*«é oiu a.broUght' tbie r iIIn t .Èè«AÀsa M"y IOMrOui a mor elmsacon-. 4~~*la. ~a prlat atue.,whlcbi the IIasWrPersessly, 'rui~-on 1 .ber IadiIdO.WIt1i. TUaI, alDos t#' b's a amsdpt bonor te te aa cmPlishcd , uwt, j« r Aq»%ayly queen A1.xsndMi e- adves comtiicIaU0fSt ram ber numerotia WI5gaiVog ta ditteretit parts cf Europe- UMme ditlym Ibti4 s lover, and the weatlaer à« tins, lthe Que.», vite &Vendis.a geo4deai 09 ber ûtintu 1lte cpen air. eupectlly when gaylflg Lat SsndriaSiliiI and Windsor, W:11 I.drbrcarrnage fer a lengtby drive. AI jjmaid ctoeor always Saccempauffle'ber MI&- ifitt; ville on tbo11e0 rre occasions when> «» Quesn go"s out coi bcrseback orne of her' pa4Li. as1iiirly mouiwed. rides with ber. 1. to lte meiqëgee f et es. iii be Rd- dUld thé carse tt he sick and the. peor. For gg L on eitb c"SoCCssisltai the Qusen puits mbefore soel of the cutt9rgeB e1 ber vit- londamisendo ber miad of houer te tu- elatre na te the health and prosperitY Of the Ssci le luncisori. ther. la USUaîIY senti tauctlDu at vilci thie Queen, and. cf toursO mue or more er ber maids ef bonor mucst otUend. if a kng or quepn or any one tf »Cincely rank. la visiting Ktng Edward the U*ids of bellor must bc Prsent *witii thO uoute gre.et tien' on arriv.ai. During iei qs~oîi whcn drnwillg rouruii are beId, the. tgW#j,»t.Ikil par* in the royal îprocessIito the throne rooli und arO tI attotîdanco tapin ber uiajesty tirouglut the cereuwouy. At (b Setatu> 011<2 (.1 Ihbt l irnixuttatcy bu- iad the. Quen- and lier driugh&uer. At stitt haslls tiacy ars nlwoYr do"lob t hand 10 ad- 5mai lthe Qutons cloak ci- wrap or to tie &ër tari or flou un"fi tri' lier. >Tbereil D u on ta, ndeed. not n'en Of l a.riîi-ntflia nr.îur(e, siiu'i for 1lustance. a" the »regentuot& f i tdaltîi b- the King tri goldinra returiieJ trovi Ecrvlî-- abroad, or lte distribution of bad[p i lu bospititi nurse*. jo i he .Quecen is prer.-at wthout her gpWd4sutof %oror, In a l royal proceasioi4. ggtover. tice ladies o,,cupy thre carriaire gamediuIely prereding tiiet ln wbch the tauten icirseif la sittng. Unie rtqueted (o Join the. roYai tamlY at àunclieoa or dinner. nicidà of honor. af1.'r bavirig placed n sPecil ibouquet uPoT) the dilar table stlthe Qusenâ right band. re- tirve te the dlnlng rooin kepi t cia1Iy Lui- tht, ther lidies and gentlemn Of lte bouse- Imold Tbey ar'eagain ti n tteDîAnce UPOn bu be ajesty Iwniediately ah, entera the. draving îruen-to tiisy the piiano. te ing, te resut, te play bridge. te do ne.diework. *ahnUnX or sny amnusement _or occupation qhe Queie Alexandra may docide upori. S AleS S are»townsd Musiclan bOiaeif. tue Queou spenida a gond do.-ai cf ber lime.ea theoiplane and t h.eniaidsare uuualiy chose» Scowtes cf hheir acomplhiatta lnthis diluctcf. *Il are excellenit pianiseand Siami. They iauai needs be se, sie ehhey m.ul4 -net b. aible t taie paritlate duets fvfl"i ber »taj osly loves te taie part in qjouelly. with the briliiancy oet-sye ts n .a0soIple accuracy et detait that vould as- â4ý"h uany a tiratii'ate protesalenal per- Whuie Que.» Alexandra la entaed la pokr %imoir. art needework, or carving, la mai of md she le parllcuisniy proficlent. ebs et- t=desircue». etfber utalda teiresutte ber. Iloe, again;proticlency 1 ' 'torelpi longues te ussntil. fer the Queen may require tue9 baoet te be tra»siated inte Engilib or te 66 ,rees u »the Isuguago in wbilcIt ilbas beau printeut. At any rate. lte .e*Uotn MUst b. efthle vsry best order. ganlt the Que.» retires fer lte nigbt the gi:daime nveflt free from t heir reipenstblitt- Mo., Athough very eomprobeastve, ltedut- 1M of almal cf bhoas,' aré net arduousl. the Ore. biu amot'eoeasiders.te sud knt LS U fe I o te e.l, o MWm mto; if yo' heMi aches md ymurhuMd bufl M lY" hrae si5gMMU fa£ r aMd-e dM ýý tlrod," ry a box .f i....!Tise rmàe mno &ltwM etUn Iy yVOL Ui lm ogem.of beaconfield, t m- -1 waa run down; IUÀ04ut Of brMti wittb eUst, ffrt., aimos4t toc %%"k and fagwgd to '.alk 1 kilos». totêdMe Am to.ay ingod hogIUL" Obtebwae fr., 0fldruggIts $or, per box Smail Cucumber Pickles. Park the waviied rcuinbers in a atone crock, alterttitîn- ench laver with a thick one Ã"f Fait. Pour in enougli eoId ,water to eovt'r thr contenUs. then iaY a heavy plate on top of the îuliklej;. to keep them f rom fioatiiig. Lerive in this brine for a fortikit. *tirringz up the cucum- bers f rom Alhe Ibttiom eerry day or two. At t1je enîd ci a fortnight go carciful ly the cucunibets, rInd throw Out ail that are goft. ILb liv firm oné'14ini a kettle, llned with grape leaves. and spriiikle a .ittle aium over each laver of piekles. Cover with water. and put several thick- flese of grape leaves over the top, of the cucuinhe rs. Put the top on the ket- tie, and steam gently for six or eight hours. Drain and tlirow tbe cucumbers Into cold water. WN'hen cold, paek 'in jar.g. Have rentiv a gallon of vinegar. whiclh has boilecd for f ive minittes with a dozen blades of mnCee three dozen black pepercorna, three dort'» loves, 18 aisepice, and a cup of sugar. Pour tuîs .caided iiquid irîto the jars, a.nd ses. k i,, wtI batndaibendlng WM*Iu1itbeii. *t eause toran Iuoro tt There aie- two treet tho'#rwUP 1pffllar.wth tbol*1fS8801 i 0 tbitau ai tiier 5150t*e e f, = Both bave on. fatal 'qua1Uifktion, ;tbat of râpid growthb. lTIng, sighit Of pe- munency snd imane more excellent 1. Ifleations these toto* nferlot' trar. u ilsted, te te exelusin .1au oh Ilct-n b ese trees ýre 'short ir.d, vOryv mneh diaed, ittaclcd by Imnuremblb insects, while both aré ne rlons1jýdm.a agedi b> wludstorais. JJoth ýroquire fmach water and %end titeir r, ý"ots to tewers, wellsand cisteras, iwhieh tisey fre-quest- ly destroy.________ -À simple, curon PlnRa Plie stafferens know tRi ai ittemts sulld ot"er loa rtments smiusrle.but nover cure. Tbey dan*t remO ethisecaus. C Tbeee1%.as tIle tabiet tRiai t*ke n lernaliy reeves lbe cauasect Ples àan urs "y es.se et sny kId neo matter w bei. ta"-. A znontWm trrelilment coaisU-00-.'Asti fer Dr. Leoenhazdt's Heim-Rotd (a tlteuabud dollar, ouarantee gees wt h sv"ecure). AUl denies,'wlte NWilon-F1iu . Os,, Lia. lted. X1aaa Psu., Ont. LARGEST OF CAMMUA. Plate-Helder Must Bo RaillaI by a Derrick. The iargevt camera lu tii ved, three imes as large a.ss nakut o-im, petitor, is owmed by. Profemsr <. QIL. Lawrence, o!f hcg.WLhI oea noted pictures bave beex takon, uI, lng bird's-eye nva eo!fac utoxi. 4 Lowns. IL s la*lsu». foi, entaqrl ~~ ~The.body o!fteemrab four luches wide, six feet 14 f cet. long, othen Lu> extenl. ita construelisu ieover 30,gahli were used.Ti. terni s 12 dianiater acsucet qlU00 parte, lncluding tb- crtais on relier b.arlaga. Thet oms b> Lu-o panels -of. glas,, vii Mered toilRparts of Lhe flel TIb. plate Itolder wveh IPound&s, wi Icadel, and 1, P camera b> mea»sof!, or Iwud eauft inthe 10»os. M Edotard as t. Pal .1er-occam uliaual t to drive Crossinai titese at* *pin o! 1 The, mg land IMk o! Ely, t beeu kîII iu the'1 barking1 othero he çrfflma ibeDa ~ u e noce. Se e F;te' a.r yuoncyan o ~e,-- ru. Iec omieý, tTeRs9-~~ywy"Iuzi set ~ w aiuian f.Imt vehA t", woud blihat M n. ttr t]U l~ hov~~r I. ev 4 ~ <~ ~ Y0114. e$<~II Ie:0 fi e he iu $~ rm as n. ho4 oeê" tRRMryra îsnee.' ro btrtLmcret u eLufo~ ltlse e o'ieteainAe icay roîh- tur, frou"Yenu =a. Brl4 ent Md±â i. ü e bsaocedci t te is ft1er spnsaou aup2>secod'tiou"nBrdge 3.m sd ".- »r7.1 s itoü . -_3 . i LWMntItoev N«ili& moiterný t,w q ia tése"a" calin o t e b L S. L 6 ext ,Ps.ee ouse ere cpturd ut ka ie oe arle entehse o get tlg tet.tTrno ea ot ia e i. ethe t t fNor mo -Ir t' gti. . koep tltem - pltolâ d by anm Inný,t aa,3i uon u a"rpb 'O.n.derh' týr y. hltiesot !atoed1n « mltba t it e spîca otIn m t 'tlly U b.. h VlealodTùsa," e ui l tWu scIed ed in-theoisu0Zî<d wfckt-e goapMe s h ousat aoe sud securedin a piLr o ose l d7'id FMRACLE! » - at réo! cttxpesspphng sloug conton à M . éý! *l'ioj aucàeu*&d wado 1 t acre.15an keep hem l bI s hi os$eion -i -7 - :16. -'At~~~Si fiidge tue anddi»t ulhen hltoeie upt but as tboy are Young, in yean's they becaim. ceuloiUOd te Ii M4h Ooser tta lad Lte>beci f ullgrOotu. Their anRraare new grc>wlngand Li.li titise aimaIs are f Ire years cf aphe Ilibe of large glu.. At Ifrtj tbieprobkm-o od feedlng thena wu n: saUoe-Wbon rmwig W12dtlier Uve on fond 1117 zoqts, -l"ea '0o!tre "- 'rù uAtfrist Iv. Croïsmam, fedl them otilloot1 .11!itit t4&k, for 'tii> ey~ e&O ta dthW O d S weo, -imd he Lu eiajÃ"7tî. diet si rnel t s Lb. oatoil wljeh 'they had Ibelare beea acote éu. Mf tii. mom *ni *W a-mR-a tvo boree..- . «y ubhhl- at otetblng 11l*o0t o!.th ti Ure xcept wbn Idoiw& !' te uMiddileo f tLéb Mh oa s - l i<ta. .p~ eau) Som M te 4 My.ils t6 buJ 0 JAmU«WA>-MSU lng water on beard needed replenlshlug-, ft eckandvassent ashore with a cpu- ple e! vater buckete. ,Just at tbis nioment s Nortiieru trv- clor approached Lb. captain o! ;*bo l.0att and skecihlm Riow long hRie b-.git tey d'bci ave t te a-ter.. a e LouWater tetir trio the. rer, heba atro a Itlu ataleva trfrouz tRe coler, vas ompwiitdo'- boad.. Iustantly, to "Ltseaumzênt i te travelos', t. boat i gn -teo O. -'Wei*if thst dou't e ha iund3unleb 10ndMNTÂRY.- Tij U adenmity <vs. i and devour-In conti ses 13, 14.,'*ha~ the.habits ot*Uidý,t ~o limax. Bite desig '.,à6 ry outburstsf dcvié; y iP" se f znjury; ..consuI stk Probabe to bo-thpar tbse, the truc remedy lov, powerful enough, to ges, hates and strifes. 1 tbe, resu1ts, not of true tli&watcf it."-Whedor 4'k eed, etc.-As im ten&,sometimes untilbot: woûld destroy the spiriti pbaeua of eaçh other; t wôtild be ruincd; the el ý&rthrown. The readiE abi@y the spirituality of a lI4uence of religion s t( 1M This I say then- A~t~hc effeets of vicit IoY% the apostie flow Pl how this law may b.eo »im word is oftenequi, tb , É r u e a course of set r ie-Vary comoun ini r~ aùd John. In the Lgretîy expiained: 1 te tii. therule of the su *ne. of the Spiiit. he ii. oly, Spiit 4 -produces, and te flei ffite. and works. 2. The over the flesh to ail çr by the. Spirit.' 'l*trnget negatii m Wise lulfil.,-Carl f Cod dwell Lm tbe~ whole carnal 0 works an.l prepensities- the. cvii impllses which supremo. -,Ooeotheic M7 sseul. Y. citnot cdo, tie ia net IMrepedc Christian&# but Oftiiose feldy te fdllcw on. inîpI otè~ The Spfrlt i Dpel peur pis mfor %n re- ftew*el 'rd »Wu o'n OF SSpVI5 tobirnat COm sDaudrf 'Mat a RorseflueAo ou= *hibe, > w*u -.~CRUJ<MO1XM» or Tb. *.vm.. sity bu#an. a=a »v1ê. out pIhysîIgBI i*5podlecte -t. £git hW get.4otà aoaal . out, t* Uhp4~ Uud~u.t fer sale WU f i i- -

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